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2005, Computer Vision in Human- …
10 pages
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Automatic detection of a falling person in video is an important problem with applications in security and safety areas including supportive home environments and CCTV surveillance systems. Human motion in video is modeled using Hidden Markov Models (HMM) in this paper. In addition, the audio track of the video is also used to distinguish a person simply sitting on a floor from a person stumbling and falling. Most video recording systems have the capability of recording audio as well and the impact sound of a falling person is also available as an additional clue. Audio channel data based decision is also reached using HMMs and fused with results of HMMs modeling the video data to reach a final decision.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2008
Automatic detection of a falling person in video sequences has interesting applications in video -surveillance and is an important part of future pervasive home monitoring systems. In this paper, we propose a multiview approach to achieve this goal, where motion is modeled using a layered hidden Markov model (LHMM). The posture classification is performed by a fusion unit, merging the decision provided by the independently processing cameras in a fuzzy logic context. In each view, the fall detection is optimized in a given plane by performing a metric image rectification, making it possible to extract simple and robust features, and being convenient for real-time purpose. A theoretical analysis of the chosen descriptor enables us to define the optimal camera placement for detecting people falling in unspecified situations, and we prove that two cameras are sufficient in practice. Regarding event detection, the LHMM offers a principle way for solving the inference problem. Moreover, the hierarchical architecture decouples the motion analysis into different temporal granularity levels, making the algorithm able to detect very sudden changes, and robust to low-level steps errors.
— Automatic detection of a falling person in video sequences is an important part of future pervasive home mon-itoring systems. We propose here a robust method to achieve this goal. Motion is modeled by a Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model (HHMM) whose first layer states are related to the orientation of the tracked person. Finding a consistent way for robustly linking the observation vector to the human poses is the heart of our contribution. In that sense, we carefully study the relationship between angles in the 3D world and their projection onto the image plane. After performing an initial image metric rectification, we derive theoretical properties making it possible to bound the error angle introduced by the image formation process for a standing posture. This allows us to confidently identify other poses as ”non-standing ” ones, and thus to robustly analyze pose sequences against a given motion model. Several results illustrate the efficiency of the algorithm by pointing out it...
Automatic detection of a falling person in video sequences is an important part of future pervasive home monitoring systems. We propose here a robust method to achieve this goal. Motion is modeled by a hierarchical hidden Markov model (HHMM) whose first layer states are related to the orientation of the tracked person. Finding a consistent way for robustly linking the observation vector to the human poses is the heart of our contribution. In that sense, we carefully study the relationship between angles in the 3D world and their projection onto the image plane. After performing an initial image metric rectification, we derive theoretical properties making it possible to bound the error angle introduced by the image formation process for a standing posture. This allows us to confidently identify other poses as "non-standing" ones, and thus to robustly analyze pose sequences against a given motion model. Several results illustrate the efficiency of the algorithm by pointing out its ability to accurately recognize a person falling down from another walking or sitting, as well as its capacity to run in an unspecified configuration
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
In this paper, we present an approach for human fall detection, which has important applications in the field of safety and security. The proposed approach consists of two parts: object detection and the use of a fall model. We use an adaptive background subtraction method to detect a moving object and mark it with its minimum-bounding box. The fall model uses a set of extracted features to analyze, detect and confirm a fall. We implement a two-state finite state machine (FSM) to continuously monitor people and their activities. Experimental results show that our method can detect most of the possible types of single human falls quite accurately.
Visual investigation of human activities related to the detection, tracking and recognition of people, and, more generally, the perceptive of human activities, from image sequences. Recognizing human activities from image sequences is an active area of research in computer vision. Human activity recognition (HAR) research has been on the rise because of the rapid technological development of the image-capturing software and hardware. In this paper, we propose a new approach for human action recognition from video. Here we use the HMM algorithm for recognition of activity from video. The result of this method is good as compare to other method. It consume less time as compare with other method. This result can be useful in future development as an automatic human machine interaction.
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2017
En general el término psicoterapia se ha aplicado más en el ámbito de la orientación dinámica (psicoanálisis, terapia humanista,..) mientras que "psicología clínica" lo han aplicado los psicólogos cognitivo conductuales a su labor terapéutica. Sin embargo desde algunos puntos de vista se ha considerado a la psicoterapia como una parte de la psicología clínica. Desde algunas perspectivas la psicoterapia es un espacio de reflexión con un profesional en el que se afrontan los problemas que en esta vida nos asaltan. Desde aquí es desde donde las terapias de insight han afrontado su labor. Se supone que el paciente acude al terapeuta para reflexionar juntos y averiguar que es lo que ocurre, que muchas veces es inconsciente, es decir, está fuera de nuestra conciencia. Estas terapias suponen que el conocimiento salva y que averiguando aquello que hemos olvidado o de lo que no somos conscientes se soluciona el problema. Pero ya Freud afirmaba que era preciso revivir el trauma en las sesiones para poder resolverlo. Desde una perspectiva cognitivo conductual se sabe que para resolver un problema hay que modificar determinadas conductas, y que si no se hace el problema no se soluciona. Cuando se habla de conductas se hace en un sentido amplio, considerando conductas los pensamientos, los sentimientos y las emociones. Por eso la psicoterapia cognitivo conductual tiene dos partes, por una es una reflexión conjunta sobre el problema. Es la responsabilidad del paciente contribuir plenamente a la definición del problema, que no es más que aquello que le preocupa y le lleva a la consulta. Una vez establecida la visión que el paciente tiene de su problema, bajo la guía del terapeuta, se realiza el análisis funcional del problema, enunciándolo en términos operativos y modificables. Se fijan así los objetivos de la terapia y comienza el tratamiento, que tienen que se consensuados entre el paciente y el terapeuta y pueden ir variando a lo largo de la terapia, de acuerdo a como se va avanzando y comprendiendo lo que ocurre. El tratamiento consiste en el establecimiento de un programa para modificar las conductas, pensamientos y sentimientos que son relevantes en el mantenimiento del problema. La psicoterapia consiste entonces en acompañar al paciente en el camino que tiene que hacer para llevar a cabo el programa. Con esta visión se puede decir que la terapia cognitivo conductual es directiva en el cumplimiento del programa, pero siempre adaptándose a las capacidades y limitaciones del paciente; pero es una terapia no directiva a la hora de fijar el problema, puesto que es el paciente quien lo plantea y se acepta su planteamiento. Las terapias no sirven para todo, solamente si existe un tratamiento para el problema es cuando se puede afrontar. Cuando el problema no es resoluble, se tiene que entrar en otra forma de afrontamiento: LA ACEPTACIÓN. La terapia de aceptación y compromiso enseña como poder llevar a cabo este proceso sin que interfieran nuestros pensamientos, sensaciones, sentimientos y emociones. Pero la eficacia de la terapia cognitivo conductual depende de que se conozcan cuales son las conductas problema y las leyes que las rigen. Desde una perspectiva cognitivo − conductual se han dado importantes avances en los tratamientos por medio de la identificación y modificación de conductas nucleares; que son las que tienen un gran impacto en el comportamiento humano en general. Por ejemplo, el manejo de la ansiedad (Wolpe, 1975; Marks, 1974) ha permitido solucionar de manera efectiva fobias, obsesiones, y demás trastornos asociados a ella. Las conductas cognitivas, como los pensamientos automáticos (Beck, 1979) o las ideas irracionales de Ellis han sido otro gran avance de la terapia, definiendo tratamientos de elección para la depresión, avances en el manejo de la ansiedad y abre esperanzas para los trastornos de personalidad (Beck et al, 1985). En la modificación de los esquemas más nucleares, los aprendidos en las relaciones con nuestros padres, juega un papel fundamental la relación terapéutica larga y profunda que permite cambios basados
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2005
trentaine d'édifices de la Rome du IV e siècle a déjà été réalisée en 3D depuis 10 ans, mais jusqu'à présent, nous ne pouvions circuler de l'un à l'autre. La reconstitution d'une première rue vise à combler ce manque, pour que l'on puisse se déplacer d'un monument à l'autre, et ainsi avoir une vision de ce qu'était véritablement la Ville. Depuis six mois, nos visites sont conçues en interactivité totale, grâce à l'intégration des modèles sur le logiciel VIRTOOLS. Cette communication propose non seulement de découvrir la documentation qui a servi de base au travail d'infographie, mais également une vidéo pré calculée et une démonstration d'interactivité de cette rue, qui orientera un romain à travers boutiques et intérieur d'insulae, selon les demandes du public.
This article discusses the imagery of anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figurines which accompanied eleven burials in the Stone Age cemetery at Zvejnieki, Latvia. These burials date to the sixth, fifth and early-mid fourth millennia cal BC, according to radiocarbon dates of human remains from ten of the eleven burials, three of which were dated for this paper. The figurines are considered in terms of their characteristic formal qualities and their position within graves. Parallels are drawn with similar finds from elsewhere in the Baltic region. The imagery employed appears to be based on observations of nature, the fishing and hunting lifeways of these communities, and their beliefs concerning life after death, which were not apparently affected by the transitions from Mesolithic to Neolithic, and between Early Neolithic Narva culture and Middle Neolithic Typical Comb Ware Culture.
Toward a Theology of Eros, 2020
Carpets of Andalusia, 2003
Archeologia dawnej Warszawy, t. 1, red. W. Pela, Warszawa, 2009
Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 2021
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2010
Hypatia Reviews Online, 2017
Surgery (Oxford), 2011
ZAMM‐Journal of Applied …, 2003
Integrative Organismal Biology, 2020
Sustainability, 2016, 2019
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 2006
A&C - Revista de Direito Administrativo & Constitucional, 2016
Memoriile Secţiei de Ştiinţe Istorice și Arheologie a Academiei Române, Seria V, Tomul XLIII, , 2024
Scientific Reports
Sensors and Actuators B-chemical, 2018