Papers by Daša Pavlovič
J. Kotar, T. Lazar, P. Fajfar (ur. / eds.), Ko zapoje kovina. Tisočletja metalurgije na Slovenskem / The song of metal. Millennia of Metallurgy in Slovenia, 2019
Overview article on the history of metallurgy on the territory of Slovenia between the Copper Age... more Overview article on the history of metallurgy on the territory of Slovenia between the Copper Age and the Early Middle Ages.
The study deals with a new category of specific archaeological finds originating from the environ... more The study deals with a new category of specific archaeological finds originating from the environment of the Slav elites of the Carolingian East. These are spurs of the Bašelj type, which had until recently been known only in the territory of present-day Slovenia. New excavations at Pohansko near Břeclav have yielded analogical artefacts from Moravia. They were uncovered in grave No. 105 at the newly discovered Great Moravian church at Pohansko near Břeclav. In the text the authors summarise the contacts between the Eastern Alps and Moravia and show the ways in which these exceptional objects could have travelled between the two regions.
Exhibition in National Museum of Slovenia from 16th of August 2018 until 15th of February 2019 wi... more Exhibition in National Museum of Slovenia from 16th of August 2018 until 15th of February 2019 with catalogue in Slovene, English and Chinese.
The article presents the site of Grofove njive near
Drnovo, where an unfortified lowland settleme... more The article presents the site of Grofove njive near
Drnovo, where an unfortified lowland settlement
and a tumulus from the Early Iron Age were found.
The well preserved metal grave goods provide a clear
date for the tumulus, while the relative date of the
settlement remains vague. The article attempts to
provide an absolute date for the site using eight radiocarbon
dates, four of which were obtained from
the bone samples taken in the tumulus and the other
four from the charcoal samples taken from the settlement.
The article concludes by comparing the dates
based on finds’ analysis with those obtained by radiocarbon
In this paper, the grave no. 2 from a Hallstatt period mound from the site Grofove njive near Drn... more In this paper, the grave no. 2 from a Hallstatt period mound from the site Grofove njive near Drnovo (Dolenjska region, Slovenia) is presented in detail. In the first part, a rough broader context of the site is outlined; a smaller hamlet and the other graves in the mound are described. The second part deals in more details with the grave goods belonging to the deceased in the grave no. 2, where the focus is put on the six cylindrical earrings. This grave is interesting because of its unspoiled exact location of the earrings on the deceased, allowing us to reconstruct the way in which these earrings were worn. The final section presents the options and arguments that confirm the fashion of wearing multiple earrings on one ear.
The paper is dealing with the problems of interpretation of the pit archaeological features from ... more The paper is dealing with the problems of interpretation of the pit archaeological features from the site of Nova table by Murska Sobota (Prekmurje, Slovenia). They are associated with the beginning of early Slavic settlement in the territory of north-eastern Slovenia.
We observed the various dimensions of the pits, and attempted to determine their functionality.
In the second part of the chapter, an analysis of the size of the pots is presented, since these were the most frequent small finds on the site. The study of the pottery from other major early medieval sites, ethnographic sources and the results of experimental archaeology indicate that households of the early Slavic milieu often contained sets of pots in three size-groups. We assume that features, in which all three size-groups appear in a specific ratio, may indicate residences.
One conclusion from the analyses and observations presented above is that some of the pits can be interpreted as parts of larger buildings on the basis of their associated material and location, presumably rectangular wooden houses rather than semi-sunken houses covered with a simple tent-like roof. This statement indicates that the residences of Early Medieval families were much larger and more well-organised than previously believed. This also alters and amends our view on the quality of their lives.
Key words: Nova tabla by Murska Sobota, Early Slavs, Early Middle Ages, sunken houses, semi-sunken houses, reconstructions, building tradition, new interpretations, pots, settlement organization
Abstract: The site of Nova tabla near Murska Sobota revealed the remains of an early medieval set... more Abstract: The site of Nova tabla near Murska Sobota revealed the remains of an early medieval settlement. These remains included the sunken features SZ 6 and SO 149A, charcoal samples from which have yielded 14 C dates that indicate the site was already inhabited in the first half of the 6 th century. The associated pottery is comparable with the so-called Prague type pottery unearthed in Croatia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Germany and Ukraine. In Slovakia and Germany, sunken features and graves with such pottery have also been dated with the help of 14 C analyses, while the sites in Ukraine are dated on the basis of typochronological analyses of the metal artefacts and finds of Byzantine coins. Such early settlement of the western fringes of the Pannonian Plain on the part of Prague culture groups, most likely corresponding to the Early Slavs, is supported by the spatial distribution of the Late Antique and Langobard settlements in the 6 th century, by the results of linguistic analyses and by the first written records mentioning the presence of Slavs in Pannonia.
The beginning of Slavic settlement in northeastern Slovenia and the relation between ›Slavic‹ and... more The beginning of Slavic settlement in northeastern Slovenia and the relation between ›Slavic‹ and ›Lombard‹ settlement based on new interpretations of the archaeological material and radiocarbon dating Christoph Gutjahr
No vi iz sled ki ar he o lo ških te ren skih ra zi skav na No vi ta bli pri Mur ski So bo ti Da{a... more No vi iz sled ki ar he o lo ških te ren skih ra zi skav na No vi ta bli pri Mur ski So bo ti Da{a Pav lo viV novembru in decembru 2007 ter marca 2008 je bilo arheološko raziskano območje pri Murski Soboti z delovnim naslovom Oskrbni center-jug. Najdišče, na katerem potekajo raziskovanja že vse od leta 1999, leži južno od Murske Sobote ob avtocesti Maribor-Len dava in je del več kot 40 ha obsežnega, arheološko raziskanega območja Nova tabla pri Soboškem jezeru pod Mursko Soboto z ostalinami šte vilnih kultur od neolitika do zgodnjega srednjega veka.
Primljeno: 3. 5. 2012. Original scientific paper
editorial office: institute of archaeology and ethnology of the Polish academy of Sciences centre... more editorial office: institute of archaeology and ethnology of the Polish academy of Sciences centre for late antique and early medieval Studies
Books (AAS) by Daša Pavlovič
Arheologija na avtocestah Slovenije, 2022
Z raziskavami na trasi avtoceste so bile v Dragomlju raziskane ostaline, ki dokazujejo poselitev ... more Z raziskavami na trasi avtoceste so bile v Dragomlju raziskane ostaline, ki dokazujejo poselitev prostora v času od prazgodovine do danes. Med ostalinami izstopajo naselbina iz mlajše kamene dobe, pozne bronaste dobe in zgodnjega srednjega veka ter odkritja dveh depojev.
Mlajšekamenodobna naselbina je na osnovi radiokarbonskih datacij postavljena v čas od začetka 47. do sredine 46. stoletja pr. n. š.
Raziskani del naselbine iz časa kulture žarnih grobišč avtorji postavljajo v čas od sredine 12. do konca 11. stoletja pr. n. š. ter propad v desetletja okoli leta 1000 pr. n. š. Odkritje depoja z dvainpetdesetimi polizdelki (bakrenimi pogačami in surovci ter dvokoničnimi ingoti) kaže, da je naselbina imela pomembno izmenjalno-posredniško vlogo. Ravno tako pa najdbe kalupov dokazujejo tudi proizvodnjo.
Najpomembnejši pričevalec poselitve v starejši železni dobi je drugi dragomeljski depo, ki ga sestavlja sto osemdeset bronastih predmetov, med katerimi prevladujejo fragmenti sekir. Glede na značilnosti je drugi dragomeljski halštatski depo mogoče uvrstiti med depoje tipa Bologna, San Francesco – Šempeter, ki sodijo v čas med 8. in 6. stoletjem pr. n. št.
Na severnem delu izkopnega polja je bil odkrit manjši zgodnjesrednjeveški zaselek. Okoli hiš so bile razporejene nepravilno oblikovane jame različnih namembnosti, najverjetneje shranjevalne ali odpadne.
Conference Presentations by Daša Pavlovič
Late Antique hilltop settlements are well researched in Slovenia. Unlike the highlands, the plain... more Late Antique hilltop settlements are well researched in Slovenia. Unlike the highlands, the plains seem to have been completely abandoned since the middle of the 5th century. However, in 2016 a small, unprotected lowland settlement was excavated in Cerklje by the river Krka (SE Slovenia), where handmade pottery was discovered. The best comparatives for the pottery can be found on the site of Nova tabla (SE Slovenia) or on sites in Slovakia, Moldova and Ukraine. Usually, this type of pottery and settlement are associated with the early Slavs. The comparable pottery and the 14C dating place the site in the period between the end of the 5th and the first half of the 6th century. During that time this area belonged to the Pannonian province S(u)avia under the Ostrogothic and later Byzantine authority.
Poster on the conference: Alpine Festungen 400–1000: Chronologie, Räume und Funktionen, Netzwerke, Interpretationen; Die Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 14.-15. September 2018
Papers by Daša Pavlovič
Drnovo, where an unfortified lowland settlement
and a tumulus from the Early Iron Age were found.
The well preserved metal grave goods provide a clear
date for the tumulus, while the relative date of the
settlement remains vague. The article attempts to
provide an absolute date for the site using eight radiocarbon
dates, four of which were obtained from
the bone samples taken in the tumulus and the other
four from the charcoal samples taken from the settlement.
The article concludes by comparing the dates
based on finds’ analysis with those obtained by radiocarbon
We observed the various dimensions of the pits, and attempted to determine their functionality.
In the second part of the chapter, an analysis of the size of the pots is presented, since these were the most frequent small finds on the site. The study of the pottery from other major early medieval sites, ethnographic sources and the results of experimental archaeology indicate that households of the early Slavic milieu often contained sets of pots in three size-groups. We assume that features, in which all three size-groups appear in a specific ratio, may indicate residences.
One conclusion from the analyses and observations presented above is that some of the pits can be interpreted as parts of larger buildings on the basis of their associated material and location, presumably rectangular wooden houses rather than semi-sunken houses covered with a simple tent-like roof. This statement indicates that the residences of Early Medieval families were much larger and more well-organised than previously believed. This also alters and amends our view on the quality of their lives.
Key words: Nova tabla by Murska Sobota, Early Slavs, Early Middle Ages, sunken houses, semi-sunken houses, reconstructions, building tradition, new interpretations, pots, settlement organization
Books (AAS) by Daša Pavlovič
Mlajšekamenodobna naselbina je na osnovi radiokarbonskih datacij postavljena v čas od začetka 47. do sredine 46. stoletja pr. n. š.
Raziskani del naselbine iz časa kulture žarnih grobišč avtorji postavljajo v čas od sredine 12. do konca 11. stoletja pr. n. š. ter propad v desetletja okoli leta 1000 pr. n. š. Odkritje depoja z dvainpetdesetimi polizdelki (bakrenimi pogačami in surovci ter dvokoničnimi ingoti) kaže, da je naselbina imela pomembno izmenjalno-posredniško vlogo. Ravno tako pa najdbe kalupov dokazujejo tudi proizvodnjo.
Najpomembnejši pričevalec poselitve v starejši železni dobi je drugi dragomeljski depo, ki ga sestavlja sto osemdeset bronastih predmetov, med katerimi prevladujejo fragmenti sekir. Glede na značilnosti je drugi dragomeljski halštatski depo mogoče uvrstiti med depoje tipa Bologna, San Francesco – Šempeter, ki sodijo v čas med 8. in 6. stoletjem pr. n. št.
Na severnem delu izkopnega polja je bil odkrit manjši zgodnjesrednjeveški zaselek. Okoli hiš so bile razporejene nepravilno oblikovane jame različnih namembnosti, najverjetneje shranjevalne ali odpadne.
Conference Presentations by Daša Pavlovič
Poster on the conference: Alpine Festungen 400–1000: Chronologie, Räume und Funktionen, Netzwerke, Interpretationen; Die Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 14.-15. September 2018
Drnovo, where an unfortified lowland settlement
and a tumulus from the Early Iron Age were found.
The well preserved metal grave goods provide a clear
date for the tumulus, while the relative date of the
settlement remains vague. The article attempts to
provide an absolute date for the site using eight radiocarbon
dates, four of which were obtained from
the bone samples taken in the tumulus and the other
four from the charcoal samples taken from the settlement.
The article concludes by comparing the dates
based on finds’ analysis with those obtained by radiocarbon
We observed the various dimensions of the pits, and attempted to determine their functionality.
In the second part of the chapter, an analysis of the size of the pots is presented, since these were the most frequent small finds on the site. The study of the pottery from other major early medieval sites, ethnographic sources and the results of experimental archaeology indicate that households of the early Slavic milieu often contained sets of pots in three size-groups. We assume that features, in which all three size-groups appear in a specific ratio, may indicate residences.
One conclusion from the analyses and observations presented above is that some of the pits can be interpreted as parts of larger buildings on the basis of their associated material and location, presumably rectangular wooden houses rather than semi-sunken houses covered with a simple tent-like roof. This statement indicates that the residences of Early Medieval families were much larger and more well-organised than previously believed. This also alters and amends our view on the quality of their lives.
Key words: Nova tabla by Murska Sobota, Early Slavs, Early Middle Ages, sunken houses, semi-sunken houses, reconstructions, building tradition, new interpretations, pots, settlement organization
Mlajšekamenodobna naselbina je na osnovi radiokarbonskih datacij postavljena v čas od začetka 47. do sredine 46. stoletja pr. n. š.
Raziskani del naselbine iz časa kulture žarnih grobišč avtorji postavljajo v čas od sredine 12. do konca 11. stoletja pr. n. š. ter propad v desetletja okoli leta 1000 pr. n. š. Odkritje depoja z dvainpetdesetimi polizdelki (bakrenimi pogačami in surovci ter dvokoničnimi ingoti) kaže, da je naselbina imela pomembno izmenjalno-posredniško vlogo. Ravno tako pa najdbe kalupov dokazujejo tudi proizvodnjo.
Najpomembnejši pričevalec poselitve v starejši železni dobi je drugi dragomeljski depo, ki ga sestavlja sto osemdeset bronastih predmetov, med katerimi prevladujejo fragmenti sekir. Glede na značilnosti je drugi dragomeljski halštatski depo mogoče uvrstiti med depoje tipa Bologna, San Francesco – Šempeter, ki sodijo v čas med 8. in 6. stoletjem pr. n. št.
Na severnem delu izkopnega polja je bil odkrit manjši zgodnjesrednjeveški zaselek. Okoli hiš so bile razporejene nepravilno oblikovane jame različnih namembnosti, najverjetneje shranjevalne ali odpadne.
Poster on the conference: Alpine Festungen 400–1000: Chronologie, Räume und Funktionen, Netzwerke, Interpretationen; Die Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 14.-15. September 2018