ISSN 2278-6783
Chemical Science Review and Letters
Review Article
Green Inhibitors for Corrosion of Metals: A Review
Devarayan Kesavan1,2*, Mayakrishnan Gopiraman1,3, Nagarajan Sulochana1**
Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli-620 015, Tamil Nadu, India. 2Institute of High
Polymer Research, 3Nano Fusion Technology Research Lab, Department of Bioscience and Textile Technology,
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shinshu University, Ueda, Nagano 386-8567, Japan.
Corrosion is an unavoidable but a controllable
process. Due to the issues of toxicity of
substances like chromate inhibitors, there is an
increasing interest in exploration and
utilization of eco-friendly inhibitors, which are
also known as green inhibitors. This review
briefly discusses some of the interesting
features of the green inhibitors reported during
the last decade.
** N. Sulochana, Department of Chemistry,
Tiruchirappalli-620 015, Tamil Nadu, India.
[email protected]
* D. Kesavan, Institute of High Polymer
Research, Department of Bioscience and
Graduate School of Science and Technology,
Shinshu University, Ueda, Nagano 386-8567,
Japan. Email
[email protected]
Keywords Corrosion inhibition, Green inhibitors, Plant extracts, Amino acids, Polymers
Metals are the pre-eminent important materials used in
structural and decorative applications. The corrosion,
deterioration or destruction of metals is an unavoidable
but controllable process. The corrosion of metals has
a significant impact on the development of a country,
which can be compared to any natural disasters like
earthquake, flood, etc. For example; the direct
metallic corrosion cost in the US was estimated as
approximately $276 billion on an annual basis, which
is several times greater than the normalized loss
incurred due to the natural disasters ($17 billion per
annum). It was also suggested that about 25-30% of
the annual corrosion costs could be saved by means of
optimum corrosion management practices [1].
Several different methods can be employed
to slow or prevent corrosion of metallic structures.
The most commonly used methods are protective
coatings on metals using organic molecules, plastics,
polymers; and cathodic and/or anodic protection using
organic or inorganic inhibitors. The initial report of
corrosion inhibition by organic inhibitors is attributed
to Speller [2], who examined the corrosion inhibition
of scaled water pipes in HCl. Since then, many
organic and inorganic compounds that are added to the
corrosive fluids have been investigated for this
There are growing concerns about certain
compounds like chromates as inhibitors for corrosion
processes, mainly due to the issue of toxicity. Green
inhibitors like natural products from plant extracts and
substances from other renewable sources are of the
interest of the researchers who are interested in “green
chemistry” or “eco-friendly” technologies.
literature contains a number of references on green
corrosion inhibitors. Rather than concentrate on the
more historical work on green inhibitors added to the
Che Sci Rev Lett 2012, 1(1),1-8
corrosive fluids, this review concentrates on the
advances made in the last ten years. However, in
order to highlight the growing interest on “corrosion
inhibition of mild steel in corrosive fluids”, the authors
have performed a survey on the literature published
during 1950-2010.
Table 1 Recent trends in publications related to
corrosion inhibitors
Number of
The number of articles published has been
doubled during the last decade (2001-2010) compared
to 1991-2000 (Table 1). The increasing number of
publications clearly indicates the interest in exploring
the new inhibitors for a variety of corrosive
environments in order to control the corrosion of
various metals.
Although the number of
investigations on corrosion inhibitors has dramatically
increased, only 5% of the literature published during
the last decade concerns green inhibitors.
While other reviews [3-7] deal with the
mechanisms of corrosion inhibition, this review
focuses primarily on the effectiveness of green
inhibitors in corrosive fluids, which are mainly plant
extracts. The significance of natural polymers like
starch and cellulose derivatives against corrosion of
metals is also discussed. The selectivity of green
Article CS10204205
Chemical Science Review and Letters
inhibitors towards metals and the effect of aging are as
well discussed.
Green inhibitors
An inhibitor is a substance (or a combination of
substances) added in a very low concentration to treat
the surface of a metal that is exposed to a corrosive
environment that terminates or diminishes the
corrosion of a metal. These are also known as site
blocking elements, blocking species or adsorption site
blockers, due to their adsorptive properties [8, 9].
The term “green inhibitor” or “eco-friendly inhibitor”
refers to the substances that have biocompatibility in
nature. The inhibitors like plant extracts presumably
possess biocompatibility due to their biological origin.
Similar to the general classification of “inhibitors”,
“green inhibitors” can also be grouped into two
categories, namely organic green inhibitors and
inorganic green inhibitors.
Organic green inhibitors
The organic green inhibitors are the flavonoids,
alkaloids and other natural products obtained from
natural sources like plants [4]. It also includes
synthetic compounds with negligible toxicity. Some
of the notable developments on organic green
inhibitors especially plant extracts are discussed here.
Plant extracts
The authors have so far investigated the application of
plant extracts [10, 11], as well as other organic
inhibitors [12-17] against corrosion of steel in acidic
fluids. Loto had reported the application of the
extract of Mangifera indica (Common name: mango,
indigenous area: India and other tropical regions)
leaves and bark for corrosion of mild steel in diluted
sulphuric acid (H2SO4) medium [18, 19]. The weight
loss measurements and electrochemical impedance
spectroscopic studies were used to determine the
inhibition efficiency of the inhibitors. Though the
extract of leaves and bark showed a significant effect
on the corrosion rate separately, the combination of
these two extracts exhibited rather higher efficiency.
The inhibitive effect of Zenthoxylum alatum
(Winged Prickly Ash, East and South Asian Countries)
fruit extract was reported for corrosion of mild steel in
phosphoric acid medium at temperatures ranging from
50–80 oC [20]. The surface analysis using X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) revealed the layer
formation of the plant extract on the surface of mild
steel. And the results were indicated the possible
formation of iron phosphate that was catalyzed by the
formation of the iron-plant extract organo-metallic
Satapathy et al studied the methanol extract
of Justicia gendarussa (Willow-leaved justicia, India,
Indonesia) leaves for corrosion inhibition of mild steel
in hydrochloric acid medium (HCl) [21]. The authors
have made an attempt to characterize the organic
compounds present in the methanol extract by means
of gas chromatography- mass spectrometric technique.
The results showed that the compounds present in the
methanol extract were difficult to separate, since the
Che Sci Rev Lett 2012, 1(1),1-8
ISSN 2278-6783
retention times of majority of the compounds were
close to each other. The electron spectroscopy for
chemical analysis and atomic force microscopy were
employed to obtain the information about the film
formation on the surface of the mild steel specimen.
The inhibitive action of leaves, seeds and a
combination of leaves and seeds of phyllanthus
amarus (Stonebreaker, India and other tropical
regions) was reported by Okafor et al, for corrosion of
mild steel in HCl and H2SO4 [22]. The half-life time
of mild steel in the electrolyte solution containing the
acid and the combined extract of leaves and seeds
showed increased resistance for the mild steel towards
both the corrosive environments. The positive values
of heat of adsorption revealed the chemical adsorption
of the inhibitors on the mild steel surface, which was
well supported by adsorption measurements.
In an interesting study, El-Etre investigated
the stem extract of Opuntia (Paddle cactus, India,
Mexico, North Africa and some parts in Europe) for
corrosion inhibition of aluminium in HCl acid solution,
in which the extract was obtained by squeezing the
stem instead of extracting with some solvent, and the
juice was directly applied as the inhibitor [23]. The
aging effect of the inhibitor was also studied, which is
discussed in the later section.
Natural oils are one of the green inhibitors
from plant sources. Pennyroyal oil was extracted
from Mentha pulegium (Pennyroyal Mint) and studied
for corrosion inhibition of steel in HCl corrosive
medium [24]. The major constituent of Pennyroyal
oil was R-(+)-pulegone [25].
The inhibition
efficiency of the inhibitor increased with temperature,
which clearly indicated the chemisorption of the
inhibitor on the surface of the steel. And the inhibitor
was classified as cathodic type inhibitor.
According to Riggs [26], if the
electrochemical polarization of the metal is more than
± 85 mV with respect to the corrosion potential of the
blank, the inhibitor can be considered as a distinctive
cathodic or anodic type. Similarly, inhibition effect of
Jojoba oil (Simmondsia chinensis, Arizona, California,
Mexico) and Artemisia oil (Mugwort, India, Nepal,
China, Korea and Japan) were studied for steel
corrosion in HCl medium under different temperatures
[27, 28]. Abdullah et al studied the inhibitory effect
of natural clove oil for corrosion inhibition of nickel
and its alloys namely, Inconel 600, and Inconel 690 in
different concentrations of HCl solutions [29].
Sethuraman et al has performed a series of
investigations on corrosion inhibition of mild steel in
acidic medium using various plant extracts. For
example, black pepper [30], Datura metel (Angel's
trumpet, India and other tropical regions) [31], and
Strychnos nux-vomica (Poison nut, India and
South-East Asia) [32] have been studied against the
corrosion of mild steel in HCl as well in H2SO4.
The extract of khillah seeds (Ammi visnaga)
was studied against the corrosion of SX 316 stainless
steel in HCl solution [33]. The mechanism of
inhibitive effect of the khilah seed extract was studied
by comparing the complexing ability of the
compounds khellin and visnagin that are major
constituents of khillah seed extract.
conductometric titrations showed the possible
Article CS10204205
ISSN 2278-6783
Chemical Science Review and Letters
formation of Fe-khellin or Fe-visnagin complex, which
is usually attributed to chemisorption or chemical
bonding between the iron and inhibitor molecules. But
in contrary to that the inhibition efficiency of the
extract significantly decreased with increasing the
temperature, which indicated the mechanism of
adsorption of the inhibitor molecules were
predominantly physisorption. Though the decrease in
the inhibition efficiency was observed at elevated
temperatures, the seed extract exhibited mostly 71% of
inhibition efficiency for 120 ppm at 80 oC.
The anti-corrosion behavior of lupine
(Lupinous albus L., White lupine, Egypt, Sudan,
Ethiopia, Central and Western Europe) extract on the
corrosion of steel in aqueous solution of H2SO4 and
HCl was investigated by Abdel-Gaber et al [34]. The
corrosion data were tested with kinetic-thermodynamic
model to reveal the adsorption mechanism of
inhibition. The inhibitor showed comparatively higher
efficiency in HCl than in H2SO4.
Abiola et al described the inhibition of
corrosion of aluminium in sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
solution using leaves and seed extract of Gossipium
hirsutum L. (Upland Cotton) [35]. The leaf extract
showed significantly higher inhibition efficiency
(97%) than the seed extract (94%). In a similar
manner, the extracts of Carica papaya leaves, seeds,
heartwood, and bark were evaluated for corrosion
inhibition of mild steel in H2SO4 acid solution [36].
The leaf extract showed an higher inhibition efficiency
compared to the extracts from seed, heartwood and
The Gongronema latifolium extract was
studied for corrosion inhibition of aluminium in both
acidic and basic conditions [37]. The inhibitor showed
higher inhibition efficiency in HCl than in NaOH.
The suggested mechanism for the predominant
corrosion inhibition in HCl solution was
chemisorption, whereas physisorption was attributed
for the inhibitor’s effectiveness against NaOH
Corrosion inhibition of zinc in HCl solution
was studied using Aloe vera (Arabian Peninsula, North
Africa and other tropical regions) gel extract [38]. In
this case, the gel was squeezed out from fresh leaves.
The juice was appropriately diluted and then the
solution was directly studied acid corrosion of zinc.
The corrosion data from weight loss measurements
were found to have first-order kinetics relationship.
El-Etre evaluated the inhibition potential of
the aqueous extract of zallouh root for corrosion of
carbon steel in HCl solution [39]. The relatively low
value of activation energy in the presence of zallouh
extract indicated that the mechanism of inhibition was
provided by the physical adsorption of inhibitor
molecules on the steel surface.
Inorganic green inhibitors
Inorganic elements or metals have a crucial
role in living organisms, when they are at trace
amounts. The higher concentrations of many metals
cause toxicity to all forms of lives. It is also applicable
for the derivatives of metals.
For example,
chromium compounds, mainly chromates were widely
used as potential corrosion inhibitors in aqueous
Che Sci Rev Lett 2012, 1(1),1-8
systems due to their high efficiency [40-42]. Besides
the high inhibition efficiency, chromates exhibit high
toxicity and consequently prohibited to use for
industrial applications [43]. In search of alternatives
for chromate inhibitors, lanthanide salts are found to
show excellent inhibition properties [44, 45].
Lanthanide salts like lanthanide chlorides were
reported to possess toxicity that is comparable with
sodium chloride [46]. Hence lathanide salts can also
be considered as green inhibitor or eco-friendly
inhibitor (Table 2).
Table 2 Inorganic-green inhibitors
CeCl3.7H2 O
LaCl3, and
Tinned iron
AISI 434
A few research studies were reported on the
corrosion inhibition properties of lathanides during the
last decade. For example, Arenas et al reported the
application of CeCl3 as an inhibitor for an aluminium
alloy (AA5083) and galvanized steel in aerated NaCl
solutions [47]. The study has provided evidence for
the formation of an inhibitor layer on the surface of
alloy as well on galvanized steel. The presence of
Ce4+ was observed which was due to the oxidation of
Ce3+. The phenomenon of “over precipitation” of
cerium particles was observed on some areas of
galvanized steel surface. This was attributed to the
loss in the film coherence that occurs when it reaches
critical thickness. The yellow coloration of the layer
formed on the galvanized steel was not observed for
the aluminium alloy, which may be due to the
microscopic sizes of the precipitates.
In another attempt by Arenas et al,
CeCl3.7H2 O was employed as corrosion inhibitor for
tinned iron or tin plate in NaCl solutions [48]. The
coulometric studies revealed the cathodic nature of the
inhibitor, which was similar to their previous report
[47]. Similarly, Bernal et al reported the inhibitive
effects of lanthanum nitrate (La(NO3)3), samarium
nitrate (Sm(NO3)3), lanthanum chloride (LaCl3), and
samarium chloride (SmCl3) for corrosion of AISI 434
SS in sodium chloride solutions [49]. Even though
the nitrate ion is considered as an anodic inhibitor, the
studied rare earth nitrates (La(NO3)3, Sm(NO3)3) were
demonstrated as mixed-type inhibitors, which was
attributed to the presence of lanthanide ions in the
Interestingly, for rare earth chlorides
decrease in inhibition efficiency was observed on
increasing the inhibitor concentration. This negative
effect was interpreted as due to the increase in the
concentration of the chloride ions.
Natural Polymers
Polymers are the materials that have
Article CS10204205
ISSN 2278-6783
Chemical Science Review and Letters
excellent adhesive properties on metal surfaces. A
wide range of polymers has been studied for their
anti-corrosive properties in the form of both
pre-coating [50-55] on the metal as well as inhibitor in
a variety of corrosive fluids [56-63] (Table 3). The
inhibitory mechanism of mimosa tannin against
corrosion of low-carbon steel in acid solution was
reported by Martinez et al [56]. The adsorption
mechanism of the mimosa tannin was studied at pH
1–3. It is interesting to note that at pH 1–2 the
inhibitor adopts chemisorption mechanism, where as
the mechanism of inhibition switched to physisorption
at pH 3.
Table 3 List of natural polymers and derivatives
studied as corrosion inhibitor
Mimosa tannin
Guar Gum
Gum Arabic
Exudate Gums
Mild steel
Mild steel
Medium Ref.
Mild steel
Mild steel
Guar gum, a naturally-occurring polysaccharide was examined for corrosion inhibition of
carbon steel in sulfuric acid solutions [57]. An
adsorption mechanism was proposed for the inhibitive
nature of Guar gum. The increase in the concentration
of the inhibitor had increased the resistance to pitting
corrosion, which was supported by the shifts in the
pitting potentials.
The interaction between the
oxygen atoms present on the side chains, and ferrous
ions were probably impossible. Therefore, the possible
mode of coordination type bonding was assumed to
occur between the ferrous ions and the oxygen atoms
present in the backbone of the polymer.
In an attempt to compare the inhibition
efficiencies of a natural polymers and synthetic
polymers, Umoren et al [58] studied gum Arabic and
polyethylene glycol for corrosion inhibition of mild
steel in sulphuric acid solutions. The synergistic
effects of halide derivatives were also studied. The
authors have also reported the inhibitive properties of
exudate gum for aluminium corrosion inhibition in
acidic medium [59]. Though the time dependence of
the inhibition efficiencies of exudates gum followed
almost similar trend to gum Arabic, the effect of
temperature was different. The inhibition efficiency
was increasing on temperature scale for the former,
where as it was decreasing for the later. Therefore, the
exudate gums was proposed to have physically
adsorbed on the surface of aluminium.
Cellulose is a most abundant waterinsoluble natural polysaccharide.
cellulose is a water-soluble (semi-) synthetic analog of
carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) were studied for mild
Che Sci Rev Lett 2012, 1(1),1-8
steel in different acid solutions [60-62]. Bayol et al
have studied the adsorptive behavior of CMC on mild
steel in HCl solutions [60]. Umoren et al reported the
inhibition potential of CMC for sulphuric acid
corrosion of mild steel [61, 62] and also the effects of
synergism and antagonism of halide ions with CMC
on corrosion inhibition.
Another natural polymer, starch was
investigated by Mobin et al [63], for inhibition of mild
steel corrosion in sulphuric acid. The synergistic
effects of surfactants such as sodium dodecyl sulfate
and cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide on the
corrosion inhibition behavior of starch was also
studied. Similar to the previous reports on the
anti-corrosion properties of natural polymers as
described above, the inhibition mechanism of starch
was proposed as physical adsorption.
Bio-mimicking of Green Inhibitors
It is well known that green inhibitors like plant
extracts contain numerous organic compounds. It is
rather difficult to understand the mechanism of
inhibition for a cluster of different compounds present
in a plant extract. Investigation of the synthetic
analogs of naturally occurring flavones, amino acids
are very much dexterous to figure out the mechanisms
involved in the inhibition process. For example,
3-hydroxy flavone, 2,3-dihydroxy flavanone were
investigated by the authors for acid corrosion of mild
steel [12, 13] (Table 4).
Table 4 Model green inhibitors
Mild steel
Mild steel
Mild steel
Mild steel
Serine, threonine,
& glutamic acid
Cysteine, glycine,
leucine, & alanine
The flavone derivatives were found to
adsorb on the mild steel surface via both physical and
chemical adsorptions. Similarly, amino acids alanine,
cysteine, glutamic acid, glycine, leucine, serine,
threonine, tryptophan were studied mainly for
corrosion inhibition of steel [64-66] and also for
copper corrosion [67, 68].
Oguzie et al [64] investigated the inhibition
mechanisms of methionine for acid corrosion of mild
steel along with synergistic effect of iodide ion. The
results showed that the synergistic effect of iodide ion
increased on increasing the population of specific
adsorbed I– ions for ion-pair formation with
methionine cations. The adsorption of L-tryptophan
on low-carbon steel was evaluated by Fu et al [65].
Article CS10204205
ISSN 2278-6783
Chemical Science Review and Letters
The quantum chemical calculations determined the
possible adsorption centers of L-tryptophan and also
its flat orientation with respect to the Fe surface.
Similarly, quantitative structural activity relationship
for four amino acids namely, cysteine, glycine, leucine
and alanine were studied [66]. And cysteine was
found to possess higher inhibition efficiency than the
other studied amino acids.
Khaled et al [67] has examined cysteine for
corrosion inhibition of copper. The synergistic effect
of Cu2+ ions was investigated.
At higher
concentrations of Cu2+ ions, decrease in inhibition
efficiency was reported in this study. And at very
low concentrations (0.01 mM) of Cu2+ ions, the
inhibition efficiency did not change, which may be due
to the adsorbed layer formation by amino acid itself.
Similarly, Zhang et al [68] examined the corrosion
inhibition property of Serine, threonine and glutamic
acid against copper corrosion. Glutamic acid showed
higher inhibition potential due to the presence of
carboxylate ions.
valuable. For example, Oguzie [74] reported the
synergistic effect of halide derivatives on inhibition of
acid corrosion of mild steel by plant extracts. The
synergistic effects of KCl, KBr and KI increased the
inhibition potential of 10 (v/v) % of Occimum viridis
from 69% to 87%, 88% and 95%, respectively. While
comparing the green inhibitors with non-green
inhibitors, the latter show better inhibition efficiency.
For example, benzimidazole and triazole derivatives
are well known corrosion inhibitors that showed more
than 97% of inhibition against acid corrosion of mild
steel [82, 83] but they are also known for their toxicity
[84, 85, 86, 87].
Though the inhibitors of biological origin
are presumably eco-friendly, it is highly preferable to
be familiar with the EC50 (Effective Concentration
50) and LD50 (Lethal Dose 50) for the inhibitors with
irrespective of their origins.
These cytotoxicity
experiments can give a solid evidence for the
biocompatibility of the inhibitors.
An Overview on Selectivity of Green Inhibitors
General Characteristics of Green Inhibitors
Green inhibitors have properties that are similar to the
‘non-green’ inhibitors. Most of the green inhibitors
adsorb on the metal surface by means of both physical
and chemical adsorption at room temperature. At
elevated temperatures, inhibition occurs mainly
through chemisorption. On prolonged exposure of
the green inhibitor towards the corrosive environment,
inhibitor gains or losses its effectiveness during the
process of corrosion inhibition. The evaluation of the
effect of increased time on the inhibition efficiency
lends information about the stability of inhibitive
behavior of the green inhibitor on time scale. In most
of the cases, the effectiveness of the inhibitor
decreases upon increasing the time, which means that
the adsorption of the inhibitor molecules on the metal
surface occurs predominantly via physical interactions
[10-16, 22, 23, 58-60, 67-81].
There are few reports that show an increase
of inhibition efficiency of the green inhibitor on time
scale. For example, investigations on the leaf extract
of Clematis gouriana for acid corrosion of mild steel
revealed that the inhibition efficiency increases on
increasing the immersion time of the steel specimen in
the acid solution containing 400 ppm concentration of
the inhibitor [10]. This was attributed to the stability
and persistence of the adsorbed inhibitor layer on the
steel surface. Singh et al [81] has reported the trend of
an increase of inhibition efficiency along with time,
which was also observed for a synthetic natural
product 2,3-dihydroxyflavanone [11].
It is important to consider the concentration of the
inhibitor to achieve maximum efficiency. Though
the compositions and sources are different for the
inhibitors, with respect to the reaction conditions, the
inhibition efficiencies of the plant extract of Justicia
gendarussa [21] and Pennyroyal oil from Mentha
pulegium [24] can be compared. 93% of inhibition
efficiency was achieved for 150 ppm of Justicia
gendarussa plant extract, where as 2.76 g/L
(approximately 2760 ppm) is needed to attain 80% of
inhibition efficiency for Pennyroyal oil. In such a
case, consideration of the effect of synergism is
Che Sci Rev Lett 2012, 1(1),1-8
A thorough examination of the available literatures
revealed that a universal eco-friendly corrosion
inhibitor that is applicable to most of the metals is yet
to be discovered or invented. There are few reports
that compare the efficacy of the inhibitors for different
metals against various corrosive environments [69-73].
Rehan has investigated the water extracts of leaves of
date palm, phoenix dactylifera, henna, lawsonia
inermis, and corn, zea mays against the acidic and
basic corrosion of steel, aluminium, copper and brass
[69]. The results showed that the inhibition action
was purely dependant on the metal type and the
composition of solution. For example, 1% solutions
of henna extracts showed no inhibition for aluminium
in 0.2 M hydrochloric acid solutions; whereas 86% of
inhibition was observed for the corrosion of steel.
Meanwhile, 96% inhibition of corrosion was observed
against the alkaline corrosion of aluminium, which
indicated that the inhibition efficacy of an inhibitor is
greatly affected not only by the type of metal but also
by the corrosive medium.
El-Etre et al reported the versatility of
lawsonia extract for acidic, neutral and alkaline
corrosion of C-steel, nickel and zinc [70]. For
C-steel and nickel better inhibition was observed in
acid solutions with the inhibitor. On the other hand,
lawsonia extract potentially inhibited the corrosion of
zinc in neutral solutions.
Generally green inhibitors are excellent inhibitors
under a variety of corrosive environments for most of
the metals. The non-toxicity and biodegradability are
the major advantages for these inhibitors. However,
they do have performance boundaries. Although a
number of publications are witnessing the green
inhibitors as a potential candidate against corrosion at
different environments, further research efforts are
needed to employ the green inhibitors widely at an
industrial level.
Article CS10204205
Chemical Science Review and Letters
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Received : 01st May, 2012
Revised : 17th May, 2012
: 19th May, 2012
Article CS10204205