The Nonlinear Noisy Leaky Integrate and Fire (NNLIF) model is widely used to describe the dynamic... more The Nonlinear Noisy Leaky Integrate and Fire (NNLIF) model is widely used to describe the dynamics of neural networks after a diffusive approximation of the mean-field limit of a stochastic differential equation system. When the total activity of the network has an instantaneous effect on the network, in the averageexcitatory case, a blow-up phenomenon occurs. This article is devoted to the theoretical study of the NNLIF model in the case where a delay in the effect of the total activity on the neurons is added. We first prove global-in-time existence and uniqueness of classical solutions, independently of the sign of the connectivity parameter, that is, for both cases: excitatory and inhibitory. Secondly, we prove some qualitative properties of solutions: asymptotic convergence to the stationary state for weak interconnections and a non-existence result for periodic solutions if the connectivity parameter is large enough. The proofs are mainly based on an appropriate change of variables to rewrite the NNLIF equation as a Stefan-like free boundary problem, constructions of universal super-solutions, the entropy dissipation method and Poincaré's inequality.
Fundamento: A utilização de anestésicos locais associados a vasoconstritores para tratamento odon... more Fundamento: A utilização de anestésicos locais associados a vasoconstritores para tratamento odontológico de rotina de pacientes cardiopatas ainda gera controvérsia, em razão do risco de efeitos cardiovasculares adversos. Objetivo: Avaliar e comparar os efeitos hemodinâmicos do uso de anestésico local com vasoconstritor não-adrenérgico em pacientes portadores de arritmias ventriculares, em relação ao uso de anestésico sem vasoconstritor. Métodos: Um estudo prospectivo randomizado avaliou 33 pacientes com sorologia positiva para doença de Chagas' e 32 pacientes com doença arterial coronariana, portadores de arritmia ventricular complexa ao Holter (>10 EV/h e TVNS), 21 do sexo feminino, idade de 54,73 + 7,94 anos, submetidos a tratamento odontológico de rotina com anestesia pterigomandibular. Esses pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: no grupo I, utilizou-se prilocaína a 3% associada a felipressina 0,03 UI/ml, e no grupo II, lidocaína a 2% sem vasoconstritor. Avaliaram-se o número e a complexidade de extra-sístoles, a freqüência cardíaca e a pressão arterial sistêmica dos pacientes no dia anterior, uma hora antes, durante o procedimento odontológico e uma hora após. Resultados: Não foram observadas alterações hemodinâmicas, nem aumento do número e da complexidade da arritmia ventricular, relacionados ao anestésico utilizado, em ambos os grupos. Conclusão: Os resultados sugerem que prilocaína a 3% associada a felipressina 0,03 UI/ml pode ser utilizada com segurança em pacientes chagásicos e coronarianos, com arritmia ventricular complexa. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2008;91(3):142-147) Palavras-chave: Arritmias cardíacas, anestésicos locais, vasoconstritores, cardiomiopatia chagásica, doença das coronárias.
The Nonlinear Noisy Leaky Integrate and Fire (NNLIF) model is widely used to describe the dynamic... more The Nonlinear Noisy Leaky Integrate and Fire (NNLIF) model is widely used to describe the dynamics of neural networks after a diffusive approximation of the mean-field limit of a stochastic differential equation system. When the total activity of the network has an instantaneous effect on the network, in the averageexcitatory case, a blow-up phenomenon occurs. This article is devoted to the theoretical study of the NNLIF model in the case where a delay in the effect of the total activity on the neurons is added. We first prove global-in-time existence and uniqueness of classical solutions, independently of the sign of the connectivity parameter, that is, for both cases: excitatory and inhibitory. Secondly, we prove some qualitative properties of solutions: asymptotic convergence to the stationary state for weak interconnections and a non-existence result for periodic solutions if the connectivity parameter is large enough. The proofs are mainly based on an appropriate change of variables to rewrite the NNLIF equation as a Stefan-like free boundary problem, constructions of universal super-solutions, the entropy dissipation method and Poincaré's inequality.
Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 2019
The Nonlinear Noisy Leaky Integrate and Fire (NNLIF) model is widely used to describe the dynamic... more The Nonlinear Noisy Leaky Integrate and Fire (NNLIF) model is widely used to describe the dynamics of neural networks after a diffusive approximation of the mean-field limit of a stochastic differential equation system. When the total activity of the network has an instantaneous effect on the network, in the averageexcitatory case, a blow-up phenomenon occurs. This article is devoted to the theoretical study of the NNLIF model in the case where a delay in the effect of the total activity on the neurons is added. We first prove global-in-time existence and uniqueness of classical solutions, independently of the sign of the connectivity parameter, that is, for both cases: excitatory and inhibitory. Secondly, we prove some qualitative properties of solutions: asymptotic convergence to the stationary state for weak interconnections and a non-existence result for periodic solutions if the connectivity parameter is large enough. The proofs are mainly based on an appropriate change of variables to rewrite the NNLIF equation as a Stefan-like free boundary problem, constructions of universal super-solutions, the entropy dissipation method and Poincaré's inequality.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2009
In this paper, we present results of a discontinuous Galerkin (DG) scheme applied to deterministi... more In this paper, we present results of a discontinuous Galerkin (DG) scheme applied to deterministic computations of the transients for the Boltzmann-Poisson system describing electron transport in semiconductor devices. The collisional term models optical-phonon interactions which become dominant under strong energetic conditions corresponding to nano-scale active regions under applied bias. The proposed numerical technique is a finite element method using discontinuous piecewise polynomials as basis functions on unstructured meshes. It is applied to simulate hot electron transport in bulk silicon, in a silicon n +-n-n + diode and in a double gated 12nm MOSFET. Additionally, the obtained results are compared
Regular participation in physical activity benefits older adults physically and mentally. However... more Regular participation in physical activity benefits older adults physically and mentally. However, the availability and assessment of physical activity programs that are safe and appropriate for homebound older adults at risk for nursing home admission are limited. Here we describe the protocol for a randomized controlled trial that examines the effectiveness of a gentle physical activity program. Delivered by home care aides who regularly help hard-to-reach older home care clients with housekeeping and routine personal care services in the home, this program is implemented in a real-world context of caregiver-client dyads in a Medicaid-funded home care program. The trial uses a two-group repeated measures design (baseline, Month 4, and Month 8) with 300 pairs of eligible home care clients and their home care aides. The results from this trial could provide evidence and guidelines for a new model of home care, which would facilitate the working together of older home care clients and their home care aides to maintain or improve the functional status of nursing home-eligible older adults.
En el contexto de las industrias culturales, el cine merece un tratamiento especial. Su elevado c... more En el contexto de las industrias culturales, el cine merece un tratamiento especial. Su elevado costo de producción y su dificultad de recupero (aún para el cine comercial) requirieron de una actitud activa de los estados para conservar narrativas propias ante el avasallamiento del cine Hollywoodense.En nuestro país, desde la creación del Instituto Nacional de Cinematografía, hoy actualizado en INCAA (con doble A de Artes Audiovisuales), hasta la actualidad el Estado Argentino ha intervenido en el campo de la producción cinematográfica.¿Cómo pasó la Argentina de producir 11 películas en 1991 a casi 150 en 2011? ¿Cuáles fueron las políticas públicas que alentaron ese crecimiento? ¿Qué rol cumplieron las asociaciones de productores independientes? ¿Qué tensiones incorporó el advenimiento de la tecnología digital? El presente artículo recupera algunos hitos en este proceso de cambio de las condiciones (y la lógica) de la producción cinematográfica nacional.
Tecné, Episteme y Didaxis: TED; 2018: VIII Congreso Internacional sobre Formación de Profesores de Ciencias, Aug 2, 2021
Caracterizamos, en el presente estudio, cómo las actividades didácticas pueden generar una experi... more Caracterizamos, en el presente estudio, cómo las actividades didácticas pueden generar una experiencia educativa orientada hacia un diálogo de saberes en el contexto de la universidad-escuela. Describimos una acción de extensión en una escuela de Río de Janeiro. Participamos en la “2ª Conferencia del Medio Ambiente: Cuidando las Aguas” organizada por la escuela con las actividades “El Valor Real de las Cosas”, “Representación de la Cuenca Hidrográfica”, “Lagunita”, que hacen parte de la exposición didáctica itinerante del laboratorio de Limnología de la UFRJ. A partir de la experiencia educativa sobre las cuestiones socioambientales del agua, observamos que los procesos de innovación en el aula, proporcionan la participación activa de estudiantes y profesores en formación inicial y en servicio, además de recíproca colaboración de la escuela con la universidad
Tecné, Episteme y Didaxis: TED; 2018: VIII Congreso Internacional sobre Formación de Profesores de Ciencias, Aug 2, 2021
Reflexionar junto con los participantes sobre el uso de la dimensión estética para el desarrollo ... more Reflexionar junto con los participantes sobre el uso de la dimensión estética para el desarrollo de procesos de educación ambiental (EA)
The birth of musicology as a theoretical discipline coincided with the professionalization of int... more The birth of musicology as a theoretical discipline coincided with the professionalization of international academic bodies, most famously in natural and social sciences, but also in the humanities. While presenting an important example of transnational exchange, such trend in academic research was directly affected by intergovernmental relations. The intersections between the beginnings of musicology as a theoretical discipline and diplomatic relations will be the object of this round table. The birth of musicology was closely related also to the formation of modern nation states in an age of increased global exchanges, with important implications for the internationalization of the musical repertoire and the music industry. World fairs and exhibitions, and international political-commercial initiatives shaped these experiences. Musicologists felt compelled to compare and put order into a previously unknown multitude of musical practices. Without overlooking the power dynamics unde...
espanolEl objetivo de este trabajo es identificar y caracterizar brevemente los conceptos basicos... more espanolEl objetivo de este trabajo es identificar y caracterizar brevemente los conceptos basicos o elementales de derecho subjetivo y algunas de sus posibles combinaciones, en el entendido que tales conceptos o sus combinaciones estan siempre implicados en los diversos usos de la expresion “derecho subjetivo” en los discursos juridicos. Para lograr este objetivo, el trabajo se divide en cuatro secciones. La primera seccion establece que un concepto juridico de derecho subjetivo se define por su fundamento juridico, y que este debe distinguirse de los fundamentos extrajuridicos que justifican o pueden justificar su otorgamiento por el ordenamiento juridico. En la segunda seccion, se analiza el modelo explicativo hohfeldiano de las posiciones juridicas subjetivas que sirve de base para la identificacion y caracterizacion de los conceptos juridicos de derecho subjetivo que se realiza en la tercera seccion. La cuarta seccion presenta algunas consideraciones finales. EnglishThe aim of t...
Se pretende analizar la existencia de una tecnica infalible que pueda determinar y/o discriminar ... more Se pretende analizar la existencia de una tecnica infalible que pueda determinar y/o discriminar una declaracion falsa de una verdadera, ya sea prestada por la victima o por el investigado/acusado. Desde antiguo se ha pensado que la conducta no verbal del sujeto proporcionaba prueba suficiente para afirmar sin genero de dudas que el sujeto mentia y asi abrir una linea de investigacion del delito cuyo origen sea esta declaracion falsa y/o al contrario, cuyo origen sea las manifestaciones verdaderas del sujeto interrogado. Sin embargo, podemos concluir que al dia de hoy a pesar de las creencias de muchos el comportamiento no verbal no ofrece las suficientes garantias para determinar la credibilidad del sujeto, por lo que, se han ido abandonando las teorias que se fundamentaban en el comportamiento no verbal para iniciar estudios mega analiticos que se fundamentan el analisis de las conductas del sujeto partiendo del comportamiento del entrevistador activo, asi como, basados en indicad...
The elapsed time model has been widely studied in the context of mathematical neuroscience with m... more The elapsed time model has been widely studied in the context of mathematical neuroscience with many open questions left. The model consists of an age-structured equation that describes the dynamics of interacting neurons structured by the elapsed time since their last discharge. Our interest lies in highly connected networks leading to strong nonlinearities where perturbation methods do not apply. To deal with this problem, we choose a particular case which can be reduced to delay equations. We prove a general convergence result to a stationary state in the inhibitory and the weakly excitatory cases. Moreover, we prove the existence of particular periodic solutions with jump discontinuities in the strongly excitatory case. Finally, we present some numerical simulations which ilustrate various behaviors, which are consistent with the theoretical results.
Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are acute, life-threatening d... more Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are acute, life-threatening diseases that cause sloughing of the skin and mucous membranes. Despite improved survival rates, few studies focus on long-term outcomes. We conducted a single-center review of all patients with SJS/TEN admitted from January 2008 to 2014. SJS/TEN survivors were invited to participate in the validated Veterans RAND 12-Item Health Survey (VR-12) to assess health-related quality of life using a mental health composite score and physical health component score (PCS). The sample was compared to U.S. norms using one-sample two-tailed t tests. A second questionnaire addressed potential long-term medical complications related to SJS/TEN. Of 81 treated subjects, 24 (30%) long-term survivors responded. Participants identified cutaneous sequelae most frequently (79%), followed by nail problems (70%), oral (62%), and ocular (58%) sequalae. Thirty-eight percent rated their quality of life to be “uncha...
Violence is unequally distributed across provinces. In Argentina, the least violent provinces hav... more Violence is unequally distributed across provinces. In Argentina, the least violent provinces have a murder rate similar to Sweden’s. The most violent ones have a murder rate comparable to South Sudan’s. What explains this unequal distribution of violence? This article claims that political turnover at the provincial level reduces the partisan control over police forces and challenges previous informal pacts, while being in the opposition to the president decreases the likelihood of receiving federal assistance to fight violence. When both conditions are met at the same time, crime is more likely to increase. The study examines these claims using difference-in-difference and regression analysis for panel data of the Argentine provinces between 2002 and 2015 and a case study of the province of Santa Fe (the most violent in the country). In the conclusions, it also explores the comparative implications for the discussion on the unequal distribution of violence in federal democracies.
The Nonlinear Noisy Leaky Integrate and Fire (NNLIF) model is widely used to describe the dynamic... more The Nonlinear Noisy Leaky Integrate and Fire (NNLIF) model is widely used to describe the dynamics of neural networks after a diffusive approximation of the mean-field limit of a stochastic differential equation system. When the total activity of the network has an instantaneous effect on the network, in the averageexcitatory case, a blow-up phenomenon occurs. This article is devoted to the theoretical study of the NNLIF model in the case where a delay in the effect of the total activity on the neurons is added. We first prove global-in-time existence and uniqueness of classical solutions, independently of the sign of the connectivity parameter, that is, for both cases: excitatory and inhibitory. Secondly, we prove some qualitative properties of solutions: asymptotic convergence to the stationary state for weak interconnections and a non-existence result for periodic solutions if the connectivity parameter is large enough. The proofs are mainly based on an appropriate change of variables to rewrite the NNLIF equation as a Stefan-like free boundary problem, constructions of universal super-solutions, the entropy dissipation method and Poincaré's inequality.
Fundamento: A utilização de anestésicos locais associados a vasoconstritores para tratamento odon... more Fundamento: A utilização de anestésicos locais associados a vasoconstritores para tratamento odontológico de rotina de pacientes cardiopatas ainda gera controvérsia, em razão do risco de efeitos cardiovasculares adversos. Objetivo: Avaliar e comparar os efeitos hemodinâmicos do uso de anestésico local com vasoconstritor não-adrenérgico em pacientes portadores de arritmias ventriculares, em relação ao uso de anestésico sem vasoconstritor. Métodos: Um estudo prospectivo randomizado avaliou 33 pacientes com sorologia positiva para doença de Chagas' e 32 pacientes com doença arterial coronariana, portadores de arritmia ventricular complexa ao Holter (>10 EV/h e TVNS), 21 do sexo feminino, idade de 54,73 + 7,94 anos, submetidos a tratamento odontológico de rotina com anestesia pterigomandibular. Esses pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: no grupo I, utilizou-se prilocaína a 3% associada a felipressina 0,03 UI/ml, e no grupo II, lidocaína a 2% sem vasoconstritor. Avaliaram-se o número e a complexidade de extra-sístoles, a freqüência cardíaca e a pressão arterial sistêmica dos pacientes no dia anterior, uma hora antes, durante o procedimento odontológico e uma hora após. Resultados: Não foram observadas alterações hemodinâmicas, nem aumento do número e da complexidade da arritmia ventricular, relacionados ao anestésico utilizado, em ambos os grupos. Conclusão: Os resultados sugerem que prilocaína a 3% associada a felipressina 0,03 UI/ml pode ser utilizada com segurança em pacientes chagásicos e coronarianos, com arritmia ventricular complexa. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2008;91(3):142-147) Palavras-chave: Arritmias cardíacas, anestésicos locais, vasoconstritores, cardiomiopatia chagásica, doença das coronárias.
The Nonlinear Noisy Leaky Integrate and Fire (NNLIF) model is widely used to describe the dynamic... more The Nonlinear Noisy Leaky Integrate and Fire (NNLIF) model is widely used to describe the dynamics of neural networks after a diffusive approximation of the mean-field limit of a stochastic differential equation system. When the total activity of the network has an instantaneous effect on the network, in the averageexcitatory case, a blow-up phenomenon occurs. This article is devoted to the theoretical study of the NNLIF model in the case where a delay in the effect of the total activity on the neurons is added. We first prove global-in-time existence and uniqueness of classical solutions, independently of the sign of the connectivity parameter, that is, for both cases: excitatory and inhibitory. Secondly, we prove some qualitative properties of solutions: asymptotic convergence to the stationary state for weak interconnections and a non-existence result for periodic solutions if the connectivity parameter is large enough. The proofs are mainly based on an appropriate change of variables to rewrite the NNLIF equation as a Stefan-like free boundary problem, constructions of universal super-solutions, the entropy dissipation method and Poincaré's inequality.
Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 2019
The Nonlinear Noisy Leaky Integrate and Fire (NNLIF) model is widely used to describe the dynamic... more The Nonlinear Noisy Leaky Integrate and Fire (NNLIF) model is widely used to describe the dynamics of neural networks after a diffusive approximation of the mean-field limit of a stochastic differential equation system. When the total activity of the network has an instantaneous effect on the network, in the averageexcitatory case, a blow-up phenomenon occurs. This article is devoted to the theoretical study of the NNLIF model in the case where a delay in the effect of the total activity on the neurons is added. We first prove global-in-time existence and uniqueness of classical solutions, independently of the sign of the connectivity parameter, that is, for both cases: excitatory and inhibitory. Secondly, we prove some qualitative properties of solutions: asymptotic convergence to the stationary state for weak interconnections and a non-existence result for periodic solutions if the connectivity parameter is large enough. The proofs are mainly based on an appropriate change of variables to rewrite the NNLIF equation as a Stefan-like free boundary problem, constructions of universal super-solutions, the entropy dissipation method and Poincaré's inequality.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2009
In this paper, we present results of a discontinuous Galerkin (DG) scheme applied to deterministi... more In this paper, we present results of a discontinuous Galerkin (DG) scheme applied to deterministic computations of the transients for the Boltzmann-Poisson system describing electron transport in semiconductor devices. The collisional term models optical-phonon interactions which become dominant under strong energetic conditions corresponding to nano-scale active regions under applied bias. The proposed numerical technique is a finite element method using discontinuous piecewise polynomials as basis functions on unstructured meshes. It is applied to simulate hot electron transport in bulk silicon, in a silicon n +-n-n + diode and in a double gated 12nm MOSFET. Additionally, the obtained results are compared
Regular participation in physical activity benefits older adults physically and mentally. However... more Regular participation in physical activity benefits older adults physically and mentally. However, the availability and assessment of physical activity programs that are safe and appropriate for homebound older adults at risk for nursing home admission are limited. Here we describe the protocol for a randomized controlled trial that examines the effectiveness of a gentle physical activity program. Delivered by home care aides who regularly help hard-to-reach older home care clients with housekeeping and routine personal care services in the home, this program is implemented in a real-world context of caregiver-client dyads in a Medicaid-funded home care program. The trial uses a two-group repeated measures design (baseline, Month 4, and Month 8) with 300 pairs of eligible home care clients and their home care aides. The results from this trial could provide evidence and guidelines for a new model of home care, which would facilitate the working together of older home care clients and their home care aides to maintain or improve the functional status of nursing home-eligible older adults.
En el contexto de las industrias culturales, el cine merece un tratamiento especial. Su elevado c... more En el contexto de las industrias culturales, el cine merece un tratamiento especial. Su elevado costo de producción y su dificultad de recupero (aún para el cine comercial) requirieron de una actitud activa de los estados para conservar narrativas propias ante el avasallamiento del cine Hollywoodense.En nuestro país, desde la creación del Instituto Nacional de Cinematografía, hoy actualizado en INCAA (con doble A de Artes Audiovisuales), hasta la actualidad el Estado Argentino ha intervenido en el campo de la producción cinematográfica.¿Cómo pasó la Argentina de producir 11 películas en 1991 a casi 150 en 2011? ¿Cuáles fueron las políticas públicas que alentaron ese crecimiento? ¿Qué rol cumplieron las asociaciones de productores independientes? ¿Qué tensiones incorporó el advenimiento de la tecnología digital? El presente artículo recupera algunos hitos en este proceso de cambio de las condiciones (y la lógica) de la producción cinematográfica nacional.
Tecné, Episteme y Didaxis: TED; 2018: VIII Congreso Internacional sobre Formación de Profesores de Ciencias, Aug 2, 2021
Caracterizamos, en el presente estudio, cómo las actividades didácticas pueden generar una experi... more Caracterizamos, en el presente estudio, cómo las actividades didácticas pueden generar una experiencia educativa orientada hacia un diálogo de saberes en el contexto de la universidad-escuela. Describimos una acción de extensión en una escuela de Río de Janeiro. Participamos en la “2ª Conferencia del Medio Ambiente: Cuidando las Aguas” organizada por la escuela con las actividades “El Valor Real de las Cosas”, “Representación de la Cuenca Hidrográfica”, “Lagunita”, que hacen parte de la exposición didáctica itinerante del laboratorio de Limnología de la UFRJ. A partir de la experiencia educativa sobre las cuestiones socioambientales del agua, observamos que los procesos de innovación en el aula, proporcionan la participación activa de estudiantes y profesores en formación inicial y en servicio, además de recíproca colaboración de la escuela con la universidad
Tecné, Episteme y Didaxis: TED; 2018: VIII Congreso Internacional sobre Formación de Profesores de Ciencias, Aug 2, 2021
Reflexionar junto con los participantes sobre el uso de la dimensión estética para el desarrollo ... more Reflexionar junto con los participantes sobre el uso de la dimensión estética para el desarrollo de procesos de educación ambiental (EA)
The birth of musicology as a theoretical discipline coincided with the professionalization of int... more The birth of musicology as a theoretical discipline coincided with the professionalization of international academic bodies, most famously in natural and social sciences, but also in the humanities. While presenting an important example of transnational exchange, such trend in academic research was directly affected by intergovernmental relations. The intersections between the beginnings of musicology as a theoretical discipline and diplomatic relations will be the object of this round table. The birth of musicology was closely related also to the formation of modern nation states in an age of increased global exchanges, with important implications for the internationalization of the musical repertoire and the music industry. World fairs and exhibitions, and international political-commercial initiatives shaped these experiences. Musicologists felt compelled to compare and put order into a previously unknown multitude of musical practices. Without overlooking the power dynamics unde...
espanolEl objetivo de este trabajo es identificar y caracterizar brevemente los conceptos basicos... more espanolEl objetivo de este trabajo es identificar y caracterizar brevemente los conceptos basicos o elementales de derecho subjetivo y algunas de sus posibles combinaciones, en el entendido que tales conceptos o sus combinaciones estan siempre implicados en los diversos usos de la expresion “derecho subjetivo” en los discursos juridicos. Para lograr este objetivo, el trabajo se divide en cuatro secciones. La primera seccion establece que un concepto juridico de derecho subjetivo se define por su fundamento juridico, y que este debe distinguirse de los fundamentos extrajuridicos que justifican o pueden justificar su otorgamiento por el ordenamiento juridico. En la segunda seccion, se analiza el modelo explicativo hohfeldiano de las posiciones juridicas subjetivas que sirve de base para la identificacion y caracterizacion de los conceptos juridicos de derecho subjetivo que se realiza en la tercera seccion. La cuarta seccion presenta algunas consideraciones finales. EnglishThe aim of t...
Se pretende analizar la existencia de una tecnica infalible que pueda determinar y/o discriminar ... more Se pretende analizar la existencia de una tecnica infalible que pueda determinar y/o discriminar una declaracion falsa de una verdadera, ya sea prestada por la victima o por el investigado/acusado. Desde antiguo se ha pensado que la conducta no verbal del sujeto proporcionaba prueba suficiente para afirmar sin genero de dudas que el sujeto mentia y asi abrir una linea de investigacion del delito cuyo origen sea esta declaracion falsa y/o al contrario, cuyo origen sea las manifestaciones verdaderas del sujeto interrogado. Sin embargo, podemos concluir que al dia de hoy a pesar de las creencias de muchos el comportamiento no verbal no ofrece las suficientes garantias para determinar la credibilidad del sujeto, por lo que, se han ido abandonando las teorias que se fundamentaban en el comportamiento no verbal para iniciar estudios mega analiticos que se fundamentan el analisis de las conductas del sujeto partiendo del comportamiento del entrevistador activo, asi como, basados en indicad...
The elapsed time model has been widely studied in the context of mathematical neuroscience with m... more The elapsed time model has been widely studied in the context of mathematical neuroscience with many open questions left. The model consists of an age-structured equation that describes the dynamics of interacting neurons structured by the elapsed time since their last discharge. Our interest lies in highly connected networks leading to strong nonlinearities where perturbation methods do not apply. To deal with this problem, we choose a particular case which can be reduced to delay equations. We prove a general convergence result to a stationary state in the inhibitory and the weakly excitatory cases. Moreover, we prove the existence of particular periodic solutions with jump discontinuities in the strongly excitatory case. Finally, we present some numerical simulations which ilustrate various behaviors, which are consistent with the theoretical results.
Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are acute, life-threatening d... more Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are acute, life-threatening diseases that cause sloughing of the skin and mucous membranes. Despite improved survival rates, few studies focus on long-term outcomes. We conducted a single-center review of all patients with SJS/TEN admitted from January 2008 to 2014. SJS/TEN survivors were invited to participate in the validated Veterans RAND 12-Item Health Survey (VR-12) to assess health-related quality of life using a mental health composite score and physical health component score (PCS). The sample was compared to U.S. norms using one-sample two-tailed t tests. A second questionnaire addressed potential long-term medical complications related to SJS/TEN. Of 81 treated subjects, 24 (30%) long-term survivors responded. Participants identified cutaneous sequelae most frequently (79%), followed by nail problems (70%), oral (62%), and ocular (58%) sequalae. Thirty-eight percent rated their quality of life to be “uncha...
Violence is unequally distributed across provinces. In Argentina, the least violent provinces hav... more Violence is unequally distributed across provinces. In Argentina, the least violent provinces have a murder rate similar to Sweden’s. The most violent ones have a murder rate comparable to South Sudan’s. What explains this unequal distribution of violence? This article claims that political turnover at the provincial level reduces the partisan control over police forces and challenges previous informal pacts, while being in the opposition to the president decreases the likelihood of receiving federal assistance to fight violence. When both conditions are met at the same time, crime is more likely to increase. The study examines these claims using difference-in-difference and regression analysis for panel data of the Argentine provinces between 2002 and 2015 and a case study of the province of Santa Fe (the most violent in the country). In the conclusions, it also explores the comparative implications for the discussion on the unequal distribution of violence in federal democracies.
Papers by Maria Caceres