Recommendations on telestroke
in Europe
European Stroke Journal
2019, Vol. 4(2) 101–109
! European Stroke Organisation
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/2396987318806718
Gordian J Hubert1, Gustavo Santo2, Geert Vanhooren3,
Bojana Zvan4, Silvia Tur Campos5, Andrey Alasheev6,
Sònia Abilleira7 , Francesco Corea8,
on behalf of the Telestroke Committee of the
European Stroke Organization
Lack of stroke specialists determines that many European rural areas remain underserved. Use of telemedicine in stroke
care has shown to be safe, increase use of evidence-based therapy and enable coverage of large areas of low population
density. The aim of this article is to summarise the following recommendations of the Telestroke Committee of the
European Stroke Organisation on the setup of telestroke networks in Europe: Hospitals participating in telestroke
networks should be chosen according to criteria that include population density, transportation distance, geographic
specifics and in-hospital infrastructure and professional resources. Three hospital categories are identified to be part of a
hub-and-spoke network: (1) the Telemedicine Stroke Centre (an European Stroke Organisation stroke centre or
equivalent with specific infrastructure and setup for network and telemedicine support), (2) the telemedicine-assisted
stroke Unit (equivalent to an European Stroke Organisation stroke unit but without 24 h onsite stroke expertise) and
(3) the telemedicine-assisted stroke ready hospital (only covering hyperacute treatment in the emergency department
and transferring all patients for further treatment).
Telemedicine, telestroke, network, stroke, stroke care system, remote area
Date received: 11 May 2018; accepted: 20 September 2018
Telemedicine refers to the use of telecommunication
technology to provide health care from the distance.
In 1999, Levine and Gorman introduced the term ‘telestroke’ as the use of telemedicine to provide neurological consultation for stroke in hospitals lacking this
level of expertise.1 Since late 1990s, multiple telestroke
projects have been developed worldwide, mainly in
Western countries, for the management of stroke
patients. Several studies have demonstrated increasing
thrombolysis rates after telestroke implementation
without significant differences in safety or efficacy
(class of recommendation IIb, level of evidence B).2–4
Currently, there is a wide difference in stroke care
between European countries. This lack of uniformity is
the consequence of the organisational models adopted
at local and national levels, and the uneven distribution
of resources that may determine an irregular adherence
Department of Neurology, TEMPiS network, Munich Clinic,
Munich, Germany
Neurology Department, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra,
Coimbra, Portugal
Department of Neurology, AZ Sint-Jan Brugge-Oostende AV,
Bruges, Belgium
TeleKap network, Ljubljana University Medical Center,
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Son Espases University Hospital, Balearic Islands, Spain
Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Hospital #1, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Stroke Programme, Agency for Health Quality and Assessment of
Catalonia, CIBER Epidemiologıa y Salud P
ublica (CIBERESP),
Barcelona, Spain
Stroke and Neurology Clinic, San Giovanni Battista Hospital,
Foligno, Italy
Corresponding author:
Gordian J Hubert, Department of Neurology, TEMPiS Network, Munich
Clinic, Sanatoriumsplatz 2, 81545 Munich, Germany.
[email protected]
to current European Stroke Organisation (ESO) guidelines.5 Telestroke can help harmonising stroke care
between urban and rural areas since it addresses existing workforce gaps in the expert management of stroke
patients. Early telestroke project developed in Europe
at the beginning of the century and published network
structures and outcomes, barriers and legal issues in
telemedicine thus leading to further development of
networks across Europe.6–9 Recently, an analysis of
the first 10 years’ experience of a large telestroke network in Germany demonstrated that telestroke lead to
increasing numbers of stroke patients being treated in
hospitals with (tele)stroke units (19–78%), significantly
higher intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) rates (2.6–
15.5%), and a 40-min drop in door-to-needle times
(80, interquartile range: 68–101, to 40, interquartile
range: 29–59). Thus, telestroke units (TSUs) can provide sustained high-quality stroke care in rural areas
(Level of evidence C).10
To achieve the goals of the second Helsingborg
Declaration,11 and the more recent Action Plan for
stroke in Europe 2018–2030, regarding mortality, independence and accessibility to specific treatments, main
aims of telestroke are expert coverage of Stroke Unit
care, delivery of IVT and selection of potential candidates for endovascular treatment (EVT) across all
regions and countries in Europe where onsite expertise
is not available. This article, written by the Telestroke
Committee of the ESO aims to propose a set of recommendations on the establishment of telestroke
networks for the management of acute stroke
patients. These recommendations are largely based on
expert opinions.
European Stroke Journal 4(2)
local neurologists of all hospitals involved in the network in rotation.9
Depending on every specific network protocol and
spoke hospitals resources, patients either stay at the
spoke hospital if endovascular or neurosurgical treatment is not required, and the spoke is sufficiently
resourced to expertly care for the patient (‘drip-andkeep’) or are transferred to the hub centre after IVT
Telemedicine can not only facilitate rapid case
assessment and treatment decision but it also makes
regular training, case discussions and audits possible.
This article will focus mainly on the most widely
used hub-and-spoke model.
The hub-and-spoke telestroke network
In the so-called ‘hub-and-spoke’ model, there can be
three hospital types involved: (1) the telemedicine
stroke center (TSC), (2) the TSU and (3) the
telemedicine-assisted stroke ready hospital unit
(TSRH). The hub covers the full pathway of a stroke
centre, including IVT, endovascular and neurosurgical
interventions. TSUs are capable of administering IVT
with the support of a stroke specialist by telemedicine,
and provide subsequent stroke unit care. TSRH are
able to manage stroke patients acutely, such as administering IVT but do not provide further stroke unit care
(see Table 1). For patients requiring more advanced
procedures, such as endovascular or neurosurgical
treatment, telestroke may play an important role in
triaging acute stroke patients.13
Telemedicine Stroke Center, the hub
Organisation of telestroke networks
The most common telestroke system is the so-called
hub-and-spoke model where a telemedicine stroke
centre (TSC) (hub) provides expert stroke knowledge
to a variable number of regional or community hospitals (spokes). On the spoke side, the need of external
coverage and expertise may vary according to the
in-house structural and professional resources.
Particularly at regional hospitals that cannot provide
around-the-clock stroke expertise, the stroke unit
depends on telestroke to provide expert care (telemedicine-assisted stroke unit (TSU)).12 In other cases small
community hospitals without stroke-dedicated facilities
may play a role only as for patients’ initial assessment,
diagnostic, identification of IVT candidates and eventually thrombolysis treatment. In such case, the network provides telemedicine hyperacute stroke services.
A ‘hubless’ horizontal network of community
hospitals is another possible telestroke system.
Teleconsultations during off-hours are performed by
Generally, TSC should fulfill all requirements for ESO
Stroke Centres.14 The ESO Stroke Centre is a hospital
infrastructure that covers the entire chain of care,
including neurosurgical and vascular interventions.14
In addition, the TSC of a telestroke network should
take responsibility for a region-wide stroke care concept including: (1) coverage of telemedical consultations for all spoke hospitals dependent on remote
expertise 24 h/d, 7 days/week, (2) definition of the standard operating procedures for stroke care at all participating hospitals, (3) development and maintenance of
a network-wide, quality-focused stroke registry and
(4) continuous education programmes for staff of the
spoke hospitals.
Recommendations for the organisation of a TSC
1. Central stroke care
a. TSC should be a large hospital with region-wide
importance and should include all structural
Hubert et al.
Table 1. Key features of the three telemedicine units in a stroke network.
Stroke care
All structural elements identified in the
ESO criteria for stroke centres
Embedded in a hospital with 24 h
ED, 24 h CT scanning and 24 h
Expert assessment and treatment of acute stroke patients
based on teleconsultation.
Provides teleconsultations service with
videoconference and imaging transfer; teleconsultants are specialised in
stroke care teleconsultantations are
readily available (<3 min).
Provides written standard
operating procedures for:
• Prehospital care;
• Hyperacute in-hospital care at
the Emergency Departments;
• Multidisciplinary follow-up
management on stroke unit.
All infrastructural elements
identified in the ESO Stroke
Unit category, except for
onsite 24 h/7 d availability
of stroke physician.
Expert assessment and treatment of acute stroke patients
provided onsite at least
part time.
Sufficiently staffed to manage
acute stroke patients with
telemedicine support.
Implements SOPs of TSC for:
• Prehospital care;
• Hyperacute in-hospital
care at the
Emergency Department;
• Multidisciplinary follow-up
management on
stroke unit.
Participates in TSC training.
Implements SOPs of TSC for:
• Prehospital care;
• Hyperacute in-hospital
care at the
Emergency Department.
Participates in quality improvement initiative of TSC.
Participates in quality improvement initiative of TSC.
Offers regular multidisciplinary training
for all spoke hospitals.
Provides or is involved in a quality
improvement initiative (registry).
Sufficiently staffed to manage
acute stroke patients with
telemedicine support.
Participates in TSC training.
TSC: Telemedicine Stroke Centre; TSU: Telemedicine-assisted Stroke Unit; TSRH: Telemedicine assisted Stroke Ready Hospital; ESO: European Stroke
Organization; ED: Emergency Department; CT: Computertomography; SOP: Standard Operating Procedures.
elements and health professionals identified in the
ESO criteria for stroke centres, ensuring highlevel 24 h/d stroke management along the entire
chain of care.
2. Teleconsultation service
a. TSC should provide teleconsultations with videoconference and imaging transfer;
b. teleconsultants should be specialised in stroke care
and should have been trained on a stroke unit with
region-wide importance;
c. teleconsultants should be readily available (<3 min)
at all times and should be free from other
urgent care.
3. Transfer options
a. TSC should provide capacity for stroke patients
being secondarily transferred from spoke hospitals for more elaborate treatment, or provide
cooperation with other stroke centres for
this purpose.
4. Standard operating procedures
a. The hub should provide written protocols for all
spoke hospitals, addressing acute stroke processes
and treatments in the following areas:
i. Prehospital care;
ii. Hyperacute in-hospital care at the emergency
departments (EDs);
iii. Multidisciplinary follow-up management on
stroke unit.
5. Professional training
a. The hub should offer regular multidisciplinary
training for all spoke hospitals.
6. Quality monitoring
a. The hub and spoke hospitals (the telestroke network) should be involved in a quality improvement initiative based on regular checks of a
series of pre-established quality metrics.
Spoke hospitals
Selection of hospitals. When setting up a network with
the aim to ensure complete stroke unit coverage of an
area, location of hospitals to include in stroke care
must be carefully chosen. Not all hospitals in a country/region should provide stroke care. Instead, it
should be offered in a number of selected hospitals
distributed across a given territory taking into account
geographic and demographic features. It is known that
larger volume of patients leads to a decrease in mortality15 and to improvement of in-hospital processes.16
European Stroke Journal 4(2)
200 __ _____________ = area (km²)
population/km² x number of strokes/100.000/year
Figure 1. Minimum size of an area to be covered by a single
stroke unit. Size is inversely related to population density
(population/km2) and stroke incidence (number of strokes/
A stroke unit seems effective (and cost effective), when
at least 200 stroke patients are treated per year as outlined in the ESO Stroke Unit recommendations.14
Therefore, size of area covered by a single stroke unit
should be large enough to ensure effective stroke unit
treatment. On the other hand, stroke treatments, especially causative treatments are heavily time dependent.17,18 Therefore, thoughtful consideration should
be given to ensuring acceptable transportation times
from peoples’ home to the next stroke care facility.
When choosing the right hospitals for a telestroke
network two rules should be applied: (1) the TSU
should treat at least 200 stroke patients per year and
(2) acute stroke care should be within reach of 45 min
for 90% of the population.
Population density and stroke incidence will allow
calculating number of stroke units needed for an area
to fulfill rule No.1.
Minimum size of an area to be covered by a single
stroke unit can be calculated by the following formula
(Figure 1):
Rule No.2 is dependent on geography, infrastructure and transportation systems.
These rules are usually both applicable in areas
with population densities of 120 inhabitants/km2.
Difficulties arise in very scarcely populated areas
where size of the area to be covered by a single
stroke unit will have to be very large to ensure 200
patients per year. In this situation, the 45-min transport
rule is jeopardised. Conversely, if in such low-density
areas rule No. 2 is prioritised, TSUs will be undersized.
It is therefore in such areas where TSRHs are meaningful. TSRHs do not need to ensure 200 patients per
year, as they do not keep patients for further treatment.
Moreover, they should be reachable within 45 min and
should be ready to rapidly deliver IVT before transferring all stroke patients to the next (tele-) stroke unit
(Figure 2).
Telestroke unit (TSU). Benefit of organised stroke unit
care covers all stroke subtypes.19 It is not surprising
therefore, that the backbone of organised stroke care
is the stroke unit.20 The ESO Stroke Unit refers to an
intermediate level of care for stroke patients that satisfies evidence-based requirements, and is organised to
provide acute and post-acute care with a multiprofessional specially trained and skilled team, including
physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, speech therapists,
occupational therapists, social workers and neuropsychologists (optional). In case of staff constraints, the
stroke unit will need external assistance when it comes
to the decision-making process in the acute stroke
patient and general knowledge transfer. In this context,
stroke physicians would be made available through
Recommendations for the organisation of TSUs. The TSU
should include all infrastructural elements identified
in the ESO Stroke Unit category, except for onsite
24 h/7 d availability of stroke physician. Instead TSU
should have a responsible physician and nurse involved
in stroke care.
1. The TSU must be sufficiently staffed to manage
acute stroke patients with telemedicine support.
2. Expert assessment and treatment of acute stroke
patients should be provided onsite at least part time.
3. The TSU should implement the written protocols,
provided by network centre addressing the following
stages of acute stroke care:
a. Prehospital care;
b. Hyperacute in-hospital care at the ED;
c. Multidisciplinary follow-up management on
stroke unit;
4. Professional training
a. TSU should participate in network-wide multidisciplinary training sessions
5. The TSU should participate in the national and
network-specific stroke registry.
The telemedicine-assisted stroke ready hospital unit (TSRH).
Over a quarter of European citizens live in rural areas
where timely access to an ESO Stroke Unit or Stroke
Centre is not possible.21 Defining care facilities that
meet the needs of acute stroke patients living in these
areas is relevant to guarantee quality of acute care and
outcomes after stroke. Hospitals and centres included
in the TSRH level of care would typically be small
community hospitals covering distant and sparsely
populated areas and offering first line management.
Infrastructure and staff of this level of care are detailed
in Tables 1 and 2. This level of care would be equivalent to the Brain Attack Coalition Acute Stroke-Ready
Hospital or Stroke-Ready Hospital.22 This unit does
not cover ongoing stroke treatment, therefore after
hyperacute care has been initiated, all patients must
Hubert et al.
Figure 2. Fictional development of a telestroke network in an example European mountainous area with three provinces of low
population density and no current specific stroke care. Area size and population density in green, blue and purple provinces are 1748
km2 and 65/km2, 2884 km2 and 25/km2, 904 km2 and 64/km2, respectively. Stroke incidence is 270/100.000 in all three provinces.
(a) There are two existing regional hospitals (cross with circle) and four small provincial hospitals. TSC would be located remotely
from these provinces. (b) Applying the formula to account for rule No. 1 (size of region for one stroke unit), allows setup of two
telemedicine assisted stroke units (TSU). One for green province, one for blue and purple province together (minimum area in green
province 1140 km2, in blue province 2963 km2, in purple province 1157 km2). (c) Applying rule No. 2 (travel distance < 45 min) of
these two TSU shows an inadequate coverage of only half of the provincial area (grey). (d) Set up of further three TSRH allows for
timely coverage of three quarters of the area. No adequate coverage can be obtained in South of green province, as there are no
health care facilities in this very mountainous landscape.
TSC: Telemedicine Stroke Centre, TSU: Telemedicine assisted Stroke Unit, TSRH: Telemedicine assisted Stroke Ready Hospital.
be transferred to a (tele-)stroke unit, regardless whether
they received IVT or not.
Recommendations for the organisation of TSRH
1. The TSRH must be embedded in a hospital with
24 h ED, 24 h Computertomography scanning and
24 h laboratory.
2. ED must be sufficiently staffed to manage acute
stroke patients with telemedicine support.
3. Expert assessment and treatment of acute stroke
patients should be provided onsite based on
4. The TSRH should implement the written protocols,
provided by network centre addressing the following
stages of acute stroke care:
a. Prehospital care;
b. Hyperacute in-hospital care at the ED.
5. Professional training
a. TSRH should participate in network-wide multidisciplinary training sessions.
6. The TSRH should participate in the national and
network specific stroke registry.
Structural requirements for a stroke unit (and the telemedicine system) should be in place before including
the hospital in the network. Staff specialisation and
quality of processes can be trained and supported by
European Stroke Journal 4(2)
Table 2. Professional and structural requirements for TSC and
spoke hospital types involved in telestroke networks.
Emergency department
24-h/day laboratory
24-h/day head CT (plain)
24-h/day head CT angiography
24-h/day CT perfusion
Acute stroke unit (semi-intensive
dedicated beds, stroke nurses)
Intensive care unit
General neurology ward
24-h/day stroke physician
24-h/day neuroradiologist and
neurosurgeon on call
Early physiotherapy
Early rehab assessment and
establishment of rehab goals
Early swallowing assessment
Angiography suite
Vascular surgery
Doppler sonography
TSC: telemedicine Stroke Centre; TSRH: Telemedicine-assisted Stroke
Ready Hospital; TSU: Telemedicine-assisted Stroke Unit; CT:
network centre staff during and after the telestroke network setup. Generally, a newly setup TSU needs three
to five years to reach quality levels of a well-established
stroke unit.
Technical aspects of the
telemedicine equipment
The backbone of a high-quality teleconsultation service
is a stable technical system that allows instant 24 h/d
videoconference and rapid imaging transfer.
Insufficient telesignal quality may lead to inferior quality
of information. Various publications have shown that
telemedicine for stroke is safe,23 but little is known
about low quality telemedical systems and their specific
impact on patients’ health. Therefore one should aim for
high-quality systems and perform constant evaluation
(e.g. by judging video- and audioquality separately for
each videoconference on a 5-point scale). Systems should
comprise the following features:
1. Connection
a. Virtual private network (VPN) connection
between hospitals allows individual identification, encryptions and data integrity;
b. Connection speed above 1 Mbps;
c. Advanced Encryption Standards (AES) up to
256 bit.
2. TSC equipment
a. Telemedicine computer, equipped with camera and
microphone is not a medical device and can be
placed in a normal office;
b. Bidirectional audio–video streaming guarantees
appropriate dialogue between hub and spoke personnel and patient;
c. Audio filter for background sound and
d. Connection of the system with the radiology information system network and/or the picture archiving and communication systems of spoke hospital
for sharing brain images;
e. Software for planning, documenting and storing
teleconsultation reports.
Spoke hospital equipment
a. Remote systems, equipped with a camera, microphone and monitor may be medical devices
(type Ia since they have no direct contact with
patient) (individually appointed by national
health authority);
b. Audio filter for background sound and
c. Availability of a zoom (up to 20 fold) for the
camera remotely controlled by the specialist.
Cameras usually are robotic devices with autofocus and panning/tilting systems.
Ethical aspects of telemedicine
In the age of new technologies such as telemedicine,
physicians’ fundamental ethical responsibilities have
not changed. The practice of medicine is itself a
moral activity established in a ‘commitment to trust’
between a patient and a doctor, taking into account the
Oath of Hippocrates.24
There are a number of ways in which legal and ethical aspects are relevant to telemedicine. These include
the responsibilities and potential liabilities of health
professionals, the duty to maintain the confidentiality
and privacy of patient records, the jurisdictional problems associated with cross-border consultations, the
reliability of equipment, the offering of opinions only
when possessing necessary information.
Telemedicine, i.e. telestroke, is justified because of
its speed (the duty of timely communication serves ethical goals of beneficence and justice) and its capacity to
reach patients with limited access to medical assistance
(ethical principle, or duty, of beneficence), in addition
to its power to improve health care (World Medical
Association (WMA) statement on the ethics of
Hubert et al.
Telemedicine should primarily be employed in situations in which a physician/expert cannot be physically
present within a safe and acceptable time.
The European Union’s Directive on Data Protection
(95/46/EC) lays down data protection principles, which
must be complied in relation to all personal data.
Patient’s consent to the use of information can only
be assumed for the direct provision of treatment.
The 2009 policy article23 outlined a set of general
recommendations that defined how telestroke should
be implemented and laid the foundation for identifying
measures of quality appropriate to telestroke providers
and recipients of those services.13 Implementation
requires compliance with all applicable laws and statutes and continuous quality improvement that should
include an assessment of the adoption and use of the
technology, rates of technical and human failures related to the system and needs for training and maintaining
competency. The use of widely accepted industry technology standards is encouraged, and the care provided
during telestroke consultation should be similar to that
given during on-site consultation. For doctors who
provide clinical services through telemedicine, it is compulsory to meet all the competence for providing care
for patient with cerebrovascular diseases and to be
trained in the use of appropriate technologies and to
ensure a satisfactory use of the technology to interact
with patients. A mechanism for a uniform national
licensure process for telestroke consultants limited to
telemedicine practice should be adopted by national
medical associations, and a uniform streamlined
credentialing and privileging process for telestroke consultants should be adopted by telestroke centres.
A detailed record should be kept of the advice the
teleconsultant delivers as well as the received information on which the advice was based. A physician asking
for another physician’s advice or second opinion
remains responsible for treatment and other decisions
and recommendations given to the patient.
There are many questions about the legal and ethical
aspects of telemedicine. Health care professionals
who undertake telemedicine should act in a prudent
manner to minimise the possibility of medicolegal
Quality improvement
The aim of any telestroke network is to improve quality
of stroke care. Apart from bringing stroke expertise to
remote patients via telemedicine, quality improvement
is achieved by setting up standard operating procedures, by performing constant professional training
for all spoke hospitals and by giving regular quality
feedback through registry data analyses.
Standard operating procedures (SOPs)
SOPs are written to standardise stroke treatment.
Detailed protocols for regular processes in stroke care
covering the entire chain of acute stroke care, from
onset of symptoms to discharge from hospital, should
be written by the network centre and implemented at
the spoke hospitals.
Common SOPs should cover each of the following stages:
1. Pre-hospital care (in agreement with Emergency
Medical Service (EMS): Protocols should include
standards for recognition of stroke patients at
dispatcher and the EMS staff level, for rapid transportation to appropriate hospital and for prenotification of the destination hospital.
2. Hyperacute stroke management at ED: protocols
should include priority triage of suspected stroke
patients, Computertomography priority, alert and
process of teleconsultation, workflows for delivery
of IVT and for rapid inter-hospital transfer (in cooperation with EMS).
3. Stroke management on stroke unit: protocols
should include recommendations for all professionals involved in stroke care regarding diagnostic
and treatment of all stroke subtypes and all aetiologies, and should include management in case of
Professional training
As some staff members of TSU and usually all of
TSRH are not stroke experts, professional training is
indispensable to assure high quality stroke care on site.
As staff rotation and change can be expected, this
training will need to be offered regularly. This should
include training sessions on general knowledge of acute
stroke care and latest news on evidence-based care provided on site (spoke hospital) or via teleconference by
specialised centre staff of each profession and for each
profession at least two times/year. This includes doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, speech and language
therapists, occupational therapists (in case of missing
occupational therapist, staff alternatively providing
cognitive assessment).
Quality data analyses
Prospective data collection should be guaranteed at
any acute care hospital involved in stroke care (spoke
and hub hospitals). Data should be regularly analysed
either by each hospital site that is part of the network
or by a central entity.
European Stroke Journal 4(2)
Quality parameters should include the following items:
institution upholding a telestroke network. Furthermore,
the authors declare that there is no conflict of interest
4. All generally recommended parameters in stroke care:
5. baseline characteristics, stroke subtype, stroke severity, rate of IVT and EVT, time delays in acute
patients, complications and outcomes during hospital stay.
6. Specific telestroke quality parameters
7. time delays of telemedicine workflows (door-videoconference, duration of videoconference, videoconference decision on treatment); transfer time delays,
quality of recommendation by teleconsultant (stroke
mimic/chameleon rate, complications) and of technical system (video- and audioquality, imaging transfer).
Setup of high-quality stroke care is demanding in rural
areas. Telestroke network structure can help to overcome lack of expertise in remote regions. Hub and
spoke model is the most commonly used structure
with one or two network centres and variable amount
of participating provincial hospitals.
Network centres should provide all levels of stroke
care and have a district-wide importance. Inclusion of
spoke hospitals must be chosen with care to adequately
cover a whole region. A TSU should treat at least 200
stroke patients/year and hyperacute stroke treatment
should be within close reach (<45 min) for 90% of
the population. Spoke hospitals should either be
setup as TSUs, providing acute treatment including
stroke unit care, or as TSRHs, only providing ED
care, including IVT and identification of candidates
for thrombectomy and transfer options for all patients.
Quality improvement has to be ensured by standardising stroke treatment throughout the network, performing intensive multiprofessional training and by
setting up feedback mechanisms with analyses of a network specific stroke registry.
We would like to thank all former Telestroke Committe
members for implementing the committee and their continuous work on this topic: Thierry Moulin, Heinrich Audebert,
Benjamin Bouamra, Charlotte Cordonnier, Elisabeth
Medeiros de Bustos, Peter Müller-Barna, Tiina Sairanen,
Holly Sandu, Turgut Tatlisumak.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared the following potential conflicts of
interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: All authors are employed by an
The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Informed consent
Not applicable
Ethical approval
Not applicable
GH drafted the content and all authors each wrote a first
draft of one part of the article.
All authors critically revised and edited the manuscript
and approved the final version of the manuscript
Sònia Abilleira
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