Books by Katarína Vošková
Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, SAHC 2023, 2023
The Document on Authenticity (ICOMOS Charter on Authenticity, Nara 1994) and the results of confe... more The Document on Authenticity (ICOMOS Charter on Authenticity, Nara 1994) and the results of conferences that preceded it, offer a solid theoretical basis. The Document builds on the Venice Charter and emphasizes "cultural and social values". It does not offer worldwide uniform procedures, but presents general criteria allowing their application and verification in different conditions respecting cultural diversity of the world's regions. Almost 30 years since the adoption of the Document, authenticity is still in the centre of interest in the protection of cultural heritage. Authenticity and Integrity are emphasized when assessing the qualities of historical buildings and sites, as well as the quality of interventions. Authenticity criteria are a crucial factor in accepting historical objects/sites for the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The aim of the research presented in this paper was to verify the practical applicability and implementability of the "authenticity test" (characterized in the ICOMOS Document and related studies) using the existing theoretical framework as well as its adaptations. Since the research was carried out in Central Europe, the actual "test" had been set up within the framework of a culturally relevant understanding of authenticity. On its basis historic structures have been analysed and by their means also architectural units. The theoretical characteristics (Form and Design, Environment, Function, Historical structures – in materiality and used technologies, Spirit), of the test were applied to historical building structures located in the World Heritage Site of Banska Stiavnica (exceptional town rich in historical structures, technical and cultural history). In order to assess the quality of previous restoration works and the degree of intervention on historic structures – vertical and horizontal (wooden ceilings, vaults, timber structures, staircases, portals, windows and doors, etc.) had been subject of non-destructive analyses based on a method developed for this purpose. It can be used for assessing or evaluating the quality and degree of interventions on historical structures/the degree of conservation and restoration and finally for evaluating the degree of preservation of their authenticity.
These research methods can be inspiring and useful for experts in practice – for assessing the needed degree of intervention in historical structures as well as for obtaining the most objective assessment of the preserved authenticity.
Keywords: Authenticity, Test of Authenticity, Cultural Heritage, Conservation and Restoration, Historical Structures Assessment, Banska Stiavnica
Historické brány krupinských domov, 2014
Monografia Historické brány krupinských domov sa
zameriava na dosiaľ viac-menej obchádzaný typ ar... more Monografia Historické brány krupinských domov sa
zameriava na dosiaľ viac-menej obchádzaný typ architektonického detailu, aby ho prvý raz v histórii Krupiny analyzovala a architektonicky monografii zdokumentovala. Pozornosť autorov sa v upriamuje na najvýraznejší a najdominantnejší architektonický detail tohto typu domov – vstupné brány. Tomuto architektonickému detailu bol venovaný podrobnejší výskum, ktorý umožnil stanoviť metodiku ich dokumentovania a v konečnom dôsledku načrtnúť východiská ich ochrany a obnovy. Monografia je zavŕšením niekoľkoročného vedeckého výskumu, ktorý zahŕňal analýzu remeselnícko-roľníckych typov domov, na základe ktorej sa autori snažili určiť ich stavebnohistorický vývoj, definovať schému funkčného usporiadania stavby v rámci parcely a podobne. Kniha ďalej ponúka syntézu poznatkov v podobe charakteristiky jednotlivých typov brán ako výrazného architektonického detailu remeselnícko-roľníckeho domu vrátane ich pravdepodobného vývoja, umelecko-remeselnej a konštrukčnej charakteristiky. Poznatky získané pri analýze architektonického detailu, akým sú historické vstupné brány, sa v závere monografie zovšeobecňujú a zhŕňajú vo forme metodiky architektonického dokumentovania a zameriavanie historických architektonických objektov.
Anatómia historického domu. Hodnoty historickej architektúry a urbanizmu Banskej Štiavnice, 2011
Ide o populárno-náučnú knihu,ktorá je určená vlastníkom historických domov a študentom architektú... more Ide o populárno-náučnú knihu,ktorá je určená vlastníkom historických domov a študentom architektúry. Snaží sa predstaviť typické architektonické znaky architektúry -- jej proporcií, tvarov, detailov v jednotlivých slohových obdobiach. To všetko predstavuje kresbami Marcela Mészárosa na konkrétnych historických domoch Banskej Štiavnice. Keďže kniha je určená najmä tým, ktorí domy najčastejšie adaptujú na bývanie, zameriava sa na typologické druhy obytného charakteru, ktoré sú pre mesto typické: dom meštiansky, dom remeselnícky a dom banícky. 143 strán
Publikácia sa v prvej časti zaoberá premenami kultúrnej krajiny ako takej a v Banskej Štiavnici, ... more Publikácia sa v prvej časti zaoberá premenami kultúrnej krajiny ako takej a v Banskej Štiavnici, v druhej časti kladie dôraz na nevyhnutnosť mapovania a dokumentovania architektonických pamiatok v krajine. Tretia časť je prezentáciou výsledkov z dokumentovania sakrálnych pamiatok v krajine, najmä pamiatok 18. storočia.
Papers by Katarína Vošková
Mesto a dejiny, 2023
The architectural appearance of Banská Štiavnica in the Romanesque period, especially its older d... more The architectural appearance of Banská Štiavnica in the Romanesque period, especially its older developmental stages, is still not clear to us from an architectural or urban planning point of view. Since the declaration of the city as a Preserved Area (since 1950), much architectural-historical research has been carried out, which enables the summarization of new knowledge in the context of urban development. The current identifi cation and documentation of the oldest houses of burghers and miners followed up on previous research carried out in the 1980s and 1990s, which, however, lacked consistent documentation and interpretation. Although the results of our research still do not allow a complete identifi cation of the oldest buildings in the entire assumed urban area, this study presents the results of research into the architectural-and urban-historical development of the prosperous mining town of Banská Štiavnica during the Middle Ages.
The City and History, 2024
The architectural appearance of Banská Štiavnica in the Romanesque period, especially its older d... more The architectural appearance of Banská Štiavnica in the Romanesque period, especially its older developmental stages, is still not clear to us from an architectural or urban planning point of view. Since the declaration of the city as a Preserved Area (since 1950), much architectural-historical research has been carried out, which enables the summarization of new knowledge in the context of urban development. The current identifi cation and documentation of the oldest houses of burghers and miners followed up on previous research carried out in the 1980s and 1990s, which, however, lacked consistent documentation and interpretation. Although the results of our research still do not allow a complete identifi cation of the oldest buildings in the entire assumed urban area, this study presents the results of research into the architectural-and urban-historical development of the prosperous mining town of Banská Štiavnica during the Middle Ages.
Our world comprises material "phenomena" and feelings invoked by places, spaces, works of art... ... more Our world comprises material "phenomena" and feelings invoked by places, spaces, works of art... Banská _tiavnica developed in a complex environment since 12 th century including its urban spaces and houses, which we conserve. But there also is the genius loci that we sometimes fail to restore. Why? The town attracts settlers, not anymore because of golden-silver mines. People seek its spirit. What is it? The energy of our ancestors, authenticity…? The spirit usually vanishes with the use of modern materials and replicas. To counteract that we organise workshops in traditional methods, but question is what keeps original architecture alive and whether we can make new purpose and keep the original genius? Can we succeed? We are currently finding revival of the endangered unique Baroque Calvary Complex-the place filled with energy, inhabited by spirit… Will our activities diminish or reinforce the genius that makes our historical town so unique? The life we live every day is made up of tangible "phenomena". Nature, landscape, settlements, people and their activity transforming and forming the phenomena... However, there is something else that also belongs here, something less tangible-such as sensations. In connection with architecture, and natural or urban environment and space we usually hear about the tangible, measurable, and visible phenomena. We tend to deal less with the sensations that places, spaces, or works of art invoke. In the cultural conditions present in
Our world comprises material "phenomena" and feelings invoked by places, spaces, works of art... ... more Our world comprises material "phenomena" and feelings invoked by places, spaces, works of art... Banská _tiavnica developed in a complex environment since 12 th century including its urban spaces and houses, which we conserve. But there also is the genius loci that we sometimes fail to restore. Why? The town attracts settlers, not anymore because of golden-silver mines. People seek its spirit. What is it? The energy of our ancestors, authenticity…? The spirit usually vanishes with the use of modern materials and replicas. To counteract that we organise workshops in traditional methods, but question is what keeps original architecture alive and whether we can make new purpose and keep the original genius? Can we succeed? We are currently finding revival of the endangered unique Baroque Calvary Complex-the place filled with energy, inhabited by spirit… Will our activities diminish or reinforce the genius that makes our historical town so unique? The life we live every day is made up of tangible "phenomena". Nature, landscape, settlements, people and their activity transforming and forming the phenomena... However, there is something else that also belongs here, something less tangible-such as sensations. In connection with architecture, and natural or urban environment and space we usually hear about the tangible, measurable, and visible phenomena. We tend to deal less with the sensations that places, spaces, or works of art invoke. In the cultural conditions present in
Books by Katarína Vošková
The aim of the research presented in this paper was to verify the practical applicability and implementability of the "authenticity test" (characterized in the ICOMOS Document and related studies) using the existing theoretical framework as well as its adaptations. Since the research was carried out in Central Europe, the actual "test" had been set up within the framework of a culturally relevant understanding of authenticity. On its basis historic structures have been analysed and by their means also architectural units. The theoretical characteristics (Form and Design, Environment, Function, Historical structures – in materiality and used technologies, Spirit), of the test were applied to historical building structures located in the World Heritage Site of Banska Stiavnica (exceptional town rich in historical structures, technical and cultural history). In order to assess the quality of previous restoration works and the degree of intervention on historic structures – vertical and horizontal (wooden ceilings, vaults, timber structures, staircases, portals, windows and doors, etc.) had been subject of non-destructive analyses based on a method developed for this purpose. It can be used for assessing or evaluating the quality and degree of interventions on historical structures/the degree of conservation and restoration and finally for evaluating the degree of preservation of their authenticity.
These research methods can be inspiring and useful for experts in practice – for assessing the needed degree of intervention in historical structures as well as for obtaining the most objective assessment of the preserved authenticity.
Keywords: Authenticity, Test of Authenticity, Cultural Heritage, Conservation and Restoration, Historical Structures Assessment, Banska Stiavnica
zameriava na dosiaľ viac-menej obchádzaný typ architektonického detailu, aby ho prvý raz v histórii Krupiny analyzovala a architektonicky monografii zdokumentovala. Pozornosť autorov sa v upriamuje na najvýraznejší a najdominantnejší architektonický detail tohto typu domov – vstupné brány. Tomuto architektonickému detailu bol venovaný podrobnejší výskum, ktorý umožnil stanoviť metodiku ich dokumentovania a v konečnom dôsledku načrtnúť východiská ich ochrany a obnovy. Monografia je zavŕšením niekoľkoročného vedeckého výskumu, ktorý zahŕňal analýzu remeselnícko-roľníckych typov domov, na základe ktorej sa autori snažili určiť ich stavebnohistorický vývoj, definovať schému funkčného usporiadania stavby v rámci parcely a podobne. Kniha ďalej ponúka syntézu poznatkov v podobe charakteristiky jednotlivých typov brán ako výrazného architektonického detailu remeselnícko-roľníckeho domu vrátane ich pravdepodobného vývoja, umelecko-remeselnej a konštrukčnej charakteristiky. Poznatky získané pri analýze architektonického detailu, akým sú historické vstupné brány, sa v závere monografie zovšeobecňujú a zhŕňajú vo forme metodiky architektonického dokumentovania a zameriavanie historických architektonických objektov.
Papers by Katarína Vošková
The aim of the research presented in this paper was to verify the practical applicability and implementability of the "authenticity test" (characterized in the ICOMOS Document and related studies) using the existing theoretical framework as well as its adaptations. Since the research was carried out in Central Europe, the actual "test" had been set up within the framework of a culturally relevant understanding of authenticity. On its basis historic structures have been analysed and by their means also architectural units. The theoretical characteristics (Form and Design, Environment, Function, Historical structures – in materiality and used technologies, Spirit), of the test were applied to historical building structures located in the World Heritage Site of Banska Stiavnica (exceptional town rich in historical structures, technical and cultural history). In order to assess the quality of previous restoration works and the degree of intervention on historic structures – vertical and horizontal (wooden ceilings, vaults, timber structures, staircases, portals, windows and doors, etc.) had been subject of non-destructive analyses based on a method developed for this purpose. It can be used for assessing or evaluating the quality and degree of interventions on historical structures/the degree of conservation and restoration and finally for evaluating the degree of preservation of their authenticity.
These research methods can be inspiring and useful for experts in practice – for assessing the needed degree of intervention in historical structures as well as for obtaining the most objective assessment of the preserved authenticity.
Keywords: Authenticity, Test of Authenticity, Cultural Heritage, Conservation and Restoration, Historical Structures Assessment, Banska Stiavnica
zameriava na dosiaľ viac-menej obchádzaný typ architektonického detailu, aby ho prvý raz v histórii Krupiny analyzovala a architektonicky monografii zdokumentovala. Pozornosť autorov sa v upriamuje na najvýraznejší a najdominantnejší architektonický detail tohto typu domov – vstupné brány. Tomuto architektonickému detailu bol venovaný podrobnejší výskum, ktorý umožnil stanoviť metodiku ich dokumentovania a v konečnom dôsledku načrtnúť východiská ich ochrany a obnovy. Monografia je zavŕšením niekoľkoročného vedeckého výskumu, ktorý zahŕňal analýzu remeselnícko-roľníckych typov domov, na základe ktorej sa autori snažili určiť ich stavebnohistorický vývoj, definovať schému funkčného usporiadania stavby v rámci parcely a podobne. Kniha ďalej ponúka syntézu poznatkov v podobe charakteristiky jednotlivých typov brán ako výrazného architektonického detailu remeselnícko-roľníckeho domu vrátane ich pravdepodobného vývoja, umelecko-remeselnej a konštrukčnej charakteristiky. Poznatky získané pri analýze architektonického detailu, akým sú historické vstupné brány, sa v závere monografie zovšeobecňujú a zhŕňajú vo forme metodiky architektonického dokumentovania a zameriavanie historických architektonických objektov.