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popular short obserwation of the Uzbek carpet weaving tradition
Textile technologies of Egypt: weaving. O. Orfinskaya, D. Kliuchnikova, 2020
Weaving is the oldest technology having no territorial boundaries. Weaving techniques that originated in various ancient cultures remain almost unchanged even now. During numerous archaeological excavations in Egypt, various wicker products were found, namely baskets, mats, coffins, furniture elements, nets, vessel braids, saddle bags for donkeys, sieves, fans, clothing elements (hats and shoes) and decorations (braid, wreaths, jewelry made of beads). The techniques for making these products are skilful and diverse. During the work of the CES RAS expedition, fragments of baskets and mats were found in the TT 23 tomb (Luxor). On the necropolis of Deir El-Banat in Fayum the mission found wicker coffins, a net, and a number of linen and woolen hats. Keywords: Ancient Egypt, weaving, weaving in Egypt, weaving techniques, basket weaving, matting, tomb TT23, Deir El-Banat.
Stratum plus I.P., High Anthropological School University eBooks, 2022
Печатается по решению Ученого совета университета «Высшая антропологическая школа» Сборник научных работ посвящён памяти Олега Васильевича Шарова-известного архео лога, специалиста по древностям римского времени юга Восточной Европы. В книгу включены воспоминания о О.В. Шарове, его неопубликованные работы, а также статьи коллег. Тематика публикуемых материалов широка, но соответствует научным интересам О.В. Шарова. Это исследования по бронзовому и раннежелезному веку, античности и эпохе Великого переселения народов. Редакторы выражают надежду, что книга будет интересна читателям, интересующимся древней историей: археологам, историкам, преподавателям вузов и школ, студентам и старшеклассникам. Редакция Stratum plus выражает благодарность Институту Археологии РАН за поддержку издания сборника, посвященного памяти О.В. Шарова DESCRIEREA CIP A CAMEREI NAŢIONALE A CĂRŢII Друзей медлительный уход ... Памяти Олега Шарова = The footsteps of my friends leaving ... Ad memoriam Oleg Sharov / Ун-т Высшая антропологическая школа ; сост. и отв. ред.
Етнографічні групи українців Kарпат. Гуцули, 2020
В'язання спицями та гачком -давнє рукомесло гуцулів: упродовж ХІХ ст. «плéтені» артефакти виготовляли здебільшого для власних потреб, а від кінця ХІХ -упродовж ХХ ст. такі вироби стали оригінальною складовою гуцульського народного вбрання та декоративного мистецтва. Використання різних текстильних технік і технологічних прийомів уможливлювало створювати яскраві візерунчасті компоненти одежі зі щільною структурою, найпоширеніші саме на Гуцульщині. Натомість мереживне оздоблення менш розповсюджене: зустрічається головно в декорі одягу південних гуцульських теренів (українсько-румунське пограниччя), а від середини ХХ ст. поширюється в інтер'єрних тканинах. Відповідно до історичних та етнографічних особливостей ареалу на окремих теренах сформувалася низка характерних мистецьких ознак в'язаних і мереживних виробів (Закарпатська Гуцульщина, Галицька Гуцульщина, Буковинська Гуцульщина, пограниччя Традиційне вбрання мешканців Чорної Тиси. 1930-ті рр.; с. Чорна Тиса Рахівського р-ну Закарпатської обл. Приватний архів Марії Поп'юк. ПМА В'язання. Мереживо українсько-румунське, гуцульсько-покутське тощо), які є почасти високохудожніми зразками гуцульського мистецтва.
Орфинская О. В., Ключникова Д. О. Текстильные технологии Египта: плетение
Weaving is the oldest technology having no territorial boundaries. Weaving techniques that originated in various ancient cultures remain almost unchanged even now. During numerous archaeological excavations in Egypt, various wicker products were found, namely baskets, mats, coffins, furniture elements, nets, vessel braids, saddle bags for donkeys, sieves, fans, clothing elements (hats and shoes) and decorations (braid, wreaths, jewelry made of beads). The techniques for making these products are skilful and diverse. During the work of the CES RAS expedition, fragments of baskets and mats were found in the TT 23 tomb (Luxor). On the necropolis of Deir El-Banat in Fayum the mission found wicker coffins, a net, and a number of linen and woolen hats
Розглянуто основну схему зведення набризкбетонного кріплення у вертикальних виробках круглого перетину, а також алгоритм обчислення основних параметрів способу. Наведено результати обчислень параметрів способу за даним алгоритмом для основних промислових вибухових речовин. Ключові слова: кріплення, вертикальна виробка, алгоритм, вибухова речовина Рассмотрена основная схема возведения набрызгбетонной крепи в вертикальных выработках круглого сечения, а также алгоритм вычисления основных параметров способа. Приведены результаты вычислений параметров способа по данному алгоритму для основных промышленных взрывчатых веществ. Ключевые слова: крепление, вертикальная выработка, алгоритм, взрывчатое вещество The basic circuit design of erection of shotcrete lining in vertical excavations of round cross-section, and also algorithm of scaling of key parameters of a way is considered. Results of scalings of parameters of a way on the given algorithm for the basic industrial explosives are resulted.
THROUGHOUT the decades long archaeological practice the researchers pass through several levels of professional development. The interest for a certain subject matter often imposes as years long preoccupation, at times due to the attractiveness of the excavations, while on the other hand due to the enigmas that an object is carrying, but there are also archaeological finds that create a kind of synergy with the affinities of the researchers, thus turning into a scientific provocation to which the author returns over and over again. In my personal experience this happened with the four-plate rivetted helmet from Heraclea Lynkestis, which has preoccupied my interest from my first contact with this exceptional artefact, when I was a student – in charge of the documentation during the excavations on the mentioned site. The prime relation toward it, as to something mysterious, enigmatic, unusually attractive and seemingly insoluble has resulted in several attempts to begin its clarification many years later. The layers in its meaning, probably fed by my personal development, evolved in a relation toward the understanding of its characteristics, also complemented by the more extensive knowledge reached in time, whether by the new discoveries or by the results of the excavations which appeared in the scientific literature in the meantime. This resulted in articles and studies which referred to different aspects of its complex symbolism. One after another, the messages of the one who ordered it, as well as of the creators of the helmet and those concerning the personality of its wearer i.e. concerning the specificities of this artefact, have appeared and demystified themselves further more with each returning to this subject matter. The study which follows is a summary of all those numerous, complex, sometimes even hidden meanings which appear or could be anticipated from this unique find in global frames. Among other things, we have reached the conclusion that it is actually the “missing link” in the genesis of the formation of the calotte-shaped crowns of the type camelaukion, as well as of the medieval ecclesiastical mitres. Actually, it is a confirmation of the theory placed by Elizabeth Piltz in 1977, before the example from Heraclea was even published, which literally states: “The crown camealukion is a four-plate rivetted helmet” i.e. „La courrone de kamelaukion est un casque à fermoir“ (Piltz, E. 1977, 138). This short and eloquent definition is also the guiding idea with which we wrap up our present research. If there is an agon for further supplementing of the “truth” regarding certain undiscovered, more or less relevant observations, the theme of the infinite evolution of the development of the personal and the collective thought will only be confirmed, as well as the fact that archaeology, as a science, does not undergo dogmatization.
Forming threads in Egyptian textile industry O. V. Orfinskaya , 2020
Threads in archaeological textiles were made with usage of two techniques — splicing and spinning. These are completely separate methods requiring different instruments and production organization. In Predynastic and Dynastic Egypt the first one was used. Twist direction corresponded to the plant fibers’ natural twist direction. For the majority of plants it is Z twist, so the first threads were twisted in Z direction. But for the flax, fibers of which are S-twisted, it was more sensible to twist yarns in S direction. That is why after a while Egyptians began to twist flax threads in S direction only. This technical feature is a calling card of Egyptian archaeological textiles: all fibers including wool were twisted in S direction. Keywords: Egypt, flax, linen, textile techniques, splicing, spinning, twist direction.
Гончарные традиции изготовления лепной керамики населения поселения Золотое Восточное (Сююрташ) в Восточном Крыму, 2018
Um "imenso Portugal"? A hipótese de um império luso-brasileiro no contexto internacional do início do século XIX, 2019
Asbabun Nuzul QS Albaqarah tentang hukum Pernikahan dan Ayat Kursi, 2023
Hur, D. U. & SandoS. A. M. Sandoval; D. U. Hur & B. S. A. Dantas (Eds.), Psicologia Política: temas atuais de investigação. Campinas, SP: Ed. Alínea, pp. 247-264., 2014
ICT keyboaboard Publishers, 2024
Bibliotheca Bielaviana 2017, 2018
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Journal of Geosciences, 1997
Journal of Scientific Computing, 2005
CSIC - Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA), 2015