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2022, Malika
2 pages
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Teori Produksi
disa okta marini, 2023
Old age is regarded as the decline period,a period in which older people feel that there are many decreases happened to them both physic and psychis . Older people pass and mean their age in different way. There is the older people who can understand the meaning of their life in human existention, that it is as a age when they can have a chance to develop and a wiill for doing something that meaningfull for others. This research has purpose to describe what older people do in their age so they can reach a productive life and to describe the reasons why the older people choose to have an active and productive life. To get data that needed for this research, we used quisioner and interview.Based on the result in collecting data by guisioner, there is 57,5% subject that come with an active and productive life. The prosentase of women is 39,1% and men is 60,9%. The older people who are active and productive, 100% feel happy with the life that they passed.and who are not active, 52% feel enjoy their life. Based on the data analysis, can be conclude that 1. Older people join the activity in their society and always active with activities that can improve their physic and psychis health, 2. The reasons why the older people join so many activities in their age are because they think that by workin, it can make them be health and can share their experiment to motivate young generation so that they can reach achivement that proudfull, and the older people want to help the others so theirlife can meaningfull.
Mr. Bread adalah sebuah industri manufaktur yang memproduksi berbagai jenis varian roti, baik roti tawar maupun roti manis. Permasalahan yang ada adalah tingkat produksi roti yang tidak seimbang sehingga tercipta retur/lost sales yang besar dan mengakibatkan biaya produksi berlebih. Dengan demikian, dilakukan penelitian untuk menentukan tingkat produksi dan retur optimal sehingga tercipta minimasi biaya produksi.
Martabak manis ungu tidak hanya enak tetapi juga baik untuk dikonsumsi dan menyehatkan. Usaha martabak manis ungu sangat cocok bagi wirausaha pemula yang ingin mencoba berwirausaha tanpa menggunakan modal besar, karena bahan-bahan martabak manis ubi relatif murah dan mudah ditemukan. Mahasiswa Universitas Kaltara menjadi sasaran dalam pelaksanan kegiatan ini. Pendampingan Kelompok Young Preneur Dalam Proses Produksi martabak manis bertujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam mengelola sebuah usaha dalam hal ini memproduksi martabak manis. Kegiatan pendampingan ini dilaksanakan dengan metode ceramah, tanya jawab, diskusi dan diakhiri dengan sesi praktek pembuatan martabak manis. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Tanjung Palas Kabupaten Bulungan pada Januari 2020. Peserta kegiatan ini berjumlah 9 orang. Setelah mengikuti kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu kunci mencari peluang di dunia usaha, dalam hal ini memanfaatkan ubi ungu untuk menciptakan varian rasa baru dalam jajanan martabak manis.
syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT. yang telah melimpahkan Rahmat, Hidayah, dan Inayah-Nya sehingga kami dapat merampungkan penyusunan makalah pendidikan agama islam ini dengan judul "Sumber Ajaran Agama Islam" Penyusunan makalah semaksimal mungkin kami upayakan dan didukung bantuan berbagai pihak, sehingga dapat memperlancar dalam penyusunannya. Untuk itu tidak lupa kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu kami dalam merampungkan makalah ini.
Interval : Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika
Defects are products that produced in the production process, the product is not in accordance with the applied quality standards, but economically the product can be repaired by spending certain cost. The cost that incurred must be lower than the selling value after the product is repaired. PT Primadaya Plastisindo is a company engaged in plastic packaging manufacture by using “Blow Moulding” and “Extrusion” with a set of foreign investment (PMA), namely Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore. It is quite important in the company to analyze defects in gallon products as a result of disability control efforts with the six sigma method with DMAIC approach, those are define, measure, analizy, improve and control. The results showed that sigma level value is 2,625 or in 3 sigma with possible damage is 133,219 for a million production process or 13.3% defect per million opportunities (DPMO). The damage generated in production is categorized into 2 groups namely Process Reject and Non-process Re...
There were nine centre areas of cocoa production in 2009-2013. On those years, East Java was one of the centre area where has the positive increasing of cocoa production. State-owned plantation still dominated cocoa plantation in East Java. One of these companies is PTPN XII (lit: Nusantara Plantation XII Co. Ltd) which has developed Java Cocoa (Kakao Mulia). It has the high value of cocoa seed. Renteng plantation is the sub-plantation of PTPN XII. It is in second regional division. Java Cocoa (Kakao Mulia) can be found widely in Renteng specifically in Kedaton Afdeling. This study aimed to know: (1) factor which causing the unsuccessful achieved the target production of Java Cocoa (Kakao Mulia) in Renteng sub-plantation, PTPN XII plantation, Jember Regency. (2) the main factor behind unsuccessful cocoa production target in Renteng Sub plantation, PTPN XII plantation, Jember Regency. (3) formulate an appropriate alternative strategy to improve production capacity of Java Cocoa (Kakao Mulia) in PTPN XII plantation, Jember Regency. The study was held purposively in Renteng Sub-plantation area of PTPN XII. The result showed that : (1) production target of cocoa dry seed's quality in Kedaton Afdeling (2014-2015) cannot be achieved successfully because several factors such as : human resources, raw materials, method and environment. (2) the main factor behind this unsuccessfull production target was extremely unpredictable weather. This factor has frequency score equal to six and percentage for 20%. (3) the best alternative and priority strategy in order to increase capacity of cocoa dry seed's quality in Kedaton Afdeling is through preventive action against unpredictable weather. This strategy was chosen based on weight score for 0.463 and inconsistency ratio for 0.05;
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