Royal Jelly as a Supplement for Young Football Players

In direct application of scientific discoveries to good quality training process, royal jelly as a supplement is applied as a criterion of positive change in the phase of adaptation and exhaustion of young football players' bodies. Research carried out with 25 FC "Red Star" Belgrade football players, 12 years old, separated in 2 groups. Experimental group (15) took the supplement daily for two months. The control group (10) did not use the supplement. All the examines during the two months had a regular regime of training (4 times per week) and they competed in the youngest Belgrade league. It were observed 13 morphological characteristics in initial and final measuring. On the basis of the research results it could be concluded that football players from experimental group who used royal jelly had statistically significant increase of body height and muscle component, and decrease of fat component in final measurement comparing to the initial. Also, the results show s...

Joksimović, A. et al.: Royal jelly as a supplement for young football players Sport Science, 2 (2009) 1: 62-67 ROYAL JELLY AS A SUPPLEM EN T FOR YOUN G FOOTBALL PLAYERS Ale k sa nda r Jok sim ović 1 , D a n ie l St a n k ović 1 , I va na Jok sim ović 2 , Sla vk o M oln a r 3 a n d St a n im ir Jok sim ović 1 1 3 Facult y of Sport and Physical Educat ion, Niš, Serbia 2 Clinical Cent er in Niš, Serbia Facult y of Sport and Physical Educat ion, Novi Sad, Serbia Original scient ific paper Abst r a ct I n direct applicat ion of scient ific discoveries t o good qualit y t raining process, royal j elly as a supplem ent is applied as a crit erion of posit ive change in t he phase of adapt at ion and exhaust ion of young foot ball players' bodies. Research carried out w it h 25 FC “ Red St ar” Belgrade foot ball players, 12 years old, separat ed in 2 groups. Experim ent al group ( 15) t ook t he supplem ent daily for t w o m ont hs. The cont rol group ( 10) did not use t he supplem ent . All t he exam ines during t he t wo m ont hs had a regular regim e of t raining ( 4 t im es per w eek) and t hey com pet ed in t he youngest Belgrade league. I t were observed 13 m orphological charact erist ics in init ial and final m easuring. On t he basis of t he research result s it could be concluded t hat foot ball players from experim ent al group who used royal j elly had st at ist ically significant increase of body height and m uscle com ponent , and decrease of fat com ponent in final m easurem ent com paring t o t he init ial. Also, t he result s show st at ist ically significant increase in circum ference above knee and circum ference of lower leg in experim ent al group on t he end of t he experim ent al t reat m ent . The exam inees from experim ent al group had higher average values in body height , body m ass, m uscle and bone com ponent , and lower average value in fat com ponent . Ke y w or ds: royal j elly, nut rit ion supplem ent , m uscle, fat and bone com ponent . I n t r odu ct ion Physical act ivit y is an int egral part of a person's life and it is a const ant bat t le of m an and his environm ent which st art s at his birt h. The int ensit y of t he bat t le grow s as m an m at ures and for every age t here are specific charact erist ics. At a cert ain level of developm ent and t raining a st ressful react ion appears which is const ant and has it s developm ent phases: alarm phase, adapt at ion phase and phase of ex haust ion. The t ask of people em ployed in sport s is t o t each and prepare t he body for creat ing st ronger defense m echanism s for new st ress agent s. The quest ion is raised how t o involve a young body int o a sport s act ivit y and not t o dist urb his biological developm ent and, sim ult aneously, t o achieve t op result s which sport requires. The body not involved in sport s sat isfies t he requirem ent s of norm al m ent al and physical developm ent by daily food int ake. However, if t he candidat e perform s increased physical act iv it y, regular and daily food int ak e cannot be enough for bot h requirem ent s food supplem ent s are needed, and t hose are vit am ins, m inerals, essent ial am ino acids and an array of ot her biologically act ive subst ances whose t ask is t o sat isfy prev iously m ent ioned requirem ent s. 62 Nowadays m arket offers t housands of rem edies which are supposed t o help young at hlet es. Their cont ent and qualit y vary, from com m on wat er t o horm onal rem edies w hich can som et im es do great er dam age t o t he body t han good. One of t hose rem edies is royal j elly which has posit ive effect on t he body of an at hlet e and can be used for m edical purposes and in m edicine it is used from pediat rics t o geriat rics. The st ruct ure of royal j elly can be used in m any body st at es which we call nonphysiological: im provem ent of heart funct ion, st rengt hening of im m une syst em , im provem ent of m ent al st at e and m ood, st rengt hening and increase of body resist ance, regulat ion of adrenal gland funct ion under st ress, depression relief, fat igue, neurosis, insom nia and t he likes, st im ulat ion of funct ioning of gland wit h int ernal secret ion, regulat ion of funct ioning of all organs and t issues, im provem ent of convalescent s recovery et c. Num erous scient ific analy sis ( Ardry, 1956; Howe et al., 1985; Ot ani et al., 1985; Takenaka, 1984 and 1987; Schm it zov a et al. 1998) show t hat royal j elly cont ains all of t hese subst ances for which we lobby and which should be t aken in any form ; t hey resorb rapidly and are t aken t o basic unit s – cells by t ransport m echanism . Joksimović, A. et al.: Royal jelly as a supplement for young football players Sport Science, 2 (2009) 1: 62-67 At t hat level bioact ive act ions t ake place. Som e research ( Johansson & Johansson 1958; Bonom i 1983; Prosperi & Ragazzini 1956; Dest rem 1956) followed t he effect s of use of royal j elly on a sam ple of adult s ov er a cert ain period. The following was det erm ined: im provem ent of heart funct ion and blood vessels, bet t er ex cit at ion of nervous syst em , fast er relief of fat igue, short ening of recovery t im e and ot her param et ers which are significant for achieving result s in foot ball. Johansson's research shows t hat roy al j elly has posit ive effect on int est inal flora and t his ant im icrobial act iv it y can be explained by PH value act ivit y. The effect of som e com ponent s on endocrinal glands or t heir int ake and ent ering t he enzym e syst em which affect s t he m et abolism was invest igat ed by Bonom i in 1983 em phasizing t he posit ive effect . Prosperi and Ragazzini ( 1956) argue t hat royal j elly affect s t he basic st at e, increases body m ass, eryt hrocyt es, hem oglobin ( 80- 100 m g daily) . According t o Dest rem in 1956 royal j elly achieves good effect s w hen 20 m g is inj ect ed every day or every ot her day. Takohashi et al. ( 1983) point out t he appearance of allergic cont act derm at it is caused by roy al j elly in pat ient s which are sensit ive t o it . Ardry ( 1956) t hinks t hat royal j elly influences t he body by st im ulat ing t he gland wit h int ernal secret ion, especially t he adrenal gland. The subj ect of research is royal j elly as t he supplem ent in t he preparat ion period w it h young foot ball players, sevent h and eight h grade prim ary school st udent s and t heir m orphological charact erist ics. The basic concern of t his research is how efficient t he applicat ion of royal j elly is as a supplem ent in t he preparat ion period for m orphological charact erist ics developm ent at t he end of experim ent al period in t he process of t raining work wit h experim ent al group. The general aim is t o det erm ine t he efficiency of applicat ion of royal j elly as a supplem ent for t he dev elopm ent of m orphological charact erist ic in t he experim ent al group. A specific goal is t o det erm ine t he difference at t he end of t he experim ent in m orphological charact erist ics bet w een experim ent al and cont rol group. Based on t he subj ect , t he m at t er and t he aim of t he experim ent t he following t asks were set : a) t o det erm ine m orphological charact erist ics on init ial and final m easurem ent s in experim ent al and cont rol group; b) t o det erm ine t he differences in m orphological charact erist ics bet w een init ial and final m easurem ent in ex perim ent al and cont rol group; c) t o det erm ine t he differences in m orphological charact erist ics bet ween experim ent al and cont rol group at t he end of experim ent al t reat m ent . M e t h ods Sam ple of exam ines Research w as done on a sam ple of 25 young foot ball players from „ Red St ar“ foot ball club in Belgrade, 12- year- olds separat ed int o t w o groups. Experim ent al group consist ed of 15 exam ines who were t aking royal j elly supplem ent five t im es a week for t wo m ont hs. Cont rol group consist ed of 10 young foot ball players who were not t aking royal j elly . All exam ines were during t wo m ont hs of experim ent exposed t o regular t raining ( 4 t im es a w eek) and com pet ed wit hin t he Belgrade league. Variables sam ple Research w as planned so as t o regist er values of 13 charact erist ics in observat ion of all exam ines at t he beginning of research and aft er t wo m ont hs in order t o assess whet her t here is change in values of observed charact erist ics wit hin all of t he research groups as well as w het her t here is difference in values of observed charact erist ics bet ween experim ent al and cont rol group. The following charact erist ics of observ at ion were m onit ored: body height ( BH) , body m ass ( BM) , m uscle com ponent ( MC) , bone com ponent ( BC) , fat com ponent ( FC) , diam et er of elbow ( DE) , diam et er of wrist ( DW) , diam et er of knee ( DK) , diam et er of ankle ( DA) , circum ference above elbow ( CAE) , circum ference of forearm ( CFA) , circum ference above knee ( CAK) , circum ference of lower leg ( CBK) . Ant hropom et ric m easurem ent s of m orphological charact erist ics are t aken from Kurelić et al 1975. Det erm ining bone com ponent Mat eigka calculat es bone com ponent according t o form ula: Skelet on m ass in gram s = body height * K1 * D 2 ; Body height in m m ; K1 ( const ant ) = 1.2; D = ( diam et er of elbow + diam et er of knee + diam et er of wrist + diam et er of foot j oint ) / 4. Relat ive bone com ponent is calculat ed according t o form ula: Relat ive bone m ass = skelet on m ass in gram s * 100 / body m ass. Det erm ining m uscle com ponent Mat eigka calculat es m uscle com ponent according t o t he following form ula: Muscle com ponent = r 2 * body height * K; r = m ean value of radii calculat ed from circum ference of body segm ent s, and it is calculat ed according t o form ula: r = ( ( CAE+ CFA+ CAK+ CBK) / 25.12) –( ( SCAE+ SCFA+ SCAK+ SCBK) / 8) , where t he abbreviat ions m ean as follows: CAE – circum ference above elbow, CFA – circum ference of forearm , CAK – circum ference above knee, CBK – circum ference of lower leg, SCAE – skin crease above elbow , SCFA – skin 63 Joksimović, A. et al.: Royal jelly as a supplement for young football players Sport Science, 2 (2009) 1: 62-67 crease of forearm , SCAK – skin crease above knee, SCBK – skin crease of lower leg, K ( const ant ) = 6,5. Relat iv e m uscle com ponent is calculat ed according t o form ula: Relat iv e m uscle m ass = m uscle m ass in gram s * 100 / body m ass Det erm ining fat com ponent Mat eigka calculat es m ass com ponent according t o form ula: Mass com ponent = d * TP * K2 ; d = m ean value of m easured skin creases ( abov e elbow , forearm , above knee, low er leg, back and st om ach) div ided by 12. TP = surface of body in cm 2 , ( nom ogram for calculat ion of surface of body Barou and Rozm ari 1975, 179, pict ure 8- 6.) ; K2 ( const ant ) = 0.13. Relat ive fat com ponent is calculat ed according t o form ula: Relat ive m ass com ponent = fat com ponent in gram s * 100 / body weight . Met hod of dat a processing Research of effect s of royal j elly applicat ion as supplem ent in young foot ball players preparat ory period was carried out wit hin 32 t raining sessions over a t wo- m ont h period for t he ex perim ent al group, which has used royal j elly as supplem ent five t im es a week . The cont rol group had 32 t raining sessions as well over a t wo- m ont h period, sim ult aneously wit h t he experim ent al group. The operat ional plan and program w it h bot h groups of exam ines w ere t he sam e and t hey were drawn up in t he foot ball club. Wit h bot h exam ine groups t wo m easurem ent s of m orphological charact erist ics w ere perform ed at t he beginning and at t he end of t he experim ent . Wit h t he goal of get t ing st at ist ical analysis of research result s a dat abase was form ed using st at ist ical program SPSS 11.5 for Windows. Cent ral and dispersive param et ers of at t ained ant hropom et rical m easurem ent result s for experim ent al and cont rol group w ere calculat ed. Differences in ant hropom et rical m easurem ent s of experim ent al and cont rol groups w ere det erm ined by St udent 's T- t est for dependant and independent sam ples. Re su lt s Table 1. Descript ive st at ist ical indicat ors of experim ent al group exam ines in 1st and 2nd m easurem ent and differences bet w een 1st and 2nd m easurem ent V a r ia ble s BH BM MC BC FC DE DW DK DA CAE CFA CAK CBK BH I BH I I BM I BM I I MC I MC I I BC I BC I I FC I FC I I DE I DE I I DW I DW I I DK I DK I I DA I DA I I CAE I CAE I I CFA I CFA I I CAK I CAK I I CBK I CBK I I AV G N SD SE 152,46 154,13 42,95 43,30 41,22 43,35 19,74 19,47 16,87 14,10 6,35 6,38 4,91 4,97 9,37 9,28 6,40 6,76 21,79 22,40 20,51 20,67 44,61 47,20 31,45 32,65 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 6,29 6,79 6,45 6,51 3,18 2,16 1,56 1,28 4,90 3,71 0,63 0,56 0,42 0,34 0,57 0,60 0,81 0,26 1,72 1,39 1,12 1,00 4,50 3,86 2,04 2,07 1,62 1,75 1,66 1,68 0,82 0,55 0,40 0,33 1,26 0,95 0,16 0,14 0,11 0,88 0,15 0,15 0,21 0,68 0,44 0,35 0,28 0,25 1,16 0,99 0,52 0,53 AV G- D t df p - 1,66 6,74 14 0 ,0 0 0 - 0,35 1,21 14 0,246 - 2,13 2,67 14 0 ,0 1 8 0,27 1,03 14 0,322 2,76 5,84 14 0 ,0 0 0 - 0,029 0,16 14 0,878 - 0,053 0,93 14 0,370 0,087 0,50 14 0,625 - 0,353 1,87 14 0,083 - 0,61 1,03 14 0,132 - 0,15 1,00 14 0,335 - 2,59 2,38 14 0 ,0 3 2 - 1,20 3,24 14 0 ,0 0 6 AVG = average, N = num ber of ent it ies, SD = st . deviat ion, SE = st . error, AVG- D = difference average, t = t - t est value, df degrees of freedom , p = probabilit y 64 Joksimović, A. et al.: Royal jelly as a supplement for young football players Sport Science, 2 (2009) 1: 62-67 Table 2. Descript ive st at ist ical indicat ors of cont rol group exam ines in 1st and 2nd m easurem ent and differences bet ween 1st and 2nd m easurem ent V a r ia ble s BH BM MC BC FC DE DW DK DA CAE CFA CAK CBK BH I BH I I BM I BM I I MC I MC I I BC I BC I I FC I FC I I DE I DE I I DW I DW I I DK I DK I I DA I DA I I CAE I CAE I I CFA I CFA I I CAK I CAK I I CBK I CBK I I AV G N SD SE 158,12 158,82 42,62 42,62 43,52 42,50 21,34 19,59 12,19 12,73 6,53 6,30 4,85 4,82 9,47 9,47 6,87 6,97 20,52 20,82 19,32 19,75 43,02 43,62 31,50 31,42 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 4,69 5,02 3,54 3,42 3,09 1,66 0,56 1,19 4,46 3,42 0,34 0,33 0,10 0,09 0,25 0,46 0,36 0,21 1,25 1,45 0,39 0,59 1,98 0,25 1,47 0,51 2,35 2,51 1,77 1,71 1,54 0,83 0,28 0,60 2,23 1,71 0,17 0,16 0,05 0,05 0,12 0,22 0,17 0,10 0,62 0,72 0,19 0,29 0,99 0,12 0,73 0,25 AV G- D t df p - 0,50 2,45 9 0,092 0,00 0,00 9 1,000 1,01 0,90 9 0,437 1,75 3,03 9 0,056 - 0,53 - 0,70 9 0,535 0,22 0,984 9 0,398 0,02 0,52 9 0,638 0,00 0,00 9 1,000 - 0,10 0,56 9 0,613 - 0,30 0,59 9 0,595 - 0,43 1,35 9 0,118 - 0,60 0,58 9 0,605 0,07 0,10 9 0,924 AVG = average, N = num ber of ent it ies, SD = st . deviat ion, SE = st . error, AVG- D = difference average, t = t - t est value, df degrees of freedom , p = probabilit y Table. 3. Test ing significance of difference bet ween experim ent al and cont rol group Variables BH BM MC BC FC DE DW DK DA CAE CFA CAK CBK t - t est for undependent sam ples t df p X, ¯ - 1,664 23 0,114 - 5,66 0,095 23 0,926 0,32 - 1,290 23 0,214 - 2,30 - 1,973 23 0,065 - 1,59 1,723 23 0,103 4,68 - 0,518 23 0,611 - 0,17 0,295 23 0,771 0,06 - 0,364 23 0,721 - 0,11 - 1,108 23 0,283 - 0,47 1,361 23 0,191 1,26 2,054 23 0,056 1,19 0,674 23 0,509 1,58 - 0,048 23 0,962 - 0,05 D iscu ssion a n d con clu sion I n Table 1 it is not iceable t hat t he average values of body height , body m ass and m uscle com ponent in t he experim ent al group have increased, t he average value of fat com ponent has decreased while t he average value of bone com ponent has rem ained alm ost t he sam e as at t he beginning. The values of St udent T- t est show t he exist ence of high st at ist ically significant increase of body height ( = 1,66cm ) and st at ist ically significant decrease of fat com ponent value ( = 2,76% ) aft er t he t wom ont h consum pt ion of t he subst ance. St at ist ically significant increase of m uscle com ponent value was det erm ined ( = 2,13% ) , whereas t here is no st at ist ical significance in value of body m ass and bone com ponent . Result s also indicat e t hat t here are no bigger changes of values in circum ference of elbow , arm w rist , knee and ankle in exam ines who have used royal j elly. I n Table 2 it is evident t hat t here are no bigger changes of values in body height , body m ass, m uscle and fat com ponent at t he final in com parison t o init ial m easurem ent wit h cont rol group. Also, t here are no changes in diam et er and circum ference m easures. Result s of St udent T- t est indicat e t hat t here is no st at ist ically significant difference of exam ined t rait s in t he experim ent al group. Also, it can be seen t hat t here has been a st at ist ically significant increase of circum ference above knee ( = 2,59cm ) and circum ference of lower leg ( = 1,20cm ) in exam ines who have used t he subst ance. Table 3 shows t he result s of St udent T- t est for independent sam ples. By com parison of result s at t he end of research in t he experim ent al and cont rol group t here are no st at ist ically significant difference in m easured variables. 65 Joksimović, A. et al.: Royal jelly as a supplement for young football players Sport Science, 2 (2009) 1: 62-67 However, t he exam ines in t he experim ent al group had, aft er t he t wo- m ont h subst ance consum pt ion on average 1,58 cm great er circum ference of lower leg t han t he exam ines of t he cont rol group. I n m odern foot ball, in t he condit ions of high int ensit y gam e, longer int ervals of endurance and short er int ervals of rest , high requirem ent s of ant hropological charact erist ics are set especially for m ot or and funct ional abilit ies and m orphological charact erist ics. The developm ent of list ed ant hropological charact erist ics has effect uat ed in t he process of t raining work in line wit h individual abilit ies and foot ball players' charact erist ics. A num ber of scient ist s ( Jerković, 1986; Pet rić, 1994; Hadžić, 2005; Joksim ović, 2007.) point out t hat for ant hropological charact erist ics developm ent of foot ball players proper m et hodical form at ion of t raining is crucial ( planning, program m ing, cont rol, m et hods for t he developm ent of abilit ies and ot her fact ors) . There are alm ost no research st udies which recom m end subst ances t o help y oung foot ball players for t he developm ent of abilit ies and t rait s and proper biological developm ent of body. I n t he last few years som e researchers ( Bonom i, 1983; Takahashi et al., 1983) point out t hat t he royal j elly subst ance has posit ive effect on t he body of a foot baller and it am eliorat es t he growt h and developm ent of t he body . I n t he last few years in t he developm ent of foot ball gam e t here have been changes in t he m anner and t he syst em of t he gam e which caused t he st ruct ure of t he t raining process t o be innovat ed by a new and m ore rat ional cont ent of work . The m odern gam e requires m ore dynam ics and universal abilit y of t he player in t he phase of defense and offence ( Joksim ović, 2007) . That kind of gam e requires a great er physical abilit y from t he foot baller which cannot be sat isfied t hrough regular and every day diet . Such cases require so called supplem ent s and t hose are vit am ins, essent ial am ino acids and ot her biologically act ive subst ances, whose aim is t o sat isfy t he requirem ent s of diet in st renuous t raining process of young foot ball players. Wit h regar d t o lengt h of experim ent al t reat m ent ( 2 m ont hs) , bigger differences in m orphological charact erist ics couldn’t happen. On t he basis of t he research result s it could be concluded t hat foot ball players from experim ent al group who used roy al j elly had st at ist ically significant increase of body height and m uscle com ponent , and decrease of fat com ponent in final m easurem ent com paring t o t he init ial. Also, t he result s show st at ist ically significant increase in circum ference above knee and circum ference of lower leg in experim ent al group on t he end of t he experim ent al t reat m ent . 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M ATI ČN I M LI JEČ KAO SUPLEM EN T KOD M LAD I H N OGOM ETAŠA Sa že t a k U neposrednoj aplikacij i naučnih saznanj a u kvalit et nom t renažnom procesu m at ični m lij eč kao suplem ent prim j enj en j e kao krit erij um pozit ivne prom j ene u fazi adapt acij e i iscrplj enost i organizm a m ladih fudbalera. I st raživanj e sprovedeno sa 25 fudbalera FK “ Crvena Zvezda” Beograd, st arih 12 godina podj elj enih u dvij e grupe. Eksperim ent alna grupa( 15) uzim ala j e preparat m lij eča svakodnevno dva m j eseca. Kont rolna grupa( 10) nij e korist ila preparat m lij eča. Svi ispit anici u t oku dva m j eseca im ali su redovan režim t reninga ( 4 put a nedj elj no) i t akm ičili su se u okviru pionirske Beogradske lige. U inicij alnom i finalnom m j erenj u praćeno j e 13 m orfoloških obilj ežj a. Na osnovu dobij enih rezult at a m ože se zaklj učit i da fudbaleri eksperim ent alne grupe koj i su korist ili m at ični m lij eč u finalnom m j erenj u u odnosu na inicij alno im aj u st at ist ički značaj no povećanj e t j elesne visine i m išićne kom ponent e, a sm anj enj e m asne kom ponent e. Takođe, prisut no j e i st at ist ički značaj no povećanj e obim a nat kolj enice i pot kolj enice kod eksperim ent alne grupe na kraj u eksperim ent alnog perioda. I spit anici eksperim ent alne grupe su im ali prosj ečno veće vrij ednost i u t j elesnoj visini, t j elesnoj m asi, m išićnoj kom ponent i i košt anoj kom ponent i, a m anj u prosj ečnu vrij ednost m asne kom ponent e. Klj u čn e r ij e či: m at ični m lij eč, suplem ent , m išići, m ast i kom ponent e kost i Received: February 09, 2009. Accept ed: May 26. 2009. Correspondence t o: Assist . Prof. Aleksandar Joksim ović, Ph.D. Universit y of Niš Facult y of Sport and Physical Educat ion Čarnoj evića 10A, 18000 Niš, Serbia Phone: + 381 ( 0) 18 510 900 E- m ail: aleksandarj 67