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2011, ACM SIGBED Review
2 pages
1 file
As real-time embedded systems are increasingly complex, integration becomes a great challenge in their design and development. Managing complexity of the system design is therefore essential for high-assurance and cost-effective development. Component-based design has consequently been developed and gained its importance over the years as a powerful technique for complexity management. In this design paradigm, a large complex system is first decomposed into smaller and simpler components - which are developed independently - before recomposing them into a complete system using interfaces that abstract away their internal complexities.
Journal of Computers, 2009
This paper describes work in progress on a tool for component-based design of embedded real-time software. The tool supports graphical modeling of software systems using concurrent reactive objects and components, as well as generation of C code from the model. The resulting application code can then be combined with a lightweight kernel for execution on bare metal.
We present our joint view for efficient development of efficient and dependable ERTS (Embedded Real-Time Systems). This view is based on the three main viewpoints of (1) the software designer, (2) the analysis tools, and (3) the code synthesis tools/run-time environment. Our position is that any approach that is to achieve (i) decreased development effort, (ii) increased software quality, and (iii) efficient resource utilization, needs to take all three viewpoints into consideration. We exemplify how our work with execution-model independent software components fits into this joint view and outline some research directions.
ACM SIGBED Review, 2011
When the task befalls you to devise a novel component-oriented approach for real-time embedded systems you first dutifully undertake a thorough scrutiny of the import and pitfalls of previous attempts. This is what we have done for the last couple of years, in the context of an initiative promoted by the European Space Agency for the creation of a component model to serve the development of new-generation on-board software. In this paper we recapitulate the lessons we learned in that effort.
Component-Based Software …
Component-based design and development techniques are now being applied to real-time embedded systems. Until now, little work has been done on the characterization of the quality of service of a component from a temporal point of view. This characterization is especially useful in ...
Journal of Systems and Software, 2014
Please cite this article in press as: Panunzio, M., Vardanega, T., A component-based process with separation of concerns for the development of embedded real-time software systems. J. Syst. Software (2014), http://dx.a b s t r a c t Numerous component models have been proposed in the literature, a testimony of a subject domain rich with technical and scientific challenges, and considerable potential. Unfortunately however, the reported level of adoption has been comparatively low. Where successes were had, they were largely facilitated by the manifest endorsement, where not the mandate, by relevant stakeholders, either internal to the industrial adopter or with authority over the application domain. The work presented in this paper stems from a comprehensive initiative taken by the European Space Agency (ESA) and its industrial suppliers. This initiative also enjoyed significant synergy with interests shown for similar goals by the telecommunications and railways domain, thanks to the interaction between two parallel project frameworks. The ESA effort aimed at favouring the adoption of a software reference architecture across its software supply chain. The center of that strategy revolves around a component model and the software development process that builds on it. This paper presents the rationale, the design and implementation choices made in their conception, as well as the feedback obtained from a number of industrial case studies that assessed them. (M. Panunzio), [email protected] (T. Vardanega).
IEE Proceedings - Software, 2001
Abstract The aim of component-based software engineering is to create applications from reusable, exchangeable and connectable components. However, current component models lack support for important concepts of distributed embedded real-time systems, ...
This paper presents a framework to incorporate real-time theory with component based software engineering, in order to achieve predictable systems. The proposed technology is aimed at releasing the developers from analysis aspects, and having a synthesis tool resource efficiently mapping a feasible component based software architecture to a run-time environment. Two component technologies form the base of our proposal, the predictable infrastructure PECT and the real-time component technology AutoComp. By combining properties from both, we achieve a framework suited for resource constrained real-time systems.
2009 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation, 2009
In this paper the data-entity approach for efficient design-time management of run-time data in componentbased real-time embedded systems is presented. The approach formalizes the concept of a data entity which enable design-time modeling, management, documentation and analysis of run-time data items. Previous studies on data management for embedded real-time systems show that current data management techniques are not adequate, and therefore impose unnecessary costs and quality problems during system development. It is our conclusion that data management needs to be incorporated as an integral part of the development of the entire system architecture. Therefore, we propose an approach where run-time data is acknowledged as first class objects during development with proper documentation and where properties such as usage, validity and dependency can be modeled. In this way we can increase the knowledge and understanding of the system. The approach also allows analysis of data dependencies, type matching, and redundancy early in the development phase as well as in existing systems.
Settling down the software architecture for embedded system is a complex and time consuming task. Specific concerns that are generally issued from implementation details must be captured in the software architecture and assessed to ensure system correctness. The matter is further complicated by the inherent complexity and heterogeneity of the targeted systems, platforms and concerns. In addition, tools capable of conjointly catering for the complete design-verificationdeployment cycle, extra-functional properties and reuse are currently lacking. To address this, we have developed Pride, an integrated development environment for component-based development of embedded systems. Pride is based on an architecture relying on components with well-defined semantics that serve as the central development entity, and as means to support and aggregate various analysis and verification techniques throughout the development -from early specification to synthesis and deployment. Pride also provides generic support for integrating extra-functional properties into architectural definitions.
Using component-based software development in real-time system development offers significant benefits especially in enabling configurability, and rapid development and deployment of real-time software. Successful integration of component-based software development into real-time system development is greatly dependent on identifying issues that a design method for component-based real-time systems needs to address. The issues focused on by existing design approaches are decomposition of a real-time system into tasks and temporal analysis, while issues such as components, their relationship to tasks, and separation of concerns are not addressed. In this paper, we identify the criteria a design method for component-based real-time systems should fulfill to enable efficient, reuse-oriented, development of reliable and configurable real-time systems. The criteria include a real-time component model that supports mapping of components to tasks, separation of concerns in real-time systems through the notion of different types of aspects, and composition support, namely support for configuration and analysis of the composed real-time software. By introducing a new set of criteria for the design of component-based real-time systems, we help bridging the gap between the real-time and software engineering community and offer a good basis for evaluating existing, and developing new, design methods for building component-based real-time systems.
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Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka, 2011
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