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The present research revolves around study of Female students' language at the present day. It looks at how females come to use slang language that was impractical according to some linguists, taking female students of English at Mostaganem and Khemis Miliana Universities. It seeks to highlight to the factors that lead females to use it. Throughout this research, the qualitative and quantitative methods are opted for. Data are gathered through interviewing different female students of English from both Mostaganem and Khemis Miliana Universities. The participants are interviewed to draw out slang linguistic features that female students of English tend to use as well as to highlight the factors leading to its use. The interviews are also opted for to pick out the most recurrent function for which female students of English employ slang. Results show that female students use different slang constructions for multiple functions.
This study evaluates women slang among students in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Women tend to device some unique means through which they communicate within the group. Therefore, they borrow, coin or create words connotatively from either English language or other indigenous languages they use to refer to persons, places, things and processes within their environment. This paper seeks to explore this kind of language with specific reference to women slang among 300-Level and 400-Level female students of the Department of Modern European languages and Linguistics, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. The Theoretical Framework adopted in this study is "Slang Word Theory". The instrument for data collection was Questionnaire and Observation method. The findings of the study reveal that, historically, women were put in a difficult situation(s) due to the fear of uttering some certain words that the society may consider as inappropriate or taboo. As such, they tend to develop new words and associate new meanings to the already existing words to circumvent the taboo words. The paper concludes by identifying the most important processes used in women slang.
ETERNAL (English, Teaching, Learning and Research Journal)
This research aimed at finding out the gender analysis on slang language used by the eight semester students of English Education Department in their daily conversation at UIN Alauddin Makassar. The researcher applied qualitative descriptive research. The participant of this research was the eight semester students of English Education Department at UIN Alauddin Makassar which consisted of 10 students. The participants were taken by using purposive sampling technique which consisted of 5 male students and also 5 female students. The data were collected through interviews and observations. The result of the data indicated that slang language used by the eight semester students of English Education Department in their daily conversation were slang in theater, art slang, public school or university slang as well as society slang. Besides, the male and female slang language was different caused of some factors such as situation and condition, age and politeness, as well as gender itself. There was a significant difference between male and female students" percentage in using slang language. The mean score of male percentage in using slang language (66.48) while female only (33.50).Based on the finding and discussion of the research, the researcher drew a conclusion that male and female students of English Education Department used slang language in different way and also frequency.
Slangs come in various hues with their very own resources and contexts. This paper attempts a study to analyze the sociolinguistic aspect of slangs and their consequent impact on gender. The popular slangs in the Western world and India were analyzed and the causes were investigated. The commodification of women as seen from the usage of slangs in the Indian society was also analyzed. This paper, further, dealt with the effect slangs had on gender and the impact of media on the evolution of slangs. The study is based on responses to questionnaires and the data are analyzed using elementary
This research is a development of previous research conducted by researchers such as the construction of the formation of slang language, the form of slang greetings and adolescent perspective in its use found in Batam. In the present study, the researchers again conducted a follow-up study of slang in order to find the spread of adolescent slang use, the social aspects that influenced the use of slang, and the group of slang types in the adolescent community. This research is descriptive qualitative research because researchers use data in the form of words instead of numbers taken from the main source and interpreted by instinct and the researcher's understanding of this research object. In data collection, the researcher will use the method compiled by Sudaryanto [1]. At the stage of providing data of researchers using the metode simak with Simak Bebas Libat Cakap Technique. At this stage the researcher performs a silent observation and recording the use of slang in teen comm...
As the world gradually progresses towards the promotion of creativity, the invention of lexical items and expressions is paving way for the indigenization and appropriation of such expressions to meet the intended communicative purposes. Hence, we begin to experience the birth of new trends in the communication of ideas. The paper examines selected slangy expressions that are used among university students as communicative tool in social discourses between interlocutors. It works with the framework of Speech act theory by J.L. Austin (1962). In the bid to obtain information on the slang expressions among undergraduates of universities in Nigeria, the University of Ibadan was used as the subject area. The 200 respondents who were 100 level students in their 2nd semester cut across different faculties, that is, Arts, Education, Sciences and Social Sciences; and the investigation was carried out during the period they were under the researcher's tutelage in the teaching of GES 101 (Use of English). The research opines that the entertainment industry plays a vital role in the hybridization of lexical items and expressions. The paper discovers that in making use of slangy expressions, interlocutors perform specific speech acts, such as informing, warning etc. On the final note, it was observed that students use slangy expressions in order to be unique, 'belong to a particular class', and equally be able to appropriate certain indigenous/nativised words such as 'Ajepaki', 'Ashi' into their communication. Introduction Few studies have been carried out on slangy expressions especially in this part of the world where it is not really given the desired recognition especially among adults. Some of such studies include Ademola-Adeoye (2004), Adeyanju (2007) among others. Out of the existing literature accessible to the writer, it seems it is only Adeyaanju (2007) that has applied the Speech Act theory which was espoused by Austin (1962) and developed upon by Searle (1969) and others, to the analysis of slangy expressions. However, Adeyanju " s work seems a bit broader than ours since it considers the use of slangy expressions in educated Nigerian English. In this study, we are limited to the undergraduate students. In other words, we intend to examine the use of slangy expressions among the university undergraduates with emphasis on the meaning, form and function assigned to such slangy expressions. It is therefore believed that this work will contribute to the existing literature on slang usage in Nigerian English particularly with respect to the function of such slangy expressions among undergraduate students.
Background : Language is the most important thing in life, because it can unite one and other from different regions although different countries. That is why it also has a problem. Language is not just communication but also it becomes an identity for some region or country, as like in Indonesia they have different languages from different regions that make them unique. But unfortunately, most millennial people now choose to use another language as slang that can affect their own language. This study makes to discuss this problem because many people does not matter with this, so we try to let them know that this is important to know because concerning our identity. Purpose : the purpose on this article is to explore a slang language in Indonesia especially in younger generation that affect to Indonesian language in this digital era. Method : This study used a qualitative descriptive method that concerned a questioner as main data, articles then other websites. Results : The result of this study is to realize the importance of language, especially for millennial people who will be the next nation's successor, so that they can understand and also keep their national language. This research is expected to be a reference for people who are interested in studying language then the problem in it.
This research is aimed to find a comparison of how each language (colloquail, slang, transformational) are formed, in what context is used, and what is the perspective of the use of these three languages. This research is descriptive qualitative research. At the stage of providing data, researchers use Simak and Cakap technique. In the process of data analysis, the researchers use the method of padan and agih method. The agih method is used to look at the slang language constructs in each period while the method of padan is used to describe the adolescent Perspective in the use of colloquail, slang and transformational language from time to time. The result of the research shows that the way how the three non standard language is different from each other. Colloquail language are formed by changing “a” to “e” in final syllable, Deletion of First Syllable, New word formation, Additional Syllable “nge”, Change “a” to “e” in final syllable and add “an”, and Additional particle “deh”, ...
Jurnal Onoma: Pendidikan, Bahasa, dan Sastra
The slang is one of the language variations recently used mostly in the English students’ daily interaction. The students use this language variation in various types and reasons. This paper reports the results of a qualitative study which is aimed at finding and exploring the types of the slang language and the reasons of using slang in students interaction. It is used as the method to describe the result of a process based on the category that has been determined. The data are collected from document analyses and close-ended questionnaires and are analyzed by using the interactive model of data analysis: data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion/verification. The study finds that the types of the slang language used in the students’ interaction show various results in each type. The first highest result is the acronym (33 words or 39.75%). The second is clipping 23 words or 27.71%). The third is fresh and creative coining (16 words or 18.39%). The fourth is compounding...
This research is a development of previous research conducted by researchers such as the construction of the formation of slang language, the form of slang greetings and adolescent perspective in its use found in Batam. In the present study, the researchers again conducted a follow-up study of slang in order to find the spread of adolescent slang use, the social aspects that influenced the use of slang, and the group of slang types in the adolescent community. This research is descriptive qualitative research because researchers use data in the form of words instead of numbers taken from the main source and interpreted by instinct and the researcher's understanding of this research object. In data collection, the researcher will use the method compiled by Sudaryanto [1]. At the stage of providing data of researchers using the metode simak with Simak Bebas Libat Cakap Technique . At this stage the researcher performs a silent observation and recording the use of slang in teen co...
Emil Cioran, SCHIMBAREA LA FAŢĂ A ROMÂNIEI, Humanitas, 1990. Am scris aceste divagaţii în 1935-36, la 24 de ani, cu pasiune şi orgoliu. Din tot ce-am publicat în româneşte şi franţuzeşte, acest text este poate cel mai pasionat şi în acelaşi timp îmi este cel mai străin. Nu mă regăsesc în el, deşi îmi pare evidentă prezenţa isteriei mele de atunci. Am crezut de datoria mea să suprim cîteva pagini pretenţioase şi stupide. Această ediţie este definitivă. Nimeni nu are dreptul s-o modifice. E.M.CIORAN Paris, 22 februarie 1990
Language is tightly related to society in a way that makes it impossible to understand one without the other. Gender is one of the constituents that are manifested through language. The relation between gender and language use was the devotion of many sociolinguists for which various theories emerged. For example; the proponents of the deficit approach argue that women speech style is subordinate to that of men. They also claim the infeasibility of some language features for women that men can use. Slang is one of the varieties that are considered as a male domain which is unsuitable for female to be used (Jesperson: 1992). In this connection the present research falls within the sociolinguistic sphere, revolving around women's development of their linguistic code. The latter can be instantiated by the use of slang by female students.
The idea of investigating the previous mentioned issue springs from a link made between the gender theories and my personal observation. More deeply, slang is considered by many scholars as a male domain and females are eschewers. However, through my participation in female conversations, I noticed that there is a big change in women's language nowadays; they tend to use some features that were considered infeasible for them. More importantly, the research on the use of slang by females in Algeria is bypassed. These are the motivating factors of this study.
The present study is undertaken to accomplish the retrospective objectives. It draws out the language features that Algerian women tend to use nowadays. It uncovers the hidden themes for which women use slang in Algeria. In addition, it seeks to highlight the factors that lead women to use slang that was impractical throughout history. According to these objectives, the research questions are formed.
The following research questions become prominent to probe in the present study:
1-What are the language features used by female students, especially, female students of English at both Mostaganem Khemis Miliana Universities?
2-What are the functions of slang use according to female students of English at Mostaganem and Khemis Miliana Universities?
3-What is the recurrent function for which slang is used according to female students of English at Mostaganem and Khemis Miliana Universities? So as to inquire the above-mentioned research questions, the following hypotheses are put before hand:
1-Female students, at Mostaganem and Khemis Miliana Universities, use various slang constructions in their everyday interactions.
2-Female students of English in both Mostaganem and Khemis Miliana Universities use slang for multiple functions.
3-slang is mostly used for breaking the standard norms. Data is collected and analyzed through a set of techniques. Semistructured interviews are organized with 30 female students from Mostaganem University and 25 female students from Khemis Miliana university to draw out the slang words they use in their everyday interaction. Data are analyzed through using qualitative and quantitative research methods to describe the slang words features and the frequency of the factors of the variety's use, respectively. Since this research revolves around female students' slang , it behoves us to highlight slang variety.
Slang is a variety which has gone through various definitions according to several sociolinguists that it is difficult to be determined. It is a controversial concept for which many researchers provide various definitions). In line with the central concern of the present study, which is women slang and the factors of its use, it is of a paramount significance to display some slang features that aid one to draw out its types. Eble (1996, p11) puts:
Slang is an ever changing set of colloquial words and phrases that speakers use to establish or reinforce social identity or cohesiveness within a group with a trend or fashion in society at large (Eble 1996,p11) In the above quotation, Eble shows that slang is informal (colloquial) which its terms are in the ongoing process of making. In other words, she stresses the novelty and the ephemeral characteristic of slang. Since slang is part of language, it is used for interpersonal matters as establishing social bonds between its participants. However, she also argues that "slang exploits existing words and their current meanings in various ways, drawing on and often mixing resources from the sound system…" (P26). More deeply, slang words are firstly created through the process of transformation or morphological process which extends the vocabulary by derivation, compounding, or the process of abbreviation. Secondly, the other process is the so-called semantic process or transposition. It is rendering the neutral meaning of a word to a figurative meaning through metonymy, metaphor according to Andersson and Trudgill(1992) (cited in Barkman Anna ,2004: 2) . In addition, slang terms are constructed through word's invention (Andersson and Trudgill, 1992). Moreover, slang expressions are used for various functions.
Functions of Slang Use:
Slang is considered as a means whereby people accomplish a certain function. According to Partridge (1935), people resort to slang seeking for novelty and newness. It is also employed to startle and impress people, especially, through the occurrence of taboo terms, and figures of speech. This idea is asserted by Anderson and Trudgill (1990:78).The latter stresses Adams' statement "slang asserts our everyday poetic prowess" (2009:6) since we give shapes to our words through the selection of sounds so as to produce effects, or aestheticism. In the same line of thought, humour is an aspect for which it is utilized. Snobbing is also a reason for which slang occurs. It is also used for communication easiness because of its straightforwardness. People resort to this variety to identify themselves within a group and create certain harmony in their groups as Rajimwale states: "the use of slang establishes immediate affinity reinforces social identity " (2006:205). Taking into account the intimacy factor, its employment reduces the formality or the seriousness of a discourse (Dumas and Lighter, 1978). These are the functions of slang use.
Methods and Materials:
Semi-structured interviews are designed .They are selected among other types to be expanded throughout the interview by probes to get in depth idea about the construction of slang terms provided by students. The interview consists of various questions. It starts with two introductory questions to include female students in the interview as well as to assure that they belong to the specialty of the English language. Questions three and four revolve around the expressions that female students use to stand for happiness and sadness. The fifth and the sixth question target the linguistic forms that they employ to refer to their females and males respectively. The penultimate question requires from the female students to provide other slang terms they create in other situations they might take part in. The last question is about the functions for which slang is created and used by female students of English in both Mostaganem and Khemis Miliana Universities.
The data collected from the interviews are analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. The former is opted for to describe the slang terms that the female students employ in multiple situations by providing their linguistic formation types. Being concerned with providing statistical references, the latter is resorted to for providing the frequency of slang function among female students, learning English, in both Mostaganem and Khemis Miliana Universities. More importantly, it helps to draw out the prominent function for which female students employ slang.
IV some expletives and borrowed swear words to stand for their happy and angry situations. They also shift the pronunciation of some words as Liquidation /lɪkɪdaɪʃn/. In addition, they associate some Algerian Colloquial terms with English suffixes. In addition, they translate some Algerian Colloquial expressions into English. In comparison with slang characteristics, all the terms used by the female participants confirm to its aspects. These features are used for a function.
IV. b. Function of Slang:
it for the easiness of communication, and deviation from the standard norms of the language. In this connection, through the data collected from the participants' responses, some common themes seem to emerge according to which categories have been established. They have various views for the purpose of opting for slang. Some of them employ it for the purpose of playfulness within their groups .Some other female students argue that they utilise it for group-exclusion and to prevent outsiders to decipher their conversations. Other ones tell that they use to break both the norms of language and society at large since it enables them manipulates their language the way they wish, through either creating words or symbols which have no existence in the Standard norms.
Relating students' claims to the various studies tackled previously, the following chart shows the functions of slang used by female participants: The present study reveals that female participants use slang for many reasons such as: solidarity, exclusion, breaking the standard norms, easiness of communication, humour, and creativity. Breaking the standard rules which is the most outstanding function of slang use occurs through distinctive ways. They may choose using some affixed words through associating some colloquial Algerian Arabic and English suffixes. In addition, they create some expressions which are either in the English language having an Arabic meaning or in the Algerian Colloquial Arabic with some eccentric meaning. They may also use borrowed swear words to afford euphemism. Mispronounced words are also a manifestation of rules' breaking.
V. Conclusion: Female students, especially the case of female students at both Mostaganem and Khemis Miliana Universities, use slang variety .More deeply, when compared to the features of slang; there is a correlation between female participants' language characteristics and the aspects of slang. More interestingly, they resort to various types of slang formations as figures of speech (personification, metaphor, metonymy)
. Results and Discussions: IV.a. Slang Terms Used by Female Participants in Algeria:
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