Papers by Takahiko Hariyama
Background: As pathogens such as influenza virus and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronaviru... more Background: As pathogens such as influenza virus and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) can easily cause pandemics, rapid diagnostic tests are crucial for implementing efficient quarantine measures, providing effective treatments to patients, and preventing or containing a pandemic infection. Here, we developed the immunochromatography-NanoSuit ® method, an improved immunochromatography method combined with a conventional scanning electron microscope (SEM), which enables observation of immunocomplexes labeled with a colloidal metal. Methods and Findings: The detection ability of our method is comparable to that of real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and the detection time is approximately 15 min. Our new immunochromatography-NanoSuit ® method All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission.

Scientific Reports, Sep 4, 2019
reliably identified their own neonate's t-shirt by odor cues alone when it was presented along wi... more reliably identified their own neonate's t-shirt by odor cues alone when it was presented along with t-shirts worn by other babies. Blindfolded mothers could recognize their offspring accurately when sniffing the heads of three infants, one of whom was their own offspring 27. Moreover, Schaal and Marlier (1998) showed that both human mothers and fathers can discriminate the odors of two different samples of amniotic fluids, one from their own baby and the other from an unrelated baby 28. Data suggest that human amniotic fluid carries individualized odor properties, leading to the hypothesis that it plays a role in the initiation of parent-infant interactions. Dubas et al. (2009) showed that both mother and father can discriminate between their own child and a control child by smell, and also made a preliminary assessment of whether olfactory discrimination is linked to odor preferences and parental investment 29. Recently, Croy et al. (2017) used a study based on odor ratings to suggest that babies smell wonderful to their parents but teenagers do not 30. These earlier studies have highlighted the importance of olfactory cues in the formation and development of mother-infant relationships but (with one or two exceptions 31,32) there has been no systematic investigation to analyze or identify the essential components of such odors serving as olfactory cues. In contrast, metabolites in human amniotic fluids have been investigated for medical purposes such as disease diagnosis. In almost all cases using gas chromatography with mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) for chemical analyses, amniotic fluid samples were pre-treated to stabilize volatile metabolites, to enable analysis of both volatile and nonvolatile substances together by the GC-MS system 33-35. However, such analyses using liquid samples confound volatile odor components with nonvolatile water-soluble components. There are few papers focusing on the chemical analysis of volatile odor components of human neonate heads and amniotic fluid. The focus of the present paper is on an accurate analysis of volatile chemicals in amniotic fluid and also the fresh odors of the newborn baby, both of which are sensed by the olfactory system. Direct sampling is challenging, both technically and ethically, so in previous research on neonate odors, odor samples have been collected not directly from babies but indirectly from clothes such as t-shirts worn by the babies 36-39. In the present study, we were able to analyze the volatile substances in fresh odor samples obtained directly from the heads of newborn babies using a stress-free method. However, in view of the delicate nature and ethics of sampling human neonates, sample numbers were limited for this pioneering study. In addition, we carried out a sensory evaluation study with young adults, using an artificial mixture of 14 major components of volatile substances emitted by the neonate head within an hour of birth, 13 components from the head of babies 2 or 3 days postpartum, and 10 components from amniotic fluid obtained at the time of birth. Considering the psychological and/or physiological effects of the odor of amniotic fluid and neonates, which are probably among the earliest cues to promote mother-infant communication 10,18,19,29,38,39 , the combination of chemical analysis combined with sensory evaluation reported here is a potentially important contribution to research on early mother-infant bonding and communication. Results Chemical identification of odor components of a baby's head and the mother's amniotic fluid. Odor samples were analyzed by GC × GC-MS, enabling discrimination of different spots which were

Zoological Letters
It is well known that the celestial polarization is used as a compass cue by many species of inse... more It is well known that the celestial polarization is used as a compass cue by many species of insects and crustaceans. Although it has been shown that the sandhopper Talitrus saltator perceives polarized light and possesses an arrangement of the rhabdomeres that could allow e-vector interpretation and utilization, T. saltator does not use the e-vector of the skylight polarization as a compass cue when making excursions along the sea–land axis of sandy shores. We performed tests in confined conditions to clarify if skylight polarization is somehow involved in the zonal recovery of T. saltator. We observed the directional responses of sandhoppers in a transparent bowl under an artificial sky (an opaline Plexiglas dome). The bowl was covered by a blue gelatin filter with a grey filter (control condition) and a linear polarizing filter (experimental conditions) positioned under the blue one in such a way as to occupy half of the upper surface of the Plexiglas bowl so as to create a linea...

Journal of Economic Entomology
The melon thrips (Thrips palmi) is a serious insect pest of vegetables and ornamental plants. To ... more The melon thrips (Thrips palmi) is a serious insect pest of vegetables and ornamental plants. To control and monitor this thrips, blue traps are widely used. We previously reported that irradiation of cucumber plants with red light-emitting diodes (660 nm) causes T. palmi to avoid the plants. Here, we evaluated the responses of T. palmi adults to a cucumber plant in an experimental arena with either a transparent sticky trap or a blue sticky trap, without or with illumination by a red LED panel. When T. palmi were introduced into the arena, the number of thrips attracted to the plant was lowest in treatments using the red light and blue trap. On the other hand, when T. palmi were inoculated on plants first, most thrips stayed put on the plants. Placing both red LEDs and blue sticky traps in greenhouses before the thrips invade the greenhouse from the outside might effectively control T. palmi.

Journal of Periodontal Research
Background and objectiveExosomes are small vesicles secreted from many cell types. Their biologic... more Background and objectiveExosomes are small vesicles secreted from many cell types. Their biological effects largely depend on their cellular origin and the physiological state of the originating cells. Exosomes secreted by mesenchymal stem cells exert therapeutic effects against multiple diseases and may serve as potential alternatives to stem cell therapies. We previously established and characterized human leukocyte antigen (HLA) haplotype homo (HHH) dental pulp cell (DPC) lines from human wisdom teeth. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of local administration of HHH‐DPC exosomes in a mouse model of periodontitis.MethodsExosomes purified from HHH‐DPCs were subjected to particle size analysis, and expression of exosome markers was confirmed by western blotting. We also confirmed the effect of exosomes on the migration of both HHH‐DPCs and mouse osteoblastic MC3T3‐E1 cells. A mouse experimental periodontitis model was used to evaluate the effect of exosomes in vivo. ...

Journal of Experimental Biology, 2020
The sandhopper Talitrus saltator relies on both the sun and the moon compasses to return to the b... more The sandhopper Talitrus saltator relies on both the sun and the moon compasses to return to the belt of damp sand of the beach in which it lives buried during the day. In addition to the sun, the gradient of radiance and the spectral distribution across the sky could provide directional information that T. saltator can potentially use to orient itself during the day even when the sun is not visible (e.g. cloudy sky). The scope of this work was 1) to determine the intensity levels of sky radiance that the sandhoppers use in their zonal recovery and 2) to investigate whether this species relies on the celestial spectral gradient in its zonal recovery. Sandhoppers were tested in the laboratory under artificial radiance or spectral gradients.Our results show that under an artificial sky, simulating the natural radiance gradient on a cloudless day, sandhoppers orientated toward the correct seaward direction of their home beach, however, individuals lost their ability to use the intensity...
Additional file 2: Table S1. Species and opsin sequences used in this study.
Additional file 5: Figure S3. Relative expression of three opsins in (a) S. japonicus boettgeri a... more Additional file 5: Figure S3. Relative expression of three opsins in (a) S. japonicus boettgeri and (b) E. ijimae.

The Journal of Pathology, 2021
Primary cilia (PC) are non‐motile, antenna‐like structures on the cell surface. Many types of neo... more Primary cilia (PC) are non‐motile, antenna‐like structures on the cell surface. Many types of neoplasms exhibit PC loss, whereas in some neoplasms PC are retained and involved in tumourigenesis. To elucidate the PC status and characteristics of major salivary gland tumours (SGTs), we examined 100 major SGTs encompassing eight histopathological types by immunohistochemical analysis. PC were present in all (100%) of the pleomorphic adenomas (PAs), basal cell adenomas (BCAs), adenoid cystic carcinomas (AdCCs), and basal cell adenocarcinomas (BCAcs) examined, but absent in all (0%) of the Warthin tumours, salivary duct carcinomas, mucoepidermoid carcinomas, and acinic cell carcinomas examined. PC were also detected by electron‐microscopic analysis using the NanoSuit method. It is worthy of note that the former category and latter category of tumours contained and did not contain a basaloid/myoepithelial differentiation component, respectively. The four types of PC‐positive SGTs showed l...

Diagnostics, 2019
Background: We have recently developed the correlative light and electron microscopy of hematoxyl... more Background: We have recently developed the correlative light and electron microscopy of hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained glass slides using the ‘NanoSuit’ method. The aim of this study is to explore the utility of the new NanoSuit-correlative light and electron microscopy method combined with scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy elemental analysis for the diagnosis of lanthanum phosphate deposition in the H&E-stained glass slides. Methods: Nine H&E-stained glass slides of the upper gastrointestinal tract mucosa containing the brown pigmented areas by light microscopic observation, which were suspected as lanthanum phosphate deposition, were observed and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy using the NanoSuit-correlative light and electron microscopy method. Results: In all nine slides, the new NanoSuit-correlative light and electron microscopy method combined with scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive ...

The crustaceanTalitrus saltatoris known to use many celestial cues during its orientation along t... more The crustaceanTalitrus saltatoris known to use many celestial cues during its orientation along the sea-land axis of sandy shores. In this paper, we investigated the existence of the eye regionalization by morphological, electrophysiological and behavioural experiments. Each ommatidium possesses five radially arranged retinular cells producing a square fused rhabdom by R1-R4 cells; the smaller R5 exist between R1 and R4. The size of R5 rhabdomere is largest in dorsal part and becomes gradually smaller in median and ventral part of the eye. Spectral-sensitivity measurements were recorded from either dorsal or ventral parts of the compound eye to clarify the chromatic difference. Results show that the dorsal part is green and UV-blue dichromatic, whereas the ventral part is UV (390 nm) with a substantial population of 450 nm receptors with the responses in the longer wavelength region. To evaluate the orienting behaviour of individuals, their eyes were black painted either in the dors...
Annual Report of The Kansai Plant Protection Society, 2017
We used light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to examine the effect of red light on the behavioral respons... more We used light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to examine the effect of red light on the behavioral responses of melon thrips, Flankliniella occidentalis. We allowed adults to choose between tomato plants exposed and unexposed to red LED light under ambient fluorescent lighting conditions. Thrips were less attracted to plants exposed to red LED light during 8-as well as 24-h exposure.
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2009
Shikizai Kyōkaishi, May 20, 2020

Biomedicines, 2022
The gold standard test for identifying SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19, is polymerase... more The gold standard test for identifying SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19, is polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Despite their limited sensitivity, SARS-CoV-2 antigen rapid diagnostic tests are vital tools in the fight against viral spread. Owing to its simplicity and low cost, the lateral flow assay (LFA) is the most extensively used point-of-care diagnostic test. Here, we report a newly designed LFA-NanoSuit method (LNSM) that works in conjunction with desktop scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to detect SARS-CoV-2. LNSM requires no standard SEM treatment, avoids cellulose and residual buffer deformation, and enables the capture of high-resolution images of antibody-labeled gold/platinum particles reacting with SARS-CoV-2 antigens. To assess its applicability, we compared clinical SARS-CoV-2 samples via visual detection of LFA, LSNM detection of LFA, and real-time reverse transcription-PCR (qRT-PCR). Compared to qRT-PCR, LNSM showed 86.7% sensitivity (26/30; 95% confidence ...

Diagnostics, 2021
Ion-exchange resins are commonly used to treat complications such as hyperkalemia, hyperphosphate... more Ion-exchange resins are commonly used to treat complications such as hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, and hypercholesterolemia. Gastrointestinal complications may occur as side effects of such treatments. Sodium and calcium polystyrene sulfonate (PS-Ca) are cation-exchange resins comprising an insoluble structure that binds to potassium ions in the digestive tract and exchanges them with sodium and calcium ions, respectively, to promote their elimination. PS crystals are rhomboid, refractive, and basophilic in hematoxylin and eosin staining. To differentiate PS crystals from other ion-exchange resin crystals such as sevelamer and cholestyramine, periodic acid–Schiff, Ziehl–Neelsen, and Congo red staining are usually performed. Here, correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM)-energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and the NanoSuit method (CENM) was applied to perform a definitive identification of ion-exchange resins. CENM could detect sulfur in PS crystals without destroying the...
Papers by Takahiko Hariyama