300-305 (1987)
between a Local Ring and
Its Associated Graded Ring
Department of Mathematics, University of Stockholm, Box 6703,
Stockholm S-l 1385, Sweden
Communicated by D. A. Burhsbaum
Received December 28, 1984
It is a general phenomenon that a local ring is “at least as nice” as its
graded associative. We start by giving some results of a homological nature
in this direction (see Example 1). These first results are not new; see, e.g.,
[ 11. But since we need the results later on, we give a proof. We use the
spectral sequence TorgrR(gr M, gr N) * TorR(M, N). (In [ 11, a “dual”
spectral sequence is used.) The main results of this article concern some
extremal situations, where we can prove that the local ring is “just as nice”
as its associated graded; cf. Theorem 1 and its corollary. Let the local ring
(S, n, k) be a factor of the regular local ring (R, m, k). Then TorzR(gr S, k)
has a grading, TorfrR (gr S, k) = @jai (ToryR(gr S, k)),, induced from the
grading of the rings. Conditions on the set of (i,j) for which
(ToryR(gr S, k)), vanishes yield E, = E, in he spectral sequence, which is
interpreted as equalities for Betti numbers in the graded and ungraded
cases.If the local ring S is complete we even get a close relation between
the finite resolutions of S over R and of gr S over gr R, respectively. This
generalizes, e.g., results in [lo]. Finally, we consider resolutions of k and
find that in some situations we have equality for Poincare series,
xi dim,(TorS(k, k)) z’= xi dim,(ToryS(k, k)) zi.
Let (R, m, k) be a local ring with maximal ideal m and residue class field
k = R/m and let A4 and N be finitely generated R-modules. Let grR (and
gr M, gr N, resp.) be the associated graded objects by means of the
m-filtrations. Then there is a spectral sequence TorgrR(gr M, gr N) =>
TorR(M, N); cf. [9, Chap. 11.61.This spectral sequence will be one of our
ingredients in a comparison of R and gr R. Just the existence of the spectral
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sequencegives some connection which often can be interpreted in terms of
inequalities among Betti numbers.
1. The case R regular, A4 = R/I, and N = k. Let (S, n, k) be a
local ring. The completion S of S in the m-adic topology is then a factor
ring of a regular ring, S = R/Z, where I is in the square of the maximal ideal
of R. It is well known that S is Cohen-Macaulay (and Gorenstein, resp.) if
and only if S is Cohen-Macaulay (and Gorenstein, resp.). We define the
Betti numbers of S by hi(S) = dim, TorR(S, k). We define the complete
intersection defect of S to be c.i.d. (S) = 6, (S) - dim R + dim S; here 6,(S)
is the minimal number of generators of Z. Then S is a complete intersection
(i.e., I is generated by a regular sequencein R) if and only if c.i.d.(S) = 0. If
S is Cohen-Macaulay, we define the type of S to be type (S) = b,,(S), where
c = dim R - dim S = maxi i; b,(S) # O}. The analogue definitions of those
above apply for the case of a graded ring A = k[X,, .... X,,]/Z, in particular
if A = gr S for some local ring S. The spectral sequencegives the inequality
for Betti numbers b,(gr S) b b;(S). This gives
(a) depth gr S<depth S.
(b) If gr S is Cohen-Macaulay, then S is Cohen-Macaulay and
furthermore type (gr S) 2 type (S).
(c) If gr S is Gorenstein, then S is Gorenstein.
(d) c.i.d. (gr S) > c.i.d. (S). In particular, if gr S is a complete intersection, then S is a complete intersection.
(e) If gr S is regular, then S is regular.
ProojY Since all the above-mentioned qualities are preserved by completion S to S and since gr S = gr S, we can assumethat S is complete, thus
a factor ring of a regular ring R. We apply the spectral sequence for R
regular, M = S, and N = k. Thus we have bi(gr S) 2 bi( S).
(a) depth S = dim R - max{ i; hi(S) # 0) and correspondingly
for gr S. Since bi(gr S) 3 hi(S) we have max{i; bi(gr S) # 0} >
max(i; hi(S) ZO}. S’mce dim R = dim gr R we have depth gr S 6 depth S.
(b) Suppose gr S to be Cohen-Macaulay. Then dim S = dim gr S =
depth gr S < depth S, thus dim S = depth S (since dim S 2 depth S always);
hence S is Cohen-Macaulay. Type (S) is the highest non-vanishing hi(S)
and correspondingly for gr S.
(c) Gorenstein is Cohen-Macaulay of type 1.
(d) We have b,(grS)bbl(S),
and dimS=
dim gr S.
(e) We have that S (and gr S, resp.) is regular if and only if b,(S) = 0
(and b,(gr S) = 0, resp.).
We now describe the spectral sequencein more detail in order to be able
to draw conclusions which do not follow just from the existence. Let K be
the Koszul complex S( T,, .... T,,; dT,= xi), where x,, .... x, constitutes
a minimal system of generators for the maximal ideal n in S. We filter
K by FpK=(x,,
.... x,, T,, .... T,,)” K. The grading on K is defined by
deg T, = -1 for all i. Put Kp.y = Fpk n K,. Then we have Ef.4 =
(Tor?,R(gr S, k)), and d?“: EfY + E,P+ r,q+ I.
From this construction of the spectral sequence it follows directly that
E, = E, is guaranteed by the condition
max{j; (ToryR(gr S, k)),#O}
(TorB;R,(gr S, k)),#O}
for all i. The following theorem follows.
1. If E, = E, in the spectral sequence
TorgrR(gr S, k) * TorR(S, k),
in particular
if the condition (* ) holds, then h,(gr S) = b,(S).
Suppose E, = E, in the spectral sequence. Then
depth gr S = depth S.
gr S is Cohen-Macaulay
they are Cohen-Macaulay,
if and only if S is Cohen-Macaulay.
they have the same type.
gr S is Gorenstein if and only zj’S is Gorenstein.
(d) c.i.d.(gr S) = c.i.d.(S). In particular gr S is a complete intersection
if and only if S is a complete intersection.
We now give examples of classesof rings satisfying the conditon (*).
EXAMPLE 2. If gr S has a pure resolution, i.e., if for each i there is at
most one j such that (ToryR(gr S, k)), ~0, then the condition (*) is
EXAMPLE 3. The notion of compressed algebras was introduced in [6]
for artinian rings and extended in [4] to Cohen-Macaulay rings. We do
not give the technical definition here, but only enumerate some examples.
The following classes of graded algebras are compressed; cf. [4]. Compressed algebras satisfy (*) [4, Proposition 163. Thus, Theorem 1 applies
to local rings S whose associated graded algebra is any of the following.
(i) The extremal Cohen-Macaulay
rings are
rings from
[S]. Examples of such
(a) k[X,]/Z, 1 d i < m, 1~ j < n, and Z generated by all maximal
minors of (X,);
(b) k[X,]/Z, 1 d i, j 6 n, X, = Xii, and Z generated by all submaximal
minors of (X,);
(c) tangent cones of local Cohen-Macaulay rings of maximal
embedding dimensions;
(d) tangent cones of a rational surface singularity.
(ii) The extremal Gorenstein rings from [S]. Examples of such rings are
(a) k[ X,]/Z, 1 < i, j < 2n + 1, XV = -X,, Xii = 0, and Z generated by
all (2n x 2n)-Pfaffians;
(b) k[X,,]/Z, 1 6 i, j Q n, and Z generated by all submaximal minors;
(c) tangent cones of Gorenstein rings of maximal embedding dimension;
(d) tangent cones of an elliptic surface singularity.
(e) If A is a triangulation of a sphere with n vertices and with a
maximal number of faces in each dimension, then the associated
Stanley-Reisner ring k[A] is an extremal Gorenstein ring.
(iii) If A =k[X,, .... X,]/(fi, .... f,) is a graded complete intersection,
then A is a compressed algebra if and only if r = 1 or r = 2 and
or r=3 and degf,=degf,=degf,=2.
4. Suppose that (1 - Z)’ Hilbs(Z) = (1 - Z)k CizO dim,
= Cj=A (‘L”) Z’ + sZ’ for some k, n, t, and s and furthermore
Wlmi + ’
that gr S is Cohen-Macaulay. Then the condition (*) is satisfied. Examples
of such rings are coordinate rings for points in “uniform position” in P”;
cf. [S-j.
Proof. It follows by
Sect. 41
If S is complete we can get a close relation even on the resolution level
for S and gr S, not only on the homology level. We first need a general
LEMMA 2. Let S be a complete local ring and R a complete regular
local ring mapping on S. Let (Fe, d) be a minimal graded gr R-resolution
of gr S. Then there exists an R-resolution (FL, d’) of S such that
(gr Fi, gr d’) = (F,, 4.
ProoJ: Suppose
is constructed such that:
FPRh is
It is exact.
grd,‘=d, forj=O, 1, .... i.
dJFpRbj) =dj(Rh)n FpRb-l for j=O, 1, .... i and all p, where
the filtration part induced by the m-filtration of R.
forj=O, 1, .... i.
We shall construct a map 4, I : Rbtil -+ Rb’ preserving these conditions.
Let Fb,+,= gr Re, 0 gr Re, @ . . . 0 gr Reb,+,be the next step in F, and let
di+ ,(e,) = uj so that {u,> is a minimal graded set of generators for Ker d,
and let a,i be a lifting of a1to RbJ+‘.Then, since di(aj) = 0, we seethat d,!(ai)
lies higher in the filtration that ai. Hence by (3) we can adjust ai with an
element 6; of higher filtration degree than a,! so that a,!- b,’E Ker di and so
that a; - bi has initial form aj in gr Rbl. Let Fb,,, = Re; @ Re; @ . . . @ Reb,,,
and define d: + ,(ei) = a; - bl. Then d:, , d: = 0. Let z’ E Ker dj and let z be
the initial form of z’. Then z E Ker di, so z is a linear combination of the
a;s. We can lift this linear combination to a cycle U’ with the same initial
form as z’, so that z’ - U’ has higher filtration degree than z’. Continuing
like this and using the completeness of R we can make F’ exact at RbJ.A
very similar reasoning (again using the completeness of R) shows that
d;+ ,(FpRb”‘) = di+ l(Rb”‘) n FpRb’, which proves the lemma by induction
on i, the induction start being trivial.
THEOREM 3. Let S be a complete local ring such that hi(S) = bi(gr S).
Then a minimal graded gr R-resolution of gr S can be liffed to a minimal
R-resolution qf S.
Proof Everything but the minimality follows from the lemma. But if
b((S) = b,(gr S), then Fi is minimal.
We apply the spectral sequence TorgR(gr M, gr N) * TorR(M, N)
for R = arbitrary local ring and M = N = k. Let PR(Z) =
Ciao dim, Tor”(k, k) . Z’ denote the Poincare series for R and correspondingly for gr R.
As in the preceding section we get
in the spectral sequence, in particular
max(j; (ToryR(k, k)),# 0} < min(j: (TorcR,(k, k)),#O} for all i, then
= PR(Z).
If R is a local ring with gr R a Koszul algebra, i.e.,
i#j, then PgrR(Z) = PR(Z).
(ToryR(k, k)),=Ofor
Remark. The corollary extends results in [3,7]. We enumerate some
examples of Koszul algebras.
5. The following classes of rings are Koszul algebras; cf. [2,
Sect. 1.171.
(i) kCX,, .... ~,I/~, where I is generated by an arbitrary set of
monomials of degree two;
(ii) “most” algebras k[X, , X,, X,]/Z, where I is generated by
elements of degree two;
111) graded k-algebras A = @ iz0 Ai with dim, A, < 2, where A =
k[X(-’I, ...>~,ll(fI 7.... f,) and deg fi = 2 for all i;
(iv) k[X,, .... X,1/1, where Z is generated by a regular sequence of
elements of degree two.
It results from [2] that the class of Koszul algebras is closed under
taking Veronese subrings, Segre products, coproducts, fibre products, and
tensor products.
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