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Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment
3 pages
1 file
This paper describes our ongoing effort to build an empathizing and adaptive storyteller system. The system under development aims to utilize emotional expressions generated from an avatar or a humanoid robot in addition to the listener’s responses which are monitored in real time, in order to deliver a story in an effective manner. We conducted a pilot study and the results were analyzed in two ways: first, through a survey questionnaire analysis based on the participant’s subjective ratings; second, through automated video analysis based on the participant’s emotional facial expression and eye blinking. The survey questionnaire results show that male participants have a tendency of more empathizing with a story character when a virtual storyteller is present, as compared to audio-only narration. The video analysis results show that the number of eye blinking of the participants is thought to be reciprocal to their attention.
International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 2018
In order to create effective storytelling agents three fundamental questions must be answered: first, is a physically embodied agent preferable to a virtual agent or a voice-only narration? Second, does a human voice have an advantage over a synthesized voice? Third, how should the emotional trajectory of the different characters in a story be related to a storyteller’s facial expressions during storytelling time, and how does this correlate with the apparent emotions on the faces of the listeners? The results of two specially designed studies indicate that the physically embodied robot produces more narrative attention to the listener as compared to a virtual embodiment, that a human voice is preferable over the current state of the art of text-to-speech, and that there is a complex yet interesting relation between the emotion lines of the story, the facial expressions of the narrating agent, and the emotions of the listener, and that the empathizing of the listener is evident thro...
ACM transactions on human-robot interaction, 2022
Empathy is the ability to share someone else's feelings or experiences; it inluences how people interact and relate. Socially assistive robots (SAR) are a promising means of conveying and eliciting empathy toward facilitating human-robot interaction. This work examines factors that inluence the amount of empathy elicited by a SAR storyteller and users' perceptions of that robot. We conducted an empirical mixed-design study (N=46) using an autonomous SAR storyteller that told three stories, each with a diferent human or robot target of empathy. The robot storyteller used the irst-person narrative voice (1PNV) with half of the participants and the third-person narrative voice (3PNV) with the other half. We found that the SAR storyteller elicited signiicantly more empathy when the story target of empathy matched the SAR narrator, i.e., was also a robot. Additionally, the 1PNV robot elicited signiicantly more empathy and was perceived as more human-like, easy to interact with, and trustworthy than the 3PNV robot. Finally, participants who empathized more with the robot displayed facial expressions consistent with the emotional story content. These insights inform the design of SAR storytellers capable of eliciting empathy toward creating compelling and efective human-robot interactions. CCS Concepts: • Human-centered computing → Empirical studies in HCI.
In this paper we present an "emotional storyteller robot": a robot that is capable to tell story in an attractive way using the appropriate affective intonation concerning the piece of story that it's telling. Our approach is inspired by Taghard's theory about the human ability to find emotional analogies between the situation described in a piece of text and the past experience of the reader in his life.
ABSTRACT This paper presents a concept and initial evaluation of the emotional interactive storyteller system. Our concept is derived from our knowledge of the pre-medieval oral storytelling tradition and its application to therapeutic storytelling. Our initial evaluations are based on a mock-up of the concept where emotional content of the story is reinforced with an expressive agent, which was subjectively tested with a sample of volunteer users.
2015 International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2015
A parameterized behavior model was developed for robots to show mood during task execution. In this study, we applied the model to the coverbal gestures of a robotic storyteller. This study investigated whether parameterized mood expression can 1) show mood that is changing over time; 2) reinforce affect communication when other modalities exist; 3) influence the mood induction process of the story; and 4) improve listeners' ratings of the storytelling experience and the robotic storyteller. We modulated the gestures to show either a congruent or an incongruent mood with the story mood. Results show that it is feasible to use parameterized coverbal gestures to express mood evolving over time and that participants can distinguish whether the mood expressed by the gestures is congruent or incongruent with the story mood. In terms of effects on participants we found that mood-modulated gestures (a) influence participants' mood, and (b) influence participants' ratings of the storytelling experience and the robotic storyteller.
This paper focuses on the development of an expressive virtual storyteller for children and raises the challenges encountered to endow a virtual agent with storytelling capabilities. We focus on facial expressions of emotions and we present our computational model based on an appraisal theory of emotion. We also discuss different viewpoints a storyteller can adopt to evaluate the expressive content of a story event. Besides, the paper introduces our interactive framework which aims at maintaining the attention of the child during the story.
zlata>slili p r ed»tera i z D i i b io i nif'a, Zad>a i . c p o l>io(ol;a pej lečea, l'oj e rlarira ii dn i g i i p o l o i ir ii XIV . c roj leća. ref'o>ist>ui>ri obilejlsf o stablo pleinićl e obifejfi Sore>no, f>odrijerfo»i i: <rada Kolora l' oje oi i»i r ado>ii u r ršrav <a ii i ed ' i neeeiiri X I V srojleća, dajući ri»ie i lopii i ioc i iašol' spoziiaji o r o» i j oš i i e i loi oj liio pozi>a>o»i .ceg»ie>uu fi>t arcI'e f»i f»u>ie baštine. Prilog poznavanju dubrovačkoga zlatarstva XIV. stoljeća
traduziu para a nossa língua "Le miserie del Processo Penale", uma das mais interessantes obras do jurista italiano FRANCESCO CARNELUTTI, que foi titular das Universidades de Milão e Roma, além de ter sido um dos mais notáveis advogados do seu tempo, funcionando nos mais importantes processos julgados na Justiça de sua pátria. Carnelutti, em "Misérias do Processo Penal", mostra, em cores vivas, o drama da Justiça Penal, falando do Juiz, do Ministério Público, do Advogado e do acusado. Tendo vivido, como advogado, o tormento do pretório, faz questão de retratar, sem rodeios, o sofrimento do que tem como profissão postular os direitos do acusado, mostrando, inclusive, a humilhação a que é submetido o defensor que, embora usando toga, como o Juiz e o Promotor, é colocado, sempre, em posição inferior! Com efeito, na obra que está sendo examinada, em tão boa hora traduzida para o vernáculo, Carnelutti deixa escrito: "A essência, a dificuldade, a nobreza da advocacia é esta: sentar-se sobre o último degrau da escada ao lado do acúsado. As pessoas não compreendem aquilo que de resto nem os juristas entendem; e riem, zombam e escarnecem. Não é um mister, que goza da simpatia do público, aquela do Cirineu. As razões, pelas quais a advocacia é objeto, no campo literário e também no campo litúrgico, de uma difundida antipatia, não são outras senão estas. Perfino Manzoni, quando teve de retratar um advogado, perdeu a sua bondade e a Igreja deixou introduzir no hino de Santo Ivo, patrono dos advogados, um verso afrontoso. As coisas mais simples são as mais difíceis de entender. Ele veste, porém, a toga; ele colabora, entretanto, para a administração da justiça; mas o seu lugar é embaixo; não no alto. Ele divide com o acusado a necessidade de pedir e de ser julgado. Ele está sujeito ao juiz, como está sujeito o acusado. Mas justamente por isto a advocacia é um exercício espiritualmente salutar. Pesa a obrigação de pedir, mas recompensa. Habitua-se a suplicar. O que é mais senão um pedir a súplica? A soberba é o verdadeiro obstáculo à suplicação; e a soberba é uma ilusão de poder. Não há nada melhor que advocacia para sanar tal ilusão de potência. O maior dos advogados sabe não poder nada frente ao menor dos juízes; entretanto, o menor dos juízes é aquele que o humilha mais". Com meus 45 anos de advocacia permanente, sinto que são verdadeiras todas as assertivas do notável advogado peninsular. Daí, ser grande o número de colegas, muitas vezes competentes, preparados, hábeis e vitoriosos, que abandonam, de um momento para outro, a advocacia, para se dedicarem a outros misteres: faltou-lhes humildade, não tiveram resistência para suportar a humilhação, que, infelizmente, não é apenas dos Juízes, mas de quase todos os que possuem algum poder na sociedade! Os advogados vocacionados, porém, toleram a má vontade dos que procuram dificultar o exercício da advocacia, porque bem sabem que os mesmos, quando precisam de um profissional, correm, pressurosos, aos nossos escritórios ou às nossas residências. E os mais arbitrários, aqueles que mais violentam os direitos alheios, normalmente, são os mais exigentes de franquias constitucionais! Também Carnelutti, em sua obra, embora escrita já há muitos anos, fala dos excessos da imprensa, ao fiscalizar e noticiar os julgamentos criminais.
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