
English grammar

TIMESAVER ACTIVITIES(ELEMENTARY) Contents Verbs Have You Got the Basketball? 4 &5 Have got English Families 6, 7 & 8 Have got Wild Animais in North America 9 Present simple The Pet Game 10 Present simple (negative) After School 11 Present simple Getting to Know Someone 12 Present simple (questions) ln Britain 13 Short answers: Yes, 1do / No, you don't Get Fit! 14 Present simple / present continuous Our World 15 Present Simple Bananas in Pyjamas 16 Imperatives When 1Grow Up 17 Going to The Crystal Bali 18 Will The Future is in Your Hands 19 Will What Time...? 20 Present tense for future use The Marie Celeste 21 Was/were """""""""""""'" """""""""""""""""""'" """""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""'" T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC Cookery Crossword 22 Past simple (regular verbs) Story Puzzle 23 Past simple (regular verbs) Yesterday at the Fair 24 Past simple (irregular verbs) The Hare and the Tortoise 25 Past Simple (irregular verbs) The Fishing Trip 26 Past simple (regular and irregular verbs) Earthquake! 27 Past simple / past continuous 28 Find Someone Who Present perfect Flags .29 Past participles Around Australia 30 & 31 Question tags The Skiing Lesson """"""""""""""""" 32 Confusing verbs Don't Make a Mistake 33 Make Do Me a Favour 34 Do Rules 35 Must/mustn't English Class Rules 36 Must/mustn't Does Mike have to Cook Dinner? 37 Have to 38 & 39 Lost at Sea Want / need """"""""""""""" """""""""'" """""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""" INe What Should 1 Do? Should World of Animais Maze 40 & 41 42 & 43 Can: ability Snap! Hear / listen and watch / look at . 44 & 45 Time Expressions Birthdays Future time expressions What Do Vou Do...? When / while Truth and Lies Yet / already Questions 46 47 48 & 49 Facts and Figures How much? / How many? Who is the Most Polite? Can I? 50 " What Would Vou Like...? Do you like? / Would you like? Class Survey Who/whose -ing 51 52 53 Penpals Go + ing Do Vou like...? Love /Iike 1don't like / hate + ing Where Do People...? Where questions A Strange Letter Be + ing Articles 1 Nouns 54 Shopping for the Family A / an These aren't my things This / that / those / these A Sleepover A / some / any Charlotte's or Charles 's or s' Christmas Presents Possessive pronouns 58 55 56 57 59 60 & 61 62 63 ( Word Chain 64 & 65 Compound nouns Double or Nothing 66 Plural nouns Adjectives and Adverbs Around the World 67 Nationalities California or Florida 68 & 69 Comparative adjectives Good and Bad Habits 70 & 71 Adverbs of frequency What Are They Doing? 72 Adverbs Who Lives the Most Dangerously? 73 Superlative adverbs Prepostitions Put Away the Shopping! 74 & 75 Top / bottom / middle / right / left A Class Trip Prepositions of place Multi-word Verbs 76 Put Vour Clothes Away! Multi-word verbs 77 Give in your Homework, Please Multi-word verbs (school) Help! Multi-word verbs Word Order 78 Beach Towel Mystery Friends 79 80 & 81 82 Conjunctions Classrooms But 83 There A Seaside Holiday 84 & 85 There is / there are What Was There...? 86 & 87 There is / there are and there was / there were Answers 88 T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe D T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TifS ~Lk\ ~ Have got Have You Got The Basketball? How to play . . . Rules . The game isfor 3 players. Cut out the cards. Put the cardson the table and look at them for 5 minutes. Mix the cardsup. . . . . . Theplayers startwith 4 cards each. Put the other 8 cardsin a pile face-down on the table. Ask questionsand pick up cardsto find pairsfrom one of the sets: CIothes, Furniture, Sports, Transport . or Food. The winner pairs of cards. . is the player with the most . Clothes Look at your cards. You've got to find more cards from one of the sets. Player 1 picks up a card from the pile. If Player 1 has got a pair of cards, he puts the pair face-up on the table. Player 1 has got, for example, the sofa card (a Furniture card), Player 1 asks Player 2 or Player 3 for another Furniture card, for example, John, have you got the table card? Player 1 can only ask one player. If Player 2 or Player 3 has got the table card, Player 1 takes the card and puts the pair of cards (the table card and the sofa card ) face-up on the table. Then it is Player 2's turn. If Player 2 or Player 3 hasn't got the table card, the turn passes to Player 2. cards f, 1 n ,, 1 h_n ! ! , 1, ,1, ,, ,, , 1, ,, , 1, 1, ,,, ,1 1, 1 ,1, 1 ,1 1, 1, 1, 1, !, 1, ,, , :, ,, :, ,,, . Jumper l , l, ,l, ,, ,, , l, ,, , l, l, ,,, ,l l, 1 ,l, 1 ,l l, l, l, l, i shirt i :_~_J L n i trousers ! " n_nn !, l, ,, , :, ,, l, ,,, 1 l___n_nn n n_nj L m gloves h n_n 1 J hn Furniture cards f--_n n ,---nn , n__n_---____------------ r 1 ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, , n---n nn n_--- ..,, .,, ,,, l bed n_n h__n__n___--------------- ,,,, ,.. ,.. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, i , ,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, , ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, i n__n__nn J TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ 1 '-__nn MARY GLASGOW chair n_nn_n_nn MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT sofa l 1 n OF nJ L SCHOLASTICINe. nnn ! nn_n__nn J 1 '-n n table n n l J ~LIi'\ ~ T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESHave got Sports cards tennis racket basketball football motorbike car bus banana crisps chocolate skis Transport cards ~ ~ bicycle Food cards ~ ~; .~ - " ;;;...1' . sandwich ( nMESAVERGRAMMAR ACT/VinESCI>MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTICINe. D ~~ ~ T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESHave got English Families Play this game in small groups. Rules . Collecta complete familyby askingquestions, for example, Have you 90t MrSmith? How to play English Families . Cut out the cards. . Mixthe cards up. . Putthecards in a pile face-down . . . Ifanotherplayerhasgot that card,the player on the table. Eachplayerstarts with 4 cards. Askquestions and collectsets of Englishfamilycards. answers Yes, 1have, and gives the card to the first player. . Ifno playershavegot that card,the first . player takes the card at the top of the pile and it's the next player's turn. When a player has got a full family set (the mother, father, sister and brother), the player puts the set down and takes another turn. . Thewinneristhe playerwiththe most \" Mr Smith English families! Sara Smith Sam Smith Mr Smith Mrs Smith Sara Smith Sam Smith Mr Smith Mrs Smith Sara Smith Sam Smith Mr Smith Mrs Smith Sara Smith Sam Smith Mr Vine Mrs Vine Mr Vine Mrs Vine Vicky Vine Victor Vine Vicky Vine Victor Vine Mr Vine Mrs Vine Vicky Vine Victor Vine TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT Mr Vine Mrs Vine Vicky Vine Victor Vine OF SCHOLASTIC INe. 1 1 1 1 ,1 Mr Smith Mrs Smith Sara Smith Sam Smith Mrs Smith 1 Mr Vine Mrs Vine Vicky Vine Victor Vine ~LJi) ~ T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESHave got Mr Chapman Mr Chapman Mrs Chapman Cherie Chapman Charles Chapman Mr Sherman Mr Sherman Mrs Sherman Shelly Sherman Sean Sherman Mrs Chapman Mr Chapman Mrs Chapman Cherie Chapman Charles Chapman Mrs Sherman Mr Sherman Mrs Sherman Shelly Sherman Sean Sherman Cherie Chapman Mr Chapman Mrs Chapman Cherie Chapman Charles Chapman Shelly Sherman Sean Sherman Mr Sherman Mrs Sherman Shelly Sherman Sean Sherman Mr Hurst Mrs Hurst Heather Hurst Mr Hurst Mrs Hurst Heather Hurst Harry Hurst Mr Hurst Mrs Hurst Heather Hurst Harry Hurst Mr Hurst Mrs Hurst Heather Hurst Harry Hurst ( Charles Chapman Mr Chapman Mrs Chapman Cherie Chapman Charles Chapman Mr Sherman Mrs Sherman Shelly Sherman Sean Sherman Harry Hurst Mr Hurst Mrs Hurst Heather Hurst Harry Hurst TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACnVITIES e MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTICINe. D ~~ ~ T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESHave got r-_mmn__mn ,: i !, ,, ,: , Mrs Richards Rosa Richards Mr Richards Mrs Richards Rosa Richards Ricky Richards Mr Richards Mrs Richards Rosa Richards Mr Richards Mrs Richards Rosa Richards Ricky Richards Ricky Richards Lmmmm_nm___m___mmmm Mr Lawson Mrs Lawson Mr Lawson Mrs Lawson Louise Lawson Liam Lawson Mr Lawson Mrs Lawson Louise Lawson Liam Lawson ii i L__nn_m__n_n \ Mr West Mr West Mrs West Wendy West William West Mrs West 1 i i i Wendy Wendy West MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT i i Wendy West William West i i, Mr Lawson Mrs Lawson Louise Lawson i Liam Lawson n__n_n___mn i i ! 'i i n_m__mJ Ln_n_n OF SCHOLASTIC mmm INe. n__nn__mmn_mn William West Mr West Mrs West Wendy West William West i i L_n_nn___mm_nn_n___m__nn_mn__mmmm_nJ GLASGOW ! Mrs West i MARY i Mr West i i i i West William West ! T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ i i i Mrs West i n__n__mmJ : i Mr West Ricky nm__n Richards i Liam Lawson lm__nmmnn , ii i i i Mrs Lawson Louise Lawson Liam Lawson i Mr Richards Mrs Richards Rosa Richards i Louise Lawson MrLawson i \ Ricky Richards i m___m__mnJ ' ,~ i 1 Mr Richards n__mn__n__n_m__n__n_m, ': i .i' ' ': nmJ L_-mn--n_n__n_n nm__nmmn___m_n J TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESPresent OOP simple Wild Animais in North America Complete the texts. Write the verbs using the correct form of the present simple. Match texts 1 - 3 with the pictures A - C. Example: 0 A lot of wild animais ~IY-~ (live) in north America. Raccoons (1) ___mmm--mm (corne) from the forests of north America. The mother raccoon (2) (have) four, five or six babies in spring. The babies (3) . weeks. They (4) mm_m_m The skunk also (5) and it (7) (stay) with their parents for the first year. (have got) a bad smell (use)the smell to fight other animais and people. The skunk'ssmell (8) --m _mmmm_mm Coyotes (10) (not / can) see anything for about three m-mm (/ive) in north America. The skunk (6) --m_mm--mm m--mmmmm (not / go away) easily or quickly! 8 mm mm- Skunks (9) --_m mm_m (stay) with other wolves, but coyotes (13) ___m--mm (eat) insects and other small animais. (look) like wolves, but they (11) __m--_mmmm (be) different. Wolves usually (12) m_mm mmmmm mm__- (prefer)to be alone. Coyotes (15) (not /ike) company: they (14) _mm--m--mm (be) intelligent. They (16L mmm_m-- a lot of different animais, and their favourite food is rabbits. South Dakota (17) m--m m--m_m (eat) mm- (be) the Coyote State! Did you know that? Match texts 1 - 3 with the pictures A - C. G 0 C' """\ -c;:-... D um__n_n e n_n_n_nn_nn .:5 <... -, o' mmnm__m nn_nn_nn---n n D n_nn nn---m n h nn_-n_n_n n_n h_n____------ D TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESPresent simple (negative) The Pet Game How to play . Useisn't, aren't, don't, doesn't or can't. Ifthe player saysthe sentence correctly,he/she keeps the number. Ifthe player iswrong, he/she puts the number back in the bag. The player with the most numbers at the end of the game wins. The game is for 2- 4 players. . eut out the numbersand put them in a bag . or an envelope. . lnturns,playerstake a numberfromthe bag and . . read the sentence in the game with that number. The sentences are ail wrong and the player has got to make the sentences negative. 1 . 2 3 A mouse is a very large pet. 4 Cats drink lemonade. Tortoises are more playful than dogs. 6 5 A hamster eats eggs. A tortoise can run very fast. 7 Birds sing at night. 8 9 Cats can speak English. People take their cats for walks. Dogs can fly. 11 10 12 Snakes can hop. Snakes play with dogs. 13 Fish are noisy pets. 14 15 Horses eat meat. Spiders eat dogs. Rabbits can swim. 17 16 Pets always sleep in the hou se. 18 Dogs wear a coat in winter. A pet goes to hospital to have a baby. [f-=][~~][~~][~if][~~][!J[?~][~~~][ [ItfJ[~IJ[I~][!!][I!][!!][I~][TtJ[T~~] m nMESAVER GRAMMAR ACTIVITIES 1) MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC 'Ne. ) T/MESAVER GRAMMARACT/V/TIESPresent . O(J) simple After School What do these children do after school? Match the children with the activities. Then complete the sentences. ~ExamPle: _G:~~~!!!:~~~~~) ~ \0 ~~~~~~;e = =~--==J \:;~~-= ~ ~~eL_= ~ ==-= - f:I_~~!Y-_----------------------------------------~ ~ . \ -- =-=-~ - - - - - - - ------ ~~~~-~:X J Q) \!) 1 ) ~ - -=---=-=-=J =--~=--) G~~~ ~ c;i_== ====-==--=--=J (~arc =--=_~_=-=--his~) Write sentences about what you do after school. Choose from the pictures in exercise 1, or invent your own sentences. Then compare your sentences with a partner. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES CI MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe "- T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESPresent .. . Getting To Know Someone Complete the questions with the correct form of be or do. Now write your answers below each question. Give your completed paper to your teacher. Your teacher will give you another student's sheet. Read the answers. Ask your classmates to find out whose paper it is. Are 1 (II 8@ ~ @ simple (questions) you a boy or a girl? 2 What type of music you like? ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ 3 4 How old you? you good at maths? ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ 5 6 your father you good drivè a car? at drawing? ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ 7 8 you know any you good at sport? famous people? ------------------------------------------ 4iiiiiIa 9 . you play tennis? 10 you live in a house ------------------------------------------ 12 al Il 8@ ------------------------------------------ ~ older than you? you ever visit other countries on holiday? ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ you tall? your grandparents live with you? @ 13 your best friend 15 you play a musical ------------------------------------------ 14 16 you walk to school? instrument? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fIPI 17 8@ your eyesblue? more than sevenletters long? ------------------------------------------ 19 (II 18 your surname ------------------------------------------ 20 you like horror films? ------------------------------------------ T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT How many languages you speak? ------------------------------------------ OF SCHOLASTIC @ ~ @ -----------------------------------------or a flat? ------------------------------------------ . INe. ~ - @ ~ @ fIPI . @ T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESShort answers: Yes, 1do 1No, you don't ln Britain Chantal and Colette are on holiday in Britain. Look at the pictures and write the answers to the questions. Use the expressions in the box. No, you don't. . Yes,we have. No, we haven't. " Do we have to wait iothisqueue? ~, ----------------------- . Yes, 1am. Yes, you are. Yes, yeu Elo. Have we got .JpJJJ. do. Are we too late? 0 ----------------------- ----------------------- --- ----------------------- fi ,1 --------------- ca --------------- Are you open? f;'1 We're Dowe have ----------------------- ----------------------- 1 tI/ TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINTOF SCHOLASTICINe T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TifS Present simple / present conti nous Get Fit! Lookat the pictures of what Billyusually does in a typical week. Then look at the pictures of what Billyis doing this week. Write sentences to compare a typical week with this week. Billy's typical Monday This week week Monday Tuesday ~ ~I ~ Tuesday Q)~\\ ~=ta ~ Wednesday Thursday Saturday ~~, ;;;; ~.~ I~ Sunday Sunday Wednesday Thursday ~Cù& Saturday Friday Friday ~ -~ ~ ~~~.e!!:_~!!!~-~-~~~~y':_~~!:~:.~-~-~!~:.~-~~~-~~}-~~-~?_':!~-~},-~._!~~-~},~-~_:~~~?!_~~~JL?~!_~~_!~_:_~Y.:~~------_. Q) What does Billyusually eat for breakfast on Tuesdays? What is he eating today? What does Billyusually do during breaktime on Fridays? What is he doing today? He usua Ily ------------------------------------------------ He usually ------------------------------------------------ Today, he ------------------------------------------------ Today, ------------------------------------------------ What does Billyusually do after school on Wednesdays? What is he doing today? he What does Billyusually read on Saturdays? What is he doing today? He usua Ily ------------------------------------------------ He usua Ily ------------------------------------------------ Today, he ------------------------------------------------ Today, ------------------------------------------------ <!) he What does Billyusually do on Sunday afternoons? What is he doing today? What does Billyusually have for lunch on Thursdays? What is he having today? He usua Ily ------------------------------------------------ He usually ------------------------------------------------ Today, he ------------------------------------------------ Today, he ------------------------------------------------ TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INC TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESPresent simple Our World Play this game in small groups. Vou need: 1 coin and 1 counter for each player. One person, who doesn't play, is the referee. The referee has the Answer Key. How to play Our World . Tossthe coin. . Move 1 space if you get 'heads'. . Move2 spaces if you get 'tails'. START ~ finishes with the most points. 1 You dm_mm wh en you're thirsty. (3) 8 Cows e_m_m_-grass. (1) ~ 9 Rain Cm__m / 0 ~ / // a lot from /. / 7 Coffee Cm south America. 16 Birds b_--mmnests. (1) 6 People I_mm__-if something is funny. (3) m fram (2) ? :JfI'" 15 Many birds fm_mm south in winter. (2) ~~ ~ ~ in 18 Wild animais hm_m_-- for food. (2) "'. '/':' ff>; ,:i:) ~ ~. (;":) ~ 14 A baby c--m--m when it is hungry. (2) ~ ~)J 19 The moon S_mmm at night. (3) ) t ) Il Bats s_m_m-du ring the day. (3) 'II 5 A musician P--m___-an instrument. (2) (~) 10 Birds h--m--m g_m wings. (3) t..- ~; ~ 12 People w on two legs. (1) m it ~ ~ / // 17 Fish I_m water. (3) 4 People g m-u_m in the mornings.(1) 3 A chef Cm_mm food. (1) ~ cfj -. the sky. (2) 'l/ 2 Planes mmm of noise. (2) ~ (J / Scoring . Foreverycorrect answer,you get the points in that square. . Foreverywrong answer,you lose the points in that square. . The winner is the player who 13 A flower gm (3) m from a seed. a 20 Cyclistsrm_--mbicycles. (1) 8 FINISH ,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. REFEREE'S ANSWER KEY 1 drink 2 make 3 cooks 4 get up 5 plays 6 laugh 7 cornes 8 eat 9 talls 10 have got 11 sleep 12 walk 13 grows 14 cries 15 tly 16 build 17 live 18 hunt 19 shines 20 ride T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES.AN IMPRINTOF SCHOLASTICINe. . COD Imperatives TIMfSAVfRGRAMMAR ACT/V/T/fS Bananas in Pyjamas M~~~_~_-~-~-~u~~~~~--~~~-~--~-~_~__p_i_~~_~_~-~_~_:__m--m 1 U i I..n. ~ D--- -.' 10. ~ , brush dip sprinkle roll up . Readthe dessert recipe. The recipe texts aren't in the correct order, but the pictures are in the correctorder. Matchthe recipeinstructionswith the pictures. A Dip the ends of the bananas into the melted G Brush the pastry with some egg. H Roll up the banana in the pastry. chocolate. B Roll out the pastry. 1 C Put the bananas into an oven at 200°(, D Sprinkle some cinnamon onto the pastry. E Put the bananas on a baking tray. ' F Take them out of the oven after 15 minutes. T/MfSAVfRGRAMMAR ACT/VITlfS@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT 1 Cut the pastry. J Sprinkle some sugar onto the pastry. K Wait until they are cool - about half an hour. L Brushthe rolled pastry with more egg. OF SCHOLASTIC INe. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESGoing ~~ ~ to When 1 Grow Up . What is Charles going to be when he grows up? Unscramble the words and put them in the sentences. ~ brsibat !) snoic ~ ~ aimcg ~ ~ scrad from hats. l'm going to pull ~ $ veern out of children's ears. l'm going to take ~ . . :9 lQ going to tell you how 1do it! l'm Now write down the letters from inside the circles above. Unscramblethe letters to find out what Charlesis going to be. What are they going to be when they grow up? Complete the sentences. teacher artist going to be a vet musician 2 comedian 1want to help children to read and write. 1want to travel around the world. 1want to look after animais. 1 He's vet pilot ------------- He 3 ------------- He 1want to paint pictures. ------------- SShe 1want to make people laugh. 4 ------------- She 1want to sing and play the guitar. 6 She ------------- What are you going to be when you grow up? -----------------------------------------------T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/T/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES,AN IMPRINTOF SCHOLASTICINC T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES Will The Crystal Bail A fortune-teller is going to visit your class today. She's going to tell you about your future. What will she say? Write the names of students in your class. Write one name each for 1-6 and two names each for 7-12. ln groups, compare your answers. Example: A: 1think that Sara and Danny will be actors. B: Yes, 1think that Sara will be an actor, but not Danny. 1 think that you will be an actor! One student will... Two students be a doctor be actors C @ will... ~= ) ~J live in the UK have five children ) C-_m==_=_=~-==~=~==J ~ write a lot of books marry a famous person ç~-= ) = /~ (,,:.:m__n~nn~ .. visit many countries n__mm__m__n. - . nnn_nn _n n---m__mnm_n---n ) . play for a famous football team <V sing on TV ç=-=--====~===)C~~~-===~-~~ n_mmnmm_n_n_nnn - mmmmmmm_n ) m go to the moon make a lot of money \ ('<.: mmmm live for 100 years (:-=~=-=-=======~=~-=J ~ J , ~ nm__m_- J l (~-- \~mnm --- nn---nnn T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTICINe. mmnmnnnn __mm n mm n mnm_n---n nm__mm- J Will ~~ ~ The Future Is ln Your Hands! Complete the sentences with will or won't. ln pairs, compare your answers. G. 0C> \ / TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESPresent simple for future use What Time...? 0 What time do the things happen? Complete the dialogues. . John: l'IImissyou, darling. What time Laura:Weil,1(1) your plane (arrive)in Barcelona? (checkin) at the airport one hour before the flight. Myplane (2) (arrive) in Barcelona (take off) at seven o'dock, so 1(3) at ten o'dock. .Ian: Excuse me, what time (4) next train to Newcastle (Ieave)? Guard: Weil, there are three trains. The first is a slow train and it (5) Then there are two fast trains that (6) (7) (depart) at four thirty. (leave) at five o'dock. One train (go) via York and the other (8) (stop) at Coventry and Preston. (change) at Preston for Newcastle. . Alice: (coIlect) Mum: Weil, his train (11) . Gary: . (start)? OK, and what time (15) m (open)? Match the dialogues with the people in the picture. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTICINC ) T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIES Was . ~~ ~ / were The Marie Celeste Read the story about the Marie Celeste and fill in the gaps with was or were. The Marie Celeste (1) a ship. On 5 December 1872, the Marie Celeste (2) in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. There (3) something strange about this ship, so the captain of another ship, the Dei Gratia, stopped his ship and went on board the Marie Celeste with another man. They (4) surprised because there (5) no people on the ship at ail. It (6) completelyempty. There (7) a lot of food on the ship. And in the kitchen, there (8) saucepans of food, half cooked - but the fire (9) out. ln the captain's room, there (10) some halffinished breakfast on the table: there (11) an egg and an open bottle of medicine. Everything (12) in its place. The men (13) not there, but ail of their elothes and things (14) there. Did the men jump off the ship? But why? The captain of the Dei Gratia looked at the book on the table. The last date in it (15) 25 November.Didthe men leave after that day? (16) the MarieCeleste in the Atlanticwithout men for ten days? People wanted to know. 50, they looked for information and found that it (17) an . American ship. It left New York with ten people on it: Captain Briggs, seven crewmen, the captain's wife and young daughter. No one saw them again and no one knows what happened to them. Here is a picture of the Marie Celeste when the captain of the Dei Gratia went aboard. Cirele the wrong things in the picture. Why are they wrong? T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INC. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESPast . simple (regular verbs) Cookery Crossword Yesterday Katie cooked an egg dish for breakfast for her family. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of the verbs in the box. add She --_p-~~!,_~-t;.I--some milk into the bowl with cook lift enjoy She the milk and the eggs together. the eggs. ~~l ~ ,-- mix pet:IP turn sprinkle Then she ----------------some grated cheese to the mixture. Finally,she ----------------some salt and pepper into the mixture. She --n plate carefully. Everyone ----------------their breakfast! """'== -, --' ~ She the mixture in a frying pan. nn . When it was cooked, she one half over the other. Complete the puzzle with the verbs from exercise 1 1 ... li:w~;riiiiU 3 4 R E D A s 5 c 7 0 it onto a L 8~ What did Katie cook for her family? Write the letters from inside the circles above to find the name of the dish. Katie cooked an -TIMESAVERGRAMMAR ACT/V/T/ES@ MARY GLASGOW for her family. MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INC T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESPast simple (regular verbs) Story Puzzle What happened in the story? 0 Complete the crossword. Use the past simple affirmative form of the verbs in the box. ask carry cry drop dry jump pay play step use 1S DOWN 1 The taxi .#!>/!t'..'!.'Lnext to us. 3 Mum ---n---nnn my sister's eyes with a tissue. 'OK, let's go to the park: said Mum. 5 Mum the driver fG.80. Then we ran into the park. 7 Mum her umbrella to get the money. 8 My little sister because she wanted to play in the park. T 0 2p P E ACROSS 2 1 in the park with my sister for an hour. 4 'Mum, you ---nn some money. It's under the driver's seat!' 1said. 6 My little sister and 1 into the taxi. 9 Then 1 n--- my sister home because Mum hadn't got any more money for a taxi! 10 'Why are you crying again?' 1 her. 4D n . 6 8 Now look at the pictures. Write the story in the correct order. Example: My little sister cried because she wanted to play in the park. tWhy are you crying again?' 1asked her. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESPast simple (irregular verbs) Yesterday At the Fair Yesterday, Jessica went ta the fair. 0 Match the pictures on the left with the sentences on the right. r : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 She ate a candy floss. !..- - - - - - - - - - - - She bought two balloons. She drank a can of Cola. She went on the big wheel twice. She went on the rollercoaster three times. She had one go at throwing the ring and won a teddy bear. G How much money did Jessica spend at the fair? Throw the ring €1 3 rings = Candy Floss 75p SI Cola 60p Balloons BOp Big Wheel €3.00 Rollercoaster €4.00 TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACTIVITIES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTICINe. ) T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TifS Past simple (irregular verbs) The Hare and the Tortoise Read the story about the race between the hare and the tortoise. Who do think will win the race? Complete the story with the past simple form of the verbs. One day the hare and the tortoise decided to have a race. The hare (1) that he knew (can) run faster than the tortoise. But the tortoise (2) (be) more intelligent than the hare. (say) the clever tortoise. 'Ves, l'II race you: (3) The tortoise (4) (have) a clever plan. He (5)E sisters and he (6) - (find) his brothers and (tell) them to wait in different places along the path of the race. 50 they ail (7) (hide) behind the trees along the path. The race (8) (begin)! The tortoise (9) the hare (10) (be) faster, of course. (run) as fast as possible. But (think) the hare. 50 the hare decided to have a rest, and 'This will be a very easy race: (11) (fall) asleep at the side of the road. he quickly (12) (see) a tortoise (wake up) and he (14) 5uddenly, the hare (13) ahead of him! 'How did he get ahead of me?' the hare asked himself. ln fact, it (15) be) his friend the tortoise: it (16) (not (be) the tortoise's sister. But to a hare, ail tortoises look the same. The hare (17) (can't) (run) past the tortoise easily. 500n, he (18) (sit) down and (20) see the tortoise, so he (19) Then the hare (21) (have) another rest. (get up) and continued the race. But - as the hare happily (22) (come) around the last corner before the finish line - his friend the tortoise crossed the line (win) the race! and (23) ~ .. . cC ~ <:> -""--~ Q-~ "" T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/T/ES C MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. \ "-AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESPast simple (regular and irregular verbs) The Fishing Trip Tim and Karl are brothers. The two brothers went fishing yesterday. What happened? 0 Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs. 1 2 Yesterday, my brother and 1 (go) fishing. (catch) a very big fish and my brother (help) me to pull it into the boat. 3 But,when we (try) to take the fish out of the water, our boat 4 5 6 . The fish (swim) away, but 1 The fish (take) me to his friends - some sharks! Sol (say) goodbye to the fish very quickly and (Ieave) as fast as 1 (can)! . Match the sentences with the pictures. Q ~ (hold) onto the line. ~ "-. ----.'"" .~-~. ~. -- - - ~ ~ Q ~.~ .~ ,--.:=- ~--;. .~ O~~ll\~ . l''JC;SS ~ -(,~ ~~J,~~«À ~ 0 ~~ I~: -r- ~ =- ~~ ~ ~~ ~; - T - -- .---.-- ---~-- - ~- - .-::::- " ~ ~~-'\)Q '\ .- P? . """'" ~ -- / _!/~'- ~ ~. _7tl~ -~ ~ ~ . . .~ ~ ~. . --. -L . .~ "')- --' ~ Compare your answers with your partner. Did you put the pictures in the same order? TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INC -.. -:'"""'""=' -== '--" - --:> T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES Past simple / past continuous Earthquake! ln pairs, read the story. Then choose the correct form of the verbs, past simple or past continuous. c~ M m A 1 1 James did / was do~hiS homework in his bedroom when the earthquakel~~~~J was starting at 6.15 p.m. JAR A 2 He sat / was sitting at his desk when the chair started / was starting to move across the floor. L MER 3 When the floor stopped / was stopping moving, James ran / was running to find his mother. D 4 5 R His mother cooked / was cooking wh en the earthquake 1 T 5 started / was starting. Y C 5 When he found / was finding his mother, she stood / was standing in front of the cooker. She was OK, but the kitchen was a mess! H RTl 6 They decided / were deciding to look outside. Outside, they saw / were seeing some trees on the ground and they heard voices calling for help. E 7 The hospital was very busy that evening, but nobody died / was dying. R 8 N G It wasn't a very bad earthquake. It only measured / was measuring 5.5. Write the letters from over the correct answers to find out the name of the American scientist who invented a scale for measuring earthquakes in 1935. (~~---~--~-=-~--~-="'"- -J Ii,i TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESPresent . perfect (questions) - --- ln groups of four, find who has collected the most names. Find someone who has... 1 eaten snails ------------------- 2 received a letter today 3 4 had a birthday in this month ------------------been to the USA------------------- 5 baked a cake ------------------- 6 7 painted a wall ------------------drunk Chinese tea ------------------- 8 sung karaoke ------------------- 9 had an operation ------------------- 10 caught a bus to school today ~ m m__m m ------------------- mm T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESPresent . . :.._--- m m perfect (questions) Find Someone Who... Find people who have done these things. Ask your classmates until you find one name for each thing. (/ Example: Have you eaten snails?-Yes, 1have. 1 No, 1haven't. ln groups of four, find who has collected the most names. Find someone who has... 1 eaten snails ------------------- 2 received a letter today ------------------- 3 4 had a birthday in this month ------------------been to the USA------------------- 5 baked a cake ------------------- 6 7 painted a wall ------------------drunkChinese tea ------------------- 8 sung karaoke ------------------- 9 had an operation ------------------- 10 caught a bus to school today ------------------- T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES 0 MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. m---_--------------------------- T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES Past . ~~ ~ participles Flags Colour the past participles in the boxes and find the flag. Then answer the question. What are the past participles of the verbs in the boxes? begin buy come do drink go make run stand throw break choose drive eat fa Il give see speak steal take (olour the past participles that end in -en ~ red Leave ail the other past participles ~ white. Which country's flag is this? . --------------------------------------- What are the past participles of the verbs in the boxes? catch teach walk stop lose build fight buy want talk feel leave bring think need drap send sleep (olour the past participles that end in: -ght ~ green -ed ~ white -t ~ orange Which country's flag is this? --------------------------------------- 0participlesof the verbs What are the past in the boxes? hit fall watch cost get play cut lose change put send cook (olour the past participles that end in: -ed ~ red. (olour the past participles that don't change their spelling ~ blue. Leave ail the other past participles ~ white. Which country's flag is this? --------------------------------------T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES.AN IMPRINTOF SCHOLASTICINe. TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESQuestion eoD , 11 tags " - , Around Australia 0 Begin at the STARTand read the sentences about Australia. Choose the correct question tag for each sentence. You will get to the FINISHif you go to ail of the sentences once and choose the correct question tags. START t Australia is the biggest island in the world, ? ln Australia they use pounds, ? The Inuit aren't the people from Australia, ? Australians don't speak English, ? Kangaroos live in Australia, ? There are a lot of sheep in Australia, ? Sydney isn't the capital city of Australia, ? There aren't any deserts in Australia, ? FINISH . T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESQuestion . ~~ ~ tags Around Australia Now write the questions with the correct question tags above the correct answers. ~~ y,;~=::j~>~\~\Hrf 1 _~~n~~~~o!~~:~~~~~~~~:~~~~~h!y~___-----------------------------Yes, they do. You can only see them in Australia. 2------------------------------------------------------------Yes, there are. There are 162 million sheep in Australia. 3------------------------------------------------------------No, it isn't. Canberra is the capital city of Australia. 4------------------------------------------------------------Yes, they do. They speak Australian English. 5------------------------------------------------------------Yes, there are. There are 8 deserts. 6------------------------------------------------------------No, they don't. They use the Australian dollar. 7 ------------------------------------------------------------Yes, it is. But fewer people live in Australia than in the UK! 8------------------------------------------------------------No, they aren't. The Aborigines are the indigenous people of Australia. . Compare your answers with your partner. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHQLASTIC INe. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESConfusing verbs O-(J) The Skiing Lesson Some teenagers are on a school skiing trip. 0 Read the skiing instructor's sentences and choose the correct word for each sentence. Then circlethe letter next to each correct word. Example: First,1want you to put on your skis. (take off V/ put on@) 1 Then, \-4 me very carefully. (listento H / hear A) 2 (an you ail me clearly? (listenE / hear A) 3 Howmany of you have skiing before? (gone L/ been M) 4 Have you ever waterskiing or ice- skating before? Weil, skiing is very similar. (be D / been 0) 5 Now, we're at the top of a small hil!. OK, let's try skiing down this hill towards that building over there. it? (an you (see N / look 1) 6 Weall mistakes, so don't worry if you fall over. (make 1/ do S) 7 ,,' If you fall over, don't worry - l'II ,-- - --.,' .. --, you up! (take R / pick X) .,- -"..-',, ", ,,'h""-- - What is the name of the ski resort? Write the letters from inside the circles above to find the name of the ski resort. The ski resort is ~oooo T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe -" "-. ~~ ~ T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESMake Don't Make A Mistake! Read the dues and complete the crossword. If you need help, the answers are at the bottom of this page. Unscramble the letters to find the answer. ACROSS 1 Banks make a lot of . 4 Study hard every day and you'lI make good . 5 That boy's got big ears, but don't make 6 Do you need help? Let me makea of him. . nn . 7 Put a Iine through the word if you make a DOWN 1 Before you go on holiday, make a . 2 Please tidy the room if you make a 3 When you make a n 1p . n L , you should keep it. A , 1'11sort out the problem. 5 Don't make a 2 N 3 4 5 6 7 AC ROSS 2 yemno 4 grospers 5 nfu 6 guessoting DOWN 1 napl 2 sems 3 perosmi 5 sufs T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY 7 staekim GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. eœ ," T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESDo " - 1 Do Me a Eric's 0 Favour... mum wants Eric to help her on Saturday. She is thinking about what he can do. What is Eric's mum thinking? Match the sentences with the pictures. 1 He can do the washing-up. 2 He can do the ironing. 3 He can do the shopping. 4 5 He can do the washing. He can do the gardening. c B A D 0 0 <0 . 0 It's Saturday, and Ericis talking to his mum.Completethe sentences with the expressionsin the box. C) E a do the housework Eteme a favel:lr do my homework do my best Mum: Eric,will you Eric:1can't - l've got a maths test on Monday sol need to (1) Mum: Today? Saturday? Eric:Yes, l've got a test! You always say that l've got to (2) Mum: Yes, but... Eric: But what, Mum? . Mum: You're right. l'II (3) Eric:Thanks, Mum! Who does the housework in your family? Write the names of the people in your family in the table. Tick(.1')the jobs that they do. Then compare your answers with a partner. NAMES cleaning washing-up washing clothes ironmg gardening shopping TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. today, Mum. TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESMust . O(J) / mustn't Rules There are things that we must and mustn't do when we are in a park. Read the signs in the park. Then match the signs with the people. ~ 1- TOM Example: -.- IV. ~ ~ " -N\- ) ~\~NNA T j ~1 . /-~ - <> c~:~-~.~ff.~ Write what the people must or mustn't do. Use the words in the box. - - - ~ ~~. ~---~-, ~--- .~.- - - - -- -' '-' .-.---~- --~-~-- ~ - ~- - -- ( skateboard on the path wear shoes in the restaurant i n k Path Yc p tC i d ~ ~e e a k~he ~:I k ~:Wt::s 9ra~:8 :~t S :eP a:iiCn t :: "\ ; 1 \,~~a:~a_~_~irt . . .. .. - ~) > . ..- --~--. . . .. . ..-~---~~. i~_~~~~r~~~~u:~-~t_-~~,--,. . .. . ... . . ... . .. .. . . . " . . " - (;::~;~;TOM;;;~~t~~f) drop litter ~>- .. ... !Q-~-~~~~-~-~~--~~~p--~!~!~!_--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. ANIMPRINT OFSCHOLASTIC INC ID TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESMust / mustn't 8-(1) ', " ,\ - . 1 English Class Rules What rules have you got in your English class? Write true sentences about your class. 0 Complete our English Class Rules with musf or musfn'f. Our English Class Rules a\ways speak in Eng\ish. 1 We 2 We 3 We 4 We 5 We 6 We 7 We 8 We 9 We laugh when the other students make mistakes. eat sweets during the \esson. \ook up new words in the dictionary. a\ways \isten in our Eng\ish c\ass. arrive \ate to c\ass. he\p each other in c\ass. do our homework. he\p our Eng\ishteacher. shout. 10 We . Write three more rules for your English class. Compare your sentences with your partner. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CD: T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/T/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. ) TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESHave ' e(J) ta " 1 1 - , Does Mike Have to Cook Dinner? . Ask Student B questions to find out who has to do what. Tick(v) the correct boxes. Student Student Student Student A: Does Mike have to put up the tent? 8: No, he doesn't. A: Does Mike have to build a tire? 8: Yes, he does. Mike Jeff put up the tent Paula Tina V V build a tire V get water cook dinner . 1 Mike Student 8: Does Jeff have to cook dinner? Student 8: No, he doesn't. Student A: Does Paula have to put up the tent? Student : ! and Jeff don't have to. Mike and Jeff a tire, but: ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Mike wood, but Jeff 3 Paula 4 Tina 0 1 water, but Tina dinner, but her triends! 1 '1 have to put up the tent and get the water!' 2 'Weil, 1have to put up the te nt and cook dinner!' 3 '1 have to tind wood and build a tire!' 4 'Weil, 1have to build a tire, too!' v v . 1 cook dinner but Mike and 1 Mike and Jeff 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Jeff the tent, don't have to. a tire, but Paula and Tina Mike wood, but Jeff doesn't have to. ! 3 1 1 1 1 1 v Complete the sentences. Example: Paula and Tina Ililveto put up 1 1 ! Who has to do these things? put up the tent 1 ! 2 doesn't have to. Tina Paula water ! Paula and Tina Jeff v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tent, 8: Yes, she does. Mike : Complete the sentences. Ask Student A questions to find out who has to do what. Tick(v) the correct boxes. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! Example: Paula and Tina but 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 V find wood STUDENT B Mike, Jeff, Paulaand Tina are going camping. Eachperson hasto do two jobs. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 STUDENT A Mike, Jeff, Paula and Tina are going camping. Each person has to do two jobs. . 4 1 Paula water, but Tina dinner, but her triends Tina Who has to do these things? '1 have to put up the te nt and get the water!' ! 2 'Weil, 1have to put up the tent and cook dinner!' ! 3 '1 have to tind wood and build a tire!' ! 4 'Weil, 1have to build a tire, too!' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/T/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESWant ~L](\ / need ~ Lost At Sea Vincent and Casper are on a desert island and their ship is lost. Vincent is hungry, wet and dirty. He lost his two front teeth in the storm and ail they've got to eat is an apple and a pot of yoghurt. Theyare having a conversation. Hesays to Casper1 want ...,and Casperalways answers But you need ... 0 Complete the erossword. The dues are what Vincent wants to do. Casper's answers are the things he needs. ':si ?? 11/ CASPER VINCENT ':"'ACROSS~~} 1 3 4 ~ brush my teeth <;;; bite into this apple ~ ~ ) 1 ~ wash m; dirty hands dry myface DOWN '." . 6 change myclot~es and go to bed ]0 be dry when ;tra;nston;ght~ ~ 2 wash my ha; 3 have a wash "19>< " 5 7 8 ]3 dr;nk some teaa. know what the time is 7(§ drymyhair 1. eut this apple into Pieces' 9 walk aeross the island 11 makesometoast 12 eat this yoghurt 14 gOhOme~ 16 ~ eOOksomesuppe C) C)~ C> ~ , TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/T/ES@ MARY GLASGOW 1 MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT W OF SCHOLASTIC INe TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESWant lT T 0 0 H taf'k\ ~ / need B R U 2S H - 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 . ln pairs, practise saying Vincent and Casper's conversation. Example: (Vincent) 1 want to bite into this apple. (Casper) You need teeth! T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOWMAGAZINES.AN IMPRINTOF SCHOLASTICINe. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESShould .e 0 What Should ln groups of five, cut out the Problem and the Suggestion cards. Mixup the Suggestion cards and give them to the rest of the group. ln turns, students read a Problem card to the group. The group listens and reads the correct Suggestion cards. The group can invent its own suggestions when there are no more cards. -; ! PROBLEM 1 1 i i 1 Il Please help! My dog, Sniff, doesn't like my best friend. Every time my friend comes to my hou se, 1 ! 1 Ii 1 loudly. Sniff's a good dog, but when my ! , isn't very nice. My friend is afraid. ! What should 1 do? l, !_--}<: == = = ~-==---~--~ problem. 1 Il 1 Il Help me! My mother is very ! ! ! ! Il singing teacher Il school! Everybody i i 1 i 1 1 1 1 ii ---}<: ! ~ r.~ 1 at my 1 laughs 1 1 1111 too! What should I 1 1 live in a flat ! ! 1 1 can hear them Nobody knows - only you 1 1 1 1 1 and me!' l'm worried. nMESAVERGRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES 0 MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTICINe. 1 do? ' 1 l do? __1 : i 1 ! = ~__i i_~-}<: Wha~hOUI~ ! Mum says that on ions are! Igood for you. Now she wants !! me to start eating onions, I!The police don't know. - 1 i I 1 1 land jokes about I!MrsOnion'. talking. Last night, my uncle said to my aunt, 1 1 1 : !' : and my aunt and uncle live in the flat upstairs. ln my bedroom, 1 strange. She's got really bad breath because she eats onions for breakfast every day. And she's the Please help! l've got a 1 1 PROBLEM 2 :::::-~ I~ ! Il ! friend co mes, he ! i 1 Il Il Sniff jumps up and barks 1 1 Do? =:__1 TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESShould Suggestion Cards stay at a friend's house for a week ask your aunt about it throw the onions away talk to your uncle il !_b=_mm m ,,, ,, ,, ,, , m_mn m mm mmnm mm__mJ m m---- ,,, ,, ,, .,, .. Il . 1 i1 tell your friend how to behave with your dog '1 1 i 1 i ji_1 : '-~ --- -- i ' i i ! m m__m i m m_' ...,. .. T'~CC-c= 1 1 i 1 ii '1 ! 1 ! l-k mn n I--I~:~e-:h~-:O~~:~-l room and close ! Il Il the door I_~_mm___m m mm ! i 1i Ji_~ m m eat the on ions and enjoy them! =--= mm_m 1i m__m- m__n watch your uncle very carefully n m mmm m m- : , give your dog its i food when your friend arrives i 1 Il m 1 i buy a lot of chewing gum 1 1 mnm mm mmm m 1 cali the police 1 II~ m__m__nl m r mm- ,,. ,. , in J m__m mm m n m 1 ,,, ,, ! i get a new dog 1 !_~= i m mm 1 m tell everybody at school that onions are good for you move to a different bedroom mJ TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACnVITIES@ MARY GLASGOW m_-1 . l ,,, ,, 1 !I 1 ! 1 == I_~ m m , i i! mm---: 1 ,,, ,, be as strong ! ii nl il! l parents ': 1 1 m mmn_n water every h - then t ey won 1 m___n ,-m---m : i i tell your ,t night ! l! I 1i soak the onlons ln i! J il !_~:::= mnm i MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESCan: ~~ ~ ability World of Animais Maze Begin at the STARTsentence and follow the maze. If you think the sentence is true, follow th~ black arrow. If you think the sentence is false, follow the white arrow. Vou will get to the FINISHif you go to ail of the sentences once and make the right decisions. Good luck! ~ 'IiJ' -Bearscan't climb trees. 48 AAfricanfrog small north can ~ 0 . Chimpanzees ... jump 1.5 met,es. 0 ~\!" can see the same colours that people can see. TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES C>MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTICINe. ~ The male (man) seahorse can have babies. t::: <; 1 ~~ ~ TlMESAVER GRAMMARACTlVITIES Can:ability . 0 A grass snake's bite can kHIpeople. Owls can hear very soft sounds that people can't hear. ~ ~ . . ~ Cats can see very weil at night. . . . ~ Dogs can hear some high sounds that people can't hear. Snakes can close their eyes. ~~ TIMESAVER GRAMMAR AcnvmES0 MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINTOF SCHOLASTICINe. TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACTlVITIES Hear / /isten and watch / look at Snap! Play this game in groups of three. Vou need: 1 dice and 1 counter for each player. One person, who doesn't play, is the referee. The referee has the Answer Key. STUDENT A ------------------- J L--- L------ .. .. . . ~ -~~~ . ~~î ~Irel r .J""flli) rlt-=- ~~ 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. REFEREE'S 1. THEGIRL IS LOOKING AT THE STARS. 2. THE BOY IS LOO KING AT A MAP. 3. THE GIRL IS LOOKING AT A PAINTING. 4. THE BOY WATCHING TV. 5. THE GIRL IS WATCHING A BALLET. 6. THE BOY AND GIRL ARE WATCHING A FOOTBALL MATCH. ANSWER KEY 7. THE BOY IS LlSTENINGTO A CD. 8. THE GIRLIS LlSTENINGTO HER GRANDFATHER. 9. THE BOY AND GIRLARE LlSTENINGTO THE RADIO. 10. THE BOY CAN HEAR A TELEPHONE. 11. THE GIRL CAN HEAR AN AMBULANCE. 12. THE BOY AND GIRLCAN HEAR A DOG. nMESAVERGRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES 0 MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES.AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTICINe. TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESHear . Cutout the picturecardsfor Student A and the verb cards for Student B. . The players turn over their cards one card at a time and put them face-up in two separate piles on the table. . Whenthe pictureand the verb cards go together, the first player to say 'Snap!' has to say what the / /isten and watch / look at How to play Snap! personin the pictureisdoing. . Student C,the referee,says if piles, mix their cards up, and continue playing. the answer is correct or not. . Thewinneristhe playerwho . Ifthe answer iscorrect,the player keeps the two cards. . If the answer is wrong, the cards go back to the bottom of the picture and verb piles. When the players haven't got any more cards, they pick up their wins ail of the cards. Then the winner plays against Student C and the loser becomes the referee. REMEMBER: We use ail of the verbs in the continuous form except hear: !-leis AeariA!?)as ~ He can hear a ... . STUDENT B LOOKING AT WATCHING LlSTENING TO LOOKING AT LOOKING AT WATCHING LlSTENING TO LlSTENING TO CAN HEAR CAN HEAR CAN HEAR WATCHING Il L TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, --~ AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC Il INe. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESFuture time expressions Birthdays Today is 3rd December. Read the conversation and write the names on the calendar. 000 DDJ:! OOOODOO oooanoo 000000" 0 a 0 Katie: Susan: Katie: Susan: Katie: Susan: Katie: Susan: Katie: Susan: Katie: Susan: Happy birthday, Susan! Thanks, Katie. When's your birthday? It's tomorrow. Oh, great! Did you know that David's birthday is the day after tomorrow? Is it? Tim and Leo's birthdays are at the weekend. Leo's is on the day after Tim's. What a lot of birthdays in December! Sandra's birthday is a week tomorrow and John's is two weeks on Friday. Wow! And Fiona's is on Christmas Day! James' birthday is next month: It's the day after New Year's Day. Oh, and 1just remembered - Richard's birthday is next Monday. That's right! And Laura's is two weeks today. People born in December are the best, don't you think? Definitely! .. ,,--' CALENDAR DECEMBER Sun 1 8 15 22 29 Mon 2 9 16 23 30 Tues 3 Susan 10 17 24 31 Weds 4 Katie 11 18 25 Thurs Fri 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 Tues Weds 1 8 15 22 29 Thurs Fri 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 Sat 7 14 21 28 JANUARY Sun 5 12 19 26 Mon 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 , [ T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/T/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTICINe. ) Sat 4 11 18 25 T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESwhen / while COD Do...? . Read the questions and circle the best word: when or while. 4 1 What do you do(wheny while the phone rings? a. run and answer it immediately b, wait and listen to the person on the answering machine c. wait for somebody else to answer the phone What do you do when / while you can't find your trainers? a. look for them until you find them b. ask your Mum where they are c. get angry 2 What do you do when / while you're waiting at the dentist's? a. read a magazine b. bite your fingernails c. think about your last visit to the dentist 5 What do you do when / while you are studying for a very difficult exam? a. close the door and work quietly b. listen to the radio and study at the same time c. stop every ten minutes to get a drink 3 6 What do you do when / while you're sitting on an aeroplane for four hours? a. read a good long book b. play games c. sleep . What do you do when / while your bicycle doesn't work? a. get some tools and mend the bicycle b. wait for your dad to mend the bicycle c. get angry For each question choose the answer which best describes what you would do. Then read the personality analysis below. P!~a6Jaua aJOW ~!q e aq o~ paau n°A. jAZel aJ,noA. s~u!od E-L 's6u!4~ JO}pJe4 )jJOMo~ ~ueM~,uop n°A.'Aseaaq o~ a}!1~ueM noA. s~u!od 9-17 'Azel~!q e aJ,nOAsawqawos s~u!od 6-l "liaM s6u!4~ op o~ a)j!1 noA. "alq!suas AJafl aJ,noA. s~u!od 0 =) ~u!od L s~u!od n-OL 9 s~u!od Z = 'tI = .A~!leUOsJ~d JnOA ~noqe ~no pUH pue ~JO)S JnOA dn PP'tl T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINTOF SCHOLASTICINe. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESYet .. COD 1already Truth and Lies Have they told the truth? Lookat the pictureson the left. Writethe question in each speech bubble. Write the answer for each picture. Choose the correct answers from the box. (~1 8 , 0 ~ you 1 clean 1 your room 1 yet? Have you -------------------------------------------------------------------- cleaned ,,/ . the postman 1 come 1 yet? -----------------------------------------------------------------n__n m__-O_nm_m__--- Y.~~-~--~~~~_Y.~_~_~--m_n_u--_nn _nm_U n_n__n n u--u n___- 0 . your mum 1 give 1 you any pocket money yet? m m u u_------- do 1 the washing up 1 yet? --------------------------------------------------------------------- ___nmmm_n---m_n_n nm_n nnm U m mm mm . . your sister 1 make 1 the breakfast 1 yet? -OOO mm__-On_nnmm__mm__mm__mmmnm_mm mm__U mm mmn m_m__---___----------------------------------- you 1 finish 1 on the phone 1 yet? umm_m_n __n_n n m_--------------------- u_u---m_mmm -----------------------------------------------------------------nU m__n n__m m___-----_-------------- n_m n_n------____---- <or; UMfSAVfR GRAMMAR ACT/V/T/fS 1) MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESYet C-OD / already Yes, we've already eaten it. No, not yet. (an 1have some? Yes, l've already said goodbye. Y-es, l've alreaey eE>Ae it. Yes, and l've already put everything away. No, he hasn't corne yet. __m Yes, l've mmmm__n n __n_n nn_n_nnn------ nn_n_n_n_n__~_~~-~~_~_~n mmm_m__nm m_nmm nn__------ n n__n__n done it. n ---n-m___mmmmnnmm__nmmm___m__mm__mnn nn n n_n_n n nn m mmmmmmmm__nnmmm_n___n_nn n_n mmmmnmmm__n . .~ "'.~~ nnmm n__m n__nn_n m_n nn__nn__n_nn _mm_mm n n mmmmmmm ---nn n_n_n_n_n n---m n__n------ nnn n n------ nn__n n_n_---_--------- nn_n_n_-----nmm__nm n_nn_nn n_m n n nn------_------ m--- m_m__---___------------------- n_n nn n mm__nn___----- m___mm n ---n_n n n n m m nnnnmn_m______---------------- m__mnmmn ~~ ~~ID - . Four of the answers are lies.Write the true answers. 1 No, 1haven't done it yet. nn n 2 nn_n 3 4 n nnn_nn---n n_-_m__m n---n---n---n_n m_m nnnnn---n_n m_m__m__mmnm n---n m__mm_m__m_mm__m mn__m__m n_n_nn mm_nnn nnnn__nn_nn mmmm___mm n_nn-n_nn_nnn nnn_nn_n_nnn---n m__m__m___n_nn mmmn mm__mmm_n__m--n nn_nn---n_nn n n---n T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ n___n n nm_mmm MARY GLASGOW n__------- n_-_n n___n MAGAZINES, n___- n___---_- n_-------- AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. ~[. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESHow much? / How many? ~f1L\) ~ Facts and Figures How many questions can you answer correctly? 0 . Can you count the objects in CAPITAlletters? No D write much. Yes D write many. 1 How-~~I!~2 How-~~~~3 How 4 How 5 How 6 How 7 How 8 How 9 How 10 How Il How there in 1 dozen? SUGAR can you put in a 1 kg bag? 12 How MONEYis f1 in your country? 13 PENCEare there in f10? How 14 How 15 How EGGS are HOURSare there in a day? MINUTESare there in ha If an hour? MONTHSare there in a year? WATERcan you put in a 2 litre bottle? DAYSare there in 1 week? TIME do you have for your lunchbreak at school? CHILDREN are there in your class? CENTIMETRES are there in 1 metre? CENTSare there in $1? BUTTER isthere in two 500g packets? ORANGE JUICEisthere in six1 litre cartons? Now write the answers to the questions. Then compare your answers with your partner. Your teacher will tell you the answers. Who's got the most correct answers, you or your partner? 1 2 J2_~ J~--------------- =============================== 3 -------------------------------------------------4 -------------------------------------------------5 -------------------------------------------------6 -------------------------------------------------- 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 9 -------------------------------------------------10______-------------------------------------------Il ~------------------------------ 12______-------------------------------------------13______-------------------------------------------14______-------------------------------------------15______-------------------------------------------",.. TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@MARYGLASGOWMAGAZINES,AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTICINC ~Fa\\ Can ,...? T/MfSAVfR GRAMMAR ACT/V/TifS ~ Who is the Most Polite? . Write what the people are saying. Use the words in the grid to write the sentences. A B C D E 1 OPEN CAN YES CAN'T BORROW 2 3 YOU ASK PLEASE ME CAMERA 1 GIVE YOUR THE POLITEL y WINDOW ? . , NO 4 81 - A3 C1 - D4 - E1 - C3 - E2 - 84 A2 81 - A3 - - A1 - D3 E4 - D4 -A4-D4C2-84 - 81 - C4 r 2 1 , Tim . A2 - - D1 - C4 ~o,A ~ ~f'r Tim: Lydia: Can 1borrow your camera? Megan: Miss Jones: 83 - D2 - C3 - E2- C4 E4 - D4 D2 . - 82 - Read the conversations again and answer - E3 - C4 in exercise 1 the questions. 1 Who is the most polite? 3 2 Who isn't very polite? Liam Rich . ln pairs, for these invent polite requests situations. 1 You're cold. You want to shut the door. 2 You've lost your bus ticket. You want to borrow Rich: money fram a friend to buy another ticket. Liam: 3 You're feeling il!. You want to leave the classroom for a while. ( TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES Ii) MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINTOF SCHOLASTICINe. m TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESDo . you like...? / Would you like...? What Would You Like...? Look at the pictures and circle the things that you like. sugar crisps . Do you like doing these things? Look at the pictures and circle the things that you like doing. eating ice-cream "1J>... sitting by the fire drinking hot chocolate having a picnic eating hot food Would you like to do these things on a cold, snowy day? 0 Look at the pictures and circle the animais that you like. cat Which of these animais would you like to have as a pet? nMESAVER GRAMMAR ACnVITIES 0 MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIES Who . Q ~~ ~ / whose Class Survey Do this class survey in small groups. Complete the questions in the class questionnaire with Who or Whose. Check your answers with your group. Does everybody in your group agree? NAMES . 0 1 home 2 -------------- was born in summer? 3 -------------- favourite colour is blue? 4 -------------- goes to music lessons after school? 5 -------------- can play the guitar? 6 -------------- writes with their left hand? 7 -------------- birthday is in winter? 8 -------------- parents can speak English very weil? is the nearest to school? Guesswho...? ln your group, decide which of your classmates' names to write as the answer for each question. Now ask the students whose names you wrote. Are your answers correct? - ----- - -- Example: Olga, is your home the nearest to school? If the answer is 'No', ask another student. Find the correct na me for every question. Feedback 0 0 .. 0 ln your groups, compare your answers. How many names did you complete? How many answers were correct? Which group had the most correct answers? The group with the most correct answers is the winner. Make your own questionnaire Write four questions with who and four questions with whose. ln pairs, read each other's questionnaires. Answer the questions with your classmates' names. Then ask the students whose names you wrote. Are your answers correct? ( TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GlASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINTOF SCHOLASTICINe. :m T/MESAVERGRAMMARACT/VIT/ES ~tl(\ ~ Go + -ing Penpals 0 Read Simon's letter to his new penpal, Karl. Dear Karl, /'m 13 years old and llive in England. My English teacher gave me your address. 1would like to be your penpal. 1never stay sti/l. 1go shopping every Saturday with my friends. 1go swimming with my mum after school on Wednesdays. 1go horse-riding on Sundays and 1go ice-skating after school on Tuesdays. 1go dancing on Saturday nights with my friends. 1walk my dog, (urly, everyevening after dinner. What do you do? Please write back. Your friend, . Simon Tick the boxes for the days when Simon does these things. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday V' shopping sWlmming dancing ice-skating running horse-riding walk the dog . Now write ME in the boxes for the days when you do these things. 0 . . Compare your answers wlth other students m . the class. Does anybody do exactly the same thmgs as you? e ~. / \. Example: When do you go shopping? . 1 go sh oppmg every Satur d ay. Write a letter to a penpal. Describe the things that you do every week. TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES e MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTICINe. --- T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESLove .. Ilike 1don't like 1hate + ing Do You Like...? Complete the questionnaire. Ticklove, like, don't like or hate. ln pairs, ask questions to tind tive things ( that you both teel the same about. Then \ Example: Do you like clothes shopping? No, 1don't. 1Yes, 1do. compareyour questionnaires and check your answers. love like don't like hate clothes shopping strawberry ice-cream cooking collectingstamps football LeonardoDiCaprio ShaniaTwain eating meat reading books computer games policeaction films wearing hats T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES,AN IMPRINTOF SCHOLASTICINe. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESWhere...? 8(J) , " -" questions , Where Do People...? 0 Lookat the picturesand write questions with Where. 1 eat / sushi ~!!~~-~--~-~-'p-~~p~~-~~~-~~~~}_?_-----u__u_u u u_u__u_u- 5 visit / the Pyramids ~ u ~ u 6 2 speak / Welsh uu_u_u_-u__u 3 u_-_uu see / kangaroos u u u uu__uu_uu 0 0 ~1 uu_-- grow / tea uu- --_uu_uuu_u_-_uu_uuu_u_u_u__u__uu- rA~,.1 . ~" Now compare your answers with your partner. Take it in turns to ask and answer the questions. Can you answer ail of the questions? Checkyour answers! Complete the crossword with the names of the countries from exercise 1. 2W 3AO4 P 5E N 75 8 1 4) Where do people sing 'fado'? Write the letters from inside the circles in the crossword. Unscramble the letters to find out where people sing 'fado'. People sing 'fado' in .. ~ ~ 1- A T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES <Ii>MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC ,r uu uu 1J ~ uu_-- u_u--Uu_u- --_uu_uuu_u_u_u_u__u_uu__u IL~ ~ ':.. dance / the flamenco u ~~ u_------- cft '. celebrate / the 4th of July 7 8 uu uu--_u_uuu_u- Q u_uu_uu__u_uu__u' uu play / the bagpipes uuuuu u u_u_u__uUuu_u_uu__u_-_u_uu d Uu_-------- , uu__Uu__u_u_u_uu u_------- u_u 4 Uu 1 INe. ~ . T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VITIESBe -~ ~ + -ing A Strange Letter Can you read this letter? ln pairs, read the letter. Use the key on the right of the page to understand the code. Then write your answers below each question in the letter. (~~~ .~ :..~ ~ ~...~... ~ .. . . "", \';" Wnte full sentences: Yes, 1am, ~ . :~ Yes, 1am listenmg, Yau are reading a secret letter. CODE KEY URQJa'-A'~ _n_n_nnnnnnnnnnn__--- a a are R eating RU~? English nnnn__n___nn_n_u__n_u_- <I from €M god RU~? IS B learning ffl nnn_n_nnnnn_nnnnnn- letter Ba ~ ___nnn--_n U ? ~~ n partner j reading QJ nn secret R U ~+ a ~j? '-A' sitting down sun fQ; n_nnn_nnnnnn_nnnnn- teacher B UU ~jffl ~? watching rJ wearing nnnn_nnnnnn_nn_nnn- what ~ B UU ~j V ? + with working __nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn <l ~~~ you U your UU TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. j TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESA ~~ ~ / an Shopping For The Family Mr Gonzalez is visiting London. He's got shopping lists from his wife, his son and his daughter. 0 Write a or an by the things in the lists. 1 m~L_lJb11kbl ~ 2 ufm--- tùJn.iLitBiliJd 3 u__u n_npinR If. _un_u__u_u_n_- . elecliric 4i1It. M.aJt.# inR pRn n__u_n__n_n B 9 Il animal poster 12 English nem magazme PlagSlialiion Rame lRa1Iwt lzand1Jf1f/ 5 B shauer ? OasisCO Rrsenal n teddy bear easyjigsaw 13 14 puzzle Fooliball ClubscarP 10 comedg uideo pair of 15 trainers Now find the pictures and write the numbers. D D . Look at the five pictures that haven't got a number. These are the things that Mr Gonzalez wants to buy for himself. Write Mr Gonzalez's list. 1 ~~-~~~!!~~~--------------------2 n--n_n_-3 4 _n 5 D :. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES C MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC n INe. n n_n_n_n__n__n______--- n--_____---------------------nn___n__n- TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACTIVITIESThis / that / these / those These Aren't My Things! Grandma tidied the house today, but Colin and his sister, Victoria, aren't happy. Grandma put some of Victoria's things in Colin's room. e Look at the picture and write three sentences about Victoria's things in each speech bubble. ~[jDUr3IE) (~~ * ~é 0 "G- (' }J ~ J 'J W 1 .J'v S ~ 10er-: \/~ L !J L "'" Example: Example: This isn't my skirt, it's hers! 1 1 ,,4 2 5 3 6 r- There are some strange things in Colin's bedroom. Iii. 1 These aren't my shoes, they're hers! Complete the conversation between Colin and his mother with that and those. . Mother: Colm, what's (1) under your bed? '5 my rat. He's my best friend. Il Colin: (2) Mother: And Colin,what are (3) ? 1 1 1 Il spiders? Colin: Do you mean (4) Mother: Spiders? Colin: Yes, they're my new pets. (5) - -- ---- , l~"h."~) :~d (7) - - one's na me is Creepy. -- sp;dersare go;ng outs;de. Now! T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TifS A O(J) / some / any A Sleepover Amy is sleeping over at her friend Rebecca'shouse this weekend. G Look at the picture. Amy is packing her suitcase. What is she taking with her? Choose the correct words from the box and write them in the correct suitcase. -"- sports -- ._-~- toothbrush 1 money 1 CDs 1 magazines 1 sweets 1 keys clothes 1 passport 1 mobile phone 1 make-up 1 homework tennis racket 1 pyjamas 1 swimming costume 1 book 1 ~]~ A SOME . pyjamas . e e => What things isn't she taking? Write the words from the box in the sentences. . She , or or a TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/T/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT , , She isn't taking any .il => OF SCHOLASTIC INe isn't taking a T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESA fi C(J) / some / any Rebecca's mum is making breakfast. Read her question and Amy's answer. Then look at the pictures. Which is Amy's breakfast? 0 Write your own answer to the question and draw your breakfast on the empty plate. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VITIES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIES's ~ or s' Charlotte's or Charles'? Eachperson has got something that belongs to another person. Who has got Charles'football? Who has got Charlotte'sshoes? Lookat the picture and write a sentence about each person. ( Victoria) . Example: Charleshas got Charlotte's ballet shoes. --------------------------------------------------- ~ 0 0 0 m: TIMESAVERGRAMMAR ACTIVITIES@ Tess has got --------------------------------------------------------Victoria --------------------------------------------------------------James ----------------------------------------------------------------Charlotte ------------------------------------------------------------Peter ------------------------------------------------------------------ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTICINe. ) riding hat T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESPossessive pronouns ~~ ~ Christmas presents What did Marie's family get for Christmas? 0 Match the people in Marie's family with their Christmas presents. Michael Harriet . Complete the sentences about what Marie's family got for Christmas. Usemine, yours, his, hers, ours and theirs. Example: This is Robert's watch. And this car is.hid. 1 My sister Ann and 1love reading! The books are 2 3 4 5 Georgia and Guy have got books too, but too. are in English. now! We ail got chocolates for Christmas. Harriet's eating And look at this CDplayer - it's And what about you, Michael? What's ? TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/T/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOlASTIC INe. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESCompound ~ nouns Word Chain 0 Complete the name of the things in the pictures. Use the words in the box to form compound nouns. board bulb book case cup bag bail ~ bell bin kart phones post ring stop ~ Q 1=1 ~ Iii-" "'- 2 door 1 bubble bath ~~ "l, ~t~ 3 ear .,. '" 4 gogac.cœioi:oa ,..-- 5 goaJ --------------agâ~. ~ ~.~ fll}~~~~rg 7 key ~a1\~ ----------------------- 'V) 10 tea n__- 8 light 11 note 6 head n------____- ~i ------------------- 9 litter ~ ---------------- 12 pencil -------------- @ 13 school .~. TIMESAVER ------------------ 14 tennis GRAMMAR ACnVITIES0 MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTICINe. n---_____--------- 15 bus ---------------------- T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESCompound . ~ nouns Write the words in the word chain. The last letter of a word is the first letter of the next word. 0~~§SŒJGJGE]000oa 0° OOOOOOOOa~ ) [] 0 Q 000000 "'V<b -\() 0r'\ooZb 08 a ovoo~ 0 Cd 080)0 C6 °0°0 . OQ 0° 0 0 8 0 0° 0 000000000000 00° 0000000000 . How many more compound nouns can you make? Use the words in the box and continue the list. teabag, football, bathroom n____-------------------------------------------------------------- n n__n____---_---------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- n n n------- n______----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ n n_-----__------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ n n__n___--------------------------------------- T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOWMAGAZINES,AN IMPRINTOF SCHOLASTIC INe. .. T/MfSAVfRGRAMMAR ACT/VITIfS ~~ ~ Plural nouns Double or Nothing 8 0 Play this game in small groups. Vou need: 1 die and 1 counter for each player. One person, who doesn't play, is the referee. The referee has the Answer key. ~~:!!!!::::!!_~~---- How to play Double or ~- Nothing -. 1 Roll the die and move your counter. When you land on a picture, say: '1 see two ...' and spell the word. The referee tells you if you are correct or not. 1 Example: 1 see two babies: b Scoring = Correctanswer= 2 points. Wrong answer 0 points. player with the most points wins. . a . b . i. e . s. (correct) Go forward 2 spaces tO Foot Child Congratulations! w J "Jd Man Baby Badluck! Œb Go back to start Woman 1 Tomato Il -Q Match Go back to Knife II Weil done! Il Go forward 1 space Box t Radio Glass 1 t- Oh,no! Book  Il Il Weildone! Person Sheep Il "'c;-- ar Mouse (' , Fish Potato Tooth " - I-I-- Go forward 1 space 1 Pen r5 Wife ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFEREE'!t ANS~ER ~EY foot - feet radio - radios man - men baby - babies book - books glass - glasses child - children tomato - tomatoes woman - women knife - knives match - matches sheep - sheep person - people mouse - mice tooth - teeth bus - buses sweet - sweets pen - pens wife - wives al: TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACnVlnES CI MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTICINC fish - fish ) potato - potatoes box - boxes Nationalities . . O(J) Around The World Find the names of What languages T R L A U E 5 L 5 H T G Y F C C E C 0 5 W R 1 J (1 twenty countries in the wordsearch..:::::>{}. do these students speak? 5 B Guten Tag! E L 1 IIIh German . Buenos dias ,I r - E L M A B N T 5 M 1 A U N Y A P 1 E M K T R W D A A L E 5 T N 0 D 5 5 Y A T A U A D) E 0 R L R G A P U B T 0 L N E A N P A N N 5 F P R T 0 R 1 T K 0 R E A T D H K 5 R A N R U M 0 G R E E G 1 A U P M E M A N A T A Y C E E N G L A N D C E 1 5 R 1 H T A 1 1 R H U 5 5 . E C A N T E N T E 0 5 A G R 0 1 D E W F A K E 0 A M P L A N Y E T 1 A M D Y E N 0 Buongiorno 1 1 A D Bonjour - ---------- }-;l1J) T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESComparative California adjectives or Florida? How much do you know about these two American states? Look at the map. 11-rk ~ i ! , 1 i ~1 1 cc rn ::t 1 1 1- LLI :c ... 1 cali) -II) ~m li - J ,0 Yi 1 ,! 1 1 ~ III 1 .!alC\I \ ~ j \ ~JLL _21j-~ 1 œ: 1 1 \ T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/T/ES CI MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, 1 AN IMPRINT \u OF SCHOLASTIC INe. ) II) ! aimai mcal. c 1. :s cc al'" III > ~ o~aI ... a. E al ... i 1 1 TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESComparative -~-- - adjectives Cut out the cards and turn them over. ln pairs, take it in turns to turn over two cards and read them aloud. If they are both correct or both wrong, the player keeps the cards and takes another turn. The player with the most pairs of cards is the winner. , , ! : :. . FI orld a Il ISsma er ! : than . : 1 1 C f a I . 1 ornla.! 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 i ! ! ! 1 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 ! ! : l 1 1 1 Death Valley is wetter j i : :-~ 1 1 :. : 1 i ! than the! Everglades.! Orlando is (older than Los: Angeles. I than a hummingbird. : An . a Il Igator : : !a 1 1 ! i 1 1 1 Orlando is hotter . :: . h b d ummlng Ir .! 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 California is bigger i ! ! ! i : : ! ! 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 ! bigger than California. ! i 1 1 1 Î ! Florida is 1 than the: Everglades. i than Florida. ! 1 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 Death Valley is drier ! ! i 1 1 1 : 1 ~ 1 1 Los Angeles is warmer than Orlando. 1 1 i Disne~W~rld. ! i Florlda IS ! [~Ider than Dls~eyla~d. : Cahfornla. ! i i 1 1 : 1 1 : T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES : j 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 Angeles. : than than Los! 1 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 ! 1 IS onger ! Florida. : An alligator: is smaller . i DlsneyWorld, j 1 1 ! 1 Disneyland. . Ca 1f ornla.. IS: older than 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 :r i : : i e MARY GLASGOW 1 ~ MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. tI";I"" T/MfSAVfRGRAMMAR ACT/V/TifS Adverbs of frequency Good and Bad Habits Play this game in small groups. You need: 1 die 0 and 1 counter 0 for each player. How to play Good and Bad Habits Vou always 1 Eachplayer rails the die and moves following the arrows on the board. ST, brush your teeth after you eat a meal. T * 2 When you stop on a Habit square, read out the habit aloud. Ali of the players decide if it is a good habit or a bad habit. If it is a good habit, move forward 2 squares. If it is a bad habit, move back 3 squares. * 3 The first player to arrive at the Prize-giving Ceremony wins! ~ , t.~ Vou often forget your pens and school books. * ~ Vou often leave the milk out of the fridge. * t t Vou never eat fresh fruit and vegetables. i Vousometimes write on your desk. .. * 1 Vou usually play your CDs very loudly. Vounever clean your shoes. * * X 1 m 11 T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES C> MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. ) 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ Adverbs of frequency Vou never push other students in the lunchqueue. l(j Vou usually wash your face before you go to bed. 1 1 1 1 1 VOUiare 1 always polite to your 1 teachers. 1 1 1 1 ** 1 1 1 1 * '* 1 1 1 1 ,, -,..; ~ Vou sometimes help your parents on Saturdays. '* *' J:.~ ?7 ~ r r,Î 1 1 1 il Vou always wash your hands before you eat. Vou never tell lies. ,.,..A. i., Vou always do your homework. Vou usually put away your dothes and tidy your room. x nMESAVERGRAMMARACnVITIESC MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES.AN IMPRINTOF SCHOLASTICINe. ~ TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACTIVITIESAdverbs ' l , l ,,\ , What Are They Doing? Write sentences about what the people are doing. Use the verbs in the box and change the correct adjective from each pair into the adverb form. crying polite helJ3in§J - rude angry - calm playing generous - mean ~-~~-~~JpJ~-~-~~-----old lady politely. --- -- -- ---- - -- --- -- - laughing --- playing running sharing beautiful - terrible shouting - - - --- - - - - - --- -,- - - - - - -- - --- - ~-- - - - - - --- - - - - - -- - - - - ---- slow - quick --------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- sad - happy quiet - loud bad - good --------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTICINC T/MESAVER GRAMMARACT/V/TIESSuperlative adverbs Who Lives the Most Dangerously? 0 Work in small groups. Read the questions and complete the table with 1-5. Write 1 for the least up to 5 for the most. Everyone in your group must agree. . Whichsports person can jump the highest? . Which sports person can run the fastest? . Which sports person lives the most dangerously? . Which sports person takes the most exercise? . Which sports person hasto think the most carefully? can jump the highest can run the fastest lives the most dangerously takes the most exercise has to think the most carefully a footballer a dancer a swimmer a mountain climber .e a golfer Now compare your answers with another group. Write the names of the other people in your group and complete the table with 1-5. Write 1 for the least up to 5 for the most. Then compare your table with the others in your group. Do you ail agree? 1think that Simon is the most generous. What do you think? does the best homework is the most generous can jump the highest can run the fastest takes the most exercise TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACTIVITIES C>MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES,AN IMPRINTOF SCHOLASTICINe. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESTop / bottom / middle / right / left Put Away the Shopping! . J STUDENT A Student B has bought some food. Look at the fridge and tell Student Bwhere to put the food in the fridge. Use the words in the boxes. - ----- Example: - EaHets eggs 01 , .. . '" " - Put the carrots on the bottom shelf, on the right. on the left 4 ----- in the middle butter yoghurt tomatoes cheese t. ( 4 , 1 chicken sausages " & " q lettuce \ 1 \\ \\ on the right \ ... t> , \... 7 ,( '\ 01 '" TIMESAVER GRAMMAR AcnVITIES 1 Il\ " b. , A Il ,, t. C MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT 4 \. OF SCHOLASTIC \\ INe. " TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/T/ESTop / bottom / middle / right / left Put Away the Shopping! STUDENT B Example: Put the carrots on the bottom shelf, on the right. carrots eggs , .. 4 01 butter yoghurt ( 4 \). tomatoes cheese 4 1) 1 chicken sa usages lettuce , A 1 .... <\ " \) b \ \) 1\ '- ( . 1 , \ 4 <1 , .. " l " 4 0 . 1> A b 1> " ," " " \. " Compare your fridge with Student A's fridge. Have you put the shopping in the correct places? TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES,AN IMPRINTOF SCHOLASTICINe. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESPrepositions eoD ," of place -" , A Class Trip You and your classmates are going to a museum by coach. 0 You are sitting in seat 7. Write your name on your seat. Imagine who is sitting near you on the coach and write your classmates' names on their seats. D 1 ~- ~ .!)-------- ~- ,~ - t7 D 98______-- IJ!) ~ ~ \~-------- t~ ~ ~ ~-------- . ~ 1 Who is sitting next to you? 2 Who is sitting behind you? 1 " 3 Who is sitting in front of you? . Ask a classmate about their coach. Listen carefully. J Write the names on the correct seats. 15your coach the same as theirs? Use next to 1behind 1in front of. .- - ~ ~ (!) (!)-------- ~ ~ ([) ~-------- ~~ ~ !j) ~-------- ~ !!!> ~ ~-------- TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. TlMESAVER'GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES.Multi-word . O(JJ verbs: clothes Put Your Clothes Away! u Match the pictures with the sentences. 1 She's folding up the sweatshirt. 2 She's putting away the hat. 3 She's zipping up her jacket. ~.. 4 She's putting on the sweatshirt. S She's trying on the hat. 6 She's taking off the sweatshirt. . ~ ~ ~ ARMBAND Look at the boys getting ready for swimming. Write the correct name under each boy in the picture. Tony is taking his glasses off. ) ) Jason can't swim very weil, 50 he's putting his armbands on. Graham is folding his trousers up and Callum is folding his shirt up. Dean is trying Callum's swimming goggles on. 1 ~ The swimming coach is zipping his tracksuit up and is shouting, 'Hurry up, Ricky! Put your homework away or l'II take it away!' Ricky is putting away his homework 50 the coach doesn't take it. ~ c=::> 6 0 Underline the two parts of every multi-word verb in the sentences above. 5 "'-'3 0> T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES,AN IMPRINTOF SCHOLASTICINe. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESMu/ti-word verbs (school) Give in your Homework, Please Read the sentences. Complete the crossword with the missing verbs from the multi-word verbs. Across 4. If you're very noisy, the teacher will you off. 5. away ail of your rubbish now. 7. out your mistakes with a rubber. 9. Don't put your coat on the floor. - - - - - - - - -it up. 10. off your personal stereo and listen to me. 1.J. Down 1. When you finish, in your exercisebooks. 2. Don't write. your pens down. 3. It's dark in here. Please on the light. 6. Youcan out the answer by adding and dividing. 8. away your calculators.Youdon't need them today. G 1 V 3.J. 2.J. 4---. p ~-~ T E 6.J. 5---. w T 7---. 8.J. 9---. R p T m: TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VITIES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. ) ~ T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/rIES ~~ ~ Multi-word verbs Help! Allie the alien is visiting Earth for the first time. There are a lot of things that she doesn't know how to do! 1 don't know how to... 0 Complete Allie's sentences with the multi-word verbs from the box. turn over turn down turn off turn on ---) 2 1 don't know how to 1 1 don't know how to the water! the TV! v 3 ~ 1 don't know how to this cassette! 4 1don't know how to 1 the music! want to play the other side. :0 . ~t ~~ ~~ .~ Look at the pictures of James and his baby brother, Sam. What can't Sam do? Writea sentence about Sam under each picture. UseHe can'f with the phrasai verbs in the box. do up He can't do up -------------- his shoelaces ------------ tidy up ------------------------------------- pick up put on ----------------------- ) ------------------------------------- G T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VtT/ES@,MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES,AN IMPRINTOF SCHOLASTICINe. T/MfSAVfRGRAMMAR ACT/V/TifS Ward arder O-(J) The Beach Towel Mystery . Put the words on the towels in the correct order. r Followthe footprints in the sand to put the story in the correct order. 0 ;r Nowwrite the complete story in the correctorder. ;If . -. A left towel. earrings , her Michelle her watch on ---------------------- 1 1 1 stole Who things? her ------------------------------------------- i' ---------------------- l' ---------------------- "" " 1\ 'tt '1' 't o\' G.9 ~ 't ~ Y, E Y 'f\' )t- '" swimming the ail went in sea. They ~ '- ------------------------------------------- ~ ~~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ---------------------- " #' ---------------------- her and 1 s T ;ï'f" ~ -! ;r --r G something she came When was back, wrong. ", ~ ---------------------- - ~~ ------------------------------------------- ~'>- ~;)\. ,,-1 ~~ ~G :II~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ;y ~ ~ 7f"1 , 1. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTICINe. .. TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESWard .,- ?- ~ r r ".. 7" ~ O(J) arder ~ L beach. But there was the else on nobody ~~ ---------------------- ? ------------------------------------------- .., -+ Al ,le:: ~ L -':. ). ..A< Ji:- ~ )4 too. earrings her And missing, were ~ ---------------------------------------------------------------- s ~ went friends Eight beach. to the ---------------------- ...\( ---------------------~ ---------------------- ~ ~ ) 1 r ~G u "" watch. couldn't She her find ---------------------11 ---------------------- .{ ---------------------- j? .,( IL- '1t' 0 k. -r 7(' 1( .-( '1( ~ :r- . " :r -r +- ~ r r -<.." ;;r- Look at the letters next to each towel. Write the letters in the correct order to solve the mystery word. The S - - - - - - - stole Michelle's things! TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VITIES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN tMPRINT ) OF SCHOLASTIC INe. TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESWard ~~ ~ arder Friends Help Julia to write her diary. Put the word in the correct space to complete each sentence. You've got a time limit of three minutes. The first student to complete ail of the sentences is the winner! 1 1--~~~_~~I!_watch TVin the evening 2 My 3 My mother . (usually) TVshow is Friends. (favourite) watches Friends . (never) 4 She doesn't understand why 1 5 But perhaps it isn't for women 6 My mother isn't old 7 Perhaps she's intelligent 8 9 like to watch it. (a/ways) ! (o/d) , but she isn't young. (very) than me! (more) And perhaps l'illisten to her and not But , l've got to watch watch Friends. (first) much TV.(so) 0 0 0 .-.....-. ~0! Mum iswatchingit ' (now0 0 0 \ " \S; ~ ~ TIMfSAVfR GRAMMARACnVlTlfS i:>MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES.AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTICINe. ~ T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESBut . I' Il \ - . '1\ Classrooms differences between Classroom A and Classroom B. Readthe exampleand find nine more differences.Write sentenceswith but. There are ten -- . Example: ln Classroom A there are frogs in the aquarium, but in Classroom B there are fish in the aquarium. Compare your answers with your partner. Did you find the same things? nMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VlnES@ MARY GLASGOWMAGAZINES,AN IMPRINTOF SCHOLASTIC INe. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESThere . ".~ is / there are ~ A Seaside Holiday Spot the difference - Student A Lookat your picture. Student Bhas got a similar picture. Can you find eleven differences? / 1 Example: STUDENTA ln picture A, there are three boys on the beach. STUDENTB ln picture B,there are two boys on the beach. CSEAGULL ) V ~ CDOLPHIN) -- .... .".(SWIMMER) ..,.. ,..., ,... '. ~. ~ _!ZJ- . ë:. '.~ 2~- ==f ~'? ~. . ~ .--------- ---~ ----- ~-'- - .' .' .... . CD: <:> :S~DE) Now compare your picture with Student B's. TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACnVIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. ) T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIES There . is / there are A Seaside Spot the difference 8(J) , 1l -,\ , 1 Holiday - Student B look at your picture. Student A has got a similar picture. Can you find eleven differences? ~ ~------ Example: STUDENTA ln picture A, there are three boys on the beach. STUDENTB ln picture B, there are two boyson the beach. ( \ \ (J . ~ SWIMMER)~ --~ - .f5:!l--.. ~ . -~ ---"-. .~ ~~ ~ ..'- ~ . "'-"""~'-' " .,;.- ~ ~" ."'" '... _.:... '-' ~.-=- --- --=---=--=~ .- " - -.. -=-~ /~ - ------- ~ =:::::= '\, .s:.-~ _!1:k-- ~~-=.~--- lDDLPHIN) . ~~ ~/ ~~ -"CUMBRELLA) - --- -.:::::;:. -~ A --~F."~--- - --....---- --- ::. ~ -=- BAU.)~ "" o" "- TOWEL 0 ~~~~~E~) . " BUCKET) Nowcompareyour picture with Student A's. TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. If: T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESThere is 1there are and there was 1there were (!.!- _.Il What was there...? STUDENT A What was there after the robbery? Lookat the picture of what there was before the robbery. Ask Student Bquestions to find out what there was after the robbery. There are ten differences between your picture and Student B's picture. Read the example and find nine more differences. /' -- - Example: Student A: There were some paintings on the walls yesterday. Student 8: There aren't any paintings now. YESTERDAY ~ painting -10. TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES,AN IMPRINTOF SCHOLASTICINe. ~'-- T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESThere is / there are and there was / there were~!-,.. ,Il What was there...? STUDENT B What was there before the robbery? Look at the picture of what there was after the robbery. Ask Student A questions to find out what there was before the robbery. There are ten differences between your picture and Student A's picture. Read the example and find nine more differences. Example: Student A: There were some paintings on the walls yesterday. Student B: There aren't any paintings now. NOW / " 1\ E- " ,,~~ rGU) g;~ >-~ -\ 1 footprints ;' , , 1 '\ TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES,AN IMPRINTOF SCHOLASTICINe. 1(;" ~ T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESAnswers Have You Got The Basketball? PAGES4 & S 6. He usually watches TV.Today,he's swimming. Students' own answers. PAGE15 Our World The answers are on the Referee's Answer Key. PAGES6, 7 & 8 English Families Students' own answers. PAGE16 PAGE9 Wild Animais in North America 1. come 2. has 3. can't 5.lives 4. stay 6. has got 7. uses 10. look 11. are 9. eat 8. doesn't go away 13. don't like 12. stay 14. prefer 15. are A.2 B.3 C.1 PAGE 10 16. eat C. dip 3.G D. roll up 4. D 5. H 6. L 7. J 8. E 9. ( 10. F 11. K 12. A 17. is PAGE17 When 1Grow Up 1. A. rabbits E. never The Pet Game Students' own answers. PAGE11 Bananas in Pyjamas B. brush A. sprinkle 2.1 l.B B.coins C. magic 2. magician 3. 2. He's going to be a pilot. After School 3. He's going to be a teacher. 4. She's going to be a comedian. 1. 1. play tennis 2. watches TV 5. She's going to be an artist. 6. She's going to be a musician. 3. rides his bicycle 4. playsthe guitar 5. playscomputer games 6. reads magazines 7. goes swimming 8. telephones 2. Students' own answers. PAGE18 The Crystal Bali Students' own answers. PAGE12 PAGE20 What time...? 1. 1. check in 2. takes off 1. 1. Are PAGE19 The Future is in your Hands Students' own answers. Getting To Know Someone 3. are .2. do 4. Are 5. Does 3. arrive 10. Do 4. does ... leave 5. departs 6. leave 14. Do 15.Do 7. goes 19.Do 20. do 8. stops 11. takes 9. change 12. collects 6. Are 7. Do 8. Are 9. Do 11. Are 12. Do 13. Is 16. Do 17. Is 18. Are 10. does ... get 13. arrive 14. does... start 15. do... open 2. B.lan D. Mum E.Alice C. Gary F.Laura G. John 2. & 3. Students' own answers. PAGE 13 D. cards ln Britain 2. Yes,we have. PAGE21 The Marie Celeste 1. 1. was 2. was 3. was 4. were 5. were 6. was 7. was 8. were 9. was 10. was 11. was 12. was 13. were 14. were 15. was 16. Was 17. was 3. Yes,you are. 4. Yes,1am. 5. No, you don't. 6. No,we haven't. PAGE 14 Get Fit! 2. There are three wrong things in the picture: 1. The fire isn't out. 1. He usuallyeats chips. Today,he's eating a banana. 2. He usuallyplays computer games. Today, he's playing tennis. 3. He usuallyeats pizza. Today,he's eating salad. 2. The year is the diary is 1875 - it should be 1872. 3. The date is the diary is 23 November - it should be 25 November. 4. He usually playscards. Today,he's playing basketball. 5. He usuallyreads comics.Today, he's exercising. CD: TIMESAVERGRAMMAR ACTIVITIES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. ) ~ TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESAnswers PAGE 22 1. + 2. Cookery Crossword 2. mixed 3. added 5.cooked 6. turned PAGE25 4. sprinkled 1. couId 2. was 3. said 4. had 7. lifted 5. found 6. told 7. hid 8.began 9. ran 12.fell 16.was 10. was 13. woke up 17. ran 11. thought 14. saw 15. wasn't 19. sat 20. had 8. enjoyed 3. OMELETTE PAGE 23 The Hare and the Tortoise Story Puzzle 1. 18. couldn't 21. got up 22. came 23. won 's T 0 'P PAGE26 1 LIA The Fishing Trip 1. 2. caught; helped 1 y 1 E PD P R 3. tried; turned E 1 4. swam; held 5. took 6. said; left; could 6 'c R liE J l'u 1M 1 PiE 2. 1.C 1D S E PAGE27 1D 2.D 3. E 4. B 5. A 6. F Earthquake! 1. was doing; started 2. was sitting; started 3. stopped; ran 4. was cooking; started 2. The correèt order for the story is: 5. found; was standing 8. My little sister cried because she wanted to play 6. decided; saw 7. died in the park. 10. 'WhY are you crying again?' 1asked her. 8. measured 3. Mum dried my sister's eyeswith a tissue. 'OK, let's go The inventor of the Richter scale is CHARLES RICHTER. to the park: said Mum. 1. The taxi stopped next to us. PAGE 28 6. My little sister and 1jumped into the taxi. Students' 4. 'Mum, you dropped some money. It's under the driver's seat!' 1said. PAGE29 7. Mum used her umbrella to get the money. 1. Poland 5. Mum paid the driver f6.80. Then we ran into the park. 2. Ireland 2. 1played in the park with my sister for an hour. 3. France ... Find Someone Who own answers. Flags 9. Then 1carried my sister home because Mum hadn't got any more money for a taxi! PAGES30 & 31 Around Australia 2. There are a lot of sheep in Australia, aren't there? PAGE 24 Yesterday at the Fair 3. Sydney isn't the capital city of Australia, is it? 1. 4. Australians don't speak English, do they? A. She bought two balloons. B. She drank a can of Cola. 5. There aren't any deserts 6. C. She ate a candy floss. 7. Australia is the biggest island in the world, isn't it? D. She went on the big wheel twice. 8. The Inuit aren't the indigenous people of Australia, E. She had one go at throwing the ring and she won a in Australia, are there? ln Australia they use the pound, don't they? are they? teddy bear. F. Shewent on the rollercoaster three times. 2. Jessicaspentf21.95 at the fair. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. . ~ T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESAnswers 6. make 2. CHAMONIX Does Mike have to cook dinner? PAGE 37 PAGE32 The Skiing Lesson 1. 1. listen to 2. hear 3. been 4. been 5. see 1. 7.pick Mike Jeff put up the tent PAGE33 Don't Make a Mistake! find wood .... build a fire .... Tina .... .... .... .... get water 'p L Paula .... cook dinner - .... A m 'Pl I 0 U 10 5 '51 u 1ElY 2. 1. haveto build; don't have to 2. has to find 3. has to get; doesn't have to 4. has to cook; don't have to 3. 1. Paula 2. Tina 3. Mike 4. Jeff PAGES 38 & 39 5 Lost at Sea 5 KtE 7M E H 's 0 A P H M - . E PAGE 34 Do Me a Favour 1. 1.C 2. 2. E H 3. B 4. D 5. A A T 1. do my homework 2. do my best 3. do the housework 4. Anna; Stephen E R 0 1 R D 1O Rules 1. 2. Robert; Tom 'p 0 - 3. Students' own answers. PAGE 35 0 W 3. Lucy; Richard 5. Liz 2. Stephen mustn't skateboard 6. Dan on the path. Y E R BK 'H IINCOA"T 1 H F E H "s Lucy must wear shoes in the restaurant. Liz mustn't pick flowers. Anna mustn't ride a bicycle on the path. Robert and Tom mustn't walk on the grass. Dan mustn't let his dog play in the lake. Richard must wear a shirt in the restaurant. PAGES 40 & 41 What Should 1Do? Answers for Problem 1: PAGE 36 Students' English Class Rules own answers. leave the dog outside tell your friend how to behave with your dog teach the dog to be good leave the dog in a room and close the door give your dog its food when your friend arrives get a new dog oTt TIMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTICINe ~ TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESAnswers Answers for Problem 2: Yes, we've already eaten it. stay at a friend's house for a week 6. Have you finished on the phone yet? throw the on ions away soak the onions in water every night - then they won't be as strong Yes, l've already said goodbye. The true answers are: eat the onions and enjoy them! buya lot of chewing gum tell everybody at school that on ions are good for you Answers for Problem 3: 3. Yes, she has. ask your aunt about it talk to your uncle tell your parents 3. many / 24 hours 2. Yes, he has. 6. No, 1haven't finished yet. PAGE50 Facts and Figures 4. many / 30 minutes 5. many /12 months 6. much / 2 litres watch your uncle very carefully cali the police move to a different bedroom 7. many / 7 days 8. much / students' own answers 9. many / students' own answers PAGES 42 & 43 World of Animais Maze Sentences 1, 2, 4,5,8,9, 12 are true. The correct sequence is: 1 ~ 3~ 8 ~ 12 ~ 2 ~ 9 ~ PAGES 44 & 45 10. many /100 cm 4 ~ 10 ~ 7~ 11 6~ 11. many /100 cents 12. much / students' own answers 5~ 13. many / 1000 pence 14. much /1000 9 (1 kg) 15. much / 6 litres Snap! The answers are on the Referee's Answer Key. PAGE 51 PAGE 46 1. Birthdays DECEMBER Sun Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri Sat 3 Susan 4 Katie 5 David 6 7Tim 14 1 2 8 Leo 9 Richard 10 11 Sandra 12 13 15 16 17 Laura 18 19 20 John 21 22 23 24 25 Fiona 26 27 28 29 30 31 Weds Thurs Fri Sat 2 James 3 4 Mon PAGE47 Tues 1. Lydia: (an 1borrow your camera? Megan: Yes, you cano 2. Tim: (an 1open the window, please? Miss Jones: No, you can't. 3. Rich: Give me your camera. Liam: No, ask me politely. JANUARY Sun Who 15The Most Polite? 2. 1. Tim is the most polite. 2. Rich isn't very polite. 3. 1. (an 1shut the door, please? 2. (an 1borrow some money, please? 3. (an 1leave the classroom, please? What Do You Do...? 1. 2. while 3. while 4. when 2. Students' own answers. PAGES 48 & 49 5. while Truth and Lies 6. when PAGE 52 What Would You Like? Students' own answers. 2. Has the postman corne yet? PAGE 53 1. Whose Class Survey 2. Who 3. Whose 4. Who No, he hasn't corne yet. 5. Who 6. Who 8. Whose No, not yet. (an 1have some? PAGE 54 Penpals 4. Have you done the washing up yet? The following boxes should be ticked: Yes, and l've already put everything away. shopping 5. Has your sister made the breakfast yet? swimming Wednesday 7. Whose 3. Has your mum given you any pocket money? Saturday T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. ~ T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESAnswers dancing Saturday 4. These aren't my rollerskates, they're hers! ice-skating Tuesday running Sunday horse-riding every day walk the dog 5. These aren't my brushes, they're hers! PAGE55 Do You Like 6. These aren't my teddy bears, they're hers! 2. 1. that ...? 2. That 3. those 5. That 6. That 7. those PAGES 60 & 61 Students' own answers. PAGE56 Where do A Sleepover 1. Amy is taking: a toothbrush, swimming people...? 4. those a tennis racket, a costume and a book. She is also taking some sweets, some keys, some sports clothes, some make-up, and some pyjamas. 2. Amyisn't taking any: money, CDs,magazines or homework 1. 2. Where do people speak Welsh? 3. Where do people see kangaroos? 4. Where do people play the bagpipes? Amy isn'ttaking a: passportor a mobilephone 5. Where do people visit the pyramids? 3.B 6. Where do people celebrate the 4th of July? 7. Where do people dance the flamenco? PAGE62 8. Where do people grow tea? 4. , Charlotte's or Charles'? 1. Victoria's skis 2. has got Peter'stennis racket. 3. has got Tess'riding hat J 4. has got Charles'football. 5. has got James' swimming goggles. 3A P A PAGE63 N 1. Robert - watch, chocolates, car Christmas Presents Ann- books,chocolates;Marie - books, CDplayer, chocolates;Georgia- books, chocolates; Guy- books, chocolates; Michael- mystery present; Harriet - chocolates 2. 1.ours 2. theirs PAGES64 & 65 S. PORTUGAL 3. hers 4. mine 5.yours Word Chain 1. 1. bubble bath 2. doorbell 3. earring PAGE57 A StrangeLetter Youare reading a secret letter. Are you sitting down? Are 4. go-kart 5. goalpost 7. keyboard 8. light bulb 6. headphones 9. litter bin you eating? Isa teacher watching you? Are you working with a partner? Isyour partner learning English?What is your partner wearing? From sun god. 10.teacup 11. notebook 12. pencil case bail 15. bus stop PAGE58 Shopping for the Family 1. 3. a 4. a 5. an 6. an 7. a 10.a 13. a 13. 0 ~. 0~G(i]0@0&:00 ~E10(i]00rk~ 0~ ~~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 2. 14. an 3. Mr Gonzalez wants: an umbrella, a dictionary, a tennis PAGE59 map. . Q 1. 1.Thisisn't my Walkman, ifs hers! ~~0006 0\.:J 0 f/j ~ 00 ,GJ '&i ~'0, () 2. Thisisn't my magazine, it's hers! 3. Thisisn't my make-up, ifs hers! MARY GLASGOW 0 %B J-~ ") \V QG AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTIC INe. ~ 0 & G ~ 0- 0 0° 0° ~000Î."1f.:>r\ 0G7GtG88 éV nnQ8 ~l.!Ulil\..:.JG)~ ~ MAGAZINES, (.' GJ '0> 000000 El 0 0~@@Gr;J 8 C'\ C\\3:1 08 These Aren't My Things TIMfSAVfR GRAMMAR ACTIVIT/fS@ ~ ~ 15. a racket, an opera ticket and an Underground schoolbag ~ T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESAnswers Good and Bad Habits 3. Some suggested answers: skateboard, hairdryer, PAGES 70 & 71 dishwasher, video game,babysitter, phone box,daydream etc... Suggested answers: PAGE66 Double or Nothing The answers are on the Referee's Answer Key. PAGE67 1 T A l Y R l U S F s c Around the World E E S H C 0 EWR B C (s l G 1 U ,M E 1 l' A P A N C H Ci lU E T A M E N G 1 1;\ u l M T G E T P 0 A B R P 0 l A N R T U G A l H K R T A s là s R 1 s N (G A U B A 1 T (K M 0 E A N 1 k 1 D) E l N E N N) S 0 S R E V D) K A 0 R 1 M (w D) !':L Q) A) M V F R A N c E D E T M A) K A s P R E R T E) s A p A l T 0 A A) .. 0 ~ ~ 'U N 1 T E D S T A T E BAD HABITS: Vou never tell lies. Vou often leave the milk Vou always do your homework. out of the fridge. Vou never eat fresh fruit Vou usually put away your clothes and vegetables. and tidy your room. Vou sometimes help your parents Vou never clean yo~r shoes. on Saturdays. Vou usually play your CDs Vou always wash your hands very loudly. E y) E R before you eat. Vou often forget your pens Vou are always polite to your teachers. Vou sometimes write on s: Vou usually wash your face before your desk. V and school books. you go to bed. Vou never push other students in the lunch queue. Vou always brush your teeth after you eat a meal. 0 R A V E GOOD HABITS: M E N P T 0 PAGE 72 What Are They Doing? 2. She's sharing her cake generously. 3. She's playing the piano beautifully. 2. 2. Spanish 3. Italian 4. French PAGES68 & 69 California or Florida? 4. He's running quickly. 5. Japanese 5. He's shouting angrily. 6. They're laughing happily. The following cards are correct: Death Valleyis drier than the Everglades. Orlando is hotter than LosAngeles. 8. She's playing badly. An alligator is longer than a hummingbird. Florida is smaller than California. PAGE73 Who Lives The Most Dangerously? Students' own answers. 7. It's crying loudly. California is bigger than Florida. Disneyland,California, is older than DisneyWorld,Florida. The following cards aren't correct: Death Valleyis wetter than the Everglades. Orlando is colder th an LosAngeles. An alligator is smaller than a hummingbird. Florida is bigger th an California. DisneyWorld,Florida, is older than Disneyland,California. LosAngeles is warmer than Orlando. PAGES 74 & 75 PutAwaythe Shopping! Put the carrots on the bottom shelf, on the right. Put the butter on the top shelf, on the left Put the tomatoes on the bottom shelf, in the middle. Put the chicken on the middle shelf, in the middle. Put the lettuce on the bottom shelf, on the left. Put the Put the Put the Put the eggs on the middle shelf, on the right. yoghurt on the top shelf, on the right. cheese on the top shelf, in the middle. sausages on the middle shelf, on the left. PAGE76 A Class Trip Students' own answers. ( TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VITIES Ci>MARYGLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINTOF SCHOLASTICINe. m ~ TlMESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ESAnswers PAGE77 1.1.C Put Your Clothes Away! 2.E 3.F 2. 1. Dean 4. Callum 4.A 5. But perhaps it isn't for old women! 5.D 2. Jason 3. Tony 5. Graham 6. Ricky 6. B 3. taking off; putting on; folding up; folding up; trying on; zipping up; hurry up; put away; take away; put away PAGE78 6. My mother isn't very old, but she isn't young. 7. Perhaps she's more intelligent than me! 8. And perhaps l'illisten to her and not watch 50 much TV. 9. But first, l've got to watch Friends. 10. Oh, no! Mum is watching it now! Give in your homework, please PAGE 83 Classrooms Suggested answers: The dock says 10 o'dock in Classroom A, but it says 2 o'dock in Classroom B. 3L P U T s-> T 4-> L They're learning maths in Classroom A. U R N H 6L 0 8L 1 p U 10-> 1 1 1 1 but they're learning geography W 7-> 9-> The teacher is a man in Classroom A, but she is a woman in Classroom B. 0 R in Classroom B. The bin is full in Classroom A, but it's empty in Classroom B. 1 2L U c CE The teacher's desk is very messy in Classroom A. but it's tidy in Classroom B. The calendar says it's October in Classroom A, but it says it's November in Classroom B. . The windows are dosed in Classroom A, but they're open in Classroom B. u There are no books on the shelves in Classroom A, PAGE79 Help! 1. 1. turn off 2. turn on 3. turn over but they're on bookshelves in Classroom B. 4. turn down 2. 2. He can't pick up the chair. 3. He can't put on his jumper. 4. He can't tidy up his room. / his toys. There are computers in Classroom A, but there are dictionaries in Classroom B. PAGES 84 & 85 Student PAGES80 &81 Beach Towel Mystery 5 Eight friends went to the beach. E They ail went swimming in the sea. A Michelleleft her earrings and her watch on her towel. G When she came back, something was wrong. U She couldn't find her watch. LAnd her earrings were missing,too. L But there was nobody else on the beach. 5 Who stole her things? The SEAGULLS stole Michelle'sthings! PAGE82 Friends 3. My mother never watches Friends. -y" There are four seagulls in the sky. There are two umbrellas. There is one beach bail. There is one dolphin in the sea. There is one bucket. There are three beach towels. There are four swimmers in the sea. There are two deckchairs. There are two boys on the beach. There are two sandcastles. TV show is Friends. 4. She doesn't understand why 1always There are three boys on the beach. There is a sandcastle. Student B: 1. 1usually watch TV in the evening. 2. My favourite A Seaside Holiday A: like to watch it. There are two seagulls in the sky. There is one umbrella. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT OF SCHOLASTICINe. T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/V/TIESAnswers ~ There are two beach balls. There are two dolphins in the sea. There are two buckets. There are two beach towels. There are five swimmers in the sea. There is one deckchair. PAGES 86 & 87 What was there ...? Suggested answers Student A: There were some paintings on the walls yesterday. There was a TV on the bottom shelf yesterday. There were some videos on the floor yesterday. There was a video player on the shelves yesterday. There was a jacket on the chair yesterday. There was a stereo system on the floor yesterday. There were some books on the shelves yesterday. There weren't any footprints There weren't any gloves yesterday. yesterday. Student 8: There aren't any paintings now. There isn't a TV now. There aren't any videos now. There isn't a video player now. There isn't a jacket now. There isn't a stereo system now. There aren't any books now. There are some footprints on the floor now. There are some gloves by the window now. ( T/MESAVER GRAMMAR ACT/VIT/ES@ MARY GLASGOWMAGAZINES,AN IMPRINTOF SCHOLASTICINe. ID