Artificial Intelligence Yesterday, Today and
H. Jaakkola *, J. Henno **, J. Mäkelä ***and B. Thalheim****
Tampere University, Finland
Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
*** University of Lapland, Finland
**** Christian Albrechts University at Kiel, Germany
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected]
Abstract - Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the current
emerging technologies. In the history of computing AI has
been in the similar role earlier - almost every decade since the
1950s, when the programming language Lisp was invented
and used to implement self-modifying applications. The
second time that AI was described as one of the frontier
technologies was in the 1970s, when Expert Systems (ES)
were developed. A decade later AI was again at the forefront
when the Japanese government initiated its research and
development effort to develop an AI-based computer
architecture called the Fifth Generation Computer System
(FGCS). Currently in the 2010s, AI is again on the frontier in
the form of (self-)learning systems manifesting in robot
applications, smart hubs, intelligent data analytics, etc. What
is the reason for the cyclic reincarnation of AI? This paper
gives a brief description of the history of AI and also answers
the question above. The current AI “cycle” has the capability
to change the world in many ways. In the context of the CE
conference, it is important to understand the changes it will
cause in education, the skills expected in different
professions, and in society at large.
Keywords - Artificial Intelligence, Learning, Deep
learning, Lisp, Prolog, Expert Systems, Fifth Generation
Computer, Emerging technology, Frontier technology,
Computer-supported decision-making,
Technology analysis is an important field of applied
research. It gives an understanding of technological
changes and their consequences in daily life and society.
Every educator at all levels should be familiar with this
topic, because they are educating people for the future and
for future professions. Some technologies affect work life
dramatically – some professions are disappearing, some are
being born and almost all are changing, many of them
becoming enriched. New technologies – innovations - are
triggers that, when adopted by the users, cause changes in
society. The changes may be incremental (improvements in
a current trend) or radical (step up to a new level and
continuing the existing trend there). In some cases
innovations may cause changes in technological systems
(combining several innovations provides new opportunities
to adopt the innovation) or in paradigms, creating the
foundation for changes in society [1]. The authors have
discussed the principles of technology analysis in some of
their earlier papers [2; 3]. We will not repeat the topic in
this paper, but encourage the reader to study them to get a
good understanding of the principles of technological
forecasting and analysis.
Several market research companies analyze technology
trends and publish their findings in annual reports. The best
known and most followed are Gartner Group, IDC, Forbes,
Forrester, Fjord, and Cisco. Their reports are both general
and focused on certain areas. Quite useful studies are also
available in a variety of national sources, which focus on
country level expectations and changes. A good example of
this in the Finnish context is a report [4] which lists the
expected effects and opportunities provided by more than a
hundred radical technologies in Finnish society. Again,
these changes must be taken into account in education.
Emerging technologies are technologies whose
development, practical applications, or both are still largely
unrealized or have just reached the breakthrough phase.
The time span related to their significant adoption in
practice is often set at five years. The essential point is that
the emerging technology includes innovation potential –
competitive edge – in practical applications (modified
definition by the authors). In our paper [5], we collected
data from sixteen technology analysis sources in 2017. The
findings were classified into seven main sectors: AI was
one and maybe the most important of these. The analysis
included more than 100 emerging technologies causing
significant changes in the time span of 10-20 years. To
continue our story, in this paper we will focus on discussing
aspects related to Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the theory and
development of computer systems able to perform tasks
normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual
perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and
translation between languages. It is often connected to the
features of a computer system that have elements of human
behavior (modified definition by the authors). The overall
research problem handled in this paper is “The role of
Artificial Intelligence in the current and future society”. We
have divided the topic into the following research
questions: 1. What are the essential elements of AI now and
in the past? 2. Why does AI reappear in cycles and have
renewed innovation power almost once a decade? 3. What
kind of opportunities AI does offer current society?
To answer RQ1, we will give a short analysis of the
evolution of AI since the mid-1950s (Section 2). Section 3
provides (at least partially) an answer to RQ2. Section 4
focuses on the opportunities provided by the current AIrelated technologies and answers RQ3. Section 5 concludes
the paper.
A. Motivation
Some technologies appear repeatedly in cycles at the
top of the list of emerging technologies – they appear, the
effects of their innovative role are remarkable for a while,
then they disappear only to reappear again. In our paper [6]
we called this phenomenon the “reincarnation cycles of
technologies”. The paper briefly introduced two such
technologies – AI and Data Management. It also included a
similar phenomenon that is based on the evolution of
concepts in the course of time; software quality was
handled as an example of this.
We consider the importance of AI in current society to
be so high that we wish to return to the reincarnation issue
in this paper in more detail. The fourth cycle of AI, which
is ongoing, will have a dramatic effect on jobs,
employment, data handling, and many other things,
education included. In the following, we start with a brief,
simplified history of AI. After that the reasons behind its
cyclic reappearance are explained: the main elements are a
constant demand for such applications and the renewed
possibilities to implement intelligence in a new way and in
new contexts. The first reason (demand) should be clear:
people want to have more intelligent, easy-to-use systems
and applications helping their life both in private and in
business. They want to automate boring, repetitive routine
work. They would like to have intelligent assistance and
augmented support in their daily routines. We will return to
this issue in the discussion part at the end of this paper
(Section 4). The second reason (possibilities) is explained
by the progress in technology. We will deal with this issue
briefly as a separate topic (Section 3).
Why examine and explain history? To understand the
opportunities for tomorrow, it is important to understand
the path to today. The same factors have been driving
progress for decades. The development tends to be
continuous (trend-based) and history largely determines the
future. Sometimes something unforeseen happens; this
means discontinuity in the trend in the form of radical
changes, or even in the form of changes in technological
systems, or as a transfer to a new paradigm in social systems
(these innovation steps are explained in [1] and also
handled in [3].) All of this provides us with the means to
analyze the continuation of the cyclic progress of AI. If the
cyclic progress continues, we may ask: What are the future
cycles? When are they coming? What are the driving forces
behind them? The final question might be whether there is
any reason to believe that there will not be any more new
cycles? Our historical overview points out two additional
aspects. The first is “What is the reason for the delay
between the theoretical foundations and the appearance of
certain technologies?” Our answer is that the enabling
technologies needed are not yet mature enough. The second
aspect is “What happens to an innovative technology at the
end of its life cycle?” Every technology has a life cycle with
four phases: embryonic, growing, mature, aging and
decline. The technology is mainly adopted for normal use
in the growing and mature phases (benefit to use it is
highest, uncertainty about its usefulness is low). After that
(aging, decline), innovative technology becomes embedded
in the daily infrastructure and no longer has any meaningful
competitive edge.
B. Historical Overview
AI has its roots in antiquity in the form of myths, stories
and rumors of artificial beings endowed with intelligence
or consciousness by master craftsmen [7].
Where the “ancient” AI left these ideas at a theoretical
(story) level, the invention of the digital computer enabled
these ideas to be put into practice. However, a lot of ancient
philosophical foundations (theories about the human mind
and human way of thinking) have been useful as a
theoretical foundation in AI research.
Figure 1. A short, simplified history of artificial intelligence focusing on the viewpoints of this paper.
The milestones of the “brief “ history of AI are collected
in Figure 1 and explained in the rest of this section. We
have also added a “wave line” to describe the cycles – rises,
falls, and transfers to a new cycle. The term “AI” was
coined by John McCarthy in 1955; he is the inventor of the
Lisp programming language and also a key person in
organizing the workshop held on the campus of Dartmouth
College during the summer of 1956. This workshop was the
starting point of current AI research.
In analyzing the progress of AI it is worth keeping in
mind that the traditional electronic programmable
computer was and still is developed for fast complex
calculations on algorithmic bases, not for modeling the
inference/reasoning type operations of the human brain.
There is still the same mismatch (with the exception of the
third wave discussed below) between the computing logics
and inference/reasoning based operations needed in AI.
These operations are still transferred to normal algorithmic
operations and conducted by “brute force” bases that have
advanced algorithms as the key factors.
C. The first wave - 1950s
The first wave of AI in the role of emerging technology
focused on programming languages like Lisp (in the
1950s) and later Prolog (early 1970s; Alain Colmerauer and
Philippe Roussel.) 1 . In Lisp the novelty was modifiable
code – the program (application) was able to modify itself
in runtime. This can be seen as a simple learning capability
of the computer program – the opportunity to react to the
state of the computer. Prolog is a “logic programming
language” in which the expressions are rules to be
executed, able to create new rules and to modify the
behavior of the old ones. Typical of this wave is the fact
that the knowledge needed to solve the problem is in the
program’s algorithms and known only by the programmer
and used to cast the solution method in terms of algebraic
D. The Second Wave - 1970-1980s
The second wave relates to expert systems (1970s –
1980s). An expert system is a computer application that
reasons using knowledge to solve complex (dedicated)
problems. Three principal approaches were used in
implementing expert systems. In rule-based expert systems
the problem solving was based on a predefined
(modifiable) rule base, which was used to solve the
problem given to the system. In frame-based expert
systems, the problems were solved by matching the
problem to the frames in the system’s frame base. We have
taken the freedom to categorize hypertext in the category of
expert systems. This technology was born at the same time
as expert systems and has radical consequences in the way
we use computers today. Hypertext systems are intelligent
text systems in which the text (and other type of)
“documents” are connected to each other with flexible
About Lisp:;
About Prolog:
2 Feigenbaum:;
3 About Watson:
references (hyperlinks). These hyperlinks in a way provide
the means for building “intelligent” document systems –
paths to move in the document set in a way to solve the
problem. Hypertext is one of the key concepts of the World
Wide Web (WWW) and its implementation technologies.
Whereas in first-wave technology the knowledge needed to
solve the problem lay in the program’s algorithms, in expert
systems the problem solving logic is known by its users.
The first expert systems were launched by Stanford
University. The research group led by Edward
Feigenbaum2 – known as the father of expert systems –
developed systems that were able to handle the expertise of
highly valued and complex application areas. This work
resulted in the first known expert systems in the 1970s:
Mycin for diagnoses of infectious diseases and Dendral for
identifying unknown organic molecules. The best known
expert system – or actually computer system and
application platform - is Watson3, which is a questionanswering system capable of answering questions posed in
natural language and used in a variety of application areas.
Its knowledge resources are also available via APIs to third
parties to develop their intelligent applications. Watson
connects another important component to the system
intelligence – the user interface, which in this case is
natural language. Progress in natural language
interpretation and its use as a system interface also has a
decades-long history; we have excluded it from this paper,
but wish to point out that in most cases an easy-to-use
interface is connected to the success of intelligent systems.
In the area of hypertext, three names are worth
mentioning. In the middle of the 1960s, Ted Nelson4 coined
the terms 'hypertext' and 'hypermedia'. These were a part of
his model for creating and using linked content. He started
implementing a hypertext system called Xanadu; its first
public release was completed thirty years later in 1998.
Douglas Engelbart 5 worked at the Stanford Research
Institute in the project developing the NLS collaboration
system in the early 1960s. The preliminary version of the
system, demonstrating a 'hypertext' (meaning editing)
interface was launched to the public in 1968. The
revolutionary breakthrough in hypertext happened in the
1980s, when Tim Berners-Lee 6 created his hypertext
database system (ENQUIRE) for CERN in 1980. This was
the foundation for the hypertext-based worldwide web
concept. At the turn of the 80s/90s, he specified the HTML
language, implemented web browser and server software,
and developed the first operative version of the HTML
protocol over the Internet. The rest of this progress is wellknown everywhere.
E. The Third Wave - 1990s
The mismatch between the logical structures demanded
by AI operations (inference/reasoning) and computer
architectures was disturbing for some quarters?? – and
breaking this mismatch was seen as a remarkable
About Ted Nelson:
About Engelbart:;
NLS: Engelbart
is also known as a developer of the first computer mouse and windowbased user interface, among many other remarkable innovations..
6 About Tim Berners-Lee:
opportunity for innovation. In the 1980s, efforts to remedy
this mismatch were undertaken by developing specialized
computer architectures – and thus the third wave started.
The two programming languages mentioned above – Lisp
and Prolog – were used in developing intelligent software.
If these could be implemented in computer architecture,
processing of such software would become much more
The biggest initiative came from Japan, where an
enormous national project called “New (Fifth) Generation
Computer System” (FGCS) 7 started in 1982. The Institute
for New Generation Computer Technology (ICOT)8 had a
revolutionary ten-year plan to develop large computer
systems, which were applicable for knowledge information
processing; it was open (exceptionally) even for foreign
partners and covered activities in the area of computer
architecture, software, and (intelligent) applications. The
computer architecture was based on the derivative of
Prolog – Concurrent Prolog – developed by Ehud Shapiro9,
who was invited to ICOT in the role of visiting research
fellow. The execution of Concurrent Prolog allowed
parallel processing following the idea of dataflow
architectures. The plan was for a PSI (Personal Sequential
Inference machine) to act as a work station and a PIM
(Parallel Inference Machine) to act in the role of central
“super computer”; it was based on massively parallel
architecture (thousands of processors). The processing
power of these was calculated in LIPS (Logical Inferences
Per Second) instead of traditional MIPS (Million
Instructions Per Second).
commercial success and finally disappeared from the
To conclude, AI support on the architecture level only
remained potential, in spite of enormous investments in
Japan and marketing efforts in the case of Symbolics. Why
was this? One reason is that ultimately there was not the
demand which would have provided a push for these
advanced architectures. The growth of the processing
power in traditional computers was a strong competitor to
these “one matter”/“single issue” architectures. The 30
years since these efforts are good evidence of this. Will
these solutions come back some day? Such activities are
again in the air.
F. The Fourth Wave
Intelligence is based on learning – first in the taught
subject matter and then in self-learning. The human way?
In the fourth wave of AI today the key element is the
system’s ability to learn: The system is first taught to
understand certain basic facts of the target problem and
after that it learns about mistakes, wrong decisions, and the
reactions of its environment. Very human like? The key
elements in this are the ability for the fast processing of
massive amounts of data and the availability of such data.
Two technologies in these applications play a central role –
neural networks and deep learning. We will not go into
detail about these technologies, but a short review of the
history concerning the topic is necessary so that it will be
possible to understand the message of our paper.
The effort required to commercialize the results came
from the USA. In Symbolics11, Lisp was implemented in
the processor. Symbolics Inc. had its roots in MIT
(Cambridge, Massachusetts). Symbolics computers were
produced in the 1980s; however, they never became a
The idea of a neural network12 is to build a model that
resembles the structure of a human brain – both the
structure and “calculation.” The roots of this theory date
from the 1940s, when Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts
introduced their model of the human brain combined with
a mathematical logics based computation model. Neural
networks use “what-if” based rules and the network is
taught (supervised learning) by means of examples. In this
way, the network learns the non-linear dependencies
between variables. Otherwise, the neural calculation
resembles statistical linear models. The Self-Organizing
Map (SOM)13 is a type of neural network that is based on
unsupervised learning. It was developed by Finnish
academician Teuvo Kohonen in the 1980s. A
multidimensional input (learning) data set is organized into
low-dimensional geometric relationships (layers) that can
be represented as a two-dimensional (low-dimensional)
map. It can be used as an abstraction of the real data space.
The advantage of SOM over a traditional neural network is
its self-learning capability, including the capability of error
correction. Deep learning14 theory has its roots in the 1980s
in the work of Geoffrey Hinton. It is based on the
independent learning of masses of data. The learning
algorithms are based on the use of nonlinear statistics and
the learned data is organized in a multi-layered neural
However, the project did not succeed in
commercializing these advanced computers. The
Mitsubishi Melcom computer is the only one we managed
to find from the material. In the scope of advances in
technology knowledge, the project was a huge success.
Japan became one of the leading countries in computer
systems development (parallel architectures especially),
skills in software development rose dramatically, and
Japanese research in the area of advanced applications
(image processing, speech recognition, natural language
processing, online language translation, etc.) gained a
significant fillip. Even the Web Ontology Language
(OWL), which is a family of knowledge representation
languages for authoring ontologies, has its roots in this
project and is widely used as a formal way to describe
taxonomies and classification networks, essentially
defining the structure of knowledge for various domains10.
The lesson learned in this case is that the secondary results
may be of high importance, even though the main goal (new
computer architecture) was not so successful.
8 The key persons in ICOT were Hideo Aiso, Tohru Moto-oka, Koichi
Furukawa and Kazuhiro Fuchi.
9 About Ehud Shapiro:
10 About OWL:
11About Symbolics:
Neural networks:;
13 About SOM:;
14 About deep learning:;
G. The Waves Concluded
It took more than thirty years to make the theories work
in practice as part of current AI applications. Parallel
computing and big data technologies have made this
possible; earlier, data was the bottleneck (to quote
Professor Aapo Hyvärinen’s seminar presentation,
Helsinki, August 31st, 2017). AI today provides
revolutionary opportunities in a wide variety of
applications that replace human work, or support humans
in their work, in the form of robotics, as part of a variety of
intelligent devices, in the transfer toward human computing
(coming independently of our will), etc.
The four cycles of AI can be synthesized in the
following way:
first cycle - programming: the implementation tool was
the programming language; the intelligence built into
the system was in the algorithms and only
programmers had a profound understanding of their
details; programming languages provided an
application-independent tool to be used in developing
different applications;
second cycle – expert systems: intelligence was built
into the tool (knowledge engineering application) and
knowledge about its operations was openly available
in the system specifications; expert systems were built
for specific purposes only;
third cycle – AI architectures: intelligence was in a
way built into the platform, which provided its services
to the applications in an effective way; the platform did
not limit its usage from the applications’ point of view;
fourth cycle – self-learning applications: deep learning
and machine intelligence provide the means for the use
of AI in a wide variety of contexts; the key (value)
components are algorithms and data. Still these
applications are dedicated to certain (narrow)
application areas.
The progress described above covers the period from
the 1950s to 2019 – approximately 70 years. The time
between cycles 1->2 was 20 years, 2->3 15 years, and 3->4
20 years. We have already earlier stated that two conditions
must come true in order to make a new cycle operative:
continuous demand (demand pull) and technology
supporting the implementation (technology push). In our
examples, we have stated that specific theories were
available decades before they were utilized. The continuous
demand seems to be true: people expect more and more
intelligent applications to help their daily life or to improve
the productivity of their work. We believe that this demand
will remain permanent in AI applications.
So what is left? The key trigger in the progress must be
technology. This is also our hypothesis. A consequence of
this is that by following the progress in technology we are
able to forecast future changes in the AI sector – even the
existence of the fifth cycle, its appearance, time, and form.
To make our forecast, we have to understand the major
changes in the enabling technologies, look for the gaps in
the existing intelligent services, analyze the reasons for the
gaps, and find technology that is able to fill them.
Enabling technologies are the triggers that provide an
opportunity to make the desired changes come true (fill the
gap) or prevent it (the gap still exists). The analysis of the
cycles introduced the three key elements of enabling
technologies: computing power and memory capacity (=
VLSI, circuit technologies), data storing capacity, and data
transmission speed. These technologies also largely explain
the cyclic behavior in the context of continuous demand
(for new applications). Every cycle starts when it is
triggered by an innovation (in practice, handling capacity)
in an enabling technology. Every innovation has a limited
capability to maintain changes and finally it is embedded in
the “normal” (as noted earlier in this paper). The gap
between invention and its utilization follows the same
formula. Non-applicable theoretical foundations remain
potential as an application gap that will finally be filled
when the triggering technologies become available.
Our hypothesis above covers three enabling
technologies. Additional ones can be listed, but ultimately
they are in some way derivatives of and connected to the
progress in the three key technologies discussed below. All
these technologies seem to have continuous exponential
growth, allowing the use of computers in new applications.
The book [8] handles a wide variety of laws that are
based mostly on empirical observation. In our particular
case the following laws are relevant:
processing capacity - Moore’s law: the
price/performance of processors is halved every 18
months (transistor density);
data storage - Hoagland’s law: the capacity of
magnetic devices increases by a factor of ten every
decade; and
data transmission - Cooper’s law: wireless bandwidth
doubles every 2.5 years.
These and some additional laws are discussed below to
build a scenario explaining the cyclic reappearance of AI.
Moore’s law [8, pp. 244-247; 9] – the original article
[10] – refers to the co-founder and chair of Intel in the
1960s, Gordon Moore. The law deals with the packing
density of transistors, which is predicted to double every 18
months. Its practical consequences are doubling processor
capacity in 18 months and memory capacity in 15 months
for the same price. Although the law was based on Moore’s
observations in the late 1950s, it is still valid and the
physical limits of chip materials have not yet slowed down
the progress.
Hoagland’s law [8, pp. 247-249; 9] deals with the
capacity of the data storage devices in current use –
magnetic disks. It predicts the capacity of magnetic devices
to increase by a factor of ten every decade (i.e., doubling
every 18 months). The law is attributed to Albert Hoagland,
who was one of the developers of the first magnetic disks.
Let us take a look at the periods introduced in Figure 1. The
first cycle was the time of punch cards, the second was
mainly magnetic tapes and small capacity disks, and from
the third cycle on, magnetic disks have practically
superseded all other devices. Its new competitor is SSDbased mass memory, which is not yet (and maybe will
never become) competitive in storing big masses of data.
There are several laws indicating the growth of data
transmission. Cooper’s law [8, pp. 249-250] (Martin
Cooper, Motorola) reports the growth of data transmission
in wireless networks, which is predicted to double every 2.5
years. Gerry Butter (Bell Lab’s / Lucent Optical
Networking Division) predicted that the amount of data one
can transmit using optical fibers doubles every nine months,
which means that the cost of transmission by optical fiber
is halving every nine months (Butter’s law) [9]. Nielsen’s
law [11] summarizes the transmission speed from the users’
point of view; according to Nielsen’s law, users' bandwidth
grows by 50% per year (i.e., doubling every 20 months,
which is 10% less than Moore's law for computer speed).
The new (version of the) law incorporates the data from
1983 to 2018. The report by Cisco [12] summarizes the
progress in practice. It provides evidence on the fast growth
of mobile traffic: the Compound Annual Growth Rate
(CAGR) in 2016-2021 is forecast to be 47% (total in the
period from 7 to 49 Exabytes). The traffic has grown 4000fold over the past 10 years and almost 400-million-fold
over the past 15 years. It also indicates the transfer towards
applications having high bandwidth consumption
(streaming, VR (CAGR 60%), AR (46%), MR).
VLSI technology is the kernel of all the enabling
technologies. The progress in VLSI technology indicates
fast growth in processing power (doubling every 18
months) and memory capacity (more? available for the
same price in 15 months). These capabilities indirectly also
drive the progress in data transmission (switches and
network devices) and data storage (controllers) in addition
to their basic technologies. Table I represents the changes
in essential computing capabilities in the period from the
1950s to today (divided into cycle steps in Figure 1;
includes some rounding errors to simplify the presentation).
capacity in
months (m)
Memory 15m
Mass memory
The figures in Table 1 represent changes in capacity
from the base year 1955 (first cycle) over the three other
cycles; the base year value is 1. The numbers in parentheses
are changes from the earlier cycle (changes between
columns). The last column provides a scenario ten years
from now: computing power is 157-fold, memory capacity
445-fold, mass memory 157-fold, and data transmission
15 This discussion is a free interpretation of the column of Professor
Heikki Ailisto in the Finnish ICT journal Tivi, February 2019. ISSN
speed 97-fold compared to the capacity of today. In data
transmission we used Nielsen’s prediction, which may be
somewhat pessimistic. If something is not possible today,
maybe it will be in ten years’ time (based on continuous
demand). In 10 years from now, we will be able to run more
complex software and handle greater amounts of data (in
primary memory) for fast processing, we will have access
to bigger data repositories and faster data transmission will
allow the use of distributed data and also distributed
parallel processing (to increase the processing capacity).
Today, when applications are mostly based on the cloudtype of services and most of the user terminals (smart
phones, laptops, PCs, tablets) also have significant (local)
processing capacity, the processing needed for problem
solving is distributed between terminal and “cloud”. What
kind of problems will we be able to solve at the terminal
level (locally) in ten years’ time that are not yet possible?
What about taking the whole computing infrastructure into
account on a general level?
The present wave in AI is focused on learning. As
introduced in Section 3, the key technologies are deep
learning and artificial multilayered neural networks. It is
justifiable to say that currently a lot of business value is
bound to data and the algorithms handling it in an
intelligent way. Yuval Noah Harari addresses the role of
algorithms in current society in his book ”Homo Deus,”
with reference to Facebook (FB) and Google: “The
algorithms of FB and Google follow all our activities (on
the Internet). Algorithms compare our behavior to the
behavior of others and based on that are able to predict our
behavior” (freely interpreted by the authors of this paper).
We are profiled by intelligent algorithms, which have an
enormous amount of data organized in the form of “learned
knowledge” of human behavior.
However, the current AI boom is mostly based on weak
(narrow) AI, which is focused on one specific task and does
not understand the data it handles – data is just data. Weak
AI does not have its “own sense” related to the data it
handles, nor its own will about how it should be handled.
The next step will be strong AI, which understands facts
and their relationships; it also has features of human beings,
like common sense. It does not have its own will either;
rather a kind of understanding of its surroundings.
The path towards this “general AI” is unknown but is
generally accepted by scientists. 15. The first alternative is
to continue the current trend (deep learning) with more data
processing power. The second alternative is to follow the
proposal of Andrej Karpathy (Tesla). He has introduced the
concept of Software 2.0. Current algorithmic programming
produces an exact algorithm that a computer follows
instruction by instruction. In Software 2.0, the programmer
produces only a skeleton program that specifies a goal the
program should reach and the software platform produces
the full solution to the task. Idealistic? – time will tell! /we
do not know as yet! The third path would be a merging of
deep learning, semantic methods, and common knowledge
about the application context
Two Finnish reports [13; 14] list ten core competences
in the area of AI: (1) Refined Data analytics; (2) Sensing
and situation awareness (of autonomous systems); (3)
Natural language understanding and cognition; (4)
Interaction with humans (advanced interaction tools and
methods); (5) Digital skills (work life, education, training);
(6) Machine learning; (7) System level and systemic impact
(AI technologies on the whole); (8) Computing equipment,
platforms, services, and ecosystems; (9) Robotics and
machine automation (the multidisciplinary physical
dimension of AI); and (10) Ethics, morals, regulation, and
As can be seen, AI is not just a single technology but a
collection of technologies, methods, applications, and
schools of research and thought. It must also be seen as a
part of the larger trend of digitalization.
The report [4] deals with the opportunities provided by
new technologies for Finnish society in the time frame from
the present to 2037 (at the time the report was written, a 20year time span). In spite of having the focus on one
economy its findings are very appropriate for a global
context. The report lists the following high importance
application areas of AI: (1) Speech recognition, speech
synthesis, and interpretation; (2) Neural networks and deep
learning; (3) AI platforms; (4) Face and emotion
recognition; (5) Verbot/chatpot – interacting robots; (6)
Real-time 3D sketching of the environment; (7) 3D
imaging; and (8) Teaching materials for AI applications.
AI applications are processing-intensive and need a lot
of computing capacity. Most of the AI applications are still
run by conventional computers. Some manufacturers have
started to develop special architectures to speed up the
processing capability. This has become reasonably easy
thanks to advances in VLSI technology (compared to the
situation in the third wave of AI). Although applications are
able to learn even with a relatively small learning data set –
especially if they know the conceptual model of the
application, the exactness of results would improve with
larger amounts of learning data. A new method is to use one
AI application to generate learning material or to give
feedback to another one. In any case, AI learns from every
We conclude this part of our paper by referring to our
earlier paper [5], which lists a variety of findings related to
emergent technologies based on our review of leading
technology analysts, and to Gartner group’s report “Gartner
Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2019” [15].
Gartner lists the following emerging technologies: (1)
Autonomous things: Robotics, Vehicles, Drones,
Appliances, and Agents; (2) Augmented Analytics: By
2020, more than 40% of data science tasks will be
automated; (3) AI-driven development: AI is embedded into
applications and AI is used to create AI-powered tools for
the development process; (4) Digital twins: digital twins
(1) Maurizio Matteuzzi:
mirror a real-life object, process or system; (5) Immersive
technologies: technologies such as augmented reality (AR),
mixed reality (MR), and virtual reality (VR) create added
value even to AI applications in the form of a user interface
to the real application; (6) Smart spaces: A smart space is a
physical or digital environment in which humans and
technology-enabled systems interact in increasingly open,
connected, coordinated, and intelligent ecosystems; and (7)
Digital ethics and privacy: Even Gartner lists this topic at
the top. This is because data has become an important
resource and people are aware of its usage. Three items (out
of ten) in Gartner’s list are beyond the scope of the topic
discussed in this paper.
Is AI a science or not? An interesting critical debate is
available in three “discussions”16 we found when preparing
this paper. The first reference (Maurizio Matteuzzi)
discusses the topic “Why AI is not a science.” An
interesting perspective (different to ours) to the history of
AI is given by Güven Güzeldere and Stefano Franchi in the
second reference. The third reference lists interesting
quotes about AI. All three of these sources represent
criticism of AI. We will leave these to the reader to prove
that the topic encompasses many dimensions.
The paper described the progress of AI from a historical
and contemporary perspective. The motivation to write this
paper was the observation that some technologies tend to
reappear in the role of emerging technologies from time to
time – mostly irregularly. We have analyzed its
“reincarnation” cycles and found two factors in the
background: continuous demand and progress in enabling
technologies. Continuous demand includes such problems
that cannot be tackled using existing technology; as a result,
they remain to be solved in the future. Eventually, when
improvements in enabling technologies allow, the new
cycle will start to satisfy the “unsatisfied need.” In 2030
(Table I), we will be able to satisfy needs that demand 157fold computing power, 445-fold main memory size, 157fold mass memory capacity, and 97 times faster data
transmission compared to the situation today.
What happens to the applications that appeared in older
cycles? Nothing – they just remain and are embedded into
the ”normal” without any significant innovation power.
What is the next cycle and when will it occur? The current
AI can be characterized by systems capable of “mechanical
learning”. The system learns and can use the learned facts
to create new knowledge; however, without understanding
their relationships or use context. In our paper we listed
three scenarios. According to our understanding, the most
probable future step is the transition to strong AI, in which
the learning capability enables understanding of facts and
their relationships and has human features like common
sense, including a kind of awareness of its surroundings. A
human-computer “mental connection” will become (and
already is partially) possible, when the human brain and
(2) Güven Güzeldere and Stefano Franchi: ttps://
/SHR/4-2/text/introduction.html (see the pictures in the article)
(3) Quotes:
computer can be connected in such a way that human neural
signals can be utilized by computer applications.
Why have we submitted this paper to the CE
conference?. AI changes society and affects future work:
professions will appear, some will disappear, and many of
them will undergo significant changes. Such changes are
AI-supported citizen development, software robots in the
production of routine newspaper articles, intelligent
chatbots in customer service, service robots, expert systems
in routine decision making, and a robot analyzing complex
contracts on behalf of a lawyer for instance.
What about AI in the field of education? First of all,
there is an international journal “ International Journal of
Artificial Intelligence in Education” published by Springer.
This point out the importance of the topic also in the field
of education. We made a rough article search in Scobus – it
resulted close to 3.000 peer-reviewed papers in the period
of 2017-2019. Similar search in Google Scholar resulted
over 37.000 references. The analysis of publication forums
listed by Scobus search indicates that the papers are mostly
published in the journals having clear topic related context
– medicine, agriculture, engineering, computing,
chemistry, human behavior, manufacturing, nursing, etc.
For further readings we collected some material related to
the role of AI in education – please see [17; 18; 19; 20; 21;
22]. To go in detail in these we need another conference
paper. In general, the papers cover a wide variety of ideas
and some frameworks about using AI as a part of teaching
process. An interesting view of the future is published by
Fast Future Research [16]. It creates a vision to jobs of the
future – if some jobs are lost because of intelligent
applications, some new are needed.
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