Challenge FRAP: An e-learning
tool used to scaffold authentic
problem-solving processes
Victor Galea
School of Land, Crop & Food Sciences
The University of Queensland
Terry Stewart
Institute of Natural Resources
Massey University
Caroline H Steel
Teaching and Education Development Institute
The University of Queensland
Challenge FRAP (Form for the Analysis of Problems), is client based public-domain authoring
software that facilitates the dynamic use of scaffolding, progressive feedback to learners, and
student reflection at important decision-making points. This paper reports the student use and
evaluation of this eLearning tool in the context of a plant pathology course over three years.
Students in a third year undergraduate course were given authentic commercially significant plant
disease problems derived from industry and matched with industry clients to work through their
analysis and diagnosis. The use of Challenge FRAP enabled students to work in a flexible, selfdirected way with strong scaffolding support and guidance to assist them through a scholarly
scientific reasoning process. The e-learning tool also enabled the teacher to gain insights into
student decision-making and cognitive thinking processes and to provide feedback and guidance
at crucial learning points. This paper details student perceptions of this e-learning scaffolding tool
during and after their experience of using it, as well as their responses to the authentic learning
context and how they believed the process influenced their learning.
Keywords: diagnosis, authentic problems, clinical reasoning, PBL, scaffolding, self-directed
learning, Challenge FRAP, plant pathology
Authentic problem-based learning (PBL) designs are known to have many benefits to students and are
used widely across disciplinary areas and education sectors (Herrington, Oliver, & Reeves, 2003, p.69).
The opportunity to apply knowledge and concepts through problem-solving for real world issues offers
students contextualised learning and a powerful learner-centred instructional approach. Many recognise
that a critical factor in successful problem-based Learning is the availability of expert tutors to guide
learners through the PBL process (e.g. Hmelo-Silver & Barrows, 2006, p.21-25, Savery, 2006, p.12
Simons and Ertmer, 2006, p.297). As various constraints often limit the availability of such skilled and
trained tutors, it has become increasingly important to embed instructional support and scaffolding
mechanisms within the PBL design that assist learners to successfully attain their learning goals. The
eLearning tool ‘Challenge FRAP’ provides both the educator and learner with customisable templates and
a range of tools that enable better PBL design, scaffolding and learning opportunities (Stewart et al.,
2007). In this paper, we provide a description of the capabilities of this software and the design of an
authentic learning project that was evaluated over three consecutive years with different learner cohorts.
We discuss student perceptions of this eLearning scaffolding tool during and after their learning
experience and their responses to the authentic learning context and how they believed their process
influenced their learning. Through describing the authoring capabilities of this software and drawing on a
specific case study, this paper illustrates how this client-based public domain authoring tool has been
utilised effectively to enhance problem-based learning (PBL) designs for authentic contexts.
Authentic PBL and Challenge FRAP
Problem-based learning is ‘an instructional (and curricular) learner-centred approach that empowers
learners to conduct research, integrate theory and practice, and apply knowledge and skills to develop a
viable solution to a defined problem’ (Savery, 2006, p.12). It has foundations in constructivist theories
and has been shown to improve students’ diagnostic skills (Schimdt et al., 1995), their retention of
Proceedings ascilite Singapore 2007: Full paper: Galea, Stewart and Steel
content knowledge with a greater depth of understanding (Dods, 1997), and their reasoning and selfdirected learning skills and strategies (Hmelo-Silver & Barrows, 2006, p.24). Solving complex authentic
problems, rather than contrived problems or decontextualised learning activities, promotes high level
thinking and encourages students to draw upon a range of resources that they may access as professionals.
Authentic learning contextualises knowledge creation and application, and with strong scaffolding and
support, can be highly motivational to learners and encourage participation (Herrington et al., 2003, p.69).
Scaffolding is a mechanism that assists learners to extend their learning into more complex or unknown
areas of knowledge and knowledge application (such as real-life problems). Scaffolds may take many
forms including learner guides, resources, tools and strategies that help the learner to attain higher levels
of understanding. In PBL, scaffolding often takes the form of modelling, coaching and questioning to
progress students through the PBL task (Hmelo-Silver, 2004, p.245), and to monitor their learning and
reasoning processes. It is good practice to encourage learners to reflect on their thinking and actions and
to check their own understanding so that they become more adept with problem-solving, and
consequently, the level of scaffolding can be reduced. On a practical level, students are set an
investigative task designed to solve a complex, ill-structured but authentic problem (Boud and Feletti,
1991, Kain, 2003). They undertake this task, in groups or individually, and report back to the tutor/
facilitator at task milestones or at completion. Reporting can take many forms from seminars through to
authentic forms of communication with the client in the real world context.
When assessing a student’s effort on such a task, it is important for educators to locate a well-reasoned
investigative pathway that is indicative of a well-considered and scholarly approach to problem analysis,
diagnosis and the proposed way forward. As such, it is beneficial when the activities completed, results
and reflections are documented. This also enables the educator to provide more meaningful feedback. As
a scaffolding strategy, the tutor may elect to set an example of a potential investigative pathway for the
student to follow to get them started, or at least to indicate some of the common tasks expected of them.
Challenge FRAP (Form for the Recording of the Analysis of Problems) is a freeware program that
provides the designer/facilitator with opportunities to track the investigative pathways, decision-making,
results and reflections of learners and to create potential pathways of inquiry that the learner can utilise,
change or extend. It enables the designer/facilitator to use a variety of scaffolding mechanisms, provide
progressive feedback and promote student reflection at key decision-making points. This tool enhances
the designer/ facilitator’s ability to both guide and model students through an investigative exercise, and
for learners to record their observations, reflections and conclusions. Learner contributions to the PBL
task can be saved as a dynamic data file known as a FRAP form. This electronic form can be treated like
a living document, to be shared between group members, and sent to the tutor at various stages during the
task with questions and reflections and for comment. A component of the form can carry date-stamped
comments from the tutor or student for feedback and discussion. Furthermore, this dynamic `digital
product’ may initially take the form of a template, with the embedded tutor scaffolds such as suggested
actions, processes and resources, which the students can add to, delete or change.
The software was developed as a derivative of the Challenge scenario-based authoring tool (Stewart and
Bartrum, 2002). However, unlike the latter, Challenge FRAP is not designed to author and display a
problem-based scenario as a “game”, but rather to document and understand the learners’ reasoning
processes and solution to a real problem, while simultaneously providing guidance and feedback as to
their process. A description of authoring capabilities of the software is provided to assist the reader to
better understand how it can be employed.
Description of the authoring tool
Challenge FRAP is described in detail at the site , where both the program
and a manual can also be downloaded. The program is also now available in version 3. This version is
called Challenge Workbook and is shareware rather than freeware, but version 1and 2 were used in this
study, hence the screen shots show the prior versions. The differences between versions 1 and 2 are
mostly cosmetic, while version 3 includes certain student requested refinements such as a spell checker.
An extended version of Challenge Workbook which will allow students and tutors to share and manage
FRAP (i.e. Workbook) forms via the web is also in development.
The opening screen of Challenge FRAP gives the user (student or tutor) the choices of either starting a
new FRAP document, or loading an existing document. A new FRAP form simply starts up with a single
activity node at the root and a blank editing page, while an existing document may be a partially
completed student record or a template developed by the educator, to guide the student through the
Proceedings ascilite Singapore 2007: Full paper: Galea, Stewart and Steel
exercise. After the user makes the appropriate selection, the program then moves to the main screen
(Figure 1).
Figure 1: A FRAP template showing a plant diagnostic pathway
The authoring window is divided into three parts. The left hand side displays a series of nodes. These
nodes can be pre-existing if a pre-designed template is being used or can be created by the students as
they work through a task. Nodes can be represented by a series of in-built icons. They can represent any
entity (object, location, action or theme) the student thinks is appropriate. Nodes can be organised or
reorganised in hierarchies so their relationship to one another is obvious. In essence, they show a pathway
of related activities that may take place (or have taken place) during the problem-solving exercise. Firstlevel nodes can represent main activities while second and third level nodes can represent sub-activities
off these main ones. In some ways the node structure could be likened to a file structure you might use to
organise files on your computer.
The main right pane is an edit screen, and this holds the HTML content associated with each node. If a
FRAP template is supplied, as shown in Figure 1, this may hold tutor-written information (suggestions,
hints, directions) pertaining to the activity represented by the node. The student would replace this with
their own content (showing results and reflections) once they have undertaken the task themselves.
Pictures, text and hyperlinks either to the web or a local resource are all accepted.
The top left-hand screen contains a properties tab and a Discussion and Feedback tab. The latter allows
input by the student and the tutor, pertaining to particular node content. All input is sequenced and datestamped so a clear record is kept of the feedback.
FRAP files can be exchanged between teacher and student or other members of a student team for
additions and comments during the course of the investigation. The enhanced version of Challenge 3
(Challenge Workbook) will allow students to collaboratively develop their FRAP files over the web.
The next section of this paper illustrates the benefits and use of this eLearning scaffolding tool through an
authentic self-directed PBL project in plant pathology. This problem-solving project was developed prior
to the introduction of the software, but Challenge FRAP enabled better scaffolding and reflective
discourse amongst tutors and students and significantly improved the learning outcomes for students.
Proceedings ascilite Singapore 2007: Full paper: Galea, Stewart and Steel
Case study: Teaching plant disease diagnosis with Challenge FRAP
Description of the project
A third year undergraduate course at The University of Queensland (UQ) called ‘Plant Protection’ used
the Challenge FRAP software to support student-centred authentic problem-based learning projects. The
use of the software and PBL design were evaluated by all enrolled students during 2004, 2005 and 2006
consisting of ten, eight and four third year undergraduate students, respectively. Over recent years,
student enrolments in this course have diminished as a result of the national (and international) decline in
student interest in Agricultural Science programs. The 2007 cohort numbered only 1 student with an
additional 5 students enrolling in this course as members of a coursework Masters program. Data from the
2007 class is also included in this paper.
The students were asked to select a plant disease case from a range of authentic problems submitted for
consideration by a range of horticultural industry clients from south east Queensland. Each student was
provided with brief details on their selected case along with the contact details of their client so that they
could consult with the client to collect relevant information and further specimens, as well as providing
feedback to the client on proposed solutions . Students were aware that their work was of commercial
significance to their client. They were provided with the Challenge FRAP diagnostic template and had
been previously exposed to some laboratory diagnostic cases using the Virtual Plant Pathology Lab CDROM (Galea, 2006a; Galea, 2006b and Galea et al, 2007) developed by one of the authors at UQ (2005
and later cohorts only). The 2004 group, while not exposed to the Virtual Plant Pathology Lab CD-ROM,
were provided with a special training session dealing with elements of diagnostic case management. As
an initial scaffolding mechanism, the FRAP template was designed with a conventional diagnostic
pathway (Figure 2) illustrated via nodes and the node contents contained suggestions and guidance on the
significance of what they might observe. The elements of the pathway identified in this flowchart and
their logical inter-relationship, are essential to the completion of a complete diagnostic case. Prior to
assigning students with their own cases, they participated in lecturer mediated investigation of at least two
“previously unknown” cases. These were solved in collaborative laboratory exercises to provide
structured and supported practice in diagnostic investigation, thus modeling the approach required for
their own individual assignments.
Students were given access to all laboratory and glasshouse facilities required to carry out their individual
tasks and were able to consult with the client and the academic and, where necessary, receive guidance
and relevant training on techniques to assist with their case. They were also given access to digital
photography and photomicrography equipment as required. Although often time-consuming, this
approach allowed each student to receive guidance and support specific to their own diagnostic case,
further supporting the notion that clinical investigation cases are often require the development of unique
(individual) solution pathways. This support often took the form of laboratory skills training (microscopy,
photography, image editing, micro-organism isolation and culture) or information research and
Students were invited to submit a draft of their template (assignment) to gain constructive feedback and
further guidance from the academic. Students were able to use the discussion / feedback box available for
each screen to raise questions or concerns about individual components of their diagnostic case. The
availability of this tool promoted learner reflection throughout their reasoning process. Constructive
feedback and counter-questioning on these and other issues could then be provided by the academic to
scaffold the students towards a more polished outcome. After reflection on the feedback from the
academic, and if required, further investigation of the problem, students submitted a final version of their
diagnostic case FRAP file.
An example of a part of a submission is shown in Figure 3. This final submission was then assessed by
the academic using a specifically designed set of assessment criteria as shown in Table 1.
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Figure 2: Flowchart describing the logical approach to the diagnosis of a plant disease problem.
Figure 3: Screen-shot showing part of a student’s FRAP diagnostic assessment
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Table 1: Assessment criteria for diagnostic assignment
Introduction of problem
Client consultation
Accessing information
Laboratory (skills)
Diagnostic reasoning
Validity of recommendations
Dedication to project
Feedback to client
The plant problem and the context within which it occurs should be clearly
introduced by the student.
Evidence of ability to consult with client should be demonstrated by the relevance
and quality of information sought by the student.
Appropriate information sources to support this case should be accessed and
evidence of this presented within the assignment
A methodical approach to the laboratory phase of this investigation should be
demonstrated, along with the correct choice and use of laboratory techniques.
The conclusions drawn from the diagnostic investigation should be justified and be
relevant and appropriate to the information collected by the student.
The management program must be realistic and relevant both to the production
system, the crop being grown and the problem(s) to be managed.
The student’s dedication to the project through the quality of interaction with the
client and lecturer and effort in the laboratory should be demonstrated.
The student should provide evidence of feedback on the case to the client.
Student attitudes towards this particular learning approach were investigated through the use of two
questionnaires. The first contained nine open-ended questions and examined student attitudes towards this
exercise, its performance and resource issues. It was conducted by the students upon submission of the
draft diagnostic case FRAP template.
The second, a more searching examination of value of the learning exercise, measured the success of the
template as a mechanism for case development and the overall benefit of this case study approach. This
questionnaire was a mixture of qualitative and open-ended questions. The opportunity for students to
provide constructive feedback on the mechanisms used in this exercise was also given. The second
questionnaire was completed by twenty-one of the twenty-two students upon final submission of the case
First questionnaire
The first questionnaire was primarily designed to gain insight into student attitudes about the project and
the use of Challenge FRAP in an effort to explore the way students approached their individual learning
problem. The authors were particularly interested in capturing a sense of the individual journey each
student underwent in their project. Student responses (Table 2) have been selected to represent the range
of responses received across the nine questions asked.
Second questionnaire
The second questionnaire was completed by students upon submission of their final version of the FRAP
template. Its main purpose was to more deeply assess student attitudes towards (1) the learning context of
the diagnostic exercise, (2) the benefits of the FRAP template and (3) the laboratory investigation phase
and to ask students to (4) reflect upon the perceived learning benefits of the project. This was done using
a question bank which was rated using a modified Likert scale. A final series of open ended questions
encouraged some more general reflection on the overall process (data not presented here). These
questions were used to gain general feedback on some operational issues relating to the project with the
view of fine tuning the project phase of the exercise and to identify areas where the Challenge FRAP
template could be improved. Data from this questionnaire was examined using One-Way Chi-Square
analysis. The pa values ranged between 0.00 and 0.01 indicating highly significant agreement among the
student cohort in their responses.
Questions on the learning context
Students were strongly supportive of the learning context of this exercise (Table 3) based upon the
provision of a professional service to an industry client as a sole clinician. The flexible timeframe of this
project and the provision of formal feedback were rated strongly by students, as was their preference for
this learning model as opposed to more traditional staged laboratory exercises in plant disease diagnoses.
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Table 2: Selected responses to first questionnaire and analysis - 2004, 2005, 2006 & 2007
What were your
thoughts about this
project when you
first started?
Typical student responses
My initial thoughts were that I had never done anything like
this before and it was going to be pretty hard
I thought it was a new and interesting way of presenting an
Was a bit worried, seemed like a lot of work and didn't really
know what I was doing
I was interested to see what the problem was and was happy
to be dealing with a plant new to me and an unknown
Would be a great way to learn about pathogen diagnosing
and also to apply concepts into the real world
What were your
thoughts about this
project when you
reached the stage
when you were ready
to submit the first
draft of your work?
That I had the bones of the problem presented without any
padding. Probably needed more details.
It took quite a bit more time and I had planned and I was not
sure how much to reveal in the nodes prior to diagnostic
Thought that was quite interesting, happy with the outcome
and procedures to get there. Not as daunting as first thought
I thought that it was very good way to present the case,
something different which made it more interesting than an
That it required more work that it was starting to take form
of a professional piece of work
During this project,
was there a particular
point where your
feelings towards this
exercise began to
change? If so, give
When we started the lab work and the disease compendiums
etc. were available, then it wasn't so daunting. Also when we
got the FRAP template and it was easy-to-use in the end
When I worked out what disease was on my plant I began to
feel as if things were finally falling into place
Halfway through the first draft I started to get very
enthusiastic about the project. I could see that it was starting
to all piece together
Got excited when I was finding similarities to data I had
collected from the Internet, after incubation of specimen
Responses to this question
indicated a mixture of
apprehension and enthusiasm
at the prospect of performing
this task among students.
Concerns were raised about the
size of the task that lay ahead
and the anticipated degree of
difficulty. The novel way in
which this assignment was
constructed and was to be
performed was also
commented upon, mostly in
positive terms.
While some students indicated
that in reaching this stage they
had invested a significant
amount of time in this project,
there was general sense of
satisfaction at reaching a
preliminary or final diagnosis
for their given case. Some
commented that they had
found this self directed
approach to learning quite
satisfying and most could
anticipate that further work
was required to complete their
There were mixed responses to
this question among students.
It was clear that most could
identify a clear turning point at
which the assignment took a
turn for the better. For some it
was at the point where critical
evidence pointed to a cause for
the plant disease while for
others it was where the
diagnostic approach or the use
of the software was finally
No, not really. The program was easy to use and that made it
easy to complete. The template was helpful in knowing what
to put where
At this stage of the
project, can you
identify any aspects
of the work you have
done so far that you
would have done
I will probably know that when my draft is returned
Possibly a bit more background research and research into
diagnostic techniques
No, I was happy with how I carried out the work
I could have organised to meet the co-operator earlier and
seen the plants in the field sooner
I would have organised my work materials and information
Proceedings ascilite Singapore 2007: Full paper: Galea, Stewart and Steel
The responses to this question
reflected the variety in
approaches to the task taken by
students. While some indicated
that they were not satisfied
with their level of initial case
research (client contact or
library research), a few
indicated that they should have
conducted a wider range of
investigative tests.
Can you identify any
additional resources
that would have
helped you progress
to this stage more
Soil fungi books. They are hard to find
Microscope with a digital camera. More identification
resources for fungi
It would be nice if there was a way to identify pathogens on
my own or with less assistance perhaps with a few books
with pictures of the microbes. Perhaps more laboratory
materials should be left out like Petri dishes etc.
While some students indicated
that access to, or knowledge of
a greater range of diagnostic
resources (hard copy) would
have been of use to them,
others pointed to better access
to laboratory resources as a
There was limited information on this disease relating to
coriander. More research findings would have helped
No, I had access to all the resources that I required
Can you identify
anything that the
lecturer could have
done to assist you
better to reach this
More availability
No, but his help was absolutely vital for diagnosis
A little more help would have been good but I understand
that everyone has to be seen
All but two students were
satisfied with the level
assistance provided for this
project and could not identify
additional support
No, the one-on-one help was fantastic along with checking
the first draft, great
No, the lecturer was very helpful in getting me to this stage
What do you need to
do to complete this
Find out more about the nursery/production, hopefully get
some more photos and put them in, maybe get a couple more
information sources
I only need to make small adjustments a little editing a few
more pictures and add to references recommendations and
I feel I have done pretty good job and do not need to do
much more to complete it
make contact with John (co-operator) about the diagnosis
Give client good feedback, adjust any sections on draft
The variety of responses to this
question reflected the different
approaches taken by students.
While many were in
anticipation of feedback from
the lecturer to complete their
project, some had identified
additional research of the
problem with their client or
through information research
as a need before the task could
be completed.
Do some more research about the plant, including some
minor details
Can you foresee any
major problems that
will hinder your
completion of this
If I have to do the recommendations again
High workload at this time of the year, but really no
Exact fungal identification: hard to find fungi information
Time constraints with other assignments and courses either
are by far my biggest concern
no, hopefully it is all right
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The majority of students
indicated that they were
confident of their ability to
complete this assignment,
while others listed time
constraints or uncertainty about
technical aspect of their
findings or recommendations
as a concern.
Other comments
I found the program easy-to-use, and I'm not that good
around computers. Spell check would be nice on it
This was a very interesting exercise, although at times it
seems as though you would never find the answer - overall a
good learning experience
There was strong support for
the assignment in terms of
student acceptance of its value
as a learning exercise and its
relevance to their need to
develop professional skills.
I found the assignment quite useful in giving me an idea of
how to go about diagnosing the problem with a plant and
how to present it e.g. in sections as in Challenge FRAP
I believe that this diagnostic exercise was a valuable learning
experience in a practical real-life situation. Invaluable really
I found this assignment a very challenging and enjoyable
experience. I would be happy to do it again
Table 3: Student response to questions on the learning context of the exercise (n=26)
I preferred having my own plant disease case to
work on, rather than working through a case with
other students.
Knowing that this was a problem of commercial
significance made this project more relevant to me.
Having a real client to work for improved the value
of this project for me.
I preferred working on this project in my own
The formal feedback received before the project
was complete was useful
I think I would learn more from just working
through a historical case, where I had to interpret
given observations and lab results in order to reach
a diagnosis, (along with being exposed to
diagnostic procedures in lab classes), rather than
undertaking this project.
I think I would learn more from just covering
diagnostic cases in lectures and being exposed to
diagnostic procedures in lab classes, rather than
undertaking this project.
I think I would learn more from just being given
diagnostic cases to read about, rather than
undertaking this project.
Uncertain Disagree
Table 4: Student response to the Diagnostic FRAP template (n=26)
The template provided a logical structure to this
The template provided a useful way to record my
observations and thoughts during the project
The structure within the template served as a model
of common tasks and procedures which assisted me
with my investigation
The template assisted me (helped me focus) when
seeking information from the client
The comments and guidelines initially provided
within the template were useful to me
The feedback/discussion feature was useful to me
The multimedia capabilities allowed me to better
document the problem.
The fact that the template structure could be altered
to reflect my own investigation was a good feature
The template was easy to use
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Questions on the FRAP template
As can be seen from the responses in Table 4, the FRAP software and the Diagnostic template were
viewed very favourably by students in terms of:
the scaffolding and support it provided as they conducted their investigation
the multimedia capability as an aid to documentation of the case, and
the usability and flexibility of the actual Challenge software and the template.
Questions on the laboratory investigation
Response data (Table 5) showed that students were strongly engaged by the laboratory phase of the
project with development of new skills and an improved level of understanding of the diagnostic
Table 5: Student response to questions on the Laboratory Investigation (n=26)
I was strongly engaged by the laboratory
phase of the diagnosis
I learned new skills conducting this phase
of the investigation
My level of understanding of the
diagnostic procedure was improved as a
result of this phase of the project
Questions on the learning benefit
This question series (Table 6) required students to reflect upon some of the broader learning benefits of
the project. Again, there was strong agreement among students that the diagnostic exercise lead to
development of useful skills and the integration and reinforcement of learnt theory with practice. This
PBL approach successfully engaged students, thus making learning enjoyable.
Table 6: Student response to questions on the Learning Benefit of the project (n=26)
I have developed useful skills as a result of
this project
I found this problem-based learning
approach to be more interesting than
conventional content delivery
The project helped improve my knowledge
of plant protection generally
The project reinforced theory learned
elsewhere in this course
The project served to integrate knowledge
with skills
I enjoyed this project
It was evident from the case study templates submitted by students that they succeeded in embracing the
philosophy and approach to conducting diagnostic evaluations of plants with diseases which were
previously unknown to them. As an eLearning tool, the FRAP template not only captured a record of their
work, but also provided opportunities to embed appropriate levels of scaffolding for students to
successfully complete the diagnostic procedure and to allow constructive teacher feedback at key
decision-making points.
Data from the first questionnaire captured the sense of uncertainty among some students as they
submitted their “works in progress” in anticipation of constructive feedback and reassurance of the
approach they had followed in developing their diagnostic cases. Students were initially concerned with
the size of the authentic PBL task and anticipated some difficulty. By the time they submitted their first
draft, students were generally satisfied with their diagnosis and had found the self-directed aspect of the
task quite fulfilling. They also reflected on their initial contact with the client and some recognised that
they should have conducted more investigative testing at that stage. Students looked forward to feedback
Proceedings ascilite Singapore 2007: Full paper: Galea, Stewart and Steel
on their initial draft and some identified that they required more research to grasp and address the
problem more effectively.
It was clearly evident from the data collected in the second questionnaire, that the students had developed
both a sense of confidence and competence in their ability to clinically diagnose a plant disease problem
and develop recommendations for their client. They enjoyed the self-directed and flexible aspects of the
task and the fact that the task was authentic and of commercial significance to the client was generally
considered motivational and valuable. Feedback on their initial draft was also highly valued by students
and the overall consensus was that the authenticity of the problems and the PBL design were far more
influential on their learning than a traditional lecture-lab-based tutorial approach.
Students also responded well to the Challenge FRAP template. They particularly liked the structure it
offered and the way it could be altered to reflect their own investigation and to record their observations
and reflections. It was easy for students to use and the scaffolding modelled the common tasks they
needed to complete. While the discussion and feedback feature was well received, some students were
less sure about the multimedia capabilities of Challenge FRAP being useful and whether the template
adequately assisted them with seeking information from the client. There was strong agreement that they
were engaged by the laboratory investigation, had learned new skills and better understood the diagnostic
Students were overwhelmingly positive about the learning benefits of this approach. While students
enjoyed the project, they also recognised that they their learning process had enabled them to develop
more skills, improve their knowledge generally and reinforce and integrate their knowledge and theory in
this area.
As this case study indicated, Challenge FRAP was used as a flexible eLearning tool for authentic PBL
tasks that promoted the use scaffolding techniques, provided progressive learner feedback, promoted
student reflection at key decision-making points and supported self-directed PBL learning designs. As an
editing software, Challenge FRAP enabled the production of an electronic report template that could both
guide the students through a problem-solving task and record their observations, progress and reflections.
The tree-structure of the activity nodes were powerful in the way they could visually demonstrate how
tasks related to one another and flexible in how they could be moved, changed and manipulated by the
learner as they progressed their thinking. Dynamic work-in-progress files were easily passed between
teacher and student, facilitating asynchronous dialogue, feedback, reflection and teamwork during the
course of the investigation.
Student feedback confirmed that overall, the software was useful, easy to use and navigate, and students
appeared to be impressed with the way the template assisted and recorded their engagement with the
problem task. The feedback/ discussion tool, and the potential to edit the template to reflect their own
investigative path were perceived as useful features of the product.
The software has the potential for use beyond what was demonstrated through this case. One student who
has graduated in the plant protection area, has indicated that they plan to use the software to establish a
library of problem-solving approaches to plant disease in their own professional context. It has potential
application for other disciplines where student exposure to ill-structured problems, and the subsequent
development of problem interpretation and solution development are seen to be of benefit. Although
principally used in a clinical sciences context, the FRAP template approach to learning could also be
applied to problem solving situation in other disciplines such as biological sciences, engineering, social
sciences or environmental sciences to name a few possibilities.
In the initial year of operation (2004), the conduct of this project required significant additional lecturer
input “outside of class time” to support student learning and case management. This additional load
(estimated to be in the order of 15 hours in total) consisted mainly of one to one tuition in the laboratory
environment. It has since become apparent that subsequent groups (2005 and later) who had previous
exposure to the Virtual Plant Pathology Lab CD-ROM (described earlier), were more able to manage
their cases effectively and mostly within the time constraints of scheduled laboratory classes.
Overall, the FRAP software, as illustrated by the case study above, enhanced authentic problem-based
learning designs through the provision of scaffolding tools that assisted learners to actively engage in
Proceedings ascilite Singapore 2007: Full paper: Galea, Stewart and Steel
investigation and inquiry and to use high level cognitive thought processes to solve real-life problems in
professional contexts.
The Challenge FRAP program and example templates are available free of charge from the website .
The authors wish to thank Heidi Robertson, and staff from Redland Bay Nursery, Pohlman’s Nursery and
The University of Queensland (Gatton Campus) Nursery for their support of this project.
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Interactive Learning Environments, 15(1), 77-91.
Please cite as: Galea, V., Stewart, T. & Steel, C.H. (2007). Challenge FRAP: An e-learning tool used to
scaffold authentic problem-solving processes. In ICT: Providing choices for learners and learning.
Proceedings ascilite Singapore 2007.
Copyright © 2007 Victor Galea, Terry Stewart and Caroline H Steel
The authors assign to ascilite and educational non-profit institutions a non-exclusive licence to use this document for
personal use and in courses of instruction provided that the article is used in full and this copyright statement is
reproduced. The authors also grant a non-exclusive licence to ascilite to publish this document on the ascilite web site
and in other formats for Proceedings ascilite Singapore 2007. Any other use is prohibited without the express
permission of the authors.
Proceedings ascilite Singapore 2007: Full paper: Galea, Stewart and Steel