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1992, Zeitschrift f�r Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters
2 pages
1 file
We develop a nonlinear theory of lasing without inversion in a four level atomic system. The appearance of lasing without inversion is the result of atomic coherence induced between two lower levels by a Raman process. We consider both nondegenerate and degenerate configurations and obtain expressions for the linear gain and the laser output intensity. We identify the conditions for ideal lasing without inversion.
We present a dressed-atom theory of a four-level, double-A atomic configruation interacting with a strong laser light which induces a superposition of two lower states. The presence of the cavity and of damping is fully taken into account and the conditions and characteristics of a possible lasing without inversion between the unperturbed states are determined analytically. The special case of the Zeemandegenerate J = 1 lower state is found to be particularly attractive for a possible practical realization. PACS number(s): 42.55.f, 32.80.Bx
Physical Review A, 2001
Continuous wave lasing without population inversion based on interference of the spontaneous emission is shown to be possible in a closed four-level system coupled with field reservoir, in the absence of any coherent driving fields. Practical implementation of the scheme based on a pseudophotonic band-gap structure doped by three-level ions or semiconductor quantum dots is suggested.
Physical Review A, 1992
We present a dressed-atom theory of a four-level, double-Lambda atomic configruation interacting with a strong laser light which induces a superposition of two lower states. The presence of the cavity and of damping is fully taken into account and the conditions and characteristics of a possible lasing without inversion between the unperturbed states are determined analytically. The special case of
Physical Review A, 2005
In this paper we investigate the resonance fluorescence, the squeezing, and the absorption spectra of a laser-driven four-level atom consisting of three closely spaced upper levels decaying to a common lower level. The three upper levels are coupled by the same vacuum modes to the lower level leading to spontaneously generated coherence effects. High population inversion and extremely narrow emission lines are obtained with moderate Rabi frequencies, which are a direct consequence of decay-induced interferences. The fluorescent field is shown to exhibit two-mode squeezing in the in-phase quadrature. Squeezing in both quadratures simultaneously at different frequencies is greatly enhanced when quantum interference is accounted for. We also examine the absorption spectrum of a weak field and demonstrate that quantum interference can induce two prominent and nearly transparent holes where the slope of the refractive index is very steep. This special situation could allow the simultaneous propagation of two weak pulses with different frequencies, which could be feasibly exploited towards the realization of the entanglement of two photons.
arXiv: Quantum Physics, 2016
With the purpose to devise a novel lasing scheme, we consider a two level system with both a transversal and longitudinal coupling to the electromagnetic field. If the longitudinal coupling is sufficiently strong, multi-photon transitions become possible. We assume furthermore that the electromagnetic environment has a spectrum with a single sharp resonance, which serves as a lasing cavity. Additionally, the electromagnetic environment should have a very broad resonance around a frequency which differs form the sharp resonance. We use the polaron transformation and derive a rate equation to describe the dynamics of such system. We find that lasing at the frequency of the sharp mode is possible, if the energy difference of the atomic transition is similar to the sum of the frequencies of both peaks in the spectral function. This allows for the creation of lasing over a large frequency range and may in perspective enable THz lasing at room temperature.
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 2009
A dressed-state study of lasing without population inversion from a three-level atom interacting with a bi-chromatic laser field in the ladder configuration is presented. In our model we allow the atom to be dressed by both of the coupling and probe fields. The system under consideration is explored both analytically and numerically within the steady-state regime. A parameter study is performed in which we explore the influence of the change of control parameters (Rabi frequencies and incoherent pump rates, etc) on the system behaviour. The parameter study also applies to situations where both coherent fields have comparable intensities. Expressions for steady-state populations and coherences are derived, from which the constraints on the system control parameters allowing gain or absorption of various types, are calculated. The system is demonstrated to possess gain without inversion (GWI), as well as regular gain with inversion, for the appropriate choice of system control parameters. Inversion without lasing (IWL) is also found. The dressed-state approach offers a different insight into the system dynamics in which Rabi oscillations and spectral features appear natural. We believe that the dressed-state approach provides a more adequate description of the system dynamics than that provided by the bare state basis.
Laser Physics, 2008
A dressed-state study of lasing without population inversion from a three-level atom interacting with a bichromatic laser field in the ladder configuration is being formulated. The system is allowed to be dressed by both laser-field photons (double dressing). The temporal behavior of the system under consideration is being explored numerically. Although the use of dressed-basis density matrix equations introduces major complexity into the equations, this procedure has crucial importance to the understanding of the atomic spectrum and the underlying physics of the processes involved. The system is found to possess a gain without population inversion, as well as a regular gain with inversion for various transitions, both in the transient and steadystate regimes. Enhancement of the refractive index accompanied by vanishingly small absorption was also found. The frequency response of various transitions is explored via numerical Fourier analysis. Some transitions are found to exhibit a dispersion-like line shape, clear evidence of a quantum-coherent interference effect. The spectrum consists of two distinct quintets centered about the coupling and probe-laser frequencies. The spectral features consisting of each quintet are located symmetrically (at resonance conditions only) around the line center at positions shifted from the center by the generalized Rabi and double Rabi frequencies.
Ensaios críticos sobre a auriculoterapia (Atena Editora), 2022
Auriculoterapia é uma das melhores abordagens que eu já conheci e, em inúmeras ocasiões, representou o método de intervenção ideal no contexto em que eu estava (com pouca ou nenhuma estrutura física adequada de atendimento, ou nos domicílios dos pacientes, ou na estrada, diante de alguém que precisava da minha ajuda). Tive a oportunidade de fazer alguns cursos desse método e conviver com outros colegas e tudo isso foi muito satisfatório. Entretanto, nas conversas com colegas e alunos, eu percebia e ainda percebo, que existem alguns mitos e ideias conflituosas acerca dessa abordagem. Algumas dessas questões já foram devidamente respondidas pela literatura, enquanto outras ainda serão. De toda forma, senti a necessidade de trazer à tona, no formato de ensaios, uma discussão sobre esses temas que despertam tanta confusão entre os colegas, tomando como ponto de partida a literatura científica. Nesta pequena obra, decidi me debruçar sobre três temas específicos: (1) o uso da auriculoterapia durante a gestação; (2) o conjunto de pontos conhecido, como “Triângulo Cibernético”; e (3) o uso de protocolos na auriculoterapia. Por fim, esse livro é um apanhado da literatura científica sobre os assuntos citados, apresentados de uma maneira mais fluida e menos técnica, contudo mantendo o rigor das fontes. Acrescento ainda que não é um “manual definitivo” ou a “última opinião” sobre o assunto. Eu compreendo que a evidência científica está em constante movimento e novas informações surgem o tempo todo e as constatações que hoje podem ser superadas por novas informações amanhã. Portanto, o meu desejo é estar mais próximo da verdade sobre os fenômenos relacionados à auriculoterapia, independentemente de ela estar ou não de acordo com as minhas perspectivas anteriores. Desejo a todos que a leitura possa ser edificante e estou aberto a diálogos sobre o tema e sobre novas evidências (mesmo aquelas que contradigam as constatações deste volume). Grato!
Mohammed Rachid Beneddra , 2019
Journal of Voice, 2016
Studia Hercynia, 2020
Alkmadders, 2024
Nikkei Asia, 2024
Canadian psychological review, 1979
Journal of Sedimentary Research, 2011
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2010
REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria
Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination, 2018
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
Clinical Anatomy, 2014
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 2021
Recherches en Communication, 2013