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This study aims at identifying and analysing the key challenges in managing a network business. The starting point of the paper is the alleged need for new kinds of theoretical frameworks which take into account value creation situations businesses face today. Hence, this paper introduces the value co-production framework as an alternative perspective to the existing approaches built in the industrial era (i.e., value chain thinking). This framework elevates knowledge and relationships in the locus of business and argues for reconfiguration of roles, actions, and interactions among the networked actors.
Industrial Marketing Management
This study addresses tension and its consequent hurdles to the collaborative nature of value co-creation. Substantial research has focused on the benefits of value co-creation but much less so on its dark side. While some tension is inevitable, escalated tension can harm anticipated value and business relationships. The overlaps and disparities of formal and informal communication networks of two large construction projects are examined along with the tensions arising. To increase the breadth and depth of the empirical investigation, the presented network case study draws on survey data analyzed with Social Network Analysis as well as 45 in-depth managerial interviews. Structural, emotional and behavioural tensions are identified. The study suggests that tension triggered by one or a few actors can destabilize the network by creating unsustainable communication structures. Social Balance Theory is applied to study how unsustainable communication structures seek balance at a network level. We identify network patterns that can signal the presence of tension and structural imbalance in value co-creation, categorize several types of tension, and provide managerial implications.
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2004
This is a theoretical paper that examines the interplay between individual and collective capabilities and competencies and value transactions in collaborative environments. The theory behind value creation is examined and two types of value are identified, internal value (Shareholder value) and external value (Value proposition). The literature on collaborative enterprises/network is also examined with particular emphasis on supply chains, extended/virtual enterprises and clusters as representatives of different forms and maturities of collaboration. The interplay of value transactions and competencies and capabilities are examined and discussed in detail. Finally, a model is presented which consists of value transactions and a table which compares the characteristics of different types of collaborative enterprises/networks. It is proposed that this model presents a platform for further research to develop an in-depth understanding into how value may be created and managed in collaborative enterprises/networks.
Production Planning & Control, 2011
Strategic networks such as Collaborative Networked Organisations (CNOs) and Virtual Customer Communities (VCCs) show a high potential as drivers of value co-creation and co-innovation. Both look at the network structures as a source of jointly value creation and open-innovation through access to new skills, knowledge, markets and technologies by sharing risk and integrating complementary competencies. This collaborative endeavour is able to enhance the adaptability and flexibility of CNOs and VCCs value creating systems in order to react in response to external drivers such as collaborative (business) opportunities. Strategic business networks are active entities continuously adapting to their environment in order to enhance their capabilities to respond to short-term business opportunities, and therefore allow their business ecosystems to follow the rhythm of industry dynamics, and customers changing needs and preferences. Value co-creation is the new trend in open-business models trying to integrate organisations" competencies and involve customers" individual preferences into network and community formations for the co-creation of the next level of value for products, services and experiences to be launched into the market. This paper presents a literature review on value co-creation and co-innovation concepts and styles, and proposes a reference framework for creating interface networks, also known as "experience-centric networks", as enablers for linking networked organisations and customer communities in order to support the establishment of sustainable user-driven and collaborative innovation networks.
International Journal of Management and …, 2011
(A. Buko ed.) Średniowieczny zespół rezydencjonalny na Górze Katedralnej w Chełmie (Medieval palatial complex on the Cathedral Hill in Chełm), Warszawa , 2019
The Cathedral Hill (in Polish: Góra Katedralna) in Chełm remains a symbol of splendour of the nearly 1000-year-long history of the town and at the same time constitutes a research enigma. For the last hundred years various scholars tried to establish the original topography of the Hill, which in its northern part (in Polish: Wysoka Górka, the High Hill) was supposed to be, according to the Halych-Volhynian Chronicle, the location of Prince Danylo Romanovich’s residence. This monograph presents results of research studies that were initiated once more in 2010 and lasted until 2018. Completed field studies show an extremely complicated, and at the same time colourful, image of the hill’s history, in which the ducal residence (since 1253 royal residence), built and used most probably between the second decade of 13th century and the second half of the 14th century, remains the key element.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2012
The aim of this study is to simulate a network traffic analyzer that is part of an Intrusion Detection System -IDS, the main focus of research is data mining and for this type of application the steps that precede the data mining : data preparation (possibly involving cleaning data, data transformations, selecting subsets of records, data normalization) are considered fundamental for a good performance of the classifiers during the data mining stage. In this context, this paper discusses and presents as a contribution not only the classifiers that were used in the problem of intrusion detection, but also the initial stage of data preparation. Therefore, we tested the performance of three classifiers on the KDDCUP'99 benchmark intrusion detection dataset and selected the best classifiers. We initially tested a Decision Tree and a Neural Network using this dataset, suggesting improvements by reducing the number of attributes from 42 to 27 considering only two classes of detection, normal and intrusion. Finally, we tested the Decision Tree and Bayesian Network classifiers considering five classes of attack: Normal, DOS, U2R, R2L and Probing. The experimental results proved that the algorithms used achieved high detection rates (DR) and significant reduction of false positives (FP) for different types of network intrusions using limited computational resources.
This essay seeks to present the ontological perspectives of Margaret Archer and Andrew Sayer on social reality. Archer and Sayer represent two key sociologists who have taken advantage of philosophical school of critical realism for explaning the social world. Methodology is based on descriptive-analytical method. Archer introduces two notions of morphogenesis (dynamic aspect of society) and morphostasis (stability and continuation of society) and offers a new type of theoretical conflation relying on morphogenesis. Accordingly, she propounds some differences between culture, structure and action and this distinguishes her efforts from the ideas of other conflationary theoreticians, especially Anthony Giddens. Besides paying attention to the existing complexities in the nature of social reality, Sayer struggles to introduce a specific model with which one can come up with a new formulation of the process of knowledge of social reality. Sayer believes that his model provides a clearer ontology of social realities. Sayer's thought is based on the dialectical relation between the researcher (subject), research topic (object) and other researchers who work in a common linguistic community and this dialectic is among the mechanisms that give rise to the complexities of the social world.
No nível de campo, a periferia distribuída, tais como: módulos de E/S, transdutores, acionamentos (drives), válvulas e painéis de operação trabalham em sistemas de automação, através de um eficiente sistema de comunicação em tempo real, o PROFIBUS DP ou PA. A transmissão de dados do processo é efetuada ciclicamente, enquanto alarmes, parâmetros e diagnósticos são transmitidos somente quando necessário, de maneira acíclica.
En el Aljarafe sevillano del siglo XIII Arte sanluqueño, 2024
El boom promocional turístico de los ochenta y noventa de ciertas instituciones ha llevado, y casi condenado, ahora a algunas ciudades a una gigantesca plaga, pero, además, han liderado y promovido unos intereses en perjuicio de la Historia local. Es el caso de Sanlúcar la Mayor en el aljarafe sevillano. Constituida como villa de realengo, Sanlúcar la Mayor cuenta con un patrimonio cultural en arquitectura, escultura y pintura que esconde unas peculiaridades primitivas sin revelarse aún públicamente. Sus tres iglesias alfonsinas están catalogadas como de arte gótico mudéjar, pero sus peculiaridades revelan señas próximas al románico, como su escultura, y su pintura mural se acerca a los ideales de la Patrística. En su origen, la villa fue asignada a ciertos allegados de la monarquía fernandina, pudiendo ser el dominico Don Remondo el director de orquesta, aunque la reestructuración eclesiástica en 1261 queda vinculada al Arcedianato de Niebla, y en 1285 se firma la Concordia Arzobispo-Cabildo. No haberse considerado estos dos factores históricos ha desvalorado el patrimonio artístico sanluqueño. Es nuestro objetivo principal insistir en ese esclarecimiento para enterrar mitos y leyendas, aunque existe un gran vacío de textos históricos, se ha ido llegando a unas conclusiones (aún abiertas), guiado por una amplia analítica en bibliografía de escritos históricos, artículos, y tesis, en concordancia con ciertos informes arqueológicos en pro de una reconstrucción histórica relacional. SUMMARY The tourist promotional boom of the eighties and nineties of certain institutions has led, and almost condemned, some cities to a gigantic plague, but, in addition, they have led and promoted some interests to the detriment of local history. This is the case of Sanlúcar la Mayor in the Seville aljarafe. 2 Constituted as a royal villa, Sanlúcar la Mayor has a cultural heritage in architecture, sculpture and painting that hides some primitive peculiarities that have not yet been publicly revealed. Its three Alphonsine churches are catalogued as Mudejar Gothic art, but their peculiarities reveal signs close to the Romanesque, such as its sculpture, and its mural painting is close to the ideals of Patristic art. Originally, the town was assigned to certain relatives of the Fernandine monarchy, being the Dominican Don Remondo the orchestra conductor, although the ecclesiastical restructuring in 1261 is linked to the Archdeaconry of Niebla, and in 1285 the Concordia Archbishop-Cabildo was signed. Not having considered these two historical factors has devalued the artistic heritage of Sanlúcar. It is our main objective to insist on this clarification to bury myths and legends, although there is a great void of historical texts, we have been reaching some conclusions (still open), guided by a broad analytical bibliography of historical writings, articles, and theses, in accordance with certain archaeological reports in favor of a relational historical reconstruction.
European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, 2014
.) Neotropical Ethnoprimatology: Indigenous Peoples’ Perceptions of and Interactions with Non-Human Primates, 2020
Innovation Business Management and Accounting Journal, 2023
Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2005
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
International journal of health sciences
Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 2020
European Psychiatry, 1993
Ta'lim al-'Arabiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab & Kebahasaaraban
Malaria Journal, 2020