A Contribution to Cognitive Analysis of Turkish Diplomatic Terms


In our modern world, the field of knowledge that studies language and thinking as an interconnected and integral unit is expanding. It has to do with a branch of linguistics called cognitive linguistics. This field of linguistics, which began to appear in the 70s of the last century, is becoming one of the most important fields today. This is because of the importance of artificial intelligence. In cognitive linguistics, the focus is on the relationship between language and thought. In this article, we have tried to shed some light on the features of Turkish diplomatic terms in this regard. In the scientific work, we have tried to give examples of the idea of how diplomatic terms appear in Turkish, what other meanings they have along with their original meaning. We have tried to categorize how these side meanings can occur. This study, which also explores the role and importance of cognitivism in the field of terminology, also helps to use and understand diplomatic terms correctly i...

CURRENT RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES (ISSN –2767-3758) VOLUME 03 ISSUE 02 Pages: 53-59 SJIF IMPACT FACTOR (2021: 5. 823) OCLC – 1242423883 METADATA IF – 6.925 Publisher: Master Journals Research Article A CONTRIBUTION TO COGNITIVE ANALYSIS OF TURKISH DIPLOMATIC TERMS Journal Website: https://masterjournals. com/index.php/crjps Submission Date: February 09, 2022, Accepted Date: February 19, 2022, Published Date: February 28, 2022 Crossref doi: Copyright: Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the creative commons attributes 4.0 licence. Dilbar Asadova Faculty Of Turkic Studies, Tashkent State University Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan ABSTRACT In our modern world, the field of knowledge that studies language and thinking as an interconnected and integral unit is expanding. It has to do with a branch of linguistics called cognitive linguistics. This field of linguistics, which began to appear in the 70s of the last century, is becoming one of the most important fields today. This is because of the importance of artificial intelligence. In cognitive linguistics, the focus is on the relationship between language and thought. In this article, we have tried to shed some light on the features of Turkish diplomatic terms in this regard. In the scientific work, we have tried to give examples of the idea of how diplomatic terms appear in Turkish, what other meanings they have along with their original meaning. We have tried to categorize how these side meanings can occur. This study, which also explores the role and importance of cognitivism in the field of terminology, also helps to use and understand diplomatic terms correctly in diplomatic language. The significance of diplomatic terms is that if they are not understood or used correctly, they can lead to misunderstandings and even war between two international states. We also put forward our views on how a cognitive approach can be applied to the analysis of terms, with the ultimate goal of making a small contribution to the information that has been formed in this way. To do this, we have used the term peace in the article and used various examples in our statements. Volume 03 Issue 02-2022 53 CURRENT RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES (ISSN –2767-3758) VOLUME 03 ISSUE 02 Pages: 53-59 SJIF IMPACT FACTOR (2021: 5. 823) OCLC – 1242423883 METADATA IF – 6.925 Publisher: Master Journals KEYWORDS Cognitive linguistics, metaphor, metonym, synecdoche, antonomasia, comparasion, litotes, euphemism. INTRODUCTION Cognitive linguistics, presented in this scholarly article, emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s based on the work of George Lakoff, Ron Langacker and Len Talmi focuses on natural language analysis, data processing and transmission as a means of language organization, is an approach. This article presents the theoretical position of cognitive linguistics in diplomatic terminology and a number of practical features of the organization of research in cognitive linguistics. Since cognitive linguistics considers language to be related to a person's overall cognitive abilities, topics of particular interest to cognitive linguistics include: structural features of natural language classification (e.g., prototyping, systemic polysemy, cognitive models, mental imagery, and metaphor); functional principles (such as iconography and naturalness); conceptual connection between syntax and semantics (cognitive grammar); the experimental and pragmatic basis of the language used, the relationship between language and thinking, relativism and conceptual universality are among them. Against the background of the main features of the cognitive paradigm in cognitive psychology, philosophy and other sciences, it is possible to determine in more detail the perspective adopted by Volume 03 Issue 02-2022 1 cognitive linguistics . Cognitive linguistics studies language in cognitive function, where cognitive linguistics represents the crucial role of intermediate information structures between the external world and the mind. METHODS Cognitive linguistics, like cognitive psychology, assumes that our interactions with the outside world take place through information structures in the mind. It is a more accurate science than cognitive psychology, but sees natural language as a means of organizing, processing, and conveying information. Thus, language is seen as a repository of world knowledge, a set of concepts that help to create new 2 knowledge and store information about old ones . From the general description we can deduce three main features of cognitive linguistics: the predominance of semantics in linguistic analysis, the encyclopedic nature of linguistic meaning, and the prospective nature of linguistic meaning. The first 1 De Mey, Marc. 1992. The cognitive paradigm: An integrated understanding of scientific development. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2 Dirk Geeraerts and Hubert Cuyckens The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Edited by Dirk Geeraerts and Hubert Cuyckens Print Publication Date: Jun 2010Subject: Linguistics, Morphology and SyntaxOnline Publication Date: Sep 2012DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199738632.013.0001 54 CURRENT RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES (ISSN –2767-3758) VOLUME 03 ISSUE 02 Pages: 53-59 SJIF IMPACT FACTOR (2021: 5. 823) OCLC – 1242423883 METADATA IF – 6.925 Publisher: Master Journals feature means that only the main function of language includes meaning. The other two properties determine the nature of these semantic phenomena. The predominance of semantics in linguistic analysis is cognitively correct. If the main function of language is categorization, then meaning should be the main linguistic phenomenon. The encyclopedic feature of linguistic meaning stems from the categorical function of language. If language is a system of categorization of the world, then there is no need to present a systematic level of linguistic meaning related to linguistic forms, which differs from the current level of knowledge. The prospective nature of linguistic meaning implies that the world is not objectively reflected in language. The categorical function of language imposes a secular structure rather than a reflection of objective reality. In particular, language is a way of organizing knowledge that reflects the needs, interests, and experiences of people and cultures. The idea that linguistic meaning has a prospective function is theoretically developed in a philosophical, epistemological position adopted by Cognitive Linguistics. The experimental position of cognitive linguistics in relation to human knowledge emphasizes the view that “human intelligence is determined by our organic, individual, and collective 3 experience” . In terminology, when words are taken as a term, the focus is first on the fact that the meaning must be 3 See for more knowledge: Geeraerts, Dirk. 2003. Cultural models of linguistic standardization. In René Dirven, Roslyn Frank, and Martin Pütz, eds., Cognitive models in language and thought: Ideology, metaphors and meanings 25–68. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Johnson, Mark. 1987. The body in the mind: The bodily basis of meaning, imagination, and reason. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Lakoff, George. 1987. Women, fire, and dangerous things: What categories reveal about the mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Volume 03 Issue 02-2022 specialized within a particular discipline and express a specific concept. It is logical that this specialization and the expression of a specific concept be associated with cognitivism. Because the event is formed in our mind and reaches another human mind through language. We can see this in terms of a particular discipline. For example, the term "carving" means carving some pattern, blueprint in carpentry. When we use the term carving, the listener imagines the situation in which a carpenter carries his tools in the hands and the patterns he makes. This means that when we analyze terms, terms go hand in hand with linguistic events. These processes are script, script, frame, gestalt, prototype, and categorization processes. Therefore, we would like to focus on the cognitive analysis of the terms used in Turkish diplomacy and the most important for humanity. The language of diplomacy, of the six functions of language that Jakobson describes, most often refers to the function conative or the enactment function of the language. Because the purpose is to impress and to persuade the listener. Persuasion plays a big role in diplomacy, and the rhetoric (belagat-réthorique) mediates this. It is observed that the rhetoric that is frequently used in the language of diplomacy is metaphor, metonym, synecdoche, antonomasia, comparison, litotes, euphemism, personification, rhythm ternaries, etc., which is a special area of repetition. Metaphore, as opposed to metonym, is defined as a trope formed as a result of using one of the meaningful elements with which an equivalence relationship is established, instead of the other, by 4 removing words (such as, etc.) . It is built on analogy and similarity, it liberates the imagination, it is the Vardar, B. (2002). Açıklamalı Dilbilim Terimleri Sözlüğü. İstanbul: Multilingual. s. 89-90. 4 55 CURRENT RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES (ISSN –2767-3758) VOLUME 03 ISSUE 02 Pages: 53-59 SJIF IMPACT FACTOR (2021: 5. 823) OCLC – 1242423883 METADATA IF – 6.925 Publisher: Master Journals transfer of qualities. The metaphor is made in two ways, open (métaphore in praesentia) and closed (métaphore in absentia). Since the aim of politicians is to reach the public directly, it can be said that they adopt the clear metaphor. Turkish conceptualization is based on nature during naming, expressing abstract concepts by concretizing them. For this reason, it is described as "the language with the power of 5 image" . Therefore, it is possible to encounter metaphors in which abstract concepts are embodied and made from the abstract to the concrete in the language of diplomacy: “dünya evimiz”, “vergi cenneti”, “kukla hükümet”, “söz milletin”, “reis”, “adil düzen”, “enflasyon canavarı”, “demir leydi” etc. can be given as an example. It can also be added that metaphors save politicians from criticism and censorship. Metonym, as opposed to metaphor, regarding the elements that establish a syntactic connection in the sentence or are side by side in the specified reality plane, the result instead of the cause without analogy, the covering instead of the included, the whole instead of the part, the general instead of the particular, the concrete name instead of the abstract concept. It is defined as the metonym that is formed 6 through the use of that . For example, “Macron’dan Ankara’yı kızdıracak sözler!” (Türk Hükümeti), Le Quai d’Orsay “Dışişleri Bakanlığı”, “Palais de l’Elysée” (Fransa Cumhurbaşkanı), “İstanbul’u istiyorum” (İstanbul’da seçimleri kazanmak istiyorum), etc. Synecdoche general rhetoric, defines inclusion as "a trope that expresses a lot with a little, and a little with 7 a lot" . It is divided into two types as specializing and generalizing (substance/object, species/genus, singular/plural relations; individual and abstraction coverage). Relationships in synecdoche are understood in context. For example, “Mavi bereliler” includes soldiers wearing blue berets at the UN, “Bordo bereliler” includes Special Forces Command, “Mehmetçik” includes Turkish soldiers. Antonomasia is a method of expressing a concept that can be expressed with many words in turns of with a single word. It reveals the nature and qualities of the specified object or person. Indirectness can make truth beautiful or harsh, vulgar. However, in the language of diplomacy, it can be said that it beautifies rather. Examples like Japon - “doğan güneş ülkesi”, France “Kilisenin büyük kızı”, Finland - “beyaz zambaklar ülkesi”, Frans - “Molière’in dili” Antartika -“beyaz cennet”, Gabès - “yeryüzü cenneti”, Amerika - “Yeni Dünya”, Paris - “ışıklar şehri”, King XIV. Louis - “Güneş 8 Kral”, Rome - “ölümsüz şehir”, etc. are shown . Comparasion is a reception by comparison, analogy; It is a way of expressing the property of an entity with the properties of another entity or concept. Vivid 9 similes are catchy . For this, politicians often use the art of simile by using the power of imagination. For instance, expression“Limon gibi sıkılmak”, or expression of Çavuşoğlu, "Fransa Cumhurbaşkanı Macron'un bugünkü konuşmalarını ayakları pislik içinde gömülüyken öten horoza benzetiyorum" Kıran, Z. ve Eziler Kıran, A. (2018). Dilbilime Giriş. Ankara: Seçkin. s. 476. 8 ÜNSAL, G. (2019). Diplomasi dili ve çevirisi. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (17), 22-39. 9 ÜNSAL, G. (2019). Diplomasi dili ve çevirisi. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (17), 22-39. 7 Aksan, D. (1996). Türkçenin Sözvarlığı. Ankara: Engin. s. 57. 6 Vardar, B. (2002). Açıklamalı Dilbilim Terimleri Sözlüğü. İstanbul: Multilingual. s. 85-86. 5 Volume 03 Issue 02-2022 56 CURRENT RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES (ISSN –2767-3758) VOLUME 03 ISSUE 02 Pages: 53-59 SJIF IMPACT FACTOR (2021: 5. 823) OCLC – 1242423883 METADATA IF – 6.925 Publisher: Master Journals Litote is to verbalize a strong emotion in a softened, 10 lightened form . It is a rhetoric based on implicitness. In the litote, less is said than what one actually thinks, so that more is understood than what is not said. Arbitrary is sometimes used as the opposite of 11 Litote . For instance, “yalı” yerine “fakirhane”, “yat” yerine “taka” etc. However, it is noteworthy that while politicians use the art of litote more frequently in the country, sometimes diplomats use the art of litote. Euphemism is defined as telling indirectly by covering a phenomenon that is not considered appropriate to be said directly. Many aphorisms frequently used in diplomatic texts and phrases are emphasized with excessive euphemism. Thus, there is a common belief that "diplomacy is doing and saying the ugliest things It can be said that the terms of diplomacy are based on implicitness, openness, courtesy and reciprocity. Emphasizing that implicit expressions and implications 15 are a requirement of diplomatic language, Doğan states that implicitness is a feature found in the oral texts of diplomacy and clarity in written texts. Implicitness can be explained with polysemy. The linguistic tools of polysemy can be expressed as ambiguity, vague, flou and generality: Ambiguity is the situation in which the meaning is ambiguous due to the confusion of lexical meanings. This ambiguity can be at the sound, lexical or syntactic level. in the most elegant way" . Vague can be explained as the vagueness of the meaning and the vagueness of the details and borders. Personnification is the concept which behaves to impersonal entities such as objects, animals, plants Flou is the situation where the criteria for having that feature are unclear and fuzzy for a certain feature. 12 13 like a person through metaphors or metonym . For instance, “Uluslararası Topluluk”, “ Birleşmiş Milletler” etc. Rythme ternaire is the subfield of repetition (répétition). In this word of art, three words repeat in 14 a triple sequence . “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité” Özgürlük, Eşitlik, Kardeşlik etc. can be given as an example of word of art. Kıran, Z. ve Eziler Kıran, A. (2018). Dilbilime Giriş. Ankara: Seçkin. s. 499. 11 ÜNSAL, G. (2019). Diplomasi dili ve çevirisi. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (17), 22-39. 12 Villar, C., (2006). Le Discours diplomatique. Paris: L’Harmattan. s. 15. 13 Kıran, Z. ve Eziler Kıran, A. (2018). Dilbilime Giriş. Ankara: Seçkin. s. 502. 14 Figures de Style, (2019). (17.07.2019). 10 Volume 03 Issue 02-2022 Generality is general expressions are used without 16 giving details . Every language has explicit and implicit rules of courtesy. Diplomacy language operates according to the rules of etiquette and courtesy. It includes a respect, a courtesy. The language of diplomacy is contrived with exaggerated grace. Although perceived, this delicacy gains meaning in context and is indispensable. This delicacy is every word and utterance level manifests itself. It often Doğan, A. (2018). Sözlü Çeviride Diplomatik Söylem Parametreleri. E. Diriker (yay.haz.), Türkiye’de Sözlü Çeviri: Eğitim, Uygulama ve Araştırmalar (s. 85-112). İstanbul: Scala. 16 ÜNSAL, G. (2019). Diplomasi dili ve çevirisi. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (17), 22-39. 15 57 CURRENT RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES (ISSN –2767-3758) VOLUME 03 ISSUE 02 Pages: 53-59 SJIF IMPACT FACTOR (2021: 5. 823) OCLC – 1242423883 METADATA IF – 6.925 Publisher: Master Journals occurs in forms of address that require a formal and standard use. CONCLUSION Cognitive linguistics has been a haven for linguists since ancient times it is necessary to get acquainted with the data in real language and to study the empirics closely. The greatest contribution of cognitive linguists to science is the in-depth analysis of a complex set of data collected by linguists through a subtle and detailed understanding of the languages they work on. Although the theory is a crucial issue, it is seen as something that gradually appears and should occur, and is constantly checked against the data. It is impossible to imagine proper cognitive linguistics, simply, data collection is needed to support the theory. Scientists before starting any project, they should think about how this could be and try to gather as much information as possible. You can learn a lot about linguistics simply by collecting and sifting data and no theory or class reading a lecture replaces this experience. We therefore decided to validate our abovementioned research with as much theory as possible and to take the formulated expressions together with the terms as examples. If we had done our work only in terms, there would have been ambiguity and nonsense in our work. Because diplomatic terms only work in relation to the diplomatic language. It is clear that if we exclude that field in the cognitive analysis of terms related to a field, we will not be able to achieve the intended purpose of our work. In short, in order to carry out a full cognitive analysis of diplomatic terms, we need metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, antonomasia, comparison, litote, Volume 03 Issue 02-2022 euphemism, personification, and rhythmic trinities, which are separate areas of repetition of rhetoric commonly used in diplomatic language. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Aksan, D. (1996). Türkçenin Sözvarlığı. Ankara: Engin. s. 57. De Mey, Marc. 1992. The cognitive paradigm: An integrated understanding of scientific development. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Doğan, A. (2018). Sözlü Çeviride Diplomatik Söylem Parametreleri. E. Diriker (yay.haz.), Türkiye’de Figures de Style, (2019). (17.07.2019). Geeraerts, Dirk. 2003. Cultural models of linguistic standardization. In René Dirven, Roslyn Frank, and Martin Pütz, eds., Cognitive models in language and thought: Ideology, metaphors and meanings 25–68. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Geeraerts, Dirk., Cuyckens, Hubert. 2010. The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Edited by Dirk Geeraerts and Hubert Cuyckens Print. Geeraerts, Dirk., Cuyckens, Hubert. 2012. Linguistics, Morphology and Syntax Online. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199738632.013.0001 Johnson, Mark. 1987. The body in the mind: The bodily basis of meaning, imagination, and reason. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Kıran, Z. ve Eziler Kıran, A. (2018). Dilbilime Giriş. Ankara: Seçkin. Lakoff, George. 1987. Women, fire, and dangerous things: What categories reveal 58 CURRENT RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES (ISSN –2767-3758) VOLUME 03 ISSUE 02 Pages: 53-59 SJIF IMPACT FACTOR (2021: 5. 823) OCLC – 1242423883 METADATA IF – 6.925 Publisher: Master Journals 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. about the mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ÜNSAL, G. (2019). Diplomasi dili ve çevirisi. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (17), 22-39. Vardar, B. (2002). Açıklamalı Dilbilim Terimleri Sözlüğü. İstanbul: Multilingual. Villar, C., (2006). Le Discours diplomatique. Paris: L’Harmattan. s. 15. Sözlü Çeviri: Eğitim, Uygulama ve Araştırmalar (s. 85-112). İstanbul: Scala. ÜNSAL, G. (2019). Diplomasi dili ve çevirisi. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (17), 22-39. Volume 03 Issue 02-2022 59