International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-11, September 2019
Automatic Parallelization using Open MP Directives
Deepika Dash, Anala M R
Abstract-With the increase in the advent of parallel computing, it
has become necessary to write OpenMP programs to achieve better
speedup and to exploit parallel hardware efficiently. However, to
achieve this, the programmers are required to understand OpenMP
directives and clauses, the dependencies in their code, etc. A small
mistake made by them, such as wrongly analysing a dependency or
wrong data scoping of a variable, can result in an incorrect or
inefficient program. In this paper, we propose a system which can
automate the process of parallelization of a serial C code. The
system accepts a serial program as input and generates the
corresponding parallel code in OpenMP without altering the core
logic of the program. The system has used different data scoping
and work sharing constructs available in OpenMP platform.The
system designed here aims at parallelizing “for” loops, “while”
loops, nested “for” loops and recursive structures.The system has
parallelized “for” loop by considering the induction variable. And
converted “while” loop to “for” loop for parallelization. The system
is tested by providing several programs such as matrix addition,
quick sort, linear search etc. as input. The execution time of
programs before and after parallelization is determined and a graph
is plotted to help visualize the decrease in execution time.
IndexTerms–Automatic Parallelization Tool, collapse, OpenMP,
OpenMP directives and clauses, pragma directives, parallel
computing, recursive structures, task, taskwait
Parallel computing has become increasingly popular by
virtue of the magnitude of benefits that it offers. Its area of
application encompasses several fields of science, medicine
and engineering such as web search engines, medical imaging
and diagnosis and also multiple areas of mathematics.The
High-Performance Computing (HPC) market is estimated to
grow from USD 28.08 Billion in 2015 and projected to be of
USD 36.62 Billion by 2020, at a high Compound Annual
Growth Rate (CAGR) of 5.45% during the forecast period [1].
Parallel computing involves breaking down large
problems into smaller sub-problems which may be carried out
in parallel.This process of problem solving exploits the
parallel hardware architecture of modern day computers and
hence enables fastercomputation. While this may not make a
difference to simple programs, it helps to save a lot of time,
power and cost when dealing with very large, complex
problems involving big data or heavy computationsThere are
several systems which are implemented as serial programs,
converting them to parallel programs will give the product an
edge as there are multiple benefits from parallelization.
Developing the parallel code for a complex serial program
involving numerous dependencies and complexities is not an
easy task.
It requires a thorough understanding of OpenMP
platform. Manually parallelizing a program is often prone to
errors. Debugging the code also becomes tedious. The system
developed aims at addressing such problems, by providing a
tool which automates the process of parallelization. Automatic
parallelization abstracts parallel computing platforms from
developers thereby eliminating the knowledge requirement of
developer about parallel computing platform [2]. There are
several parallel computing platforms such as OpenMP,
CUDA, MPI etc. The system developed uses OpenMP as it is
easy to use and portable. The primary function of the system is
to generate an accurate and efficient OpenMP program for a
given sequential C code. To accomplish this, the system is
provided with three main modules: Custom Parser, OpenMP
Analyzer and Code Generator. The first step deals with parsing
of the code. It checks whether the input program is
syntactically correct. It returns error messages, if any, to the
user. The parser also populates the data structures namely,
variable table, statement and function details tables which are
used by the OpenMP Analyzer. The OpenMP Analyzer detects
blocks of code which have potential for parallelization such as
recursions, for loops, while loops, etc. It also generates the
dependency graph. The Code Generator adds the directives
and clauses to generate parallel program as final output.The
generated parallel codes are checked for correctness and
speedup. The results obtained are plotted on a graph.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In section 2,
we present a brief description about tasks, data scoping and
collapse clause. In section 3 we describe the methodology by
providing algorithms for implementing the various modules. In
section 4 and 5 we discuss related work and experimental
results respectively. Section 6 provides a conclusion to the
paper. The last section, section 7 describes the future
OpenMP specification version 3.0 introduced a new
feature called tasking. Tasking facilitates the parallelization of
applications where units of work are generated dynamically, as
in recursive structures[3]. Data scoping attribute clauses
namely, shared and firstprivate are also used. A brief
description of these clauses is given below:
Shared: The shared clause declares the variables in
the list to be shared among all the threads in a team.
All threads within a team access the same storage
area for shared variables [4].
Revised Manuscript Received on September 05, 2019.
Prof. Anala M R, Dept. of CSE, RVCE, Bengaluru, India
Prof. Deepika Dash, Dept. of CSE, RVCE,Bengaluru, India
Retrieval Number: K15460981119/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K1546.0981119
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Automatic Parallelization using Open MP Directives
Firstprivate: The firstprivate clause provides a
superset of the functionality provided by the private
clause. The private variable is initialized by the
original value of the variable when the parallel
construct is encountered [4].
Collapse clause is used to parallelize nested “for” loops.
This clause is used only when the loops satisfy prefect nesting
and rectangular iteration space. OpenMP provides an atomic
directive which specifies the next statement must be done by
one thread at a time[5]. The omp atomic directive allows
access of a specific memory location atomically. This ensures
that race conditions are avoided through direct control of
concurrent threads that might read or write to or from the
particular memory location[6].
The system developed enables the user to parallelize a
complex serial code involving difficult and time-consuming
calculations. The user only needs to provide the serial code in
C as input to the system. The system carries out the task of
parallelizing the input code by identifying the data and control
dependencies, blocks of code that can be parallelized such as
recursions, loops etc. These blocks of code are then
parallelized by inserting OpenMP clauses and directives as
needed. The steps involved in the implementation of the
various modules are discussed below.
The first step is to detect nested “for” loops and check
whether they satisfy perfect nesting and rectangular iteration
space. The loop is checked for perfect nesting by setting a flag
to ‘1’ if the body of the outer “for” loop consists of any
statement apart from the inner “for” loop. Each time the
condition is satisfied, a variable named nest_level is
incremented. Such nested “for” loops are parallelized by
appending collapse clause to the outermost “for” loop’s
pragma clause.
3.2 Conversion of “while” loops into equivalent “for” loops
The WhileToForConverter module is responsible for
converting certain “while” loops suitable for conversion into
equivalent “for” loops, by identifying the iteration variable
using which the initialization and increment/decrement
expressions are generated. This step is carried out during
parsing stage itself. The converted loops are then parallelized
as regular “for” loops.
Algorithm 2: Conversion of “while” loops
Input: Sequential C code with “while” loops
Output: C code with Equivalent “for” loops
procedure WhileToForConverter
Determine iteration variable
Generate initialization expression
Generate increment/decrement expression
Replace “while” header with “for” header
Remove increment/decrement expression from body
of converted loop.
end procedure CollapseClauseGenerator
3.1 Parallelization of nested loops using Collapse clause
“For” loop parallelization is achieved through the use of
the directive “#pragma omp parallel for”. It is possible to
parallelize nested “for” loops too by adding collapse clause to
the pragma directive of the outermost “for” loop, however,
this is beneficial only for certain kinds of nested loops. In
some situations, loops perform better without nested
parallelization. Thus, there is a necessity to understand
conditions to be satisfied in order to make nested loop
parallelism beneficial. It has been found that perfect nesting
and rectangular iteration space makes nested loops a suitable
candidate for use of collapse clause. Loops are said to be
perfectly nested if there are no lines of code between the “for”
loop headers. An example of such a code is matrix addition.
The C code for Matrix multiplication can also be modified to
satisfy the criteria. Such programs show considerable
improvement in performance on using the collapse clause. It is
the responsibility of the system to identify such loops and add
the clause accordingly.
Algorithm 1: Parallelization of nested loops
Input: Sequential C code with nested loops
Output: C code with parallelized nested loops
procedure CollapseClauseGenerator
if nested “for” loops present then
if loops are perfectly nested then
flag(variable)==1 then
Determine level of nesting
Append collapse clause to “for” loop’s
pragma directive
Retrieval Number: K15460981119/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K1546.0981119
end procedureCollapseClauseGenerator
The module first identifies “while” loops with single
conditions and which are not nested within other loops.
Iteration variable is determined for the loops which satisfy the
above conditions. During the parsing stage, variable names
and their values are stored in a variable table. Once the
iteration variable is identified from the “while” loop header, its
value is determined from the variable table. This data is used
increment/decrement expression is generated by identifying
the relation operator in the condition expression of the “while”
3.3 Parallelization of recursions using task directive
Two modules are provided for the implementing
parallelization of recursions. These modules help identify
recursive structures of code to parallelize using tasks and
analyse them for shared and firstprivate variables by applying
task scoping rules. The taskwait directive is added where
require. The RecursionRecognizer module makes use of the
statement table, where details such as statement type, nesting
level, etc are stored.
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-11, September 2019
The statement type indicates whether a particular
statement is a function call, expression, declaration, etc. If the
statement type is “function call”, then the module checks
whether the function is recursive and accordingly sets a flag in
the function details table.
Algorithm 3: Detection of recursions
Input: Statement table
Output: Updated function details table
procedure RecursionRecognizer
Read statement table.
Detect function calls.
if function is recursive then
Set RecursionBit(variable)to 1.
end procedure RecursionRecognizer.
in loops to determine which loops can be safely and efficiently
executed in parallel [7]. It also performs a check on the code to
determine the need for parallelization. Synchronisation and
loop scheduling can both be significant sources of overhead in
shared memory parallel programs [8].
The TaskDirectiveGenerator module adds the task construct
above the lines of code as indicated by the
RecursionRecognizer module. This module makes use of the
statement and function details table which is updated by the
The system developed converts input serial C code to
corresponding parallel code by adding OpenMP clauses and
directives. However, the correctness of the output program
generated by the system needs to be verified. This can be
achieved by comparing the output generated by both the codes
(serial and parallel). A set of sample programs are chosen for
each module developed. The first set involves programs for
collapse directive, this includes matrix addition and matrix
multiplication. The second set consists of programs for whileto-for conversion such as string palindrome check and linear
search. The third set deals with recursive programs such as
quick sort, merge sort and parallel sum which is used for
verifying the module for task directive.
Algorithm 4: Generation of task directive
Input: Statement table and function details table
Output: C code with parallelized recursions
procedure TaskDirectiveGenerator
Read statement and function details table.
if RecursionBit(variable)==1 then
Scope variables.
Insert task directive.
if value returned by recursive function call is used
in following lines then
Insert taskwait directive.
end procedure TaskDirectiveGenerator.
Performance Comparison
Execution time(s)
The module checks whether the given function call has
recursion flag set to 1. If yes, it adds the task directive above
its recursive calls. Then data scope of the variables is
determined and appended to the task directive. If the
function’s return type is not void then it adds a taskwait
construct after the last recursive call.
Par4All and Cetus do not support parallelization of
recursive structures. They may have to be replaced by “for”
loops to enable parallelization. The system developed here is
capable of parallelizing recursive functions through the use of
task and taskwait directives. This is checked by providing C
programs such as Quick-sort, Merge-sort, etc. as input. In the
output programs generated, the recursive functions are
parallelized by insertion of task directive at the appropriate
lines. Pluto, Cetus and Par4All cannot handle parallelization
of “while” loops. Hence “while” loops need to be converted to
equivalent “for” loops. The system developed here is capable
of automatically converting suitable “while” loops into
equivalent “for” loops, which are then parallelized. Intel C++
and Fortran Compilers have the ability to analyse the dataflow
Retrieval Number: K15460981119/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K1546.0981119
Linear Search
Quick Sort
Fig. 1Performance comparison
The execution time of the input serial programs and output
parallel programs were determined. A graph is plotted to
analyse the results. The graph in Fig. 1 shows that execution
time of parallel programs generated by the system is much less
than that of their serial counterparts.
The aim of the system, to automate the process of
parallelization of C code, was achieved. The system was tested
by running several programs for each module, e.g.: Matrix
Multiplication and Matrix Addition for testing nested loop
parallelism, Quick-sort, Merge-sort, etc. for testing
structures etc.
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
Automatic Parallelization using Open MP Directives
The generated parallel codes were checked for
correctness. A sample program consisting of a set of serial
codes such as Matrix Multiplication, Monte Carlo pi
calculation, Linear Search and Recursive Sum was run to
generate parallel code. The serial code took an execution time
of 13.16s while the parallel code took an execution time of
7.73s for the same input size. This shows that parallel codes
that were generated by the system perform computations
faster. The system helps to eliminate errors that may result on
manual parallelization. The correctness of the parallel program
was verified by comparing the outputs generated before and
after parallelization. The speedup was also demonstrated by
comparing the time taken during execution for large input
sizes.The system, however has certain shortcomings. OpenMP
provides a multitude of clauses and directives, but, only a
subset of them have been implemented here.“while loops” are
parallelized by converting them to equivalent “for loops”, this
method is not suitable in some situations where “while loops”
are preferred over “for loops”, such “while loops” are required
to be parallelized using different techniques(e.g. task
directive).The user is required to have a basic understanding of
OpenMP so that he/she may know as to when it is beneficial
to parallelize a serial code. For eg: a serial code which is likely
to work on smaller input sizes will run faster than the parallel
counterpart due to the overhead incurred by parallelization
(forks and joins).Fork/join of OpenMP threads consumes extra
resource and overhead due to OpenMP threads increases with
number of OpenMP threads used [9]. The system accepts only
C code as input and converts it into a parallel code using
OpenMP directives. However, there are other alternatives to
OpenMP such as CUDA and MPI. CUDA is a parallel
computing platform and programming model invented by
NVIDIA[10]. It enables dramatic increases in computing
performance by harnessing the power of the graphics
processing unit (GPU)[10].MPI is preferred when running a
program on clusters. While this system provides a suitable
platform for generating OpenMP programs for shared memory
multiprocessors, it may not be the preferred choice for a user
whose application demands CUDA or MPI program.
The project can be further enhanced by adding some more
features such as:
Schedule clause:OpenMP offers the schedule clause,
with a set of predefined iteration scheduling
strategies, to specify how (and when) this assignment
of iterations to threads is done [11]. The system must
be able to identify the best suited scheduling
technique for a given input program.
Synchronization constructs:Two statements that are
not determined to be concurrent cannot execute in
parallel in any execution of the program. If two
statements are determined to be concurrent, they may
execute concurrently[12]. Some of these directives
Retrieval Number: K15460981119/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K1546.0981119
such as critical, taskwait, etc. have already been
implemented but there is still scope to incorporate the
other synchronization directives such as master,
barrier, flush, etc.
Task construct: The task directive has been
implemented for handling recursions, however it is
also possible to parallelize while loops using tasks
[3]. Adding this feature will help to parallelize the
“while” loops which cannot or should not be
converted to “for” loops.
We express our gratitude towards Amit G Bhat and
Meghana N Babu, Dept. of CSE, R.V. College of
Engineering,for providing insight and expertise that greatly
assisted the project.We also thank our parents for instilling the
confidence to complete this project. Lastly, we thank all the
faculty members of R.V College of Engineering for the
constant support and encouragement.
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Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-11, September 2019
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Retrieval Number: K15460981119/2019©BEIESP
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.K1546.0981119
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication