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2023, Summerhill
11 pages
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The Vedas were not revealed, nor do they ever claim so. The quasi-Quranic belief in the superhuman origin of the Vedas is a post-Vedic doctrine, a classic case of an "invented tradition".
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews , 2019
Generally, the culture and tradition of a country mainly depends on its historical background. Vedic culture too had some essence in the Indian subcontinent due to which it truly can be referred as one of the oldest religious pantheons of the World and as the oldest of India. The following article generally a lucid and concise history of the Vedic Age. The article mainly discusses as how certain religious aspects helped in the formation of a greater religious pantheon of Ancient Indian age. It further shows the importance of various literatures that were composed at that time and how they helped in the making of the very essence of the greater Vedic Age or the Vedic culture. The Vedic Age actually reflects the beliefs and practices of a religious aristocracy. The article shows the various Gods or Devas as well as the demons or the Rakshas that clearly find some significant space in the most valuable literature of that Age, the Ṛg-Veda. There is a detailed reference about the most important aspect of the Vedic Age i.e. the Yajña or the sacrificial ritual which was actually religious ceremony for making offerings to the invisible super powers or the Devas like Agni, Indra, Varuna and many more. A STUDY OF VEDISM The cultural heritage of India is to be found primarily in her philosophy and religion; and the source of her philosophical ideas and religious beliefs lie in the Vedas. Each civilization seems to have a genius for some particular aspect of life. Ancient Greece was devoted to art, Rome to politics. But while these civilizations, and others pursuing similar ideas, perished and form now but dead chapters of history, while India stood like a 'Rock of Ages', weathering many a fierce storm, because of her foundations are eternal values of philosophy and religions, and not just the shifting sands of the secular arts of beauty and governance. THE RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS OF THE VEDAS The Hindus traces the original source of their cultural life to the Vedas which they hold to be divine truth revealed from time to time to the rsis (seers) in their supra normal consciousness. Their religions, philosophy, ritualistic practices, civic conduct, and even social relations are guided by certain codes which are known as Smritis, but all of them are based upon the sacred sanctions of Vedic authority. No schools of philosophy will be recognized as orthodox, if it is not supported by the authority of Vedas. The whole life of Hindus, from conception up to the last funeral rite, has to be sanctified by the recitations of Vedic mantras. Thus it can be conceived how profound has been the influence of the Vedas upon this great and most ancient of the civilized nations of the world. TRADITIONAL VIEWS OF THE VEDAS The word 'veda' literally means knowledge and supreme knowledge too. But secondarily it applied to the Vedic literature, comprising, Saṁhitās, Brāhmaņas, Āraņyakas, and Upanishads books which considered being direct revelations from god, embodying the supreme truth that could not be gained by any effort of human mind. The Vedas are called sruti, either because they were directly heard from god or as the traditions goes of studying and getting them by heat is by hearing them recited by the preceptor. According to the Vișņu purāņa, the original Veda, first revealed by the god to the ŗșiș, consisted Ṛg-Veda, Yajur-Veda, Sāma-Veda of one hundred thousand verses, and had four divisions. With the efflux of time these divisions got mixed up and many portions of Vedas felt into obscurity.
Journal of the American Oriental Society, 2019
The Vedas were first described by a European author in a text dating from the 1580s which was subsequently copied by other authors and appeared in translations in most of the major European languages in the course of the seventeenth century. It was not, however, until the 1730s that copies of the Vedas were first obtained by Europeans, even though Jesuit missionaries had been collecting Indian religious texts since the 1540s. I argue that the delay owes as much to the relative absence of the Vedas in India—and hence to the greater practical significance for missionaries of other genres of religious literature—than to reluctance on the part of Brahmin scholars to transmit their texts to Europeans.
International journal of advanced multidisciplinary research and studies, 2024
This is a multidisciplinary research paper. (A) It does not talk about religions; its focus is only on the books of religions. The books of religions are treated as books of science and engineering. This is also not about giving lessons on Vedas or Bible to anyone. Therefore, in addition to scholars of social science, it also addresses to physical science and engineering scholars. All interpretations and explanations are kept at their possible minimum to avoid any confusion. (B) It is found that all the major ideas of Vedas, at least ten of them, are also present in the Bible. As an example, destiny in Vedas, considered as the highestlevel law of the universe, is valid for all humans on earth, and the destiny can be found in the Bible also. Such similarities indicate that there was a time when Vedas were known all over the earth. (C) This discovery will give us a better understanding of the laws of nature; which are the only truths. More we know about the truth better will be the peace of mind for all of us, including all the nations. Truth is the most important factor, necessary for eternal global peace.
The most prominent ancient spiritual wisdom, from which all spiritual systems and phylosophies are derived in Hinduism, are the four Vedas: Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, Atharva Veda. All Yoga-systems, including Sahaja Yoga (Vishwa Nirmala Dharma), are tributary for their contents to the Vedas, Upanishads and Puranas. But only Shri Mataji Nirmala Davi succeeded in giving 'en masse'-realization.
The volumes featured in this Series are the expression of an international community of scholars committed to the reshaping of the field of textual and historical studies of religions and intellectual traditions. The works included in this Series are devoted to investigate practices, rituals, and other textual products, crossing different area studies and time frames. Featuring a vast range of interpretative perspectives, this innovative Series aims to enhance the way we look at religious and intellectual traditions.
Exotic India Art, 2010
The depth of the faith people have in the Vedas is amazing...There are six aspects in the musical structure of the Vedas...In the evening, going by the same way he heard the same woman's voice...What came first, the seed or the tree?.... There are several other secrets of nature which have come to sight only recently...The Vedas are not only precisely accurate in the information they provide..... Vishwamitra, one of the seven Sapta-Rishis, is the seer of the famous Gayatri Mantra. Visit:
Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 2010
Sarweshaamewa daanaanaam brahmadaanam vishishyate" (The most important gift one can give is to teach the Vedas; Manu, 4/233) Vedas are the ancient scriptures of India that have been from time immemorial orally transmitted and later written in Sanskrit language. The vast literature forms the basis and source of the Vedic philosophy and thought (Brown, 2010). The mantras in each of the sections of the Vedas relate to each other and can be interpreted in terms of "adhidevika" (universal-planetary systems), "adhibhautika" (earthly systems) and "adhyaatmika" (yogic, spiritual, God and soul systems) as they relate to our human existence. The key to mantra interpretations had been lost to history (Rijken van Ols, 2006; see The Secret Doctrine). The Vedic tradition however is today more or less referred to as the Hindu tradition. Although the Hindu name appears inappropriate the label is now common in the literature. It is probably for this reason that most have lost sight of the beginnings of the word "Hindu" itself. Sindhu, Saptasindu and Indus are names of rivers in ancient India and such names appear to be linked to the word Hindu. Moguls ruled India for a long period of time and it seems that they gave this name to the people of the Indus Valley.
Anu Books, 2022
Belief is a process that begins with the birth of a person. Believing, like a basic need, is an abstract feeling that all people resort to. It enters the circle of questions such as knowing the beginning and end of every living being that can think. This circle provides the emergence of belief or belief principles. Religion is the gathered form of the need to believe in a regulated and disciplined way. Religious societies are abstract institutions that will enable people to be happy with the rules they bring, to reach a level of moral maturity and find answers to the questions they seek. Almost all of the religions that have emerged in the world have elements such as written sources or selected people. Religions not only guide but also shape social life and life after the world. It should come as no surprise that the Quran and Veda carry similar attributes. Because in all religions, moral concepts such as truthfulness, not telling lies, not stealing, not committing adultery, being just and being a good person form the basis of all religions. The Veda and Quran aim at a livable society or world by keeping believers within moral limits with the principles they bring. Some religions are small in scale and have remained within narrow and limited geographical areas. Some beliefs, on the other hand, found the opportunity to spread and develop by moving to other regions with the sympathizers of that religion. Although it is thought that Hinduism and Islam are not two different beliefs with similar points, there are some points where the two ancient and popular religions meet. Although the emergence and completion of the Qur'an are certain, the emergence of the Vedas is not exactly known. It is a known fact that the written books of two religions were formed by individuals. Islam became possible with the prophet Muhammad. Hinduism was formed by some chosen people known as Rishis or Munees. While the Qur'an was first spread by word of mouth and memorization, it was later converted into a book by the Caliph Abu Bakr. The Vedas, on the other hand, existed for many years through the memorization of the Rishis and Munees.
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