Just What Is a Platonic Virtue?

Just What Are Platonic Virtues? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Preliminaries and Introduction Notes: Notion of virtue in Plato seems clear enough at first glance, murkier when comparing across texts and thinking matters through Different ways of interpreting Plato’s dialogues (and sometimes letters) Virtue as a central theme in Plato’s works at every point My interest here: getting clear about a metaphysical issue: Virtues as Forms and virtues existing in human beings Assuming some familiarity with several Platonic doctrines and distinctions Virtues as Forms Notes: Are the Virtues Forms at all? What about aporetic (Early) dialogues? Clearly they are forms in Phaedo, Republic, Phaedrus, Parmemides, etc. What does it mean for Virtues to be Forms? Is there a single Form of Virtue? Virtues in Persons Notes: Important distinctions we can make Should virtues be understood as qualities? What is it to have or to display virtue? Virtue in a person as a participation in the Form of that Virtue What is a pattern or form in the soul? Gregory B. Sadler 2014 [email protected] ReasonIO: philosophy into practice Just What Are Platonic Virtues? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Tripartite Soul and The Virtues: Notes: Republic Account (more or less aligned with Phaedrus account) Rational, Thumotic, Appetitive parts of the human soul What can be said about these parts? Patterns of parts (and entire soul) can be virtues corresponding to the Forms? Knowledge is a key aspect or element, but not solely what virtues in the soul are, nor just how they are generated What Does a Person Who Has a Virtue Know or Understand? Notes: Knowledge of the Form Knowing account or definition corresponding to the Form of the Virtue Knowledge/understanding of things that are not that virtue, but in light of that Virtue? what is relation of knowledge on part of the virtuous person to Form of Virtue, or to the form of the virtue within him/her? What Else Do Virtues Involve? Notes: Gorgias ‐ person who has learned becomes as the knowledge makes him Phaedo ‐ the virtues are purifications, particularly wisdom Symposium – eros and philia (love) play roles in development of virtue Republic bk 5 ‐ lovers of wisdom will want to know the whole, the Forms Republic bk 3 – training as attunement of person by imitation and images Role of Wisdom (sophia, phronesis) as central to the virtues Gregory B. Sadler 2014 [email protected] ReasonIO: philosophy into practice Just What Are Platonic Virtues? • • • • • • • • • • • Several (Perhaps) Paradoxical Implications Notes: Difference between Form of the Virtue, existing as such, and the instantiation of the virtue materially existing in a soul Some things that don’t belong to a Form of Virtue but do to virtue in a person Can these be aspects of materiality, mutability, immersion in non‐being, realm of doxa? Two promising Republic passages Metaphysical status of virtue in soul Reactions from interlocutors? (Time Permitting) Courage as a Virtue Notes: Courage is an unusual virtue in Platonic dialogues in several respects Genuine courage does involve knowledge What else does courage involve? The Spirited (thumotic part of the soul) Does all this raise any puzzles for us about the Form of Courage? It should! Gregory B. Sadler 2014 [email protected] ReasonIO: philosophy into practice