Entrepreneurial Cognition in the Lean Startup Method

2017, Academy of Management Proceedings

Entrepreneurial Cognition in the Lean Startup Method Ted Ladd PhD Professor of Entrepreneurship Hult International Business School Instructor Harvard University Grizzly Bear Biologist Wyoming Game and Fish Commission Lori Kendall PhD Distinguished Fellow & Instructor Case Western Reserve University Park Ranger U.S. National Park Service Lean Startup Method Does it work? What does it change? For how long? Pre- and post-course survey N=160 Entrepreneurial Intention Photo: Thomas Mangelsen Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy for Searching Photo: Thomas Mangelsen Entrepreneurial Orientation - Aggressiveness Autonomy Innovativeness Proactivity Risk Taking Summary of Results H Summary X= a) Aggress b) Auton c) Innov d) Proact e) Risk 1 EOxt2 -> EIt2 Supported Rejected Rejected Rejected Supported 2 EOxt2 -> ESESt2 Supported Rejected Supported Rejected Supported Supported Rejected Rejected Rejected Supported Supported Rejected Supported Rejected Supported Supported N/A N/A N/A Supported Supported N/A Rejected N/A Supported Supported Supported Supported Rejected Supported 3 4 5 6 7 EOxt1 -> EOxt2 -> EIt2 EOxt1 -> EOxt2 -> ESESt2 EOxt2 -> EIt2 vs. EOxt1 -> EIt2 EOxt2 -> ESESt2 vs. EOxt1 -> ESESt2 EOxt1 vs. EOxt2 Lean Resolves Risk Paradox Doug Seus and Bart the Bear Lean Startup Method Does it work? What does it change? For how long? [email protected]