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La odontodisplasia regional, también denominada diente fantasma o detención localizada del desarrollo dental, es una anomalía estructural del desarrollo, compleja y rara. Su etiología es desconocida y no presenta un patrón hereditario, aunque se han considerado factores locales como alteraciones vasculares y traumatismos locales. Puede afectar ambas denticiones: temporal y permanente; existe una anormal aposición dentinaria, que a su vez está detenida precozmente. Se encuentran afectados todos los componentes histológicos del órgano dentario y radiográficamente el aspecto fantasma es típico: raíces cortas, coronas que semejan cáscaras y aspecto dismórfico general. Se recibieron estudios radiográficos correspondientes a una niña de 10 años derivada del Hospital Materno Infantil de la ciudad de Azul, provincia de Buenos Aires. Luego del análisis de signos radiográficos se determina el diagnóstico de odontodisplasia regional en los cuadrantes superior e inferior izquierdos. Se sugiere ...
Revista Cientifica Odontologica, 2009
Remoción quirúrgica y colocación de prótesis dental Gündüz K y col. 2008 8 Masculino _ Maxilar Remoción quirúrgica y colocación de prótesis dental Volpato L, y col. 2008 12 Femenino + Mandibular Remoción quirúrgica y colocación de prótesis dental Shiu-yin Cho. 2008 10 Masculino + Maxilar Piezas bajo observación (no infección) hasta terminar proceso de desarrollo esqueletal.
International journal of odontostomatology, 2019
Regional odontodysplasia is an uncommon development anomaly condition of unknown etiology, affecting primary and permanent dentition. This abnormality involves the hard tissues of the teeth that are derived from both ectodermic and mesenchymal epithelials. It is characterized by defective formation of both enamel and dentin, with enlarged pulp chambersand root canals with open apexes. It is usually a localized condition where one or few teeth may be involved. Sometimes, an entire quadrant or more than one quadrant may be involved but generalized involvement is extremely rare. This paper presents the first case reported in Costa Rica, of an odontodysplasia affecting permanent dentition in an eight year old girl; the patient was referred to the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic of the Dental School at the University of Costa Rica, for evaluation of the absence of eruption of some permanent teeth. Clinical, radiographic and histological findings are described.
Acta Bioclinica, 2013
El Odontoameloblastoma (OA) también conocido como odontoma ameloblástico combina características de un ameloblastoma con las de un odontoma. El diagnóstico definitivo se basa en el análisis histopatológico. El termino OA fue incluido en la OMS en 1971, siendo Thoma et al. los que describieran en 1944 el primer caso. Hasta la fecha solo 33 casos, incluyendo el nuestro, de OA se han reportado en la literatura dental. La mayoría de los OA están asociados a dientes desplazados que no han erupcionado y son
Los Odontoblastos se originan a partir de la diferenciación del epitelio interno del órgano del esmalte como preodontoblastos pasando luego a ser odontoblastos. Estas células están constituidas por un cuerpo que se ubica en la pulpa y por una prolongación odontoblástica que se encuentra en el túbulo dentinario (9).
Odontomas are mixed odontogenic tumors with more frequent occurrence, where the cells and the tissues are normal, but of defective structure; With regard to etiology, this is related to trauma, morph differentiation, genetic disorders, and remains of Malassez, are limited growth, asymptomatic and cause dental retention. The approach for its treatment is surgical and usually do not present recurrences. The clinical case presented corresponds to a female patient of six years of age, who attends the dental office of the clinic of the specialty of odontopediatrics of the postgraduate area of the Academic Unit of Dentistry of the Autonomous University of Nayarit; Whose reason for consultation was concern about the way in which the permanent dental organs (O.D) were leaving, for which the radiographic diagnostic study revealed the presence of a root-level odontoma of the central and upper left lateral incensivo; Which was surgically excised.
Research, Society and Development, 2020
El Queratoquiste Odontogénico (OKC) es una lesión cuyo origen es el epitelio dental, tiene predilección por presentarse en la parte posterior de la mandíbula y es considerada una de las más comunes dentro de los quistes odontogénicos. El siguiente estudio presenta un caso de Queratoquiste Odontogénico de larga dimensión. Una paciente femenina presenta sintomatología inflamatoria a nivel de la mandíbula. En el examen físico intraoral se realizó prueba de palpación y adicionalmente exámenes radiográficos, donde se determinó una imagen radiolúcida multilocular de 8x3 cm. Posteriormente se realizó una biopsia cuya histología, resultó compatible con Queratoquiste Odontogénico. Este artículo revisa la etiopatogenia, características clínicas, radiográficas, histopatológicas, inmunohistoquímica y tratamiento, con el objetivo de describir la importancia de esta lesión debido a su capacidad de llegar a medir grandes dimensiones y presentar alta recidiva. Por lo tanto, es importante realizar u...
Avances en Odontoestomatología, 2010
Rebolledo Cobos M, Cantillo Payares O, Díaz Caballero A. Fibroma periférico odontogénico. A propósito de un caso AVANCES EN ODONTOESTOMATOLOGÍA/183
Perspectives on Politics, 2019
Book Review of John P. McCormick's "Reading Machiavelli"
Peterson (2006) concurs with this description by suggesting that subjective wellbeing is characterized by "relatively high levels of positive affect, relatively low levels of negative affect, and the overall judgement that one's life is a good one" (p. 84), the three constructs of which have been found to be highly correlated (Sheldon & Lyubomirsky, 2004). This present study uses a generalised definition of happiness, of "a positive emotional state that is subjectively A leader in the field, Csikszentmihalyi, describes positive psychology as "the study of positive aspects of human experience" (2003, p. 113), and he suggests that psychology should not just be about reducing pathology, but understanding qualities that make life worth living. Generally, researchers are using the term 'positive psychology' to refer to any aspect of psychology that primarily concerns itself with mental health, including the prevention of mental illness, and the promotion of psychological wellbeing. "These researchers are studying optimal human functioning in order to discover and promote the factors that allow individuals and communities 'healthy mindedness' of which a part was the focussing on positive aspects of life, and viewing the world in a similarly positive manner. In Seligman's speech at the first Positive Psychology summit in Lincoln, Nebraska in September 1999, he made another statement that many felt was unfairly critical of the scientific research tradition of decades of work particularly within the Humanist realm. Seligman stated that the eminent predecessors of positive psychology were recognised but that they had "somehow failed If the study of positive psychology is effective in its stated aims of redressing the apparent imbalance in the psychological database that has been caused by the historical focus of clinical psychology on mental illness, then this should lead to a more balanced psychology without distinction between 'negative' and 'positive' psychology. Seligman originally proposed positive psychology be used to fulfil the lives of 'normal' people, stating that it could be used for "making normal people stronger and more productive" (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000, p. 8). This view potentially excludes those people who suffer from a mental illness but who could benefit from interventions based on positive psychology. 1.2 Benefits of Happiness Other than as an end in itself, what benefits can humankind reap from being happy, and hence from the attempt to find greater happiness? Frederickson's Broaden-and-Build theory (1998) proposes that "positive emotions serve to broaden an individual's momentary thought-action repertoire, which in turn has the effect of building that individual's physical, intellectual, and social resources" (p. 300), leading to greater Employers also have good reason to pay attention to the happiness of employees, as Keyes and Magyar-Moe (2003) found that "businesses with more employees who have high levels of employee well-being also tend to report greater customer satisfaction and loyalty, greater profitability, more productivity, and lower rates of turnover" (p. 420). As may be expected, the experience of greater subjective wellbeing has shown associations with taught the first reported academic course in positive psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, USA, similar courses for undergraduates and graduates have increased in number to more than two hundred universities and colleges around the world. No documented studies on the effects on attendees of these classes can be found. School curriculum courses are being developed, with several implemented in the USA (High Tech High School, Philadelphia) and the UK (Berkshire, Oxford, Manchester). The classes include education and practice with optimism, hope, flow and strengths (Fineburg, 2007). This present study uses a course to teach happiness through multiple interventions in a managed classroom environment, specifically, a positive psychology course held by UC Opportunity continuing education at the University of Canterbury. The course aims to balance the study of positive psychology with the practice of happiness interventions, and assess the effects of participation on levels of happiness and depression.
CEM – Cultura, Espaço & Memória , 2023
in Giovanna Alvoni-R. Batisti-S. Colangelo (edd.), Figure dell’altro. Identità, alterità, stranierità, Bologna 2020, 23-38., 2020
Sciences de la Société, 2005
2013 International Conference on New Concepts in Smart Cities: Fostering Public and Private Alliances (SmartMILE), 2013
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2015
Nature Communications, 2021
Annals of Agricultural Research, 2012
CASE (Philadelphia, Pa.), 2018
Geoheritage, 2016
PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 2017
Virology, 2007
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2017