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2009, Aviation
6 pages
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This paper presents analyzed questions of the safety of the information transferred by the radio connection link of the Polish UAV project “Aircraft for monitoring” SAMONIT. This safety is especially important for the design and use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). This paper also presents the structure of the SAMONIT communication system, security threats to the radio connection system, and possible measures to ensure secure information. Santrauka Straipsnyje nagrinejami Lenkijos bepiločiu orlaiviu projekto SAMONIT (monitoringo lektuvas) radijo ryšiu perduodamos informacijos saugumo klausimai. Ypač svarbi yra radijo ryšiu perduodamos informacijos apsauga kuriant bepiločius orlaivius (BO) ir kitas nuotolinio valdymo transporto priemones. Straipsnyje pateikiama SAMONIT ryšiu sistemos struktūra, galimos gresmes informacijos perdavimui, saugumui bei integralumui; taip pat radijo ryšio sistemos apsaugos būdai bei priemones.
INCAS Buletin, 2023
This paper represents a continuation of the ongoing research of authors who, in the framework of interdisciplinary scientific research, deals with several aspects of ensuring the safety of the Slovak Republic and the European Union in connection with aviation, aircraft, air traffic and airspace protection. In their current research, following these and constant developments in the field of innovation and introduction of new technologies in the field of aviation, the authors deal with unmanned aircraft, which are gradually used not only in the military, but are increasingly penetrating the commercial sphere of civil aviation. Due to the fact, that the unmanned aircraft market is the fastest growing market of all categories of aviation, the authors in the article provide a theoretical and terminological view of the researched issues, including a brief historical view of the development of unmanned aircraft.
Security Forum , 2017
The widespread use of civilian unmanned aerial ve hicles (UAVs) has created a new threat for air traffic. This is why there is a requirement to initiate research in that domain as UAVs have already were seen flying too close to manned aircraft, including commercial and military flights. It was notified in airspace of many coun tries. Such incidents have occurred in many countries causing a need to conduct a multi-vector analysis of the matter. The issue is facilitated by very easy access to drones, lack of law regulations, and people's lack of understanding of the threat. Unidentified drones have already landed within area of nuclear power stations, military units and even highly secured interior of the White House. So, the challenge is rather significant. It could lead to undermining the security of air traffic, but at the same time to terrorists' attacks, the violation of privacy, and sabotage, including acts against critical infrastructure. It is necessary to study the issue and the paper could be a contribution to enhancing the un derstanding of the challenge and facilitator of further research. KEY WORDS Unmanned aerial vehicle, drone, air traffic security, avi ation security threats, aviation law. D O I: 10.26410/S F 1/17/9 K R ZY S ZTO F ZAŁĘSKI kzaleski@ w sb.e du.p l T h e U niversity of D ąb row a G ó rn icza PROF. Z D Z IS Ł A W ŚLIWA zd zislaw .sliw a@ b altd efco l.o rg D o ln o śląska Szko ła W yższa, W rocław (U niversity of Lower Silesia) 1 O p in io n s expressed in the paper are the au th o rs' position not reflecting the official position of respective a ca d e m ic institutions.
Ad Hoc Networks, 2022
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are a rapidly evolving technology, and being highly mobile, UAV systems are able to cooperate with each other to accomplish a wide range of different tasks. UAVs can be used in commercial applications, such as goods delivery, as well as in military surveillance. They can also operate in civil domains like search-and-rescue missions, that require multiple UAVs to collect location data as well as transmit video streams. However, the malicious use of UAVs began to emerge in recent years. The frequency of such attacks has been significantly increasing and their impact can have devastating effects. Hence, the relevant industries and standardisation bodies are exploring possibilities for securing UAV systems and networks. Our survey focuses on UAV security and privacy issues whilst establishing flying ad-hoc networks (FANETs) as well as on threats to the Internet of drones (IoD) infrastructure used to provide control and access over the Internet between UAVs and users. The goal of this survey is to categorise the versatile aspects of the UAV threat landscape and develop a classification approach based on different types of connections and nodes in FANETs and IoD. In particular, we categorise security and privacy threats on connections between UAVs, ground control stations, and personal pilot devices. All the most relevant threats and their corresponding defence mechanisms are classified using characteristics of the first four layers of the OSI model. We then analyse the conventional and novel UAV routing protocols, indicating their advantages and disadvantages from the cyber security perspective. To provide a deeper insight, the reviewed defence mechanisms have undergone a thorough examination of their security requirements and objectives such as availability, authentication, authorisation, confidentiality, integrity, privacy, and non-repudiation. Finally, we discuss the open research challenges, the limitations of current UAV standards, and provide possible future directions for research. 2.2. UAV communication architectures categorisation Communication is a critical issue when deploying fast moving multi-UAV systems. Depending on data flow, UAV communications architectures are either centralised or decentralised. This categorisation is shown in Fig. 2 and explained below. 2.2.1. Centralised architectures UAVs communicate with a central controller, meaning there is a single point of failure. Fig. 3 presents three types of centralised communication architectures [9]. In UAV-GCS, to obtain data, every UAV must directly connect to the GCS. This type of link is not advisable in changeable environments, such as stormy weather conditions. In UAV-satellite, communication is done via a satellite, which is suitable for when the distance between GCS and UAV is big. In UAV-cellular, communication is performed via appropriate cellular technology; it uses base stations to implement routing technology that facilitates communication between nodes.
2020 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
In recent years, UASs have become more and more popular. There are many reasons for this; one of the most popular is the enhancement of drones' functionalities and improvement in battery life, stabilization, navigation, sensor technology, and much more. Many benefits drive growth. However, as the number of drones is expanding and their technological functionalities are evolving, drones' use brings many concerns and challenges that should not be underestimated. This refers to issues in the area of cybersecurity, privacy, and public safety. UASs, under the international, regional, and national regime of aviation law, are considered aircraft. Since there is no existing cybersecurity framework specific to the UASs, the civil aviation cybersecurity framework should apply to their operations. This paper will focus on the potential cyber threats against UASs, providing examples of cyber-attacks from the past. Further, the aviation cybersecurity framework's overview will follow to determine the current status of maturity at the international, regional (the European Union), and national (the Republic of Poland) levels. The paper's conclusion will address the proposed recommendations for the UAS and aviation industries to be considered and potential solutions in terms of applying the aviation cybersecurity framework into the operation of UASs.
The Eurasia Proceedings of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics, 2022
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are air vehicles that can be controlled by themselves or via a ground station, can operate with mission-route definition, and can stay in the air in a limited range and time. Today, UAVs are used for various missions in line with military and civilian purposes such as reconnaissance, observation, research, search, control and transportation. In the models used for military purposes, the gun can be mounted and turned into an armed UAV. Attacks on hardware and software systems of UAVs, which are increasingly used in line with developing life conditions and technologies, are also increasing. Especially attacks on communication systems and coordinate information come to the fore. Cyber attacks on UAV systems in general include Data transmission link attacks, GPS (Global Positioning System) Scam attack, authentication attacks such as Brute Force, attacks against source code vulnerabilities, and hardware port and protocol attacks. It is known that attacks on UAV systems cause loss of life and property. It also results in other damages such as task delay, data breach, task failure, and loss of prestige. In this study, after the components, features and introduction of UAV systems, security threats to UAV systems and cyber attacks are defined. Then, the precautions to be taken against threats and attacks are listed. Some of these, importance are subjecting UAV software, hardware and transmission systems to vulnerability and risk scanning, ensuring the security of transmission with data encryption methods, controlling data traffic with a firewall application and making access control secure.
Aviation is the domain with one of the greatest technical developments. Thus the emergence and development at the consumer level of commercial UAVs has put the entire aerospace industry and national security system in front of a fulfilled fact. These unmanned human onboard systems and the continuous development of hardware and software systems are currently creating one of the biggest challenges: integration in airspace. The article reviews the risks, threats and concepts of illegal use of the drones.
IEEE Access, 2021
With the rapid growth in technology, the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have increased in civil and military applications including rescue operations, disaster recovery, and military operations. Despite the utility and advantages of UAVs, they may lead to major security breaches in the context of hardware, software, and communication channel, due their ease of use and availability. UAVs are vulnerable to various types of attacks such as spoofing, false data injection, jamming, fuzzing, availability, confidentiality, and integrity attacks. To overcome these security threats, researchers have been investigating strong security protocols to keep UAVs safe from the attackers. Nevertheless, there are many flaws in the developed protocols which can be exploited by hackers. Therefore, it is becomes crucial to study and analyze the existing security protocols used in UAVs to discover and address their vulnerabilities and weaknesses. The purpose of this study is to explore the vulnerabilities in the security protocols and propose guidelines to improve the security and provide future research directions. INDEX TERMS Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), security, vulnerabilities, attacks, drones, security threats.
Journal of Automation and Control Engineering
Together with the development of technology, Unmanned Air Vehicle System (UAVS)'s usage is growing day by day. Accordingly, producing and using UAVS is a big competition among the countries. So it is very important that UAV's have to be firm and reliable. Another important point is the data links; data transmission must be accurate and continuous. Nowadays UAVS are produced by many companies. But information security problem still continues. Therefore the growth of the UAV number and the need for reliable data transfer have caused question marks about frequency management, the way of data transmission. For this reason lots of research and development efforts are being handled. This document has been briefly mentioned the UAV systems and communication subsystems.
Computers, Materials & Continua, 2022
Mavlink is a lightweight and most widely used open-source communication protocol used for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Multiple UAVs and autopilot systems support it, and it provides bi-directional communication between the UAV and Ground Control Station. The communications contain critical information about the UAV status and basic control commands sent from GCS to UAV and UAV to GCS. In order to increase the transfer speed and efficiency, the Mavlink does not encrypt the messages. As a result, the protocol is vulnerable to various security attacks such as Eavesdropping, GPS Spoofing, and DDoS. In this study, we tackle the problem and secure the Mavlink communication protocol. By leveraging the Mavlink packet's vulnerabilities, this research work introduces an experiment in which, first, the Mavlink packets are compromised in terms of security requirements based on our threat model. The results show that the protocol is insecure and the attacks carried out are successful. To overcome Mavlink security, an additional security layer is added to encrypt and secure the protocol. An encryption technique is proposed that makes the communication between the UAV and GCS secure. The results show that the Mavlink packets are encrypted using our technique without affecting the performance and efficiency. The results are validated in terms of transfer speed, performance, and efficiency compared to the literature solutions such as MAVSec and benchmarked with the original Mavlink protocol. Our achieved results have significant improvement over the literature and Mavlink in terms of security.
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