Papers by Darius Rudinskas
This paper presents analyzed questions of the safety of the information transferred by the radio ... more This paper presents analyzed questions of the safety of the information transferred by the radio connection link of the Polish UAV project “Aircraft for monitoring” SAMONIT. This safety is especially important for the design and use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). This paper also presents the structure of the SAMONIT communication system, security threats to the radio connection system, and possible measures to ensure secure information.Lietuviška santrauka. Straipsnyje nagrinėjami Lenkijos bepiločių orlaivių projekto SAMONIT (monitoringo lėktuvas) radijo ryšių perduodamos informacijos saugumo klausimai. Ypač svarbi yra radijo ryšių perduodamos informacijos apsauga kuriant bepiločius orlaivius (BO) ir kitas nuotolinio valdymo transporto priemones. Straipsnyje pateikiama SAMONIT ryšių sistemos struktūra, galimos grėsmės informacijos perdavimui, saugumui bei integralumui; taip pat radijo ryšio sistemos apsaugos būdai bei priemonės
Disertacijoje nagrinėjamos bepiločių orlaivių matavimų informacijos perdavimo saugos užtikrinimo ... more Disertacijoje nagrinėjamos bepiločių orlaivių matavimų informacijos perdavimo saugos užtikrinimo priemonės taikant esamus matavimų informacijos apdorojimo metodus ir priemones. Pagrindiniai tyrimų objektai yra bepiločio orlaivio integruota diagnostikos sistema bei matavimų informacijos apdorojimo metodai. Šie objektai yra svarbūs aviacijos technikos nepertraukiamo veikimo užtikrinimui. Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas yra ištirti bepiločio orlaivio integruotą diagnostikos sistemą matavimų informacijos saugos užtikrinimo atžvilgiu ir pateikti matavimų informacijos saugos metodiką ir galimas priemones. Darbe sprendžiami keli bepiločio orlaivio integruotos diagnostikos sistemos uždaviniai. Uždaviniai suformuluoti, atsižvelgiant į šiuolaikiniuose bepiločiuose orlaiviuose vis dažniau diegiamų elektroninių valdymo sistemų integruotos techninės diagnostikos aktualumą ir siejami su matavimų informacijos saugos užtikrinimo problema. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, keturi skyriai, rezultatų apiben...
Aviation, 2015
This paper presents the design and simulation of the functions of a flight Management System (FMS... more This paper presents the design and simulation of the functions of a flight Management System (FMS) in order to follow four-dimensional trajectories automatically. This is achieved by controlling the aircraft’s airspeed, altitude, heading and vertical speed in order to arrive to the merging point in a specified time. The system receives data from the aircraft and computes new control parameters based on mathematical equations and algorithms of prediction trajectories. Additional features have been added to the FMS-4D, such as the capability of predicting the arrival time taking into account previous flight parameters and speed/altitude constrains. Finally, a testing phase was carried out using a flight simulator in order to obtain the performance and results of the designed system.
Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, 1970
The paper presents the application of wireless sensor networks in aviation for measuring and tran... more The paper presents the application of wireless sensor networks in aviation for measuring and transferring flight parameters. IEEE 802.15.4 standard ZigBee of low price, which operates in the low range of the ISM frequency band, was chosen. Experiments were performed during free flight. Evaluation of measurement results using Kalman filtering algorithm is provided. Ill. 6, bibl. 10, tabl. 1 (in English; abstracts in English and Lithuanian).
Aviation, 2009
This paper presents analyzed questions of the safety of the information transferred by the radio ... more This paper presents analyzed questions of the safety of the information transferred by the radio connection link of the Polish UAV project “Aircraft for monitoring” SAMONIT. This safety is especially important for the design and use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). This paper also presents the structure of the SAMONIT communication system, security threats to the radio connection system, and possible measures to ensure secure information. Santrauka Straipsnyje nagrinejami Lenkijos bepiločiu orlaiviu projekto SAMONIT (monitoringo lektuvas) radijo ryšiu perduodamos informacijos saugumo klausimai. Ypač svarbi yra radijo ryšiu perduodamos informacijos apsauga kuriant bepiločius orlaivius (BO) ir kitas nuotolinio valdymo transporto priemones. Straipsnyje pateikiama SAMONIT ryšiu sistemos struktūra, galimos gresmes informacijos perdavimui, saugumui bei integralumui; taip pat radijo ryšio sistemos apsaugos būdai bei priemones.
Mokslas - Lietuvos ateitis, 2009
Santrauka. Straipsnyje nagrinėjami radijo ryšiu perduodamos informacijos saugumo klausimai. Ypač ... more Santrauka. Straipsnyje nagrinėjami radijo ryšiu perduodamos informacijos saugumo klausimai. Ypač svarbi radijo ryšiu perduodamos informacijos apsauga, kuriant bepiločius orlaivius (toliau tekste-BO) ir kitas nuotolinio valdymo transporto priemones. Straipsnyje pateikiama bepiločių orlaivių ryšių sistemos struktūra, galimos grėsmės informacijos perdavimui, saugumui bei integralumui, radijo ryšio sistemos apsaugos būdai ir priemonės.
Mokomojoje knygoje pateikiami skaitmeninės technikos ir orlaivių elektroninių prietaisų sistemų p... more Mokomojoje knygoje pateikiami skaitmeninės technikos ir orlaivių elektroninių prietaisų sistemų pagrindai, skirti aviacijos mechanikos inžinieriams. Ši knyga parengta pagal EASA PART–66 orlaivių techninės priežiūros licencijavimo 5 modulio „Skaitmeninė technika elektroninėms prietaisų sistemoms“ B1 licencijos reikalavimų dalį. Mokomoji knyga skirta aviacijos mechanikos inžinerijos specialybės studentams lėktuvų mechanikams. Ji galės būti naudinga ir kitų aviacijos specialybių studentams, aviacijos specialistams ir visiems, kurie domisi skaitmenine technika ir aviacija. Leidinys parengtas ir išleistas už Europos struktūrinių fondų lėšas, jomis finansuojant VGTU Transporto inžinerijos, Biomechanikos ir Aviacinės mechanikos inžinerijos projektą „Studijų programų atnaujinimas pagal ES reikalavimus, gerinant studijų kokybę ir taikant inovatyvius studijų metodus“ pagal Lietuvos 2007–2013 m. Žmogiškųjų išteklių veiksmų programos 2 prioriteto „Mokymasis visą gyvenimą“ VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K priemonę „Studijų kokybės gerinimas, tarptautiškumo didinimas“. Projekto kodas Nr. VP1-2.2-ŠMM 07-K-01-023, finansavimo ir administravimo sutartis Nr. VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K-01-023
Mokslas - Lietuvos ateitis, 2012
Inertial navigation systems (INS) are widely used for controlling piloted or unmanned aerial vehi... more Inertial navigation systems (INS) are widely used for controlling piloted or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Automatic control equipment with INS has error budget making a huge impact on the accuracy of UAV navigation. The paper analyzes INS errors and types of errors. Experiments have been done using small UAV. Santrauka Inerciniai navigacijos įrenginiai (INS) plačiai naudojami pilotuojamuose ir nepilotuojamuose orlaiviuose. Nepilotuojamo orlaivio skrydžio tikslumui didelę įtaką turi orlaivio automatinio valdymo sistemos įrenginių paklaidos. Tyrime nagrinėjamas nepilotuojamas orlaivis, kurio automatinio valdymo sistemos dalis yra inercinis navigacijos įrenginys. Analizuojami INS įrenginių paklaidų šaltiniai, paklaidų tipai. Eksperimentiniai tyrimai atlikti naudojant mažo nepilotuojamo orlaivio automatinio valdymo sistemą.
The article deals with analyzing the impact of the electromagnetic field of high-voltage electric... more The article deals with analyzing the impact of the electromagnetic field of high-voltage electric transmission lines on unmanned aircraft for electrical line inspection management. An overhead line electric and magnetic field strength measurement method is presented according to which the field data of overhead lines has been measured. The measurement values of the electric and magnetic field of overhead lines were compared with theoretical calculations. Unmanned aircraft control has been investigated by assessing the impact of the electromagnetic field, in order to determine the strength of the electromotive force which is induced within aircraft circuits when an unmanned aircraft reaches the live parts of overhead lines.
This research overview the characteristics of the pilots’ attention and the factors which could i... more This research overview the characteristics of the pilots’ attention and the factors which could influence it. There is described the problem of the pilots’ workload in the cockpit and its issue on the flight safety. The goal of this research is to find out the gaze movement pattern of student-pilots and compare it to the theoretical models. The gaze direction is closely related to the attention concentration point. So by means of gaze tracking it is possible to determine where the pilot concentrates his attention. It is accomplished by implementation of mobile eye-tracking system which consists of one eye camera and one scene camera. The experimentation was accomplished and data collected in the flight simulator. At the end of the thesis research conclusions are represented.
Straipsnyje nagrinėjama automatinė priklausomo stebėjimo sistema (ADS-B) ir jos integracija pakei... more Straipsnyje nagrinėjama automatinė priklausomo stebėjimo sistema (ADS-B) ir jos integracija pakeiciant esancias radarų bei oro erdvės stebėjimo sistemas. Analizuojamas sios sistemos tikslumas ir trukdžių įtaka įprasto sistemos veikimo metu. Taip pat apžvelgiama sistemos adaptacija su S tipo atsakikliais bei sistemos tobulinimo galimybės.
This article examines and shows mathematical results of classical algorithm, which is used for sm... more This article examines and shows mathematical results of classical algorithm, which is used for small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) navigation. The research is done with mathematical UAV model, which eliminates aerodynamics while the chosen flight path is followed by using vector field method. Lots of attention is dedicated to show possible flight path error values with representation of modelled flight path trajectories and deviations from the flight mission path. All of the modelled flight missions are done in two-dimensional space and all of the collected data with flight path error values are evaluated statistically. The most possible theoretical flight path error values are found and the general flight path error tendencies are predicted.
Aviation, Oct 5, 2017
Flight accuracy in the airspace is becoming an increasingly difficult issue due to the expanding ... more Flight accuracy in the airspace is becoming an increasingly difficult issue due to the expanding number of aircraft operating in it. In order to meet the needs of all airspace users, aircraft flows are being increased, and different aircraft systems that minimise the risk of aircraft accidents are being developed to ensure flight safety. However, statistically, the impact of the human factor on aviation accidents and incidents remains high. This article focuses оn thе аssеssmеnt оf pіlоt flіght ассurасу during route flights and presents a mеthоdоlоgу bаsеd оn automated assessment tunnels for accurately assessing pilot flight dеviаtiоns frоm a prе-sеt flіght trаjесtоrу axis both on the horizontal and vertical plane.
This paper shows mathematical results of three methods, which can be used for Unmanned Aerial Veh... more This paper shows mathematical results of three methods, which can be used for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to make transition from one flight leg to another. In paper, we present general equations, which can be used for generating waypoint-switching methods when for experiment purpose mathematical UAV model is used. UAV is modelled as moving dot, which eliminates all of the aerodynamics factors and we can concentrate only on the navigation problems. Lots of attention is dedicated to show possible flight path error values with representation of modelled flight path trajectories and deviations from the flight mission path. All of the modelled flight missions are done in two-dimensional space and all the results are evaluated by looking at Probability Density Function (PDF) values, as we are mostly interested in the probability of the error.
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), Jan 28, 2017
Current research on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) shows a lot of interest in autonomous UAV nav... more Current research on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) shows a lot of interest in autonomous UAV navigation. This interest is mainly driven by the necessity to meet the rules and restrictions for small UAV flights that are issued by various international and national legal organizations. In order to lower these restrictions, new levels of automation and flight safety must be reached. In this paper, a new method for ground obstacle avoidance derived by using UAV navigation based on the Dubins paths algorithm is presented. The accuracy of the proposed method has been tested, and research results have been obtained by using Software-in-the-Loop (SITL) simulation and real UAV flights, with the measurements done with a low cost Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) sensor. All tests were carried out in a three-dimensional space, but the height accuracy was not assessed. The GNSS navigation data for the ground obstacle avoidance algorithm is evaluated statistically.
Papers by Darius Rudinskas