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1987, Journal of the Less Common Metals
2 pages
1 file
Rare earth oxysulfides (RO),S combine with different metal sulfides to form quaternary compounds displaying original structures. Some of them have true three-dimensional networks, in which the two non-metals are bonded to the two metals, without selectivity in these bonds. They are for example RCrSZO
Physical Review B, 2009
The electronic structures of SmScO 3 , GdScO 3 , and DyScO 3 are investigated by means of x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, x-ray emission spectroscopy ͑XES͒, and x-ray absorption spectroscopy ͑XAS͒. A strong hybridization between Sc 3d and O 2p is found, and a contribution of the rare-earth 5d states to this hybridization is not excluded. The band gaps of the compounds are determined by combining XES and XAS measurements. For SmScO 3 , GdScO 3 , and DyScO 3 the band gaps were determined to be 5.6, 5.8, and 5.9 eV, respectively. Magnetization versus temperature measurements reveal antiferromagnetic coupling at 2.96 ͑SmScO 3 ͒, 2.61 ͑GdScO 3 ͒, and 3.10 K ͑DyScO 3 ͒. For DyScO 3 a Rietveld refinement of a 2 K neutrondiffraction data set gives the spin arrangement of Dy in the Pbnm structure ͑Shubnikov group: PbЈnЈmЈ͒.
Solid State Communications, 1974
Physical Review B, 2009
The crystal structure and magnetic ordering in Sr 3 YCo 4 O 10.5+␦ , ␦ = 0.02 and 0.26 compounds have been revisited in a detailed neutron diffraction study. The ordering is of G-type, with the magnetic Co moments being aligned along the c axis of the tetragonal cells. In contrast to the previous studies, we, however, find an important peculiarity of the magnetic structures in the title compounds, namely, the magnetic moment magnitudes are different in the layers containing Co ions with different oxygen coordination. Along with the modulation of the coordination type and charge state of Co ions along the c axis, the ordered magnetic moment magnitudes are varying concomitantly and thus the correlation between the charge and spin states of the Co ions has been directly observed.
The mixed rare earth oxide (Dy 1-x Er x) 2 O 3 (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) were synthesized by a sol-gel process. X-ray and neutron diffraction data were collected and crystal structure and microstructure analyses were performed using Rietveld refinement method. All samples were found to have the same crystal structure and formed solid solutions over the whole range of x. Preferential cationic distribution is found for all samples but with different extent with Dy 3+ preferring the 8b among the two non-equivalent sites 8b and 24d of the space group Ia3. The lattice parameter is found to vary linearly with the composition x and a systematic variation is found in the r.m.s microstrain 2 1/2 L ε 〈 〉. Magnetization measurements were done in the temperature range 5-300 K and a behavior in accordance with Curie-Weiss law was found. Anomalous concentration dependence is found in magnetic susceptibility which is ascribed to the concentration dependence of effective crystal field combined with the contribution of 4 I 15/2 and 6 H 15/2 manifold at elevated temperature. The effective magnetic moments μ eff is found to decrease linearly with composition parameter x, except for sample x=0.5 where the magnetization is enhanced. The Curie-Weiss paramagnetic temperatures indicated antiferromagnetic interaction. These magnetic results are discussed in view of the cationic distribution.
A study is conducted on the relation between dopant induced changes in magnetic properties and local structural modifications in Sr0.775Y0.225(Co0.9Zn0.1)O3-. Temperature and field dependent magnetic responses of this compound are found to differ from those previously reported for Sr0.775Y0.225(Co0.9Fe0.1)O3-. The Fe-doped compound show near total suppression of FM, while Zn-doped compound retain measurable FM ordering. Local structures are shown to exhibit perceptible differences of Co-O bond lengths and Co-O-Co bond angles in the fully oxygenated octahedral layer. Those differences are argued to result in the different CF strengths that affect differently the Co spin states and the inter-ionic magnetic interactions.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 1998
In this work, we have studied the crystal and magnetic structure of fully deoxygenated (Y, Ce) 2 Sr 2 (Cu, Fe) 3 O 8+y using neutron powder diffraction data. Rietveld profile refinement confirmed the presence of removable oxygen y within the Cu(1) layers. While for the fully oxygenated sample the I 4/mmm space group describes the crystal structure adequately, for the deoxygenated sample the space group Cmcm was found to be more appropriate. Cmcm accounts for the disorder within the Cu(1) layers, which was also observed with Mössbauer spectroscopy. For the deoxygenated sample, magnetic peaks corresponding to three-dimensional antiferromagnetism were observed and were indexed with the propagation vector k 1 = ( 1 2 1 2 0) from 2 up to 300 K. §
Scientific reports, 2016
Transition-metal oxides often exhibit complex magnetic behavior due to the strong interplay between atomic-structure, electronic and magnetic degrees of freedom. Cobaltates, especially, exhibit complex behavior because of cobalt's ability to adopt various valence and spin state configurations. The case of the oxygen-deficient perovskite Sr3YCo4O10+x (SYCO) has attracted considerable attention because of persisting uncertainties about its structure and the origin of the observed room temperature ferromagnetism. Here we report a combined investigation of SYCO using aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy and density functional theory calculations. Guided by theoretical results on Co-O distances projected on different planes, the atomic-scale images of several different orientations, especially of the fully oxygenated planes, allow the unambiguous extraction of the underlying structure. The calculated magnetic properties of the new structure are in excellent ...
Journal of Applied Physics, 2010
Here we study the structural and magnetic properties of the Co 1-x Fe x Sr 2 YCu 2 O 7+δ compound (0≤ x≤1).
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 1998
Structure and magnetic properties of Dy Co Ga (x50-6) compounds 2 172x x
Організація Об’єднаних Націй у спробах протидіяння агресії Російської Федерації проти України / укладачі: П. Рабінович, Р. Тополевський, Т. Дудаш, В. Гончаров, А. Наконечна. Інформаційний бюлетень. Львів: Видавництво ЛОБФ «Медицина і право», 2023. Вип. 3. 38 с., 2023
У пропонованому виданні вперше українською мовою перекладено та прокоментовано, ухвалену 24 березня 2022 року, унікальну Резолюцію Генеральної Асамблеї Організації Об’єднаних Націй стосовно гуманітарних наслідків агресії Російської Федерації проти України. У додатках викладено матеріали попередніх двох видань цього інфор-маційного бюлетеню.
Say, Sergey. 2019. Prominent internal possessors in Bashkir. In: András Bárány, Oliver Bond & Irina Nikolaeva (eds.). Prominent internal possessors. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 196–227.
Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research, 2024
Türk – Ermeni İlişkilerinin Normalleşmesine Dair Bir Güncel Durum Analizi: Şartlar, Fırsatlar ve Engeller, 2024
Cuidados Humanizados, 2022
Ross Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History, 2019
Contemporary Political Theory, 2017
Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, 2001
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 2022
Letras De Hoje, 1997
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research Journal, 2023
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2014
Revista Digital Del Instituto Internacional De Costos, 2012