Kenneth H. Mayer, Section Editor
HIV/AIDS, Undernutrition, and Food Insecurity
Louise C. Ivers,1,2,3 Kimberly A. Cullen,2 Kenneth A. Freedberg,3,4 Steven Block,5,6 Jennifer Coates,5 and Patrick Webb5
Despite tremendous advances in care for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and increased funding for treatment,
morbidity and mortality due to HIV/AIDS in developing countries remains unacceptably high. A major contributing factor
is that 1800 million people remain chronically undernourished globally, and the HIV epidemic largely overlaps with populations already experiencing low diet quality and quantity. Here, we present an updated review of the relationship between
HIV infection, nutritional deficiencies, and food insecurity and consider efforts to interrupt this cycle at a programmatic
level. As HIV infection progresses, it causes a catabolic state and increased susceptibility to other infections, which are
compounded by a lack of caloric and other nutrient intake, leading to progressive worsening of malnutrition. Despite calls
from national and international organizations to integrate HIV and nutritional programs, data are lacking on how such
programs can be effectively implemented in resource-poor settings, on the optimum content and duration of nutritional
support, and on ideal target recipients.
Morbidity and mortality related to human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) infection in the developing world remain unacceptably high, despite major advances in HIV therapy and increased international funding for care [1, 2]. People living with
HIV infection (themselves or among family members) face not
just sickness but also impaired productivity, declining income,
and increasingly difficult choices among essential but competing expenses, such as food versus health care or schooling versus
rent [3]. The physiological complications of progression of HIV
infection are compounded by the problems associated with
poverty, because it translates into insufficient consumption of
a diet of adequate quality and quantity to bolster immune
function and support medical therapy. Recently, several international agencies emphasized that targeted nutritional interventions should be systematically linked to antiretroviral interventions [4–11]. The World Bank has called for a scaling up
of action on nutrition and AIDS through “action research” and
“learning by doing” [10, p 12]. A recent review of approaches
to nutrition in HIV programs in Africa concluded that current
HIV/AIDS policies “have tended toward highly medicalized ap-
Received 4 February 2009; accepted 17 May 2009; electronically published 2 September
Reprints or correspondence: Dr Louise Ivers, Div of Global Health Equity, FXB Bldg, 7th Fl,
651 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115 (
[email protected]).
Clinical Infectious Diseases 2009; 49:1096–1102
2009 by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1086/605573
1096 • CID 2009:49 (1 October) • HIV/AIDS
proaches” and called for “a comprehensive approach to link
health strategies with community-oriented food-based strategies” [12, p 2–3]. Despite this, few data exist to help guide the
development of effective programs that integrate HIV care and
Food insecurity (defined as a persistent lack of access to
adequate food in needed quantity and quality), undernutrition
(including deficiencies in micronutrients as well as macronutrients), and HIV/AIDS overlap and have additive effects [4].
More than 800 million people worldwide are chronically undernourished, and 133 million are living with HIV infection
[1, 2, 13]. Combating undernutrition and HIV/AIDS are 2 of
the 8 United Nations Millennium Development Goals to be
achieved by 2015—international targets that form a blueprint
for galvanizing priorities for the world’s poor. The complex
interaction between HIV infection and nutrition seriously
threatens the achievement of these goals.
Advances in the treatment of HIV infection during the last 20
years have resulted in antiretroviral therapy (ART) combinations that can result in reduced HIV RNA level and improved
immunologic function, leading to dramatic improvements in
health, reductions in morbidity, and prolonged life [14–17].
Increased funding has become available for HIV treatment in
the developing world, and the vast majority of such programs
have demonstrated excellent clinical outcomes [18, 19]. Despite
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Partners In Health, 2Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 3Center for AIDS Research, Harvard Medical School, 4Massachusetts General Hospital,
and 5Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy and 6Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts
Undernutrition and HIV status have negative feedback loops,
resulting in severe effects on the resilience of individuals, households, and communities. Such interactions manifest at both the
level of the HIV-infected individual and the level of the affected
household in terms of clinical, nutritional, quality-of-life, and
economic outcomes.
At the individual level, a lack of access to appropriate food
and the direct effect that HIV has on impaired metabolic functions in absorption, storage, and utilization of nutrients can
translate into compromised immunity, nutrient deficiencies,
and increased vulnerability to infectious diseases [29, 30]. Lack
of sufficient food intake and/or malabsorption leads to weight
loss, which further exacerbates the catabolic nature of HIV
infection [31, 32]. Weight loss is itself a significant, independent
risk factor for AIDS-related mortality, and HIV-associated wasting often persists even with use of ART [33, 34].
HIV infection reduces the efficiency of nutrient absorption
and utilization partly because of frequent diarrhea due to compromised immunity [35–37]. Malabsorption of fats and carbohydrates is common, with the former adversely affecting the
absorption and utilization of fat-soluble vitamins, compro-
mising immunity and worsening nutrient deficiencies [38]. Infections and nutritional deficiencies cause an increase in levels
of prooxidants that results in oxidative stress, which may indirectly accelerate HIV replication [38]. Metabolic changes, including changes in insulin and glucagon levels, result from both
reduced food intake and the immune response to infection and
may lead to muscle wasting [37]. Because HIV infection increases resting energy expenditure as a function of HIV load,
people living with HIV infection have higher protein requirements than do their noninfected counterparts [35, 37–40], and
HIV-infected children experiencing weight loss have energy requirements 50%–100% above normal [40]. ART itself increases
resting energy expenditure independently of viral load, further
contributing to HIV-associated weight loss [33, 39]. As HIV
infection progresses, it can cause a catabolic state that is compounded by a lack of caloric intake, increasing the severity of
preexisting undernutrition [30, 32, 41]. In children, advanced
HIV infection often presents with clinical features that are indistinguishable from severe undernutrition [42]. These facts
further highlight the particular need to ensure adequate caloric
and multivitamin intake in adults and children living with HIV
Of critical importance is the growing recognition that individuals receiving ART face serious adverse effects, resulting
in lack of adherence when faced with a lack of food in the
household [43–45]. Undernutrition increases the probability of
developing hepatic toxicity to nevirapine [46]. Food facilitates
the absorption and effectiveness of drugs, and increased appetite is an intended and desirable effect of drug therapy—one
that is needed to reverse loss of body mass and to promote
recuperation and enhanced immune function [47, 48].
At the household level, a lack of food can lead to the adoption
of risky coping strategies, such as sale of assets, redirection of
(wage) labor, or exchange of sex for money or food, all of
which increase exposure to HIV and increase economic vulnerability [49–51]. Reduced food intake in the HIV-affected
household can also result from loss of income and food-production capacity in the family due to labor loss, psychosocial
factors, or adverse effects of medication (such as dizziness and
nausea) [36, 37, 52]. ART is difficult to take on an empty
stomach, travel to a health facility may become impossible because of weakness and lethargy, time in the fields or at work
cannot be spared for medical visits, and migration in search of
work affects continuity of care [53, 54]. In other cases, assets
are sold to pay for medical care or children are removed from
school because of a lack of funds or the need for additional
labor, leading families into worsening cycles of poverty [55,
56]. A lack of access to food drives families into social crisis,
migration, and displacement, which subsequently puts them at
increased risk of HIV infection and its consequences [53, 57].
Rural communities with a high prevalence of HIV infection
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this, optimism is tempered by the fact that HIV infection remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality [20] when at
the same time malnutrition remains the main cause of child
mortality across the developing world [12]. The largest burden
of HIV disease still exists in low- and middle-income countries,
where 12 million deaths due to AIDS occurred in 2007 alone
and just 31% of patients requiring ART have access to treatment
[1]. Early mortality while receiving ART is a common feature
in many programs, with individuals presenting for care with
very advanced disease and multiple comorbid conditions [18,
21]. Comorbidities such as tuberculosis, undernutrition, diarrheal disease, and malaria are highly prevalent in these areas,
and all have a negative interaction with HIV infection [22, 23].
Barriers to effective HIV care in the developing world are
many, including a lack of trained health care professionals, a
lack of infrastructure, and a lack of resources devoted to health
[24]. The financial cost of care to individuals also has an important effect on HIV care in resource-constrained environments—paying for care has been associated with both worse
outcomes and worse adherence to therapy [25–28]. Both households and governments face competing choices for their expenditures: food (often accounting for as much as 75% of total
household spending), health care, and education are frequent
competitors [3]. In this context, the complex interaction between HIV infection, undernutrition, and food insecurity can
be a critical barrier to effective HIV care, and the development
of evidence-based programmatic solutions to these issues becomes essential.
Targeted food and nutritional assistance to individuals with
HIV infection and their families has the potential to improve
nutrition [10, 61] and may decrease susceptibility to HIV infection [36, 49, 61, 62]. Targeted food rations, for example,
may allow infected individuals to improve adherence to therapy
while preserving assets by not having to sell possessions to
purchase food [61]. In the United States, nutritional interventions to prevent weight loss and wasting in HIV-infected patients have often focused on counseling and nutrient supplements rather than food rations to increase energy and protein
intake [47, 63]. Many have been shown to be very successful
[47, 64]. Interventions that seek to enhance the knowledge and
behaviors of mothers with respect to nutrition have been recognized for decades as being valuable for child nutrition [65,
66]. Although techniques and message content vary widely
across programs, communicating specific information on nutrition is consistently associated with a positive outcome [67].
Targeted food interventions may also enable increased labor
supply and the productivity of that labor, the benefits of which
might include increased home production of food and increased wage earning, both of which contribute to household
food security. In other words, food and other nutritional assistance programs have the potential to improve the course of
HIV disease in developing countries, where undernutrition and
food insecurity are major coexisting factors.
Despite the current understanding of the complex interaction
between HIV infection, food intake, and low income, the quantitative clinical benefits of providing food assistance to individuals with HIV infection, the appropriate enrollment criteria
for targeted food programs, the appropriate duration of food
assistance, and the effects of such programs on household
members remain largely undocumented [68–70]. A recent
Cochrane systematic review reported that, on the basis of the
1098 • CID 2009:49 (1 October) • HIV/AIDS
current evidence, no conclusions could be drawn regarding the
effect that macronutrient supplementation has on morbidity
and mortality in people with HIV infection [71]. A pilot study
of food ration supplementation in Zambia suggested that food
assistance is associated with better adherence to ART; however,
no significant effect was observed for weight gain or CD4 cell
count. This may in part be attributable to a small sample size;
the authors called for a large randomized study to demonstrate
the clinical outcomes of food supplementation [72]. Prevention
of any adverse effects of food assistance is also important. Although data on the incidence of refeeding syndrome among
those with severe wasting due to HIV infection are lacking,
these individuals may be at risk for potentially fatal shifts in
fluid and electrolyte balance during rapid refeeding [73, 74].
In addition to the direct health benefits of food assistance for
the individual, attention must also be paid to the effects that
interventions have on households, such as labor productivity
and broader measures of household welfare. Understanding
these effects will be critical to the development of effective and
sustainable food programs [75, 76].
A detailed discussion of interventions other than assistance
in the form of food rations is beyond the scope of this review.
However, the role played by such potentially complementary
interventions as agricultural interventions, socioeconomic assistance, accompaniment, education, and training [59, 77–79]
are of the utmost importance and need to receive critical consideration to improve the livelihoods of people living with HIV
infection and food insecurity.
Efficient targeting of food assistance is critical to the management of scarce resources, but few data exist to guide programs
as to which individuals or households to target in locations
where there is both high food insecurity and a high prevalence
of HIV infection. Programs are often targeted to individuals
receiving ART, but it is highly plausible that food assistance
would benefit those not yet requiring ART, potentially preventing the progression of HIV disease and delaying the need
for ART. It is not clear how food or other nutritional support
(whether supplements or nutritional education) is shared
within families. Households are not unitary decision-making
bodies; food is shared and allocated differently within different
types of households depending on demographic composition,
who within the household is sick or has died, social standing,
socioeconomic status, and other factors [80]. Understanding
the differing bases for sharing food is critical to improving the
targeting of therapeutic food versus food intended for general
household consumption [81–83].
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may face aggregate reductions in the local food supply and
increased labor costs [58]. The result of these interactions is a
series of ripple effects extending far beyond the infected individual to the household and societal levels [59]. The overall
loss of productivity contributes significantly to hunger and poverty for families and communities. The total economic loss
from HIV/AIDS worldwide is estimated at US $25 billion per
year and rising [60].
In other words, HIV/AIDS substantially complicates the already multidimensional problem of global undernutrition, and
undernutrition in turn complicates the global fight against the
HIV epidemic [36, 55].
HIV infection constitutes a global public health emergency and
is most prevalent in areas of the world where undernutrition
is also a serious concern. The concept of enhancing access to
food among undernourished people, regardless of HIV status,
is long-standing; however, critical questions remain as to the
most effective ways to incorporate nutritional interventions
into HIV programs. The differentiation between food and nutrition must be emphasized, as must the concept that quantity
of food is not synonymous with nutritional value. This has
been less of a focus because of the urgency of the situation and
the understandable reflex to get whatever food is available to
those who are hungry during emergencies. The negative inter-
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Although agreement is growing that nutritional support is beneficial, the optimal form of such support remains unknown
and largely unstudied [75]. A recent training manual developed
in Ethiopia asserts that food-based approaches to increasing
vitamin and mineral intake and optimizing immune function
are “the most preferred strategy” and that foods should include
local vegetables and fortified staple products [81, 84]. However,
there is no international consensus on a universal HIV food
ration, making it difficult to determine programmatically what
any food basket should contain [81, 85]. Furthermore, food
rations require resources, but few data exist on the cost-effectiveness of nutritional interventions in the context of HIV care
in developing countries [86–88]. This may differ substantially
from that of more-general studies of the returns of nutritional
interventions [47, 89]. It is increasingly argued that more attention is needed on the importance of complementary community outreach in tandem with food—that is, seeking to empower caregivers or individuals by imparting tailored knowledge about causes and solutions to these conditions.
Recently, the use of ready-to-use therapeutic foods (RUTFs)
has received growing attention in food support, with a particular focus on spreads that are semisolid variants of F100 therapeutic milk (a milk formulation used for the treatment of
severe childhood malnutrition). The most widely used spread
is a mixture of milk powder, sugar, vegetable oil, peanuts, vitamins, and minerals—an energy-dense product that resists
bacterial contamination and requires no cooking [90, 91]. Providing a RUTF to HIV-infected individuals in addition to food
rations to affected family members appears to have the potential
to affect nutritional gains across the household. The RUTF
provides a nutrient-dense supplement that can be targeted to
the HIV-infected individual, with other foods in the basket
serving to protect other family members from consumption
inadequacy. That fortified blended foods and RUTFs have significant effects on morbidity and nutritional outcomes has been
shown among refugees in Algeria [92, 93], Nepal [94], Bangladesh [95], and Zambia [96]. In Angola, the prevalence of
anemia among children decreased from 48% to 24% over a
period of 12 months, and vitamin A deficiency among adolescents was reduced from 47% to 20% [97]. RUTFs are also
increasingly being used in HIV programs [98, 99].
Quantity of calories is important, but so is quality in terms
of the nutrient components and mixes within food baskets.
There is growing scientific consensus that food sufficiency is a
critical component of the treatment of both malnutrition and
malnutrition-mediated disease outcomes and that sufficiency
requires close attention to diet quality, not merely quantity or
adequacy. By further linking the clinical and nutritional effects
of food interventions to determinants of household welfare,
one could extend our understanding of the benefits of both to
HIV-infected individuals and their household members.
There is considerable debate and uncertainty over the nutritional and health effects of generic food rations, which are
used for many programmatic purposes around the world. Their
role in preventing starvation in emergencies and in buffering
household-level consumption among the very poor is clearly
important; however, not only do these uses have different objectives than those of food-assistance programs for chronic
diseases such as HIV/AIDS, but the nutritional effect of the
so-called standard rations has been questioned [100, 101].
For example, recent research in Haiti demonstrated that one
of the common “nutritionally enhanced” components of World
Food Programme rations—a micronutrient-fortified corn-soy
blend—had little or no effect on childhood anemia unless additionally fortified with a powdered micronutrient mix added
to the food at the time of serving [102]. Thus, the World Food
Programme and other food-assistance agencies have argued
strongly for a need for more insight into appropriate food
formulations and nutritional packages that may achieve measurable nutrition and health outcomes in the context of HIV
programs [76, 103].
Economists have long proposed the possibility that, in addition to the direct health benefits for individuals and their
households, increased caloric intake and improved nutritional
status may lead to higher wages and labor productivity (ie, the
“efficiency wage hypothesis”) [104]. Strong empirical support
for this hypothesis has been established in countries as diverse
as Sierra Leone [105] and India [106]. As the labor force in
countries with a high prevalence of HIV infection becomes
depleted by disease—with potentially devastating economic
consequences [107]—understanding and measuring the productivity cost of HIV infection and how food supplementation
may affect it is also critical in the design of public health
active effects of undernutrition, inadequate food consumption, and HIV infection demand special focused efforts to ensure that effective cross-sectorial solutions are devised and
Financial support. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
(grant K23 AI063998 to L.C.I. and grant K24 AI062476 to K.A.F.) and the
Harvard Center for AIDS Research (grant P30 AI060354–02S1).
Potential conflicts of interest. All authors: no conflicts.
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