Gender Mainstreaming Made Easy -Handbook for Programme Staff

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The handbook presents gender mainstreaming tools aimed at enhancing the capacity of programme staff to incorporate gender considerations into their work effectively. It serves both as a reminder for previous training participants and an introduction for new users, outlining the necessary skills and concepts for gender mainstreaming within project settings. It emphasizes the importance of applying gender analysis tools to programs, ensuring that projects contribute to gender equality and women's empowerment objectives.

Empowered lives. Resilient nations. GENDER MAINSTREAMING MADE EASY : HANDBOOK FOR PROGRAMME STAFF United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) UNDP is the UN's global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in 166 countries, working with them on their own solutions to global and national development challenges. As they develop local capacity, they draw on the people of UNDP and our wide range of partners. Disclaimer: The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the United Nations, including UNDP, or the UN Member States. Country Office for UNDP Somalia February 2013 Copyright © 2013 UNDP. All rights reserved CONTENTS Foreword .................................................................................................................................................................... i PART I: INTRODUCTION TO GENDER MAINSTREAMING .....................................................1 Summary Report of the UNDP Programme Staff Gender Mainstreaming Workshop – October 2012 .................... 1 Gender Concepts ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 UNDP s I stitutio al Framework for Gender Mainstreaming ................................................................................... 7 GENDER MAINSTREAMING TOOLS AND EXAMPLES ...........................................................9 Tool 1: Reflection Tool De i ed f o UNDP s Eight-point Agenda for Wo e s E po e e t a d Ge de equality in Crisis Prevention and Recovery .............................................................................................................12 Tool 2: UNDP Gender Marker .................................................................................................................................15 Tool 3: Harvard Gender Analysis Framework ..........................................................................................................18 Tool 4: UNDP Checklist for Gender Mainstreaming in Project Proposals ............................................................... 22 Tool 5: UNDP Checklist for Gender Mainstreaming in Work Planning.................................................................... 25 Tool 6: UNDP M&E and Reporting Guidelines ........................................................................................................28 References and Background Readings .............................................................................. 32 Annexes ............................................................................................................................ 33 Gender Sensitive Output Indicators Identified in the CPD ...................................................................................... 33 UNDP Guideline/Checklist on Gender Mainstreaming ........................................................................................... 35 FOREWORD Effective gender mainstreaming requires plans, resources and dedicated people to ensure that o it e ts a e t a slated i to a tio a d a tual ha ge o the g ou d. The ha d ook, Ge de Mai st ea i g Made Eas is a adaptatio and update of the contents and materials used at the programme staff gender training under the same title. Held in October 2012, the training was tailored to the UNDP Country Programme Document for The Republic of Somalia 2011 – 2015 (CPD), UNDP Somalia Ge de E ualit a d Wo e s E po e e t St ateg – 2015 (CO Gender Strategy) and the gender equality commitments to which all UNDP Somalia staff are obliged to follow. The training was further informed by a training needs assessment conducted in January 2012, in which the majority of staff members noted that while they were already well familiar with gender concepts they felt limited in their ability to effectively mainstream gender into their work due to - amongst other things – lack of technical know-how and lack of tools for practical application. The training therefore responded specifically to these needs while adhering to the broader Country Office (CO) goal of transforming unequal social and institutional structures into equal and just structures for both men and women. Following the trainings, colleagues expressed the desire to have the tools they had been introduced to at the training presented to them in a handy easy-reference format as an ongoing practical resource. This handbook is the Gender U it s espo se to that e uest. The handbook encompasses a number of gender mainstreaming tools, and is in itself a tool designed for individual or group use within a project or programme setting. At the training, the tools were accompanied by exercises requiring staff members to apply them to case studies and scenarios drawn from projects in the CO; the handbook now provides the tools alongside examples of the eventual products that should be achieved if they are applied properly. At this level, users are now invited to apply the tools to their real life work as opposed to adapted scenarios. For colleagues who participated in the trainings in September 2012, this handbook will be a welcome and familiar companion as they have already practiced using the tools provided herein at the training. The handbook will therefore serve as a useful reminder and a resource to deepen their understanding of the different components thereby increasing and improving their efficiency at applying these tools in their day-to-day work. For colleagues who did not participate in the training, the handbook is equally an effective introduction to the concepts and tools and a userfriendly guide on how they can be applied. UNDP Somalia recognizes that gender mainstreaming is not an option but a necessity. Therefore this handbook will assists you to: 1) critically review the gender dimension of programmes and their monitoring processes; 2) apply gender analysis tools to actual projects; and 3) plan for gender responsive results by applying the provided tools accordingly. At the programme staff t ai i g, the Ge de Tea o pa ed thei u it to a Ge de Cli i he e colleagues could walk in (or make an appointment) at any stage of their work to check their ge der diag osis’. This handbook provides the starting point for such discussions and the Gender Unit welcomes all colleagues who need further help or guidance in using this handbook to feel free to approach them for such help. I would like to personally thank Suvimarja Vuontela who served an internship at the Gender Unit from November 2012 to April 2013 for designing and compiling the materials for the handbook with input from other members of the unit. Marie Dimond Deputy Country Director, Programmes UNDP Somalia i PART I : INTRODUCTION TO GENDER MAINSTREAMING This section lays the ground for applying gender mainstreaming tools presented in the next section by introducing the reader with core gender concepts and international framework guiding gender work. In addition, the CO training held autumn 2012 is discussed in brief. SUMMARY REPORT OF THE UNDP PROGRAM ME STAFF GEND ER MAINSTREAM ING WORKSHOP – OCTOBER 2012 In October 2012 gender training for programme staff was conducted, ensuring that UNDP staff members have the necessary tools and skills to increase their overall efficiency in gender mainstreaming in programmes and thereby contributing to the CPD s stated gender equality a d o e s e po e ent (GEWE) goals. Training sessions were conducted over two full days in Garowe and three half days in Nairobi and Hargeisa. A total of 68 staff members participated in the training (Hargeisa: 22, Garowe: 19, Nairobi: 27), of which 60 were programme staff. The following presents a summary report of the training. For more information on the training, please refer to the full report Gender Mainstreaming Workshops for all Programme Staff by UNDP Country Office for Somalia. 1.    2. R A T I O N A LE The CO Gender Strategy had a specific benchmark on gender trainings for all UNDP Somalia staff ; An online survey was conducted in January 2012 to inform the capacity building actions for UNDP Somalia's staff; and Three workshops designed and delivered in October 2012. PARTICIPANTS NEEDS    Addressing stereotyping and cultural bias in the Somali context; Familiarity with practical tools to put gender mainstreaming in practice; and Access to adequate policies and funding. EXPECTATIONS    Application of practical tools for mainstreaming gender in programmes and projects; In-depth understanding of gender issues in Somalia; and Development of a gender responsive work plan in 2013. PROFILE Table below presents the profile of participants to the gender training. 1 TABLE 1: PROFILE Hargeisa Men Women 17 5 Programmes 1 21 Operations PREP GROLS JPLG Other 1 3 8 6 5 Tot al 22 2 Garowe 14 5 18 1 2 7 6 4 19 Nairobi 11 16 21 6 1 14 1 9 27 3.     WO R K S HO P OB JE CT I V E S 4.  TRAINING STRATEGY 5. MATERIALS Refer to key gender issues in the Somali context; Critically review the gender dimension of programmes and their monitoring processes; Apply gender analysis tools to actual projects; and Plan for gender responsive results and outcomes, and design action tools accordingly. Methodology: All the sessions adopted participatory methods and took advantage of tailor-made activities based on the current programming framework of UNDP Somalia. Contents: Session 1) Contextualizing gender equality; Session 2) The institutional framework for gender equality in UNDP Somalia; Session 3) Gender analysis throughout the project cycle; and Session 4) Gender clinic on planning 2013.   Tools: UNDP s Eight Point Agenda fo Wo e s E po e e t a d Ge de E ualit i Crisis Prevention and Recovery, UNDP Gender Marker, Harvard Gender Analysis Framework, Checklist for Gender Mainstreaming in Project Proposals, M&E and Reporting Guidelines, and Checklist for Gender Mainstreaming in Work Planning. Case studies: Context and Project Document Support to build an inclusive, accountable So alia Fede al Pa lia e t , Context and Project Document Support Programme for Restricting Charcoal Export and Provision of Alternate Energy and Livelihoods Opportunities for Charcoal Value Chain Beneficiaries . Presentations: Gender Equality in Somalia – by Somali gender experts, Overview of CO Commitments to Gender Equality and their Relevance to our Work , and Gender Analysis throughout the Project Cycle .   6. E V A LU A T I O N Ta les elo p ese t pa ti ipa ts pe eptio of 1) improvement in knowledge and skills after attending the gender training; and 2) training quality. TABLE 2: PARTICIPANTS ' PERCEPTION OF KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS Hargeisa Garowe Nairobi 1 2 % perception of improvement in knowledge and skills % good or very good knowledge and skills before the training % good or very good knowledge and skills after the training 26 22 38 22 29 13 61 76 86 Of which 2 JPLG partners from UN-HABITAT and 1 JPLG partner from UNICEF. Of which 2 JPLG partners from the ILO and 1 JPLG partner from UN-HABITAT. 2 TABLE Overall quality Relevance to my work Relevance to my institution 3.74 3.95 4.00 Garowe 4.37 3.95 4.26 Nairobi 4.13 4.00 4.13 7.     8.       3: TRAINING QUALITY (1 to 5 scale) Hargeisa LE S S ON S L E A R N E D Training design: 1) Shorter surveys with clear support from senior management and immediate feedback; 2) Match time available with contents to be discussed; and 3) Consider short thematic trainings or informal learning sessions. Attendance: 1) Attendance of sub-offices management positive; and 2) Clear institutional message to address resistances, delays and lack of attendance. Contents and materials: 1) map and form a pool of Somali gender experts with policy dialogue experience; 2) invest in collecting and systematizing quantitative and qualitative information on gender equality, by thematic programme; and 3) take advantage of the tested materials for future training events. Organizational learning: 1) identify and tackle resistance strategies with peer dialogue; 2) clarify the role of the Gender Unit and attach more responsibilities to programmes; 3) ensure sufficient resources (including time) to discuss gender issues; and 4) emphasize the importance of gender equality to the institution in order to tackle persistent patriarchal values. WA Y F O R W A R D In six months, conduct an online survey with the participants of the workshop to assess the impact of the trainings and the changes in participants' work since. In low season periods, promote exchange weeks between the Gender Unit and other programme staff. This will enable the gender team to have a more concrete perspective of the programmes' work, and other programme staff to put gender related work into practice. Promote thematic half-day learning sessions with small groups, with focus on peer learning. The Gender Unit can select one of the gender thematic tools developed by UNDP at the Head Quarter level, summarize and propose it for discussion on contents and uses. When reviewing project documents, reports and other important documents, the Gender Unit can schedule a face-to-face briefing with the colleagues responsible for those documents, in the clinic format used during the workshops. Senior management should insist that the tools and checklists discussed during the training are included as part of relevant meetings (e.g. the work planning checklist should be used during the 2013 work planning exercise of all programmes). A catalytic process on institutional practices related to UNDP's operations needs to be started. Beyond training for Operations staff, with the adoption of UNDP-developed tools as the basis for the training programme, it would be recommended that an assessment of current practices takes place. The ILO Participatory Gender Audit Methodology can be a useful tool, and can be streamlined to assess the internal operations and the organizational culture rather than applied in its entirety. 3 GENDER CONCEPTS Development of an adequate understanding of gender mainstreaming requires clarity on the 3 related concepts. Selected concepts below are central to gender and development thinking. These concepts are intended to help users of this handbook in exploring some of the key ideas a d issues i ge de ai st ea i g a d o e s e po e e t. GENDER The concept of gender needs to be understood clearly as a cross-cutting socio-cultural variable. It is an overarching variable in the sense that gender can also be applied to all other crosscutting variables such as race, class, age, ethnic group, etc. Gender systems are established in different socio-cultural contexts which determine what is expected, allowed and valued in a woman/man and girl/boy in these specific contexts. Gender roles are learned through socialization processes; they are not fixed but are changeable over time and between cultures. Gender systems are institutionalized through education systems, political and economic systems, legislation, and culture and traditions. In utilizing a gender approach the focus is not on individual women and men but on the system which determines gender roles/responsibilities, access to and control over resources, and decision-making potentials. It is also important to emphasize that the concept of gender is not interchangeable with women. Gender refers to both women and men, and the relations between them. The existence of historical gender imbalances have meant that gender programming tends to focus solel o e po e i g o e as a ea s to le eli g the pla i g field , ho e e p o otio of gender equality should concern and engage men as well as women. In recent years there has been a much stronger direct focus on men in research on gender perspectives. There are three main approaches taken in the increased focus on men. Firstly, the need to identify men as allies for gender equality and involve them more actively in this work. Secondly, the recognition that gender equality is not possible unless men change their attitudes and behavior in many areas, for example in relation to reproductive rights and health. And thirdly, that gender systems in place in many contexts are negative for men as well as for women – creating unrealistic demands on men and requiring men to behave in narrowly defined ways. A considerable amount of interesting research is being undertaken, by both women and men, on male identities and masculinity. The increased focus on men will have significant impact on future strategies for working with gender perspectives in development. G E N D E R E QU A LI T Y Gender equality is the preferred terminology within the United Nations, rather than gender equity. Gender equity denotes an element of interpretation of social justice, usually based on tradition, custom, religion or culture, which is most often to the detriment to women. Such use of equity in relation to the advancement of women is unacceptable. During the Beijing conference in 1995 it was agreed that the term equality would be utilized. Gender equality means that the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of individuals will not depend on whethe the a e o ale o fe ale. E ualit does ot ea the sa e as – promotion of gender equality does not mean than women and men will become the same. Equality between women and men has both a quantitative and a qualitative aspect. The quantitative aspect refers to the desire to achieve equal representation of women – increasing balance and parity, while the quantitative aspect refers to achieving equal influence on establishing development priorities and outcomes for women and men. Equality involves ensuring that the perceptions, 3 The definition of concepts introduced here is from the Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and the Advancement of Women, United Nations. 4 interests, needs and priorities of women and men (which can be very different because of the differing roles and responsibilities of women and men) will be given equal weight in planning and decision-making. There is a dual rationale for promoting gender equality. Firstly, that equality between women and men – equal rights, opportunities and responsibilities - is a matter of human rights and social justice. And secondly, that greater equality between women and men is also a precondition for (and effective indicator of) sustainable people-centered development. The perceptions, interests, needs and priorities of both women and men must be taken into consideration not only as a matter of social justice but because they are necessary for successful development processes. G E N D E R M A I N ST R E A M I N G Gender mainstreaming is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. The calls for increased gender mainstreaming in the Economic and Social Council (ESCSOC) Agreed Conclusions (1997/2) are not for increased gender balance within the United Nations but for increased attention to gender perspectives and the goal of gender equality in the work of the United Natio s. Ge de ai st ea i g does ot o l e tail de elopi g sepa ate o e s p oje ts ithi o k p og a es, o e e o e s o po e ts ithi e isti g a ti ities i the o k programmes, it requires that attention is given to gender perspectives as an integral part of all activities across all programmes. This involves making gender perspectives – what women and men do and what resources and decision-making processes they have access to – more central to all policy development, research, advocacy, development, implementation and monitoring of norms and standards, and planning, implementation and monitoring of projects. It is important to see the linkages between gender mainstreaming in the substantive work of the United Nations and the promotion of equal opportunities and gender balance within the United Nations itself. Organizational culture and organizational values are important in terms of creating work environments which are conducive to gender mainstreaming. Gender mainstreaming is easiest to implement in organizational environments which support approaches such as multi-disciplinary focuses, teamwork, creative thinking, flexibility and risktaking. Gender mainstreaming was established as an intergovernmental mandate in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action o Ge de E ualit a d Wo e s E po e e t in 1995 (BPFA), and again in the ECOSOC Agreed Conclusions in 1997. The mandate for gender mainstreaming was considerably strengthened in the outcome of the General Assembly special session to follow-up the Beijing Conference (June 2000). Gender mainstreaming is not being imposed on governments by the United Nations. Member states have been involved in the intergovernmental discussions on gender mainstreaming since the mid-1990s and have, in consensus, adopted mainstreaming as an important global strategy for promoting gender equality. The mainstreaming strategy does not mean that targeted activities to support women are no longer necessary. Such activities specifically target women´s priorities and needs, through, for example, legislation, policy development, research and projects/programmes on the ground. Women-specific projects continue to play an important role in promoting gender equality. They are still needed because gender equality has not yet been attained and gender mainstreaming processes are not well developed. Targeted initiatives focusing specifically on women or the promotion of gender equality are important for reducing existing disparities, serving as a catalyst for promotion of gender equality and creating a constituency for changing the mainstream. Women-specific initiatives can create an empowering space for women and act as an important incubator for ideas and strategies than can be transferred to mainstream interventions. Initiatives focused on men support promotion of gender equality by developing 5 male allies. It is crucial to understand that these two strategies - gender mainstreaming and women´s empowerment - are in no way in competition with each other. The endorsement of gender mainstreaming within an organization does not imply that targeted activities are no longer needed. The two strategies are complementary in a very real sense as gender mainstreaming must be carried out in a manner which is empowering for women. E M P O WE R M E N T O F W OM E N The empowerment of women concerns women gaining power and control over their own lives. It involves awareness-raising, building self-confidence, expansion of choices, increased access to and control over resources and actions to transform the structures and institutions which reinforce and perpetuate gender discrimination and inequality. The process of empowerment is as important as the goal. Empowerment comes from within; women empower themselves. I puts to p o ote the e po e e t of o e should fa ilitate o e s a ti ulatio of thei needs and priorities and a more active role in promoting these interests and needs. Empowerment of women cannot be achieved in a vacuum; men must be brought along in the process of change. Empowerment should not be seen as a zero-sum game where gains for women automatically imply losses for e . I easi g o e s po e i e po e e t strategies does not refer to power over, or controlling forms of power, but rather to alternative forms of power: power to; power with and power from within which focus on utilizing individual and collective strengths to work towards common goals without coercion or domination. As a starting point, it might be helpful to reflect on and discuss the concepts below, using the accompanying questions as a guide. These questions are a good place to start in discussing the roles and relations between men and women, and how they affect us all in daily life. TABLE 4: GENDER CONCEPTS Concept/Questions What does this statement mean? . Wo e a d e s oles do t ha ge o e ti e. 2. Division of labor between men and women in Somalia disfavors women. 3. Men also benefit from gender equality. . Wo e s ights a e pa t of Islam/supported by the Qu a . 5. GEWE is always relevant in any UNDP Somalia project. 6. GEWE is always relevant to any government legislation/ policy. 7. Development cannot be sustainable if women are not equal to men. 6 Give examples from your experience UNDP S INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR GENDER MAINSTREAMING UNDP So alia s o k is guided a ious o te tual documents for GEWE that inform gender efforts on global, UN, UNDP and CO levels. These conventions and strategies will inform the atio ale fo the CO s effo ts to a ds p o oti g o e s ights, add essi g the a ie s a d challenges that constrain women from realizing their full capabilities on an equal basis with e , a d pu sui g a age da fo o e s e po e e t. Belo is a sho t p ese tatio of the most relevant documents. BOX 1: UNDP S INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR GENDER M AINSTREAMING Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), which is the international bill of rights for women; it spells out the meaning of equality and how it can be achieved, and provides an agenda for action by countries to guarantee the enjoyment of those rights. Ratification of CEDAW by the Government of Somalia in the coming years will be a major achievement towards promoting gender equality for the 4 people of Somalia, UNDP and the UNCT as a whole. Beijing Declaration and Platform for Actio o Ge de E ualit a d Wo e s Empowerment, 1995 (BPFA) which provides the first global commitment to gender ai st ea i g as the ethodolog hi h o e s e po e e t ill e a hie ed. I p o idi g a luep i t fo o e s e po e e t the Platform includes analysis of problems and opportunities in 12 critical areas of concern with clear and specific standards fo a tio all a to s. I i ple e ti g the suggested a tio s the PFA e ui es that, a active and visible policy of mainstreaming a gender perspective into all policies and programmes should be promoted so that before decisions are taken an analysis is made of 5 the effe ts o o e a d e , espe ti el . Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) recognize that gender equality is both a goal in itself (MDG-3), and a condition for the achievement of all other goals. Achieving the MDGs will strengthen the capacities of Somalia for peace and development. It is recognized that a constructive post-conflict recovery is essential towards achieving the MDGs and that 6 women should take part in its accomplishment. UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women Peace and Security (UNSCR 1325) eaffi s the i po ta t ole of o e i the p e e tio a d esolutio of o fli ts a d i peace-building, and the importance of their equal participation and full involvement in all effo ts fo the ai te a e a d p o otio of pea e a d se u it . Subsequent Resolutions 1820, 1888 and 1889 all address sexual violence in armed conflict, which is part of Outcome 4 of the CPD implementation and proffers special mechanisms to end impunity for sexual violence, increase expertise for response to sexual violence in conflict and enhance 7 monitoring and reporting of states compliance. UN System-wide Policy on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (CEB 2006) requires that action plans should include a clear statement in support of gender equality; 4 See the full document here: BPFA, paragraphs 79 education; 105 health; 123 violence against women; 141 conflict; 189 power and decision-making; 202 institutional mechanisms; 229 human rights; 238 media; 252 management of natural resources; 273 children and youth. The methodology for gender mainstreaming was elaborated and defined by ECOSOC shortly afterwards. See the full document here 6 See more on MDG-3 at 7 See the full text here 5 7 between one third and one half of results statements integrate the production of gender equality, and that all data are disaggregated by sex, or specific reasons for not doing so are 8 noted. UNDP Global Gender Equality Strategy 2008 – 2013 (GES), which aims to: 1) Develop capacities, in-country and in-house, to integrate gender concerns into all programmes and practice areas; 2) Provide gender-responsive policy advisory services that promote gender e ualit a d o e s e po e e t i all fo us a eas, i ludi g i -country programmes, planning instruments and sector-wide programmes; and 3) Support specific interventions 9 that benefit women and scale up innovative models. The Eight-Poi t Age da fo Wo e s E po e e t a d Ge de E ualit i C isis Prevention and Recovery (The 8PA), was developed by UNDP, and has become a blueprint for action and advocacy on gender-responsive crisis prevention and recovery focusing on eight key areas: stopping violence against women, providing justice and security for women, advancing women and decision-makers, involving women in all peace processes, supporting women and men to build back better, promoting women as leaders of recovery, i ludi g o e s issues o the atio al age da a d o ki g togethe to t a sfo society. The full 8PA is provided on page 14. UNDP Somalia Ge de E ualit a d Wo e s E po e e t St ateg – 2015 (CO Gender Strategy) aligns with the CPD (2011-2015) and describes how the CO will establish a s ste to i teg ate ge de e ualit a d o e s e po e e t in its policies, operations and programming. The strategy outlines a four-pronged approach: 1) Mainstreaming ge de e ualit a d o e s e po e e t GEWE outputs a d i di ato s u de Outcomes 1, 2, and 3 of the CPD; 2) Undertaking specific interventions to support GEWE through Outcome 4: Somali women and men attain greater gender equality and are empowered; 3) Mainstreaming gender equality considerations in all institutional and organizational practices; and 4) Developing strategic partnerships in implementing genderresponsive interventions. UNDP Guideline/Checklist on Gender Mainstreaming. The document can be used both as a guide to mainstream gender equality considerations in UNDP country office activities and as a tool to assist in monitoring and reporting upon gender mainstreaming the activities. See the full guideline/checklist on pages 41-44. 8 See the document at: 9 UNDP Strategic Plan 2008, Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, pg. 8 PART II : GENDER MAINSTREAMING TOOLS AND EXAMPLES Tools presented in this handbook are designed to assist the CO programme staff to mainstream gender into their programmes/ projects. The handbook introduces you to six tools that can be used at different times throughout the project cycle. The tools are as follows: ‘eflectio Tool de i ed f o UNDP s Eight Point Agenda fo Wo e s Empowerment and Gender Equality in Crisis Prevention and Recovery: used for strategic planning based on eight recommendations for including gender considerations into post-conflict reconstruction. UNDP Gender Marker: is applied for tracking expenditure towards gender mainstreaming. Harvard Gender Analysis Framework: is a tool for strategic planning informing projects which informs projects how to address and alleviate gender differences and inequalities. UNDP Checklist for Gender Mainstreaming in Project Proposals: helps to review the extent to which gender is mainstreamed into projects. UNDP Checklist for Gender Mainstreaming in Work Planning: is a tool to ensure activities are planned and implemented in a gender sensitive and responsive manner. UNDP M&E and Reporting Guidelines: assists in monitoring that outputs and outcomes promote equal benefits for men and women and that gender inequality is not reinforced in project implementation. G E N D E R M A I N ST R E A M I N G T HR OU G H OU T T HE P R O JE CT C Y C LE The above listed tools are available to inform you how to incorporate gender considerations into each stage of the project cycle starting from planning through to M&E. In this, the tools will assist you in delivering against gender sensitive goals set for each stage of the project cycle: PLANNING    Objectives, results and strategies address the gender issues identified in the situation analysis; Representation and active participation of women and men from diverse and marginalized groups in the planning process is ensured, and their gendered interests are reflected in decisions made; and Resources are aligned with objectives. 9 IMPLEMENTATION    Appropriate participation of both sexes in project implementation and in decision-making is ensured; Measures are being implemented to allow women and men to take advantage of equal opportunities; and It is ensured that all stakeholders, including men, understand the reason for these measures and support them. M&E      10 Gender-sensitive qualitative and quantitative indicators are identified; Use and analysis of sex-disaggregated data is ensured; Achievement of gender related objectives, results and different impact the project may have had on women and men, and on the power relations between them is evaluated; Gender balance of staff on evaluation team is ensured; and Evaluating impact on gender equality is included in evaluation terms of reference. STAKEHOLDER PARTICIPATION Ensure inclusion of gender related stakeholders into each stage of the project cycle. Possible stakeholders are:  Women CSOs/CBOs;  Government and other national/regional institutions;  Universities; and  Private sector. From the following box, you can find examples of when to use each tool. Please note that the list is not rigid and the tools can be used at any stage of the project cycle as you find useful. 10 The CPD has a number of gender indicators per outcome. These can provide good guidance on project design as well as monitoring and evaluation. 10 FIGURE 1: GENDER MAINSTREAMING THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT CYCLE Setting the vision: PLANNING Checklist for Gender Mainstreaming in Project Proposals Checklist for Gender Mainstreaming in Work Planning Gender Analysis Framework M&E and Reporting Guidelines 8 Point Agenda Gender Marker Stakeholder participation Managing & delivering outputs: Reporting: M&E IMPLEMENTATION M&E and Reporting Guidelines Gender Marker Gender Analysis Framework Checklist for Gender Mainstreaming in Work Planning 11 TOOL 1: REFLECTION T OOL DERIVED FROM UNDP S EIGHT - POINT AGENDA FOR WOMEN S EMPOWERMENT AND GE NDER EQUALITY IN CRI SIS PREVENTION AND RECOVERY WH A T I S T HE 8PA? The 8PA addresses institutions responsible for prevention and post-conflict rebuilding. The tool identifies practical, positive outcomes for girls and women in crisis, and has become a blueprint for action and advocacy on gender-responsive crisis prevention and recovery. The 8PA covers gender concerns related to security, justice, citizenship, participation, leadership, peacebuilding, disaster risk reduction, recovery, governance and social change. In UNDP So alia s p og a i g, the 8PA can be used as a reflection tool in the planning phase. For example, when designing a project the PA s e o e datio s a e used as i spi atio to bring gender concerns into the planning. BOX 2: THE 8 PA . St e gthe Wo e s Secu it i C isis: Work to end personal and institutional violence against women. Strengthen the rule of law. Increase the gender responsiveness of security institutions, disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, and small arms reduction initiatives. 2. Advance Gender Justice: I ease o e s a ess to justi e. E su e the p ote tio of o e s e o o i , so ial, political and cultural rights. Bring a gender perspective into transitional justice, constitutional, electoral, legislative, judicial, institutional and security sector reforms. . E pa d Wo e s Citizenship, Participation and Leadership: Build o e s skills a d o fide e. Suppo t o e s ep ese tatio i the so ial, politi al, a d e o o i sphe es. De elop o e s et o ks a d i stitutio s fo o fli t p e e tio , disaster risk reduction, peace building, and post-conflict/post-disaster reconstruction. 4. Build Peace with and for Women: E su e o e s ea i gful pa ti ipatio i fo al a d i fo al pea e p o esses. B i g a gender perspective to the design and implementation of peace missions and peace agreements. 5. Promote Gender Equality in Disaster Risk Reduction: Incorporate gender analysis in the assessment of disaster risks, impacts and needs. Address o e s u i ue eeds a d alue o e s k o ledge i disaste edu tio a d e o e policies, pla s a d p og a es. St e gthe o e s et o ks a d o ga izatio s to fa ilitate o e s a ti e e gage e t. 6. Ensure Gender-Responsive Recovery: Infuse gender analysis into all post-conflict and post-disaster planning tools and processes. Ensure recovery efforts provide equal economic opportunities for women including access to assets, such as land and credit. Promote social protection and sustainable livelihoods. P io itize o e s eeds i ke se to s su h as t a spo tatio , shelte a d health a e. 7. Transform Government to Deliver for Women: Build capacities and promote accountability within government institutions and processes. Engage women and men to foster gender-equitable relations within these institutions. Ensure gender-sensitive resource mobilization, aid coordination, budgeting and fund allocation. 12 8. Develop Capacities for Social Change: Build the skills and the will of men and women to: prevent and respond to violence; reduce vulnerability to natural hazards; achieve equitable post-crisis reconstruction; and build social cohesion. Achievement of this Eight- Point Agenda will require: Supporting full implementation of Security Council Resolution 1325; Incorporating gender equality priorities into advocacy and strategic planning in the development, humanitarian, peace, and security spheres; Strengthening human resources, policies and programmes to ensure responsiveness and accountability on gender issues; Building partnerships to maximize impact on gender priorities; Developing gender-responsive funding mechanisms and resource mobilization strategies; Supporting data collection that counts women, counts what women value, and values what women count; and Advancing intellectual leadership, knowledge management, monitoring and evaluation on gender and CPR issues. WHY D O I N E E D T HE 8PA? The tool assists you in understanding and applying concrete recommendations for mainstreaming gender considerations into strategic planning such as design of project proposals, particularly as it relates to conflict and post-conflict settings like Somalia. CA N Y OU G I V E M E A N E X A M P LE O F HO W T O A P P L Y T HE 8PA? The table below examines how the 8PA can be applied to UNDP's programming processes with regards to CPD outputs. In the table the 8PA points are aligned with CPD Outputs under Out o e So ali o e a d e e efit f o i eased sustai a le li elihood oppo tu ities a d i p o ed atu al esou es a age e t . This assessment could, for example, be used to inform PREP work planning and what kind of gender concerns to bear in mind when planning the activities. TABLE 5: THE 8 PA ALIGNED WITH OUTCOME 3 OUTPUTS Sub-Outcome 3.1 Output 3.1.1 Output 3.1.2 Sub-Outcome 3.2 CPD Outputs under Outcome 3: Somali women and men benefit from increased sustainable livelihood opportunities and improved natural resources management MDG planning, programming and policy implementation capacities developed among partners for robust, participative analysis including human rights, gender equality and HIV/AIDS Strengthened capacity of Ministry of Planning to collect MDG data, analyze it, create baselines and monitor progress in collaboration with relevant line ministries and development partners MDG and gender awareness, planning and budgeting enhanced at the local, district, regional and national levels Strategic economic development policies formulated and implemented with focus on small and micro-finance for inclusive growth 13 8 PA 7 6, 7 Output 3.2.1 Output 3.2.2 Output 3.2.3 Output 3.2.4 Sub-Outcome 3.3 Output 3.3.1 Output 3.3.2 Sub-Outcome 3.4 Output 3.4.1 WH A T A D D E D V A LU E CA N Participatory development of macro and micro pro-poor policies, institutional mechanisms & regulatory frameworks supported at all levels to increase business and other livelihood opportunities to promote inclusive development Relevant national and local institutions supported to undertake market surveys including labour and value chain analysis and identify potential new markets Local economies revitalized and sustainable livelihood opportunities provided to women, youth, ex-combatants and other vulnerable groups through micro-finance, vocational skills training, small and micro-enterprises and other identified opportunities to establish and enhance cooperatives and business associations Measures identified and initiated to reduce the negative social and economic impacts of Khat Environment and natural resources utilized in a sustainable, equitable, gender- and conflictsensitive manner through the formulation and implementation of strategic policies Relevant ministries supported to develop natural resources management policies and regulatory frameworks, with focus on climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction Strengthened protection of environment through public awareness, use of appropriate technology and conservation of natural resources Local communities empowered to analyze, participate in and advance recovery and development, local enterprise, conflict and sustainable environment management Community capacities enhanced to identify and manage local economic development needs and priorities I E X P E CT T O G A I N F R OM A P P LY I N G T HE 3 6, 7 3, 6 6, 8 5 5 6 8PA? The 8PA provides innovative strategies for all a eas of UNDP So alia s p og a i g that a be adapted to governance, poverty reduction and environment, peacebuilding and HIV/AIDS work to ensure inclusion of women and gender transformative outcomes. 14 TOOL 2: UNDP GENDER M ARKER WH A T I S T HE U N D P G E N D E R M A R KE R ? 11 The UNDP Gender Marker is a tool that rates gender mainstreaming and equality at the activity level on a scale from zero to three. The Bureau of Peacebuilding and Recovery (BCPR) under UNDP recommends/requires that all country offices allocate 15% of expenditure towards gender mainstreaming. For this purpose, a Gender Marker requires projects to rate all project a ti ities i te s of ho the o t i ute to ge de e ualit a d o e s e po e e t. This is done in the work planning and budgeting phase, and can also be used for monitoring/reporting. The tool has been incorporated into the CO master work plan template for 2013. Each activity must be allocated a gender rating of 0, 1, 2 or 3, as follows:  Activities that have gender equality as a principal objective should be rated 3;  Activities that have gender equality as a significant objective should be rated 2;  Activities that will contribute in some way to gender equality, but not significantly, should be rated 1; and  Activities that are not expected to contribute noticeably to gender equality should be rated 0. Below is a screen shot of what the Gender Marker looks like in the work plan template. This example is taken from P‘EP s d aft 2013 work plan. FIGURE 2: GENDER MARKER IN PRE P DRAFT WORK PLAN 2013 WHY D O I N E E D T HE U N D P G E N D E R M A R KE R ? Correct application of Gender Marker allows you to accurately manage, monitor and report on how much of overall programme costs is directed towards promoting gender equality and o e s e po e e t o a ea l asis. In practice, the tool helps the CO projects and programmes to: 1) Track and monitor how gender-responsive each financial allocation and 11 The tool is adapted from OECD/DAC Gender Marker. For more information, see UNDP (2009). Guidance Note: Tracking Gender-Related Investments and Expenditures in ATLAS. 15 expenditure is; and 2) Analyze trends by region, outcome and focus area of the CPD. This is also useful for different reporting requirements, including, for example, the Results Oriented Annual Report (ROAR), submitted by COs each year. CA N Y OU G I V E M E A N E X A M P LE O F HO W T O A P P L Y T HE U N D P G E N D E R M A R KE R ? The box below presents you with two examples of applying the UNDP Gender Marker rating at activity level. BOX 3: EXAMPLES OF UNDP GENDER MARKER RATINGS EXAMPLE 1: This set of examples illustrates how activities related to preparing a national human development report would be rated: Gender Rating 3: The report is fully dedicated to one or more gender issues: for example, the report is on gender and climate change. Gender Rating 2: The report is not specifically dedicated to gender, but gender issues are discussed in all sections of it, with inclusion of sex-disaggregated data where relevant. Gender Rating 1: The epo t has o e o t o se tio s o ge de e ualit a d o e s empowerment, but has many other sections that do not discuss gender issues at all. Gender Rating 0: Gender is not discussed at all in the report, or is mentioned only once or t i e. Fo e a ple, the epo t at se e al poi ts adds i ludi g o e a d hild e he dis ussi g a issue. The epo t uses the o ds o e a d e , ut does ot spe if ho o e s eeds a d i te ests diffe f o those of othe g oups. EXAMPLE 2: The following examples illustrate the possible rating given to various activities G‘OL s o k pla fo , a d the oti atio s p o ided fo this ati g. Gender Rating 3: Activity: Capacity building of MoLSA, through the provision of Somali technical consultants, to promote women participation in local government. Motivation: The project aims at enhancing gender equality in political sphere of life in So alia th ough i easi g o e s pa ti ipatio i lo al de isio -making. It will develop the capacities of the relevant ministry for gender in Somaliland, MoLSA, to promote o e s e gage e t a d leade ship i the go e i g p o esses. This t a sfo ati e participation of women in local government is the principal aim of the activity. Gender Rating 2: Activity: Pilot establishment of a business development center to carry out demand driven gender sensitive enterprise development. Motivation: The business development center will be designed considering the needs of both women and men. Gender sensitive e te p ises o t i ute sig ifi a tl to o e s empowerment. However, GEWE considerations are not the principal objective of this activity. Gender Rating 1: Activity: Officer cadet training: Newly recruited male and female cadets. Motivation: The training includes men and women, but does not specify whether it includes gender considerations, such as ensuring that the female cadets are deployed for functions they are trained for and there is a plan for their future career prospects or that there is gender content in the training for all officers male or female. Gender Rating 0: Activity: Support the Chamber of Commerce to produce 2012 Business Directory. Motivation: The activity is not expected to contribute to gender equality in a noticeable way. 16 WH A T A D D E D V A LU E CA N I E XP E CT T O G A I N F R OM A P P LY I N G T HE U N D P G E N D E R M A R KE R ? Effective application of the tool should lead to increased investment in gender equality issues as you become more aware of and interested in how to undertake gender-responsive planning and budgeting. In addition, the tool is linked with UNDP Results Oriented Annual Report (ROAR) enabling the CO to effectively and cumulatively track the gender-responsiveness of its allocations and expenditures on a yearly basis and report this precisely in the ROAR. Below is a screen shot of how the Gender Marker Rating looks in the draft ROAR 2013 template. The example is taken from Outcome 2. FIGURE 3: GENDER MARKER IN ROA R 17 TOOL 3: HARVARD GENDER ANALY SIS FRAM EWORK WH A T I S T HE H A R V A R D G E N D E R A N A LY SI S F R A M E W OR K ? Gender analysis is a type of socio-economic analysis that assists programmes and projects to go beyond simply tentative gender mainstreaming to sustainable gender mainstreaming. This is done by being both sensitive and responsive to problems linked to women and men. The 12 Harvard Framework is a tool for gender analysis that represents one of the earliest efforts to systematize attention to both women and men and their different positions in society. Many frameworks thereafter are adaptations, extensions and improvements of this tool. It emphasizes gender-awareness and is based upon the position that allocating resources to women as well as men in development efforts makes economic sense and will make development itself more efficient. Key to the Harvard Gender Analysis Framework tool is adequate data collection. Ideally, a gender analysis should be conducted using participatory methods and obtaining qualitative information as well as quantitative data disaggregated by sex. The analysis can be performed at any stage of the development cycle. However, timely gender analysis at the beginning of project design is important because it informs either mainstreaming procedures or specific measures directed to women or to men. WHEN DOING GENDER ANA LYSIS, ONE SHOULD LOOK AT WOMEN S AND MEN S:    Different roles/division of labour: Who does what? Who decides? Access to and control over benefits/assets/resources/opportunities: Who has access to which resources? Who has control over which resources e.g. land, money, credit, skills, time, etc., and decision making power? Who benefits more? Priorities, needs and responsibilities: What are the practical needs of women and men in the sector/context? What are the strategic needs of women and men in the sector/context? What is the socio-economic context? How do the elements identified in questions 1 (roles) and 2 (access to and control over resources) above are shaped by structural factors (demographic, economic, legal, and institutional) and by cultural, religious, and attitudinal ones? THE FRAMEWORK INCLUDES T HREE LEVELS OF ANALYSIS THAT SHOULD BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION :    Micro: The micro level analysis helps to identify major constraints faced by women at the household and community level, which will have repercussions on the meso and macro levels. Meso: The meso level deals with gender sensitivity of specific local structures; it focuses on institutions and organizations and their delivery systems. It investigates whether they reflect gender equality principles in their structure, in their culture, in the services they provide and in the way these services are provided. Macro: The macro level deals with the overall institutional environment and interrelations between actors. This can relate to for example legislation, policies and budgets. TABLE 6: GENDER ANALYSIS FRAMEWORK 12 The information is retrie ed f o USAID s pu li atio Ge de A al sis F a e o ks a aila le from worfr.pdf) and ILO/SEAPAT's (1998) Online Gender Learning & Information Module (available from 18 MICRO Communities/ Households/ Individuals MESO Services MACRO Legislation/Poli cies/ Budgets 1. ROLES/ ACTIVITIES Who o e / e does hat i te s of: Who does hat? Who de ides? ‘ep odu ti e a d hu a ai te a e a ti ities? esou e Co u it o k, o u it o ga izatio a d a ti ities? 2. RESOURCES Who has a ess to hi h esou es? Who has o t ol o e hi h esou es e.g. la d, o e , edit, skills, ti e, et ., a d de isio aki g po e o e ? Who e efits o e? 3. PRACTICAL / STRATEGIC NEEDS & CONTEXT What a e the p a ti al eeds of o e a d e i the se to / o te t? What a e the st ategi eeds of o e a d e i the se to / o te t? What is the so io-e o o i o te t? How do the elements identified in questions 1 (roles) and 2 (access to and control over resources) above are shaped by structural factors (demographic, economic, legal, and institutional) and by cultural, religious, and attitudinal ones? WHY D O I N E E D T HE HA R V A R D G E N D E R A N A LY S I S F R A M E W OR K ? In the context of development assistance, gender analysis is intended as a tool for you to illuminate links between development problems and existing gender relations in a particular society. The gender analysis identifies types of gender differences and inequalities that might otherwise be taken for granted – such as how men and women have different access to and control over resources, carry out different social roles, and face different constraints and receive different benefits. Once highlighted, the gender differences and inequalities can be addressed and alleviated by carefully designed programmes. 19 CA N Y O U G I V E M E A N E XA M P LE O F H OW T O A P P LY T HE HA R V A R D G E N D E R A N A LY SI S F R A M E W OR K ? The example below summarizes group work results from workshops in Hargeisa, Garowe and Nairobi. In this example, participants of the gender training applied Harvard Gender Analysis Framework, to an imaginary PREP project based on actual context, in order to analyze the project through a gendered lens. In the table, M efe s to men, W to o e a d O to other. TABLE 7: GENDER ANALYSIS APPLIED TO PREP PROJECT : SUPPORT PROGRAMME FOR RESTRICTING CHARCOAL EXPORT AND PROVISION OF ALTERNATE ENERGY AND LIVELIHOODS OPPORTUNITIES FOR CHARCO AL VALUE CHAIN BENEFICIARIES PREP 1. ROLES/ ACTIVITIES 2. RESOURCES 3. PRACTICAL / STRATEGIC NEEDS & CONTEXT MICRO LEVEL MESO LEVEL MACRO LEVEL M: felli g t ees, ha esti g, selli g, holesales, t a spo t, e po t W: etail ha oal sales, ha oal use s W: o e s of s all usi esses a d ha e a li ited a ge of usi esses a aila le to the M: de ide o p oje t featu es W: decide on end use of charcoal M: o la d t ees , e uip e t a d othe assets, a po e a d t a spo t W: own and control bybusinesses at the charcoal sites M: i te edia ies hole selle s M: o ig p ofit aki g usi esses M: o e ep ese ted i de isio - aki g O: No enforcement of the ban on tree cutting M & W: Edu atio ,  lite a M & W: Health O: Di e sified g a ts &  su sidies s he es O: A a e ess- aisi g o  alte ati e e e g sou es LPG, iogas, sola  O: Traditional leaders/ religion can play a role in promoting good  environmental practices and sound use of environmental  resources W: NGOs/Wo e 's  oope ati es e ha ge p og a es oosted  W: Ge de a al sis to e o du ted M & W: Bette health a d lea e e io e t M & W: T ai i g a d edu atio oppo tu ities fo stakeholde s O: Ne usi esses a d  e t ep e eu ship i itiati es O: Capa it uildi g fo fi a ial i stitutio s W: ha e li ited a ess to edit p o ided lo al asso iatio s, NGOs a d a ks   20 M: Male-do i ated p a ti e of ha i g go e e t he kpoi ts to pa ta es o ha oal ags Le o ha oal e po ts B oke s at the i te atio al a ket i flue e de isio s W: e po e ed i the affo estatio p o ess E ha ed apa it of Mi ist of Co e e, Mi ist of Fi a e a d the Ce t al Ba k to add ess ge de i e ualities a d oppo tu ities fo o e a d e i the i ple e tatio of the p oje t W: o e 's oles as pa t of the age da i ol i g eligious leade s      WH A T A D D E D V A LU E CA N I O: E fo e e t of UN a d go e e t a o ha oal O: Poli ies fo sustai a le g a ts, su sidies a d i e ti es fo alte ate e e g a d usi esses O: E i o e tal poli o e po t a s O: Self- egulatio a a e ess E XP E CT T O G A I N F R OM A P P LY I N G T HE HA R V A R D G E N D E R A N A LY S I S F R A M E W OR K ? 13 The case study on vanilla bean production in Uganda is a clear example on how lack of proper gender analysis in project/programme design can sabotage effective results or even widen ge de i e ualit gaps as ell as i ease o e s u de . Thus, the ase illust ates ho attention to gender differences is necessary for a successful outcome, as the women in this case refused to continue shouldering multiple burdens without reaping their equitable benefits. Applying gender analysis allows you to design context sensitive projects/activities and avoid unintended results due to differences of roles, resources needs and between men and women. In 1996, the Government of Uganda put in place a policy to promote cash crops, with vanilla bean as the target crop. The government gave incentives to farmers in Mukono district close to Kampala, to plant vanilla, provided agricultural extension workers to train farmers, and gave the farmers necessary inputs, including seeds, fertilizer, and credit. The results were outstanding the first year. The second year, the vanilla output was less than targeted. During the third year, output dropped significantly. To determine the causes of the failure, the government contacted various agricultural research entities to undertake an investigation on the quality of input and the extension services. However, they were unable to detect any problems with crop management or extension services. Make e e U i e sit s Wo e Depa t e t as e uested to investigate the cause of poor vanilla production. The department changed the research questions, respondents and the way questions were asked. It looked into the gender division of labor, responsibilities and benefits by conducting participatory research methods among male and female vanilla growers separately. In the process, the department lea ed a out e s a d o e s diffe e t oles, responsibilities, and rewards in vanilla bean production. Men owned the crop and did the initial planting; they marketed the vanilla and kept the cash. The women of the household provided the labor for the intensive vanilla crop cultivation, neglecting their subsistence crops. However, the women could not manage all the work and were losing their subsistence crops and not getting the benefits of the vanilla bean production. So the women took action and sabotaged 14 the vanilla crop. 13 For a PP presentation on the case study, visit 14 Information is derived from Professor Theodora Hyuha at Makerere University who carried out the stud . G et he Bloo dis usses the stud i he a ti le Glo al I stitutio s T To Get It ‘ight: A I side s Pe spe ti e as pa t of edited ook Wo e ‘e lai i g Sustai a le Li elihoods: Spa es Lost, Spa es Gai ed . 21 TOOL 4: UNDP CHECKL IST FOR GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN PROJECT PROPOSALS WH A T I S T HE U N D P C HE C KL I ST F OR G E N D E R M A I N ST R E A M I N G I N P R O JE CT P R O P O SA LS ? 15 The Checklist for Gender Mainstreaming in Project Proposals is a tool developed by UNDP to review the extent to which gender is mainstreamed into projects. The tool can be used at any point in the development of a project proposal. However, it is most beneficial when applied at the very beginning during preliminary consultations and kept in view to identify gaps in situation analysis, project strategy, outputs and indicators, budgeting, etc. BOX 4: UNDP CHECKLIST FOR GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN PROJECT PROPOSALS Points to take into consideration when drafting project proposals/documents: 1. Does the situation analysis take into account the different social, economic, cultural and political situations of men and women? 2. Does the analysis reflect an awareness of the gender-differentiated impacts of socio-economic and development processes? 3. Have data and statistics provided as background and/or justification for intervention been disaggregated by sex? 4. If not, has a reason (e.g., unavailability of such data, inappropriateness of desegregation against a particular indicator) been given for the omission? 5. Is it proposed to address gender gaps in data under the project? 6. Has collection of sex-disaggregated data been specified in the proposal for baseline survey? 7. Does the proposed strategy appropriately address the dimensions of gender inequality described in the analysis? 8. If not, where are the gaps? 9. Do the proposed activities include action on gender issues identified in the strategy? Are they appropriate and adequate? 10. Do the activities include any interventions to advance women's empowerment (e.g., formation of women's collectives, support to these groups, capacity-building for women, gender training with men, creation for opportunities for women to participate in decision-making, increased access to resources, support for entry into non-traditional roles and spaces)? 11. If yes, are these appropriate to the intervention and do they build on advances under other interventions? If not, are there opportunities for such action? 15 You can access the checklist at: CT%20PROPOSALS%28EN%29.pdf. 22 12. Are success and impact parameters and indicators appropriately gendered? 13. Does the monitoring framework include measurable gender indicators appropriate to the intervention? 14. If only general indicators have been included, are there any specific indicators that could be suggested? 15. Have adequate resources been provided for the proposed gender activities? 16. Are there opportunities under the 'general' activities in the project where a gendered approach could be introduced or specific activities suggested? 17. Have specific actions for gender equality been mandated under the project (e.g., specified percentage of women members in decision-making bodies, training programmes, study tours and other learning opportunities, economic opportunities)? WHY D O I N E E D T HE U N D P CHE CK LI ST FO R G E N D E R M A I N ST R E A M I N G I N P R OJE CT P R O P O SA LS ? The tool not only poses specific questions that guide you to examine the gender sensitivity of different components of a project document, but also offers some pointers as to what specific information should be included and how these can be tested for their adequacy in promoting ge de e ualit a d/o o e s e po e e t. CA N Y OU G I V E M E A N E X A M P LE O F HO W T O A P P L Y T HE U N D P CHE CK LI S T FO R G E N D E R M A I N ST R E A M I N G I N P R OJE CT P R O P O SA L S ? This example summarizes group work results from workshops in Hargeisa, Garowe and Nairobi. In the example, participants of the gender training applied Checklist for Engendering Project Proposals to an imaginary GROL project proposal: Suppo t to Build an Inclusive, Accountable So alia Fede al Pa lia e t . TABLE 8: APPLYING THE CHECKLIST TO A GROL PROJECT PRODOC SECTION Q 1-6. SITUATION  ANALYSIS    Q 7-9. PROJECT  STRATEGY    PROPOSAL COMMENTS/ RECOMMENDATIONS BASED ON THE CHECKLIST Disagg egate data p o ided se / ide tif ge de gaps i the data a aila le Cla if the p io ities to e e a ted as la s Defi e the ge de di isio of la o , a d i lude i fo atio o the supplie / e efi ia ep ese tati e ide tit a d o positio e / o e ; o s/gi ls , a d assess the pa ti ipatio of o e i politi s I lude a ge de i pa t assess e t ‘efe to the Poi t Age da Bolste st ateg to efe e e agai st outputs hi h i lude a st o ge ge de di e sio , e.g. ge de aspe ts of o fli t a al sis i elatio to app oa hes, p io ities a d i ple e tatio Cla if ho politi al i lusio is desig ed i elatio to Pa lia e t, politi al pa ties, st ategies, et . I lude g oups ele a t to p o oti g ge de e ualit i the pa t e ships 23 Q 10-11.  MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS Q 12-14. GENDER SENSITIVE OUTPUTS AND INDICATORS    I lude fe ale e efi ia ies' ep ese tatio i the p oje t oa d e.g. fe ale MPs a d o e 's g oups E su e ge de e pe tise is a aila le a o g supplie s Output: Pa lia e t s apa it suppo ted to e su e ti el i ple e tatio , e ie a d/o a e d e t of the Co stitutio to suppo t i lusi e pea e- uildi g a d atio - uildi g I dicato s: Ke legislatio to i lude ge de poli / o e 's e po e e t p o isio s Pu li o sultatio s i lude o e 's g oups a d the Natio al Ma hi e fo ge de e ualit d Disagg egate i di ato se Output: MPs a d all e e s of the pu li , u de sta d thei oles a d the ole of thei MP s i a pa ti ipato & ep ese tati e de o a Q 15. M&E         Q 16. ACTIVITIES       I dicato s: Nu e of o e a d outh ep ese ted i politi al pa ties CSO apa it to esta lish o e 's g oups t pes of CSOs I ol e e t of edia Nu e of o e / outh ad o ati g fo de o ati p o esses M & E Pla to i lude se -disagg egated data ‘epo ts a d a ual assess e ts o pleted ith spe ifi ega d to ge de i pa t Disagg egate the aseli e data se ‘efle t ge de a al sis ele e ts i the i di ato s, epo ti g, et . P io itize te h i al assista e o ge de e ualit / ai st ea i g Ge de t ai i g fo MPs Suppo t pu li a a e ess a ti ities that i lude a ge de o po e t Ide tif a d suppo t ge de e ualit a d o e 's e po e e t i legislatio Suppo t the i ple e tatio of the o stitutio al p o isio s o e ualit Ide tif a s to ea h o e , e o d those al ead i te ested. T ai i gs ta geti g o e / outh o ad o a a d lo i g WH A T A D D E D V A LU E C A N I E X P E CT T O G A I N F R OM A P P LY I N G T HE U N D P CHE CK LI ST FO R G E N D E R M A I N ST R E A M I N G I N P R O J E CT P R OP O SA L S ? The checklist allows you to have an overview of the efforts needed to gender mainstream a project proposal. This insight informs you how to build synergies with other projects and actors by widening the scope to include all of the relevant stakeholders and target beneficiaries more inclusively and effectively. 24 TOOL 5: UNDP CHECKL IST FOR G ENDER MAINSTREAMING IN WORK P LANNING WH A T IS T HE UNDP CHE CK LI ST FOR GENDER M A I N ST R E A M I N G IN WO R K P LA N N I N G ? 16 This tool, developed by UNDP, is divided into three sections: preparation/consultations, work plan and budgeting, and implementation. Actions proposed in these sections can be used to ensure activities are planned and implemented in a gender sensitive and responsive manner. The tool should be used at the very beginning of the development of work plans and kept in view to identify gaps in budgets and implementation. BOX 5: UNDP CHECKLIST FOR GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN WORK PLANNING Points to consider when drafting a work plan: Preparation/Consultations 1. Will women stakeholders be consulted equally with men stakeholders during the work plan formulation process, especially female beneficiaries? How? 2. Will the e e pa t e ships ith lo al o e s NGOs a d CBOs? Ho ill these e built? 3. Are there/will there be consistent mechanisms in place to ensure that women and men participate equally in capacity development activities (training, workshops, stud tou s, se o d e ts, o fe e es, et … a d a e e uall o sulted du i g preparations and follow-up? What are these mechanisms? Work Planning and Budgeting 4. Does the work plan include activities contributing to GEWE (rated two or three on the Gender Marker)? 5. Are your baselines, targets and indicators disaggregated by sex? (for example: 35 civil servants trained on HIV AIDS in the workplace of which 30% are women). 6. Will the activities in the work plan build capacities of national and local actors to p o ote ge de e ualit a d o e s e po e e t i a ultu all -sensitive manner? How? 7. Are the suggested gender-specific or related activities clearly identified with specific timeframe and responsible party in the work plan? 8. Are funds allocated for gender analysis or a gender responsive situation analysis, as well as for the collection sex-disaggregated data? 9. Do the gender-specific activities identified have a sufficient budget? Will these be linked with at least one specific output and a corresponding output indicator, in such a way that expenditures on gender and actual output can be monitored by using Atlas? (BCPR targets a minimum of 15% of the total budget on gender-specific activities). 10. Does the work plan foster synergies on gender equality with other projects and programmes, as well as with other agencies' initiatives? How? Implementation 11. Will the potential impact of the work plan on gender equality/inequalities be assessed during the Project Board's reviews and other dialogue spaces? By which mechanisms? 16 The checklist is developed by the UNDP Somalia CO, adapted from UNDP Guideline/Checklist on Gender Mainstreaming, the Guidance Note on Gender Mainstreaming (UNDP 1997) and the Terms of Reference for the UNDP Country Office gender focal point function (UNDP 1998). 25 12. What kind of risk mitigation actions will be adopted to avoid the project/programme impacts negatively on the status of women? 13. Are monitoring mechanisms gender responsive? How? WHY D O I N E E D T HE U N D P C HE C KLI ST F OR G E N D E R M A I N ST R E A M I N G I N W OR K P LA N N I N G ? The preparations/consultations section will help you to ensure that women as well as men are equally represented and consulted before the work plan is drafted; the work plan and budget section helps you to examine adequacy of activities and allocated budgets in contributing to UNDP a d the p oje t s ge de equality commitments, while the final section on implementation invites you to anticipate how the work plan will be implemented, consider whether monitoring mechanisms are gender-sensitive and the potential impact the project implementation will have on gender relations. By following this checklist, you will be able to plan appropriately and in a way which will also allow you to report more effectively on your project addresses gender. CA N Y OU G I V E M E A N E X A M P LE O F HO W T O A P P L Y T HE U N D P C HE CK LI S T FO R G E N D E R M A I N ST R E A M I N G I N W OR K P LA N N I N G ? The example below illustrates how a work plan has strengthened the way it addresses gender according to recommendations from the checklist. Please note that the example is one application among many, as the checklist refers to everything from partner consultations to implementation. TABLE 9: APPLYING THE UNDP CHECKLIST FOR GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN WORK PLANNING NON-GENDER SENSITIVE Activity A: Implement rural infrastructure interventions that will contribute to the improvement of living conditions of people in the project area. GENDER SENSITIVE Activity A: Implement rural infrastructure interventions that will contribute to the improvement of living conditions of people in the project area, with a special focus on benefitting the poor, including poor women farmers. Indicator A: Time spent transporting goods to/from markets. Indicator A: 1) Time spent transporting goods to/from markets (disaggregated by sex); 2) access to health and education services rates for men/women, boys/girls; and 3) % increase in income for men and women farmers. Activity B: Engage poor and vulnerable groups to actively participate in determining development priorities for infrastructure investments. Activity B: Engage society in inclusive manner, targeting especially groups formed by poor women and men to actively participate in determining development priorities for infrastructure investments. Indicator B: 1) Number of common interest groups composed of a balanced representation of women and men formed and functioning; and 2) Ratio of women in decision-making positions in the common interest groups. Indicator B: Number of common interest groups formed and functioning. 26 WH A T A D D E D V A LU E C A N I E X P E CT T O G A I N F R OM A P P LY I N G T HE U N D P CHE CK LI ST FO R G E N D E R M A I N ST R E A M I N G I N W OR K P LA N N I N G ? The checklist allows you to get an overview of the gender mainstreaming in work planning and track implementation so you can hold partners and yourself accountable for working towards GEWE goals. 27 TOOL 6: UNDP M & E AND REPORTING G UIDELINES WH A T A R E T HE U N D P M & E A N D R E P OR T I N G G U I D E LI N E S ? 17 The M&E and Reporting Guidelines ensure that project outputs and outcomes promote equal benefits for men and women and that gender inequality is not reinforced. The tool relates to a process of regular collection and analysis of key data (indicators) to identify shifts or progress achieved from a gender perspective. The tool should be put in use regularly, from drafting a work plan to implementing it, as well as for filling out the quarterly reporting template. The tool introduces you to key issues in monitoring gender mainstreaming during the process of project implementation. In addition, a brief introduction to gender sensitive indicators as identified in UNDP Country Programme Document for Somalia (CPD) 2011 – 2015 is provided, in addition to recommendations for formulating gender sensitive indicators. BOX 6: UNDP M & E AND REPORTING GUIDELINES Some issues to consider in M&E processes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Does the e aluatio s te s of efe e e spe if ge de issues a d uestio s to e addressed in the evaluation? What as the p opo tio of o e a d e s participation in the project activities (as beneficiaries, decision-makers or change agents) during the reporting period? Were specific activities or components targeted at women? What was the objective and was this achieved? Specifically, how did the acti ities i pa t o o e s empowerment (self-esteem, capacity for leadership and self-organization)‫‏‬ Do project reports identify gender gaps and gender-related project success? Are indicators of success clearly defined and applied? How can negative impacts be mitigated or eliminated (lessons learned) and positive impacts increased? For example:  Increased work load;  Incidents of violence or other forms of backlash;  State e t/de la atio i suppo t of o e / o e s ights; a d  Change in gender stereotypes and discriminatory attitudes toward women a d gi ls, a d o it e t of e to suppo t o e s e po e e t. What is the perception of men and women about the impact of the activity on gender relations? Are there any internal and/or external factors contributing to the success/failure of gender mainstreaming within the project? Other issues to consider include: 7. 8. 9. How women and men have different needs, access and control over resources; How women and men face different constraints and opportunities in participating in economic, political and community life; and How women and men face different forms of stereotypes and discrimination and the impact this has on project results. 17 The checklist is developed by the UNDP Somalia CO, and adapted from UNDP Guideline/Checklist on Gender Mainstreaming, the Guidance Note on Gender Mainstreaming (UNDP 1997) and the Terms of Reference for the UNDP Country Office gender focal point function (UNDP 1998). 28 GENDER SENSITIVE INDICATORS 18 Gender-sensitive indicators are indicators disaggregated by sex designed to demonstrate changes in relations between women and men in a given society over a period of time. These indicators are a tool to assess the progress of a particular development intervention towards achieving gender equality. The CO has mainstreamed GEWE output indicators under Outcomes 1, 2, and 3 of the CPD, and includes GEWE specific indicators under Outcome 4. Somali women and men attain greater gender equality and are e po e ed See A e Gender Sensitive Output Indicators identified in the CPD on pages 39-40). In addition to the CPD indicators, the project staff can also formulate their own indicators used to signify changes in specific conditions or progress towards particular objectives. To be meaningful and illuminating, indicators need to be derived in consultation with local people, and to reflect the gender context of a particular region, country or community. Key recommendations when formulating gender specific indicators include the following:   Identify the objectives and goals – your vision of change. This should be the basis for choosing appropriate gender sensitive indicators against which to track progress. Consider a combination of qualitative (opinions, perceptions) and quantitative (numbers, facts, pointers) indicators to generate richer data. Please refer to a list of examples of gender sensitive indicators from Box 7 below. Use participatory approaches wherever possible in defining gender indicators. BOX 7: EXAMPLES OF GENDER   SENSITIVE INDICATORS Qualitative indicators:  Level of participation as perceived by stakeholders through the different stages of the project cycle (disaggregated by sex);  Level of increase in the capacity to incorporate gender approach as perceived by stakeholders; and  Degree of participation of an adequate number of women in important decision making (adequacy to be mutually agreed by all stakeholders) - to be measured through stakeholder responses and by qualitative analysis of the impact of different decisions. Quantitative indicators:  Nu e of o e s o ga izatio s the p oje t pa t e s ith;  Increase as measured by percentages in the ratio of women to men among beneficiaries; and  Number of stakeholders trained and advised in gendered risk prevention, budgeting etc. WHY D O I N E E D T HE U N D P M & E A N D R E P O R T I N G G U I D E L I N E S ? Ongoing and regular project monitoring is required to reveal any imbalances and the need for any project revisions, so that inequality is not perpetuated. The monitoring tool also allows for the measurement of impact, including unintended consequences, pertaining to meeting project goals and objectives. 18 This section was developed based on material derived from FAO s pu li atio i di ato s: A ke tool fo ge de ai st ea i g . The pu li atio is 29 Ge de se siti e a essi le f o CA N Y O U G I V E M E A N E X A M P LE O F H O W T O A P P L Y T HE U N D P M & E A N D R E P O R T I N G G U I D E LI N E S ? The table below showcases how the M&E and Reporting Guidelines can be used to ensure that gender is properly monitored and reported on throughout project implementation. TABLE 10 A : GENDER MAINSTREAMING MONITORING AND R EPORTING ACTIVITY 1: Formulate joint programme document and begin implementation to support sustainable solutions to international ban on charcoal trade and use. Non-gender Gender Sensitive Non-gender Gender Sensitive Sensitive Reporting Sensitive Indicator Indicator Reporting Mission members Mission members for the 1) Mission 1) Selected for the joint joint programme have members selected; mission members programme have been selected (x men, y 2) Joint programme disaggregated by been selected. The women; gender expertise document sex; team members will available in the team). formulated; and 1) Gender be completing the The team members will 2) Number of sensitive joint programme be completing the recommendations programme document during programme document implemented. document the following (including situation formulated; and quarter. analysis responsive to 2) Number of cross-cutting issues) recommendations during the following implemented with quarter. a focus on accommodating the needs of women. TABLE 10 B : GENDER MAINSTREAMING MONITORING AND REPORTING ACTIVITY 2: Technical assistance to the process of establishing and supporting the Traditional Elder Electing Body. Non-gender Gender Sensitive Reporting Non-gender Gender Sensitive Reporting Sensitive Sensitive Indicator Indicator A team of 135 A team of 135 Traditional Elders 1) Establishment 1) Traditional Elders Electing Body has been of Traditional Establishment Electing Body has established. Technical Support Elders Electing of Traditional been established. will continue to be provided, Body; and Elders Technical Support with special attention to 2) Technical Electing Body; will continue to be sensitizing the elders for the support and provided. need to increase women's provided. 2) Technical participation in public decision support making bodies. provided, including number of GEWE sensitizing activities held. 30 WH A T A D D E D V A LU E CA N I E XP E CT T O G A I N FR OM A P P LY I N G T HE U N D P M & E A N D R E P OR T I N G G U I D E LI N E S ? With successful gender mainstreaming in M&E processes, quarterly reports will move beyond tracking numbers of beneficiaries or documenting activities that target women, to contain sound gender analysis of the project context and show the longer term gendered impacts of project initiatives. In particular, application of gender sensitive indicators can be used to reveal barriers to achieving success, and can help make the case for action by highlighting key issues, backed up with statistics and other evidence. 31 REFERENCES AND BACKGROUND READINGS Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Available from Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action on Gender Equality and Wo e s E po e Available from e t. International Labour Organization. The Harvard Analytical Framework. Available from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Gender Indicators: What, Why and How? Available from United Nations (2000). Millennium Development Goals. Available from __________ (2006). UN System-wide Policy on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. Available from f United Nations Development Programme. The Eight-Poi t Age da for Wo e ’s E power e t and Gender Equality in Crisis Prevention and Recovery. Available from __________(2008). Empowered and Equal: Gender Equality Strategy. United Nations Development Programme, Bureau for Development Policy, UNDP Gender Team (2009). Guidance Note: Tracking Gender-Related Investments and Expenditures in ATLAS. United Nations Development Programme Country Office for Somalia (2011). Gender Equality a d Wo e ’s E power e t Strategy 2011 -2015. __________ (2012). Gender Mainstreaming Workshops for all Programme Staff. __________ (2013). Gender in Somalia: Brief. United Nations Security Council (2000). Resolution 1325 on Women Peace and Security. Available from 32 ANNEXES GENDER SENSITIVE OUTPUT INDICATORS IDENTIFIED IN THE CPD OU TC OM E 1 : CON F LI CT S OM AL I W OM EN A ND M EN AR E B ET T ER AB L E T O M A NA GE Sub Outcome 1.1. South-South, regional and cross-zonal partnership, studies and policies developed that contribute to peace, cooperation and development . . . . Wo e s o ga izatio s de elop a sha ed age da fo o e s ights Number and ratio of male to female participants Su Out o e . . Capa ities of authorities, o e ’s groups, i il so iety a d the pri ate sector strengthened for conflict management, peacebuilding and human development Level of women participation in formal and informal peacebuilding processes is high , medium or low OU TC OM E 2: S OM A LI W OM EN AN D M EN , G IR LS AN D B OY S B EN E FI T FR OM M OR E INC L US IV E , E QU I TAB L E AN D ACC O UN T A B L E G OV ER N ANC E , I M P RO V ED S ER VI C ES , H UM AN S EC U RIT Y , A CC E SS T O J U S TI C E AN D HU M A N ‘ IG H T S Sub Outcome 2.3. The capacities for parliamentary and civil society actors strengthened for effective and accountable government oversight . . . . Pe e tage of offi ials that ha e positi e attitudes to a ds o e s o t i utio to decision-making in parliament and the executive Affi ati e a tio s a e take to i ease o e s ep ese tatio i e e uti e a d parliament Level of progress on establishing human rights institutions, safeguards, and oversight a a ge e ts ith a fo us o e ha i g o e s se u it is high , medium or low Sub Outcome 2.4. Technical assistance provided to improve security, establish a functioning judiciary, access to justice, a constitutional and legal framework and protection of human rights under the rule of law Number of women in the police service, disaggregated by operational and senior decision-making roles Number of legal professionals that have received training on sexual and gender-based violence Number of citizens receiving legal aid, disaggregated by gender Number of rape and SGBV cases, disaggregated by dismissals and convictions Sub Outcome 2.5. Mechanisms in place to support improved access to equitable prioritized basic services, particularly for women and vulnerable groups . . . . The de isio s of the a ious legal a d dispute esolutio s ste s uphold o e s, gi l s, a d IPDs hu a ights 33 OU TC OM E 3: SO M A LI WO M EN AN D M EN B EN E FI T F RO M IN CR E A S ED SU S T AIN AB L E LI V EL I H OO D O P PO RT UN IT I E S AN D IM PR OV E D N AT UR A L RE S OU RC E S M AN A G EM E NT Sub Outcome 3.1. MDG planning, programming and policy implementation capacities developed among partners for robust, participative analysis including human rights, gender equality and HIV/AIDS Percentage of allocated and disbursed funding at district, regional and national level that is spe t o Ge de E ualit a d Wo e s E po e e t GEWE elated i itiati es Sub Outcome 3.2. Strategic economic development policies formulated and implemented with focus on small and micro-finance for inclusive growth Number of women and youth engaged in micro, small and medium enterprises and have access to micro-finance Number of functioning cooperatives, MFIs, and business associations established or strengthened, disaggregated by gender Number of women trained in business management and entrepreneurship OU TC OM E 4 : SO M A L I W OM EN A ND M EN AT T AIN GR E A T ER G EN D ER EQ U AL I TY AN D AR E EM PO W ER E D Sub Outcome 4.1 Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women implemented through Advocacy Initiatives in Partnership with Civil Society and Public Institutions Number of women that complete leadership training programmes . . . Nu e of o e that pa ti ipate i de isio ‐ aki g odies Number of targeted advocacy campaigns implemented Number of people reached by advocacy campaigns (est.) . . . Nu e of dialogue spa es eated to dis uss o e s ights a d ole i So ali so iet Nu e of ha pio s ide tified a o g o s/ e as a di e t result of gender equality advocacy and training Su Out o e 4. . Wo e ’s Parti ipatio i Pea e uildi g, Represe tatio , Ci il Ser i e a d Public Life increased at all Levels . . . Nu e of o e s g oups a ti el pa ti ipati g i lo al, dist i t a d national forums and influencing policies and practices Sub Outcome 4.3. Women are Empowered in Social and Economic Development Number of women that have access to economic assets (property, land and inheritance) Number of cases brought to ou ts to p ote t o e s e o o i assets Number of cases that women win in courts or traditional mechanisms to protect their economic assets Sub Outcome 4.4. Women Supported by appropriately designed, implemented and enforced Legal and Policy Frameworks in line with CEDAW and Security Council Resolutions 1325 (2000), 1888 (2009), 1889 (2009) and 1820 Level of progress in revising and implementing existing gender policies and laws is high , medium or low Somalia government ratifies CEDAW Level of CEDAW & UNSCRs compliance of laws and policies is high , medium or low . . . Nu e of epo ted i ide es of se ual a d ge de ‐ ased iole e 34 UNDP GUIDELINE / CHECKLIST ON GENDER M AINSTREAM ING The following guideline/checklist can be used both as a guide to mainstream gender equality considerations in UNDP country office activities and as a tool to assist in monitoring and reporting upon gender mainstreaming the activities. PROGRAMME A. COUNTRY PROGRAMMING, INCLUDING PRIORITY ‐SETTING . Has ele a t ge de i fo atio , espe iall so io‐e o o i i fo atio ee ide tified a d collated in such a way as to be included in country programming planning discussions? 2. Is background data/situation analyses disaggregated by age, sex and ethnic origin? 3. How far have gender specialists and representatives of women at all levels been consulted throughout the process? 4. How far have programming missions been briefed on gender issues? . Has atte tio ee paid to the i lusio ge de e ualit o e s i a o‐e o o i a d public administration programming in particular, including the linkages between micro, meso and macro le els of a al sis a d poli ‐ aki g? B. PROJECT AND PROGRAMME FORMULATION 1. Have gender issues relevant to each project/programme, including gender impact and anticipated outcomes, been systematically identified, and updated as appropriate? 2. How far have UNDP staff members informed themselves substantively of the gender dimensions of the development problem(s) to be solved? 3. How far have individuals and women's NGOs with knowledge and experience of gender mainstreaming participated in project identification, formulation and appraisal? 4. Do the terms of reference of project/programme formulation missions reflect a requirement of relevant gender knowledge and experience? 5. Have women been consulted equally with men during the formulation process, especially female beneficiaries? 6. Have mission members been briefed on gender issues? 7. Has the proportion of TRAC allocated to the attainment the advancement of women been clearly indicated? . Ha e ge de ‐ elated li kages ith othe p oje ts a d p og a es ee ide tified a d incorporated in documentation? 9. Has all background information been disaggregated by age, sex, and ethnic origin? 10. Have relevant gender issues been raised at project appraisal meetings, ensuring discussion of the impact of the project on gender equality in the programme country? C. PROJECT AND PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION 1. Have all possible steps been taken to ensure gender balance in project staff (including full briefing of UN Office of Project Services on gender balance priorities)? 2. Has gender balance in project training been ensured? 3. How far has gender balance among participants in all project meetings been attained? . Do UNDP staff aise ele a t ge de issues i p oje t o ito i g eeti gs a d T i‐pa tite Review meetings? 35 5. Do Programme and Project Evaluation Reports (PPERs) reflect gender issues, and is all information disaggregated by sex? 6. Do programme staff include gender knowledge and experience as a requirement for all mission terms of reference? 7. Are all backstopping missions briefed on gender issues? 8. Do fi al p oje t epo ts s ste ati all ide tif ge de gaps a d ge de ‐ elated p oje t successes? 9. Do programme staff monitor project disbursements to ensure that inputs are used in such a way as to ensure equality of outcome for both women and men project/programme beneficiaries? D. GENDER SENSITIVE PROJECT/PROGRAMME EVALUATION 1. Do evaluation mission terms of reference require relevant gender expertise and experience? 2. Are evaluation mission members briefed on relevant gender issues and provided with documentation? . Do p og a e staff e ie the d aft e aluatio epo t to e su e that ge de ‐ elated omissions and successes in the project/programme are reflected? 4. Do programme staff understand and apply process indicators of success? E. POLICY ADVICE AND DIALOGUE 1. Is Country Office documentation reflecting UNDP core messages on gender equality issues and analyzing lo al ge de ‐ elated p io ities a aila le to o t i ute to poli dialogue? 2. Has all information used in policy dialogue been disaggregated by age, sex and ethnic origin? 3. Do UNDP staff participate actively in policy dialogue meetings as requested, raising gender equality concerns as appropriate? 4. Has a strong collaborative relationship with the Government regarding gender equality considerations been established, including with, but not limited to, the national machinery for the advancement of women? F. COUNTRY OFFICE RESOURCE MOBILIZATION ACTIVITIES 1. Has specific information on the gender equality policies of Government and donors been ide tified a d sha ed, pa ti ula l i the o te t of follo ‐up to glo al o fe e es? 2. Is summary information on the gender dimensions of UNDP activities, systematically prepared and distributed as appropriate? 3. Are governments and dono s i fo ed o UNDP s o e essages o ge de e ualit ? 4. Do all project/programme briefs and summaries reflect the relevant gender equality dimensions? 5. Do UNDP staff members actively interact with government and donor personnel, including gender equality dimensions appropriately in all discussions? G. COUNTRY OFFICE MEETINGS OF AL L KINDS, AND INTER‐AGENCY AND NGO MEETINGS 1. Are UNDP staff members consistently aware of the relevant gender issues when attending meetings of all kinds? 2. Do UNDP staff members consistently raise the relevant gender issues at meetings in a concise, effective and relevant manner? 3. Do UNDP staff members consistently support colleagues when they raise gender issues at meetings? 4. Do UNDP staff members, especially senior management, seek to ensure gender balance in all o ittees, su ‐ o ittees a d de isio ‐ aki g? 36 5. Do UNDP staff members systematically network and get briefed on gender equality issues prior to a key meeting in order to facilitate the positive outcome of the meeting with regard to these issues? 6. Do official responsibilities at meetings (chair, agenda setting, minutes, rapporteur) rotate among staff on a systematic basis? H. GENDER TRAINING AND B RIEFING SESSIONS FOR COUNTRY OFFICE STAFF 1. Have the needs of UNDP staff members for training or information on gender mainstreaming been identified? 2. Have these needs been analyzed so as to identify the most effective means of meeting them t ai i g, iefi g, eekl o sultatio , o e‐o ‐o e dis ussio , et . ? 3. Has training or capacity building been provided to meet these needs? 4. Have relevant documentation and training materials been identified and provided? 5. Is gender equality information systematically prepared and presented at meetings, in order to ensure productive discussion of gender issues and learning by participants? 6. Have appropriate monitoring mechanisms to measure the impact of training on improved performance been established? I. UNDP ‐CONVENED SPECIAL EVENTS (WORKSHOPS, SEMINARS, PRESS CONFERENCES, LAUNCHINGS, RECEPTIONS, ETC.) 1. Have gender equality priorities been reflected in the selection of topics and agendas for special events? 2. Are there consistent mechanisms in place to ensure that women and men participate equally in special e e ts as speake s, hai pe so s, de isio ‐ ake s et . a d a e e uall o sulted during p epa atio s a d follo ‐up? 3. Are all participants made aware of the gender dimensions of the special event, through a kg ou d do u e tatio , p ese tatio s, age da‐setting and through the discussions at the meeting? 4. Is the press routinely informed of the gender dimensions of UNDP special events? J. REPRESENTATION OF UNDP GENDER EQUALITY ACTIVITIES IN THE PUBLIC ARENA, ESPECIALLY IN THE LOCAL MEDIA 1. Have contacts with members of the local press corps who are sympathetic to gender equality been systematically built up? . Has the p ess ee full iefed o UNDP's ge de e ualit p io ities a d ge de ‐ elated activities? 3. Has a briefing note or brochure on the Country Offices gender mainstreaming priorities and activities been prepared and distributed to the press? A D M I N I ST R A T I O N K. GENDER BALANCE IN COUNTRY OFFICE AND IN PROGRAM ME/PROJECT NATIONAL STAFF RECRUITMENT 1. Do the terms of reference for all posts include require gender sensitivity and/or gender expertise? 2. Do all staffing advertisements indicate that UNDP is an equal opportunity employer? 37 3. Do recruitment, promotion and Management Review Group meetings, and the training committee, include the appropriate gender concerns in their discussions, especially with regard to the career development and promotion of female staff members? L. GENDER EQUALITY IN COUNTRY OFFICE ADMINISTRATION BUDGET ALLOCATIONS 4. Does the annual Country Office budget exercise take into account the relevant gender equality considerations in planning for staff training, both with regard to gender balance among staff trained, and the substantive content of training provided? 5. Are gender equality issues taken into account in local procurement of goods and services? Examples include: procuring only from firms that practice gender equality, that apply ILO conventions with regard to the employment of women and children, that have maternity leave policies in place or provide crèches for their employees? 6. Do DSS disbursements and those of other facilities controlled by the Resident Representative/Resident Coordinator reflect gender equality? 38