Human Resources Management

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The text outlines key processes in Human Resources Management, focusing on job analysis, applicant sourcing, information collection, candidate filtering, and the interview and hiring process. It emphasizes the importance of each step to effectively identify and hire qualified candidates, which contributes to the organization's overall success and profitability.

Human Resource Management a) Recruitment Process A Recruitment Process is an organization-specific model of how the sourcing of new employees is undertaken. Typically the ownership of the recruitment process resides within the Human Resources function, although again this may differ depending on the specific organizational structure. A recruitment process can be broken down into respective parts. Whilst the naming and exact process steps are unique to an organization, a typical recruiting process may commence with the identification of a vacancy, then the preparation of a job description, database sourcing, role marketing, response management, short-listing, interviews, reference checking, and selection. The recruitment process itself is the focus of BPO approaches such as recruitment process outsourcing, where an external service provider is engaged to deliver the process. Retrieve from: What is a Recruitment Process? | KellyOCG Process of Recruiting Source of Applicant Job Analysis Decision to recruit Hold induction once the employee report Offer Employment Collect Info of Applicant i) Decision To Recruit Employee First the organisation requires deciding whether to find or hire a new employee for the empty position or just promote the experienced and potential old employee to fill in the position. ii) Job Analysis After decided to hire the worker, the organisation require to make a job analysis regarding the empty vacancy which include the experience require, and education level in order to fill in the vacancy. iii) Source Of Applicant The organisation require to seek the source of applicant which to select a place for posting the job vacancy such as the organisation bulletin board, job online vacancy, social media network, open job event or the newspaper where the society able to see and seek it clearly in order to fill in the empty vacancy hence it is important for the organisation to state the clear information regarding the empty vacancy especially related to the education level and experience require for the job. Refer to example 9 the Job Advertisement In this step also the organisation require to send the call for interview letter toward the candidates that are able to meet the minimum requirement for call for the interview for the empty vacancy and for those candidates that unable to meet the requirement is determined through the short-listing form Refer to example 1and 8 the Interview Letter and Short-Listing Form iv) Collect Information of the Applicant The organisation require collect information of the applicant through the interviewing or the resume prepared by the candidates where the candidates require to provide the valid information and personal detail towards the employer and the organisation where the organisation able to access the candidates information in the future. Refer to example 2 the Resume The candidates also require bringing the Cover letter, Certificates and Application Letter during the interview. Refer to the Example 5, Example 7 and Example 3 v) Offer Employment Toward Successful Candidate After done all the interviewing session with candidates, the employer should offer the empty job vacancy towards the successful candidate base on their performances, skills, and ability to perform during the interview, and selection process hence this enable for the employer and the organisation able to select the most quality and beneficial toward the organisation through multiple test, questionnaire and filtering process. Refer to example 6 the Employment Letter If the candidates unable to meet the minimum requirement for the vacancy the employer require to send the Rejection Letter Refer to the Example 4 vi) Hold Induction Once the Employee Report Induction is a process where the organisation decide to fill in the empty vacancy after the hiring process where in this process the organisation will fill in the empty vacancy for those candidates that successfully past all the interviewing process and the test which to display in this process those candidates are the one with the most quality and higher beneficial towards the organisation in the future. b) The 3 act in Malaysian Labour Law that related to the recruitment process: Malaysian Labour Law There are a number of labour laws in Malaysia. This site pays particular attention to major ones like the Employment Act 1955, Industrial Relations Act 1967 and Trade Unions Act 1959. The Employment Act provides minimum terms and conditions (mostly of monetary value) to certain category of workers, the Industrial Relations Act provides ways for settlement of trade disputes between employers and employees, whereas the Trade Unions Act regulates trade union registration and the uses of trade union funds. Retrieve from: MYLabourLaw − Malaysian Labour Law & Employment Act References, Forums, FAQs and Guides i) Human Resources Development Act 1992 a) "apprenticeship contract" means a written contract entered [Am. Act into by a person with an employer who undertakes to employ A956] the person and train or have him trained systematically for a trade for a specified period approved by the Director-General in the course of which the apprentice is bound to work in the employer's service; b) "contract of service" means any agreement, whether oral or in writing and whether express or implied, whereby one person agrees to employ another as an employee and that other agrees to serve his employer as an employee and includes an apprenticeship contract; c)"employee" means any citizen of Malaysia who is employed for wages under a contract of service with an employer, but does not include any domestic servant; d)"employer" means any person who has entered into a contract of service to employ any other person as an employee and includes the agent, manager or factor of such first-mentioned person; Retrieve from: MYLabourLaw − Malaysian Labour Law & Employment Act References, Forums, FAQs and Guides As stated above the Human Resources Development Act 1992 where it state the relationship, contract among employee and employer which it display that it is part of the organisation require to train for period of time in the related working environment where it obligated to the contract that state by the organisation during or before the hiring section where the employee fully notice and understand the terms and condition that being applied. Impact: Able to create a mutual agreement with both parties where the employer able to hire the employee and the employee able to earn the job sit which the employer require to train the new employee for some period of time so that the employee able to contribute long-term beneficial towards the organisation. This act is used during the hiring process where the employer and employee require to understand the rights and regulation of the position when hiring process conducted hence it enable for the both parties to respect between both parties and understand the law that been enforce with the current state. ii) Employment Regulations 1957 "Register" means a book or a separate card kept by every employer containing the information relating to his employees as required under these Regulations and includes a register required to be maintained under the Internal Security (Registration of Labour) Regulations 1960. The Register kept by every employer under section 61 of the Act shall contain the following groups of particulars regarding each employee— i) Personal details ii) Details of terms and conditions of employment: iii) Details of wages and allowances earned during the each wage period Retrieve from: MYLabourLaw − Malaysian Labour Law & Employment Act References, Forums, FAQs and Guides As stated above in the Employment Regulation 1957 where the employer require to keep the detail regarding all hired employee which it contain all personal information such as address, name, phone number and etc. where it able to provide other organisation to seek personal detail regarding the employee itself which it able to be use in the future such for the new hiring or transferring position to other company or it can be used by the enforcer such as police to track down personal detail and history regarding the employee which it require for the employee itself to acknowledge the terms and condition during and before the hiring by the company where the employee require to give and state the truth and valid information details towards the employer when filling the personal details information section. Impact: By applying and understanding the Employment Regulation 1957, it enable for the organisation to free access the employee personal detail and reduce the difficulty in the future as the employee personal references able to be used as future references hence it also able to contribute towards other organisation as well where other organisation able to use or transfer the employee personal details information to other company when the employee is being transfer or applying for the new position or job in the new organisation. This act is being used during the Collect Info of the Applicant where the employer require to collect personal information and data regarding the employee which it can be used as references or for future use hence the employee require to deliver the valid and current information regarding the personal information towards the employer due to it is part of the act Employment Act Regulation 1957. iii) Employment Act 1955 -PART XIIA - TERMINATION, LAY-OFF, AND RETIREMENT BENEFITS -60J. Termination, lay-off and retirement benefits.  The Minister may, by regulations made under this Act, provide for the entitlement of employees to, and for the payment by employers of: (a) termination benefits; (b) lay-off benefits; (c) retirement benefits. Retrieve from: MYLabourLaw − Malaysian Labour Law & Employment Act References, Forums, FAQs and Guides In this part the employer require to inform the employee regarding rules and regulation when hiring also the employee or the candidate require to acknowledge the benefits and retirement terms and condition before start working hence it enable for both parties to meet mutual agreement which in the end provide both employee and employer benefits. Impact: By understanding and apply the Employment Act 1955 ( Part XIIA- Termination, Lay-Off, and Retirement Benefits) it able to aid the employee to understand the beneficial that can be gain from the organisation during the hiring process where it enable for the employee to make a consideration whether to work with the organisation or accept other organisation offer which to display that during the hiring process it is crucial for the organisation to offer a quality benefits towards candidates so that the candidates would easily attracted towards the organisation itself. This act is being used after the hiring process during the Offer Employment where after the employer hired the candidates then the employer would offer the employment or the job towards the successful candidates where during the process the employer should provide the information and details regarding the Lay-off, Benefits, and the Termination rules and regulation towards employee before the employee able to start working for the organisation. c) Selecting the appropriate candidate Below are the method using by the employer when recruiting employee which: The Panel’s Procedure Interviewing Appointment Method Test and Exercise Presentation Short-Listing i) Interviewing - By conducting interview with the candidates the employer able to determined or discover that the candidates able to perform or display the high confident during the interviewing process which it is important for the employer to detect and select the potential candidates through the interviewing process due to the high confident and the candidate able to perform during the interviewing process are most likely able to stay long in the company, survive and require less training which it able to reduce the cost of organisation for training the successful candidates. ii) Test and Exercise Test and exercise usually conducted by the employer to determine whether the candidates are suitable for the empty vacancy or not where the test are conduct to examined the level of intellectual and creative thinking of the candidates while the Exercise are conducted to determine the level of physically of the candidates and the candidates skills level which also to display that this method also part of filtering process where to reduce the mass number of candidates into require number of candidates where all the candidates that pass this test and exercise are the one who possess the minimum criteria to fill in the empty vacancy. iii) Short-Listing This method are the first and basic method that being used by most organisation to selecting the most potential candidates for the empty vacancy where to reduce the mass number of candidates into the require number of candidates by the organisation by through the filtering process which the employer will review and evaluate the candidates resume which based upon the education level, experienced level and the candidates skills whether it met with the minimum requirement for the empty vacancy. iv) Presentation The presentation method are conduct to test the presentation skills and deliver information skills by the candidates through presentation where the employer will evaluate the candidates base on the level of confident, delivering and understanding the information given during the presentation, also the presentation test often used in the final selection interview to test the mental ability of the applying candidates which it is mostly related with job that involving communicating and presenting the reports where it is crucial part for the candidates to acquire. v) Appointment This method are conducted after all other process are made where in this step the employer would conduct an appointment for the candidate to attend the event or meeting where to determine and test the candidates ability to perform as stated by the candidates itself during the selecting and recruiting process hence it enable for the employer to evaluate the candidates performances during the appointment is conducted. vii) The Panel’s Procedure This process are conducted before the final interview and discuss the range of questions that the employer seek to ask based on the individuals personal opinion and specification including the applications in front of them which in this step the employer able to evaluate the candidates performance by asking or provide the candidates certain types of questions that require for the candidates to answer which to discover the critical thinking and the level of intellectual of the candidates hence the employer able to easily determined the way of thinking and objective of the candidates to work in the organisation. d) Role as Human Resources Manager in recruitment process: Human Resources Manager Human resources managers plan, direct, and coordinate the administrative functions of an organization. They oversee the recruiting, interviewing, and hiring of new staff; consult with top executives on strategic planning; and serve as a link between an organization’s management and its employees. Retrieve from: Human Resources Managers: Occupational Outlook Handbook: : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Interviewing Sourcing Conduct Job Analysis Hiring Filtering i) Conduct Job Analysis - As Human Resource Manager, the manager required to conduct job analysis before the hiring process. Hence, these enable the organisation to acknowledge the empty vacancy to be fill during the job analysis. The manager should include the detail and requirement in the job vacancy such as the education level and the experienced required for the candidates to fill in the empty vacancy which shows that the candidates require to have those skills in order to fill in the empty vacancy due the empty vacancy may require certain level of educations, experience required, and skills so that the organisation didn’t have to increase the cost or expenditure to train the new employee where it can be avoided or reduce the cost to train the new employee by hiring those candidates that achieve all the requirement or the candidates that able to meet with the most of the requirement. ii) Sourcing the Employee As part of Human Resource Manager , after the manager start determined for the job vacancy then the employer should start to seek for the candidates for the vacancy through internet posting, social media, newspaper, posters, magazines and etc. which also include the related information for the empty vacancy such as education level, experienced required, and skills information hence that the people or the candidates able to fully understand and know the minimum requirement for the candidates to fill in the empty spot. iii) Filtering the Candidates In this process the manager will reduce the mass number of candidates into the requirement number of candidates through filtering process or screening where the manager will view the candidates resume, where the manager will select the most quality and minimum requirement have met by the candidates which it enable for the manager easily hiring the candidates that are suitable and capable of handling that position. iv) Interview the Candidates After the filtering process, the manager also responsible of interviewing the candidates that he or the higher officer has selected where in this process the candidates will be interview by the manager of human resources department itself or will be interview by number of high officer of that organisation, so that the organisation able to select and hired the most quality and high capable candidates after the filtering process by questioning the candidates or listening the candidates presentation where it enable for the manager or the officer to determined and select the candidates that able to perform during the interview process. v) Hiring the Candidates Lastly the manager is also in charge of hiring the candidates that able to perform and has the requirement for the vacancy after the manager and the higher officer interviewing, and filtering process where in this process the manager will offer the empty vacancy towards the successful candidates due to the candidates skills, education level, and experienced that the candidates acquired enable them to fill in the vacancy, due certain vacancy require a number of experienced and high level education in order to conduct and handling the position correctly. Conclusion The position of Human Resources Management are crucial for the organisation to able to detect the capable candidates to work for the organisation and hiring the most quality candidates into the organisation so that the organisation itself able to produce the high quality output from the candidates that they are hiring hence it enable for the organisation to increase the quality of work and the organisation profit which to display that it is important to acquire and keep the high quality candidates within the organisation in order to survive for long-term of business. Appendices Example 1 Interview-Call-Letter- Example 2 Resume Example 3 Application Letter Example 4 Rejection Letter Example 5 Cover Letter Example 6 Employment Letter Example 7 Certificates Example 8 Short listing form Example 9 Job Advertisement References Cheatle, K. (2001). Human Resouce Management. Great Britain: Creative Print and Design ( Wales), Ebbw Vale. Diwan, P. (2007). Human Resouce Management. Kuala Lumpur: Golden Books Centre SDN.BHD. Lloyd L.Byrs, L. W. (2008). Human Resource Management. United Stated: McGraw-Hill/Irwin Companies Inc. Retrieve from: MYLabourLaw − Malaysian Labour Law & Employment Act References, Forums, FAQs and Guides Retrieve from: What is a Recruitment Process? | KellyOCG Retrieve from: Human Resources Managers: Occupational Outlook Handbook: : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics