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9th Annual Meeting for Reading Medieval Manuscripts, 18-25 October 2024
O texto examina o mecanismo que impõe o reexame de ofício de determinadas sentenças proferidas contra o Poder Público, destacando as inovações estabelecidas pelo Código de Processo Civil de 2015. The text addresses the mechanism, imposed by the law, of the mandatory appellate review of some court decisions uttered against state parties, highlighting the innovations established by the new Brazilian Civil Procedure Code, of 2015.
Florestan Fernandes, a ciência como política, a política como ciência, 2022
As contribuições de Florestan para a pesquisa e o debate racial no Brasil serão duradouras, ainda que eventualmente questionadas e colocadas em perspectiva. O mesmo se aplica a suas contribuições na construção dos campos da sociologia e da antropologia, nas intersecções da sociologia com a educação e, sobretudo, nos debates sobre a revolução burguesa brasileira e o caráter autocrático dessa burguesia, além, claro, dos problemas do subdesenvolvimento do Brasil e da América do Sul. Este texto busca priorizar um outro Florestan, o Florestan político e, a seu modo, cientista político. Florestan que, na dupla condição de parlamentar e de observador, pensou o Brasil dos anos 1980, os limites da “transição transada”, como ele se referia ao processo que nos levou à Constituição de 1988, e os apontamentos do risco que o país corria por, uma vez mais, não realizar sua “revolução burguesa”. Este texto (p. 145-164) integra o livro de TOTTI, Marcelo Augusto (org.). "100 anos de Florestan Fernandes: legado de ciência e militância. Marília: Oficina Universitária; SãoPaulo: Cultura Acadêmica, 2022.
English Language Teaching
One of the most crucial components of studying a language is learning its vocabulary. Without sufficient vocabulary, communication becomes problematic. However, research shows that Saudi Arabian university students have a small English vocabulary size. Many technological tools exist in the literature for increasing students’ vocabulary size, including TikTok videos. TikTok has become one of the most popular social media platforms for producing and sharing videos. Because students’ perception of tools used in the classroom determine the tools’ success, investigating their perception of using TikTok videos for English vocabulary learning is essential. In this study, a quantitative research design was used to investigate students’ perception toward using TikTok as an English vocabulary learning tool in the EFL context. A descriptive quantitative methodology was adopted to analyze data from 115 female students at King Abdulaziz University. According to the findings, most students have a...
The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the theories, concepts and issues involved in the area of corporate finance and the implications for emerging economies. A secondary research approach was adopted based on a review of published texts, journals, and technical reports. The results of the study demonstrate that based on the indicators of capital market development, the high-income developing country of Trinidad and Tobago used as a case study, lags behind in critical areas of development of its capital market and, along with related developing countries, can benefit from the fundamental principles involved in the practice of corporate finance. The practical implications of the study are the potential use by students in tertiary level institutions engaged in MBA or financial management studies, participants pursuing professional qualifications in accounting and finance, employees in financial institutions, and general stakeholders seeking to invest funds. The value ...
las identidades masculinas se definían generalmente en términos negativos –en tér-minos de "no" ser "blando", "emocional", "dependiente", que en otras palabras significaba "no ser mujer". Eso podía dificultar a los hombres a apoyarse unos a otros de una manera consciente –creando grupos, ya que se daban cuenta de que como varones necesitaban ser "independientes" y "autosuficientes"– no podían mostrar "debilidades" derivadas del miedo delante de otros, ya que "éstas" podían ser utilizadas contra ellos por otros hombres que a su vez competían con ellos en masculinidad. A menudo los hombres sólo pueden sentirse bien con ellos mismos sabiendo que "lo están haciendo mejor que otros".
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Indonesian Journal Of Global Health Research, 2024
Archeologia Technica , 2020
Santander. Estudios de Patrimonio, 2019
Andrea Appiani. L’Accademia, il canone, 2021
Metafísica y persona, 2020
ODÜ Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi (ODÜSOBİAD)
BMC Public Health, 2021
Nka Journal of Contemporary African Art, 2008
Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 2011
Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, 2013
European Journal of Ophthalmology, 2021