Eduardo Talamini
Senior partner of Justen, Pereira, Oliveira e Talamini – Sociedade de Advogados (Curitiba, São Paulo e Brasília). He is a civil procedure writer and is a law professor at Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR, having published over a hundred articles and essays and several books on civil procedure (including a law school textbook currently in its 11th edition), constitutional law, arbitration and public law. He has recently co-edited and written for the book Arbitration and State Parties (2010). He constantly acts as counsel, arbitrator or consultant in litigation, arbitration and transactions involving domestic and international parties in infrastructure projects in Brazil, with focus on public procurement, civil construction services and supplies, telecommunications, government franchises and PPPs, sanitation, water supply and energy. He is often consulted to deliver legal opinions on civil procedure and constitutional law. He holds an LL.M (2000) and PhD (2004) in Civil Procedure from Universidade de São Paulo – USP. In 2008, based on a public examination and the submission of a dissertation on constitutional jurisdiction, USP also granted him professorship status (“Livre Docência”). He is a member of several international civil procedure associations and vice-president of the arbitration center of the Federation of Industries of the State of Paraná.
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Papers by Eduardo Talamini
The text discusses who should judge the disregard of legal entity when the creditor, supported by an extrajudicial title that also has an arbitration agreement, wishes to start the execution right away, but also wants to reach other subjects, that are not related to the title, due to diversion of purpose or abusive use of the legal entity.
saneamento do processo no direito português. III.1
- Mecanismos anteriores à criação do “despacho
saneador”. III.2 - O “despacho saneador” português. IV - O saneamento do processo no direito brasileiro anterior a 1939. V - O “despacho saneador” no Código de Processo Civil brasileiro de
1939. VI - O conteúdo do saneamento no processo
civil brasileiro atual. VII - A reforma de 1994. VIII
- Consideração final.
The text analyzes the measures to fight contempt of court and its suitability in each modality of judicial enforcement, with special focus on the art. 139, IV, of the Brazilian Civil Procedure Law of 2015.
Originalmente publicado em Informativo Justen n. 138 ( e no Migalhas de 03.09.2018 (,MI286703,101048-Arbitragem+e+precedentes+Cinco+premissas+cinco+conclusoes+um+epilogo)
Publicado originalmente em 24.03.2016, na série "23 migalhas sobre o novo CPC" (,MI236482,21048-Estabilidade+integridade+e+coerencia+jurisprudencial).
The purpose of this article is to expose relevant aspects regarding the use of arbitration in state companies, considering the new legal provision about this subject (Federal Law 13.303/2016, article 12, sole paragraph). The theme is divided in two sub-themes, with several points of convergence: (i) the use of arbitration by the Public Administration, with the assumption that state companies are part of the Indirect Government Entities; (ii) the use of arbitration to resolve corporate disputes in these companies.
This article deals with the division of powers between Courts and Arbitral Tribunals concerning the granting of interim measures – especially after the Brazilian Civil Procedure Code (2015) and the Arbitration Reform Law (L. 13.129/15).
The text discusses who should judge the disregard of legal entity when the creditor, supported by an extrajudicial title that also has an arbitration agreement, wishes to start the execution right away, but also wants to reach other subjects, that are not related to the title, due to diversion of purpose or abusive use of the legal entity.
saneamento do processo no direito português. III.1
- Mecanismos anteriores à criação do “despacho
saneador”. III.2 - O “despacho saneador” português. IV - O saneamento do processo no direito brasileiro anterior a 1939. V - O “despacho saneador” no Código de Processo Civil brasileiro de
1939. VI - O conteúdo do saneamento no processo
civil brasileiro atual. VII - A reforma de 1994. VIII
- Consideração final.
The text analyzes the measures to fight contempt of court and its suitability in each modality of judicial enforcement, with special focus on the art. 139, IV, of the Brazilian Civil Procedure Law of 2015.
Originalmente publicado em Informativo Justen n. 138 ( e no Migalhas de 03.09.2018 (,MI286703,101048-Arbitragem+e+precedentes+Cinco+premissas+cinco+conclusoes+um+epilogo)
Publicado originalmente em 24.03.2016, na série "23 migalhas sobre o novo CPC" (,MI236482,21048-Estabilidade+integridade+e+coerencia+jurisprudencial).
The purpose of this article is to expose relevant aspects regarding the use of arbitration in state companies, considering the new legal provision about this subject (Federal Law 13.303/2016, article 12, sole paragraph). The theme is divided in two sub-themes, with several points of convergence: (i) the use of arbitration by the Public Administration, with the assumption that state companies are part of the Indirect Government Entities; (ii) the use of arbitration to resolve corporate disputes in these companies.
This article deals with the division of powers between Courts and Arbitral Tribunals concerning the granting of interim measures – especially after the Brazilian Civil Procedure Code (2015) and the Arbitration Reform Law (L. 13.129/15).
Para inscrições, acesse:
De 5 a 7 de junho, no Teatro Guaíra, em Curitiba.
Será feito essencialmente sob a forma de debates, entre os painelistas, a respeito de importantes questões concretas de cada tema. Esse modelo, já utilizado parcialmente no Congresso passado, foi um sucesso.
Processualistas de diferentes partes do Brasil, de distintas gerações e concepções diversas, discutindo temas que verdadeiramente importam para o processo civil ser ao menos um pouco melhor.
Fui nomeado para o Conselho da Presidência do CNJ para disseminação da jurisprudência uniformizada.
A função que nos foi dada pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça será diagnosticar os problemas de aplicação de precedentes e da jurisprudência consolidada, propondo medidas estruturais e procedimentais para sua disseminação e efetiva aplicação.
Se hoje o tema já é fundamental, será ainda mais no novo CPC.
Fazem parte da comissão os Professores José Rogério Cruz e Tucci (USP - Coordenador), Eduardo Talamini (UFPR), Fábio Tabosa (USP), além do Desembargador Ronnie Preuss Duarte.
Os trabalhos já começaram. Os colegas que tiverem sugestões enviem por favor para [email protected]