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2018, International Journal of Infectious Diseases
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PLoS ONE, 2013
Background: Cytokine-mediated endothelial activation pathway is a known mechanism of pathogenesis employed by Plasmodium falciparum to induce severe disease symptoms in human host. Though considered benign, complicated cases of Plasmodium vivax are being reported worldwide and from Pakistan. It has been hypothesized that P.vivax utilizes similar mechanism of pathogenesis, as that of P.falciparum for manifestations of severe malaria. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to characterize the role of cytokines and endothelial activation markers in complicated Plasmodium vivax isolates from Pakistan.
Malaria Journal, 2010
Background: Despite clinical descriptions of severe vivax malaria cases having been reported, data regarding immunological and inflammatory patterns are scarce. In this report, the inflammatory and immunological status of both mild and severe vivax malaria cases are compared in order to explore immunopathological events in this disease.
PLoS Pathogens, 2015
Plasmodium vivax can cause severe malaria, however its pathogenesis is poorly understood. In contrast to P. falciparum, circulating vivax parasitemia is low, with minimal apparent sequestration in endothelium-lined microvasculature, and pathogenesis thought unrelated to parasite biomass. However, the relationships between vivax disease-severity and total parasite biomass, endothelial autocrine activation and microvascular dysfunction are unknown. We measured circulating parasitemia and markers of total parasite biomass (plasma parasite lactate dehydrogenase [pLDH] and PvLDH) in adults with severe (n = 9) and non-severe (n = 53) vivax malaria, and examined relationships with disease-severity, endothelial activation, and microvascular function. Healthy controls and adults with non-severe and severe falciparum malaria were enrolled for comparison. Median peripheral parasitemia, PvLDH and pLDH were 2.4-fold, 3.7-fold and 6.9-fold higher in severe compared to non-severe vivax malaria (p = 0.02, p = 0.02 and p = 0.015, respectively), suggesting that, as in falciparum malaria, peripheral P. vivax parasitemia underestimates total parasite biomass, particularly in severe disease. P. vivax schizonts were under-represented in peripheral blood. Severe vivax malaria was associated with increased angiopoietin-2 and impaired microvascular reactivity. Peripheral vivax parasitemia correlated with endothelial activation (angiopoietin-2, von-Willebrand-Factor [VWF], E-selectin), whereas markers of total vivax biomass correlated only with systemic inflammation (IL-6, IL-10). Activity of the VWF-cleaving-protease, ADAMTS13, was deficient in proportion to endothelial activation, IL-6, thrombocytopenia and vivax disease-severity, and associated with impaired microvascular reactivity in severe disease. Impaired microvascular reactivity correlated with lactate in severe vivax malaria. Findings suggest that tissue accumulation of P. vivax may occur, with the hidden biomass greatest in severe disease and capable of mediating systemic inflammatory pathology. The lack of association between total parasite biomass and endothelial activation is consistent with accumulation in parts of the circulation devoid of endothelium. Endothelial activation, associated with circulating parasites, and systemic inflammation may contribute to pathology in vivax malaria, with microvascular dysfunction likely contributing to impaired tissue perfusion.
Microbes and infection, 2016
The ability of Plasmodium falciparum infected erythrocytes (Pf-IEs) to activate endothelial cells has been described; however, the interaction of the endothelium with Pf-IEs field isolates from patients has been less characterized. Previous reports have shown that isolates alter the endothelial permeability and apoptosis. In this study, the adhesion of 19 uncomplicated malaria isolates to Human Dermal Microvascular Endothelial Cells (HDMEC), and their effect on the expression of ICAM-1 and proinflammatory molecules (sICAM-1, IL-6, IL-8, and MCP-1) was evaluated. P. falciparum isolates adhered to resting and TNFα-activated HDEMC cells at different levels. All isolates increased the ICAM-1 expression on the membrane (mICAM-1) of HDMEC and increased the release of its soluble form (sICAM-1), as well the production of IL-6, IL-8 and MCP-1 by HDMEC with no signs of cell apoptosis. No correlation between parasite adhesion and production of cytokines was observed. In conclusion, isolates f...
CODICES NEAPOLITANI. Seminari di filologia classica intorno ai manoscritti e agli incunaboli delle biblioteche napoletane. a cura di Giovan Battista D’Alessio, Mariella Menchelli e Lorenzo Miletti Primo incontro: TESTI, AUTORI, DOCUMENTI – FILOSOFIA E FILOLOGIA 29 Maggio 2024, h. 14.30. Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Via Porta di Massa 1, Aula Cataloghi Lignei 14.30 Lorenzo MILETTI, Alfonso il Magnanimo e i manoscritti greci a Napoli a cavallo della caduta di Costantinopoli 15.00 Giovan Battista D’ALESSIO, Proclo, le tre demiurgie e gli εἴδωλα di Dioniso 15.30 Stefano MARTINELLI TEMPESTA, Su alcuni esemplari umanistici delle Notti Attiche di Gellio conservati presso la Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli 16.10 Pausa 16.30 Anna MOTTA, L'interpretazione dei proemi dei Dialoghi nel Commento all’Alcibiade I di Proclo 17.00 Mariella MENCHELLI, Un Platone di Giorgio Crisococca tra i libri della collezione Farnese e altri esemplari platonici della Biblioteca Nazionale Link Microsoft Teams:[email protected]/1714557747156?context=%7B%22Tid%22:%222fcfe26a-bb62-46b0-b1e3-28f9da0c45fd%22,%22Oid%22:%2248140271-62a2-4c92-a853-fa3c7a083b8b%22%7D Info: [email protected]
The Transcendental Status of Beauty: Evaluating the Debate among Neo-Thomistic Philosophers, 2024
Over the past 150 years, Thomists have been divided over whether or not St. Thomas Aquinas himself held to the transcendentality of beauty. Francis J. Kovach divides the Thomists into three groups: (1) the transcendentalists, (2) the anti-transcendentalists, and (3) the undecided. Some contemporary Thomist philosophers in the transcendentalist camp, such as Étienne Gilson, see beauty as the forgotten transcendental. We will briefly trace the historical context of the debate by mentioning how philosophers viewed the transcendentality of beauty in ancient and medieval times. Then, we will summarize a contemporary Thomistic transcendentalist view of the nature of beauty and its transcendental status, followed by a contemporary Thomistic anti-transcendentalist view of the nature of beauty and its transcendental status. After that, we will evaluate the nature of beauty according to St. Thomas, as well as the criteria which determines transcendentality. Finally, both the transcendentalist and anti-transcendentalist positions on beauty’s transcendental status will be evaluated to determine whether it is physically consistent to regard beauty as a transcendental according to Thomistic thought.
Pendahuluan anusia adalah makhluk monodualis yaitu makhluk yang terdiri dari beberapa kodrat tetapi merupakan satu kesatuan secara utuh. Manusia terdiri dari susunan kodrat yaitu, jiwa dan raga; sifat kodrat yaitu, sebagai makhluk individu sekaligus sebagai makhluk sosial; dan kedudukan kodrat yaitu, sebagai makhluk Tuhan dan makhluk yang berdiri sendiri. Dalam bahan ajar unit-5 akan dibahas lebih jauh tentang sifat kodrat manusia sebagai makhluk sosial. Manusia dikatakan sebagai makhluk sosial karena setiap individu berkepentingan dengan individu-individu lain dalam lingkungan kelompoknya sendiri maupun di luar kelompoknya. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari rasa berkepentingan itu tersalurkan melalui proses sosialisasi dan interaksi sosial, yang dalam perkembangannya mengalami berbagai keadaan. Apa yang dimaksud dengan proses sosialisasi dan interaksi sosial? Agar Anda dapat lebih memahami, silahkan mengikuti penjelasan berikut ini. Seorang bayi dilahirkan pada keluarga tertentu. Biasanya perkenalan pertama dengan lingkungannya dimulai dari keluarga, yang terdiri atas ayah, ibu, dan kalau ada pengasuh serta kalau ada lagi kakak-kakaknya. Dari mereka si bayi akan memperoleh rasa kasih sayang, perlindungan, dan pemeliharaan yang pertama. Bayi itu pada umumnya belum segera memberikan reaksi terhadap segala perlakuan yang diberikan padanya. Apabila ada, sifatnya hanya kebetulan saja. Baru kemudian reaksi itu menjadi disengaja dan berkembang menjadi kebiasaan. Di sinilah proses sosialisasi bagi si bayi itu berlangsung. Ayah, ibu, dan semua anggota keluarga mencurahkan perhatiannya untuk anak. Dari merekalah diperoleh dasar-dasar dan pola pergaulan hidup. Tutur kata dan perilaku mereka menjadi contoh yang "memperlancar" berlangsungnya proses sosialisasi, baik menyangkut kedisiplinan, kesopanan, M Unit 5
After I learned the C++ basics, I then learned how to use C++ in production code from Meyers' series of Effective C++ books. Effective Modern C++ is the most important how-to book for advice on key guidelines, styles, and idioms to use modern C++ effectively and well. Don't own it yet? Buy this one. Now. " -Herb Sutter Chair of ISO C++ Standards Committee and C++ Software Architect at Microsoft Twitter: @oreillymedia
Cognizance journal, 2024
The study explores the degree of seriousness of problems encountered in utilizing basic statistics in educational research. Data from 86 respondents at Baguio Central University revealed that these problems were moderately serious, with an average weighted mean of 2.76. The primary issues included poor mathematical skills, inadequate application of statistical knowledge in research, lack of content knowledge in statistics and research, and insufficient textbooks on statistics. These findings suggest that graduate and postgraduate students lack sufficient knowledge and skills in basic statistics necessary for their research endeavors. While the identified problems are moderately serious, addressing them is crucial for successful research outcomes. To mitigate these issues, various resources and strategies can be employed. Online platforms offer opportunities for students to enhance their mathematical and statistical proficiency. Additionally, statistical software such as SPSS, R, MATLAB, Excel, SAS, GraphPad Prism, and Minitab provide tools for data analysis and interpretation, catering to diverse research needs. The study confirms the moderately serious nature of problems encountered in using basic statistics in educational research. Addressing these challenges is imperative to equip students with the necessary skills for successful research endeavors.
Curso de Jurisprudência Tributária - Lei de Execução Fiscal , 2021
Diagramação: Rômulo Lentini A LIVRARIA E EDITORA LUMEN JURIS LTDA. não se responsabiliza pelas opiniões emitidas nesta obra por seu Autor. É proibida a reprodução total ou parcial, por qualquer meio ou processo, inclusive quanto às características gráficas e/ou editoriais. A violação de direitos autorais constitui crime (Código Penal, art. 184 e § §, e Lei nº 6.895, de 17/12/1980), sujeitando-se a busca e apreensão e indenizações diversas (Lei nº 9.610/98). Todos os direitos desta edição reservados à Livraria e Editora Lumen Juris Ltda. Impresso no Brasil
Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 2024
Revista da Faculdade de Direito UFPR, 2004
Clinical Chemistry, 2011
The Sustainable City XV, 2021
The FASEB Journal, 2019
Brain Research, 2010
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2023
Educação em Foco, 2018
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology - Part A Enzyme Engineering and Biotechnology, 2003
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, 2003
Civil engineering infrastructures journal, 2018
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 2011