Subscapularis Tendon Repair Options
Frank Martetschläger, MD,*w Daniel Rios, MD,w Olivier van der Meijden, MD,w
and Peter J. Millett, MD, MScw
Abstract: The subscapularis tendon is an important anatomic structure
of the shoulder joint and is necessary for an unimpaired shoulder function. Subscapularis tendon lesions frequently need treatment to preserve
shoulder function. This article provides an overview of the current
treatment of subscapularis tears and details the specific techniques.
Key Words: rotator cuff tear, subscapularis tendon tear, subscapularis
tendon repair
(Tech Should Surg 2012;13: 60–66)
ubscapularis tendon lesions are less common than posterosuperior rotator cuff tears and are often related to preceding trauma with hyperextension or external rotation of the
abducted arm.1 However, recent studies suggest that anatomic
conditions like a narrowed coracohumeral interval (coracoid
impingement) might influence the pathology of subscapularis
tendon tears.2–5 The incidence of subscapularis tendon involvement in all rotator cuff tears reaches up to 33.8% in the
current literature,6 whereas isolated lesions are considerably
less frequent with 5.8%.6 Several studies have reported the
importance of the subscapularis for preservation of a normal
shoulder function, strength,7,8 and stability.9,10 Therefore, in
most young and active individuals surgical treatment is recommended for repairable subscapularis tears.6,11,12
In 2003 Fox and Romeo13 reported a classification for
subscapularis tendon tears, where type 1 describes a partial
thickness tear, type 2 a complete lesion of the upper 25%, type
3 a complete lesion of the upper 50%, and type 4 a complete
rupture of the subscapularis tendon. In 2007 Lafosse et al14
modified and expanded this classification. He added the preoperative computed tomography/magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) results regarding humeral head position and fatty degeneration according to Goutallier et al.15 The 2 classifications
are shown in Table 1.
Before considering the surgical options for subscapularis
tendon repair, the correct surgical indication is mandatory. A
thorough history, clinical examination, and adequate imaging
studies enable the correct diagnosis of a subscapularis tendon
lesion. The authors recommend performing an x-ray shoulder
series (anteroposterior view, y-view, axial view) to evaluate
the articular surfaces, to exclude bony lesions after acute
trauma or tendon calcifications and to assess the joint conReceived for publication October 31, 2011; accepted January 13, 2012.
From the *Clinic for Trauma Surgery, Emergency Department, University
Hospital Rechts der Isar, Munich Technical University, Munich,
Germany; and wThe Steadman Clinic,Vail, CO.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Reprints: Peter J. Millett, MD, MSc, The Steadman Clinic, 181 West
Meadow Drive, Vail, 81657 CO (e-mail:
[email protected]).
Copyright r 2012 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
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gruity. Typically an MRI is also performed to assess the subscapularis tendon and muscle quality and to evaluate the long
head of the biceps tendon and the biceps pulley reflection.16
Although surgical treatment is clearly indicated in acute subscapularis tears, yielding good and reproducible results,1,14,17
chronic tears deserve closer attention. The retraction of the
subscapularis tendon and the atrophy and fatty infiltration of
the subscapularis muscle in chronic tears makes repair more
difficult and results in worse clinical outcomes and higher
rerupture rates.1,17–19 Therefore the muscle quality should be
evaluated before surgical treatment. Flury et al19 reported
advanced fatty degeneration, stage 3 and 4 according to
Goutallier et al15 (Lafosse et al,14 type 4 and 5), to be associated with an increased rerupture rate. Hence repair of the
subscapularis tendon is not recommended in patients with
advanced fatty degeneration. In these cases a substitution with
a pectoralis major muscle transfer should be considered.20,21
However, the results of this procedure while reasonable are not
always great.8,21,22 To avoid long-term complications and to
achieve the best possible result early surgical treatment of
subscapularis tears is preferred.
Arthroscopic Subscapularis Repair
Arthroscopic shoulder surgery has become highly advanced in recent years. It enables the skilled surgeon to better
visualize and address coexisting pathologies, including labral
tears and posterosuperior rotator cuff tears. However, arthroscopic subscapularis repair can be challenging even for experienced surgeons. In complex tears, the subscapularis footprint
at the lesser tuberosity appears bare and the tendon is usually
retracted medially, scarred against the coracoid process and the
glenoid neck. The required mobilization of the tendon can be
hard to achieve and has to be performed very carefully to preserve important neurovascular structures. Therefore a detailed
knowledge of the arthroscopic anatomy about the coracoid is
mandatory to minimize the relative risk of injury.23 Identification of the subscapularis tendon stump can also be challenging and particular attention has to be paid to the insertion
zone in order not to miss any so called “hidden” lesions.24–26 In
2003 Lo and Burkhart25 defined the “comma sign,” formed by a
portion of the superior glenohumeral ligament/coracohumeral
ligament complex, which has torn off the humerus and extends
to the superolateral corner of the subscapularis tendon. In some
cases this pathoanatomic marker of the torn subscapularis tendon edge can be helpful to identify the subscapularis stump.
Furthermore, the anterior compartment of the shoulder is an
extremely tight space, and it may become even tighter as the
shoulder swells during arthroscopy.27
Positioning and Instruments
The procedure can be performed both under general or
interscalene block anesthesia. Maintenance of a mean arterial
Techniques in Shoulder & Elbow Surgery
Volume 13, Number 2, June 2012
Techniques in Shoulder & Elbow Surgery
Volume 13, Number 2, June 2012
Subscapularis Tendon Repair Options
TABLE 1. Classification of Subscapularis Tendon Tears According
to Fox and Romeo13 and Lafosse et al14
Classification of subscapularis tendon tears according to Fox and
Type I: partial thickness tear
Type II: complete tear of the upper 25% of the tendon
Type III: complete tear of the upper 50% of the tendon
Type IV: complete rupture of the tendon
Classification of subscapularis tendon tears according to Lafosse et al14
Type I: partial lesion of superior one third of the tendon
Type II: complete lesion of superior one third of the tendon
Type III: complete lesion of superior two third of the tendon
Type IV: complete lesion of the tendon but centered humeral head
and fatty degeneration classified less than or equal to Goutallier
et al15 stage III
Type V: complete lesion of tendon but eccentric humeral head and
fatty degeneration classified more than or equal to Goutallier
et al15 stage III
pressure of 70 to 90 mm Hg or a systolic pressure near 100 mm
Hg allows maximal visualization and minimizes bleeding.
Epinephrine in the arthroscopic solution can also help to
control bleeding and to maximize visualization.
A thorough examination of both shoulders under anesthesia is performed on every patient, the examination under
anesthesia can provide additional information about concomitant pathologies like restricted range of motion, instability, or hyperlaxity, which might not be evaluable
preoperatively due to the patients’ complaints. More important,
it will show whether there is asymmetry of external roation. A
large, complete subscapularis tear usually results in an increased external rotation on the affected side. Moreover
stability of the shoulder can also be assessed, as some subscapularis tears are also associated with anterior instability. We
prefer the beach-chair position for arthroscopic subscapularis
repair, which frees up the medial border of the scapula so that
the upper extremity can easily be moved and rotated at necessary angles to better visualize the subscapularis and its insertion. Moreover, the beach-chair position allows an easy
conversion to an open procedure if necessary. To position the
arm appropriately during different parts of the surgery, the use
of a mechanical arm holder is recommended, which allows the
surgeon to apply traction to the arm and open the subacromial
space or coracohumeral interval to improve visualization
again. The procedure can also be performed rather routinely in
the lateral decubitus position.
The basic instruments required for arthroscopic subscapularis repair include a 30-degree arthroscope, a motorized
shaver, a radiofrequency tissue ablation device, a suture
passing and retrieval instrument, a single-hole knot pusher, a
suture-cutting device, and graspers. In addition, a 70-degree
arthroscope can be helpful. For better fluid management an
arthroscopic pump is recommended, as this allows the surgeon
to adjust the pressure as needed in any situation. To avoid early
swelling of the shoulder the initial pump pressure is set low at
35 to 40 mm Hg.
Surgical Landmarks, Incisions, and Portals
At the beginning of every case we mark the bone landmarks on the skin. Thereby the acromion, clavicle, acromioclavicular joint, scapular spine, coracoid process, and
coracoacromial ligament can easily be identified (Fig. 1).
Diagnostic arthroscopy is performed through a standard
posterior portal. For better visualization of the subscapularis
2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
FIGURE 1. Right shoulder of patient in beach-chair position,
marked bony landmarks and incisions. Anterior (1), anerolateral
(2), posterolateral (3), and posterior (4) portals are shown.
tendon, respectively the lesser tuberosity, the field of view can
be adjusted as required by abduction or internal/external rotation. For all our subscapularis tendon repairs an anterior and an
accessory anterolateral portal are created. The anterior portal is
generally placed just lateral to the coracoid and below the
coracoacromial ligament. It allows access to the lesser tuberosity in an angle of approximately 45 degrees and is especially
used for anchor placement and suture management. Next, the
anterolateral portal is established just anterior and slightly medial to the anterolateral tip of the acromion. This portal enables
proper preparation of the lesser tuberosity, appropriate mobilization of the subscapularis, and easy suture passage, as it approaches the tendon fairly parallel. We recommend placing a
cannula into this portal; the authors use a 5.0-mm ribbed clear
cannula (Arthrex, Naples, FL). A smaller cannula provides more
working room in the rotator interval. Alternatively, an 8.25-mm
cannula can be used. The key to proper portal placement is first
verifying the intra-articular position and the expected work
angles with a spinal needle. Furthermore, it is important not to
place the 2 anterior portals too close to each other.
Surgical Procedure Step by Step
Biceps Tendon
In most instances, when there is a tear of subscapularis
tendon, the biceps pulley is also been disrupted and the long
head biceps tendon itself is subluxated medially (pulley lesion
group 3 according to Habermeyer et al28).16 Therefore a thorough examination of the biceps tendon and its pulley system is
mandatory. When there is a tear in the long head biceps tendon
and/or its pulley system, tenodesis or tenotomy is indicated to
avoid the risk of persistent pain and subscapularis repair failure.
The authors prefer immediate tenotomy of the biceps tendon at
the supraglenoid tubercle, leaving the labrum intact. This is
done before repair of the subscapularis tendon, and subsequently the long head of the biceps tendon is tenodesed with
miniopen subpectoral biceps tenodesis, once the subscapularis
repair is completed. Tenotomy of the long head of the biceps
tendon (LHB) improves visualization and helps with the
working area in the anterior compartment of the shoulder.
Furthermore, the subpectoral tenodesis eliminates any possibility of recurrent biceps subluxation or persistent pain due to
loss of biceps excursion (biceps entrapment) or other pathologies within the biceps groove. It reliably relieves pain and
improves function.29 It also eliminates any type of sawing |
Martetschläger et al
Techniques in Shoulder & Elbow Surgery
Volume 13, Number 2, June 2012
FIGURE 2. Coracoplasty in the right shoulder of the patient in modified beach-chair position, viewing from posterior (same applies
to Figs. 3–5). A, Open joint capsule (#) and prepared coracoid process (dotted black line) before coracoplasty. B, Resection of the
posterolateral aspect of the coracoid tip with a 4-mm burr. C, completed coracoplasty. The partial subscapularis tear is marked with (*),
the black lines indicate the course of the conjoined tendons.
mechanism of injury to the subscapularis tendon, as we have
shown in the laboratory.30
Coracoid Process and Coracohumeral Interval
As mentioned above, subcoracoid impingement, with narrowing of the coracohumeral interval, can certainly be related to
subscapularis tendon tears.2–5 The causality of cause and effect is
still unclear but we do recommend routinely evaluating the
coracohumeral interval when there is a subscapularis tendon tear.
Finally, we recommend performing a coracoplasty when the
coracohumeral distance is narrowed on preoperative images
(< 8 mm in women and 10 mm in men on axial computed tomography or MRI planes in neutral position), and coracoid impingement can be confirmed intraoperatively by proving contact
between the subscapularis/lesser tuberosity and the coracoid
process in abduction/flexion and internal rotation. By doing so,
one can avoid mechanical compression between the coracoid and
subscapularis repair. Furthermore, a subcoracoid decompression
creates more space to work, which makes the surgery technically
easier for the subsequent subscapularis repair.
We start by creating a window into the rotator interval just
above the superior border of the subscapularis, preserving the
medial sling of the biceps sheath, the middle glenohumeral
ligament, and the superior glenohumeral ligament, to expose
the coracoid. This preparation is performed through the anterior portal by use of mechanical shavers and a radiofrequency
device. By dissecting on the lateral side of the coracoid, no
neurovascular structures will be injured. The anatomic landmarks include the conjoined tendon inferiorly, the coracoacromial ligament laterally and the base of the coracoid
medially. When reaching the lateral aspect of the coracoid, the
radiofrequency device can be used to remove the soft tissue
from the tip and posterior aspect of the coracoid. Next, a 4-mm
burr is used through the anterior portal to remove approximately 5 mm of the posterolateral tip of the coracoid (Fig. 2).
The goal should be to medialize and anteriorize the coracoid,
while preserving the major tendinous attachments, particularly
the conjoined tendon, and avoiding excessive resection medially, which could lead to an iatrogenic fracture.
Subscapularis Tendon
Mobilization: First of all, the mobility of the torn subscapularis tendon has to be assessed using a grasper through one
of the anterior portals. In cases of acute tears, the subscapularis
tendon can be reduced to the lesser tuberosity easily and without
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great tension. In these cases one can proceed directly to the
repair. If however, the tendon is retracted and scarred against
the surrounding tissue, a 3-sided release has to be performed to
mobilize the tendon. In these cases the key to finding the torn
subscapularis tendon is the comma sign, as described by Lo and
Burkhart.25 The comma sign consists of the medial sling of the
pulley system (coracohumeral ligament, superior gelenohumeral
ligament), which remains attached to the superolateral border
of the torn subscapularis tendon and retracts with it. Therefore
it can serve as an excellent landmark, when searching for the
torn subscapularis tendon.
After the subscapularis tendon is successfully identified, a
suture or grasper can be placed at the superior border of the
subscapularis tendon to provide traction during the release.
The systematic 3-sided release starts anteriorly by dissecting
the soft tissue attachments between the subscapularis and the
coracoid. The superior release comprises the lysis of adhesions
between the lateral arch of the coracoid and the superior border
of the subscapularis. To protect the neurovascular structures,
we do not typically dissect medial to the base of the coracoid.
Finally, the posterior release is performed to break up adhesions between subscapularis and glenoid neck. Frequently the
interval between the labrum and the capsule needs to be divided to allow for proper mobilization of the subscapularis
tendon. In some cases a more aggressive and complete release
of the coracohumeral ligament and the middle glenohumeral
ligament is also helpful or necessary.
Repair: The arthroscopic subscapularis repair can be performed from intra-articular or from extra-articular approaches.
The intra-articular approach is appropriate for small upper onethird tears that are completely visible from within the joint
(Lafosse et al,14 type 1). For larger more retracted tears, it is
usually easier to work extra-articularly, visualizing through the
anterolateral portal to see the subscapularis fossa directly. This
approach is helpful for larger tears as the lower border of the
subscapularis is covered by the inferior gelenohumeral ligament
and therefor hard to visualize from within the joint.31 The axillary nerve can also be properly visualized and protected from
this approach.
Before the repair can be performed a 5-mm shaver is used
to freshen up the edges of the torn subscapularis and a 4-mm
burr is inserted to prepare the bone bed on the lesser tuberosity.
It is important to create a bleeding base before anchor placement, but decorticating the bone should be avoided. In some
cases, even after mobilization, it is not possible to bring the
retracted subscapularis back to its insertion. In such cases, to
2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Techniques in Shoulder & Elbow Surgery
Volume 13, Number 2, June 2012
Subscapularis Tendon Repair Options
FIGURE 3. Suture shuttle. Perforation of the subscapularis tendon with an 18-G spinal needle with PDS shuttle suture. The subscapularis
tendon is tensioned by an arthroscopic grasper (A and B). Both sutures of the double-loaded anchor are shutteled through the
subscapularis tendon (C).
obtain an adequate and tension-free reinsertion, 1 option is to
medialize the attachment site up to 5 mm by creating a larger
footprint. For a tear involving 50% of the tendon (Lafosse
et al,14 type 2 to 3, Fox and Romeo,13 type 3) we recommend
using 1 double-loaded anchor. In larger tears 2 anchors are
used, whereby the inferior anchor is placed first, which allows
a proper visualization throughout the complete repair process.
In cases in which there is a large complete tear of the subscapularis tendon that extends inferiorly to the muscular insertion, the authors favor a double-row fixation, if there is
enough lateral excursion of the subscapularis tendon.
Typically the anchors are placed through the anterior
portal at an appropriate angle to the lesser tuberosity, although
an additional portal can be utilized to achieve the appropriate
angle of insertion. One suture strand of each suture is pulled
out of the anterolateral portal through a cannula. There are
several perforation instruments like a 30-degree suture lasso or
a penetrator (Arthrex) for suture passage through the tendon.
An 18-G spinal needle, armed with a #1 PDS suture, is another
simple option that can also be used percutanously to penetrate
the tensioned subscapularis tendon. Next, the intra-articular
part of the PDS suture is pulled out through the anterolateral
portal. With a simple eyelet the sutures are connected and the
suture strand of the anchor can easily be shuttled through the
tendon (Fig. 3). This procedure is repeated with the other suture strand of the anchor. Finally the sutures are tied with the
arm in neutral rotation, using standard arthroscopic knot tying,
typically through the anterolateral portal and the repair is
completed (Fig. 4). Alternatively knotless techniques can also
be used and the authors are moving toward that method in most
In larger and more retracted or combined rotator cuff tears
that involve both the subscapularis tendon and the supraspinatus
and/infraspinatus tendons, we recommend using an extra-articular approach performed from the subacromial and anterior
subdeltoid space to repair the subscapularis (Fig. 5). We typically use 3 anterior/anterolateral portals to obtain appropriate
visualization and to allow the repair to be performed. Additional
portals for supraspinatus or infraspinatus repair can be placed as
needed. We recommend performing the subscapularis repair
initially when coupled with posterosuperior tears, as this allows
an easier and more reliable reconstruction of the posterosuperior
rotator cuff.12 In cases such as this, we prefer to use a double
row repair to maximize surface area for healing.32,33
Classic open subscapularis repair is favored for larger or
more chronic tears and for tears with significant scarring but
can be used for all subscapularis tears, as the deltopectoral
approach adds very little morbidity. If problems occur during
arthroscopic repair the surgeon can switch to the open technique at any time. The open repair is performed with the patient in beach-chair position. A standard deltopectoral
approach is performed identifying the deltopectoral interval
and dividing the clavipectoral fascia at the lateral aspect of the
conjoined tendon. After subcoracoidal and subacromial bursectomy the tendon stump can be visualized. Many times there
will be a bursal layer over the torn subscapularis tendon that
will obscure its view (“hidden” lesion).26 Care should be taken
to remove this bursal sleeve so that the torn subscapularis
tendon, which is deep to this layer, can be visualized. Next, the
FIGURE 4. Successive tying of the shuttled sutures and completed repair, showing a good reattachment of the subscapularis tendon to
the lesser tuberosity.
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Martetschläger et al
Volume 13, Number 2, June 2012
FIGURE 5. Extrarticular subscapularis tendon repair in the left shoulder of the patient in modified beach-chair position, viewing from
anterolateral. A, Torn subscapularis tendon reduced by grasper (*). The bare lesser tuberosity is marked by an arrow. B, Performed
coracoplasty (#) from extrarticular. C, Completed “double-row” refixation of the subscapularis tendon to the lesser tuberosity (arrow).
edge of the subscapularis tendon is tagged with traction sutures
to test mobility. In case of a retracted and scarred tendon, a
thorough 270-degree tendon release is necessary to enable a
reinsertion to the lesser tuberosity. Care should always be
taken to avoid damage to the motor nerves that enter the
subscapularis muscle on its anterior surface. The axillary
nerve, passing at the inferior border of the subscapularis tendon, also has to be protected and identified before mobilization. Dissection around the coracoid has to be performed
carefully to avoid damage to the surrounding neurovascular
structures. Before reinsertion of the subscapularis tendon, integrity of the biceps tendon and pulley system should be
strictly evaluated. In case of existing LHB or pulley pathologies, a tenodesis is performed fixing the LHB with a suture
anchor at the sulcus. The intra-articular part of the tendon is
resected. Next, the footprint is prepared, performing a slight
decortication of the lesser tuberosity and thus a bleeding bone
bed. For large tears, we recommend performing a double-row
technique (eg, Speed Bridge, Arthrex) to restore a wide boneto-tendon contact area on the footprint. Initially the medial row
anchors are placed and the sutures (Fibertape, Arthrex) are
passed through the tendon medial enough to restore a good
footprint. Finally, the lateral row anchors, preloaded with respectively 1 strand of the medial row anchors, are placed and
the open subscapularis repair is completed (Fig. 6).
Possible complications are those seen with arthroscopic
shoulder surgery and open rotator cuff repair including in-
fection, nerve damage, stiffness, repair failure, and complications from fluid extravasation.
The rehabilitation program is individualized and is not
dependent on whether the repair was performed on open or
arthroscopic techniques, but is dependent on tear size, quality
of the tissues, and the security of the repair. The general rehabilitation protocol is described.
The arm is immobilized in a sling for 6 weeks. In phase
1 (0 to 6 wk) the patient is allowed to come out of the device
for passive range-of-motion exercises starting with pendulums
and low load passive mid range-of-motion exercises. External
rotation is typically restricted to 30 degrees for 6 weeks. In
patients with porr tendon quality or a less secure repair, eternal
rotation may be restricted to 0 degree for the first 6 weeks.
Phase 2 (7 to 12 wk) allows to progress from active-assisted
and active range of motion through a full arc of motion. The
patient is weaned from the sling after 6 weeks. End-range
stretching and joint mobilization techniques can be started.
Strengthening exercises start in phase 3 (13 to 16 wk) but only
if sufficient glenohumeral and scapulothoracic kinematics have
been achieved in phase 2. Persistent range of motion limitations require prolonged passive and active-assisted range-ofmotion exercises, stretching, and manual therapy. When sufficient rotator cuff strength is demonstrated patients may proceed to phase 4 (17 to 22 wk). This final step involves
strengthening of larger prime mover muscles of the shoulder
(pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, deltoid muscles) and a
transition to full activity.
FIGURE 6. Open subscapularis tendon repair of the right shoulder with tenodesis of the long head of the biceps tendon (LHB). A,
Subscapularis tendon augmented with traction sutures (arrow); (*) lesser tuberosity. B, Completed suture bridge repair; (#) LHB
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Techniques in Shoulder & Elbow Surgery
Volume 13, Number 2, June 2012
The subscapularis muscle tendon unit is of great importance for normal shoulder function and untreated tears
result in pain, loss of function, weakness, or anterior instability.7–10 Therefore, to restore the best possible shoulder
function, surgical treatment of repairable subscapularis tears is
recommended.6,8,11,12 Both, open1,17,34,35 and arthroscopic
techniques6,14,27,36–38 are described in literature. With ongoing
improvement of arthroscopic techniques and instruments in the
past decade, the arthroscopic repair became more and more
popular. Clinical studies already showed good and reliable
results after arthroscopic subscapularis repair. In 2008 Adams
et al39 reported on 40 patients with arthroscopic subscapularis
repair at a mean follow-up of 5 years. They found significant
improvements in all outcome scores and a good or excellent
result in 80% of the patients. Lafosse et al14 evaluated 17
consecutive patients with a mean follow-up of 29 months after
arthroscopic subscapularis repair. The average relative Constant score improved from 58% to 96%. The authors conclude
that arthroscopic subscapularis repair can yield marked improvement of shoulder function, significantly decrease pain,
and result in durable structural repair.
Today, open subscapularis repair is mainly recommended
for complete and chronic tears with significant retraction of the
tendon and extensive scarring against the surrounding tissue.
However, open repair can be used for all types of subscapularis
tears, as the deltopectoral approach adds very little morbidity
and the results in literature are also good and reproducible. In
2005 Edwards et al34 presented results after isolated open
subscapularis repairs in 84 shoulders at a mean follow-up of 45
months. They found a mean Constant score improvement from
55 to 79.5 points and a high satisfaction rate. In a recently
published study Bartl et al17 reported on the open repair of
isolated traumatic subscapularis tendon tears in 30 patients. At
a mean follow-up of 46 months the Constant score had increased from 51.3 preoperatively to 82.2 points. Twenty-seven
patients (90%) rated their result as good or excellent. Ultrasound and MRI revealed a structural intact repair at follow-up
in 28 shoulders (93%). They summarized that early open repair
of isolated subscapularis tears achieved good functional outcomes with a low rerupture rate.
To summarize, both arthroscopic and open-repair techniques can produce reliable and reproducible results. To date
there have been no prospective randomized controlled trials
comparing the results after open versus arthroscopic repair of
isolated subscapularis tears. The arthroscopic repair of subscapularis tears is demanding and can be very challenging even
for experienced surgeons. A comprehensive knowledge of the
arthroscopic anatomy of the shoulder and mastering arthroscopic techniques is mandatory in this setting. Although
arthroscopic repair techniques are becoming more and more
popular, surgeons should also be well acquainted with the open
technique, as the open technique uses the deltopectoral approach an intermuscular dissection plane with minimal perioperative morbidity, allowing for excellent visualization and
safe access to the torn subscapularis tendon.
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