no longer supports Internet Explorer.
To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser., 2018
One of the most important values of a medical practice is the human resource. Therefore, medical offices, smaller or larger, need to have some knowledge about human resource management. We also need to know and observe the development of medical education system because it prepares the professionals with whom we will inherently collaborate. The interest in what happens in medical education should not disappear once we have completed our vocational training. We need to be involved in developing regulations for the acquisition of new skills and the way they can be practiced safely.
The analysis of wood flows is important for any evaluation of the sustainability of forest ressource utilisation. We have analysed the raw wood flows in Romania in 2017, starting from a consumption scenario based on the maximum installed processing capacity. The balance of timber resources considers the use of wood as raw material and the by-products (waste generated in processing), which can be used as inputs for later use in the wood processing or energy sector.Our results show that at a maximum processing capacity (hypothetical scenario), Romania's domestic consumption would be 46 million m3 per year, of which 49% is energy consumption, mostly in households. The maximum installed capacity of the manufacturing industry is 18.7 million m3. The difference between domestic production and apparent consumption reaches 23 million m3, a similar estimation to that provided by JRC Europe for 2015. Further research is needed to improve the proposed wood balance model using data as close...
Cercetări arheologice, 2006
The lithic inventory (artifacts and rock fragments) discovered on the Eneolithic tell-type settlement Borduşani Popină during the 1995-1997 archaeological excavations represents several rock types: silicolith, limestone, marl, gritty limestone, sandstone, micro-conglomerate, green-schist, mica-schist, quartzite, dolerite and granodiorite. Most of these rock types crop out on large areas in Dobrogea, with potential source areas for the lithic material located as close as 10-20 km away from the settlement. However, for the igneous rocks the closest outcrops are located in North Dobrogea, at distances of minimum 70-80 km from the settlement.
This paper present a new method for the modelling and the control of the manufacturing systems. This method utilise the Generalised Stochastic Object Oriented Petri Nets for the modelling of the manufacturing systems. The object approach allow the obtaining a model with reduced dimensions and the stochastic approach allow the modelling of the stochastic behaviour of the system. We obtain the Markov process associated with the Petri Net model and the lumped Markov chain. This allow to analyse and to evaluate the performances of the manufacturing system, which allow to set the variation domain of the control parameters and lastly the optimal control of the system. The resulting control solution is used to guide the real system behaviour.
Cercetări Arheologice, 2012
La faune etudie dans cet article est datee comme appartenant a la culture Sântana de Mureş. Le
Sursele de cercetare privind discursurile judiciare sunt constituite din colec iile de legi i decrete, bulele papale, canoanele biserice ti, actele conciliilor, analele monastice, istoriile comunit ilor locale i aba iilor, procesele-verbale ale proceselor desf urate, sentin ele proceselor inchizitoriale, biografiile episcopilor, papilor, diverse panegirice etc. Acestora li se adaug diverse coduri de procedur penal sau manuale pentru uzul inchizitorilor, ghiduri dup care erau recunoscute persoanele care practicau vr jitoria, legisla ia care se aplica în cazul condamn rii ereticilor i a persoanelor care propov duiau alte înv turi decât cea predicat de Biserica Apusean. Toate acestea ofer numeroase detalii despre modul în care erau organizate i se desf urau procesele inchizitoriale.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
In the context of current technological, social and economic changes, entities face several challenges aimed at further developing the key role of supplier of high quality products and services. These include the need to meet future consumer demands and develop production processes that increase labor productivity and reduce costs. Adequate and qualified human resources are essential to ensure quality production and implement more efficient production processes based on new technologies. As a result, the analysis of human resources is essential to achieve the economic-financial objectives of the entity and to enable the entities to face current and future challenges. The present paper provides an analysis of human resource provision through the lens of quantitative, qualitative and structural changes made within the entity. At the same time, the method of analyzing the stability of human resources through indicators of labor force fluctuation and circulation was exposed.
This paper aims to highlight the importance and aspects of the implementation of the management principles in the apiculture sector in the Republic of Moldova. The major problems that the beekeeping sector is currently experiencing have been identified, the results of actions already implemented, the latter being oriented towards creating favorable development conditions and materializing the provisions reflected in the National Program of Beekeeping Development in the Republic Moldova, while identifying priority directions for state involvement in the development and continued support of the beekeeping sector in the Republic of Moldova.
Revista Româna De Materiale, 2007
Reţeaua GREENET îşi propune actualizarea şi prelucrarea, conform noilor paradigme informaţionale, a datelor referitoare la resursele minerale pentru construcţii şi a celor cu utilizare eco-industrială din Euroregiunile Vest şi Nord-Vest, prin constituirea unei reţele inovative de cercetare de excelenţă în care să fie integraţi, în timp, un număr cât mai mare de utilizatori. Proiectul care stă la baza realizării acestei reţele se realizează în parteneriat, format din 8 unităţi, dintre care 2 firme cu profil de cercetare-dezvoltare, o universitate şi cinci unităţi industriale, acestea fiind şi o parte din beneficiarii rezultatelor cercetării. Obiectivele generale ale proiectului urmăresc: realizarea, dezvoltarea, integrarea şi consolidarea unei reţele de cercetare de excelenţă privind managementul sustenabil şi ecologic în Regiunea V şi cea de NV ale României al resursele minerale pentru construcţii şi a celor cu valorificare eco-industrială; implementarea unei strategii pentru identificarea necesităţilor sectorului prin crearea de noi cunoştinţe în diferite medii ştiinţifice şi economice; realizarea şi promovarea de servicii de producţie inteligente şi eficiente, de materiale avansate şi produse multi-funcţionale; creşterea gradului de dezvoltare, asimilare şi transfer de cunoştinţe şi servicii către mediul economic din domeniul valorificării şi protecţiei resurselor minerale, în contextul unui mediu durabil. The GREENET network aims at updating and processing, according to the new informational paradigms, of the data referring to the mineral resources for construction and of those with an ecoindustrial use in the West and NorthWest Euroregions, by developing an innovative excellence research network in which a large number of users are integrated. The project lying at the basis of the elaboration of this network is implemented within a partnership, consisting of 8 units, of which 2 companies with a research-development type of activity, a university and five industrial units, these also being part of the beneficiaries of the results of the research. The general objectives of the project aim at: elaborating, developing, integrating and strengthening an excellence research network on the sustainable and ecological management in the W and NW regions of Romania of the mineral resources for construction and of those with an eco-industrial exploitation; implementing a strategy for identifying the requirements of the sector by creating new knowledge in various scientific and economic environments; bringing into being and promoting intelligent and efficient production services, of advanced materials and multi-functional products; increase of the degree of development, assimilation and transfer of knowledge and services to the economic environment from the field of working and protection of the mineral resources, in the context of a sustainable environment.
AMVRAKIA.MIA (Citronne Gallery), 2024
International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 2024
Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan
Studies in Conservation
Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi, 2019
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 2016
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2015
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience
International Journal of Applied Nonlinear Science, 2015
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 2003
EPI International Journal of Engineering, 2020
Biomacromolecules, 2015
IEEA, Museu da Música de Coimbra, PORTUGAL, 2023