South African Journal of Education, Volume 39, Number 2, May 2019
Art. #1531, 12 pages,
Developing metacognition among young learners by using stories
, Estelle Swart
and Marietjie M. Oswald
Suzanne van Aswegen
Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa
[email protected]
Being aware of our thinking as we perform learning tasks and then using this knowledge to actively self-regulate what we
are doing, is commonly known as metacognition. This study investigated the influence of a story-based intervention on the
development of metacognition among Intermediate Phase learners engaged in content area learning. Two intact Grade 4
class groups from two public schools in different socio-economic communities in the Western Cape participated in the study.
This design-based research (DBR) study comprised of 2 iterative cycles. A pragmatic paradigm underpins the use of
multiple data collection methods. This article reports on the pre- and post-intervention data from the second iteration,
comparing the 2 groups. Most learners seemed to have improved in terms of metacognition and strategy knowledge on most
data collection instruments. The data, however, revealed that learners in both groups struggled to verbalise their thoughts.
Low literacy rates influenced both data collection and the outcome of the intervention. From the study, it appears that the
story-based intervention could be a feasible and effective learning tool to develop metacognition within the contexts
described in this study.
Keywords: constructivism; content area learning; design-based research; intermediate phase learners; intervention;
metacognition; metacomprehension; reflection; self-regulation; storytelling
In the face of aging workforces in Europe and North America, there is a global interest in investing in quality
education for the youth, the workforce of tomorrow, in emerging economic markets. According to a report by
the McKinsey Global Institute, the economies of South Asia and Africa will supply nearly 60% of the world’s
new workers by 2030 (Turbot, 2016). However, if current education trends such as high drop-out rates, meagre
funds, a lack of access and inclusion, and acute teacher shortages continue to plague progress (Turbot, 2016),
the global labour force will include a billion workers who lack secondary level education. Hoffman (2003)
maintains that future employability requires the ability to deal effectively with change, to keep learning new
things and to know how to learn and think independently. A fundamental goal of education today, more than
ever, is to promote the development of self-regulated learning. Success in the knowledge society depends on our
ability to learn and the core competence of learning to learn, therefore, needs to be prioritised. Metacognition,
our ability to think about our thinking and how we learn, plays a central role in self-regulation (Fisher, 2007).
Metacognition can be developed, and the potential benefits for learner performance are well documented
(Dimmitt & McCormick, 2012). The problem is, however, that not all people develop metacognition
spontaneously, and for many the development is delayed (Mahdavi, 2014). In other words, not all people
become what Ertmer and Newby (1996:1) call “expert learners.” Expert learners are metacognitively aware of
themselves as learners and possess strategies to establish what they know and do not know, and what to do when
confronted with a novel learning assignment.
Our purpose is to report on an investigation into the effectiveness of using storytelling to develop
metacognition at Intermediate Phase level. We believe that the development of metacognition does not happen
for many people if not explicitly modelled and taught, and that early intervention is critical, before learners form
ineffective habits and beliefs about themselves as learners. We furthermore believe that an innovative way of
developing metacognition is needed, considering the contextual challenges faced by the South African education
system, which include low literacy rates of learners and a lack of training and mentoring resources for teachers
(Van Tonder, 2013). The latter also alludes to exploring whether diverse socio-economic contexts would play a
role in the feasibility and possible influence of the story-based intervention.
Motivation for the Research
South Africa has a serious education challenge (Pretorius & Lephala, 2011). Of the 40 participating countries,
South Africa was rated last in several Progress in International Reading Literacy Studies (PIRLS) before 2012
(Mullis, Martin, Foy & Drucker, 2012). Given the reality of under-resourced school communities and low
literacy rates, this study aimed to address the need for the development of metacognitive awareness among
young learners. Unfortunately, teaching metacognition as a higher-order concept is largely unknown to the
average teacher, learner and parent/caregiver (Woolfolk, 2013). On the off chance that learners are taught
abstract study skills (strategies), they struggle to apply (transfer) these when they read and learn (Veenman,
2015). The habit of rote learning and memorising without deep processing therefore becomes commonplace
(Moonsamy, 2014). Learners learn about the strategies, but not when and how to apply them in the context of
everyday learning, scaffolded by teachers.
Van Aswegen, Swart, Oswald
Relatively little research has been done and
published on the topic of metacognition within the
South African context, particularly among early
Intermediate Phase learners and in content area
learning. The urgent need for research has therefore
been expressed by numerous authors (Klopper,
2012; Van der Walt & Maree, 2007). The learning
crisis and importance of research is, however, a
global issue. According to the 2013/2014
Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report
it is estimated that at least 250 million primaryschool-aged children, more than 50% of whom
have spent at least four years in school, cannot
read, write or count well enough to meet minimum
learning standards (United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO],
Our point of departure in designing the storybased intervention was the assumption that
metacognition is not explicated in the school
environment (Van der Walt & Maree, 2007) and
that there is a lack of learning support material,
particularly in Afrikaans and at Intermediate Phase,
to address this issue. The feasibility and influence
of an inexpensive resource to advance metacognition, not dependent on highly trained teachers,
namely a story about themselves as learners pitched
at their level of development, was therefore explored in this research study.
Conceptual Framework
Metacognition can be defined as knowledge about
one’s knowledge, processes and cognitive and
affective states, and the ability to consciously and
deliberately monitor and regulate one’s knowledge,
thinking processes and cognitive and affective
states (Zheng & Gardner, 2017). Metacognition
comprises two fundamental components referred to
as metacognitive knowledge (static source of
knowledge of cognition) and metacognitive selfregulation (regulation of cognition or metacognition in action) (Brown, 1987).
Reflection (in the form of conscious verbalisations of reflective thought while engaged in the
learning process) actively links metacognitive
awareness with metacognitive self-regulation (metacognition in action) (Ertmer & Newby, 1996).
Reflecting learners become more aware of their
own thinking as well as more knowledgeable about
cognition in general, and as they act on this awareness, they tend to learn better (Dimmitt & McCormick, 2012). This was the premise of the study
reported on in this article.
In this study we acknowledged the situated
nature of learning (Post, Boyer & Brett, 2006;
Zimmerman, 2001) and built on the assumption
that learning is socially mediated and socially constructed, underpinned by Vygotsky’s (1986) theory
of cognitive development. In this study, mediation
is, however, not primarily realised through the traditional direct teacher-learner relationship, but by
means of a socially contextualised learning tool
using the principles of peer modelling and demonstrative self-reflection in a story text.
Constructivist learning
A metacognitive approach (learning to learn) is a
process of discovery about learning where the
learner is actively involved in the meaning-making
process. Constructivist learning emphasises selfreflection and locates the understanding within the
individual (Daley, 2002). According to Vygotsky’s
theory of cognitive development (1986), for learners to construct an understanding about themselves
as learners and how to learn, they need to interact
with more knowledgeable others. This study employed peer modelling in the form of story characters to guide learners to construct their own understanding of metacognitive strategies. According to
Vygotsky (1986), children’s interactions with competent others (in this case the story characters)
serve to mediate thinking and text comprehension
in the cognitive space between what can be accomplished alone and in collaboration with more capable others – the zone of proximal development.
Content area learning and metacomprehension
As children leave the Foundation Phase, the
emphasis on learning to read shifts to reading to
learn, involving moving beyond just decoding
words to acquire information and meaning from
text (Goldman, 2012). In addition to languages and
mathematics, learners are introduced to content
area learning in Natural Sciences and Technology,
and Social Sciences, often without any support on
how to learn and solve problems in these areas.
To ensure deep learning, readers need to not
only grasp the meaning of the text, but also correctly assess how accurate their understanding of the
text is, i.e. “metacomprehension” (Griffin, Wiley &
Thiede, 2008:96). Metacomprehension refers to our
awareness of text-processing strategies and the
metacognitive skill of monitoring understanding of
what is being read. Expert learners detect comprehension failure (breakdown), which alerts them to
pause and invest in conscious strategies to restore
understanding. These metacognitive strategies allow learners to control their own cognition and
improve comprehension.
Based on the research by Jacobs and Paris
(1987), Miholic (1994) and Schmitt (1990), this
study focused on the following six strategies or
groups of related strategies that expert learners employ to metacomprehend text: previewing; predicting and verifying; self-questioning; drawing on
prior knowledge; purpose setting; summarising and
drawing on mental images; and applying fix-up
strategies. These metacomprehension strategies
were further allotted to the three stages in the read-
South African Journal of Education, Volume 39, Number 2, May 2019
ing process (Pressley & Afflerbach, 1995): before,
during and after reading. These stages parallel the
three metacognitive processes of planning, regulat-
ing and evaluating. Table 1 provides an outline of
these strategies.
Table 1 Metacomprehension strategies included in the intervention
Strategy/Strategy group
Previewing, predicting
and verifying
Drawing on prior
Purpose setting
Summarising and
drawing on mental
Applying fix-up
Behaviour indicator (example)
“Before I begin reading, I read the heading and look at the
pictures to predict what the text is about, and after I have read
the informative piece, I think about what made me make good
or poor predictions.”
“Before I begin reading, I ask myself questions that I would
like to have answered, and then, as I read through the text, I
check to see if I can answer any of the questions.”
“While I am reading, I keep thinking of what I already know
about the things and ideas in the text to help me connect the
new information with my prior knowledge of the topic.”
“After I’ve read the text, I check to see if I met my purpose
for reading the text.”
“After I’ve read the text, I retell the main points of what I
have read about the topic so that I can check to see if I
understand it, and I draw a mind map.”
“While I’m reading, I reread some parts or read ahead to see
if I can figure out what is happening if things aren’t making
Research Problem and Aim of the Study
The aim of the study was to determine whether
metacognition among learners in the Intermediate
Phase in content areas could be improved using a
story-based intervention, modelling metacognition
and strategy awareness by means of telling stories
with the learning process as theme. In addition, to
understand metacognitive development in context
and as supported by the DBR methodology used,
we also explored different socio-economic school
environments (refer to the sample profile in Table
2). The research problem was: How can storytelling
help young learners acquire reflective selfawareness and knowledge of metacognitive strategy use in content area learning? This article reports
on the implementation of the intervention, and
forms part of a larger DBR study that investigated
formulating design principles to inform new
The study is situated within a pragmatic paradigm.
A design-based research (DBR) methodology was
employed with multiple data collection instruments. Qualitative and quantitative methods (descriptive statistics only) were used to identify
themes that guided the development of design principles and informed the implementation of the conceptualised intervention. The study was presented
in a comparative, instrumental case study
WHEN should the strategy be
applied? Before/during/after
reading text
Before, during and after
Before, during and after
Before and during
Before and after
During and after
During and after
format (see Bartlett & Vavrus, 2017).
Design-based research is an ideal approach for
investigating complex and real-world educational
problems, assisting in closing the chasm between
practice and theory (Reeves, Herrington & Oliver,
2005). Typically, within a DBR methodology, interventions are conceptualised and then implemented in natural settings to generate new frameworks
for conceptualising learning, instruction, design
processes and educational reform (Brown, 1992).
The goal of DBR is not to prove the merits of any
intervention, or to reflect passively on a context in
which learning occurs, but to examine the practical
application of theories of learning themselves in
specific, situated contexts. By designing purposeful, naturalistic, and sustainable educational ecologies, researchers can test, extend, or modify their
theories and innovations based on their pragmatic
viability. This process offers the prospect of generating theory-developing, contextualized knowledge
claims that may complement the claims produced
by other forms of research (Dominguez, 2017).
Two distinct iterative cycles characterised the
study, each cycle having the following four phases
as in Reeves’s (2006) DBR model (see Figure 1):
analysis of a practical problem, the development of
a solution (intervention) within a theoretical
framework, the evaluation and testing of the proposed solution in practice, and documentation and
reflection to produce design principles.
Van Aswegen, Swart, Oswald
Figure 1 Design-based research approach – a cycle (adapted from Reeves, 2006)
During the first iteration, researchers and
practitioners collaboratively developed the storybased intervention, and its design and content were
evaluated using a systematic implementation
strategy. Feedback from the first iteration led to
improvements of the prototype and during the
second iteration, a pre- and post-intervention strand
of inquiry was added to explore potential learning
in the two groups of participants compared to
before the intervention. In this article, we report on
the second iteration and results. Further articles will
elaborate on the development of design principles
concerning the story-based intervention. The
primary contribution of a DBR study is the set of
design principles accompanying the conceptualised
intervention, providing insight into the function and
key characteristics of the story-based intervention,
as well as the procedural conditions guiding
implementation (Dominguez, 2017).
Setting and Participants
In the South African school system learners are
exposed to formal examinations for the first time at
the age of nine to ten (Grade 4). The reasoning was
therefore to develop an intervention for this age
group to foster more effective learning strategies
from an early start. As we also wanted to explore
the influence of the socio-economic context on the
learning environment and its impact on
metacognitive development, the sampling strategy
was purposive in nature.
Two intact Grade 4 class groups (27 + 33
learners – second iteration), along with their
teachers, in two public schools from diverse socioeconomic communities in the Western Cape were
involved in the study. The study spanned over two
years. The class groups from School A and School
B were similar in terms of language use (Afrikaans
first language speakers), age of learners (average
age 10) and geographical location, but very
different in terms of other critical factors (see Table
2 for a summary of the sample profile). School A
serves a more affluent community, while learners
from School B are from a poorer community with
far fewer resources. The two class groups differed
most in terms of socio-economic factors, and this
article also reports on the influence of context on
the effectiveness of the intervention.
Table 2 Sample profile
School size (class size)
Parent profile: Tertiary education
Parent profile: Average income
Learning support from
parents/external source
Teacher – experience
Grade 4 class from
School A
Western Cape
1,500 (27)
Majority have a form of tertiary
Above average/middle class
Grade 4 class form
School B
Western Cape
240 (33)
Very few have completed Grade 12
Farm workers with seasonal income/poor, most
learners on food scheme; many orphans \
Very limited
30 years’ experience with degree
and further development
80% class average
Four years’ experience as teacher in training,
working towards degree
48% class average
*ANA 2012 – language score
(Afrikaans First Language)
*ANA 2012 – Mathematics
78% class average
41% class average
**Quintile classification
Quintile 5
Quintile 1
Note. KEY: *ANA = Annual National Assessment; Home Language and Mathematics. **Quintile classification = Quintile
ranking determines the amount of funding that a school receives based on socio-economic status variables. Quintile 5
schools that serve more affluent communities receive the smallest allocation per learner, while a school such as School B,
from a very poor community with far fewer resources, would need more funding.
South African Journal of Education, Volume 39, Number 2, May 2019
The Story-Based Intervention
Young learners were exposed to stories about
learning presented by learners like themselves,
modelling how they think and act when
encountering authentic learning activities. The aim
was to model the vocabulary, strategy use and selfknowledge that we wanted learners to draw on in
their thinking and understanding of learning. These
elements were explicitly incorporated into the text
of an entertaining story that learners could read and
reflect on in or outside class, without being
dependent on a highly trained teacher or parent.
The development and content of the 12 short
stories were informed by a broad theoretical and
evidence-based framework (see Jacobs & Paris,
1987; Schmitt, 1990). The six metacognitive
strategy groups in content area learning, outlined in
Table 1, gave direction to the stories (and formed
the backbone of the data collection instruments
used in the study). The intervention was structured
not like a typical textbook with a series of factual
sessions about learning, but as a story about Abe,
Annabel and their friends learning about what it
means to be an expert learner. The stories were
written in the voice of young learners such as
themselves, self-reflecting on their metacognitive
experiences and what they learn about being
metacognitive. Abe and his friends therefore peermodelled metacognition and self-reflection by
means of a reflective written text.
Data Collection and Analysis
The two groups of participants were surveyed at
two points in time – once before the intervention
and once thereafter. Guided by the DBR approach,
the design comprised the use of multiple methods
of data collection (see Figure 2), including a
questionnaire, a content learning activity and test, a
self-reflective written task and semi-structured
focus group interviews (FGIs).
All the learners were requested to complete
the self-designed read-to-learn questionnaire (RLQ)
with 20 multiple-choice questions testing
metacognitive strategy awareness in content
learning. Thereafter, they were given a reading
piece to prepare, followed by a comprehension test.
Before, during and after reading the expository
text, they completed written self-reflection tasks,
expressing their thoughts and feelings about the
learning process. Lastly, FGIs were conducted with
the same small groups in each class. The storybased intervention followed and was carried out
during the third school term. The data-collection
process was then repeated with all the methods and
in the same chronological order, as indicated in
Figure 2. The order of the questions in the questionnaires was, however, changed and a new reading piece at a similar level of difficulty was selected for the comprehension test.
In terms of the actual intervention, the process
included learners having story time twice a week
for six weeks for about 20 minutes, followed by
reflective discussion and practice for internalisation
(e.g. rereading of stories) on the other days. No
special arrangements were made to allocate
additional time for this activity, as it simply slotted
into the normal time allocated for reading by the
schools. The idea was to test the practicability of
this type of intervention. One of the research
conjectures was that, if teachers found the
intervention too difficult, complex, time-consuming
or arduous, they could simply not apply it in future,
even if we could demonstrate its benefits.
Developing metacognitive awareness without
interference was therefore proposed.
Figure 2 Data-collection process during phase 3 – second iteration
Van Aswegen, Swart, Oswald
The Read-to-Learn Questionnaire (RLQ)
Metacognitive strategy awareness in terms of expository text comprehension was assessed using the
RLQ questionnaire. The RLQ was developed for
the research project as no existing questionnaires
that measure metacognitive awareness in content
learning (metacomprehension) appropriate for use
by Intermediate Phase learners (10–12 years) with
varying scholastic ability were available in
Afrikaans. The RLQ consisted of 20 questions with
three multiple-choice options each, grouped into
three sections: before, during and after reading the
text. A correct answer scored 1 and undecided or
unanswered statements scored 0. The six metacognitive strategy groups were assessed in the RLQ.
Descriptive frequencies were calculated, and
tendencies determined for each strategy. See Figure
3 for an excerpt of the RLQ, translated into English.
5. BEFORE I start reading, it is a good idea to:
A. Use the headings and pictures
B. Sound the words I do not know
to think about what I am
until they make sense.
6. WHILE I read, it is a good idea to:
A. Read the content very slowly to B. Think throughout why I am
ensure that I do not miss
reading the text and about what
anything important.
I must do to reach my goal.
C. Practise to read the text out
C. Think about how far I have
already read and how much
work I still need to go through.
Figure 3 Excerpt of RLQ questions
The RLQ was developed and piloted during
the first iteration. The RLQ was partially modelled
on the Metacognitive Strategy Index (MSI) by
Schmitt (1988, 1990), in that it has a multiplechoice format and includes declarative and conditional knowledge of a variety of metacognitive behaviours that comprise of six broad categories.
Schmitt (1990) points out that the MSI can easily
be adapted to measure metacomprehension in expository texts. The results can be used to consider
learners’ individual strengths and weaknesses in
metacognitive awareness, and the following questions with respect to types of strategies and conditional knowledge are considered (Schmitt, 1990):
Which strategies were most well-known? Are there
differences among the before, during and after
stages that might signal strengths/weaknesses? Are
there patterns indicating difficulty with conditional
knowledge for items that have distracters that are
relevant for a different stage of reading?
The MSI is widely regarded as a valid means
for measuring learners’ metacognition for the purpose of designing instructional programmes (Israel,
Bauserman & Block, 2005) with reliability and
validity data available. Schmitt (1988) found a statistically significant correlation between the questionnaire and the IRA (r = 0.48; p < 0.001), the
measure devised by Paris, Cross and Lipson (1984)
for third-grade learners who participated in a metacomprehension training study. Furthermore, Lonberger (1988) reported an MSI internal consistency
value of 0.87 using the Kuder-Richardson Formula
20, and Pereira-Laird and Deane (1997) reported a
Cronbach’s alpha of 0.68 for the MSI when used to
measure metacomprehension in intervention studies
(see Schmitt, 1990:64).
Content learning activity and test
The study used a content learning activity, similar
to a comprehension test, to measure the learners’
ability to read expository text with recall and
comprehension, and the possible influence of the
intervention that modelled the use of metacognitive
strategies. The learners were given a short
informative piece to read on a topic about penguins
(before intervention) and Henry Ford (after
intervention), after which they were given a test on
the piece. The readings (one page long with a few
pictures and subheadings) were chosen in
consultation with the class teachers, and the
question papers were also checked for suitability.
Learners were given at least two periods, over two
days to read and study the material before the test
questions were administered. The tests amounted to
a total score of 20.
Written self-reflection responses while completing a
learning task
Metacognitive behaviour is a dynamic interactive
process and must therefore be measured in
progress (Tanner, 2012). The learners in this study
were asked to write down (to reflect on) what they
were thinking, feeling and doing while completing
a learning activity that involved reading an
informational piece. Based on the work of Pressley
and Afflerbach (1995), they were asked to respond
at three stages: before, during and after they were
given the page to read and study. The selfreflection tasks were scored by using the frequency
of responses reflecting metacognitive awareness
and comparing the data before and after the
intervention for each group.
South African Journal of Education, Volume 39, Number 2, May 2019
Semi-structured focus group interviews (FGI)
Focus group interviews (FGI) with selected learners were used as a further data-collection method.
The interviews took place after all the other data
collection methods (see Figure 2) had been completed, both before and after the intervention (second iteration). Purposeful sampling (Mertens,
2015) was employed to select the interviewees, as
the participating teachers at each school were asked
to identify groups of three to five learners in their
class, according to their average academic performance (high-, average- and low-achieving). The
interviews were recorded on a digital video recorder and transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was
employed for identifying, analysing and reporting
possible patterns of vocabulary use within the data,
relating to metacognitive knowledge (Braun &
Clarke, 2006).
The semi-structured FGIs followed an interview guide approach, where the interviewer used a
set of predetermined open-ended questions but allowed the interview to follow a conversational path
to gain an in-depth understanding of the issues at
hand (see Johnson & Turner, 2003:305). The researchers were constantly aware of the possible risk
of influence or judgemental comments during the
interviews. Some of the questions were designed to
explore the young learners’ awareness of strategic
reading and metacognitive thinking while studying
from the text, and included: What makes a learner
perform well at school? Do you like to study and
why/why not? When your teacher gives you the
assignment to read text for study purposes, what do
you do first? What do you do to make sure you
remember what you read?
Ethical Considerations
Clearance for this research was obtained from the
Research Ethics Committee (Humanities) of Stellenbosch University and permission was obtained
from the Western Cape Education Department as
the gatekeeper of schools in the province (excluded
for review purposes). To protect the autonomy and
welfare of the participants, we obtained informed
consent in writing from the relevant principals,
teachers and parents, and assent from the learners.
Participants were clearly briefed on the aims and
the implications of the research. All involved were
made aware that participation was completely voluntary and that they could withdraw at any time
with no consequences to them. The study did not
involve any harmful physical activity or emotionally hazardous conduct, so no additional steps needed
to be taken in this regard. Furthermore, information
obtained during the research that may have revealed the identity of a participant or an institution
was treated as confidential.
The Read-to-Learn Questionnaire
On RLQ 1 (administered before the intervention),
the Grade 4s of School A scored the highest on
“summarising and drawing on mental images,”
while “purpose setting” received the lowest average
score. When the questionnaire (RLQ 2) was administered again after the intervention, higher percentages on all items were found. “Drawing on prior
knowledge” received the most responses (increased
by 39.5%).
From the data collected by means of RLQ 1
before the intervention it appeared as if the class
group from School B was unfamiliar with most of
the metacognitive strategies. When the questionnaire was administered after the intervention (RLQ
2), an increase on all items was observed. The
“previewing, predicting and verifying” indicator
received the most responses with an increase of
31.3%, while “drawing on prior knowledge” also
increased by19%.
Comparing the two class groups, the improvement for School A was 41.9% (17.6%/42%),
while School B showed an improvement of 94%
(see Figure 4). The learners from School B, however, started from a very low base and after the improvement still only achieved a score of 34.6%.
Figure 4 Metacognitive strategies – schools A and B, before and after intervention
Van Aswegen, Swart, Oswald
Content Learning Activity
On the first reading piece, the average score out of
20 for the class from School A was only 5.6
(28.1%), but after the intervention, the average
performance on the content learning activity increased to an average of 14.3 (71.3%). A noteworthy increase was evident for all learners in this
group (see Table 3).
Although all the learners from School B
individually improved their marks on the content
learning activity, they did not improve to a
competency level expected of a Grade 4 learner in
terms of comprehension and recall after the
intervention (43.2%). Compared to the other class
group, their performance was poor (see Table 3).
Table 3 Content Learning Activity Results –
Schools A and B
Test 1 – average %
Test 2 – average %
% improvement
(difference/original score)
School A
School B
Written Self-Reflection Responses While
Completing a Learning Task
The self-reflection tasks were scored by using the
frequency of responses reflecting metacognitive
knowledge of strategies before, during and after
reading the expository texts. Before the intervention, “summarising and drawing on mental images”
received the highest frequency of responses among
learners from School A. This corresponds with the
data from the questionnaire also administered before the intervention (RLQ 1). However, the high
number of references made to emotional states of
mind is noteworthy. After the learners (School A)
were exposed to metacognitive knowledge through
the storytelling intervention, the number of references to “purpose setting,” “posing questions” as
well as “previewing, predicting and verifying” increased. The notion of connecting new knowledge
with prior knowledge covered in the stories, therefore, featured quite prominently in the learners’
utterances. One learner stated: “I connect what I
already know with what I learn now.”
The learners from School B struggled to
successfully complete the written self-reflection
exercises. Before the intervention, “previewing”
received the most mention, and after the
intervention, “prior knowledge” was the most
popular response. Although not much information
on the learners’ metacognitive awareness levels
was obtained by means of this instrument,
important contextual data emerged. Most of the
remarks concerned either their emotional state or
social and learning environments. Comments
irrelevant to the task at hand were also quite
frequent, particularly when the exercise was done
for the first time. Apart from the normal school and
learning challenges, these learners face numerous
additional difficulties. The reflection sheets
provided a platform for them to honestly share
some of these hardships. One boy simply stated:
“After I get beaten, I am angry” and another said:
“I am happy because no one is cross with me
today.” One of the boys wrote the same sentence
down every time the self-reflection sheet was
handed to him, namely: “I am happy because I am
now safely at school” (referring to abuse and
Semi-Structured Focus Group Interviews
All the learners selected for the focus groups from
School A struggled to explain how they learn from
text, but more so before the intervention. Lowachieving learners had the most difficulty expressing themselves in this regard. Most learners simply
said that they read and reread the information until
they thought they would remember the facts. The
only metacomprehension strategy the learners mentioned without any prompting was “summarising” –
identifying key phrases and drawing a mind map.
This finding corresponds with the other results on
both the questionnaire and the self-reflection task.
The learners also talked about underlining or circling unknown words quite frequently and this
seems to be techniques taught in Grade 3. Interestingly, the learners also confessed that, although
they underlined the unknown or difficult words,
they did nothing to clarify their meaning afterwards
(“applying fix-up strategies”). They simply read the
page again in preparation for the test, still unsure of
certain phrases in the text.
The data indicated that metacognitive
knowledge seems not to have increased after the
intervention, although two noteworthy contextual
issues came to the fore during the interviews. The
first concerns the parental support that the learners
received, and the second issue was about motivation to learn. High-performing learners appeared to
be more dependent on their parents to help them
study, for instance, by asking them questions before a test. Motivation to learn plays a major role in
academic performance (Hofer, 2004). The high
achievers are performance-driven, and during the
interviews they spoke about their desire to achieve
– “get the best marks in class.”
The learners from School B found it even
more difficult to put into words how they learn
from text. During the initial interviews, they
seemed unfamiliar with metacognitive strategies.
They appeared tense during the interview process,
even after the intervention. They simply stated that
they read and reread and tried to remember as
much as possible. During the follow-up interview,
the researchers were surprised by the averageperforming group of learners who, with a bit of
prompting, started to enthusiastically talk about
what they had learned from Abe, the main character in the story-based intervention. They could suc-
South African Journal of Education, Volume 39, Number 2, May 2019
cessfully recite a summary of the metacognitive
strategies covered in the stories, using hand gestures, as done by Abe and friends.
Key Findings and Comparative Discussion
This article developed from an investigation into
the development of metacognition among young
learners by means of storytelling. A pragmatic,
design-based research approach was used and
although generalisations should be considered with
care because of the small sample, the findings, as
presented above, revealed various themes identified
from both qualitative and quantitative methods
The first theme concerns the learners’
awareness of metacognitive strategy use in content
learning and their improvement across the board.
The questionnaire (RLQ) revealed that the young
learners in this study had limited knowledge of
metacognitive strategies. After the intervention
there seemed to be an improvement in both groups.
Most encouraging was to see that all the learners’
knowledge about metacomprehension strategies
broadened: they gained knowledge of a variety of
strategies. Research suggests that poor performers
will show greater improvement with metacognitive
interventions compared to stronger learners
(McCormick, Dimmitt & Sullivan, 2013), which is
substantiated by the findings of this study (see
Figure 4).
Another theme identified relates to learners’
comprehension ability of an expository reading
piece and their possible dependency on a mediator
to help them recall what they have read. The
content learning activity indicated an improvement
in terms of comprehension and recall ability after
the intervention. The average percentage on the
first content learning activity for learners from
School A was surprisingly low compared to what
the teacher recorded for a prior similar activity. We
suggest that the reason for this very low percentage
level can be attributed to the way in which the
activity was administered. Learners were used to
refer to a reading piece while being tested on their
comprehension. As we also wanted to explore their
ability to recall information that they have read, the
reading piece was not handed back to them,
hypothesising that they would then be forced to
apply more learning strategies. The learners were
made aware of this beforehand. The other reason
for this group (School A) to underperform in the
activity might be the fact that they had to read with
comprehension and learn for recall without the help
of a parent or caregiver. They were given ample
time to prepare for the test, but only during school
hours. Their dependency on a parent to help them
study was highlighted during the FGIs. One of the
top performing learners maintained: “I will feel illprepared if my mother did not help me study.”
When they were given a similar content learning
activity after the intervention, they achieved a
much better average performance (see Table 3)
under the same conditions. It could be speculated
that they learned from the first experience and that
the intervention made an impact.
The learners from School B, compared to the
other class group, did not improve to a satisfactory
level in terms of comprehension and recall, even
after the intervention (see Table 3). These underperforming learners visibly struggled to read text
independently and the teacher had to reread the
piece several times out loud, but still comprehension clearly lacked. Quantitative data gathered from
the questionnaire and content learning activity and
(comprehension) test shows that inadequate reading
comprehension had a direct impact on the findings,
and this is supported by the qualitative data generated from the other instruments, namely the selfreflective task and the interviews. The theme of
poor reading ability and its possible influence on
research findings is important to note.
Another theme identified, and related to reading ability, was the learners’ failure to verbalise
how they learn and think. In terms of the selfreflection task, very little data concerning metacognition was obtained. The fact that learners from
School B had a very low literacy rate also had a
direct impact on the effectiveness of this method.
Young children in general battle to express themselves in terms of their thoughts and emotions, but
these learners had additional challenges. Their inability to articulate and write down what they think
is supported by literature on learners from poor
communities (Blease & Condy, 2014). As was explained earlier, to infuse the language of learning
and explicitly embed thinking vocabulary into the
text of an entertaining story was a further characteristic of the intervention proposed in the larger
The self-reflection tasks did, however, elicit
contextual data, clearly indicating the influence of
socio-economic factors on learning conditions.
Many of the learners in School B get their only
daily meal at school (feeding scheme) and a remark
such as “I am surprised that I get to eat every day”
was therefore not unexpected. Thinking about
learning strategies is not a priority if you are
hungry. The influence of socio-economic factors
also came to the fore during the FGIs, possibly
explaining the limited relevant data gathered. We
know from literature that learners from less affluent
communities have limited vocabulary (Blease &
Condy, 2014). In addition, research conducted by
Evans and Rosenbaum (2008) found that chronic
exposure to poverty has been associated with
diminished self-efficacy and a lack of personal
control, beliefs and self-regulated behaviour. The
learners from School B demonstrated a lack of
initiative in class and were unable to express
Van Aswegen, Swart, Oswald
themselves verbally or on paper. The theme of a
contextually sensitive intervention is clear.
Finally, in terms of the type of intervention,
the stories guiding learners in constructing their
own understanding of knowledge through peer collaboration seemed to have had a positive influence.
The storytelling concept is learner-centred. During
the interviews it became apparent that the learners
could relate to the characters in the stories. Abe
(the main story character) modelled how to reflect
on one’s own learning and he related first-hand
how he thinks and what he learns about himself and
the learning process, providing the reader with the
vocabulary and phrases to imitate. One of the
learners from School A commented (after the intervention): “I read and then I stop and ask myself:
What does this part mean? I think out loud … like
Abe … .”
Limitations of the Study
This study presents some limitations, such as the
small number of participants involved (n = 60,
second iteration) and the fact that we only report on
one intervention. Poor reading skills on the part of
participating learners posed a serious challenge, as
was particularly clear from the findings on the
content learning activity from School B. The nature
of some of the methods used generated only limited
data (e.g. the learners struggled to verbalise their
thoughts during FGIs). It should further be noted
that participants could have matured during the
time of the intervention. The Hawthorne effect
could also be a reason for finding improved results,
as the leaners could have changed their behaviour
due to the attention they received from the
researcher who read the stories and facilitated the
assessments, rather than because of the actual
Contributions and Recommendations for Future
Various themes could be identified from the findings reported on in this article. The study revealed
that learners had limited knowledge of metacognitive strategies, but most learners seemed to gain
knowledge of a variety of strategies after the intervention, highlighting the importance of deliberate
metacognitive strategy development. The findings
also show that young learners struggle to articulate
how they learn and think. The study contributes on
a practical level, by investigating the feasibility of
an inexpensive training-tool, stories, that empower
learners with thinking vocabulary and strategy
DBR is a relatively unexplored research approach in the South African academic environment,
although it has received growing international support over the past decade (see Wall & Hall, 2007).
It can, therefore, be argued that this study contributes to the field of educational research, not only in
the form of actual outputs, but also in the way that
the research was conducted. Apart from the design
principles, containing substantive and procedural
knowledge to inform future development and implementation decisions, the product of design is
another major output of the DBR study. The storybased intervention is an original practice-oriented
contribution to the field of study. The collaborative
nature of the research approach also brings about
the professional development of participants, and
what Herrington, McKenney, Reeves and Oliver
(2007) call “societal outputs.”
This article only reports on one story-based
intervention. Within the DBR approach, more sessions could be added in future, either more frequently or for a longer period, allowing for a deeper focus and repetition. Literacy levels and context
(e.g. more parental support and experienced teachers at School A) play a vital role in developing
metacognition, and we need to explore creative,
novel ways to ensure that learning is optimised.
Learners embraced the entertaining stories laced
with metacognitive concepts, and the intervention
was easy and inexpensive to administer, even if the
contexts differed. Although the low literacy levels
at School B limited learners’ ability to independently use the story-based intervention, as was
the initial idea, these stories can also aid in developing reading comprehension in general. For future
study, one option for attaining an independent tool
might be to provide an audiotaped version of the
stories with the text to support struggling readers.
Accurate assessment of metacognition has always been a challenge (Veenman, 2015) making
development of (metacognitive) knowledge and
skills difficult. A combination of measuring instruments was used in this study, including the selfdeveloped read-to-learn questionnaire. As far as we
could establish, this is the only Afrikaans questionnaire to test metacomprehension strategy awareness
in content area learning, specifically developed for
early intermediate level learners. The validation of
the RLQ questionnaire in Afrikaans and within the
South African context requires a study in its own
right with more participants.
The world’s future growth will largely depend on
the engines of emerging markets, but poor quality
of education in regions such as Southern Africa,
threatens this very possibility. Helping the workforce of tomorrow to develop the intellectual tools
and learning strategies needed “to acquire the
knowledge that allows people to think productively
and can assist them in becoming self-sustaining,
lifelong learners” is critical (Donovan, Bransford &
Pellegrino, 1999:5). Given modern-day educational
challenges, this study attempted to explore the possible impact of an innovative and practical, learnercentred way of presenting metacognitive concepts
South African Journal of Education, Volume 39, Number 2, May 2019
to learners, at their level, and contribute to necessary research. The story-based intervention was
beneficial in increasing learners’ self-knowledge,
meta-comprehension strategy awareness and comprehension ability applied to content area learning.
The results indicate that socio-economic context,
and particularly low literacy levels, could influence
the development of metacognition and the effectiveness of a story-based intervention. This should
be considered during the design and implementation of metacognitive development interventions.
We thank the anonymous reviewers for their useful
Authors’ Contributions
SVA wrote the manuscript and provided data for
the tables and figures in the text. All authors conceptualised the study and reviewed the final manuscript.
This article is based on a doctoral thesis by Suzanne
van Aswegen.
Published under a Creative Commons Attribution
DATES: Received: 30 May 2017; Revised: 2 October
2018; Accepted: 1 February 2019; Published: 31 May
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