Mackie's Error Theory: A Wittgensteinian Critique

Paper presented at Epistemologia Moral Workshop 3-4 September, 2014.

Epistemologia Moral / Moral Epistemology: Workshop Nova Institute of Philosophy (IFILNOVA) Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FCSH) Nova University of Lisbon (UNL) 3-4 September 2014, Aud. 3 (Tower B, 5th floor) Programme Wednesday 10:15 – Welcome and Introduction 10:30-11:30 – João Vergílio Gallerani Cuter (USP): Do ethical issues involve a specific kind of investigation? 11:30-12:30 – Robert G. Vinten (UNL): Mackie's error theory: A Wittgensteinian critique Lunch break 14:15-15:15 – Nuno Venturinha (UNL): Kant on holding for true and its moral dimension 15:15-16:15 – Benedetta Zavatta (UNL): The physiological basis of morals in Nietzsche Coffee break 16:30-17:30 – António Marques (UNL): Remarks about the axiological basis of choices in questions of justice Thursday 9:30-10:30 – Marcelo Carvalho (UNIFESP): Conhecimento e moral: Wittgenstein e a tradição empirista de investigação da moral 10:30-11:30 – David Erlich (UNL): O Da Certeza de Wittgenstein: esboço de uma leitura moral e educacional Coffee break 11:45-12:45 – António de Carvalho Pais (UNL): Algumas observações sobre a epistemologia que serve de base à fundamentação ontológica da ética em Hans Jonas Lunch break 14:30-15:30 – Luís Miguel Simões (UNL): Considerações sobre a concepção política de John Rawls em Political Liberalism 15:30-16:30 – Maria Luísa Couto Soares (UNL): No rescaldo de After Virtue: o retorno à questão dos fundamentos da Ética

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