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2011, Reconstructive Review
4 pages
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Board-certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in total hip and knee arthroplasty currently practicing in Oklahoma City, OK.
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, American Volume, 2008
A practical guide to joint health, offering tips on prevention, pain management, and rehabilitation. Learn the latest insights on joint function, diet, exercise, and treatments to keep your joints healthy, flexible, and pain-free.
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (American), 2006
Indian Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery (IJOS) is a peer-reviewed journal with reputable academics and experts as members of its Editorial Board. IJOS publishes information on basic and applied orthopaedics for a worldwide readership. It publishes original research papers, critical reviews dealing with all fields of Orthopaedics and it addresses the international scientific community. Papers related to orthopaedic science on a worldwide basis are also considered. Special emphasis is given to issues that go beyond the traditional boundaries of an orthopaedic journal. Articles on the state-of-the art of orthopaedic surgery in different parts of the world, the research activities and medical education in orthopaedic teaching, the role of orthopaedics in society, new findings from the frontiers of current research are always encouraged.
Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:
Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 2001
Canadian Journal of Surgery, 2013
Background: Highly successful orthopedic surgeons are a small group of individuals who exert a large influence on the orthopedic field. However, the characteristics of these leaders have not been well-described or studied. Methods: Orthopedic surgeons who are departmental chairs, journal editors, editorial board members of the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (British edition), or current or past presidents of major orthopedic associations were invited to complete a survey designed to provide insight into their motivations, academic backgrounds and accomplishments, emotional and physical health, and job satisfaction. Results: In all, 152 surgeons completed the questionnaire. We identified several characteristics of highly successful surgeons. Many have contributed prolific numbers of publications and book chapters and obtained considerable funding for research. They were often motivated by a "desire for personal development (interesting challenge, new opportunities)," whereas "relocating to a new institution, financial gain, or lack of alternative candidates" played little to no role in their decisions to take positions of leadership. Most respondents were happy with their specialty choice despite long hours and high levels of stress. Despite challenges to their time, successful orthopedic surgeons made a strong effort to maintain their health; compared with other physicians, they exercise more, are more likely to have a primary care physician and feel better physically. Conclusion: Departmental chairs, journal editors and presidents of orthopedic associations cope with considerable demands of clinical, administrative, educational and research duties while maintaining a high level of health, happiness and job satisfaction. Contexte : Les chirurgiens orthopédistes qui connaissent beaucoup de succès forment un petit groupe de personnes fort influentes dans le domaine de l'orthopédie. Toutefois, les caractéristiques de ces chefs de file n'ont été ni bien décrites, ni étudiées. Méthodes : Nous avons invité des chirurgiens orthopédistes qui sont chefs de leurs départements, rédacteurs en chef de revues scientifiques, membres du comité de rédaction du Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (édition britannique) ou présidents ou présidents sortants d'associations d'orthopédie réputées à répondre à un questionnaire destiné à mettre au jour leurs motivations, leur bagage universitaire et leurs réalisations, leur état de santé émotionnel et physique et leur degré de satisfaction professionnelle. Résultats : En tout, 152 chirurgiens ont répondu au questionnaire. Nous avons dégagé plusieurs caractéristiques propres aux chirurgiens qui réussissent très bien. Plusieurs ont abondamment publié (articles et chapitres d'ouvrages) et ont obtenu d'importantes subventions de recherche. Ils se sont dits souvent motivés par un désir de se perfectionner (défis intéressants, nouvelles possibilités), tandis que « la relocalisation vers un nouvel établissement, les gains économiques ou le manque d'autres candidats » ont joué un rôle mineur, voire nul dans leurs décisions d'accepter des postes de responsabilité. La plupart des répondants se sont déclarés heureux de leur choix de spécialisation, malgré les longues heures et le degré élevé de stress. Même s'ils consacrent beaucoup de temps à leur travail, les chirurgiens orthopédistes qui réussissent disent faire d'importants efforts pour rester en bonne santé; par rapport à d'autres médecins, ils font plus d'exercice, sont plus susceptibles d'avoir un médecin de famille et de se sentir mieux physiquement. Conclusion : Les chefs de départements, rédacteurs en chef de revues scientifiques et présidents d'associations d'orthopédistes font face à des demandes considérables aux plans des tâches cliniques, administratives, professorales et scientifiques, tout en conservant une bonne santé et un degré élevé de satisfaction au travail.
The Journal of Arthroplasty, 2011
A dramatic shortage of total hip arthroplasty (THA) and total knee arthroplasty (TKA) surgeons has been projected because fewer residents enter arthroplasty fellowships, and the demand for THAs/TKAs is rising. The purposes of this study were to ascertain the future supply of THA/TKA surgeons, to identify the criteria residents use to choose their fellowship specialty, and to assess resident perceptions of an arthroplasty career. Four hundred ninety-eight post-graduate year 3 and above residents completed the online survey. Residents most highly prioritize intellectual factors and role models/mentors in determining their fellowship specialty. In the face of a looming patient access-to-care crisis, the data from this study support a policy of highlighting the intellectual challenges and satisfaction of THA/TKA as a career and encouraging mentorship early in a resident's training. Keywords: resident, career decision making, arthroplasty, fellowship.
Canadian journal of surgery. Journal canadien de chirurgie, 2008
To develop a core curriculum for orthopedic surgery and to conduct a national survey to assess the importance of 281 curriculum items. Attention was focused on 55 topics pertaining to hip and knee reconstruction. A 281-item curriculum was developed. We completed a content review and cross-sectional survey of a random selection of orthopedic surgeons whose primary affiliation was nonuniversity. We analyzed the data descriptively and quantitatively, using histograms, a modified Hotelling's T2 statistic with the p value determined by a permutation test, and the Benjamini- Hochberg/Yekutieli procedure. Our analyses assumed that each respondent answered questions independently of the answers of any other respondent but that the answers to different questions by the same respondent might be dependent. Of 156 orthopedic surgeons, 131 (84%) participated in this study. Of 55 items ranked by all respondents, 42 received an average mean score greater than 3.5/4.0, and 51 received an averag...
Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 2022
Función y representación: la arquitectura del Palacio Real de Valladolid, 2024
Culturas Midiáticas, 2020
Nordic dance spaces: practicing and imagining a region. Eds. Petri Hoppu and Karen Vedel Ashgate 2014:129-58., 2014
Fundamentos de Sistemas Operativos, 2015
African Journal of Career Development, 2024
SCRIPTA, v. 23, n. 48, 2019
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2014
Marine Biology, 1992
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 2010
Physical Review B, 2013
Namık Kemal Tıp Dergisi, 2021
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 2017
Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science, 2008
Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes. …, 2010
International journal of systematic bacteriology, 1995