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Citation: Martinez, Victor, English, Stuart and Conti, Matteo (2012) Sustainable car life
cycle design, taking inspiration from natural systems and thermodynamics. In: EFEA
2012: 2nd International Symposium On Environment Friendly Energies And Applications,
25-24 June 2012, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
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Sustainable car lifecycle design
taking inspiration from natural systems and thermodynamics
Victor G. Martinez 1, Stuart English 2 and Matteo Conti 3 ,
1,2,3 Centre for Design Research
School of Design, Northumbria University
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Abstract—This paper exposes the search for a tool and method,
which from a systems approach, adopts the rules and logic that
govern our physical context (biosphere) in order to provide
guidelines that the car industry could use to achieve an ideal
state for ecological, economical and social sustainability.
Keywords-component; car; natural systems; sustainability;
In the last decade the world economy has been struggling
with severe endemic problems [1,2,3] and design is integral
to them [4]. Designing, producing and consuming under the
cradle-to-grave philosophy will lead to a severe scarcity of
resources among many other significant problems
[5,6,7,8,9]. In the design profession is important to search
beyond our field to find broader possibilities in order to
increase the designer’s potential for sustainable product
development and expanding design activities and influence.
This paper exposes the search for a tool and method,
which from a systems approach, adopts the rules and logic
that govern our physical context (biosphere) in order to
provide guidelines that the car industry could use to achieve
an ideal state for ecological, economical and social
sustainability. Therefore, understanding the boundaries of
Earth’s resources, the economic structure that organises it all
and what equitable human well being levels should be
pursued is mandatory. A new car industry should respond in
novel ways to variables like the ecosystem carrying capacity,
energy flows and matter transfer, population number, its
distribution and growing rate, allocation of benefits, business
and service models and ultimately aspire to an absolute
decoupling [6] of physical objects production from the
pursuing of human well being.
According to the International Road Federation there are
nowadays more than 600 million cars running in the world’s
streets [10]. All together they are responsible for 6.3% of
global CO2 emissions [11]. In the US alone, paradigm of
western civilisation, it is estimated that 60% of all national
carbon dioxide emissions are emitted by motor vehicles [12].
Beyond the amount of vehicles, we must also consider the
powerful fact that cars have become a psychological need, a
cultural reference and even part of the structure of human
society. “It is very unlikely that everyone in the future will
be travelling on foot and by bike, and specially not by public
bus… and the individual flexibility, comfort and
convenience the car provides is going to disappear” [13].
Since its first appearance in the beginning of 20th century
cars have been associated with freedom and very soon were
displayed as an emblem of social status. The amazing energy
embedded in fossil fuels and its rapidly falling cost, together
with Ford’s production lines provided cars to millions of
people in just a few years; the car industry became the
pinnacle of the industrial revolution and modern society.
Timothy O’Brien, Deputy Chief of Staff Ford Motor
Company, declares that 50,000 pounds of raw materials are
necessary to create a vehicle of 3,000 pounds, showing an
efficiency of just 6% [14].
Together with the industrial revolution the primary base
on which our economy and society performs was developed:
the consumption of goods; however, once the basic needs
were covered, other tools were necessary to keep on
consuming products that sustained economic growth and
thus welfare. It was then, when planned and perceived
obsolescence came into play, that Schumpeter called it
“creative destruction”. Nowadays the social trend of
consuming products as fast as possible is to maintain the
primary structure of economic growth and ideally through it
welfare [6].
The creation of mass produced goods is evidently related
to the use of materials derived from natural resources that,
currently, can only be found on our planet; and in the energy
required to transform that matter, mainly obtained from
fossil fuels. The very structure in which our economy
functions is taking Earth’s resources to its limits [5], due to
the neoclassical economist important miscalculation of
considering the planet’s biosphere and its resources, as part
of the economic system, which must grow continuously in
order to provide welfare, thus perceiving them as limitless
[15]. Many implications can be subtracted from this
situation; the more evident ones are the depletion of
ecosystems and non-renewable resources, whereas other
ones being less evident as missing the ultimate goal of
economic growth: bringing well being to the entire
population. The strongest evidence in this sense is that basic
elements of human well being like life expectancy and
accessibility to education have no correlation with increasing
per capita GDP beyond a certain point [16,17,18].
The basic index most nations use for measuring growth is
Gross Domestic Product (GDP); which basically is “the sum
of all value added to raw materials by labour and capital at
each stage of production, during a given year” [15]. With this
definition we can infer that the more efficient the labour is,
the less capital is needed and more added value can be
obtained. This basic fact is what makes technological
improvements happen, the continuous search of efficiency;
which in turn creates another complex linkage with the
urgent need for continuous growth: the balance of
unemployment [6]. In order to keep people employed and
avoid social collapse more products must be created. This
trend is well defined by Jevons’ paradox [19]. The way we
design, build and use products, and even keep social
cohesion is based on a constant structural need for avoiding
collapse, fed by positive feedback loops that only increase its
negative impacts.
With this basic concept in mind it is clear that searching
for a possible solution to our physical limits, and ensuring a
future without resource scarcity implies changes in
economic, social and environmental systems. Under the
same logic the evident response to the dilemma of growth is
the concept of decoupling, by “reducing the rate of use of
resources per unit of economic activity” [20,21](OCDE,
2002; and UNEP, 2011). This is a controversial issue, when
countries like Germany or the UK today claim consumption
reduction and GDP growth, therefore evidence of
decoupling, what is really happening is the externalisation of
costs, as many impacts are being exported to developing
countries like China. Looking at global statistics of CO2
emissions, loss of ecosystems and social inequality they are
still growing [6], giving an even greater systemic attribute to
the challenge.
Within this context and the inevitable need for urban
mobility the next questions arise:
- How should the car industry and its products react to
address these systemic issues?
- What manufacturing and distribution processes, materials
and business models can change the current pattern and play
under biosphere and resources rules?
- What behaviour must we encourage in users (e.g. culture),
manufacturers (e.g. production systems) and governments
(e.g. policies)?
- What products will look like? How, where and who is
going to produce them and under which business models
will they reach users in a decoupled economy?
These questions are formulated from an industrial
design point of view; if we are to manufacture products in
order to satisfy user needs it is imperative to change today’s
perspective and tackle the challenge in a ‘systems
approach’. To do so it is necessary to adopt a
multidisciplinary understanding of each professional area in
order to discover what knowledge has been created and
what tools can Industrial Design find useful. Therefore,
literature review was performed on the topics relevant to
this research and the next findings are proposed as starting
ground knowledge for the development of such tool.
The most commonly used tool to measure impact is Life
Cycle Assessment (LCA). It is a highly complex, long and
expensive process, which ultimately will not result in a
“sustainable grade” as it will only identify areas where work
is needed. Its accuracy and the criteria used to create final
reports can be used to “mask” bad products [22].
Other similar tools where identified: Product Lifecycle
Management [23] and Eco-costs [24] among the most
popular ones. Both tools, with different approaches, deal
with the same parameters, measuring impacts on human
manufacturing and distribution.
The Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and
Energy has developed the Material Input Per Service unit
(MIPS), which is an indicator of material usage in the
manufacture of a product or service; it intends to stimulate
business decisions towards efficient resources use and
management. MIPS calculate the resource extraction from
the source and the related impacts against the amount of
service it performs [25].
Life is organised in the most efficient way as
consequence of 3.7 billion years of evolution. All matter and
energy flows within the Earth’s system under very specific
physics and chemistry laws. When it comes to life,
organisms are classified according to their role in the food
chain, in it Trophic Levels is where energy flows and matter
transfer occurs [26].
In the first level can be found the Autotrophs; more
simply called Photosinthesizers. The next level features
Heterotrophs, within these there are Herbivores, Carnivores
and Omnivores. Finally the Detritivores, which are important
organisms in charge of decomposing organic matter again
into basic chemical compounds. Each level aims to obtain
enough energy to perform work in the form of: growth and
reproduction. The interactions among trophic levels plus the
environment that sustains them is called an ecosystem [26].
capacities: land and water area are scaled according to its
biological productivity. This scaling makes it possible to
compare ecosystems with different bio-productivity in
different areas of the world [33]. It follows that:
Bio-Capacity = Area x Yield factor x Equivalence factor
Müller [27] discussed the potentials of self-organisation,
based on the ecological principle called orientors, a systembased theory on ecosystem development founded in nonequilibrium thermodynamics and network development. The
selection of orientors is strictly related to the understanding
of the “Eco-targets” within the analysed ecosystem, these
differ among ecosystems in relation to contextual conditions.
“So far as ecological systems are characterised by a very
high capability for self-organisation and have been evolving
for billions of years it makes sense to use and apply the
orientors' signals in practical management of a more nearnature manner, that can prove to be a profound and
promising strategy which contributes to the ecological goals
of sustainable development” [28]. Bossel [29] proposes 7
basic orientors that can be applied to any ecosystem:
Existence, Effectiveness, Freedom of action, Security,
Adaptability, Coexistence and Psychological needs.
The first physical laws to consider when examining
Trophic Structures derive from thermodynamics. In each
level only a small amount of energy is passed to the next
level (exergy), this is due to the loss of energy (entropy) and
by cellular respiration and energy transferred to detritivores
[26]. This fundamental fact explains why each consequent
level is smaller than the previous one and population’s
distribution patterns and reproduction rates [26].
According to Odum [30] emergy (written with an m) is
the amount of energy that is used up in transformations
directly and indirectly to make a product or service. The
name is derived from “embedded energy”. Almeida [31]
proposes it as an “environmental accounting method… as a
tool to assist in product design”. Odum [32] clarifies the
terms: energy hierarchy, energy scale and transformity,
besides illustrating the profound meaning of the emergy
accounting and its impact on our ecosystems.
Each ecosystem, according to the nutrients it contains,
has a specific carrying capacity; this defines the maximum
number of individuals the environment can support [26], and
help us understand the energy flows, efficiency, population
number, growing rate and distribution patterns.
In 1990 researchers Mathis Wackernagel and William
Rees at the University of British Columbia created the
concept of Ecological Footprint that measures the land and
water area a human population requires to produce the
resources it consumes and to absorb waste. [33,34]. They
developed an efficient way of measuring ecosystem carrying
The yield factor is the ratio of national-to world-average
throughput. The equivalence factor translates the area
supplied or demanded of a specific land use type into units of
world average biologically productivity, which varies by
land use type and year [33].
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment promoted by the
UN “assess the consequences of ecosystem change for
human Wellbeing and the scientific basis for action needed
to enhance the conservation and sustainable use of those
systems and their contribution to human Wellbeing” [35].
The ultimate purpose of economy, production and
progress should be to provide well being to humans. GDP
creator Simon Kuznets stated in the US congress in 1934
“the welfare of a nation can scarcely be inferred from a
measure of national income” [36]. It is still today a matter of
high controversy to define what wellbeing is, but it is clear
that economy should ensure it; and a way of keeping track of
it must be put into practice, as well as take it into
consideration as companies’ social responsibility.
The Well being Institute of Cambridge University refers
to it as “positive and sustainable characteristics which enable
individuals and organisations to thrive and flourish”.
Manzini proposes a change of society’s search for fulfilment
from a “product based” to a “context based” [7]. Jackson
writes about shifting our “novelty driven” society into a
“flourishing” one [6].
The Human Development Index, created by the UN’s
Development Program is a summary of human development
in 3 dimensions: Long and healthy life, Access to knowledge
and Decent standard of living [17].
It has been mentioned above the unavoidable relation
between ecological, social and economical sustainability.
The same applies to the severe omissions of neoclassical
economics. However, there is relevant research on finding
new structures in economy, which are more coherent with
today’s global context and the physical and chemical laws
that govern it. For this research Ecological Economics is
highly relevant; it is founded in the works of GeorgescuRoegen, Boulding, Daly and Constanza who proposed a
“qualitative improvement in the ability to satisfy wants
(human needs and desires) without quantitative increase in
throughput beyond environmental carrying capacity” [15].
This is achieved “through thermodynamics and entropy
throughput and flows” [15].
“The common denominator of all usefulness, consist of
low-entropy matter-energy. Technological knowledge help
us use low entropy more efficiently; it does not enable us to
eliminate or reverse the direction of metabolic flow” [15].
In a conference held at the University of Vermont in
2003 [37], Daly described the focus of ecological economics
through: Allocation of resources, Distribution of income and
Scale of the economy relative to the ecosystem upon which
is reliant.
Daly’s view on scale is particularly important due to the
exponential growth of population and uneven distribution
and the difference of ecological services among ecosystems.
He states that limiting scale will increase efficiency; and he
proposes an ecosystem valuation with two different types of
values [37]: Direct use and Indirect use value.
Georgescu-Roegen proposes the differentiation from
flow and service as follows: Amount of flow is equal to the
units of substance; the rate of flow is equal to the substance
consumed in a period of time and service is equal to the
substance multiplied by the time it keeps on delivering its
function. This is fundamentally due to the fact that “only
flows can be embodied in a product… services on the other
hand belong to mixed dimensionality in which time enters as
a factor”. Hence there is a clear “connection between low
entropy and economic value” [38].
In general, ecological economists believe that infinite
growth (also referred as “business as usual”) can turn out to
be uneconomic, as true costs of growth are higher than the
benefits. As a result the optimum scale of economies is
often questioned.
The way economic structures operate on a daily basis and
deliver value to people is through businesses that directly
operate, transform and deliver matter in the form of goods.
All businesses run under a model on which the main
characteristics and performance of a company are regulated.
Osterwalder & Pigneur produced the most relevant work
found on business model innovation, they propose a canvas
on which 9 consecutive phases must be followed in order to
innovate in business model generation [39].
What has been previously discussed is the absolute lack
of consideration for the limits of our biosphere in
neoclassical economics structure, terms that in turn defines
the way we manufacture, distribute, use and dispose of
products. With this in mind it is clear that it is imperative to
work within the boundaries and under the same rules that
dominate the natural world. Therefore, it was decided to
take a top-down approach. This means setting first the
desirable performing outputs of a new car industry with the
lowest possible impact. Then the aim is to go backwards to
define the new structure characteristics (product, service,
business model).
A first clear conclusion is that there is useful ground
knowledge in areas like biology, ecology, economics,
business and social sciences in order to answer, from an
industrial design point of view, the key questions
formulated above.
At this stage of the research process the most relevant
finding is the concept of trophic level organisation, which in
itself contains energy, biomass exchange and its flow, as
well as derived important issues of population size and
distribution, all ruled by thermodynamic laws. An analogy
of these levels in natural systems needs to be drawn
alongside the initial idea of economic and matter flow in a
production/distribution human system.
It is relevant to note the opportunity to work with
production and business structures, its distributions and
allocations, since this could lead to “production capacity”
and in turn to a distributed business and manufactured.
It is the main task of this research project to build
upon that knowledge, and through the understanding and
use of ecosystems carrying capacities, thermodynamics and
emergy accounting create a tool that leads to an advanced
and sustainable way of designing, producing, distributing
and using vehicles.
The way this tool is intended to work is first by defining
the product to be developed, population segment addressed
and the geographical areas from which the resources will be
taken from as well as the amount required and industrial
processes that will transform them into the final product.
According to these variables the boundaries and
characteristics for the new structure will be identified.
Considering the fixed amount of resources as “generic
variables”, the increasing amount of population and its
urbanisation distribution patterns trends a first hypothesis is
By analysing sustainable performance from a natural
systems point of view through the trophic structure of
energy flow and biomass transfer (thermodynamics), the
boundaries and mechanics of a sustainable car industry can
be identified for later structuring it by using a business
model innovation tool. This may generate as output new
business models and manufacturing/product characteristics
for each geographical region, these while remaining feasible
with the decoupling of progress and prosperity from
resources depletion.
In order to achieve this a method to develop a new
structure from the “generic variables” will be created.
Starting from the ground knowledge the different variables
such as: ecosystems location and area, human population
distribution, human population growth rate, renewable
resources characteristics, sustainable rate of consumption,
ecosystem waste absorption rate, etc. will be input and
acoherent distributed business/production/service model
will be deployed for each case.
From a theoretical point of view the use of trophic
structures and the combination of knowledge from biology,
economics, thermodynamics and business that reside in the
proposed method will increase the designer’s potential for
sustainable product development deriving in a novelty
approach for design activities and influence. The direct
research contribution is intended to be a tool that will
guideline the way for sustainable innovation in the
automotive industry where vehicles can be designed,
produced, distributed and put into use with the lowest
possible ecological impact and socially responsible, as well
as an integral evaluation method incorporating ecological,
economical and social measurements.
The methodology adopted to achieve this research
expected contributions is divided in two main phases. The
first one relates to the build up of the structure and contents
of the proposed method, which requires deep knowledge of
the multiple perspectives involved in generating the criterion
to select the generic variables to use and understand their
interconnections, all of these will be translated in a set of
relevant and manageable data. English [40] proposes a
multiple perspective problem framing method, which
through the use of integrated mind mapping, design space
framing and the development of different mental models the
network and its interrelations, can be analysed and the
designer’s perception developed.
Once the variables are identified, the necessary data
collection will be mainly performed through accessing
global statistics from institutions like United Nations
Development Program, United Nations Environment
Program, World Bank, International Monetary Found, etc.
For each data category it will be indispensable to set the
boundaries of sustainable performance (that often depends
on other variables due to complex network
interconnections), which would be stated by the Ecological
footprint method and the Millennium Ecosystem Index. It is
foreseen that for this step mapping the system will be
necessary in order to understand the interconnections among
variables and be able to build the economy, matter and
energy relations that are impossible to predict. Research has
been conducted and several free open-source complex
network mapping software have been found, the most
relevant ones are: Pajek, Graph-tool, Tulip, NteworkX and
Processing, which is particularly important for its design
The last part of phase one will be to analyse the
business model innovation steps in order to reorganise them
more coherently with the trophic structures (resourcedriven) for later function as filters and give shape to the new
proposals into practical applications. These business model
steps have been mentioned above, some of them are: value
proposition, production processes, production quantities,
facilities distribution, key infrastructure, etc.
The second phase will be about testing the tool by
designing an experiment within which different design
groups can use the proposed tool in order to create products
solutions for geographical areas determined in cases
designed specifically for this experiment. It is planned to
have three different cases and rotate them among three
design groups, in order to have proposals for the same
problem coming from different participants. The outcomes
then will be measured and compared in relation to their
ecological and social impact using the Ecological footprint
tool, the Millennium Ecosystem Index and the Human
Development Index. Comparing the results will enable the
process of drawing conclusions about the effectiveness of
the tool.
Due to the complexity of data management and
interaction, the tool is planned to be a computer application
on which variables can be introduced so that the user can
modify parameters and in real time see graphically the
results of its choices in order to determine the best option. A
collaboration agreement has been achieved between the
School of Design and the Computer, Engineering and
Information Sciences faculty, both from Northumbria
University, to develop the software by master computing
students under the requirements of this research.
Even though the relation of climate change and its human
origin is still a matter of debate in some forums, and the
reluctance of neoclassic economics in facing the limiting
characteristics of our natural context, there is no argument
against the search of resource efficiency and a possible
economic benefit from it. This paper discussed a possible
way of organising new knowledge (new for the industrial
design profession) in order to find more efficient ways of
manufacturing, using and disposing of our products.
The research objectives are aligned with the UK
government agenda to reduce CO2 emissions by 50% by the
year 2050 and to develop at the same time a low carbon
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