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International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2015 In the present study the problem of laterally loaded single pile has been solved by dimensional analysis method using Excel program for performing formulation and generating results of deflection, bending moment and shear force in pile. For dimensional analysis, theory of beam on elastic foundation has been used. The parametric study involves varying soil properties keeping pile properties unchanged. At a time one of the soil parameter has been changed keeping others as a constant and results shows the impact of change in particular parameter on properties such as maximum deflection and maximum moment and results were studied.
Geotechnique, 1969
The behaviour of a single axially loaded end-Le comportement d'un pilotis j charge axiale bearing pile in an ideal elastic soil is analysed and unique et supportant les charges j l'extr8mit6 dans solutions are given for the load distribution within un sol Clastique idCal est analys6 et l'on donne des the pile, and the top and tip movements of the pile solutions relativement B la rgpartition des charges dans le Dilotis et lcs d&lacements aux sommets et for a wide range of cases. It is shown that the behaviour of the pile is largely influenced by the length to diameter ratio, the stiffness of the pile relative to the surrounding soil and the relative stiffness of the bearing stratum. It is found that very slender piles act effectively as floating or 'friction' piles. The influence of local yield between the pile and soil is also examined and the resultant increase in top displacement is found to be largely dependent on the distribution of adhesion along the pile. Comparisons between the observed behaviour of end-bearing piles, obtained from published measurements in field tests, and the theoretical behaviour show good agreement. aux ex&mitCs du pilot& se rapportant j une gamme de cas Btendue. On fait apparaitre que le comportement d'un pilotis est influence en grande partie par le rapport de la longueur au diambtre, de la rigidit du pilotis par rapport au sol environnant et de la rigiditd relative de la couche supportant les charges. On s'est aperqu que des pilotis ICgers peuvent opCrer efficacement en qualite! de pilotis de 'frottement' ou flottants. L'influence de la limite Blastique locale entre le pilotis et le sol est aussi examike et l'on trouve que l'accroissement de mouvement au sommet en r&&ant dCpcnd largement de la rgpartition de l'adhkion le long du pilotis. Une bonne correspondence a &A obtenue en ce qui concerne les comparaisons relatives au comportement observe des pilotis supportant des charges k leurs extr&mit&, provenant des mesures publiks a la suite d'essais sur place, et du comportement thkoriquc.
Géotechnique, 1989
This paper discusses the application of theory to the analysis of pile foundation behaviour under axial loading. A classification system is suggested for pile analysis and design procedures, based on the rigour of the underlying theory. It is shown that a number of the analyses in use have a common underlying theoretical basis founded on the boundary element method and that such methods give solutions which are consistent with those from other methods such as the finite element method. The main characteristics of pile behaviour are reviewed for single piles and pile groups subjected to static loading, cyclic loading, and to loading arising from externally-imposed soil movements. Correlations are then summarized for the geotech-nical parameters required for the prediction of axial pile behaviour. Using characteristic values of these parameters, design charts are developed for the load capacity and settlement of piles and pile groups. Finally, three case studies are described which de...
Indian Geotechnical Journal, 2013
This project may be described in three parts. The first part mainly involves the evaluation of existing soil models under undrained conditions. The second part of the project is to evaluate the currently used methods for representation of the pile installation process. The third part of the work involves the study of the axially loaded pile problem, and particular interest is paid to the investigation of pile load displacement, shear transfer and load diffusion along the pile. Three different soil model have been used to represent the soil for this problem. Theoretical solutions have been compared with field test results. The modified Cam-clay model and the more advanced bounding surface model developed from classical plasticity theories, and the rate-type model founded upon hypoelasticity theory have been studied. Model predictions of these three models were compared and evaluated base on results of triaxial tests and direct simple shear tests under undrained conditions. Both the m...
Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 2016
In the present study an analytical procedure is developed, based on finite element approach, to determine the bending moment and lateral deflection response of a free headed single pile with floating tip embedded in both dry and saturated cohesionless soils subjected to combined action of vertical and lateral loadings, using the modulus of subgrade reaction method. Also the numerical results using MIDAS GTS are obtained to validate the proposed analytical solution. It is observed under static conditions, when the vertical load is increased from zero to the 'ultimate' pile capacity at 0.03D deflection level (where D is the diameter of the pile), the lateral load carrying capacity of the fixed headed and free headed flexible piles is increased by 43.27% and 26%, respectively embedded in dry dense sand. Similarly for fixed headed piles embedded in dry and saturated loose sand, the bending moment is increased by 25% and 27%, respectively when vertical loads varies from zero to ultimate pile capacity for a constant lateral load of 200kN.Thus the above analysis is useful for practical design purpose to estimate the lateral load carrying capacity of a single pile by knowing the allowable deformation and vertical load acting on the pile.
موضوع البحث الحالي هو دراسة قلق الامتحان وخصائص خط اليد للتلاميذ. ويهدف إلى تحديد بعض خصائص خط اليد لدى التلاميذ ذوي مستوى قلق الامتحان المرتفع، باستخدام علم الجرافولوجيا أو علم تحليل الخط. وقد تكونت عينة البحث من 110 تلميذا وتلميذة من تلاميذ الصف الثالث ثانوي بمدينة بسكرة، اختيروا من بين 416 تلميذ وتلميذة ممن حصلوا على درجات مرتفعة على مقياس مكونات قلق الامتحان. وتراوحت أعمارهم الزمنية بين (17 -20) سنة. وقد قام البحث على الفرضيات التالية: – تكون ميول خط يد التلاميذ ذوي مستوى قلق الامتحان المرتفع في عكس اتجاه خط اليد (ميل الحروف إلى اليمين بدل من الميل لليسار). - يكون الشكل الغالب لخط يد التلاميذ ذوي مستوى قلق الامتحان المرتفع عبارة عن مثلثات. - يكون حجم خط يد التلاميذ ذوي مستوى قلق الامتحان المرتفع صغير. – تكون المسافة بين الكلمات في خط يد التلاميذ ذوي مستوى قلق الامتحان المرتفع صغيرة (ضيقة). - تكون المسافة بين السطور في خط يد التلاميذ ذوي مستوى قلق الامتحان المرتفع صغيرة (ضيقة). - يكون الضغط على الورق في خط يد التلاميذ ذوي مستوى قلق الامتحان المرتفع شديد (ثقيل). – لا توجد فروق بين...
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2010
World Journalism Education Congres 5, Paris Dauphine University, 2019
Frontiers in Public Health
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 2006
Indian Law Review, 2022
Communications biology, 2022
arXiv (Cornell University), 2022
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2020
International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2012
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 8, 2014
Informes De La Construccion - INF CONSTR, 2000