Statistics Education
Research Journal
Volume 6 Number 1 May 2007
Iddo Gal
Tom Short
Assistant Editor
Beth Chance
Associate Editors
Andrej Blejec
Carol Joyce Blumberg
Joan B. Garfield
John Harraway
Flavia Jolliffe
M. Gabriella Ottaviani
Lionel Pereira-Mendoza
Peter Petocz
Maxine Pfannkuch
Mokaeane Polaki
Dave Pratt
Chris Reading
Ernesto Sanchez
Richard L. Scheaffer
Gilberte Schuyten
Jane Watson
International Association for Statistical Education
International Statistical Institute
Statistics Education Research Journal
The Statistics Education Research Journal (SERJ) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal of the
International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) and the International Statistical Institute
(ISI). SERJ is published twice a year and is free.
SERJ aims to advance research-based knowledge that can help to improve the teaching, learning, and
understanding of statistics or probability at all educational levels and in both formal (classroombased) and informal (out-of-classroom) contexts. Such research may examine, for example, cognitive,
motivational, attitudinal, curricular, teaching-related, technology-related, organizational, or societal
factors and processes that are related to the development and understanding of stochastic knowledge.
In addition, research may focus on how people use or apply statistical and probabilistic information
and ideas, broadly viewed.
The Journal encourages the submission of quality papers related to the above goals, such as reports of
original research (both quantitative and qualitative), integrative and critical reviews of research
literature, analyses of research-based theoretical and methodological models, and other types of
papers described in full in the Guidelines for Authors. All papers are reviewed internally by an
Associate Editor or Editor, and are blind-reviewed by at least two external referees. Contributions in
English are recommended. Contributions in French and Spanish will also be considered. A submitted
paper must not have been published before or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Further information and guidelines for authors are available at:
Manuscripts must be submitted by email, as an attached Word document, to co-editor Tom Short
[email protected]>. Submitted manuscripts should be produced using the Template file and in
accordance with details in the Guidelines for Authors on the Journal’s Web page:
© International Association for Statistical Education (IASE/ISI), May 2007
Publication: IASE/ISI, Voorburg, The Netherlands
Technical Production: California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California, United
States of America
Web hosting and technical support: Department of Statistics, University of Auckland, New Zealand
ISSN: 1570-1824
International Association for Statistical Education
President: Gilberte Schuyten (Belgium)
President-Elect: Allan Rossman (United States of America)
Past- President: Chris Wild (New Zealand)
Vice-Presidents: Andrej Blejec (Slovenia), John Harraway (New Zealand), Christine Reading
(Australia), Michiko Watanabe (Japan), Larry Weldon (Canada)
Iddo Gal, Department of Human Services, University of Haifa, Eshkol Tower, Room 718, Haifa
31905, Israel. Email:
[email protected]
Tom Short, Mathematics Department, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 210 South 10th St.,
Indiana, Pennsylvania 15705, USA. Email:
[email protected]
Assistant Editor
Beth Chance, Department of Statistics, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo,
California, 93407, USA. Email:
[email protected]
Associate Editors
Andrej Blejec, National Institute of Biology, Vecna pot 111 POB 141, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
[email protected]
Carol Joyce Blumberg, Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy, 1000
Independence Avenue SW, EI-42, Washington DC, USA. Email:
[email protected]
Joan B. Garfield, Educational Psychology, University of Minnesota, 315 Burton Hall, 178 Pillsbury
Drive, S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA. Email:
[email protected]
John Harraway, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Otago, P.O.Box 56,
Dunedin, New Zealand. Email:
[email protected]
Flavia Jolliffe, Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Kent,
Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NF, United Kingdom. Email:
[email protected]
M. Gabriella Ottaviani, Dipartimento di Statistica Probabilitá e Statistiche Applicate, Universitá degli
Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, P.le Aldo Moro, 5, 00185, Rome, Italy. Email:
[email protected]
Lionel Pereira-Mendoza, 3366 Drew Henry Drive, Osgoode, Ottawa K0A 2W0 Ontario
Canada K0A 2W0.. Email:
[email protected]
Peter Petocz, Department of Statistics, Macquarie University, North Ryde, Sydney, NSW 2109,
Australia. Email:
[email protected]
Maxine Pfannkuch, Mathematics Education Unit, Department of Mathematics, The University of
Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand. Email:
[email protected]
Mokaeane Polaki, School of Education, National University of Lesotho, P.O. Box Roma 180,
Lesotho. Email:
[email protected]
Dave Pratt, Institute of Education, University of London, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL.
[email protected]
Christine Reading, SiMERR National Centre, Faculty of Education, Health and Professional Studies,
University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia. Email:
[email protected]
Ernesto Sánchez, Departamento de Matematica Educativa, CINVESTAV-IPN, Av. Instituto
Politecnico Nacional 2508, Col. San Pedro Zacatenco, 07360, Mexico D. F., Mexico. Email:
[email protected]
Richard L. Scheaffer, Department of Statistics, University of Florida, 907 NW 21 Terrace,
Gainesville, FL 32603, USA. Email:
[email protected]
Gilberte Schuyten, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Ghent University, H. Dunantlaan
1, B-9000 Gent, Belgium. Email:
[email protected]
Jane Watson, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 66, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia. Email:
[email protected]
Call for Papers: Special Issue on Reasoning about Informal Statistical Inference
Luc Budé, Margaretha W. J. Van De Wiel, Tjaart Imbos, Math J. J. M. Candel, Nick
J. Broers, Martijn P. F. Berger
Students’ Achievements in a Statistics Course in Relation to Motivational
Aspects and Study Behaviour
James E. Corter and Doris C. Zahner
Use of External Visual Representations in Probability Problem Solving
Mark A. Earley
Students’ Expectations of Introductory Statistics Instructors
Past Conference
Forthcoming IASE Conferences
Other Forthcoming Conferences
I have recently returned from the second biennial United States Conference on
Teaching Statistics (USCOTS 2), held in Columbus, Ohio. At the conference Joan
Garfield, a member of the SERJ Editorial Board, received the CAUSE/USCOTS Lifetime
Achievement award. In a special presentation at the conference, Joan reflected on the
statistics education research collaborations in her past and present. It is clear that the field
of statistics education research has developed because of Joan’s curiosity, motivation, and
perseverance in locating research spread among many and varied disciplines including
mathematics, psychology, education and statistics. From 1987 through 1999 Joan
published the Newsletter of the International Study Group for Research on Learning
Probability and Statistics, which later evolved into the Statistical Education Research
Newsletter (2000 through 2001) and finally into what SERJ is today. Thank you, Joan,
and congratulations on your well-deserved recognition.
A healthy strand of statistics education research sessions ran through the program at
USCOTS 2. Some presenter names familiar to SERJ readers included Beth Chance, Bob
delMas, Marsha Lovett, and Mike Shaughnessy, in addition to Joan. We were also given
a glimpse into the future of research in our area when Joan acknowledged her current
Statistics Education Doctoral students at the University of Minnesota. I hope that the
success of Joan’s program will inspire others to sprout up around the world.
Iddo Gal and I have been working behind the scenes to disseminate awareness of
SERJ, and I am pleased to report that SERJ is now listed in two indexing services. One is
“Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities” ( and the second is
PsycINFO, which is managed by the American Psychological Association (see We are working out the details of also listing
SERJ abstracts in EBSCOhost (see, and will continue to seek other
opportunities to abstract SERJ in indices so that researchers will be able to easily find the
work we publish.
Iddo and I have also been monitoring the acceptance rate for manuscripts submitted to
SERJ. We received 30 manuscripts in 2006, and four of them have so far been accepted
for publication in SERJ. A few more of these are still in revision and may eventually be
accepted and published. The acceptance rate indicates the selectivity and high standards
we maintain for SERJ, but it also suggests that there is plenty of room for more high
quality manuscripts from statistics education researchers.
As Iddo’s term as SERJ co-editor comes to an end, we will be announcing a new coeditor later this year. Thanks to Iddo for his leadership, creativity, and attention to detail
during his term.
Please enjoy the articles and announcements in this new issue of SERJ, and note the
Call for Papers for a Special Issue on Reasoning about Informal Statistical Inference.
Thank you for reading the journal, and please consider sending the results of your own
research to us!
Statistics Education Research Journal, 6(1), 2,
© International Association for Statistical Education (IASE/ISI), May, 2007
The Statistics Education Research Journal (SERJ), a journal of the International
Association for Statistical Education (IASE), is planning a special issue for November
2008, focused on research on Reasoning about Informal Statistical Inference.
Submission deadlines: Letters of intent by Sept. 15, 2007; Full papers by Nov. 1,
2007. Guest Editors will be Dave Pratt (University of London, UK, <
[email protected]>),
and Janet Ainley (University of Leicester, UK, <
[email protected]>).
The aim of the special issue is to advance the current state of research-based
knowledge about the development, learning, and teaching of statistical inference, a
foundational area in statistics education. For the special issue we seek articles focused on
a critical subset of issues in this broad area, describing research related to the
understanding, learning, or teaching of informal aspects of inferential statistical
reasoning, and demonstrating a contribution to research-based educational practice in this
It is recognized at the outset that the definition of what counts as “informal statistical
inference” may at times be slippery, that is, what is informal could depend on the nature
of the inferential tasks being studied, on the complexity of the statistical or probabilistic
concepts involved, on the educational stage, and on other factors. The editors will select
papers for the special issue that focus on learners’ informal ideas about statistical
inference or on learners’ intuitive ways of reasoning about statistical inference in diverse
contexts (see possible research topics below), not on mastery of formal procedures or on
the learning/teaching of formal methods of statistical estimation, significance tests, etc.
The papers being sought will be based on empirical research of a quantitative and/or
qualitative nature on individuals or groups involved in all stages of education, including
all levels of schooling, teacher education, professional development, and workplace and
adult education. Papers on informal inferential reasoning invoked when people face
everyday statistical tasks may also be considered, provided that they discuss clear
educational implications.
Key examples of relevant topics for papers that may fit under the general heading of
Reasoning about Informal Statistical Inference include:
a. How does reasoning about statistical inference develop from simple forms
towards more complex ones? What stages exist in the acquisition of informal
knowledge about statistical inference, or in learning to communicate information
or interpret displays about statistical inference, and how do students develop and
understand the concepts and language that can be used in this regard (e.g.,
sampling, significance, confidence)?
b. What technological tools can be used to promote the understanding of statistical
inference? How are such tools utilized by learners to help in understanding the
building blocks or intermediate steps in statistical inference?
Statistics Education Research Journal, 6(1), 3-4,
© International Association for Statistical Education (IASE/ISI), May, 2007
c. What tasks or sequences of instructional activities can help learners develop a
conceptual understanding of some aspect of statistical inference? How does the
design of tools and/or tasks shape students’ informal inferential reasoning?
d. What types of barriers to students’ informal reasoning about statistical inference
are found, and how can they be avoided or overcome?
e. What types of foundational knowledge (statistical, general) or thinking processes
are needed for or used by learners to informally understand and reason about
statistical inference? How does an informal understanding of statistical inference
connect with or depend on understanding of other statistical concepts?
f. What assessment approaches and research methodologies can be used to
effectively assess understanding, reasoning or learning of informal statistical
SERJ is also inviting research-based papers on learning, reasoning or understanding
of formal aspects of statistical inference, that is, papers that fall outside the scope of the
notion of “informal statistical inference” as described above, but that otherwise fit the
general aims of the Journal. Such papers would be processed by SERJ as regular papers
and if accepted will be published in a regular issue. Should enough such papers be
accepted for publication, they will be grouped together in a special section and prefaced
with an introductory paper by a member of the SERJ Editorial Board.
Authors are advised to aim for papers in the range of 4000-6000 words of body text
(not counting abstract, tables and graphs, references, appendices). Manuscripts for the
special issue will be limited to a maximum of 7500 words of body text, but shorter,
concise papers are encouraged. All manuscripts will be refereed following SERJ’s regular
double-blind peer-review process. Manuscripts should be submitted in accordance with
SERJ’s standard Author Guidelines and using the Template file found on the Journal’s
Interested authors should send a letter of intent by Sept. 15, 2007, but preferably
earlier, with a 150-250 word abstract describing key aspects of the research. This letter
should be sent by e-mail to SERJ co-editor Iddo Gal: <
[email protected]>, and
authors can expect to get a quick response within 10 days. Authors wishing to send
informal queries regarding the suitability of a planned paper can also contact Iddo Gal.
Full manuscripts must be submitted by Nov. 1st, 2007 at the latest to Iddo Gal at the
address above, in accordance with the submission guidelines listed earlier.
Decisions about the suitability of proposed papers and the allocation of accepted
papers to the special issue or to a regular SERJ issue will be made jointly by the SERJ
Editors and Guest Editors.
Maastricht University, The Netherlands
[email protected]
Maastricht University, The Netherlands
[email protected]
Maastricht University, The Netherlands
[email protected]
Maastricht University, The Netherlands
[email protected]
Maastricht University, The Netherlands
[email protected]
Maastricht University, The Netherlands
[email protected]
The present study focuses on motivational constructs and their effect on students’
academic achievement within an existing statistics course. First-year Health Sciences
students completed a questionnaire that measures several motivational constructs:
dimensions of causal attributions, outcome expectancy, affect, and study behaviour,
all with respect to statistics. The results showed that when the cause of negative
events was perceived as uncontrollable, outcome expectancy was negative. When the
cause of negative events was perceived as stable, affect toward statistics was
negative. Furthermore, negative affect toward statistics and limited study behaviour
led to unsatisfactory achievements. Path analysis (Lisrel) largely confirmed the
causal relations in a model that was based on attributional and learned helplessness
theories. The consequences of these findings for statistics education are discussed.
Keywords: Statistics education research; Motivation; Conceptual understanding;
Study behaviour
Statistics Education Research Journal, 6(1), 5-21,
© International Association for Statistical Education (IASE/ISI), May, 2007
Motivation influences the scope and the quality of study behaviour of students (see
e.g., Bruning, Schraw, & Ronning, 1999; Deci & Ryan, 1985; Graham & Weiner, 1987;
Pintrich, 2000). High-quality study behaviour involves active knowledge construction.
Active knowledge construction is known to enhance understanding of the material in
many courses (see e.g., Chi, de Leeuw, Chiu, & LaVancher, 1994; Phye, 1997; Steffe &
Gale, 1995), including statistics courses (see e.g., Garfield, 1993; Giraud, 1997; Keeler &
Steinhorst, 1995; Magel, 1998). Therefore, in attempts to improve statistics education, it
is fundamental to stimulate motivation.
Research on motivation is quite extensive and covers heterogeneous constructs (see
e.g., Ames, 1992; Boekaerts, 1997; Volet, 1997; Weiner, 1992). Some of these constructs
involve phenomena that are difficult to change, because they are to a large extent
determined by traits of the individual that is involved, such as goal orientation, selfdetermination, and competence. Our aim is not to focus on such phenomena, but rather to
focus on constructs that have practical implications for statistics education, that is,
constructs that can be manipulated and acted upon while trying to improve statistics
For that reason we have focused on two motivational theories that offer opportunities
to intervene in motivational processes. Both theories take the starting-point of the
explanations people perceive for events they experience. These so called causal
explanations have cognitive, affective, and behavioural consequences. Examples of
cognitive consequences in a statistics educational context are expected outcomes of
attending lectures or studying a course book; examples of affective consequences are
enjoyment, pleasure, and interest; and examples of behavioural consequences are effort
and persistence. The influence of causal explanations on cognition, affect, and behaviour
might be manipulated and driven toward outcomes that are more positive, in terms of
motivation. As a consequence, these causal explanations have practical implications for
statistics education, because the obtained improvement of motivation might result in
study behaviour that enhances understanding. The goal of the study was to investigate
these phenomena in the context of statistics education.
In statistics education one can sometimes encounter students who think that there is a
stable cause for failing an exam (e.g., statistics is a difficult subject). These students may
no longer expect to benefit from studying statistics; they may start to dislike it and will
not spend much study time on this subject. Other students may think that they have no
control over the outcomes of their actions. For example, “no matter how hard I study, I
will not be able to understand it.” These students may in advance expect to fail on the
exam, will also start to dislike statistics, and will not spend much time studying the
material. These examples show the influence of causal attributions (stability of causes,
non-controllability of causes) on cognitions such as outcome expectancies (no benefit
from studying statistics, expectancy to fail on the exam) and consequently on emotions
(affective reactions of starting to dislike statistics) and behaviour (disregarding statistics),
which will finally have an effect on achievement. This chain effect, which is
consequential for statistics education, is reflected in a model that was developed and
tested in this study.
The model as a whole stands for motivation (see Figure 1). Motivation is not a
separate entity in our model for two reasons. Firstly, it is difficult to insert it separately
into a model, because it is an abstract, complex (Weiner, 1992), and ill-defined (Murphy
& Alexander, 2000) construct, which is frequently used in colloquial language and
consequently has several connotations. Moreover, motivation is studied in different
domains and from different perspectives, which has led to distinct and changing
conceptualisations and approaches. Various motivational constructs are studied, such as
self-efficacy, goal orientation, metacognitive strategies, value, strategy use, causal
perceptions, autonomy, social relatedness, as so forth. (See e.g., Ames, 1992; Boekaerts,
1997; Dweck, 2000; Pintrich & Schunk, 1996; Volet, 1997; Weiner, 1986.) In these
studies it is often left implicit whether these constructs are part of motivation or are
merely related to motivation (Murphy & Alexander, 2000). Our model as a whole reflects
our perspective on motivation.
Stable Explanation
Outcome Expectancy
Figure 1. Statistics motivational model based on the attributional
and the learned helplessness theory
Secondly, it is in our view not necessary to integrate motivation as a separate
construct in the model. Traditionally, motivation was seen as an isolated latent construct
that drives behaviour, cognition, and affect. We think that motivation merely is the sum
of behaviour, cognition, and affect. Our opinion is in accordance with the remark of
Weiner (1992), referring to Kelly (1958), that motivation as a model construct might be
redundant; it is sufficient to represent only those variables that make up motivation. This
view is also compatible with the fact that most motivational models do not explicitly
contain motivation as a construct (see e.g., Bruning, Schraw & Ronning, 1999; Deci &
Ryan, 1985; Pintrich, 2000; Pintrich & Schunk, 1996; Weiner, 1992). Therefore, the
model that we developed contains only manifest variables that together stand for
motivation, and does not contain motivation as a separate latent entity.
Two specific motivational theories were used for our model; namely the attributional
and the learned helplessness theory, because they both use the starting-point of perceived
causes for aversive events. The attribution-based theory of motivation (Graham &
Weiner, 1987; Pintrich & Schunk, 1996; Weiner, 1986, 1992) commences with perceived
causes for failure, unexpected outcomes, unusual events, and important situations.
Perceived causes are the way people explain to themselves such outcomes, events, and
situations. The connotations of the explanations are determined by underlying properties.
In attribution-based theory these underlying properties of such explanations are divided
into three dimensions: stability, control, and locus. Pintrich and Schunk (1996) propose,
however, that the stability dimension is most closely linked to beliefs regarding future
success (outcome expectancy) and subsequently to affect and actual achievement
behaviour. Therefore, we integrated stable explanation in our model in Figure 1. It can be
defined as the invariability over time of such perceived causes, namely causal
Peterson, Maier, and Seligman (1993) present a motivational theory, which originally
emanates from the learned helplessness paradigm. In this paradigm, individuals are
thought to become passive and to develop affective deficits if they cannot control and
avoid the causes of aversive stimuli. They claim therefore, in contrast to Pintrich and
Schunk (1996), that controllability is the major factor contributing to a negative outcome
expectancy. Uncontrollable events will, according to Peterson et al., lead to a perceived
non-contingency between people’s actions and the outcomes of their actions. This
negative outcome expectancy will lead to pessimistic thoughts, negative emotions
(affect), and passivity (behaviour). This is what is called learned helplessness. We
integrated control influencing outcome expectation as a separate construct in our model.
Control is defined as the ability to avoid the causes of aversive stimuli.
Although the two presented theories slightly differ in the emphasis of the causal
dimensions control and stability, they both reflect the way these properties of negative
causal explanations contribute to a negative outcome expectancy, and how this will act
upon affect and on behaviour, such as effort and persistence, which will finally result in
an effect on achievement. The causal relations among these constructs are symbolised by
arrows in our model that is presented in Figure 1.
This model was examined within the domain of statistics education. This means that
all the constructs were measured with respect to statistical events and phenomena. It is
known that perceived causal explanations via expectancy, affect, and behaviour
determine future achievements in mathematics (see e.g., Seegers & Boekaerts, 1993;
Vålas & Søvik, 1994). Our question was whether this is also true for statistics education
and if the results would provide useful information for the reformation of statistics
The following research questions were addressed:
1. How do students causally explain statistics related events? Do they think that
they have control over, for example, the mastery of the material, the amount of
time they can spend on studying statistics, and the result on the tests? We also
wanted to know whether or not the causes that the students reported for these
events were stable.
2. We further measured the outcome expectancies, that is, whether students
experience a contingency between studying statistics and their understanding of
the topics and the grades they receive on statistics tests. We also investigated the
influence of outcome expectancy on effort, persistence and affect.
3. Finally, we investigated the relations between these motivational constructs and
achievement. The potential causal relations among these constructs were tested
with structural equation modelling via Lisrel (Jöreskog & Sörbom, 1989).
Two hundred (n = 200) first-year students of the faculty of Health Sciences
participated in a pilot study to establish the reliability of a questionnaire that was
developed to measure the motivational constructs. In the subsequent year n = 94 first-year
students of the faculty of Health Sciences participated in the main study; 79 of these
participants were female, 15 were male. The ages ranged from 19 to 26 years.
Approximately 75 percent of the first-year Health Sciences student body is female. The
participants were recruited during educational activities before the start of the
introductory statistics course in which this study was executed. During recruitment they
were told that they had to answer questions about statistics education and that they would
be paid 10 euro. This payment was given to avoid attracting only motivated students who
were particularly interested in statistics. All participants took the introductory statistics
A questionnaire to measure the motivational constructs that are relevant for our model
was developed. This Motivation toward Statistics Questionnaire (MSQ) consisted of 38
items, divided into six subscales. The items were phrased as statements and participants
responded on a 7-point Likert scale. The questionnaire is partly a Dutch translation of the
Survey of Attitudes Toward Statistics (SATS) (Gal, Ginsburg, & Schau, 1997).
Additional items with regard to causal explanations were formulated using the same
principles as the Attributional Style Questionnaire (ASQ) (Peterson et al., 1993), in
particular for two attributional dimensions: stability and control. Finally, items were
added to measure the two aspects of study behaviour: effort and persistence. All MSQ
items concentrated on statistics related events. Because the MSQ was for the greater part
based on existing surveys that have been proven to be valid (Peterson et al., 1993; Schau,
Stevens, Dauphinee, & Del Vecchio, 1995), it can be considered an adequate
measurement instrument regarding the relevant motivational constructs. Example
questions are presented in Table 1. Based on content the items were divided into six
subscales. To establish the reliability of the MSQ, it was administered to 200 first-year
Health Sciences students and Cronbach’s alpha was computed for each subscale. Six
questions that did not fit in the subscale were identified. Four questions were removed;
two were rephrased. The MSQ was used the subsequent year for collecting data for the
main study. It was administered to the students at the beginning of the introductory
statistics course. Students received written instructions before they completed the MSQ.
The whole procedure took approximately half an hour.
A second instrument was used to assess participants on effort and persistence,
because it is well known that self reports and students’ responses to questionnaires may
not always adequately reveal mental processes and behaviour (Biggs, 1993; Nisbett &
Wilson, 1977; Schwartz, 1999; Watkins, 1996). The goal was to obtain more reliable data
on study behaviour. The instrument consisted of two rating scales ranging from zero to
ten. It was distributed to the tutors of tutorial group meetings. These are weekly two hour
sessions supervised by a tutor, in which the students discuss the subject matter. The
sessions are an essential part of the course. The tutors were given instructions on how to
infer students’ effort and persistence. They were told what was meant by effort and
persistence, examples were given, and they were told how to use the rating scale (grades
ranging from zero to ten are customary in our education). This came down to instructing
them to ask and register whether students attended the lectures, whether students were
prepared for the tutorial group meetings, and whether students were actively involved in
the discussion during the obligatory meetings. The tutors had to convert their impression
concerning these aspects into a grade called effort. Persistence was analogously a grade
based on the tutors’ judgement concerning whether students continued asking questions
during the meetings until they really understood the subject matter, whether students at
home persisted in trying to solve their assignments by using lecture notes and/or their
books, or whether they consulted their teacher when they were not able to solve an
assignment. The participants were evaluated by their tutors in the week before the end of
the course. Finally, the scores on the exam at the end of the course were used as an
indicator for participants’ achievements. The exam consisted of 30 multiple choice
questions and grades could range from zero to ten. Example questions of the exam are
presented in the appendix.
Sum scores of the responses to the questionnaire were computed for each subscale by
summing the scores of individual items. Some items were positively phrased, others
negatively. Responses on the negatively phrased items were mirrored so that all answers
were in the same direction. The sum scores were called: Stable Explanation, Control,
Outcome Expectancy, Affect, Effort, and Persistence. To reflect the facts that people seek
causes especially for failure (Graham & Weiner, 1987) and that motivation to study
statistics is usually modest, the coding on the variables Stable Explanation and Control
was done in such a way that high scores corresponded with respectively a stable negative
explanation and lack of control. Cronbach’s α was computed for each subscale. The exam
grades (Achievement) and the tutor ratings Effort(T) and Persistence(T) consisted of
grades ranging from zero to ten. They were included into the analyses as raw data.
Four analyses were done. First, several t tests were done to test for possible selection
biases. A comparison was done between the male and female participants on
Achievement, Stable Explanation, Control, Outcome Expectancy, Affect, Effort(T), and
Persistence(T). Moreover, achievement was compared between the participants in our
study and the rest of the cohort that took the introductory course. Second, bivariate
correlations between all variables were calculated to inspect the correlation patterns. The
covariance structure modelling was, because of the rather small sample size, done in two
separate steps (Scott Long, 1983), resulting in the third and fourth analysis. The third
analysis was a robust maximum likelihood confirmative factor analysis (the simultaneous
analysis of the covariance and the asymptotic covariance matrix; Jöreskog & Sörbom,
1989), which was done to confirm the measurement structure. Fourth, a path analysis (a
robust maximum likelihood structural equation modelling) was done with Lisrel. Due to
the sample size it was necessary to disregard the measurement structure in this analysis.
Hence, the analysis was done without latent variables and the sum scores of the separate
items of the MSQ served as manifest variables. With this path analysis the model
presented in Figure 1 was tested.
From the pilot study, Cronbach’s α for each subscale (after the removal of the four
items) and some example questions are presented in Table 1.
A robust maximum likelihood confirmatory factor analysis was executed on those
data of the MSQ that were also used in the path analysis of the main study (n = 94). The
content based classification of the items on the subscales Control, Stable Explanation,
Outcome Expectancy, and Affect was supported by the results of this confirmatory factor
analysis; indices showed a proper fit. The Satorra-Bentler chi-square was used. It is
considered to be more robust against a small sample size and violations of distributional
assumptions (Hu, Bentler, & Kano, 1992; Satorra & Bentler, 1994).
Table 1. Subscales of the MSQ (n = 200)
Subscales and example questions
Stable explanation:
Statistics is just a difficult subject.
I have always had difficulties with statistics.
The result on the statistics exam is determined by my own
Whenever I don’t understand a statistical topic, I know
what to do.
Outcome Expectancy:
It pays off to study statistics.
The time I spend on statistics is wasted.
To study statistics is enjoyable.
I think statistics is interesting.
I spend a lot of time on statistics.
I never prepare myself for the statistics tutorial group
Whenever I don’t understand something from statistics, I
When I cannot complete a statistics assignment, I go
through the book once again.
Number of items
4 items
Cronbachs’s α
5 items
6 items
8 items
8 items
7 items
The Lisrel program provides several additional indices for how well the model fits the
data (Jöreskog & Sörbom, 1988). A goodness of fit index (GFI) is given for the whole
model. It compares the tested model with a so called null-model, that is, all parameters
are fixed on zero. A second index is the normed fit index (NFI), which compares the
tested model with an independence model (variances are set free, covariances are fixed on
zero). This index, however, continues to improve when paths are added and therefore
does not appraise parsimonious models adequately. The most meaningful index is the
non-normed fit index (NNFI). In this index the degrees of freedom are taken into account
and consequently it appraises not only the best fitting, but also the most parsimonious
model. All three fit indices should be close to one. Finally the root mean square residual
(RMR) is given. This index, as the residuals, is ideally close to zero. The indices
presented in Table 2 show a proper fit for this model; that is, the items adequately fit into
their subscales.
Table 2. Fit indices for the confirmatory factor analysis on Control,
Stable Explanation, Outcome Expectancy, and Affect
Satorra-Bentler chi-square
(df = 224, n = 94)
* p < 0.05
277.18; p = .04*
Standardised RMR
In Table 3 descriptive statistics of all the variables as measured by the MSQ, as well
as the tutor ratings and the exam grades are given.
Table 3. Descriptives of the motivational variables and achievement
Stable Explanation
Outcome Expect
Scale Min
max score
28.00 4.00
42.00 14.00
56.00 12.00
56.00 16.00
49.00 11.00
The results of the t tests showed no significant differences between female and male
participants. This might partly be because of the restricted power of the tests, so
additionally the effect sizes (Cohen’s d) were computed. The results are respectively for
Achievement (d = .13; p = .65), Control (d = .17; p = .51), Stable Explanation (d = .53;
p = .08), Outcome Expectancy (d = .22; p = .49), Affect (d = .008; p = .97), Effort(T)
(d = .02; p = .94), and Persistence(T) (d = .20; p = .52). Combined, these results indicate
no substantial differences between male and female participants. An additional t test was
done to test for another possible selection bias. In this t test the achievement of the
students who participated in our study was compared to the rest of the cohort (n = 122).
No significant difference was found, nor a consequential effect size (p = .82; d = .06).
A correlation matrix of all variables was computed and is presented in Table 4. The
significance level was adjusted with a Bonferroni correction. Both dimensions of
attribution (Stable Explanation and Control) were significantly correlated to Outcome
Expectation. The notion of having no control was most strongly correlated to Outcome
Expectation. Outcome Expectation was significantly correlated with Affect toward
Affect was significantly correlated to Achievement, but as expected not to the selfreported behavioural constructs (Effort and Persistence), which were also not correlated
to Achievement. The tutor ratings Effort(T) and Persistence(T) on the other hand were
much better predictors for Achievement and were more highly correlated to Affect. This is
consistent with research that established the inaccuracy of self-reports and research that
showed that students’ responses to questionnaires may not always adequately reveal their
own learning (Biggs, 1993; Glenberg, Sanocki, Epstein, & Morris, 1987; Nisbett &
Wilson, 1977; Schwartz, 1999; Watkins, 1996).
A path analysis with Lisrel was conducted, because of this above-mentioned
inaccuracy of self-reports, on a model where the tutor ratings Effort(T) and Persistence(T)
were inserted instead of the self-reported study behaviour (Effort and Persistence). We
started with our model that was presented in Figure 1. The relation between Stable
Explanation and Outcome Expectancy based on attributional theories was not significant
(Standardised Path coefficient β = .06; p = .31). We did find a strong negative relation
between the notion of having no control (Control) and Outcome Expectancy (β = -.68; p <
.001). Apparently, if a student thinks that there is no contingency between, for example,
his study activities and the result on an exam, he will not expect a positive outcome of his
Table 4. Correlations between the motivational variables and achievement.
Stable Explanation
Stable Explanation
Outcome Expectancy
* p ≤ 0.001 (Bonferroni corrected)
p < .001
Outcome Expectancy
p = .001
p < .001
p = .067
p = .310
p = .132
p = .093
p < .001
p < .001
p = .003
p = .072
p = .172
p = .423
p = .439
p = .123
p = .001
p = .424
p = .065
p = .112
p = .479
p = .015
p = .115
p = .010
p = .005
p = .018
p < .001
p < .001
p = .004
p = .005
p = .006
p < .001
p = .001
p = .002
p < .001
p < .001
p < .001
Stable Explanation
Outcome Expectancy
theoretical relations that were confirmed
theoretical relations that are not confirmed
meaningful relations that were not in the theoretical model
Figure 2. Statistics motivational model, as confirmed by path analysis (Lisrel)
Notes: Coefficients are standardised; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01.
The relations among the motivational constructs as well as the coefficients are
displayed in Figure 2. The solid arrows in Figure 2 stand for the theoretical relations that
were confirmed, the dotted arrows stand for the theoretical relations that were not
confirmed, and the dashed arrows indicate meaningful relations that were not in the
hypothesised theoretical model, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 2 shows a strong direct relation between Stable Explanation and Affect, that is,
if students think that there are stable causes for negative statistics related events, failing
their exams for example, they will develop negative feelings toward statistics. In the
model, as displayed in Figure 1, this relation was mediated by Outcome Expectancy.
A negative Outcome Expectancy also had an adverse effect on Affect. Affect is related
to all other constructs except to the notion of no control (Control) (β = .19; p = .08). To
emphasise the importance of Affect, it has been placed in a more central position in
Figure 2. It is strongly related to Achievement directly, as well as via Persistence(T). Also
important is that Achievement is determined by Persistence(T) (β = .34; p < .001) but not
by Effort(T) (β = .08; p = .36).
To enhance the fit of the model, the residuals of the behavioural constructs Effort(T)
and Persistence(T) had been set free to correlate (error covariance = 2.12; t = 5.34) in
Lisrel. With this relaxation of the model (as presented in Figure 2), all fit indices showed
a good fit. The values of these indices for our model are provided in Table 5. Again the
Satorra-Bentler chi-square is presented because of its robustness against a small sample
size and violations of distributional assumptions (Hu et al., 1992; Satorra & Bentler,
Table 5. Fit indices for the model in Figure 2
Satorra-Bentler chi-square
(df = 7, n = 94)
13.40; p = .063
Standardised RMR
This study was done in an introductory statistics course. It focussed on causal
explanations of statistics related events, perceived outcome expectancy of students’
activities within this statistics course, affect and study behaviour toward statistics, and the
relation of these constructs to the results on the exam at the end of the course. These
constructs were chosen because of their practical implications for the teaching of
Our first findings concern causal explanations. In the two presented motivational
theories, perceived causes for events have underlying properties that have affective,
behavioural, and cognitive consequences (Peterson et al., 1993; Pintrich & Schunk,
1996). In our study we focused on the dimensions of control and stability of causal
The first result concerns control. The model in Figure 2 indicates that the perception
of having no control over causes of statistics related events may lead to decreased
outcome expectancy. For example, a student who thinks that there is nothing he can do
about the causes for failing the statistics exams, or thinks that he is not able to understand
statistics anyway, may not expect a positive outcome from attending the lectures or
studying the material. This mechanism is intuitively appealing.
The second result indicates that the stability of causal explanations may be more
directly related to affect. As is seen in Figure 2 we found a significant path from Stable
Explanation of such causes to Affect. The path that we found may be interpreted as
follows. The perception of stable causes for aversive events related to statistics may lead
to displeasure and frustration. If students perceive that failing statistics exams is not
easily changeable, students may start to dislike statistics. This was reflected in responses
like: I dislike statistics; I do not have a positive perception of statistics; and so forth.
In sum, these two findings indicate that students who think that they lack control may
not expect to profit from studying statistics, and students who do invest time but think
that there are stable causes for failing in spite of that, may start to dislike statistics.
The last path from Stable Explanation to Affect, though intuitively appealing, was not
anticipated. The model in Figure 1 contained a relation between Stable Explanations and
Outcome Expectancy. This relation was based on the general attributional position that
the stability of a cause has the most influence on shifts in expectancy (Pintrich, 2000;
Pintrich & Schunk, 1996; Weiner, 1986, 1992). Our findings are more consistent with the
basic assumption from Peterson et al. (1993) that controllability is the major factor
influencing outcome expectancy. Yet, the direct influence of Stable Explanation on Affect
may also have important practical implications for statistics education.
The implication for education from our findings may be that when students discover
the material is comprehensible to them and they experience success, they will be
stimulated to study the material. This means that in constructing a learning environment,
there should be tasks built in that are feasible for students. In that way the sequence of
events that may lead to diminished motivation (Weiner, 1986) may be interrupted.
Students will gradually sense that they can master the topics, they will discover they can
control their learning outcomes, they will experience success, and they will abandon the
idea that there are stable causes for failure. Control over learning outcomes may foster the
positive expectation of future study activities. This positive expectation, together with the
reduction of the perception of stable negative causes for failure, may even promote
students to enjoy studying statistics. Only then should more difficult tasks be
A second finding of interest in our study seems to be the central position of Affect in
our model in Figure 2. Students who appreciate the value and relevance of statistics, who
think it is interesting, challenging, and who like statistics, appear to study statistics more
and qualitatively better, and perform better on the exams. In attributional theories
(Pintrich, 2000; Pintrich & Schunk, 1996; Weiner, 1986, 1992) as well as in the learned
helplessness theory of Peterson et al. (1993), affect is on the same level as behaviour and
cognition. In the model in Figure 1 Affect was therefore put on par with behavioural
consequences of Outcome Expectancy. However, affect seems to have a more prominent
role in motivational processes in the present statistics education context. In our study we
found that Affect directly and positively influenced Achievement. It also influenced study
behaviour, namely Effort(T) and Persistence(T). Persistence(T) in turn also influenced
Achievement. Thus, Affect seems to determine achievement directly, as well as indirectly.
Moreover, we found that Affect functioned as a mediator between Control, Stable
Explanations, and Outcome Expectancy on the one hand, and the rest of the motivational
constructs on the other. For this reason Affect holds a more central position in our model
in Figure 2 than in the model presented in Figure 1.
The central role of Affect suggests that the students’ feelings toward statistics appear
to be an important theme for innovating and improving statistics education. Our results
with respect to Affect are in line with Malone and Lepper (1987), who state that
implementing features that make learning more appealing, enjoyable, and challenging
makes learning more intrinsically motivating. Our finding that the feelings toward
statistics are crucial in reaching satisfactory achievements corroborates the results of Isen,
Daubman, and Gorgoglione (1987). In their study they found that positive affect may
foster student’s tendencies to see relations among stimuli, because positive affect leads to
different ways of information processing, for example using different strategies. More
relations between concepts are characteristic for richer knowledge networks, which
indicate better integrated knowledge and deeper understanding (Kintsch, 1988, 1998).
It seems to be of relevance in the improvement of statistics education to make
statistics courses more attractive, interesting, and enjoyable. One of the ways this might
be achieved is by making the courses less theoretical. We think that a small experiment
may engage students in a more active way, it may be fun to analyse data that are collected
by the students themselves, and it may foster the notion of relevance of statistics.
A final result in our study was that Effort(T) had no significant relation with
Achievement. Both Effort(T) and Persistence(T) were determined by the tutors. Effort(T)
reflected the amount of time students studied, and whether students prepared themselves,
attended lectures, or were actively involved in the discussion during group meetings.
Effort per se seemed to have a minor effect on achievement. What counts seems to be the
way students study. In our study, Persistence(T) contributes significantly to exam
performance. Students who did not quit that easily, who persisted, who turned to their
lecture notes or their books, or consulted a teacher when they were not able to solve a
statistical problem, those students did better on the exam. This result suggests that
persisting is the best way to study statistics. It is in line with research in other subjects
that established the importance of learning strategies and mastery goals for achievement
in educational settings. (see e.g., Ames, 1992; Boekaerts; 1997; Pintrich, 2000; Dweck,
This finding may also be important for educational purposes. In the teaching of
statistics, students should be stimulated to try to solve their problems. They should try to
persist instead of quitting all too easily. This can be done by guiding them through the
topics and by pointing them in the correct direction, instead of giving the solution to a
problem promptly. Persisting and learning from mastering their own difficulties may be
the most valuable way of learning.
The student population from which we recruited our participants consists largely of
female students. Consequently, most of our participants were female (79 female versus
15 male). This could have affected our results. However, t tests on all the core variables
(Control, Stable Explanation, Outcome Expectancy, Affect, Effort(T), Persistence(T), and
Achievement) in our models showed no significant differences between the female and
male students. Therefore, the fact that the majority of our participants was female seems
not to affect the motivational processes that were studied.
The tutor ratings that we used to measure effort and persistence are another limitation
of our study. We instructed the tutors in great detail and asked them to record students’
activities that we hold indicative for effort and persistence. We are confident that the
ratings of the tutors are a quite valid and reliable measurement of the relevant behaviour.
Still these ratings only reflect observable, external behaviour. Consequently we cannot
discuss internal processes of reflection and mental activity. Our results only pertain to
self-reported cognitions, affect, and observed behaviour.
In the present study only first-year students were studied. In future research secondand third-year students could be studied. Secondly, our results could be corroborated in
studies with a larger sample. In our study a rather small sample was used (n = 94). It
could also be investigated how in a practical educational context we can determine
whether students persist during studying statistics. How can students optimally be guided
to the correct solution of the problems? Will this reduce the perception of stable negative
causes for failure and enhance the notion of control? Will such a reduction lead to a
positive expectation of future study activities and to more enjoyment? Will all this
eventually lead to more persistence and better results on the exam? Finally, further
research is needed to investigate additional ways statistics education can be made more
enjoyable. In the past, our department spent most attention on how to make lectures more
informative, to select the best instruction books, and to develop assignments that are
mainly educational. Now our attention has somewhat shifted toward making the courses
more attractive, interesting, and enjoyable. We have tried to make the courses less
theoretical by introducing a small experiment. Even so, future research may include
investigating the most effective ways of making statistics education more enjoyable.
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Department of Methodology and Statistics
Maastricht University
PO Box 616
6200 MD Maastricht
Example questions from the exam at the end of course (used for the measurement of
1. In a sample of 101 newborn babies, the mean birth weight is 3.8 kg and the standard
deviation is 0.85. The null hypothesis is H0: μ = 4 kg.
If this null hypothesis holds, then:
a. The probability that we will find a sample mean smaller than or equal to 3.8 kg is 50%
b. The probability that we will find a sample mean smaller than or equal to 3.8 kg is 80%
c. The probability that we will find a sample mean smaller than or equal to 3.8 kg is less than
d. The probability that we will find a sample mean smaller than or equal to 3.8 kg is greater
than 50%
2. Given the same sample as in question 1, we are testing H0: μ = 4 kg against H1: μ ≠ 4
kg. The p-value of the sample mean of 3.8 kg is:
a. p ≤ .01
b. .01 < p ≤ .02
c. .02 < p ≤ .05
d. p > .05
3. Given the same sample as in question 1, we are again testing H0: μ = 4 kg against H1:
μ ≠ 4 kg. Suppose the null hypothesis is rejected at α = .10. What is the implication of
this α = .10?
a. In 10 % we will wrongfully conclude that H0: μ = 4 kg holds.
b. In 10 % we will wrongfully conclude that H1: μ ≠ 4 kg holds.
c. In 5 % we will wrongfully conclude that H0: μ = 4 kg holds.
d. In 5 % we will wrongfully conclude that H1: μ ≠ 4 kg holds.
4. The effects of 3 instructional methods on comprehensibility of the information
(SCORE) were investigated. The 3 methods were: a standard method and 2
experimental methods (experimental method 1 and experimental method 2). The
coding of the dummy variables was as follows:
Standard method
Experimental method 1
Experimental method 2
It is tested whether the comprehensibility of the information (SCORE) for all methods is
equal (H0), or if at least one of the three methods is different (H1).
Part of the output of the SPSS analysis is presented below:
Sum of Squares
df Mean Square
Predictors: (Constant), D_EXP2, D_EXP1
Dependent Variable: SCORE
B Std. Error
1 (Constant)
Dependent Variable: SCORE
Question: What conclusion can be drawn? Assume α = 0.05.
a. There is a difference between the instructional methods because the p-value of F is
smaller than 0.05.
b. There is a difference between the instructional methods because the p-value of F is
smaller than 0.05/2 =0.025.
c. There is no difference between the instructional methods because the p-value of F is
smaller than 0.05/2 =0.025.
d. There is no difference between the instructional methods because the p-value of F is
smaller than 0.05.
Given the same research and the same results as in question 4, suppose that the F-test
indicates a difference between the three methods. Which groups differ significantly?
Assume α = 0.01.
a. Each method differs significantly from the others.
b. The standard method differs significantly from experimental method 1.
c. The standard method differs significantly from experimental method 2.
d. The experimental method 1 differs significantly from experimental method 2.
5. Given the same research and the same results as in question 4, what is the proportion
of explained variance in the SCORE variable?
a. 0.28
b. 0.72
c. 0.38
d. 0.86
Teachers College, Columbia University
[email protected]
Teachers College, Columbia University
[email protected]
We investigate the use of external visual representations in probability problem
solving. Twenty-six students enrolled in an introductory statistics course for social
sciences graduate students (post-baccalaureate) solved eight probability problems in
a structured interview format. Results show that students spontaneously use selfgenerated external visual representations while solving probability problems. The
types of visual representations used include: reorganization of the given information,
pictures, novel schematic representations, trees, outcome listings, contingency tables,
and Venn diagrams. The frequency of use of each of these different external visual
representations depended on the type of probability problem being solved. We
interpret these findings as showing that problem solvers attempt to select
representations appropriate to the problem structure, and that the appropriateness of
the representation is determined by the problem’s underlying schema.
Keywords: Statistics education research; Probability problem solving; Visual
representations; Trees; Outcome listings; Venn diagrams
Consider the following probability problem:
An apartment building has four parking spaces in front (call them A, B, C, and D).
There are four apartments in the building (#1, #2, #3, and #4), and each apartment has
a single occupant with a single car. Every evening, all four occupants come home and
park in a randomly chosen space. What is the probability that this evening they park
so that the occupant of Apt #1 is in space A, the occupant of #2 is in space B, the
occupant of #3 in space C, and the occupant of #4 in space D?
How would you go about solving this problem? Many people report visualizing the
cars and parking spaces. After that, strategies for solving the problem tend to diverge (as
do success rates). One of our points in presenting this problem (used in the present study)
is that probability word problems are often simple to pose, yet difficult for many students
to solve. Another point is that visualization and visual solution methods, such as selfgenerated external pictures and diagrams, can be very helpful in solving some probability
Statistics Education Research Journal, 6(1), 22-50,
© International Association for Statistical Education (IASE/ISI), May, 2007
Probability problem solving (PPS) can be quite difficult for students (Garfield &
Ahlgren, 1988; Konold, 1989; O’Connell, 1993; Pollatsek, Well, Konold, Hardiman &
Cobb, 1987), even when the mathematics involved is simple. Of course, other types of
mathematics word problems are also difficult for many students, perhaps because solving
them requires the problem solver to think abstractly about situations, and then model
these situations using mathematical concepts. However, some researchers (Garfield &
Ahlgren, 1988; Konold, 1989) have suggested that probability problem solving may be
especially difficult because people have natural misconceptions about probabilistic
concepts (e.g., Kahneman, Slovic, & Tversky, 1982).
Recommendations have been made for how to teach concepts in probability (e.g.,
Bantanero, Godino, & Roa, 2004; Gelman & Nolan, 2002; Gigerenzer, 1994; Keeler &
Steinhorst, 2001; Konold, 1995, 1996; Sedlmeier & Gigerenzer, 2001). However, as
pointed out by Garfield and Ahlgren (1988), only a few articles have tried to gather
empirical evidence on the processes by which students solve probability problems. In one
such study, O’Connell (1999; O’Connell & Corter, 1993) described a pedagogical model
of recommended process steps by which students should solve probability problems.
O’Connell (1993, 1999) classified student errors in probability problem solving, showing
that they could be grouped into several categories: text comprehension errors, conceptual
errors, procedural errors, and computational errors. Konold, Pollatsek, Well, and
Lohmeier, and Lipson (1993) documented inconsistencies in probabilistic reasoning and
discussed implications for probability problem solving. Due to this paucity of research on
PPS, Chance and Garfield (2002) call for more research on the cognitive processes of
probability problem solvers using innovative methods such as videotaped clinical
interviews. The present study is intended as a step in that direction.
In studying the cognitive processes of probability problem solvers, one issue that
deserves special attention is the role of visualization. After all, anecdotal evidence
suggests that visualization plays an important role in how experts solve probability
problems (and mathematics problems generally). Also, informal observations of how
students in statistics courses solve probability problems provide ample evidence that they
sometimes spontaneously use visual devices (e.g., outcome trees) in their written work.
Finally, Sedlmeier (2000) has suggested that common cognitive “fallacies” in reasoning
about conditional probabilities may be ameliorated by graphical representations.
Visualization may be especially important for probabilistic reasoning and probability
problem solving because of the inherently abstract nature of the concepts introduced in
To better understand the literature on visualization in mathematics problem solving, it
is important to distinguish between internal visual representations (i.e., “mental
imagery”) and external visual representations (e.g., graphs, charts, pictures, etc.). Another
distinction about the way external representations may be used in problem solving
concerns whether the external representations are provided to the student by an instructor
or experimenter, or are spontaneously generated by the student in the course of solving
the problem. Although there is an extensive literature on how instructor-provided
graphics can aid in scientific problem solving (summarized below), there has been little
or no research on students’ spontaneous creation and use of pictures, graphics and other
visual devices in the course of mathematics problem-solving activities. In the present
study, we use written and think-aloud protocols to study when and why probability
problem solvers spontaneously produce external visual representations in their written
work (when not required to do so), and what types of visual representations they employ.
Results from previous research on scientific problem solving by schoolchildren (e.g.,
Lehrer & Schauble, 1998; Penner, Giles, Lehrer, & Schauble, 1996) and by high school
and college students (e.g., Hall, Bailey, & Tillman, 1997; Hegarty & Just, 1993;
Kaufmann, 1990; Mayer, 1989; Mayer & Anderson, 1991, 1992; Mayer & Gallini, 1990;
Mayer, Mautone, & Prothero, 2002; Molitor, Ballstaedt, & Mandl, 1989; Santos-Trigo,
1996; B. Tversky, 2001) suggest that experimenter-provided external visual
representations can aid scientific problem solving. The visual representations investigated
in these studies ranged from diagrams that accompanied text (Hall, Bailey, & Tillman,
1997; Mayer, 1989; Mayer & Anderson, 1991, 1992; Mayer & Gallini, 1990; Mayer,
Mautone, & Prothero, 2002) to actual physical models of scientific systems (Lehrer &
Schauble, 1998; Penner, Giles, Lehrer, & Schauble, 1996). In spite of the wide range of
external visual representations used in these studies, a common finding was that
experimenter-provided external visuals often facilitate problem-solving success. Many of
the studies also conclude that such external visual representations can aid in the
development of student understanding of physical systems and mechanisms.
Incidentally, it is likely that individuals vary in the extent to which they use and
benefit from visual representations. Some researchers in this area (e.g., Hegarty &
Kozhevnikov, 1999; Kozhevnikov, Hegarty, & Mayer, 2002) have taken an individual
differences perspective, grouping problem solvers into one of several types: those who
tend to use verbal representations, and those who primarily use visual/spatial
representations. Kozhevnikov et al. (2002) suggest that the visualizer group can be
further split into object visualizers and spatial visualizers, with spatial visualizers
showing some advantages in scientific and mathematical tasks.
Research conducted specifically in the domain of mathematics has also shown that
experimenter-provided external visual representations can be useful in mathematics
problem solving (e.g., Sedlmeier & Gigerenzer, 2001; Koedinger & Anderson, 1997;
Nemirovsky, 1994). In particular, a number of studies (e.g., Hollebrands, 2003; Hannafin,
Burruss, & Little, 2001; Hannafin & Scott, 1998) have found that the use of Geometer’s
Sketchpad®, a geometry graphing computer program, can be helpful in developing
students’ concepts and problem solving in geometry. Schwartz and Martin (2004)
investigated the use of graphical tools in statistics instruction and found that
experimenter-prompted graphical “invention activities” by students led to significant
gains in understanding of statistical concepts.
Previous work (e.g., Russell, 2000; Zahner & Corter, 2002) in our own lab has shown
that most probability problem solvers choose to use external visual representations while
solving problems (after being taught the use of such visuals in an introductory statistics
course), and that a wide variety of such external visual devices are used. External visual
representations used by probability problem solvers include at least these types: graphs,
tree diagrams, contingency tables, Venn diagrams, and pictures. Arguably, formulas and
mathematical symbols could be included in this list, because they incorporate visuospatial
relationships (cf. Presmeg, 1986). However, their usefulness in solving probability
problems is not in question.
In order to use research results on visualization and problem solving to improve
mathematics teaching and learning, it is important to ask why external visual
representations are useful in mathematics problem solving. One possible answer to this
question is that external visual representations help to augment cognitive capabilities in
certain ways (e.g., Lowrie & Kay, 2001; Novick, 2001; Qin & Simon, 1995), for example
by aiding memory. Tversky (2001) lists a number of possible functions of external
diagrams and visual devices, including attracting attention, recording information and
supporting memory, communication, providing models, and facilitating inference and
discovery. Another possibility is that using multiple representations of a problem
(including visual ones) leads to a fuller understanding of the problem and an increased
“depth of processing” (Logie & Baddeley, 1990; Mayer, 1989, 2001; Mayer & Gallini,
1990). Other potential explanations for the use of external visual representations include
the possibility that such representations can help problem solvers build a mental model of
the described problem situation (Schwartz & Black, 1996). Finally, for certain problems
the graphical devices may be used as a solution tool in a more specific way: for example,
reading a value from a graph, or counting outcomes in an outcome tree. Alternatively, it
might be that there is no benefit in using external visual representations, rather their use is
just an epiphenomenon, a reaction to training from classroom instruction.
Of course, these accounts of why visualizations might be useful are not all mutually
exclusive or contradictory. But only fragmentary data exist that might support or discredit
any of these explanations. Some hints might come from studies examining when problem
solvers choose to use external visual representations. For example, there is some evidence
that both internal (Hampson & Morris, 1990) and external (Lowrie & Kay, 2001; Zahner
& Corter, 2002) visual representations tend to be used more for unfamiliar or more
difficult problems. This observation seems to support certain explanations (e.g., visuals as
supporting memory, or facilitating inference and discovery) more than others.
This study focuses on the use of external visual representations in probability problem
solving (PPS). We are interested in what types of problems tend to elicit use of visual
representations, how and when external visual representations are used in PPS, and
finally, if external visual representations facilitate correct solution of the problems. We
used a variety of problem types, in order to investigate if the usefulness of visuals and the
type of visual device chosen by the problem solver depends on specific aspects of the
problem being solved. Specifically, we ask: Are particular types of representations used
with particular problem topics (for example, problems dealing with permutations)? Also,
we investigate if external visual representations are used more often with unfamiliar types
of problems, because the student may have a higher cognitive load in these cases, or
because the elicitation of a familiar problem-solving schema may be less likely.
As background to the present work, we assume that the process of solving a
probability word problem can be broken down into roughly sequential stages (cf. Kintsch
& Greeno, 1985; Mayer, 1992; O’Connell, 1993, 1999; O’Connell & Corter, 1993;
Reusser, 1996). These stages are assumed to be:
i) initial problem understanding (text comprehension),
ii) formulating the mathematical problem,
iii) finding a solution method or schema,
iv) computing the answer.
Novick and Hmelo (1994) make a more gross distinction between problem
representation and solution procedure phases of problem solving. Consistent with this
simpler classification, our coding scheme for written protocols of students did not attempt
to code use of visuals separately for stages i-iii, because we do not believe this can be
done reliably with the present data. Rather, our scheme coded two types of uses of graphs
or other external visual representations: a) for problem understanding, mathematical
formulation, or for selection of a solution schema (i.e., any such use in the first three
stages above), and b) for any use in the final stage, that of actually computing a numerical
answer. We refer to the latter type of use of visual devices under the term “computational
method.” As an example of the first type of use, consider the use of a picture of a spinner
or a Venn diagram to depict aspects of the probability word problem. An example of the
second type of use of external visualizations, using them to compute an answer, would be
counting the number of outcomes (leaves) in an outcome tree to find the denominator for
a probability calculation.
Finally, we are interested in knowing if the use of external visual representations
is associated with solution success for these probability problems. If external visual
devices are used because they are helpful, then we ought to be able to find evidence of
that. However, there are several factors that complicate this relationship, including the
student’s prior knowledge of the visual devices used, student spatial and mathematical
ability, student cognitive style and the difficulty of the problem. Alternatively, it might be
that the use of external visual representations is associated with solution failure, because
participants might be more likely to use visual representations when they find a problem
confusing or difficult (cf. Hegarty & Kozhevnikov, 1999; Lowrie & Kay, 2001).
Twenty-six students were recruited from introductory probability and statistical
inference classes during the Fall semester of 2002 from an urban college of education and
psychology in the U.S.A. All participants were graduate students (post-baccalaureate) in
education and social sciences, with widely varying math backgrounds. Participants were
each paid ten dollars. They were informed that they were going to participate in a study
of probability problem solving, and that the primary focus of the study was on the
methods by which students solve problems. Because all the participants were enrolled in
the same introductory statistics class at the college, their recent curricular background in
probability problem solving was well-controlled and known, though the degree to which
each participant mastered the material in that course was not measured. This course
included approximately six lectures in probability. Topics included: events and outcome
spaces, definition of probability for equally-likely and unequally-likely events,
combinatorics, compound events, conditional probability, independence of events, and
Bayes’ Rule.
Each respondent was asked to solve eight probability problems. This set of eight
problems (see Appendix) was designed to include four different probability topics
(“problem types”) each represented at two different levels of typicality for that topic. The
four different problem types were labeled: “Combinations,” “Sequential,”
“Permutations,” and “Conditional probability.” The problems representing each of these
four topics were thought to have distinct “deep structures” corresponding to four distinct
problem schemas, tapping somewhat different sets of knowledge and solution skills. This
factor will be referred to as “problem type.” As an example, consider Problem P1, an
example of a Combinations problem:
P1. There are 10 books on Mary’s bookcase. She randomly grabs 2 books to read on
the bus. What is the probability that the 2 books are “Little Women” and “War &
Peace”? (Both these books are on her bookshelf.)
In the curriculum to which these participants had recently been exposed, this problem
typically would have been solved using the formula for the number of combinations of n
objects selected k at a time. That formula gives the number of possible outcomes in the
sample space:
Ck =
= 45 .
k!(n − k )! 2!(8!)
Then the probability of Mary selecting one particular combination (two specific
books) can easily be calculated to be 1/45. Any problem requiring use of this formula (or
a variant of it) is therefore assumed to share the same problem schema, and is said to be
of the same basic Problem Type (Combinations in this case).
For each problem type, there was one typical variant and one atypical variant. The
typical version was a problem that could be solved using a straightforward application of
a standard probability formula known to have been taught in the participants’
introductory statistics class. The atypical version was a problem that was very unlikely to
be isomorphic to any problem encountered in their course, and that could not be solved
using a single application of a standard probability formula. This manipulation of
typicality may be clarified by Table 1, which presents summaries of what we judge to be
appropriate formula-based solutions for the typical and atypical variants of each problem
type. These solutions are presented to show the basic underlying structure of each
problem type, without reference to surface content, and to illustrate how each problem
might be solved by application of one or more standard probability formulas.
Table 1 also makes clear the types of specific problem manipulations that were used
to create the atypical variant of each problem type. For the Combinations problem, the
predicted solution for the typical version requires the problem solver to use the standard
formula for the number of combinations of n things selected k at a time to calculate the
number of possible outcomes. Our predicted solution for the atypical Combinations
problem requires using this formula twice, once in the numerator and once in the
denominator. For the Sequential problems, problem solvers must use the formula for
calculating the probability of three independent events. In the typical variant the three
events are identical, whereas in the atypical variant they are different events with
differing probabilities. The typical variant of the Permutations problem asks how many
different ways four items can be matched up with four “slots.” The atypical version of
this problem asks the same question, but orders the objects only with respect to the first
two slots. We consider this an atypical problem because the computational method does
not correspond to straightforward application of the formula for number of permutations
of n objects, which is known to have been taught in the participants’ introductory
statistics course. Note that this atypical variant is actually simpler computationally than
its typical version. For the Conditional Probability problems, the typical version closely
resembles examples used in the students’ introductory statistics course, and requires the
problem solver to use the formula for conditional probability (twice). The atypical variant
adds a final step, in which the formula must be used a third time.
Table 1. Example formula-based solutions for typical and
atypical variants of each problem type
Problem Type
Ck =
k!(n − k )!
where n = total number of books
k = number selected
k!(m − k )!
P ( A) = m k =
n Ck
k!(n − k )!
where n = total number of books
m = number of novels
k = number selected
P( A1 ∩ A2 ∩ A3 ) = P( A) P ( A) P( A)
P( A1 ∩ A2 ∩ A3 ) = P ( A1 ) P ( A2 ) P( A3 ),
A1, A2, A3 not necessarily equal
# outcomes = n! = (n)(n-1)…(2)(1)
where n = number of objects
# outcomes = (n)(n-1)
where n = number of objects
P( B) = P( A ∩ B) + P( A c ∩ B)
P( A ∩ B ) = P ( B | A) × P( A)
P( A c ∩ B) = P( B | A c ) × P( A c )
P( B) = P( A ∩ B) + P( A c ∩ B)
P( A ∩ B) = P( B | A) × P ( A)
P( A c ∩ B) = P( B | A c ) × P( A c )
P( A ∩ B)
P( A | B) =
P( B)
Across two different forms (A and B) of the test booklet, each of the eight problems
was formulated with two different cover stories, or surface content. Surface content was
counterbalanced with problem typicality across test forms. For example, the typical
Combinations problem P1 given above involved books on a bookshelf, so a participant
who saw that problem would see an atypical Combinations problem involving cookies in
a cookie jar. For another participant who saw the second test form, the atypical
Combinations problem would involve books on a bookshelf, and the typical version
would involve cookies in a cookie jar. The Appendix shows only test form A.
A structured interviewing protocol (cf. Ginsburg, 1997) was developed for use in the
interviews, and was designed mainly to elicit a reasonable level of detail in the participant
protocols. The same interviewer worked with all of the participants, interviewing only
one participant at a time. Participants were asked to think aloud while solving the
problems, and also to show their written work with provided pen and paper. The task was
not timed. However, most participants finished in less than an hour. A probability
formula sheet was available to them at all times (but left face down), though no
participant was observed to use it. A videotape recorder was used to capture the
participants’ work and student/interviewer comments. The present analyses mainly focus
on the participants’ written work, though the verbal transcripts were analyzed as well.
The interviewer stepped in with verbal prompts in any of four circumstances, to elicit
continuation of the work or more detail about the participant’s solution process. The first
circumstance was if the participant could not see any way to begin solving the problem.
In this situation the script called for the interviewer to ask, “In general, what would be a
good first step in solving this problem?” with other follow-up questions (“How would
you apply it in this case?”) if the first prompt did not elicit useful work. The second type
of circumstance in which the interviewer stepped in was when the participant paused for
a long time (more than 30 seconds) without thinking aloud or writing. This could indicate
either that the participant was thinking silently or was at an impasse, and was responded
to with “What are you thinking?” and other follow-up prompts (“Let’s back up and look
at this again. How else could you solve this?”). The third situation in which prompting
occurred was when the participant’s verbal or written process explanations lacked
sufficient detail, for example, consisting of only a few calculations with no explanation
(“Can you explain how you arrived at this?”). The fourth situation eliciting interviewer
intervention was when the participant indicated that he or she was finished with the
problem. In most cases, this occurred when the participant had arrived at what he or she
believed was the correct answer. In other cases, this was because the participant gave up
on solving the problem. In either case, the interviewer then asked the participant to
explain in detail all of the steps used in the solution attempt.
Coding of the written protocols The focus of the present study is on use of external
visual representations in problem solving and on the methods used to solve problems.
Thus, the analyses reported in the present study focus mainly on coding of the
participants’ written work. Three particular aspects of the written problem solutions were
coded, based upon a scheme developed in previous research (Russell, 2000). The first
coded aspect was whether or not the participant gave the correct answer to the problem.
The second aspect coded, described in more detail below, was the type of external visual
representation used (if any) by the participant. The third aspect coded, also described in
more detail in the next section, was the type of general computational method used to
solve the problem. Here the identified types were: formula, graphical, or procedural.
External visual representations Written protocols for each problem solution were
coded for use of different types of external visual representations. The coded types of
external visual representation included pictures, outcome listings, trees, contingency
tables, Venn diagrams, novel schematic representations, and spatial reorganization of the
given information.
An external visual representation was coded as a picture if it attempted to represent
the real-world situation conveyed in the problem in a non-symbolic, pictorial way. For
example, in a problem about use of a spinner with separate areas marked “red,” “blue,”
and so on, any picture of a spinner type device would count as a picture (see Figure 1 for
an example). A visual device was coded as an outcome listing if it gave a list of outcomes
in some relevant outcome space, for example: {HH, HT, TH, TT} as the outcomes space
for the experiment of flipping a coin twice. A visual representation was coded as a tree
diagram if the participant attempted to organize the information from the problem in
either a complete or a partial outcome tree. An example of the use of a tree diagram is
shown in Figure 2. A visual representation was coded as a contingency table if the
participant presented the information from the problem as probabilities or frequencies in
a two-way table. A visual representation was coded as a Venn diagram if the participant
used a Venn diagram to represent set relationships.
Figure 1. A participant’s written work for the typical version of the Sequential problem,
illustrating use of a picture
Figure 2. A participant’s written work for the typical version of the Sequential problem,
illustrating use of an outcome tree (and a picture)
Besides these standard pictorial and schematic representations used in previous
studies (Russell, 2000; Zahner & Corter, 2002), we created two additional coding
categories to cover cases not handled by the above classes. The first is a code indicating
any attempt to invent and use what we termed a “novel schematic representation.” Use of
the term “novel” is meant to denote a schematic visual device that was not taught in the
introductory class the participants were taking or had taken, nor used in standard
probability texts. It is not meant to imply that the student invented and used a previously
unknown type of visual device. An example of this category is a graphic used by several
subjects for the Permutations problems: a list of four names whose elements are
connected by lines or arrows to elements in a list of four numbers (see Figure 3). This
type of representation (that we would classify as a directed graph) is apparently an
attempt to develop or discover the correct outcome space for the problem. This type of
representation uses spatial information and schematic elements (lines or arcs) to represent
relational aspects of the problem, and is thus different from a simple outcome listing. The
second additional coding category was defined to include any spatial reorganization of
the given information. Use of a spatial organization scheme for information is not a
formal graphical representation nor a purely pictorial representation. However, we have
included this coding category because we have observed frequent use of spatiallyorganized rewriting of information to aid in problem solving. In the present study, many
participants were observed to line up corresponding given probabilities or conditional
probabilities (see Figure 4). This practice may make it easier for novice problem solvers
to check for needed or missing information, to break down problem solution into
subparts, or to make visual associations to relevant formulas.
Figure 3. A participant’s written work for typical version of the Permutation problem,
illustrating use of a novel schematic representation
Figure 4. A participant’s written work for the atypical version of the Conditional
problem, illustrating use of spatial reorganization of given information
Computational method We also coded the computational method used by the
problem solver, that is, the means by which the problem solver actually computes the
answer required by the problem. We did this because in the course of coding the student
protocols, we noticed that sometimes visual representations were used very early in the
problem solving process, for example while the problem solver seemed to be still trying
to understand the given problem information or to classify the problem, and sometimes
later in the solution process, for example when the subject was trying to compute the
actual numerical answer. In an effort to begin to understand what specific role or function
external visual representations are serving in probability problem solving, we decided to
separately code the method by which the problem solver actually computed the numerical
answer required in each of these problems. We classified this later stage of each problemsolving protocol into three broad classes of computational method: formula, procedural,
and graphical.
The computational method was characterized as formula-based problem solving if the
participant wrote down an explicit (standard) formula, then substituted in quantities and
solved the problem. An example of a formula-based computational method would be the
use of the combinations formula followed by the necessary calculations: 5C2 = 5!/(2!)(3!)
= (5)(4)/(2)(1) = 10. This complete and rather formal method was distinguished from a
procedural approach, which was used to code solutions carrying out a calculation
involving only numbers without reference to any general formula or underlying principle.
An example of a procedural approach would be if the participant calculated the
probability of getting three heads in three flips of a coin by simply multiplying
(1/2)(1/2)(1/2) = 1/8 without indicating any rationale for that procedure. A computational
method was considered graphical if the subject used an external visual device to solve
the problem, but only if the graphical device was judged to be instrumental to the method
by which the student arrived at the actual numerical solution. An example of a graphical
computational method would be if the subject multiplied two conditional probabilities
that were taken from branches of a tree diagram.
No computational method was coded if the participant did not attempt to solve the
problem. Occasionally, multiple computational methods were coded for a single problem.
This occurred only when a participant attempted the problem, then abandoned that
attempt, and attempted another computational method.
In order to assess reliability of the coding of the written protocols for external
representations and computation method, a second rater coded all student solutions.
Initial percent agreement between the two raters was over 90% for both external
representation and computation method. Discrepancies were discussed by the two raters
and the resulting consensus was used in all analyses reported.
Coding of audio protocols In order to better understand how the external visual
representations are being used by problem solvers, we also transcribed and examined the
audio portion of the videotapes capturing the participants’ think-aloud protocols. Each
utterance in a participant’s audio transcript was coded to indicate if the participant was
engaged in either of two broad phases or stages of problem solution: 1) a problemrepresentation phase that involves understanding the problem text and reformulating the
problem in mathematical form; or 2) a solution phase, that involves selecting a solution
strategy and implementing it. The video track of the tapes focused on participants’
written inscriptions, including use of external representations. The video tapes were used
to match uses of external visual devices with verbal statements by the participants about
their thoughts and actions and the general phase of problem solving that they were
engaged in: either problem representation or strategy selection and solution.
Preliminary analyses showed that individual problems and problem types varied
considerably in difficulty. The rightmost column in the Appendix shows the proportion of
subjects who correctly solved each problem. These proportions vary from a low of .08 for
Problem P8 (Conditional probability, atypical) to .73 (for Problems P3 and P4, the
typical and atypical Sequential problems). Regarding problem type, it was found that
participants were most successful at solving the Sequential problems (.73 correct overall),
followed by the Permutations problems (.48), then the Combinations problems (.29), and
finally the Conditional probability problems (.25). These differences in solution rate
among problem types were significant: in a log-linear analysis with factors Problem
Type, Typicality, and Correctness (the dependent variable), the Problem Type ×
Correctness association was significant (χ2(3) = 31.56, p < .05).
We were also interested in whether the atypical variant of each problem type was
more difficult for problem solvers than the typical variant. Results indicated that typical
and atypical variants did not differ in mean difficulty across all four problem types: mean
proportion correct for the four typical problems encountered by each subject was .43,
whereas for the four atypical problems it was .44. However, it is clear from the solution
rate for individual problems (see Appendix) that the typical-atypical difference in
solution rates varies across problem types. This interaction was tested by the three-way
association of Problem Type × Typicality × Correctness in the loglinear analysis
described above. This association was significant, (χ2(3) = 17.00, p <.05). Consequently,
it is necessary to examine the effects of typicality separately for each problem type.
In particular, a difference in the expected direction was found for the Conditional
Probability problems, with 42% of participants correctly solving the typical version of
the problem versus only 8% for the atypical version. Unexpectedly, for the Combinations
problem the solution rate for the atypical variant of the problem was much higher (at
73%) than for the typical variant (at 12%). In order to understand this unexpected result,
we analyzed participants’ written protocols to identify the specific solution methods used
by participants for these problems. We found that most participants did not use the
combinations formula at all to solve the atypical variant of the Combinations problem;
rather they tended to solve this problem by treating it as a “sequential” problem involving
sampling without replacement. For example, the problem can be solved using the
formula: P ( A1 ∩ A2 ) = P ( A1 ) P ( A2 | A1 ) .
Inspection of the individual student protocols revealed that 92% (24 out of 26) of the
participants selected this alternate method to solve the atypical Combinations problems.
This probably occurred because the atypical problem is extremely difficult using the
Combinations approach: the only two participants who tried this approach both failed to
solve it. In contrast, exactly half of the 24 participants who adopted the sequential-events
approach for the atypical variant succeeded in solving it. Note that many participants
(73%) also tried to solve the typical Combinations problem using a sequential-events
approach. However, all of these subjects failed to solve the problem, contributing to the
overall low solution rate for the typical version. The difference in apparent difficulty of
the sequential approach to these two problems probably involves that fact that in the
typical Combinations problem, order is not important (but the use of the sequential
solution method tends to elicit a solution attempt involving ordered pairs). Thus, many
participants gave the answer 1/90 for this problem using the sequential approach, whereas
the correct answer is 1/45. In the atypical variant, in contrast, there is a symmetry to the
outcomes in the outcome space such that order is irrelevant.
What kinds of external visual representations are used? For each specific form of
external visual representation, we calculated the percentage of participants who used that
representation at least once. As shown in Table 2, we found that participants most often
used reorganization of the given information (used at least once by 96.2% of the
participants), followed by use of pictures (by 84.6% of the participants), novel schematic
representations (65.4% of the participants), trees (53.8%), outcome listings (38.5%),
contingency tables (7.7%) and finally Venn diagrams (3.8%).
Table 2. Frequency and percentage of participants using each type of external visual
representation at least once, with frequency and percentage use of each representation
across all problem solutions
Outcome Listings
Contingency Tables
Venn Diagrams
Novel Schematic
By participant (N=26)
By problem solution (N=208)
Are different types of external visual representations used with different types of
problems? We investigated the relationship between the type or topic of the probability
problem (Combinations, Sequential, Permutations, and Conditional) and the type of
representation that participants chose to use for it. In this analysis no distinction was
made between the typical and atypical versions of each problem type. Table 3
summarizes how often each type of external representation was used for each type of
problem. Because there were two problems of each type, each entry in this table is
calculated across a total of 52 problem solutions.
Table 3. Frequency and percentage of problems of each type for which a given type of
external representation was used (out of N=52 problem solutions), with χ 2 goodness-of
fit tests evaluating differences in the frequencies of use of each representation across the
four problem types
Outcome Listings
Contingency Tables
Venn Diagrams
Novel Schematic
*p < .05
For each row of the table, we used a chi-square goodness-of-fit test to test if each
visual representation was used with unequal frequencies across problem types (i.e.
columns). The chi-square goodness-of-fit test revealed that the frequency of use of
reorganization of given information differed significantly across problem types (χ2(3)=
47.6, p < .05). This representation was used most often for the Conditional Probability
problems (73.1% of the time) and the Combinations problems (50%). Usage was also
distributed unequally across problem type for outcome listings (χ2(3) = 9.2, p < .05), with
the most frequent use being for Combinations (17.3%) and Sequential (13.5%) problems.
Use of Novel schematic representations was also distributed unequally across problem
type (χ2(3) = 72.0, p < .05), because these representations were used only for the
Permutations problems (46.2% of the time). Novel schematic devices may be tried
especially often for the specific permutations problems used here because these problems
are difficult for novices to recognize as permutation problems. That is because the cover
stories for these particular permutation problems involve matching two sets of entities
(e.g., tutors with students) rather than simply ordering one set of objects. This situation
does not plug neatly into any formula or solution schema that students had been taught.
This situation apparently spurred participants to try to understand these relatively unusual
problems by inventing or adapting “novel” graphical representations.
Also, the use of pictures was distributed unequally across problem type (χ2(3) = 26.4,
p < .05), due to very frequent use of pictures for the Sequential problems (in 59.6% of
problem solutions), Combinations (30.8%), and Permutations (28.8%) and infrequent use
(3.8%) for the Conditional Probability problems. The use of trees did not vary
significantly across problem type (χ2(3) = 3.7, p < .05). Inspection of Table 3 reveals that
trees were used about 10% of the time or more for all four problem types. This result
seems to show that at least for these types of probability problems, trees were perceived
by study participants as widely applicable. The use of Contingency tables and Venn
diagrams was too infrequent to be tested in the manner.
Sometimes problem solvers used more than one form of external visual representation
in a single problem solution. Figure 5 shows the percentage of use of single and multiple
representations across all problem solutions, separately by problem and problem type.
Across the eight problems, multiple external visual representations were used in 23.6% of
the problem solutions. The most common combinations of multiple representations were
pictures with reorganization (used in 13% of the problem solutions), and pictures with
trees (used in 6%; see Figure 2 for an example). All other instances of multiple external
representations occurred less than 2% of the time. Multiple representations were used
most often for Combinations and Sequential problems. This may simply reflect the fact
that pictures were used quite often for these problem types, as shown in Table 3.
% of Use
Problem/Problem Type
Figure 5. Percentage of use of single and multiple external representations in the
problem solutions (N=208), by problem and problem type
The above results showing differences in frequency of use of specific representations
across the four problem types demonstrate that participants are selecting representations
based on the type of problem they are trying to solve, presumably reacting to differences
in the problem schema for the four problem types. This suggests that participants’
solution methods (at least, their use of external visual representations) vary depending on
the problem’s underlying schema or “deep structure.” We return to this issue in the
Discussion section.
Is solution success associated with use of external representations? If external
visual devices do indeed serve some purpose for problem solvers, then we might expect
an association between solution success and the specific external representation used (if
any). We explored this idea by estimating the conditional probability of solution success
given use of each type of external visual representation. The results, shown in Table 4,
show that use of particular external visual representations was associated with higher
rates of solution correctness for some problem types (compared to baseline performance
for that problem type), and with lower rates of success for others. For example, the use of
reorganization is associated with a higher rate of solution success for Combinations
problems (.32 versus .29), but with a lower rate of success for Sequential (.50 versus .73),
Permutations (.00 versus .48), and Conditional (.15 versus .25) problems.
Table 4. Proportion of correct solutions, given the use of a particular representation,
separately by problem type. Dashed lines indicate a cell with fewer than four uses of that
representation (i.e., n ≤ 3).
Outcome Listings
Contingency Tables
Venn Diagrams
Novel Schematic
Mean P(correct)
Table 4 shows that for the Combinations problems, use of reorganization, outcome
listings, or trees were all associated with higher rates of solution success, whereas use of
pictures was associated with a lower rate of success. Presumably, the first three types of
representations are useful here because the essence of such combinatorics problems is to
identify the number of outcomes in the outcome space. However, trees are not usually
useful for problems involving simultaneous sampling of multiple objects (where order is
not important). We therefore reexamined participants’ solutions to try to understand this
association. We found that trees were used in only five solutions for the Combinations
problems, and all of these were cases where the problem solver was treating the problem
as a sequential problem rather than using the combinations formula.
For the Sequential problems, use of any external visual representation was associated
with a lower rate of solution success. Sequential problems were the easiest type of
problem overall, with P(correct) = .73, so it may be that participants did not feel any need
to call upon visual representations unless they were among the few who experienced
difficulty with these problems.
For the Permutations problems, use of reorganization, contingency tables, and trees
was associated with lower rates of solution success. Contingency tables in particular do
not seem appropriate for permutation problems, which involve ordering a single set of
objects. Trees are rarely used to represent sequential sampling without replacement,
though in principle they could be applied. However, use of pictures was associated with a
higher rate of solution success for these Permutations problems. Pictures may be
especially useful for these particular (unusual) permutations problems, which are unusual
in that they describe matching two sets of objects rather than ordering a single set. It may
be that pictures facilitated the realization that the ordering of one of these sets is arbitrary.
Finally, for the Conditional probability problem, external visual representations were
not often used. Use of reorganization was associated with slightly lower rates of solution
success. It is surprising that trees were not often used for these problems because their
use for such problems was explicitly described in the course.
Thus, this table seems to offer mixed evidence concerning the usefulness of external
visual representations in probability problem solving. The positive associations found
seem easily explainable. We argue that the few observed negative associations between
external visual representations and solution success do not prove that use of external
representations is harmful in probability problem solving. Rather, the negative
associations may arise because external visual representations are more often called upon
when the problem is especially difficult for the problem solver (cf. Hegarty &
Kozhevnikov, 1999; Lowrie & Kay, 2001).
In addition to the analysis of solution correctness given the use of a particular external
visual representation, we correlated the number of times a participant used any external
visual representation (which ranged from 2 to 18 for participants) and the participant’s
overall solution success (defined as number of problems correct out of 8 for a
participant). Results from this analysis show that there is a significant negative overall
correlation between the use of an external visual representation and solution success (r =
-.40, p < .05). We also found marginally significant negative correlations between use of
certain specific representations and solution success. Specifically, the use of
reorganization of the given information was negatively correlated with solution success (r
= -.37, p = .06), as was the use of outcome listings (r = -.37, p = .06).
What computation methods are used in PPS? Are external visual devices used in
computing problem solutions? We calculated how often each of the three computational
methods (formula, procedural, graphical) was used for each problem. Results showed that
students used the procedural computational method most often (on average in 5.5 out of 8
problems) followed by formula-based computational methods (1.19 out of 8 problems)
and finally, graphical solutions (0.42 problems out of 8.) Thus, external visual
representations were rarely used to compute solution. For 13.5% of problems overall,
subjects did not complete the problem to the point of computing a solution. Multiple
computation methods (coded only when the participant made multiple solution attempts)
were observed only 2.4% of the time.
Are different computation methods used with different problem types? We
calculated frequency and percentage of use of each of the three types of computation
method across problem types. Note that more than one type of solution method could be
coded for a given solution, and that if the problem solver did not attempt to compute a
numeric solution no computation method was coded. Results showed that formulas were
used most often for the Conditional problems (21.2% of the time) and Combinations
(21.2%). A procedural computation method was used most often for Sequential problems
(84.6%), Combinations (75.0%), and Permutations (75.0%). Finally, a graphical
computational method was used most often with the Conditional Probability problems
(9.6%). Note that for the Conditional Probability problems the observed student solutions
were not purely graphical; rather the tree graphs were typically used in conjunction with
procedural calculations. We also performed a chi-square goodness-of-fit test to determine
if each computational method was used equally often across all four problem types. The
results (Table 5) show differential use of the procedural computation method across
problem types (χ2(3) = 8.57, p < .05). Frequency of use did not differ significantly across
problem types for the procedural computation method (χ2(3) = 6.05, p > .05), nor for the
graphical computation method (χ2(3) = 5.21, p > .05). The pattern of results in Table 5
suggests that a procedural solution method is used relatively less often for the
Conditional Probability problems.
Table 5. Frequency and percentage of problem solutions (n = 52) of each type for which
a given computational method was used, with χ 2 goodness-of-fit tests of differences in
frequency of use of each method across the four problem types
Computational method
*p < .05
Is solution success associated with computational method? We also checked for
associations between solution success and computational method, separately by problem
type (Table 6). Use of a formula-based computation method was associated with a higher
rate of solution success only for Combinations problems. This makes sense, because the
combinations problems are arguably best solved via formulas. Use of a procedural
method was associated with the highest rates of solution success for the other three
problem types. This is probably because if it is intuitively clear to a student how to solve
a problem, only the computations need be written down (and the solution would be coded
as a procedural one). Using a graphical method to aid in computing the solution was
observed infrequently, except for the Conditional probability problems. For these
problems, the tree can be used to organize the procedural calculations.
Table 6. Proportions of correct solutions given the use of a particular computation
method, separately by problem type. Dashed lines indicate a cell with fewer than four
uses of that representation (i.e., n ≤ 3).
Computational method
Are there differences between typical and atypical problems in the use of external
visual representations or computational method? We investigated whether there is a
difference in the rates of use of visual representations for the typical and atypical
problems. To test this, for each type of representation we compared the summed
frequency of its use for the four problems presented in their typical versions to the
summed frequency of its use for the four problems presented in their atypical versions.
The results show that the only significant difference in use of an external representation
between typical and atypical problems was for pictures (paired-sample t(25) = -3.86, p <
.05). Specifically, pictures were used more often for atypical problems (for 38.5% of
problems) than for typical problems (23.0%), as shown in Table 7. This result is not at all
surprising – pictures may be used especially often to try to better understand or structure
a difficult problem, especially one that does not plug in easily to a familiar solution
schema. On the other hand, if the solution method is obvious, nothing is gained (and time
and effort are expended) in drawing a picture. The only other representation used more
often for atypical problems (though the difference is not significant) is reorganization. As
for pictures, it can be argued that this is a general-purpose method that is often useful
when the problem text itself is difficult to understand.
Table 7. Frequency and percentage use of each type of external representation,
separately for the four typical and four atypical problems experienced by each
participant. (* = significant difference between the total number of uses for typical and
atypical using a dependent samples t test, df = 25)
Outcome Listings
Contingency Tables
Venn Diagrams
Novel Schematic
*p < .05
Table 8 reports the rates of use of different computation methods for typical versus
atypical problems. There were no significant differences in the use of different
computation methods for typical and atypical problems.
Table 8. Percentage use of each type of computational method, summed across problems,
separately for the four typical and four atypical problems experienced by each
Computational Method
As described in the Methods section, each utterance in the audio track of the session
videotapes was coded as relevant to either the problem solvers’ problem-representation
phase or as part of the solution execution phase (cf. Novick & Hmelo, 1994). We also
matched any use of an external visual representation in a solution (as captured in the
video track) to any utterances made simultaneously. This enabled us to classify uses of
external visual representations as being associated with either or both of these broad
temporal stages of problem solving.
Of the 2,756 utterances in the audio transcripts, approximately 63% of them were
coded as part of the Problem Representation phase (1,734 utterances) and approximately
32% of the utterances were coded as Solution Execution (881 utterances). The remaining
utterances were not coded as part of either phase. This occurred if the utterance was a
meta-comment or irrelevant, for example concerning how difficult the problem was or the
temperature of the room in which the study was being conducted.
Of the 1,734 utterances that were coded as part of the Problem Representation phase,
417 (24.08%) of them were matched with the use of an external visual representation. Of
the 881 utterances that were coded as involving the Solution Execution phase, 31
utterances (3.68%) were matched with the use of an external visual representation.
Although participants did use external visual representations during both phases of
problem solving, they tended to use them more often during the Problem Representation
phase than during the Solution Execution phase.
These associations were broken down by type of representation used (Table 9).
Results indicated that participants more often tended to use the external visual
representations to help understand and organize the problem text (i.e., in problem
understanding) than to select or execute solutions. This trend was especially strong for
pictures, reorganization of the given information, and novel schematic representations.
For example, pictures were used significantly more often during the problem
representation phase because participants claimed that they helped them visualize the
problem more clearly. One subject explained, “I drew the ten cookies because I needed
literally to visualize it, and then based on what the information is in this problem, there’s
obviously….there’s ten different types of cookies.” (Subject #16)
Table 9. Total frequency of use of particular representations, by problem solving phase
Outcome Listings
Contingency Tables
Venn Diagrams
Novel Schematic
*p < .05
Problem Representation
Strategy & Execution
Our results show that students sometimes choose to use self-generated external visual
representations while solving probability word problems. Presumably, this is because
problem solvers believe that these representations are useful in solving the problems,
because in this study they were requested merely to “show their work,” and not explicitly
requested to produce any diagrams or other visual devices. A skeptical observer might
worry that the verbal prompts occasionally issued by the experimenter here could have
served as a general prompt to try alternative representations. However, Russell (2000)
found similar levels and patterns of use of these types of representations in students’
actual answers to course assignments, lending confidence to the conclusions that problem
solvers choose to use such representations because they are thought to be useful.
The results also document what types of spatial and graphical devices are used in
probability problem solving. Using a very broad definition of external visual
representations, the types we identified included (in decreasing order of frequency of
use): reorganization of the given information, pictures, novel schematic representations,
trees, outcome listings, contingency tables, and Venn diagrams (cf. Russell, 2000). Of
course, our reported relative frequencies of use for these representations may not
generalize to other curricula, other specific sets of problems, and other problem solvers.
We found evidence that the frequency of use of each of these different external visual
representations depends on the type of probability problem being solved. Type of
problem refers to the basic problem schema, and not to surface characteristics of the
problem. The types of probability problems studied here were Conditional Probability,
Combinations, Permutations, and Sequential problems. Our results showed that pictures
were used most often for Sequential, Combinations, and Permutations problems; outcome
listings were used more often for Combinations and Sequential problems; trees were used
most often for Conditional problems; novel schematic representations were used mainly
with Permutation problems; and reorganization of given information was used more
often with Conditional and Combinations problems. One way to interpret these findings
is that problem solvers attempt to select representations appropriate to the problem’s
structure, and that the appropriateness of the representation is determined by the
problem’s solution schema, not by surface characteristics.
However, any conclusions as to specific associations between the type of visual
device and the problem type must be tempered by consideration of the particular set of
problems used here to represent these general types. First, the Permutation problems
studied here were unusual in that they described situations in which two sets of entities
(e.g., tutors and students) were to be matched in a one-to-one fashion, but the ordering of
one set was arbitrary, making the problem isomorphic to an ordering problem. This
“schema mismatch” may have made these problems particularly difficult for our problem
solvers, spurring more attempts to use novel schematic representations and pictures.
Second, problems were experienced with our manipulation of typical and atypical
problems for the Combinations problems. The atypical Combinations problems were
most often solved by an alternative method, using a sequential-events approach, that
resulted in a higher rate of success than for the typical variant of this problem type. Thus,
although it was our intention to manipulate problem typicality in such a way that the
atypical problems were at least as difficult as the typical ones, this did not happen for this
problem type. In future studies, we hope to more fully refine and explore the notions of
problem typicality and difficulty, and to try to disentangle their effects experimentally by
careful development and piloting of materials.
In future research, we also hope to more fully investigate aspects of the schematic
devices that play a part in determining the appropriateness of a representation for a given
problem. We believe that the seven types of external visual representations studied here
differ in some important ways. Three of the visual representations (reorganization,
outcome listings, and contingency tables) can be considered forms of tabulation. Another
three (Venn diagrams, trees, and novel schematic representations) could be classified as
schematic devices, and the final type (pictures) refers to iconic representations of concrete
aspects of the problems. We term the second group of representations (Venn diagrams,
trees, and novel schematic representations) schematic because structural aspects of the
graphs symbolically represent meaningful aspects of the problem.
Novick and Hurley (2001) propose that different types of schematic devices (or
“diagrams”) have structural aspects or properties that determine their range of
applicability. The associations we have found between use of the different types of
representations and specific problem types suggest that properties of the diagrams and
properties of the problem schema are being matched (though not always successfully) by
participants. For example, trees seem naturally appropriate for sequential problems such
as the results of multiple coin flips or successive spins of a spinner, whereas contingency
tables and Venn diagrams are particularly appropriate for representing joint or compound
These seven identified types of external representations also differ in terms of their
degree of structure. This has implications for how broadly or how narrowly the visual
representation may apply. Specifically, we argue that reorganization of the given
information, pictures, and outcome listings are relatively general representations that can
be applied to a wide variety of problems, whereas trees, contingency tables, and Venn
diagrams have more inherent structure, thus may be applicable to a more limited set of
problems. Finally, the category of novel schematic representations is by definition not
limited to any specific type of structure, thus this category of representation is also widely
applicable (although any specific novel graph may have limited applicability). However,
novel schematic representations seem to be used only when the problem solver
encounters a very atypical or unusual problem that does not seem to plug into any
familiar schema.
If we are right that reorganization of the given information, pictures, and outcome
listings are very general tools, whereas the schematic devices (trees and Venn diagrams)
and contingency tables are more limited in scope of application because they have more
constrained structures, then those variations in scope of application ought to show up in
our data. Calculating the average percentage of problems for which each type of
representation was used (Table 2), provides some supporting results for this idea. The
three types of representation argued here to be general ones (reorganization, pictures, and
outcome listings) were used in 25% of problem solutions on average, whereas the three
specific types were used in only 6% of problem solutions on average. However, the
picture given by Table 3 is a bit less clear. Here it can be seen that uses of reorganization
of the given information and pictures are spread across all four problem types, and
outcome listings are used for three out of four types, whereas the more constrained types
of representation Venn diagrams and contingency tables are used for only one or two
types of problem. However, trees are used across all four problem types. Thus, except for
trees, the predicted pattern does hold.
The present study provides mixed evidence for the idea that external visual devices
are used by probability problem solvers because they are helpful (i.e., they aid in solving
the problem). For example, we found higher rates of solution success given use of
reorganization, outcome listings, and trees for the Combinations problems. The finding
regarding outcome listings makes sense intuitively because the essence of the
combinations problems involves determining the number of outcomes in the outcomes
space. Furthermore, use of trees is associated with a higher success rate (60%) for those
solving the Combinations problems via a sequential approach, and use of trees is a
relatively successful strategy (67% success rate) for the “true” Sequential problems. This
finding seems easily interpretable, because these sequential events problems have
structures that map directly onto tree diagrams. Specifically, the Sequential problems
used here described a sequence of trials or events, each of which had several possible
outcomes. Thus the process determining the outcome space can be described by a
branching set of possibilities. In the corresponding tree, each node of the tree graph
corresponds to one of the sequential events (e.g., one spin of the spinner), and the
branches that ensue from that node represent the several possible outcomes of that
uncertain event.
For the Permutations problems, the use of pictures led to a higher success rate. Our
explanation for this finding is based on the point we have already made, that these
particular permutation problems were atypical in that their semantic content (i.e., the realworld situation they described) describes a matching process between two sets of objects
(e.g., tutors and students). Typical permutation problems the students had seen in their
course consisted of problems in which a single set of objects is randomly ordered. Thus,
it is only through a relatively sophisticated symmetry argument (requiring what is
perhaps a rare or difficult insight) that the student was likely to see that one set of objects
could be arbitrarily ordered, hence ignored, reducing the problem to one about ordering a
single set of objects. For this reason we suspect that the increased solution success
associated with use of pictures for this problem type may indicate a facilitative effect of
pictures for problem restructuring. Such restructuring seems a necessary insight to deal
with this relatively novel type of problem.
Although problem solvers showed relatively frequent use of novel schematic
representations for the Permutations problems, these novel or invented types of external
graphical representations were apparently not always useful, because their use did not
lead to increased solution success.
Why are positive correlations between specific types of visual representations and
specific problem types relatively rare in our data? As Novick and Hmelo (1994) observe,
having an appropriate problem representation does not guarantee that the problem can be
solved, because computational or other issues may intrude, lowering correlations between
initial problem representations and solution success. Furthermore, even if graphics could
be helpful, prior research shows that students are not always successful in finding correct
representations for problems (Novick, 1990). Our data provide additional evidence that
this is true. Additionally, some evidence from our study suggests that choosing an
inappropriate representation might be harmful to a student’s chance of successfully
solving a problem. For example, for the Permutations problems solution success was
negatively associated with use of contingency tables and with use of reorganization of the
given information. The former finding can be explained because contingency tables are
not appropriate for representing problems involving the ordered selection of a single set
of objects. The latter finding can be explained by viewing the reorganization strategy as a
response commonly chosen when the problem solver is confused. Thus, the negative
association may indicate that when a student is stymied by a problem, rewriting the given
information might be seen as a general-purpose strategy, to be tried if the student is
merely casting about for any approach that might help.
We also found lower rates of success associated with use of outcome listings for the
Sequential problems. Here, we suspect that the choice of representation could be based on
a wrong understanding of the problem situation, or might just be an unfortunate (being
potentially misleading) choice. For the Sequential problems used here, the listings seem
to be appropriate, but they may cue (incorrect) approaches based on treating the outcome
space as consisting of equally-likely outcomes.
In addition to lower rates of solution success associated with particular external visual
representations, we also found a significant negative correlation (r = -.4, p < .05) between
solution success and the overall use of external visual representation, suggesting that our
participants were often using the external visual representations in futile solution
attempts. Looking more closely at the correlations, we found that reorganization of the
given information and outcome listings were marginally significantly correlated with
solution failure. These two types of representations are very general tools for problem
solving and participants may use these types of representations mainly when they are
having trouble solving the problems. This tendency could produce such correlation with
solution failure. A related possibility is that participants who are adept at solving
probability problems may not need to use or report the use of a visual representation;
whereas weaker problem solvers may choose very general external visual representations
in the absence of insights that might allow them to select a more specific representation,
leading to a lower rate of success overall for these lower-ability participants who needed
to resort to external representations.
Prior research by Hegarty and Kozhevnikov (1999) suggests that there are two main
types of external visual representations, schematic and pictorial. They found that the use
of schematic representations was positively correlated with solution success and the use
of pictorial representations was negatively correlated with success. In our data, solution
success was negatively (but non-significantly) correlated with use of all types of external
visuals, but the correlations were more negative with the use of pictures, reorganization,
and outcome listings than with contingency tables and with the schematic representations
(Venn diagrams, trees, and novel schematic representations), lending tentative support to
the importance of this distinction.
In summary, appropriate use of a correct external visual representation may generally
be helpful in problem solving, but this effect is difficult to measure in the present type of
study, in which the student only generates an external representation if he or she so
chooses. First, there is evidence (Lowrie & Kay, 2001; Table 7) that self-generated
external visuals may be tried more often for difficult or novel problems, which have a
lower solution rate in general. It should be easier to demonstrate facilitative effects of
external visuals in less naturalistic studies in which the visual representations are
provided to the student, or the student is explicitly asked to generate an appropriate
representation before attempting to compute the answer. That type of study has been
common in the literature on uses of visual representations in (non-mathematical) problem
solving. However, the present data showing which types of graphical representations are
spontaneously used for which types of problems may aid in designing such experimental
studies and educational interventions.
Finally, facilitative effects of using visual representations may not be easy to detect in
the present type of experiment because choosing the correct representation is a non-trivial
task, and may require a certain level of problem understanding to accomplish (Novick,
1990; 2001; Novick & Hmelo, 1994; Novick & Hurley, 2001). With novice problem
solvers, knowledge of why one representation is more appropriate than another may still
be incomplete, because they have not yet mastered the appropriate schemas. Riley,
Greeno and Heller (1983) found that failure to solve word problems might be caused
more often by a lack of appropriate schemas than by poor arithmetic skills. They
observed that problem solvers often carried out correct arithmetic procedures on incorrect
representations of the problems. The negative associations we found between certain
types of (presumably inappropriate) representations and solution success seem consistent
with their conclusions. Interestingly, De Bock, Verschaffel, Janssens, Van Dooren, and
Claes (2003) also found negative effects on solution success of asking students to
generate specified diagrams for geometry problems, showing that not all experimenterselected representations are useful as well (cf. Tversky, 2001; Mayer & Gallini, 1990;
Scaife & Rogers, 1996), or perhaps merely indicating that not all student-generated visual
representations are produced correctly, even when appropriately cued.
One potential limitation of the present study is the question of how well the results
will generalize to other populations of students. Participants in the present study were
graduate students in social sciences and education, who were finishing or had recently
finished an introductory course in probability and statistics. However, the participants
were actually quite diverse in terms of mathematics background, including people who
had not taken any mathematics in college and those who had taken a number of
undergraduate or graduate mathematics and statistics courses. Thus, we believe that our
results would generalize to other populations, such as high school students who had
completed a similar probability course. But this question, and the question of how well
the results would generalize to a wider set of probability problems, should be addressed
by future research.
Another factor possibly affecting the generalizability of these results is that
participants were taught probability problem solving using external visual
representations, and associations between specific problem types and specific types of
external graphical devices may have been implicitly or explicitly taught. Thus, the results
of our study may just be a reflection of the instruction. However, the use of “novel”
graphical representations by some participants indicates that although the participants
were taught to use visual devices when solving probability problems, they do not always
use the specific representations they were taught to use in class. This finding suggests that
students believe that visual representations are useful, and try to use even representations
that they have not been explicitly taught.
Studying how students solve probability problems (or any type of mathematics word
problem) is a complex endeavor. One reason is that students can use any of several
solution methods or strategies for many problems. Even worse, an individual student may
switch approaches across similar problems, or even during the solution of a single
problem. As an example of how multiple solution strategies can complicate the research
process, we designed each of our probability problems with a particular formula or
problem-solving schema in mind. However, in producing atypical problems for a given
method, in at least one case (the atypical Combinations problem) we produced a problem
that could easily be solved by another method entirely (treating the problem as involving
sequential events), with a different appropriate external representation.
Thus, another limitation to the present study is that our manipulation of problem
“typicality” was not fully successful, due to the use of alternative solution strategies by
many participants. In a well-controlled experimental study with novice probability
problem solvers, this problem could be avoided by introducing only one solution method
or probability principle at a time. However, in a naturalistic study like the present one,
where participants have been taught an array of probability problem-solving techniques,
the problem of alternate strategy choice is difficult to avoid. Certainly such effects could
be minimized by more careful piloting of materials in future studies.
Another issue deserving of future study is to more closely investigate the temporal
process of probability problem solving. In the present study we have used a coding
scheme that separates uses of external visuals for problem understanding and
representation from the type of method used to compute the problem solution, but we still
do not have a clear picture of the temporal stages of probability problem solving. We plan
future studies that will use think-aloud protocols and structured interviews to try to
distinguish sequential stages of probability problem solving, and that will examine
specifically when and how external visual representations are used in the temporal
process of PPS. We also plan to investigate the coordination of external visual
representations with internal visualizations (cf. Scaife & Rogers, 1996). Results of these
studies may bring us to a more complete understanding of the role played by visual
representations and visualization skills in probability problem solving.
Results from the present study might be useful in improving instruction in the domain
of probability problem solving. The very general types of external representations
considered here (pictures, reorganization, and outcome listing) might be taught to
students as general methods that can help them restructure particularly difficult problems.
In contrast, the schematic representations studied here (Venn diagrams and outcome
trees) and contingency tables could be taught as applicable to particular problem types. In
line with the work of Novick and colleagues (e.g., Novick, 1990; Novick & Hmelo,
1994), abstract aspects or “features” of problems and of specific graphical representations
could be taught to students, and it could be emphasized that a given representation will
most likely be useful when these structural aspects of the problem and the visual device
match. To some extent such principles may already be employed by instructors of
probability courses, but future research should explore and better document the success of
such practices.
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James E. Corter
Doris C. Zahner
Department of Human Development
Teachers College, Columbia University
525 West 120th Street
New York, NY 10027
The eight probability problems (test form A) classified by topic (problem type) and level
of typicality, with observed proportion correct for each item. Test form B
counterbalanced surface content of the text and level of typicality for each problem.
Problem Text
There are 10 books on Mary’s bookcase. She randomly grabs 2
books to read on the bus. What is the probability that the 2 books
are Little Women and War & Peace? (Both these books are on her
There are 10 cookies in a cookie jar. Three of the cookies are
chocolate chip, seven are sugar. A child blindly picks 2 cookies
from the cookie jar. What is the probability that both cookies are
chocolate chip?
There are three balls in an urn. One is red, one is white, and one is
blue. Jane randomly draws a ball from the urn, then replaces it,
three times in all. What is the probability that she draws a red ball
on all three turns?
Three spinners are constructed. The first spinner has 2 equal areas
(colored red and blue), the second has three equal areas (red, blue,
and white), and the third again has two equal areas (red and white).
All three spinners are spun and the result of each spin is recorded.
What is the probability of getting ‘red’ on all three spins?
An apartment building has four parking spaces in front (call them
A, B, C, and D). There are four apartments in the building (#1, #2,
#3, and #4), and each apartment has a single occupant with a single
car. Every evening, all four occupants come home and park in a
randomly chosen space. What is the probability that this evening
they park so that the occupant of Apt #1 is in space A, the occupant
of #2 is in space B, the occupant of #3 in space C, and the occupant
of #4 in space D?
There are four math students (Ed, Fred, Mary, Pia) waiting to be
randomly matched with four math tutors (#1, #2, #3, and #4). Each
tutor works one-on-one with a student. What is the probability that
Ed will be matched with tutor #1, and Fred will be matched with
tutor #2?
Joe applies for a state-subsidized mixed-income housing project
being built in his neighborhood. If he is classified as a low-income
applicant, he has a 70% chance of getting an apartment. Applicants
not classified as low-income have only a 10% chance of getting an
apartment. Joe believes that on the basis of the records he is
submitting that he has a 40% chance of being classified as low
income. What is the probability that he gets an apartment?
Assume that in the city of Metropolis, if a criminal defendant in
fact committed the crime, he has a 70% chance of being found
guilty by the jury. A defendant who is in fact innocent has a 10%
chance of being found guilty by the jury. Assume that 40% of
defendants who are tried in Metropolis in fact committed the crime.
We meet a Metropolis defendant in prison. What is the probability
that he is fact committed the crime, given that we know he was
found guilty by the jury?
of correct
Bowling Green State University
[email protected]
The purpose of this phenomenological study was to talk to students about their
experiences taking introductory statistics. The author met with eleven students
individually for four interviews throughout the semester, followed by a memberchecking focus group during the last week of classes. One of the most salient themes
to emerge was the students’ reliance on their instructor for feedback about
performance, directions on taking notes, and the creation of a classroom environment
that motivated them to study. As part of the phenomenological tradition, the author
presents his own reflections based on these students’ comments. Conclusions include
the encouragement of instructors to be more mindful of students’ reactions to course
content, and suggestions for developing a more learner-centered learning
Keywords: Statistics education research; Teaching statistics; Statistics classroom;
Learning environment; Phenomenology
The current statistics reform paradigm stresses instructors teaching and students
learning statistical concepts over mechanics (Chance & Garfield, 2002). One goal of this
model is to help students develop relational or structural knowledge in addition to
declarative and mechanical knowledge (Earley, 2001; Schau & Mattern, 1997). With
relational knowledge, students go beyond just “knowing that” standard deviation is the
square root of variance as well as “knowing how” to compute a standard deviation. How
students connect standard deviation with concepts they already know demonstrates their
relational or structural knowledge. The shift away from mechanics and toward
understanding is one attempt to decrease students’ anxiety levels, under the assumption
that reducing the mathematical content and rote memorization of definitions and formulae
reduces students’ worries about course performance (Onwuegbuzie, DaRos, & Ryan,
1997). The most frequently cited implication is the need to develop class activities and
assessment tools that are more concept-based and less calculation-based (Gal & Garfield,
1997). Carpenter and Lehrer (1999) discuss understanding in mathematics courses as a
“mental activity” as well as something “emerging or developing rather than presuming
that someone either does or does not understand a given topic, idea, or process”
(emphasis added, p. 20). Garfield (1995) warns instructors, “no [teaching] method is
perfect and will work with all students” (p. 32) and “teachers often overestimate how well
their students understand basic concepts” (p. 31). These statements imply researchers and
classroom teachers would be wise to invest time listening to individual students to get a
Statistics Education Research Journal, 6(1), 51-66,
© International Association for Statistical Education (IASE/ISI), May, 2007
sense of how well their own teaching methods help students develop conceptual
understandings of introductory statistics concepts.
What we are not seeing in the literature are discussions of how students’
understandings are impacted by the classroom environment. What is also not heavily
discussed in the literature is how students respond to more conceptually-based classrooms
(Batanero, Garfield, Ottaviani, & Truran, 2000). Of course, this does not include
references to the well known statistics anxiety phenomenon. Few researchers have
explored any of our students’ experiences in statistics courses – there is a more consistent
focus on achievement outcomes (Becker, 1996). Gordon stated that “as in other fields, a
major challenge currently facing researchers in statistics education is to improve our
understanding of learning” (1995, para. 6) and “in order to teach statistics effectively, we
must first understand the learners” (2000, p. 16). Gordon’s work focuses on activity
theory and the social, historical, and cultural aspects of classroom environments to help
understand statistics learners (1995, 2000, 2004). Through this perspective, she
concluded in a 1995 study that statistics classrooms must be supportive, instructors must
provide guidance to students, and teaching must “build on the personal experience of the
learner” (para. 47). Nine years later, Gordon (2004) indicated there is still a need for
statistics education researchers and statistics educators to understand our learners. To this
end, her interview work done for a 2004 report led to five categories of meanings
students attach to statistics: statistics as having no meaning, statistics as processes,
statistics as mastery, statistics as a tool, and statistics as critical thinking.
These meaning categories parallel those described by Reid and Petocz (2002), in
which students described statistics as having (a) a focus on techniques, (b) a focus on
using data, and (c) a focus on meaning. In a later report they redefined these conceptions
as (a) doing, (b) collecting, (c) applying, (d) linking, (e) expanding, and (f) changing
(Petocz & Reid, 2003). In both cases, the authors describe these conceptions as a
continuum from limited to expansive. More limited conceptions, according to Gordon
(2004), have the potential to limit students’ study strategies and motivation for learning
statistics. All of these studies suggest understanding students’ descriptions of what
“statistics” means is an important precursor for improving students’ learning and
ultimately their experiences in our courses. One question to address is how students
create these meanings: Do they come in to class with them, do specific aspects of the
classroom environment change initial meanings or create new ones (as Gordon suggests),
and do these meanings change over the course of the instruction? In other words, what
kind of impact does the learning environment created by instructors have on students’
Petocz and Reid (2002, 2003) have addressed some of these questions by connecting
students’ conceptions of statistics with expectations students have of statistics instructors.
Again, the authors describe these conceptions as most limited to most expansive:
Conception 1: Providing materials, motivation, and structure
Conception 2: Explaining material and helping with student work
Conception 3: Linking statistical concepts and guiding learning
Conception 4: Anticipating student learning needs
Conception 5: Being a catalyst for ‘open-mindedness’
The important addition in this work is the blending of students’ conceptions of statistics
and their expectations of instructors. As an example, Petocz and Reid (2004) describe one
mix as students’ conceptions of “doing” and “collecting” along with students’
expectations of their instructors to provide materials, motivation, and structure
(Conception 1). This would be the most limited blend of both sets. Although her
interviews did not directly ask about students’ expectations of their instructors, Gordon
(2004) did interview two instructors and also discusses their impression of the
interactions between how students attach meaning to statistics and what goes on in the
One important aspect of these studies is their reliance on interviews and open-ended
survey responses at one point in time. Any discussion of how classroom environments
and instructors impact students’ conceptions should incorporate a more longitudinal data
collection strategy. For example, Murtonen and Lehtinen (2003) conducted a study with
Finnish students in which they asked participants to write in “learning diaries” throughout
the entire term. Students were to record difficult concepts they encountered as well as
what they thought led to the difficulties. Students’ reasons for difficulties fell into five
categories: (a) superficial teaching, (b) difficulty linking the theory of quantitative
methods with the doing, (c) unfamiliarity and difficulty with content (e.g., too many
concepts to absorb), (d) lack of connections across bits of information, and (e) negative
attitudes toward quantitative methods. Similar to the typologies of Gordon (2004) and
Petocz and Reid (2003), Murtonen and Lehtinen’s categories begin to blend students’
understandings of quantitative material with how it is taught. Interestingly, they conclude
“the experience of difficulty did not occur because of the major subject or any specific
teacher, but because of some more general reason” (p. 182), indicating again that
understanding students’ backgrounds could be an important precursor to developing more
effective classroom environments. What is also important from this work is its
longitudinal design. Ultimately, the authors chose to combine responses from throughout
the term, however, so we still have no presentation of how individual students’
experiences change (if at all) as the course progresses. Petocz and Reid (2003) posit that
students “would develop their approach to learning, and maybe change their conceptions
of teaching from time to time” (p. 41), suggesting that rather than exploring class marks
on assessments, an additional approach to data collection that also explores individual
students’ experiences would help statistics educators understand further what students
take away from the course.
This expectation, along with Carpenter and Lehrer’s (1999) assertion that
mathematical learning is developmental, suggests that expanding this body of work
through more longitudinal explorations of students’ experiences throughout their course
would be useful. Talking to students more frequently allows researchers to gather more
information about students’ experiences, such as: What do students do to prepare for
class? What do students do while in class? What goes through students’ minds during
class? What aspects of class time help or hinder students’ understandings of the material?
What do students do when they leave class? For these reasons, the general purpose of the
current phenomenological study was to begin this exploration with one very broad
guiding question: “How do students describe their statistics course at different points
during the term in which they are taking the course?”
The use of phenomenology allows us to understand student experiences differently
than through surveys or other qualitatively-oriented traditions. Rather than “averaging” or
grouping students’ experiences together, phenomenology seeks to present “the
qualitatively different ways in which a phenomenon is experienced” (Pietersen, 2002,
para. 14). Van Manen (1990) stresses phenomenology as “human scientific study” with
an emphasis on “explicat[ing] the meanings as we live them in our everyday experience,
our lifeworld” (p. 11). Phenomenological research incorporates the researcher as
someone learning about a phenomenon by “borrow[ing] other people’s experiences and
their reflections on their experiences” (Van Manen, 1990, p. 62). In phenomenology, it is
the actual doing and living that constitutes knowledge – “a kind of knowing that can only
be obtained through active engagement” (Ladkin, 2005, p. 116). Ultimately,
phenomenological research attempts to present the unique lived experience of others so
that the reader also develops a new understanding of the experience.
An essential first step in conducting phenomenological research is for the researcher
to first understand his or her own experience with the phenomenon under investigation
(commonly referred to as bracketing or époche) (Ladkin, 2005; Laverty, 2003). As one
reads different descriptions of phenomenology, this process is part of what distinguishes
the various approaches (Kerry & Armour, 2000; Laverty, 2003). Rather than completely
“suspend” our own understandings, as Edmund Husserl’s description of époche would
have us do (Creswell, 1998), hermeneutic phenomenology, most commonly attributed to
Hans-Georg Gadamer, (Kerry & Armour, 2000; Ladkin, 2005), incorporates these
understandings as essential to the interpretive process to follow. In other words, because
the researcher will interpret participants’ experiences while developing a description of
the phenomenon, an understanding of the researcher’s own experiences is necessary so
the reader has an idea of the researcher’s interpretive lens. Van Manen (1990) describes
this as the “intersubjective” nature of phenomenological research: “the human science
researcher needs the other (for example, the reader) in order to develop a dialogic relation
with the phenomenon” (p. 11).
This also means the researcher’s own understanding develops during the research
process – in his description of the phenomenological data collection process, van Manen
refers to this as the “reflective data” (2002; see also Laverty, 2003) researchers collect
alongside the “empirical data” (i.e., interview data) from our participants. van Manen
(1990) indicates social science researchers “borrow” participants’ experiences in order to
develop a complete description of the experience. In this sense, the researcher is
developing the description as his or her own developing understanding of the
phenomenon under study. Kerry and Armour (2000) indicate “these personal histories
lead to a unique perception of different experiences and that this personal history cannot
be bracketed out; it is fundamental for interpretation” (p. 6). For example, Finney (2000)
presents her own experience with success in statistics courses prior to detailing six other
students’ success experiences. The reader then understands how her interpretation and
summary of the experience of success is shaped by her own initial perceptions. Mayhew
(2004) also presents his experiences with spirituality prior to describing the meanings
eight undergraduate students attribute to spirituality “to give the reader a sense of any
prejudice or orientation that may have shaped [his] interpretation or approach to the
study” (p. 656).
In phenomenological research, the researcher bases participant selection on finding
and recruiting individuals who have experienced the phenomenon of interest (rather than
selecting key informants in ethnography, or selecting individuals based on their life
experiences for a life history) (Creswell, 1998; Laverty, 2003; Moustakas, 1994; van
Manen, 1990). The quantity and depth of the data to be collected determines how many
participants the researcher can recruit. In phenomenological inquiry, the primary data
source is the interview, and depending on the phenomenon of interest, there may be more
than one interview per participant. The researcher must have each interview transcribed
for analysis, creating a large set of data to read through and analyze, so the number of
participants is generally kept to a minimum (Creswell, 1998). There are no specific
guidelines on what constitutes this “minimum” – “Boyd (2001) regards two to 10
participants … as sufficient to reach saturation and Creswell (1998, pp. 65 & 113)
recommends … 10 people” (as cited in Groenewald, 2004, p. 11). Because I was
interested in interviewing participants four times during the semester and interviewing all
participants within a week of each other, a number around ten seemed manageable and
was my goal.
Six departments across four colleges at our institution offered 40 sections of
introductory statistics courses during the spring 2003 term (this includes multiple sections
of the ten different courses). Students in this study came from multiple sections of four of
these courses. All of these courses are traditional in scope, covering introductory
descriptive and inferential statistical analyses in one term. The “Psychology 270” course
is the required introductory course for psychology majors. The “Statistics 211” is the first
in a required two-course sequence for all majors in the College of Business
Administration. The “Math 115” course is offered to students not majoring in
mathematics; many undergraduates take this course to fulfill the mathematics
requirement for the university if a different course is not specified by their College.
Mathematics majors take a different introductory statistics course, so the “Math 115”
course is not calculus-based. The “EDFI 641” course is a required course for master’s
level students in the College of Education and Human Development. All of these
departments offer more advanced courses, but only students in the College of Business
Administration are required to take a second course.
My goal for recruiting participants was to get a mix of participants from across all of
these courses. Eligible students included those over the age of 18 and enrolled in any
introductory statistics course during the spring 2003 term. In January 2003 I posted flyers
next to the doors of each classroom in which one of the 40 introductory statistics sections
met. This method of recruitment does introduce typical volunteer bias, but the advantage
is that if students are interested in talking about their experiences (whether good or bad),
they will volunteer (a necessary participant characteristic in phenomenology). The flyer
asked students to contact me via phone or e-mail if interested in taking part in my study,
and I set up times to meet with the twelve who did so by the end of the third week of
classes in order to have a first interview for each participant completed during the third or
fourth week of the term. At our first interview, I informed participants of a $120 incentive
to those who completed the study by returning for interviews throughout the semester.
Although the issue of incentives is still controversial (Adler & Adler, 2002), I do believe
in giving participants something in appreciation of their time (Weiss, 1994). I do not feel
this had an impact on the quality of my participants’ contributions because each
participant was engaged during our conversations and each had much to say about their
experiences in their statistics class.
To give the reader a general description of the participants, Table 1 lists demographic
information for the final set of eleven students I interviewed (one student dropped out of
the study after the first interview). I did achieve the variety I initially wanted: My group
includes participants from freshman to senior with one graduate student, a grade point
average (GPA) range of 2.00 – 4.00 (i.e., students fell across the general academic
performance spectrum from “average” to “excellent” students), and students from courses
in four of the six departments offering statistics courses in the spring (no students from
the Sociology or Criminal Justice courses contacted me).
Table 1. Demographic summary
Participant a
Course Taken b
GPA c Class
Psychology 270
Statistics 211
Psychology 270
Math 115
EDFI 641
1st Year Graduate
Statistics 211
Math 115
Math 115
Statistics 211
Math 115
Statistics 211
All names used in this report are pseudonyms.
All courses are introductory-level statistics courses designed for non-statistics majors.
GPA = Grade Point Average, calculated as an average of the students’ grades for all of
their coursework to date after converting the letter grades to “grade points”: A = 4, B = 3,
C = 2, D = 1, F = 0.
Phenomenological data collection proceeds in two parallel processes: (a) empirical
data collection, typically in the form of in-depth interviews with participants, and (b)
reflective data collection, in which the researcher reflects on his or her interactions with
the empirical data (van Manen, 2002). The power of phenomenological inquiry is this
interaction, where the researcher first presents his or her own experiences with the
phenomenon of interest, and then reflects on how his or her experience and
understanding of the phenomenon changes and develops while listening to the
participants’ stories (Moustakas, 1994).
I met with each student four times for one-on-one interviews in my office (the only
exception was Ian, who started the study late and only met with me three times). We
spaced interviews approximately 3 to 4 weeks apart depending on the student’s schedule.
I had an initial list of questions I wanted to discuss, based in part on my interests and in
part on themes emerging from the previous interviews. Each interview began, however,
with the general question, “So how is class going for you?” From there, we discussed
whatever the student brought up as important at that time. Interview times ranged from 15
to 45 minutes, entirely dependent on how much the student had to say. I audio taped the
interviews and took fieldnotes during our discussion. I then transcribed audiotapes, taking
additional fieldnotes as I listened to our discussion again.
To increase the accuracy and representativeness of the themes I saw emerge
(Maxwell, 2005), I met with nine of my participants in two member-checking focus
groups during the last week of classes prior to final exams. “Member-checking” is
described as a process of going back to the participants to have them review the
researcher’s interpretations of and conclusions drawn from the data. Through this
process, participants comment on whether the researcher “got it right” (so to speak)
(Creswell, 1998; Glesne, 1999; Maxwell, 2005). Due to the scheduling so close to the end
of the term and final exams, I gave students two options: an afternoon time with lunch,
selected by two participants, or an evening time with dinner, selected by seven. Two of
my participants could not make these focus groups due to scheduling conflicts. I
presented students with a summary of the major themes on slides, one at a time, and
solicited group feedback on whether these were actually important to the students. To get
this feedback, I asked students to think about what they would tell a group of statistics
instructors about their experiences taking statistics. Students changed the wording on
some (e.g., the course is “easier when instructors …” not “easy when instructors …,” as I
had first worded one of the themes), but otherwise agreed these were important ideas to
them and ideas they would share with statistics instructors as important.
To come to an understanding of how my participants experienced their statistics
courses, I analyzed and reflected on the transcribed data throughout the study. After each
interview, I took time to make notes on ideas the student seemed to stress or return to
often. I also noted student comments that, for some reason, stood out for me. After each
round of interviews, I explored major patterns across all 11 participants and developed
questions for the next round of interviews. After the study ended, I also developed timeordered displays (Miles & Huberman, 1994) of students’ main comments from the
beginning to the end of the term to explore changes in their descriptions of class. Because
I developed interview protocols based in part on the ongoing analysis of each round of
interviews (i.e., what did I find important or interesting that I wanted to explore again in
the next interview?), I include here a list of the major “topics” for each round of
interviews. I introduced these additional topics into the interview after the opening
question about how class is going.
Interview 1: Discuss a general description of the class, what happens during class,
what student does in between class meetings, other issues student brings up.
Interview 2: How does student take notes? What does student do with notes during
and outside of class time? Why does student take notes? Does student only take notes
in class, or does student read the textbook and take notes as well?
Interview 3: What would happen if there were no identifiable instructor? What would
the student miss?
Interview 4: Summary of student’s thoughts about course, additional comments, and
comparison of their statistics course with another course they are taking (students
chose one of their other courses and we discussed similarities and differences
between that course and their statistics course).
All participants, after the first interview, came prepared to answer the “How is class
going?” question – they clearly had topics they wanted to share with me. After this
discussion, I introduced questions addressing each of the ideas listed above.
My experiences taking statistics courses began with a required course for my (then)
economics degree. I clearly remember a lot of frustration and confusion as the instructor
filled blackboard after blackboard with Greek symbols and mathematical formulae. We
used a computer software package for homework problems, without the benefit of a
user’s manual or any training on how to use the software (back then, the software
required writing programs to run analyses as opposed to today’s “point-and-click”
platforms). My solution to this confusion and lack of understanding was to give in, earn a
D-, and retake the course the following term.
This new instructor was so radically different from my first – primarily because he
actually made class enjoyable. I wanted to be in class, and worked hard between class
meetings in order to participate fully each week. We used computer software, but now he
guided us through the programming during class time before sending us out on our own. I
recall measuring 100 leaves from trees around campus for one of our early homework
exercises – data we would analyze and discuss throughout the course. After being in class
with this instructor (and concurrently taking an advanced economic theory course in
which I was struggling), I switched my major to mathematical statistics at the beginning
of my sophomore year and finally felt “at home” with my coursework.
Although I have had many (many) statistics courses since my start in 1989, I turn
now to some brief reflections on my observations as an instructor of introductory
statistics in education courses (note that none of the students in my classes participated in
this study). Many of these informal observations are what led me to develop an interest in
finding out what exactly my students experience when they take my course. Have I
avoided creating a classroom environment similar to that very first environment in which
I failed? Have I created a motivating and interesting classroom environment similar to my
second experience (along with many other inspiring instructors and classes along the
No matter what I do or say, students consistently come in to my course with the
typical fear and anxiety. It seems at times that I am an actor on a stage, begging my
audience to laugh and enjoy themselves. After careful attention to the textbook I use, the
way I structure class meetings, the assessment system, and my own concern for students’
success, some students still carry that fear and anxiety throughout the term. I hear from
students that the textbook is confusing and impossible to read. I hear from students how
they can follow along in class, but seemingly all is lost when they leave the classroom;
they have no idea what they are looking at when they study at home. Student evaluations
of the course consistently rate “relevance to my profession/degree program” the lowest of
all evaluation items. Students come in the first day and announce this is their last course –
all they want is their grade of “C” so they can graduate and move on.
The power of phenomenological inquiry is the “connections” researchers and
participants can make through their shared experiences. Moving into this particular study,
all of my own experiences, attitudes, beliefs, and values related to introductory statistics
form the context in which I talk to participants, listen to their words, and try to make
sense of what we discuss. Rather than considering this a major bias to the study, however,
this context allows the reader to understand this narrative as my understanding of these
students’ experiences (as is the case with any naturalistic inquiry process). I have paid
close attention to verbatim transcripts, and my reflections at the end of this narrative point
to the “surprises” and discussion topics that made me reflect deeper on my role as
instructor. The member-checking focus groups conducted with my participants helped
validate the themes I saw emerge, to which I now turn.
Even with the variety of students I talked to, as well as the diversity of their
classroom environments, three common themes emerged across all of our discussions: (a)
student behaviors and characteristics, (b) instructor behaviors and characteristics, and
(c) resources students use for studying. This report focuses on the second of these: the
students’ perceptions of the instructor and his or her behaviors. During the first two sets
of discussions, this idea came across in a variety of my participants’ responses to
questions, regardless of whether I had directly asked about the instructor. Based on this
preliminary analysis, I asked students the following question during our third discussion:
Imagine you had to take this course entirely online. There is no identified instructor
now – you read texts and examples online, complete assignments and tests online,
and receive scores via e-mail. What would that be like?
My intent here was to focus on what students would miss about their instructors, having
discussed them so much during our first two interviews.
Responses to this question, along with questions from earlier discussions, fell into
three major sub-themes:
(1) The instructor’s use of class time (including pace and teaching style),
(2) The instructor’s role in the note-taking process, and
(3) The instructor’s assessment strategies (including homework and exams).
I present next my interpretations of each of these themes along with representative quotes
from my participants’ responses.
The instructor’s use of class time One of my early interests in conducting this study was
to find out what it is like just to be in a statistics class: What are students thinking, what
kinds of behaviors do they feel are important during and between class meetings, and
most importantly, why? For most students, the response to what they do in class was “sit
there and take notes.” What thoughts did they have during class? For some, they were
random because, as Brigit said,
It’s hard to stay focused on it because all she does is write definitions from the book
onto the board and then just reads them and explains them a little bit. Very rarely
we go through examples of things but mostly it’s just definitions.
For Brigit and others, instructors organized class time around the traditional “lecture”
approach with very little interaction among students. There were exceptions, in particular
Griffin’s instructor, who did no formal instruction but rather assigned group work from
the text.
He gives us problems to do from the book and then sits up front and watches us.
He is there to answer questions. If we don’t have any questions, we finish our
exercises and leave.
Do you like that approach?
Well he seems pretty unmotivated to teach the class and not interested at all.
What do you think of that?
There is no reason for me to do any work outside of class. Why should I care if he
When asked about the online course, only Griffin was excited at the prospect of
“taking the class while [he stays] in bed.” The remaining ten participants each expressed
concern that this type of setting, most notably the absence of a live instructor, would
never work for statistics. Cecily was most vocal (her eyes nearly popped out of her head
when I asked her that question) in wanting to avoid this type of course.
Wow … no way of asking questions? There’s gotta be a way of asking questions …
yeah I may be able to pass the class but I wouldn’t know it. I wouldn’t be able to use it.
So you need the instructor there to ask questions to.
Absolutely. I have a math background, I’m pretty good at math. But this is not just a
math class … there’s a lot of concepts here that just reading the book [won’t work] …
Cedric also expressed concern over the “completely online” approach.
I don’t think that would work at all.
Why not?
Because, for example, I’ll hit a stumbling block where I don’t understand it, but then I
talk to a peer and that sheds a different light on it. It makes it so much easier. Without
that interaction between students it makes it more difficult, especially because the
instructor can shed another different light on it.
So having the different viewpoints are helpful.
Yes. The textbook is good at telling you what to do, but not as good at telling you why
this happens.
So is that something the instructor has been helpful for? Presenting the whys?
Overall, students who had instructors giving and explaining examples in class were
more comfortable with their experience – students like Cedric who were not getting these
examples wished their instructors would do more of “the whys” instead of just “the
I clearly recall my own desire to skip class meetings the first time I took statistics
contrasted with my excitement to be in class the second time – student comments about
how the instructor guided class time resonated strongly with me. As an instructor, I am
keenly aware of students who do not appear engaged or “with me” – most likely a result
of my own early experiences. My participants integrated the first four of Petocz and
Reid’s (2003) conceptions into their expectations of how class time is used: They expect
instructors to be organized, present more than just an outline of the text, explain concepts
beyond what the text offers, and be there to address student questions and provide
alternative explanations when needed. This is different from Petocz and Reid’s analysis,
in which students could be described by one or two of the conceptions – all 11 of my
participants discussed all four of these conceptions throughout the term.
The instructor’s role in the note-taking process A natural progression from the first subtheme on instructor behaviors and characteristics is how these behaviors influence
students’ note-taking processes. Students consistently reported relying predominately on
their notes for studying course material. This is also how they each spent their time in
class (again with the exception of Griffin noted above) – listening to the instructor and
writing down whatever he or she wrote on the blackboard or overhead. I asked students
how they decided what to write down, and most indicated it was “whatever [or
everything] the instructor writes down.” Only Brice and Cedric mentioned they also jot
down additional notes to themselves about key formulae or concepts to remember.
Evan, Ian, and Alastair each had instructors who provided handouts with full or
partial notes already on them. For these students, this meant they just followed along and
maybe filled in an example or two – Evan called this “being spoon fed” the information.
He passes out sheets and he goes over the stuff in class … I remember a lot of it
from last semester, so I’ll go through and do the stuff that I know. And I’ll just sit
around and wait for a question that I didn’t know and fill in the answer as he
explains it.
So then when you’re in class you’re going through and doing on your own the stuff
that you remember and then waiting?
If I hear something that I didn’t write down or don’t remember from last semester,
I’ll write that down.
Do you take any other notes besides those on the sheet he hands out?
No he usually has a lot of space on the side to put extra stuff there. He spoon feeds
us most of it.
With or without these handouts, students rely very heavily on their notes for studying
outside of the classroom. Cedric further indicated that he has experienced the “false
safety net” of feeling as though he is following along in class, not taking any notes as a
result, and then being lost when he got home to study for the test (having no notes to refer
to). Here again, students all mentioned either being happy with an instructor who walked
through examples in class (so these could go into their notes) or being unhappy with an
instructor who did not do so.
Three of my participants had sold their books back by the first interview (within a
month of class starting), another two sold them back later in the term, and five of the
remaining six students used their books for assigned homework problems only. Only
Cecily read the textbook in between classes, though she indicated this was difficult to do.
Brigit and Dillan struggled with this the most because their instructor “lectured” directly
from the book.
This class is different [from my other classes] because instead of having the professor’s
point of view on the notes, it’s just point blank – I look at my book and I looked at my
notes and it’s word for word.
So what do you do then?
I have random thoughts during class. It’s hard to focus when it’s just like being dictated
to. Plus I know if I miss anything it’ll be in the book.
Dillan indicated it was almost “stupid” to go to class because he can sit at home and read
the book – what he and other students want from instructors is explanations and
“different viewpoints,” not dictation. The textbook was not enough for them to learn the
concepts, and the instructor in this case was not serving as an extra resource, which
bothered them. For these students, and students who cannot or do not read the text even
though they keep it, there is an even greater importance placed on course notes.
The instructor’s assessment strategies There was an overwhelming consensus from all of
my participants that regular homework and frequent assessment are necessary in order for
students to know whether or not they are learning anything. As Brice put it:
Each person in the class was left on their own to make sense of what was being
presented … maybe it felt like a struggle because if we’d had some more problems …
we’d have some confirmation of whether or not we understood the material. Maybe it
was a struggle because we just didn’t know for sure if we understood it or not – we just
really didn’t have any confirmation of that.
Brice and others were concerned that with no practice, no regular homework, and no
assignments to work on, preparing for exams was more difficult and led to an increase in
anxiety prior to exams. Cecily mentioned that “a computer can give you the answer, but it
doesn’t give you how it got the answer,” and so for her the additional need was for the
instructor to go over the assessments when returning them to students.
Students also indicated that “what the instructor told us would be on the test” was
their study guide, and any deviation from this on tests and quizzes was frustrating for
students. Although I did not look at individual assessments unless the student asked me a
question about them, what they perceived to be poor test development clearly impacted
their class experiences. A major challenge was tests based on “applications” when
instructors did not give students application models in class. Even though many students
called for and recognized the need to understand what it is they were doing, they wanted
instructors to guide them in this process. Cedric’s first exam experience was particularly
I wasn’t happy with my first test.
What happened?
Right answer, wrong work, so a lot of points were taken off. The one thing is, she
doesn’t accept just the answer. Even if you do some work, unless you do the right work
it will be marked wrong. I can understand that if we’re majors, but we’re general
business majors. Just getting the right answer is enough. Recognizing wrong answers is
good, but not exactly knowing step-by-step.
This conflict between Cedric’s realization that understanding is important (from earlier
conversations) but not being comfortable when tested on this understanding is important
to me. These data highlight the need for instructors to match more closely their
instruction and assessment procedures so students do not get these conflicting messages.
These data also suggest that instructors need to make explicit connections between
instruction and assessment, as instructors’ intentions are not always clear.
All of these sub-themes are intimately related to each other, as well as to the two
other larger themes of student characteristics and behaviors and use of resources.
Students in this study spoke frequently about the role the instructor plays in their class
experiences, but for me the surprising aspect of all of our conversations was the extent to
which students relied on their instructors. What we do in the classroom has far-reaching
impacts beyond how students feel during class. When on their own, students need
resources that will help them make sense of class material (Petocz and Reid’s (2003)
“Conception 3,” p. 46). Those participants most comfortable with their experiences
indicated they could take their notes home, complete homework assignments by referring
to their notes as necessary, and received consistent feedback from their instructor as to
whether they were indeed “getting it.” Oathout’s (1995) participants echoed “strongly
favor[ing] frequent tests” (p. 50) and a lack of “mapping from lectures and assignments to
test content and format [as] equally problematic” (p. 48).
Many students, however, did not do much work outside of class because graded
assignments were either non-existent or infrequent. This meant their statistics course was
the lowest priority class when studying during the week, and they rarely did anything
with their statistics material outside of class time. This changed around exam time, when
there was a need for notes to be clear and complete, and for these notes (typically
verbatim from instructor notes in class) to be reflective of what would be assessed on the
exams (similar to Petocz and Reid’s (2003) “Conception 1” on teaching statistics, p. 44).
The exams became the focal point for these students – they took notes so they would
have something to study so they could do well on the exams. As Garfield (1995) states,
“students learn to value what they know will be assessed” (p. 32) – Petocz and Reid
(2003) discuss this as “doing” statistics (p. 42). Students in the current study usually
waited until an exam was coming up to actually go back over their notes, so any
questions they had could not be addressed and they were sometimes still confused and
unsure going into the exam. How the instructor conducts class, how the students record
classroom events and discussions in their notes, how the instructor assesses students in
between exams, and how the instructor develops exams all become a single system to
which instructors need to pay close attention.
Most importantly, students never talked about “getting it” in terms of understanding
what they were doing. Although Cedric indicated that knowing why they are doing an
analysis makes doing the analysis easier, students did not ever indicate they understood
course material. Rather, they were happy if they could get problems correct and earn all
of the possible points. Most of the instructors these students spoke of appear to encourage
the “doing” aspect of statistics – solving problems is a large part of how these students
spent their time both in and out of class. Students knew their tests would involve solving
problems (based on what their instructors told them about the tests), so this was how
students studied. If we want students to hold the more expansive conceptions of statistics
that include “statistics as critical thinking” (Gordon, 2004) and a “focus on meaning”
(Petocz & Reid, 2003), we need instructors to hold and espouse these conceptions as
well. These data suggest that future researchers explore these same conceptions with
instructors to discern their own conceptions as well as how they create learning
environments that support students developing the more expansive conceptions.
As I reflected on the discussions I engaged in with these students, my thoughts turned
to my own teaching philosophy and classroom environment. Listening to them talk about
their instructors and class experiences, I often asked myself, “Do I do that in my
classroom?” Reflective questions about my own practices that developed because of these
discussions, questions I believe worthy of further exploration both in my own practice
and in the larger statistics education community, include:
(1) How much do I actually stress “doing” statistics over “understanding”?
(2) What are my expectations of students during and outside of class meetings? Am I
clear in expressing these expectations to my students?
(3) What role does the textbook play in my course?
(4) How can I best assist students in taking complete and accurate notes?
(5) What is the connection between each class activity and/or discussion and my
assessment of student understandings?
I firmly believe as instructors we need to spend more time reflecting on our own
teaching philosophies and practices, and for me, this reflection requires student feedback.
We can focus our reflections on each aspect of the classroom, understanding which
piece(s) are working for our students and which are not. Statistics education researchers
can also consider these questions, and begin to focus research more on these “emerging
understandings.” Through these explorations, we can continue to learn how students are
responding to our desire for them to walk away from the course with some knowledge of
what and why various concepts were covered, rather than walking away with the feeling
that all they did was “plug and chug.”
Although it appears intuitive that students rely on their instructors in any course,
there are some implications that may not be as intuitive. Based on my own observations
as an instructor, as well as comments provided by the students in this study, a primary
motivation for students in introductory statistics (those who are not statistics majors) to
do anything (take notes, work problems, study outside of class, etc.) is how it will impact
their final grade (Garfield, 1995). Students further mentioned that they appreciate
feedback on graded assignments as a way to make sure they know what the instructor
wants them to know. Here we see a direct connection between how we assess students,
the opportunities we provide for assessment (e.g. homework, in-class activities, quizzes,
tests, projects), and why we even assess them (Chance & Garfield, 2002).
Assessment systems in any course gauge whether or not the students are meeting
course objectives. As we work to develop introductory statistics courses oriented more
toward understanding and less toward mechanics, our assessment systems must change as
well. As we change our assessments, it is important to remember that our classroom
environment must also change to encourage students’ development of understanding over
their mastery of mechanics (Treagust, Jacobowitz, Gallagher, & Parker, 2001).
Demetrulias (1988) argues that an “opportunity to understand statistics from an integrated
and flexible viewpoint must go along with a classroom environment that rewards such
exploration” (emphasis added, p. 169). As students in this study report, what happens in
class becomes their main resource for any work they do outside of class (Petocz & Reid,
2003). Spending time in class (and with assessments) on “how to understand” as much as
“what to understand” becomes critical, and instructors must continue to develop and
make use of delivery techniques, classroom examples, and homework activities that focus
on this “how to understand” piece. I also encourage sharing these reflections and
experiences in the literature, so that others may benefit from what we learn in our own
classrooms. Results from this study suggest the need for researchers to encourage more
personal accounts of actual experiences of instructors teaching, and students taking,
statistics, as opposed to relying only on the more quantitative outcomes currently
presented (Becker, 1996). Instructors and their students are “in the trenches,”
experiencing, reflecting on, and ultimately determining whether any particular classroom
environment is or is not successful in increasing students’ understandings (Batanero,
Garfield, Ottaviani, & Truran, 2000).
I presented a preliminary version of this paper at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the
Mid-Western Educational Research Association. My gratitude goes to Beverly Dretzke
for her thoughtful feedback as discussant of that paper session and to Tony Onwuegbuzie
for his insightful comments on a draft of this manuscript. I am also indebted to the editors
and reviewers who carefully read and provided insightful feedback on earlier drafts of
this manuscript. Of course, I owe much to my eleven participants for meeting with me
throughout the semester and sharing their thoughts and experiences.
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learning about sound. Science Education, 85(2), 137-157.
van Manen, M. (1990). Researching lived experience: Human science for an action
sensitive pedagogy. New York: SUNY Press.
van Manen, M. (2002). Phenomenology Online.
Weiss, R. S. (1994). Learning from strangers: The art and method of qualitative
interview studies. New York: The Free Press.
Division of Educational Foundations & Inquiry
Bowling Green State University
554 Education Building
Bowling Green, Ohio, USA
Columbus OH, USA, May 17-19, 2007
The second biennial United States Conference
on Teaching Statistics (USCOTS 07) was held on
May 17-19, 2007 at the Ohio State University in
Columbus, Ohio, hosted by CAUSE, the Consortium
for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics
Education. The target audience for USCOTS is teachers of undergraduate and AP
statistics, from any discipline or type of institution. Teachers from two-year colleges are
particularly encouraged to attend.
The theme for USCOTS 2007 was Taking Statistics Teaching to the Next Level.
“Next level” has many interpretations, such as developing a second course, gaining more
confidence in teaching statistics, moving students beyond statistical literacy to statistical
thinking, and using the latest technology to improve teaching and learning. USCOTS is a
“working conference” with many opportunities for hands-on activities, demonstrations,
networking, idea sharing, and receiving the latest information on research and best
practices in teaching statistics. Leaders in statistics education gave plenary talks,
including Jessica Utts, Paul Velleman, Dick DeVeaux, Allan Rossman, and Mike
For more information, visit the USCOTS web page:
Statistics Education Research Journal, 6(1), 67-75,
© International Association for Statistical Education (IASE/ISI), May, 2007
Coventry, UK, August 11 - 17, 2007
Reasoning about Statistical Inference:
Innovative Ways of Connecting Chance and Data
focus will be on
informal ideas of
inference rather than on formal methods of estimation and tests of significance. This topic
is emerging from the presentations and discussions at SRTL-3 and 4 and is a topic of
current interest to many researchers as well as teachers of statistics. As new courses and
curricula are developed, a greater role for informal types of statistical inference is
anticipated, introduced early, revisited often, and developed through use of simulation
and technological tools. Papers will address reasoning about statistical inference at all
levels of education including the professional development of elementary and secondary
Submitted research papers address questions such as the following:
1. What are the simplest forms of statistical inference that students can understand?
2. How does reasoning about statistical inference develop from the simplest forms
(informal) to the more complex ones (formal)?
3. How can instructional tasks and technological tools be used to promote the
understanding of statistical inference?
4. What are sequences of activities that can help student develop a conceptual
understanding of statistical inference?
5. What types of misconceptions are found in students’ reasoning about statistical
6. What types of foundational knowledge and reasoning are needed for students to
understand and reason about statistical inference?
7. How do students develop an understanding of the language used in describing
statistical inference (e.g., significance, confidence)?
8. How does an understanding of statistical inference connect and effect
understanding of other statistical concepts?
9. What are useful items and questions to use to assess understanding of statistical
Janet Ainley,
[email protected]
Dave Pratt,
[email protected]
For more information visit the SRTL-5 website:
Guimaraes, Portugal, August 19-21, 2007
The meeting will be held on 19-21 August 2007 in Guimarães, Portugal, immediately
prior to ISI 56 in Lisbon. The fascinating historic city of Guimarães is about 50 km from
Portugal’s second largest city, Oporto. This Satellite will involve papers on many aspects
of assessing student learning in statistics. Over 40 papers will be presented along with a
number of posters and discussions of examination questions. Proceedings will be
available on CD and free at the publication page of IASE.
Non-participants must register by 31 May 2007.
Brian Phillips (Australia) (Joint Chair and Joint Chief Editor)
[email protected]
Beth Chance (USA) (Joint Chair)
[email protected]
Allan Rossman (USA)
[email protected]
Ginger Rowell (USA)
[email protected]
Gilberte Schuyten (Belgium)
[email protected]
Larry Weldon (Canada) (Joint Chief Editor)
[email protected]
Local Organiser: Bruno C. de Sousa (Portugal)
[email protected]
For more information visit the website:
Lisboa, Portugal, August 22 – 29, 2007
The 56th Session of the International Statistical
Institute (ISI) will be held in Lisboa, Portugal. As it does
at each major ISI conference, IASE will be organizing
about 10 statistics education sessions for ISI-56. Please
check the website at for more
information, and contact the session organizers below if
you would like to offer to speak in one of the sessions.
IPM37 Research on Reasoning about Distribution
Organizer: Joan Garfield, USA
Presenters: Rolf Biehler, Germany; Jane Watson, Australia; Chris Reading,
Discussants: Roxy Peck and Beth Chance, USA
IPM38 How Modern Technologies Have Changed the Curriculum in Introductory
Organizers: Lucette Carter, France; Catherine Pardoux, France
Presenters: Cecily Peters, Malaysia; Brigitte Chaput, France; Mathilde
Mougeot, France
Discussants: Carmen Capilla, Spain; Robert Gould, USA
IPM39 Preparing Teachers of Statistics
Organizer: Allan Rossman, USA
Presenters: Carmen Batanero, Spain; Penelope Bidgood, UK; Verônica
Yumi Kataoka, Brazil; Madhuri Mulekar, USA
Discussant: Jerry Moreno, USA
IPM40 Research on the Use of Simulation in Teaching Statistics and Probability
Organizer: Rolf Biehler
Presenters: Nicolas Christou, Ivo D. Dinov and Juana Sanchez, USA;
Joachim Engel, Germany; Andrew Zieffler and Joan B. Garfield, USA
Discussant: Andrej Blejec, Slovenia
IPM41 Optimizing Internet-Based Resources for Teaching Statistics
Organizers: Roxy Peck, USA; Ginger Holmes Rowell, USA
Presenters: Mary Townsend, Canada; Iddo Gal and Dani Ben-Zvi, Israel;
Dennis Pearl, USA
Discussant: Irena Ograjensek, Slovenia
IPM42 Observational Studies, Confounding, and Multivariate Thinking
Organizer: Milo Schield, USA
Presenters: Donald Rubin, USA; Nancy Wermuth, Sweden and David Cox,
UK; James Nicholson, Jim Ridgway, and Sean McCusker, UK; John
Harraway, New Zealand
IPM43 Teaching of Official Statistics
Organizer: Sharleen Forbes, New Zealand
IPM44 Teaching of Survey Statistics
Organizer: Steve Heeringa, USA
Presenters: Don Royce, Canada; James J. Brown, UK; Marie-Christine
Ponsonnet, France; Giulio Ghellini, Italy
Discussant: Graham Kalton, USA
IPM45 Studying Variability Through Sports Phenomena
Organizer: Brian Phillips, Australia
Presenters: Tim Swartz, Canada; Stephen Clarke, Australia; Phil Everson,
USA; Kaznori Yamaguch, Michiko Watanabe, and Fumitake Sakaori, Japan
Discussant: Larry Weldon, Canada
IPM46 Use of Symbolic Computing Systems in Teaching Statistics
Organizer: Zaven Karian, USA
Allan J. Rossman (USA)
[email protected]
Gilberte Schuyten (Belgium)
[email protected]
Chris Wild (New Zealand)
[email protected]
For more information visit the ISI 56 website at or
contact members of IASE OC.
Monterrey, Mexico, June 30 to July 4, 2008
The International Commission on Mathematical
Instruction (ICMI, and
the International Association for Statistical Education
(IASE, are pleased
to announce the Joint ICMI/IASE Study Statistics
Education in School Mathematics: Challenges for Teaching
and Teacher Education. The conference is co-sponsored by
the American Statistical Association and endorsed by the
Interamerican Statistical Institute, Mexican Statistical Association and the International
Statistical Literacy Project.
Following the tradition of ICMI Studies, this Study will comprise two parts: the Joint
Study Conference and the production of the Joint Study book. The Joint Study
Conference will be merged with the IASE 2008 Round Table Conference.
The Joint Study Conference (ICMI Study and IASE Round Table Conference) will
take place at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores, Monterrey, Mexico
(, from June 30 to July 4, 2008. Participation in the
Conference is only by invitation, based on a submitted contribution and a refereeing
process. Accepted papers will be presented in the Conference and will appear in the
Proceedings that will be published by ICMI and IASE as a CD-ROM and on the Internet.
The second part of the Joint Study – the Joint Study book – will be produced after the
conference and will be published in the ICMI Study Series. Participation in the Joint
Study Conference does not automatically assure participation in the book, because a
second selection and rewriting of selected papers will be made after the conference.
Proposed papers for contributions to the Joint Study Conference should be submitted
by e-mail no later than October 1, 2007, to the IPC Study Chair (Carmen Batanero,
[email protected]). Papers should be relevant to the Joint Study focus and research
questions, as described in the Discussion Document (which is available at the Joint Study
Website ( Guidelines for preparing and submitting
the paper are also available in the Discussion Document. Please address questions to
Carmen Batanero,
[email protected] or Joan Garfield,
[email protected] .
Carmen Batanero (Spain)
Bernard Hodgson (Canada, ICMI representative)
Allan Rossman (USA, IASE representative)
Armando Albert (México, ITSM representative)
Dani Ben-Zvi (Israel)
Gail Burrill (USA)
Doreen Connor (UK)
Joachim Engel (Germany)
Joan Garfield (USA)
Jun Li (China)
Maria Gabriella Ottaviani (Italy)
Maxine Pfannkuch (New Zealand)
Mokaeane Victor Polaki (Lesotho)
Chris Reading (Australia)
Blanca Ruiz (Chair)
Ernesto Sánchez
Tomás Sánchez
Armando Albert
More information is available from Carmen Batanero,
[email protected] or from
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 11-16 July 2010
The realization that data is preferable to anecdote or
intuition as a basis for robust decision making is spreading
through many professions and sections of society. More and
more, people want to see “the evidence”. Statistical
methodology and modelling are increasingly pervading the
research fabrics of all fields that advance by employing
empirical enquiry. And because the root purpose of statistics
is to extract insight and meaning about real contexts using
data, statistics educators are increasingly realizing that this cannot be modelled by
teachers without the use of rich, real contexts. It is important that data and contexts
pervade statistical learning and teaching, to help students understand the nature and value
of the statistical sciences, and to facilitate their learning. Successful learning processes
involve data and contexts that are meaningful to students. These can be relevant to
everyday life or to disciplines as varied as psychology, biology, business, sociology,
engineering, the health sciences and statistics itself. But many questions remain about the
myriad ways in which we can exploit context to achieve our educational goals. We also
must look hard at how well we use the data and contexts that should be guiding our own
educational practices.
Statisticians are often essential contributors in research teams in many disciplines and
examples drawn from these contexts can enrich and facilitate the teaching of statistics.
Interaction between statistics educators, statisticians and researchers in a relevant
specialization can contribute significantly to the rich, real contextual and data resources
that are of such value in both motivating and assisting statistical learning. Trends in
medicine and other health sciences are governed by data, and evidence-based medicine is
taught now in all medical schools. Data from the biological sciences provide information
for resolving problems on environmental and ecological issues. The six-sigma revolution
uses statistical quality control methods to monitor and improve industrial and engineering
processes resulting in evidence-based decision making in industry. National statistics
offices and international agencies contribute to evidence-based decision making in
government and on public policy by collecting, collating, analysing and presenting data
to populations at large and to governments in particular.
Evidence-based practice should also be employed in statistics education itself. How
do we use context when teaching about variability, probability, inference and modelling?
How do we interpret data from surveys, questionnaires or interviews and how are these
related to the research hypotheses? To what extent are conclusions valid and reliable? Are
we dealing with and explaining risk appropriately? Only with the answers to these
intriguing questions will we be able to make informed decisions as we strive to reach an
evidence-based society. Education ideas are shared on the web, through international and
national projects, programmes, workshops and conferences in statistics education where
diverse innovations are shared. The impact and relevance of new ideas are assessed and
often adopted by others in their own teaching. Reports on the successes of recent statistics
education programmes in South Africa and Latin America reflect the impact of the two
ICOTS conferences and provide helpful ideas for other countries.
IPC Chair: John Harraway
Programme Chair: Roxy Peck
Information Manager: John Shanks
Scientific Secretary: Helen MacGillivray
Editor Proceedings: Alan McLean
LOC Chair: Andrej Blejec
For more information visit the ICOTS-8 website:
Salt Lake City UT, USA, July 29 - August 2, 2007
The 2007 Joint Statistical Meetings will be held July 29 - August 2, 2007 at the Salt
Palace Convention Center located at 100 South West Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah
JSM (the Joint Statistical Meetings) is the largest gathering of statisticians held in
North America. It is held jointly with the American Statistical Association, the
International Biometric Society (ENAR and WNAR), the Institute of Mathematical
Statistics, and the Statistical Society of Canada. Attended by over 5000 people, activities
at the meeting include oral presentations, panel sessions, poster presentations, continuing
education courses, an exhibit hall (with state-of-the-art statistical products and
opportunities), career placement service, society and section business meetings,
committee meetings, social activities, and networking opportunities. Salt Lake City is the
host city for JSM 2007 and offers a wide range of possibilities for sharing time with
friends and colleagues. For information, contact
[email protected]
UCLA, Los Angeles CA, USA, 6-8 August 2007
The 2007 joint SOCR/CAUSEway continuing education
workshop aims at demonstrating the functionality, utilization
and assessment of the current UCLA, SOCR and CAUSEweb
resources. This workshop will be of most value to AP teachers
and college instructors of probability and statistics classes who
have interests in exploring novel IT-based approaches for
enhancing statistics education. The workshop will provide an
interactive forum for the exchange of ideas and recommendations for strategies to
integrate computers, modern pedagogical approaches, the Internet and new student
assessment techniques.
For further information:
Charlotte NC, USA, September 7 - 13, 2007
The Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project was
founded in 1986 and is dedicated to the planning, writing and
disseminating of innovative ideas and materials in Mathematics and
Statistics Education. The next conference is planned for September
7 - 13, 2007 in Charlotte, North Carolina. The chairman of the Local Organising
Committee is Dr. David K. Pugalee, of the University of North Carolina Charlotte. The
title of the conference is “Mathematics Education in a Global Community.” Papers are
invited on all innovative aspects of mathematics education. Our conferences are
renowned for their friendly and productive working atmosphere. They are attended by
innovative teachers and mathematics educators from all over the world, 25 countries were
represented at our last conference for example.
For more information:
Alan Rogerson,
[email protected]