Humans Running in Place on Water at Simulated
Reduced Gravity
Alberto E. Minetti1, Yuri P. Ivanenko2*, Germana Cappellini2, Nadia Dominici2,3, Francesco Lacquaniti2,3,4
1 Department of Human Physiology, University of Milan, Milan, Italy, 2 Laboratory of Neuromotor Physiology, IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy, 3 Center of Space
BioMedicine, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, 4 Department of Systems Medicine, Neuroscience Section, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
Background: On Earth only a few legged species, such as water strider insects, some aquatic birds and lizards, can run on
water. For most other species, including humans, this is precluded by body size and proportions, lack of appropriate
appendages, and limited muscle power. However, if gravity is reduced to less than Earth’s gravity, running on water should
require less muscle power. Here we use a hydrodynamic model to predict the gravity levels at which humans should be able
to run on water. We test these predictions in the laboratory using a reduced gravity simulator.
Methodology/Principal Findings: We adapted a model equation, previously used by Glasheen and McMahon to explain the
dynamics of Basilisk lizard, to predict the body mass, stride frequency and gravity necessary for a person to run on water.
Progressive body-weight unloading of a person running in place on a wading pool confirmed the theoretical predictions
that a person could run on water, at lunar (or lower) gravity levels using relatively small rigid fins. Three-dimensional motion
capture of reflective markers on major joint centers showed that humans, similarly to the Basilisk Lizard and to the Western
Grebe, keep the head-trunk segment at a nearly constant height, despite the high stride frequency and the intensive
locomotor effort. Trunk stabilization at a nearly constant height differentiates running on water from other, more usual
human gaits.
Conclusions/Significance: The results showed that a hydrodynamic model of lizards running on water can also be applied
to humans, despite the enormous difference in body size and morphology.
Citation: Minetti AE, Ivanenko YP, Cappellini G, Dominici N, Lacquaniti F (2012) Humans Running in Place on Water at Simulated Reduced Gravity. PLoS ONE 7(7):
e37300. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037300
Editor: Alejandro Lucia, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain
Received August 1, 2011; Accepted April 19, 2012; Published July 18, 2012
Copyright: ß 2012 Minetti et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: This work was supported by the Italian Ministry of Health, Italian Ministry of University and Research (PRIN grant), Italian Space Agency (DCMC and
CRUSOE grants) and European Union FP7-ICT program (AMARSi grant #248311). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to
publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail:
[email protected]
their estimates [2], humans would be able to run on water only if
they were able to slap water at speeds .30 m/s, which they
estimate would require about 15 times a human’s available muscle
However, there are two ways of circumventing these limitations.
One way is by reducing gravity, and the other one is by running
with flotation devices (giant shoes or fins) as envisaged by
Leonardo da Vinci. Bush and Hu [1] calculated that, even at
very high slapping speeds of the feet (10 m/s), the area of the feet
would need to be about 1 m2 in order for a human to walk or run
on water in normal gravity.
Here we consider a combination of these two mechanisms:
relatively small fins (less than 0.1 m2) to increase the water reaction
force for a given foot motion, and reducing gravity (to about 20%
of Earth gravity) to reduce body weight. To our knowledge,
nobody has previously tested the level of gravity at which humans
could run on water, nor has anybody tested whether the
hydrodynamic model previously developed for lizards by Glasheen
and McMahon also applies to humans, despite the enormous
difference in body size and morphology. These issues are relevant
in the context of comparative physiology. In addition, the
reorganization and adaptation of locomotor patterns to the water
Running on top of a water surface is a task that only few animals
can accomplish [1]. In fact, the organisms most successful in this
task are water strider insects, which stay afloat by using surface
tension to sustain their small body weight [1]. Because the net
surface tension force scales with perimeter, but gravity forces scale
with volume, surface tension cannot support larger bodies. Bigger
animals use a different strategy to avoid sinking while running:
they strike the surface with sufficient vigor to generate hydrodynamic forces on their driving legs to support their weight [1]. The
Basilisk lizard (Basiliscus basiliscus, 90 g, Fig. 1A) has been
extensively studied for its ability to run on water by using very
fast (8-Hz stride frequency) slaps and strokes [2,3]. On the heavy
side, the Western Grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis, 1.5 kg, Fig. 1B) is
a bird capable of a courtship involving running on water for about
20 m at a stride frequency of about 7 Hz.
Notwithstanding various internet hoaxes, humans are apparently incapable of walking or running on water. In their classic
study [2] of the Basilisk lizard, Glasheen and McMahon calculate
the unsurprising result that humans are far too big and weak to
splash their feet hard enough to hold their weight. According to
July 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 7 | e37300
Running on Water
Figure 1. Running on water in Basilisk lizard (A, Basiliscus basiliscus), and human in our laboratory conditions (B). The fins used are
illustrated in C.
surface may be of interest for the construction of biologically
inspired robots [4,5], and for searching new forms of the
locomotor repertoire [6,7].
Using both theoretical models and experiments, here we find
what combinations of stride frequency, gravity and mass allow a
human to run on water like the Basilisk lizards and Western
time-course of the vertical position of the markers located at the
hip and shoulder, from which the position of the center of body
mass was obtained. Equation 21 produced the curves shown in
Figure 4.
One can notice from Fig. 2 that the number of participants who
succeeded in running on water at progressively higher gravity
levels decreased in parallel with a similar decrease of the net
available vertical impulse predicted by the model for these gravity
levels. To compute the net vertical impulse, we used values of M,
rEFF, uSLAP and tPUSH averaged across participants and experiments. Thus, at gravities lower than the 22% gEARTH limit, the
available impulse potentially allows almost every subject of normal
size to run on water, while only the most skilled and fit subjects can
sustain running on water when the net impulse (generated by
muscles and gravity, see eq. 4) is close to zero and the effort is
almost maximal.
Consider a situation in which a mechanical power of about 888
W is needed by the stroke. The maximum muscle power needed to
avoid sinking can be calculated by multiplying the overall drag (eq.
9) by the speed at which the vertical movement occurs (assuming a
constant u of 2.5 m/s, see Table 1). Alternatively, maximum
power can be calculated as body weight multiplied by vertical
displacement of the foot and the step frequency: also this
calculation provides a value of 888 W. The combined effect of
the saturation of muscle power (close to its maximum value) and of
the inability to move the legs at higher speeds resulted in a
monotonic increment of the foot excursion under the water surface
(Table 1), until the subjects tended to sink with increasing level of
These experiments suffered from various approximations in our
reduced gravity simulations. First, although the overall weight is
reduced by the lifting cord, both the limbs of the participants and
the water were still affected by the full forces of Earth’s gravity.
These affect the limb dynamics and the hydrostatic terms (eq. 9),
respectively. Moreover, running in place implied that the impulse
generated by the muscles was all directed to lift the body vertically,
with no power left for the forward thrust needed to progress
horizontally. Finally, also as a consequence of running in place,
calm water was never available at successive steps.
Water refills the air cavity sooner on Earth than on the Moon
(0.30 s and 0.75 s respectively, see tSEAL in eq. 2). Therefore, our
participants had to adopt a higher stride frequency, at all
simulated gravity levels, than the frequency people would
presumably adopt in true hypogravity. Also, the waves generated
Results and Discussion
We experimentally tested whether humans could generate
enough muscle power to run in place over a wading pool under
simulated reduced gravity (Fig. 1C). Participants, wearing
relatively small fins (Fig. 1D) and a harness attached to a constant
force unloading system, experienced different levels of simulated
gravity (range 10–25% gEARTH, see Materials and Methods). The
size of the fins, expressed relative to the leg length (i.e. hip-to-heel
distance) was roughly comparable to the relative size of the lizards’
feet [8]. For instance, a typical lizard of 10 g mass has a foot size
with rEFF = 0.008 m and a leg length of 0.035 m [8]
(ratio = 0.229). Our human subjects with fins had a similar
relationship (rEFF = 0.17 m, leg length = 0.8 m, ratio = 0.213).
When using M = 66 kg, rEFF = 0.17 m, uSLAP = 2.504 m/s and
tPUSH = 0.295 s, the model predicts that it is possible to run on
water for 0,g#2.16 m/s2, which corresponds to an upper limit of
about 0.22 gEARTH (Fig. 2, curve of net available vertical impulse.
See Modelling). The two model parameters uSLAP (slap speed) and
tPUSH (push duration) were derived from the experiments in the
wading pool (Table 1). These parameters depend on human
physiological constraints which are likely applicable to Earth’s
gravity and reduced hypogravity. Interestingly, the model
predicted that 82% of the total impulse is contributed by the
stroke at 0.22 gEARTH, similar to the adult Basilisk lizard [8,9].
The stroke impulse is further partitioned into 46% and 54%
contribution due to hydrodynamic and hydrostatic components of
the push, respectively. The model also showed that the maximum
body mass compatible with running on water, at the gravity of the
Moon (0.16 gEARTH) and at a stride frequency of 1.7 Hz, is 73 kg.
As predicted by the model, our experiments show that the
highest gravity for which a person can run on water is about 0.22
gEARTH. All subjects were able to avoid sinking at 10% gEARTH,
and a decreasing number of them were successful at higher
gravities (Fig. 2, bars). We also found that the subject-chosen stride
frequency and maximum vertical speed of the knee were both
independent of the gravity level (see Table 1). Figure 3 shows the
July 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 7 | e37300
Running on Water
Figure 2. The curve represents the net vertical impulse available ( = ImpSLAP zImpSTROKE {ImpMIN ), as predicted by the
illustrated model. Bars represent the number of subjects, out of 6, capable to avoid sinking at different simulated gravity values. Both variables
show that 22% of gEARTH is the maximum gravity at which humans can run on water, when assisted by a small rigid fin.
Previous investigations suggest how gait mechanics are affected
by reduced gravity (e.g. [12]), and predict dynamically equivalent
speeds for human locomotion on different planets [13]. Here we
noticed some striking differences between running on water and
normal running on firm Earth ground. Most noticeable is that the
upper limbs and body move little (Fig. 1C). Moreover, by
inspecting the footage of Basilisk lizards, of Western Grebes and
of our subjects, we note that the vertical oscillations are almost nil
in both cases (see CoG trunk trace from 10 to 15 s in Figure 3),
differentiating this gait from usual terrestrial running (oscillation
range of 0.08–0.10 m). Although some upper body markers have
vertical motions, there is an out-of-phase pattern of contralateral
markers (Fig. 3), as opposed to the in-phase relationship observed
in terrestrial running.
For a given duty factor and frequency, the oscillations of the
center of mass are constrained by the momentum-balance
equations. One extreme condition would involve an impulse once
in the middle of each stance phase. The other extreme condition
would involve a constant force during the contact phase. Running
on water and on land can lead to differences in CoG excursions,
only to the extent that these boundary conditions allow. The
situation here is closer to the second ‘extreme’, because the
alternate ‘cycling’ movement of the two lower limbs probably
generates an almost constant force. In lizards and western grebes
(see Movies S1, S2 and S3), the head does not move at all
vertically. By considering the reciprocal movements of the lower
limbs and the compliant water surface, the relative lack of CoG
movements is to be expected. Also, the duty factor is close to 0.5
(see above), a value considered as the separator between
pendulum-like (walk) and bouncing (run) locomotion paradigms
[7,14]. It is interesting how the bicycle-like style of locomotion
(with little changes in the potential energy of the body center of
mass) is accompanied by a pedaling (rotating) moving pattern of
the lower limbs in both lizards, birds and humans during water
running (see Movies S1, S2 and S3). The only limited analogy with
terrestrial running is the possible use of pseudo-elastic mechanics
by each foot-stroke progress at a much slower speed (vWAVE , m/s)
in true hypogravity [10]:
where t (s) is the wave period. In true hypogravity, the above
factors would allow each step to occur on unperturbed water and
at a slower frequency, resulting in a higher power and efficiency
available from muscles [11] and decreasing the hydrodynamic
losses. On the other hand, the hydrostatic component of the
impulse is higher during simulated hypogravity. The cancelling of
these contrasting effects may have helped the close match we
found between theory and experiments.
Table 1. Successful subjects, stride frequency (mean6SD)
and maximal knee vertical speed during walking on water at
different simulated gravity levels.
Knee Vertical
Stride Frequency Speed
July 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 7 | e37300
Running on Water
Figure 3. Experimental tracings at 16% gEARTH (Moon) simulated gravity. The subject initially experienced 0% gravity (100% body weight
suspension, BWS) then the system was gradually set to the desired value. The upmost signal reflects the force measured by the load cell, while the
lower curves represent the vertical coordinate of hip and shoulder, as measured by the motion analysis system. Red and blue curves refer to right and
left markers, respectively, while the black one is the average value. ‘CoG trunk’ curve has been calculated as the average of the 4 markers to represent
the vertical motion of the head-trunk segment, which approximates the body centre of mass.
beam, mounted in the middle of the upper side of a parallelepiped
steel frame. Very low friction sliding of the mechanism ensures
that only vertical forces are applied to the participant. The subject
is supported in a harness, pulled upwards by a steel cable
connected to the piston of the pneumatic cylinder. Total vertical
excursion admitted is 1 m, so that the device, without any
regulation, adapts itself to the participant’s height or helps raising
him over the surface for air-stepping (100% BWS). WARD exerts
the preset unloading force independent of the position of the
center of body mass, thus simulating a reduced-gravity environment. A load cell (FGP, type FN3030, France) is positioned inseries with the suspension cable to measure the actual delivered
force. The desired unloading force (expressed as percent of
subject’s weight) is set on the control computer that accordingly
adjusts the pressure inside the pneumatic cylinder. Preset BWS
values were applied using a ramp-up (20 N/s, about 30 s to reach
100% BWS), hold (20 to 100 s) and ramp-down (about 30 s)
profile of unloading force. The error in the force applied to a
subject and the dynamic force fluctuations monitored by the load
cell are estimated to be less than 5% of body weight (see Fig. 3,
upper trace). The trials were recorded as successful when
participants were able to avoid sinking for at least 7–8 seconds
(the hypothetical time epoch necessary to cross a small swimming
During the experiments, 3D motion of markers located on main
joints was captured by an optoelectronic system (Vicon-612,
Oxford Metrics, UK). We recorded kinematic data bilaterally at
100 Hz by means of 9 TV cameras spaced around the wading
pool. Infrared reflective markers (diameter 14 and 25 mm) were
attached on each side of the participant to the skin overlying the
following landmarks: gleno-humeral joint (GH), the midpoint
between the anterior and the posterior superior iliac spine (ilium,
IL), greater trochanter (GT), lateral femur epicondyle (LE) and
lateral malleolus (LM). The spatial accuracy of the system is better
to save energy. If tSEAL were long enough (as in true hypogravity),
the hydrostatic reaction to the push (which is greater at deeper air/
water interfaces) could act as a Hookean spring and assist after the
slowing of the limb during the end of the pushing phase.
Regarding the comparison of the present levels of simulated
reduced gravity with the gravity of other planets, we note that the
limit value of 0.22 gEARTH that we found for water running would
include the Moon, four Galilean moons of Jupiter (Io, Ganymede,
Callisto, Europa), Saturn moon Enceladus, Pluto, and other 126
celestial objects in the Solar System (Galilean moons and
Enceladus revealed traces of water ice or vapor on their surface).
Materials and Methods
We experimentally tested whether lower limb muscles could
generate enough power to run in place over an inflatable wading
pool (Fig. 1C). Six participants (mean mass 66 kg and height
1.72 m), wearing two small fins (Pro Force Fins, Bob Evans
Designs, USA; surface area of each fin 0.075 m2, stiffened along
their sagittal plane by an aluminium rod) and a harness attached to
a constant weight unloading system [15], experienced 6 different
levels of simulated gravity (range 10–25% gEARTH). The study was
in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and written
informed consent was obtained from all participants according to
procedures approved by the Ethics Committee at the Santa Lucia
Foundation. The participant displayed in Figure 1 and the video
provided consent for publication.
The body weight support (BWS) was obtained by means of a
pneumatic device that applies a controlled upward force at the
waist, close to the centre of body mass (WARD system [16]) via a
parachute harness (Reha, BONMED, Germany). The BWS
mechanism consists of a mechanical gear driven by a pneumatic
cylinder, equipped with safety stops. It is held in a cart that slides
forwards and backwards over a track formed by a double steel
July 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 7 | e37300
Running on Water
Figure 4. Predictions for two gravity accelerations (Earth - black and Moon - grey) are shown in terms of body mass and stride
frequency. The graphic area below the dashed curves represents the mass-frequency combinations at which water cavity seals before protraction
and the impulse is not enough to run on water. The graphic area between the dashed and the solid curves represents the mass-frequency
combinations at which the impulse is still not enough but the water cavity does not seal before protraction. The graphic area above the solid curves
is the ‘safe area’ where mass and frequency involve a sufficient impulse and water does not seal before the end of protraction. Symbols represent the
Basilisk lizard (open diamond), the Western Grebe (open circle) and humans (open square).
surface corresponds to the bottom of the foot or fin, and the radius
is the radius of a disk with the same area as the foot or the fin.
For a given g value and an effective radius rEFF of the slapping
surface, water refills the cavity in a time tSEAL [8,9]:
than 1 mm (root mean square). LM marker was often lost from
tracking due to water splashes.
We follow the approach proposed by Glasheen and McMahon
[2,8,9] for the lizard, and we extend it to humans running on
water at different gravity levels. The general outline of the physical
problem and the corresponding equations are similar to those
presented by Glasheen and McMahon [2,8,9], but the model
parameters are adapted to fit humans. A first constraint for
running on water is that the air cavity created by each foot-stroke
stays open until the end of limb extension. In this way, net
propulsion is obtained because, as in rowing, the recovery
movement occurs in air, a fluid 800 times less dense than water.
Secondly, enough thrust has to be generated to sustain the body
In the following, gEARTH denotes Earth gravity (9.81 m/s2), g
denotes a variable value of gravity acceleration, the pushing
rEFF 0:5
tSEAL ~2:285
Therefore, the minimum stride frequency fMIN required to run on
water is:
fMIN ~
The factor of two is required as seal refers to the closing cavity
during one step, while fMIN refers to the stride (2 steps) frequency.
July 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 7 | e37300
Running on Water
tively. The equation can be simplified:
In accord with [8], we set
where M is the mass of the runner and tSTEP is the duration of half
locomotor cycle.
To avoid sinking:
ImpMIN ~M g tSEAL ~2:285M ðg rEFF Þ
DragðtÞ cosðwðtÞÞ dt
and by computing the definite integral from t = 0 to t = tPUSH
ImpSTROKE ~0:5 p CD r r2EFF uSLAP tPUSH uSLAP zg tPUSH ð13Þ
CD is assumed to be equal to 0.703 as in [8].
The problem is to find gravity values for which the constraint
equation (Eq. 4) holds, namely.
f ðg,M,rEFF ,uSLAP ,tPUSH Þw0
While the parameters M and rEFF are given, the parameters g,
uSLAP and tPUSH must be determined experimentally (see Results).
In order to obtain a more general model that could be applied
to animals of different size, we assumed that the body shape of the
biped is a vertical cylinder (with mass M, density D, radius R and
height H), the base of which is made of two half-circles vertically
extending for a distance P, mimicking the feet alternatively
pushing against the water. The cylinder shape can be defined by
the variable A = R/H, and the pushing distance by the variable S
= P/H. From geometry, it can be calculated that
where mVIRTUAL (kg) is the virtual mass of water accelerated
during impact, r is water density (kg/m3) and uSLAP represents the
impact speed (m/s) of the foot [8].
The second component is the stroke impulse:
hðtÞ~ uðtÞdt~ uSLAP t
Here we assume that steps occur with a duty factor (the fraction of
the stride during which one foot is in contact with water) equal to
0.5. This is the most conservative approach (requires the least
average support force). The average support force has to equate
body weight (BW). With shorter times (duty factor smaller than
0.5), the average vertical force over the step must be higher than
BW, presumably adding muscular effort. For example, with a duty
factor of 0.25, the average vertical force during a step would be 2
In the Glasheen et al model, the forces of water on the fins have
three parts. These are the forces that add to make the impulse
which counteracts the weight of the person. The first is the slap
This seems to be a reasonable approximation, because the foot
vertical speed tends first to decrease after impact, and then to
increase during the following leg extension.
From equation 11
where uðtÞ and hðtÞ are the instantaneous vertical speed and
distance from the water surface of the pushing surface.
As a first approximation, let us assume that during the whole
push phase:
In other words, the net vertical impulse generated by slapping and
pushing on water must be greater or equal than the one related to
gEARTH. ImpMIN refers to the minimum vertical impulse that is
needed to keep the body with zero average vertical velocity over a
step. Thus, it is a general constraint to avoid sinking into the water.
For a biped (such as man or running lizards), ImpMIN at an
arbitrary gravity g is
DragðtÞ~p r2EFF CD r 0:5 u2 ðtÞz g h(t)
: 1
AM 3
where wðtÞ is the time course of changes of orientation of the
pushing surface ( = 0 when the surface is horizontal). A dependence on wðtÞ is justified by the fact that, as the foot travels
downwards, its orientation changes from horizontal (at the start) to
vertical (at the end). The final vertical orientation results in zero
contribution to the vertical impulse at the end of the push phase
(cos 90u = 0).
The third term is from buoyant forces acting on the bottom of
the fin (with no opposing forces at the top), proportional to the
mass of the displaced cavity, namely Srgh(t), with S as the slap
surface area. The Drag(t) represents the time course of the force
applied to water from the ‘‘stroke’’ term and the buoyant term:
Also, the effective radius of each of the two pushing half
circles, is
rEFF ~ pffiffiffi
The slap speed can be calculated as
S :H
DragðtÞ~S CD 0:5 r u2 ðtÞzr g h(t)
with CD as the water-entry drag coefficient, and the two terms in
brackets referring to hydrodynamic and hydrostatic drag, respecPLoS ONE |
H~ : 2 :
pR D
July 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 7 | e37300
Running on Water
only. For example, for a given gravity and cylinder mass, equation
21 yields the minimum stride frequency to run on water.
freq~ :
Supporting Information
Movie S1 A movie showing how the Basilisk
lizard (Basiliscus basiliscus) runs on the water surface.
we obtain
uSLAP ~2:freq:S:H
Movie S2 A movie showing one of our subjects
running in place on water at a simulated gravity of 1/6 of gEARTH
(corresponding to the Moon gravity).
By assigning the values of A = 0.04 (corresponding to a tall
cylinder, a simplification applicable to lizards and humans) and
S = 0.50 (corresponding to a leg extension of 50% body length,
another reasonable assumption for both lizards and humans) and
by assuming a constant body density (D = 1000 kg/m3)), we were
able to express rEFF, uSLAP and tPUSH as a function of mass and
stride frequency. This allowed simplifying equation 14 into:
f ðg,M,freqÞw0
We thank Dr. Velio Macellari of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, for
kindly providing us the body weight support system.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: AEM YPI ND FL. Performed
the experiments: AEM YPI GC ND FL. Analyzed the data: AEM YPI GC
ND. Wrote the paper: AEM YPI FL.
and we could make predictions based on these three variables
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July 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 7 | e37300