Eur J Appl Physiol (2003) 90: 377–386
DOI 10.1007/s00421-003-0919-y
D. Pendergast Æ P. Zamparo Æ P. E. di Prampero
C. Capelli Æ P. Cerretelli Æ A. Termin Æ A. Craig Jr.
D. Bushnell Æ D. Paschke Æ J. Mollendorf
Energy balance of human locomotion in water
Accepted: 23 June 2003 / Published online: 2 September 2003
Ó Springer-Verlag 2003
Abstract In this paper a complete energy balance
for water locomotion is attempted with the aim of
comparing different modes of transport in the aquatic
environment (swimming underwater with SCUBA diving equipment, swimming at the surface: leg kicking and
front crawl, kayaking and rowing). On the basis of the
values of metabolic power (E_), of the power needed to
overcome water resistance (W_ d) and of propelling efficiency (gP=W_ d/W_ tot, where W_ tot is the total mechanical
power) as reported in the literature for each of these
forms of locomotion, the energy cost per unit distance
(C=E_/v, where v is the velocity), the drag (performance)
efficiency (gd=W_ d/E_) and the overall efficiency
(go=W_ tot/E_=gd/gP) were calculated. As previously
found for human locomotion on land, for a given metabolic power (e.g. 0.5 kW=1.43 lÆmin)1 V_O2) the decrease in C (from 0.88 kJÆm)1 in SCUBA diving to
0.22 kJÆm)1 in rowing) is associated with an increase in
the speed of locomotion (from 0.6 mÆs)1 in SCUBA
diving to 2.4 mÆs)1 in rowing). At variance with locomotion on land, however, the decrease in C is associated
D. Pendergast Æ A. Termin Æ D. Bushnell Æ D. Paschke
J. Mollendorf
Departments of Physiology and Mechanical
and Aerospace Medicine, University at Buffalo,
124 Sherman Hall, Buffalo, NY 14214, USA
P. Zamparo (&) Æ P. E. di Prampero Æ C. Capelli
Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biomediche
and Microgravity, Ageing, Training, Inactivity (MATI),
Centre of Excellence, Università degli Studi di Udine,
P.le Kolbe 4, 33100 Udine, Italy
[email protected]
Tel.: +39-0432-494338
Fax: +39-0432-494301
P. Cerretelli
Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biomediche,
Università degli Studi di Milano, Via Fratelli Cervi 93,
20090 Segrate, (MI), Italy
A. Craig Jr.
Department of Physiology, School of Medicine and Dentistry,
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY14642, USA
with an increase, rather than a decrease, of the total
mechanical work per unit distance (Wtot, kJÆm)1). This is
made possible by the increase of the overall efficiency of
locomotion (go=W_ tot/E_=Wtot/C) from the slow speeds
(and loads) of swimming to the high speeds (and loads)
attainable with hulls and boats (from 0.10 in SCUBA
diving to 0.29 in rowing).
Keywords Economy Æ Efficiency Æ Kayaking Æ
Rowing Æ Swimming
Water locomotion, although more energy demanding
per unit distance than locomotion on land, was used by
humans for thousand of years. In addition to swimming
freely at the surface (or underwater) humans have learnt
to use a variety of passive locomotory devices, from tree
trunks and floating objects to human-powered boats and
watercrafts in the attempt to improve the economy and/
or the speed of progression in water. Even though
motorized locomotion has now replaced human-powered locomotion, aquatic activities such as swimming,
diving, kayaking and rowing are still largely practicised
all over the word mostly, if not exclusively, for recreational purposes.
Because of the complexities of the water environment,
aquatic locomotion offers an interesting challenge to the
understanding of the physiology of human movement; it
is traditionally investigated by means of: (1) a biomechanical approach focused on the study of the mechanical determinants and/or (2) a physiological approach
focused on the study of the energy requirements.
Generally speaking, for a swimmer or a boat to move in
still water at constant speed (v), the propulsive force
must be equal to the sum of the forces opposing motion,
according to the Newtonian principle of action-reaction.
These forces are generally grouped together under the
term drag (D) whose different components will not be
analysed here, the interested reader being referred to
Abbott et al. (1995) and Dal Monte and Komor (1989).
However, the total power of locomotion (W_ tot, W) is
greater than that needed to overcome the drag forces
only, because a given fraction of it is ‘‘wasted’’ to: (1)
accelerate and decelerate the limbs with respect to the
body center of mass (W_ int, internal power) and (2)
accelerate water away from the body (W_ k, kinetic
power). For aquatic locomotion therefore:
W_ tot ¼ W_ d þ W_ k þ W_ int
where W_ d is the amount of the power dissipated against
drag forces (W_ d=DÆv, where D is in N and v in mÆs)1). It
should also be noted that it is often convenient to define
external power as the sum of W_ d and W_ k:
W_ ext=W_ d+W_ k.
When swimming or paddling, the limb/tool that
generates propulsion also creates drag (D). Hence, during aquatic locomotion ‘‘active drag’’ is significantly
greater than the passive drag that can be measured by
towing the subject (or the boat) motionless through the
water. Passive drag is easily measured, whereas active
drag can only be estimated indirectly.
For swimming active drag can be calculated from
measures of sub-maximal oxygen consumption (V_O2)
while the subjects swim at constant speed and are partially towed by a force acting in the direction of motion.
Linear extrapolation of the V_O2 versus towing force
relationship to resting V_O2 yields the towing force which
would allow the subject to swim at the given speed
without any (net) energy expenditure; this force is assumed to be equal (and opposite) to the active drag at
that speed (e. g. di Prampero et al. 1974). This method
can be, and has been, used also to estimate the active
drag of other forms of aquatic locomotion (kayaking:
Pendergast et al. 1989; SCUBA diving: Pendergast et al.
1996; leg kicking at the surface: Zamparo et al. 2002).
Active drag can also be assessed by means of the
MAD (measuring active drag) system (e.g. Toussaint
et al. 1988). With this device the subject swims by
exerting the propelling action of the arms on fixed pads
positioned 1.35 m apart 0.8 m below the water surface.
The pads are connected to force transducers so that the
force exerted by the swimmer at each ‘‘stroke’’ can be
recorded; this force is equal to the drag force since, with
this set up, the swimmer does not expend any energy in
giving water momentum (W_ k=0). It must be pointed
out, however, that only arm propulsion can be investigated with this system because the subject’s legs are fixed
together and supported by a small buoy.
The component of the total mechanical power
‘‘wasted’’ in accelerating water away from the body (W_ k)
is even harder to assess than the active drag itself.
Estimates of the term W_ k for the arm stroke are reported
by Toussaint et al. (1988, 1991) as obtained by means of
the MAD system (see above) and by Berger et al. (1997)
by means of cinematic analysis.
Studies of animal locomotion (e.g. Lighthill 1975;
Alexander 1983, 2003) have shown that, in slender fish,
W_ k can be computed by measuring the speed of the
waves of bending which can be observed to travel
along the fish’s body in a caudal direction (e.g. Alexander 1983, 2003; Lighthill 1975). Indeed, the Froude
efficiency of an undulatory movement (gF) can be calculated from the ratio [(u+v)/2u] (were u is the speed
of the bending wave and v is the forward speed). Since
gF is also defined as the ratio W_ d/(W_ d+W_ k) (see Eq. 3
below) it is possible to calculate W_ k on the basis of
values of gF [e.g. calculated as (u+v)/2u] and W_ d. This
last method was applied to calculate gF in subjects
swimming by using the leg kick (with and without fins)
since the action of the leg’s muscles indeed produces
waves of bending similar to those observed in slender
fish (Zamparo et al. 2002). These waves were also
observed in subjects swimming the butterfly kick
(Sanders et al. 1995) and in monofin swimmers (Zamparo, personal communication).
It goes without saying that, in any form of water
locomotion, the term W_ k can be estimated once the
values of gF (calculated/estimated/assumed) and W_ d are
In most studies regarding aquatic locomotion the
contribution of the internal work rate (W_ int) to W_ tot has
not been considered as a source of mechanical work
expenditure; it was recently computed by Zamparo
(Zamparo et al. 2002; Zamparo 2003) for the leg kick
and the arm stroke. W_ int was originally defined by Fenn
(1930) as the power necessary to accelerate the limbs in
respect to the center of mass; as such it is strongly
influenced by the frequency of the limbs movement. As
shown by Zamparo et al. (2002) W_ int is a substantial
fraction of W_ tot when swimming by kicking the legs
because of the high limb frequencies necessary to produce forward motion. The limb frequency is greatly reduced when leg kicking with fins (Zamparo et al. 2002)
and further reduced in the arm stroke (Zamparo 2003)
thus leading to a substantial reduction of W_ int. As a first
approximation, in all forms of water locomotion except
the leg kick without fins, W_ int can be neglected and W_ tot
can be assumed to be equal to the sum of W_ k and W_ d
only (see also Discussion).
The efficiency with which W_ tot produced by the
swimmer/rower/kayaker is transformed into useful
propulsion (useful mechanical output, W_ d) is termed
propelling efficiency and is given by:
gP ¼ W_ d = W_ d þ W_ k þ W_ int
The efficiency with which the external mechanical
power (W_ ext=W_ d+W_ k) produced by the swimmer/
rower/kayaker is transformed into useful propulsion
(useful mechanical output, W_ d) is termed Froude efficiency and is given by:
and by Zamparo et al. (2002) for surface kicking (with
and without fins). To our knowledge, the Froude/propelling efficiency for rowing and kayaking was never
measured, essentially because of the difficulties in measuring W_ k in these forms of locomotion; however, there
is good agreement on the esteems of this parameter,
which, according to several authors, ranges from 0.65 to
0.75 (e.g. Celentano et al. 1974; Dal Monte and Komor
1989; Abbott et al. 1995).
The net energy cost of locomotion (C, kJÆm)1) can be
calculated from the ratio of metabolic power (E_ kW,
above resting values) to the speed of progression (v,
mÆs)1); it represents the net energy expended to cover a
unit distance:
C ¼ E_ =m
Scheme 1 A flow diagram of the steps of energy conversion in
aquatic locomotion (adapted from Daniel 1991 and Zamparo et al.
gF ¼ W_ d = W_ d þ W_ k
In those forms of locomotion in which the internal
work rate can be neglected (see above) Eqs. 2 and 3 are
equivalent and gF=gP. From Eq. 2 and 3 is also
apparent that, for any form of locomotion in water: (1)
the total mechanical power (W_ tot=W_ d+W_ k+W_ int) can
be calculated rearranging Eq. 2 once the term W_ d and
the propelling efficiency (gP) are known; and (2) the
external mechanical power (W_ ext=W_ d+W_ k) can be
calculated rearranging Eq. 3 once the term W_ d and the
Froude efficiency (gF) are known (see also Scheme 1).
Values of propelling efficiency are reported by Zamparo (2003) for the front crawl, by Toussaint et al. (1988,
1991) and Martin et al. (1980) for the arm stroke, and by
Zamparo et al. (2002) for surface kicking (with and
without fins). Values of Froude efficiency are reported
by Samimy (2002) for underwater kicking with SCUBA
The rate of (net) energy expenditure (E_) is the sum of
the rates of oxidative metabolism, anaerobic glycolysis
leading to lactic acid production and creatine phosphate
splitting. Whereas the energy cost of locomotion is easy
to assess over the range of speeds that can be maintained
aerobically (in which case E_=V_O2), determining C over
the speeds where the anaerobic contribution cannot be
neglected is a more challenging task, necessarily implying a certain degree of approximation. At maximal and
supra-maximal speeds C was estimated for swimming
and kayaking by Capelli et al. (1998), Termin and
Pendergast (2001), Zamparo et al. (1999, 2000), and
Pendergast et al. (1989).
The values of E_ and C reported in this paper are net
values (above resting metabolic rate) and refer to a range
of speeds that could be supported completely by oxidative metabolism (E_=V_O2). The ‘‘aerobic’’ speed range
for each form of locomotion is given in Table 1.
The ‘‘metabolic’’ efficiency of human swimming was
originally calculated by di Prampero et al. (1974) by
using a method which did not take into account the
contribution of the power ‘‘wasted’’ to impart kinetic
Table 1 Estimated/measured values of propelling and Froude efficiency
Speed range (m.s–1)
Froude eff. (gF)
Propelling eff. (gP)
Leg kick
Leg kick with fins
Underwater SCUBA
Front crawl
Front crawl with fins
Arm stroke
Arm stroke
References: (1) Zamparo et al. 2002; (2) Samimy 2002; (3) Zamparo 2003; (4) Martin et al. 1980; (5) Toussaint et al. 1988; (6) Abbott et al.
The range refers to data obtained with different fins; for the same fins of reference (1) gF=0.72
Range of efficiency values as reported in the literature for the corresponding speed range
energy to the water (W_ k) nor the internal work rate
(W_ int) in the computation of W_ tot. With this method the
efficiency is calculated on the basis of the slope of the
V_O2 vs. D relationship as obtained during the determination of the active drag: DDÆv/DV_O2 (were both terms
are expressed in the same units). The efficiency calculated in this way can be considered as the ‘‘efficiency’’ of
overcoming drag only (drag efficiency, gd) since it is
given by:
1974) and were selected because they report values of
energy cost, active drag and cycle frequency as measured, simultaneously, in experienced athletes. These
data, once combined with measures/estimates of propelling efficiency, allowed us to attempt a complete energy balance for different forms of human movement in
the aquatic environment.
gd ¼ W_ d =E_
The drag efficiency, as calculated from the ratio W_ d/E_
(Eq. 5), is a useful parameter in aquatic locomotion
because it indicates the efficiency with which the overall
energy expenditure is utilized to produce ‘‘useful’’ work
(thrust). In studies of animal locomotion this efficiency is
referred as performance efficiency (Daniel 1991).
About a decade later, Toussaint and coworkers
(1988) proposed an alternative method to determine the
efficiency of swimming (by means of the MAD system)
in which the component of the external power ‘‘wasted’’
to impart kinetic energy to the water (W_ k) was also taken into account. The values of efficiency calculated with
this method are based on a more complete understanding of aquatic locomotion; these values, however, refer
to the arm stroke only (while swimming on the MAD
system the legs are fixed together and supported by a
pull buoy). Recently, an even more complete energy
balance in aquatic locomotion (while swimming the leg
kick) was proposed by Zamparo et al. (2002) based on
measures/calculations of all the three components of
W_ tot:
go ¼ W_ int þ W_ d þ W_ k =E_
Metabolic power (E_ ) and energy cost of locomotion (C)
The overall metabolic power (E_, kW) is plotted in Fig. 1
as a function of the speed for all the investigated forms
of aquatic locomotion. The data reported in this and the
following figures were obtained by interpolating the
original data, over the aerobic speed range, with power
functions the equations of which are indicated in the
legend to Fig. 1. E_ increases as a function of the speed in
all forms of aquatic locomotion and, at comparable
(paired) speeds, it is higher for the leg kick (underwater
and at the surface), slightly lower for the front crawl,
and largely reduced in kayaking and in rowing, this last
being the most economical form of locomotion in water.
The energy cost per unit distance (C, kJÆm)1) can be
calculated from data reported in Fig. 1 by dividing the
energy expenditure by the speed of progression (C=E_/v,
where E_ is in kW and v in mÆs)1). C is plotted in Fig. 2 as
a function of speed, the continuous lines representing
iso-metabolic power hyperbolae of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and
2 kW (from bottom to top). As shown in this figure, at
the same metabolic power (e.g. 0.5 kW), the decrease in
where W_ d was computed according to di Prampero et al.
(1974), W_ int, according to Minetti (1988) and W_ k was
estimated from measures of Froude efficiency (calculated
as proposed by Lighthill 1975, for the slender fish).
By combining Eqs. 5 and 6 it is apparent that the
ratio of drag (performance) efficiency to overall efficiency is the propelling efficiency of locomotion (Eq. 3,
see also Scheme 1). Hence, the overall efficiency can also
be obtained by:
go ¼ gd =gP
Therefore, to calculate the overall efficiency of any
form of aquatic locomotion, only four parameters need
to be known: v, E_, D and gP.
On these premises, this study was carried out with the
aim of comparing different forms of locomotion in water. Of all the data collected by the authors over the last
three decades, only a limited number of papers were
selected. These papers report data obtained while kicking the legs at the surface (L, Zamparo et al. 2002) or
underwater (UWF, with SCUBA diving equipment,
Samimy 2002), while swimming the front crawl (AL,
Zamparo 2003), kayaking (K, Pendergast et al. 1989)
and rowing (R, di Prampero et al. 1971; Celentano et al.
Fig. 1 Net energy expenditure (E_, kW) is plotted as a function of
the speed (v, mÆs)1) for the different forms of aquatic locomotion
investigated in this study. The lines interpolate the original data
over the aerobic speed range. The fitted equations are: L
(swimming by using the leg kick at the surface): E_=0.91Æv1.75;
UWF (underwater swimming with SCUBA diving equipment):
E_=1.08Æv1.39; AL (swimming the front crawl): E_=0.60Æv1.87; K
(kayaking): E_=0.098Æv2.76; R (rowing): E_=0.088Æv2.05
Table 2 Values of the investigate variables at metabolically equivalent speeds (E_=0.5 kW throughout). (AL Front crawl swimming,
K kayaking, L swimming by kicking the legs, R rowing, UWF
underwater SCUBA diving with fins, C energy cost per unit distance, gP propelling efficiency, go overall efficiency, gd drag (performance) efficiency, W_tot total mechanical work, W_d work to
overcome water resistance). See text for details
v (mÆs)1)
C (kJÆm)1)
W_ d (W)
W_ tot (W)
Fig. 2 The energy cost to cover a given distance (C, kJÆm)1) is
plotted as a function of the speed (v, mÆs)1) for the different forms
of aquatic locomotion investigated in this study. (AL Swimming
the front crawl, K kayaking, L swimming by using the leg kick at
the surface, R rowing, UWF underwater swimming with SCUBA
diving equipment.) The continuous lines represent iso-metabolic
power hyperbolae of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2 kW (from bottom to top)
C allows for a fourfold increase in the speed of locomotion: from about 0.6 mÆs)1 in SCUBA diving to
2.4 mÆs)1 in rowing (see also Table 2).
Froude (gF) and propelling (gP) efficiency
Table 1 reports the values of Froude and propelling
efficiency as reported in the literature for different forms
of aquatic locomotion. In the indicated speed range gP
and gF are essentially unaffected by the speed. The following values of gP were utilized in the calculations:
1. gP=0.36 for the leg kick without fins (as measured by
Zamparo et al. 2002).
2. gP=0.58 for fin swimming underwater with SCUBA
diving equipment (as measured by Samimy 2002. In
the study of Samimy only the Froude efficiency was
calculated; however, since the gF of swimming
underwater is the same as that calculated when
swimming at the surface with the same kind of fins
(0.72 vs. 0.70), it is fair to assume that also the propelling efficiency is similar.
3. gP=0.45 for the arm stroke; this value is an average
of the values of gP as measured by means of the
MAD system (e.g. by Toussaint et al. 1988, 1991) or
calculated by mathematical modelling (Martin et al.
1980) for the arm stroke and of the values of gP as
calculated by Zamparo (2003) for the front crawl
with and without fins.
4. gP=0.7 for rowing and kayaking; this value is an
average of the (estimated) values of gP reported in the
literature (e.g. Dal Monte and Komor 1989; Celentano et al. 1974; Abbott et al. 1995).
Fig. 3 Active/passive drag (D, N) is plotted as a function of the
speed (v, mÆs)1) for the different forms of aquatic locomotion
investigated in this study. The lines interpolate the original data
over the aerobic speed range. The fitted equations are: L
(swimming by using the leg kick at the surface): D=42.9Æv1.55;
UWF (underwater swimming with SCUBA diving equipment):
D=115.7Æv1.57; AL (swimming the front crawl): D=49.8Æv1.03; K
(kayaking): D=14.5Æv2.01; R (rowing): D=12.8Æv1.33
The power to overcome drag (W_ d), the drag efficiency
(gd) and the overall efficiency (go)
The values of active drag (D, N) are shown in Fig. 3, as
a function of the speed, for all forms of locomotion but
rowing, in which case the data reported here refer to
passive drag. D increases with speed in all forms of
locomotion: at comparable (paired) speeds, water resistance is higher when swimming underwater with SCUBA diving equipment, slightly lower for the leg kick and
the front crawl and largely reduced when boats are used,
the rowing shell offering the lowest resistance to motion
in water. W_ d (W) can be calculated from the product
DÆv, were D is in N and v is in mÆs)1; drag (performance)
efficiency can be calculated from the ratio W_ d/E_.
The values of gd are reported in Fig. 4 for all forms of
water locomotion considered here. From these values
the overall efficiency was calculated by assuming a value
of propelling efficiency (go=gd/gP) specific for each form
of locomotion, as indicated above.
The values of go are reported in Fig. 5. Both gd and go
(Figs. 4 and 5) were found to increase with the speed for
each form of water locomotion considered in this study.
In addition, overall efficiency, as measured at the maximal (aerobic) speeds investigated in this study, was
lower for swimming underwater with SCUBA and for
swimming at the surface by kicking the legs (about 0.13
on average), corresponding to 0.19 in the front crawl, to
0.27 in kayaking and 0.32 in rowing.
Cycle frequency, distance per cyle (dc)
and internal work rate (W_ int)
The cycle frequency (cyclesÆmin)1) as a function of
average forward speed (mÆs)1) is shown in Fig. 6 for all
the investigated forms of aquatic locomotion. In this
figure the continuous lines irradiating from the origin
correspond to the average distances covered per cycle
(dc, mÆcycle)1). This figure shows that, in the range of
aerobic speeds, the increase in speed is essentially obtained by an increase in the cycle frequency while the
distance per cycle is maintained essentially constant
(with the exception of kayaking). Hence, at least in the
range of speeds considered here, each form of locomotion in water is almost univocally defined by the distance
covered per cycle (dc).
As shown in Fig. 7, dc is related to the efficiency of
locomotion: the higher dc the higher the propelling and
Fig. 4 Drag (performance) efficiency (gd) is plotted as a function of
the speed (v, mÆs)1) for the different forms of aquatic locomotion
investigated in this study. The lines interpolate the original data
over the aerobic speed range. The fitted equations are: L
(swimming by using the leg kick at the surface): gd=0.057Æv0.51;
UWF (underwater swimming with SCUBA diving equipment):
gd=0.108Æv1.17; AL (swimming the front crawl): gd=0.083Æv0.16; K
(kayaking) and R (rowing): gd=0.146Æv0.28
Fig. 5 The overall efficiency (g0=gd/gP) is plotted as a function of
the speed (v, mÆs)1) for the different forms of aquatic locomotion
investigated in this study. (AL Swimming the front crawl, K
kayaking, L swimming by using the leg kick at the surface, R
rowing, UWF underwater swimming with SCUBA diving equipment.) Data for ‘‘boat locomotion‘‘ (K and R) could be fitted by
the following equation: g0=0.21Æv0.28, n=30, r2=0.994; whereas
the data for the leg kick (L and UWF) could be fitted by:
g0=0.14Æv0.80, n=15, r2=0.824
Fig. 6 The cycle frequency (f, cyclesÆmin)1) is plotted as a function
of the average speed (v, mÆs)1) for the different forms of aquatic
locomotion investigated in this study. The lines interpolate the
original data over the aerobic speed range. The fitted equations are:
L (swimming by using the leg kick at the surface): f=112.75Æv0.74;
UWF (underwater swimming with SCUBA diving equipment):
f=57.24Æv0.92; AL (swimming the front crawl): f=22.97Æv1.06; K
(kayaking): f=8.19Æv1.86; R (rowing): f=4.04Æv1.44. The average
distance that the body/shell/hull travels per cycle (dc, mÆcycle)1) is
indicated by the continuous lines irradiating from the origin. In the
investigated speed range the following data apply: L=0.5 mÆcycle)1; UWF=1.0 mÆcycle)1; AL=2.5 mÆcycle)1; K=4 mÆcycle)1;
R=8 mÆcycle)1
equivalent speed of 0.5 kW. These data show that, as
previously found for human locomotion on land, the use
of passive tools for human locomotion in water (e.g. fins
or hulls) leads to a decrease of the energy cost of locomotion at a given speed. At variance with locomotion on
land, however, these data show that the decrease in the
energy cost of locomotion is associated with an increase,
rather than a decrease, in the total mechanical power.
This is made possible by a continuous increase of the
overall efficiency of locomotion from the slow speeds
(and loads) associated with human swimming without
aids to the high speeds (and loads) attainable with hulls
and boats.
Fig. 7 Values of Froude (gF) and propelling efficiency (gP) are
plotted as a function of the distance per cycle (dc, m) for the forms
of locomotion investigated here
overall efficiencies: gP=0.46, dc0.21 (r=0.78) and
go=0.14, dc0.34 (r=0.87).
The internal work in aquatic locomotion was measured only for the leg kick and the arm stroke (Zamparo
et al. 2002; Zamparo 2003). W_ int is a substantial fraction
of W_ tot when swimming by kicking the legs (from 0.25 to
0.65 WÆkg)1 at speeds between 0.6 and 1.0 mÆs)1) because of the high limb frequencies necessary to produce
forward motion (from 1.3 to 1.9 Hz in the same speed
range). The limb frequency is greatly reduced when leg
kicking with fins (from 0.7 to 1.3 Hz in the same speed
range) and when swimming by using the arm stroke
(again, from 0.3 to 0.6 Hz at speeds between 1 and
1.4 mÆs)1) thus leading to a substantial reduction of
W_ int: in the arm stroke and in the leg kick with fins W_ int
ranges from 0.05 to 0.25 WÆkg)1 whereas in the leg kick
without fins it is twice that value, ranging from 0.25 to
0.65 WÆkg)1 (see above). As shown in Fig. 6 the ‘‘average’’ cycle frequency is about half that of the leg kick
without fins in all (the other) forms of water locomotion.
Moreover, as indicated below, the external mechanical
power of locomotion increases steadily as a function of
the speed of movement in water; as such the contribution of W_ int to W_ tot, both in absolute and relative terms,
is bound to be low and, as indicated in the Introduction,
W_ int can be neglected and W_ tot can be assumed to be
equal to the sum of W_ k and W_ d only.
Total mechanical power (W_ tot)
The total mechanical power for aquatic locomotion
could be calculated rearranging Eq. 6 (W_ tot=E_Ægo); the
values of W_ tot for all the forms of locomotion investigated here are reported in Table 2 along with the values
of go, gd, gP, C and W_ d as calculated for a metabolically
In this paper we attempted to draw a complete energy
balance of several forms of water locomotion. On the
basis (1) of measured values of drag, energy cost and
cycle frequency (experimentally determined for each
form of locomotion) and (2) of measured or estimated
values of propelling efficiency, the drag efficiency and the
overall efficiency were computed.
Data reported in this paper show that human locomotion in water can be described by similar rules in spite
of the differences in the ‘‘type of propeller’’ (legs or
arms), of the different tools that can be utilized for
locomotion (fins, kayaks and rowing shells), of the different principles on which the propulsive action is based
(e.g. kayaks are propelled by lift on a hydrofoil and
rowing shells by drag on the oars, see Alexander 2003)
and of the different pattern of movement adopted (the
limbs movement is synchronous in rowing and alternate
in all other forms of locomotion).
In this paper we aimed to find the trends, similarities
and analogies among different strategies of motion in the
aquatic environment. The data reported in this study
are, therefore, not meant to define unequivocally a form
of locomotion but rather to be an example of the relationship between the energetics and mechanics of different strategies of moving in water.
As an example it was shown by Zamparo et al. (1999)
that, at speeds between 1 and 2 mÆs)1, kayaking with a
flat-water sprint K1 scull is more economical
(C=0.020 v2.26) than kayaking with a slalom canoe
(C=0.098 v1.76, see Figs. 1, 2). As a consequence, the
difference in C between competitive rowing shells (as
reported in this study: C=0.088 v1.05) and competitive
K1 kayaks is less than reported in Fig. 2. It seems also
interesting to note here that the energy cost per unit
distance of kayaking with a slalom canoe, at the lowest
investigated speed (1 mÆs)1), is not far from that of
sculling a Venetian Gondola (as reported by Capelli
et al. 1990) for which C=0.155 v1.67 (in all these examples C is in kJÆm)1 and v in mÆs)1).
The difference in the energy expenditure between the
two types of kayaks mentioned above was attributed to
drag differences between the sculls. Indeed the work
expended to overcome drag is the major determinant of
the metabolic expenditure in rowing and kayaking for
which: W_ d=E_Æ0.21 (r2=0.981, n=30). The slope of this
relationship is the drag (performance) efficiency of ‘‘boat
locomotion’’; as shown in Fig. 4, this efficiency is much
lower (about 0.07) in all other conditions (L, UWF,
The differences in performance efficiency between
aquatic sports in which boats/sculls and paddles/oars are
utilized and those in which the human body is moving
‘‘alone’’ in water, propelled only by the upper/lower
limbs, can be attributed to several reasons.
The kayak and the rowing shell float on the surface
and have a low pressure drag: in these forms of locomotion the wetted surface area is the major determinant
of drag. This is not so for the human body where also
other factors influence water resistance. Particularly at
low speeds (less than 1 mÆs)1, e.g. when swimming by
kicking the legs only) the swimmers assume an inclined
position in the water and their frontal surface area is the
major determinant of drag. During forward progression
in water the angle of the swimmer with the horizontal,
and thus their frontal area, is the result of a balance of
torque, or rotational forces around the center of mass,
and hydrodynamic lift (Pendergast et al. 1977; Zamparo
et al. 1996, 2000; Capelli et al. 1995). As the velocity of
progression increases, the hydrodynamic lift increases,
the body becomes more horizontal and the frontal area
decreases. At these speeds, however, the level of
immersion of the body in water becomes important: the
larger this underwater weight, the greater the energy cost
of swimming. This has also been shown in rowing where
drag increased by about 10% for a 20% increase in
weight (Secher 1993) and in kayaking where C increased
by about 20% for a 20% increase in weight (Pendergast
et al. 1989).
Despite the different factors determining drag, each
form of water locomotion can be characterized by its
specific relationships between the speed v and E_, D and
gd. These relationships can be described by power
functions, as reported in the legends of Figs. 1, 3 and 4
(NB E_ is in kW, D in N and gd is dimensionless). They are
interdependent, so only two out of three are necessary to
fully describe the characteristics of the locomotion at
D ¼ k1 mn and hence W_ d ¼ k1 mnþ1
gd ¼ k2 mm
and since E_=W_ d/gd
E_ ¼ k1 mnþ1 =k2 mm ¼ k1 =k2 mnþ1m
On the basis of these equations it is possible not only
to characterize different forms of locomotion in water
but also to calculate an unknown parameter (e.g. the
active drag) from the other two (e.g. E_ and gd). As
an example, for kayaking with a flat-water sprint
K1 scull and for sculling a Venetian Gondola only the
relationship between E_ and v (Eq. c) is known from
experimental data (Zamparo et al. 1999; Capelli et al.
1990). It is fair to assume that the relationship between
gd and v computed for kayaking and rowing in this study
(Eq. b, where k2=0.16 and m=0.2) holds also for these
two (similar) forms of locomotion. Hence, by combining
Eqs. b and c it is possible to compute the D vs. v relationship (Eq. a) for the flat water K1 skull (D=3.2Æv2.46)
and for the Venetian Gondola (D=24.8Æv1.87). These
data show that, as expected, the boat opposing the
greater resistance in water among these four is the
Venetian Gondola and the active drag of a competitive
K1 skull is very close to that of a rowing shell.
As pointed out in this paper and by several authors in
recent decades (e.g. Toussaint et al. 1988) the drag efficiency is only a ‘‘partial efficiency’’ of water locomotion
since it takes into account only the effects of water
resistance on the energy expenditure. However, as
underlined in studies of fish locomotion (Daniel 1991),
this parameter is rather important in practical terms
since it is a measure of the efficiency with which the
energy is transformed into useful work (the thrust) for
progression in water.
The overall efficiency (total work performed/total
energy expended) of locomotion can be easily computed
once the propelling efficiency (e.g. the efficiency with
which the total work production is transformed in useful
thrust) of each form of locomotion is known (go=gd/gP).
As pointed out at the beginning of the Discussion, the
values of gP utilized in this study are not meant to define
unequivocally a form of locomotion but rather to be
indicative of the ratio of power ‘‘wasted’’ to total power
production in this broad range of aquatic activities.
Whereas several authors report a value of gP of about
0.7 for boat locomotion and the propelling efficiency for
leg kicking with and without fins was experimentally
determined, there is no general agreement on the value
of gP for the front crawl (see also Table 1). Hence the
calculated value of go for this form of locomotion in
water is less certain than in the other cases. As shown by
Fig. 5, disregarding the data points referring to the front
crawl, the go vs. speed relationship could be described by
two separate functions: go=0.14Æv0.80, n=15, r2=0.824
for the leg kick (L and UWF) and go=0.21Æv0.28, n=30,
r2=0.994 for boat locomotion (R and K) with the calculated data of go for the front crawl lying between the
In turn, the reported values of go for rowing and
kayaking are close to the values estimated by using
rowing ergometers or by indirect calculations of
mechanical power during actual competitions for these
forms of locomotion (about 0.2–0.3, for a review see
Hagerman 2000).
From Fig. 5 it is also possible to see that, as a general
rule, the overall efficiency of aquatic locomotion increases from the slow speeds (and loads) associated with
human swimming without aids to the high speeds (and
loads) attainable with hulls and boats. In the latter case
the overall efficiency attains values (0.25–0.35) similar to
those observed for land locomotion at optimal contraction speeds (Woledge et al. 1985; Sargeant and Jones
1995; Minetti et al. 2001).
This message is also apparent by inspection of
Table 2 which shows that, at variance with locomotion
on land, the decrease in the energy requirements of water
locomotion is associated with an increase, rather than a
decrease, in the mechanical power output which is offset
by an even larger increase in efficiency.
These data suggest that propulsion in water is limited
by the amount of force that can be applied to the water.
The reason of the ‘‘sub-optimal’’ values of overall efficiency in swimming (below 0.22 in ‘‘non’’ boat locomotion) could therefore be attributed to the fact that, in
water, the muscles are forced to work far from the
optimum in their force/length–force/speed relationship.
A further interesting outcome of the ‘‘global’’
analysis of aquatic locomotion proposed in this study
can be derived by inspection of Figs. 6 and 7. At least
in the range of speeds considered here (aerobic), the
increase in speed is obtained by an increase in the
frequency of the movement of the ‘‘propeller’’ and by
maintaining the same distance per stroke (with the
exception of kayaking). Hence, each form of locomotion in water can be almost univocally described by the
distance the body/hull covers per cycle (dc, mÆcycle)1)
which, in turn, is related to the efficiency of locomotion: the higher dc the higher the propelling and overall
This finding is quite interesting since the link between
dc and efficiency has been suggested and discussed previously by several authors. Particularly in the case of the
front crawl, the distance the subject travels per stroke
was proposed as an index of the propelling efficiency of
the swimmer (e.g. Craig and Pendergast 1979): the
higher the distance per stroke for any given speed the
more efficient the propulsion in water (see, for a brief
review, also Toussaint and Beek 1992). As shown in the
literature (e.g. swimming: Termin and Pendergast 2001)
subjects could indeed be trained to increase the distance
per stroke (at a given set of speeds). It was also shown
that the obtained increase in dc was associated with a
decrease in the energy expenditure (when swimming/
paddling) at the same speed or over the same distance.
This indeed is the case when the efficiency of propulsion
in water is improved.
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