Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las
ISSN: 1576-5962
[email protected]
Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid
Roque Gomes, Daniel; Neves, José
Employer Branding Constrains Applicants' Job Seeking Behaviour?
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, vol. 26, núm. 3, diciembre, 2010, pp. 223234
Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid
Madrid, España
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Employer Branding Constrains Applicants’ Job Seeking
¿Limita la Marca del Empleador la Conducta de Búsqueda
de Empleo?
Daniel Roque Gomes
José Neves
Abstract. Researchers have been consistent in advising managers to invest on the organization’s employer
brand, based on the argument that it will benefit recruitment practice. However, this premise has been
majorly sustained following an organizational point of view. As such, the employer branding effects on
applicants’ job search behavior of applying to a vacancy remains undetermined. Main purpose of this study
is to understand if employer branding constrains applicants’ job seeking behavior. We propose that
applicants develop the desire of submitting to a vacancy through a process having the organizational
attributes as its predictor and attractiveness as its mediator. We then investigate if and how employer
branding constrains this process, by evaluating its moderating effect. Using confirmatory analysis
methodology, we found that employer branding moderates the proposed job seeking process. A positive
employer branding has strengthened the process leading to the intention to apply to a vacancy, when
compared with neutral or negative employer brandings. This explains applicants’ desire of submitting to a
vacancy. Based on our results, we suggest directions for practitioners concerning recruitment efficacy.
Keyword: job seeking, employer, branding, applicant, constraints.
Resumen. Los investigadores han sido consistentes en el asesoramiento a los directivos de que inviertan
en la marca del empleador de la organización, con base en el argumento de que se beneficiará la práctica
del reclutamiento. Sin embargo, esta premisa ha sido mayormente sostenida siguiendo un punto de vista
organizativo. Como tal, los efectos de marca del empleador sobre el comportamiento de búsqueda de
empleo de los candidatos que solicitan una vacante siguen siendo indeterminados. El objetivo principal de
este estudio es conocer si la marca del empleador limita la conducta de búsqueda de los solicitantes.
Nosotros proponemos que los candidatos desarrollan el deseo de solicitar una vacante a través de un proceso que tiene los atributos de la organización como predictor y el atractivo como su mediador. A continuación, investigamos si y cómo la marca del empleador restringe este proceso, mediante la evaluación de
su efecto moderador. Utilizando la metodología de análisis confirmatorio, encontramos que la marca del
empleador modera el proceso de búsqueda de trabajo propuesto. Una marca de empleador positiva ha fortalecido el proceso conducente a la intención de solicitar una vacante, en comparación con marcas de
empleador neutrales o negativas. Esto explica el deseo de los candidatos de solicitar a una vacante. En base
a nuestros resultados, sugerimos recomendaciones a los profesionales, relativas a la eficacia del reclutamiento.
Palabras clave: búsqueda de empleo, empleador, solicitante, marca, limitaciones.
Recruitment is based on a multi-stage process, ultimately aiming to target and to attract prospective
employees (Barber, 1998). The issue of efficacy in the
attraction stage of recruitment has received considerable attention in the last few years, and it is viewed as
a competitive advantage for organizations (Cable &
Turban, 2001; Kickul, 2001). To gather a pool of
prospective employees with a highly adjusted profile
for the organizations’ requirements is an important outcome of any recruitment process (Luce, Barber &
Hillman, 2001).
Correspondence on this article should be sent to Daniel Roque
Gómez, Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra (ESEC) - Praça
Heróis do Ultramar – Solum, 3030-3 Coimbra Portugal. E-mail:
[email protected]
Copyright 2010 by the Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid
ISSN: 1576-5962 - DOI: 10.5093/tr2010v26n3a6
The organizational attraction thematic has grown
significantly in importance under the recruitment
remit, mainly due to the attention that researchers have
been placing in understanding applicants’ attraction to
organization. Research on the applicants’ perspective
on organizational attraction is a clear trend in this field,
usually dealing with the contexts and the processes that
influence applicants’ attitudes and behaviors when
they are searching for jobs and deciding on applications (Chapman, Uggerslev, Piasentin & Jones, 2005;
Porter, Cordon & Barber, 2004; Roberson, Collins &
Oreg, 2005; Van Hooft, Born, Taris & Van der Flier,
One of the recent topics under discussion in literature refers to the suggestions that organizations should
invest on their employer brand, as several outcomes
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones
Vol. 26, n.° 3, 2010 - Págs. 223-234
have been associated to organizations that have a positive employer brand (Davies, 2007). However, the
effects of employer branding on applicants when they
are searching for jobs remains unexplained by existing
literature. For these reasons, our main research question is: does employer branding strengthens applicants’ attitudes and behaviors regarding an employer
Over the past decade, researchers have made continuous calls for additional research regarding the stage of
recruitment where organizations attract applicants,
especially over the factors that relate to applicants’ job
searching decisions (Barber, 1998). One of the most
consensually referred topic for this matter, has been the
relation between the perceived organizational attributes and several critical job searching indicators, such
as attitudes or behavioral intentions, namely, on applicants’ reactions regarding an employer (Chapman,
Uggerslev, Carroll, Piasentin & Jones, 2005; Lievens,
Van Hoye & Schreurs, 2005; Williams & Bauer, 1994)
or on predicting their behavioral intentions (AimanSmith, Bauer & Cable, 2001; Maurer, Howe & Lee,
By definition, the organizational attributes refer to a
perception of what the organization provides regarding
organizational policies and work conditions
(Robertson, Collins & Oreg, 2005). Existing research
is consistent in pointing out that aspects as training and
compensation, advancement opportunities, or job
security policies are related to applicants’ positive
assessment of organizations (Cable & Judge, 1994;
Kickul, 2001; Taylor & Bergman, 1987; Thomas &
Wise, 1999; Turban & Keon, 1993). These attributes
have shown to be indicative of actual personnel policies and are relevant for job seekers as clues for developing rational decisions concerning the organization,
and to sustain attitudes towards them (Backhaus, Stone
& Heiner, 2002; Jackson, Schuler & Rivero, 1989).
For instance, a solid stream of studies has been assuring that the organizational attributes influence organizational attractiveness, which is regarded as a key outcome for attraction efficacy (Aiman-Smith, Bauer &
Cable, 2001; Bretz, Ash & Dreher, 1989; Cable &
Judge, 1994; Turban & Keon, 1993).
By definition, organizational attractiveness refers to
the general perceived desirability of a potential work
relation with an organization (Aiman-Smith, Bauer &
Cable, 2001), and it is an affective response towards an
organization as a place to work. According to Fishbein
and Ajzen (1975), an attitude refers to person’s placement in an evaluative or affective continuum with
respect to an object. Accordingly, attractiveness may
be referred to as an important attitude regarding an
organization, by addressing a general feeling of favorableness towards it. The attractiveness issue has
become gradually more important for recruitment purposes (Lievens, Doncaesteker, Coetsier & Geirnaert,
2001). Many employers are paying increasing attenRevista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones
Vol. 26, n.° 3, 2010 - Págs. 223-234
tion to this indicator and to understand ways of how to
become more attractive for job seekers. By these reasons, it is faced as an important indicator to be
accounted for, when organizations need to attract
prospective applicants.
The organizational attributes have also been associated with applicants’ job searching behavioral intentions. One frequently mentioned result refers to the
organizational attributes predictive abilities over applicants’ intention of submitting an application to a
vacancy (Aiman-Smith, Bauer & Cable, 2001; Chapman, Uggerslev, Carroll, Piasentin & Jones, 2005;
Maurer, Howe & Lee, 1992; Powell, 1984). Social and
Organizational Psychologists are clear in assuming
that an intention is followed by an action (Albarracín,
Fishbein, Johnson & Muellerleile, 2001). Consequently, this intention should probably result in applicants’ actual application behavior. The likeliness of
doing so is supported by the correspondence principle
of the Theory of Reasoned Action (Fishbein & Ajzen,
1975), stating that the higher the proximity of the
intention to behave with its actual behaviour, the higher its manifestation. By definition, this intention relates
to a personal desire to submit an application towards a
job vacancy. As such, to determine job seekers’ intention to apply is an important resource for organizations, as it will have effects on recruitment’s effectiveness.
Several theoretical models certify the importance of
the organizational attributes on applicants’ job searching outcomes. For instance, Signaling Theory (Spence,
1973) sustains how prospective applicants may draw
on clues presented by the organization and uses them
to support job searching decision-making processes
(Wanous, 1992). Propositions based on this theory suggest that these attributes provide signals of what are the
attributes of the organization and this will serve as
basis for judgments of applicants. Schneider’s (1987)
interactionist ASA Model is a recurrently used framework to explain the relevance of the fit between the
applicant and the organization for generating outcomes
when attracting applicants (Judge & Cable, 1997;
Ryan, Horvath & Kriska, 2005). In addition, a more
cognitive-informationist perspective, who has majorly
used the Elaboration Likelihood Model (Petty &
Cacioppo, 1986) framing, has addressed the relevance
of having specific information of the organization for
diversified attraction outcomes (Highhouse, Stanton &
Reeve, 2004).
When reasoning over these considerations, and in
accordance with other researches (Gomes & Neves, in
press), we can conclude that there exists rational guidance to assume the organizational attributes as a predictor of organizational attractiveness, and intention to
apply. Also, in accordance with the Theory of
Reasoned Action, an attitude should predict behavioral
intentions, as such organizational attractiveness should
predict job seekers’ intention to apply. The first purCopyright 2010 by the Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid
ISSN: 1576-5962 - DOI: 10.5093/tr2010v26n3a6
pose of this study will be to validate an applicants’ job
searching process model explaining the intention to
apply, in which we support organizational attractiveness acting as mediator of the relation between the
organizational attributes and this intention. With the
theoretical guidance offered by the Theory of
Reasoned Action (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975), our first
hypothesis is:
H1: prospective applicants will develop an affective
response based on the organizational attributes, which
ultimately will lead to intention to apply.
According to the above mentioned theoretical
frame, our proposal is that the organizational attributes
will have the status of informationally-based beliefs
regarding the organization, the organizational attractiveness as having the status of attitudes, and the intention to apply as having the status of behavioral intentions. This first hypothesis will allow explaining job
seekers’ desire of submitting and application to a job
vacancy through a process.
The employer branding construct has some of its
grounds on the organizational image construct.
Organizational Image represents a long-lasting interest
of the organizational attraction area of research. This
probably relates to evidences suggesting that initial
applicants’ decisions in recruitment contexts are
strongly rooted on general impressions about an organization (Fombrun & Shanley, 1990; Gatewood, Gowan
& Lautenschlager, 1993; Rynes, Bretz & Gerhardt,
1991). Organizational image can be broadly understood as a collection of knowledge and feelings about
an organization (Tom, 1971), or as the general impressions of an organization held by those outside the same
organization (Barber, 1998), being strongly dependent
on social cues (Cable & Yu, 2006). Regarding the content of organizational image, Aiman-Smith, Bauer and
Cable (2001) stated that “organization’s image may
incorporate a number of components, such as corporate citizenship, progressive labor practices, pro-environmental practices” (p.222). Lievens, Van Hoye and
Schreurs (2005) suggested that organizational image
can be built upon information regarding the size, location, level of centralization, or the geographical dispersion of the organization, and may derive either from
snippets of information or from in-depth involvement
with it.
The concerns about the content of image have generated a more recent trend of approaching image in the
area of organizational attraction and recruitment, and
have called the attention for a sophistication of the
construct: employer image. Backhaus (2004) suggests
that organizations try hard to generate a distinct
employer image in job seekers, revealing its “employer brand”. The construct of employer brand relates to
the knowledge of an organization, based on the promotion of the image of the firm, with the purpose of genCopyright 2010 by the Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid
ISSN: 1576-5962 - DOI: 10.5093/tr2010v26n3a6
erating its identity in job seekers. This construct has its
conceptual grounds, presumably, in Ambler and
Barrow (1996) when they called the attention for the
importance of the values and behaviors of organizations towards attracting and retaining prospective
employees. It is related with the promotion, of employer dimensions both outside and inside of the organization, having some of its foundations on marketing principles, and applying them for recruitment purposes
(Lievens, Van Hoye & Anseel, 2007).
Following an in-depth qualitative analysis on the
way how organizations act in the market as employers,
Backhaus (2004) provided a strong advancement on
how employer branding can be understood, concluding
the existence of several dimensions of this construct,
such as: corporate social responsibility; customer orientation; work-family balance. The theoretical fundaments over the importance of the employer branding
issue mention that based on diversified dimensions,
job seekers will assess the employer brand (Ambler &
Barrow, 1996). It has in its basis the assumption that it
brings positive effects on organizational attraction
(Ambler & Barrow, 1996; Collins & Han, 2004).
Accordingly, this notion has been widely accepted by
existing research and has lead researchers to suggest
that organizations should invest on their employer
branding, based on presumable effects on organizational attraction. This suggestion has rapidly gathered
wide consensus, especially on a more organizationallyrooted point of view on organizational attraction
However, the effects of employer branding on job
seekers attitudes and behaviors have not yet been
clearly established, as current research does not provide adequate empirical evidences for doing so. It is
unknown how or if employer branding constrains
applicants’ job searching processes. Available evidences only assure the importance of the employer
branding issue for organizations and for organizational
attraction (Davies, 2007; Mark & Toelken, 2009). The
validation of a theoretical model clarifying if employer branding constrains applicants’ decisions when they
are searching for jobs is clearly missing. Consequently,
the impact of employer branding on prospective applicants’ behavioral intentions or attitudes may be misjudged. It represents a pertinent and actual research
opportunity that should be addressed as it may bring
added-value to existing knowledge.
The core purpose of this study is, therefore, to
empirically validate how and if employer branding
strengthens applicants’ attitudes and behaviors regarding an employer organization. According to this rationale, a positive, neutral, or negative employer branding
associations may constrain job seekers process, and so,
we regard employer branding as a contextual variable.
A positive employer branding should generate a
stronger job searching process, when compared with
neutral or negative employer branding.
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones
Vol. 26, n.° 3, 2010 - Págs. 223-234
Bringing the advancements of our reasoning all
together, we propose to approach the study of applicants’ attraction to organizations, through a model of
analysis who integrates both a process and a context
for explaining applicants’ job searching. This implies
validating a theoretical model expecting a moderatedmediation effect (see Preacher, Rucker and Hayes
(2007) for additional information regarding the expected effects of a moderated-mediation model). Therefore, our second hypothesis is:
participating in a study that was meant to understand
how organizations are evaluated.
Based on Backhaus employer branding dimensions
(2004), three different descriptions were developed in
order to build different employer branding conditions
(see section 4.2 for employer branding manipulations).
Participants were randomly assigned to one of the conditions, and have received an adapted employment
advertise to evaluate. According to the three different
conditions, three corresponding employer branding
groups were formed: positive, neutral, negative.
H2: employer branding moderates the mediation
effect of attractiveness in the relation between the
organizational attributes and intention to apply.
Employer Branding Manipulation
We propose that a positive employer branding generates a stronger process explaining job seekers’ desire
of submitting an application for a vacancy. Figure 1
show the proposed model of analysis.
Backhaus (2004) suggestions of dimensions of
employer branding were taken into account in order to
build three organizational employer branding conditions (positive, neutral, negative). Eight dimensions
Figure 2. Theoretical Model
Participants and Procedure
Two hundred and eight participants are our sample
of the general population of prospective applicants’
profile in the Marketing professional field. The sample
is composed by one hundred and twelve undergraduate
students in Marketing courses from five Universities
and ninety six Marketing professionals (45% of which
with more than one prior work experience).
Demographic information collected showed that participants had a mean age of 23 years (SD=5.58) and
59.1% were women. This sample also integrates participants who referred to be actively searching for a job
(11%). The construction of the instrument obeyed to
criteria in order to control the impact of potential systematic errors (Podsakoff, Mackenzie, Lee & Podsakoff, 2003). The instructions informed that they were
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones
Vol. 26, n.° 3, 2010 - Págs. 223-234
were considered: corporate social responsibility, customer orientation, customer satisfaction, organizational climate, workers’ non-work related responsibilities,
work-family balance, stakeholders’ responsibilities
and size. Following these suggestions, descriptions of
organizations were built for accessing the different
conditions of employer branding.
The description used to manipulate positive and
negative employer branding in the dimension of
Corporate Social Responsibility is provided as an
example: Positive (“We guide our activity over
Corporate Social Responsibility aims. We are strongly
motivated in enhancing our performances by contributing and acting in the development of our community. We are focused in contributing for a better society.”)/ Negative (“Our purposes are on maintaining the
functioning of the company. We don’t aim for any kind
of Corporate Social Responsibility program, as it
would scatter our purposes of action”).
Copyright 2010 by the Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid
ISSN: 1576-5962 - DOI: 10.5093/tr2010v26n3a6
Manipulation pre-test
The employer branding conditions were tested by
an independent pilot study. The items used to evaluate the employer branding conditions were based on
Backhaus (2004) (α =.72). One-way ANOVA results
indicated significant differences between groups
(F=98.987; p=.000). Post hoc analysis contrasting
each condition was also conducted using Bonferroni
comparisons, evidencing significant differences
between all conditions. Complementarily, t-tests were
performed showing that participants in the positive
condition (N=20; M=5.98; SD=.54) perceived higher
levels of employer brand than those in the neutral
condition (N=20; M=4.72; SD=.84) (t=-5.661;
p=.000), and than those in the negative condition
(N=20; M=2.50; SD=.94) (t=-14.344; p=.000).
Participants in the neutral condition differed significantly from the ones in the negative condition (t=7.865; p=.000).
Unless otherwise indicated, items were measured
using a seven-point scale ranging from 1=Strongly
Disagree to 7=Strongly Agree.
Organizational attractiveness. Three items used by
Bauer and Aiman-Smith (1996), and Highhouse,
Lievens and Sinar (2003) were used to build the organizational attractiveness measure. Sample item: “This
would be a good company to work for”.
Intention to apply to a job vacancy. Three items
were adapted from Taylor & Bergman (1987). Sample
item includes: “If I were searching for a job, I would
apply to this organization”.
Organizational Attributes. Three items were taken
and adapted from Robertson, Collins and Oreg (2005).
The items selected referred to the attributes of: career
perspectives; adequate pay; training and development
programs. Sample items include: “This organization
would provide good career perspectives to its employees”. Items were measured using a seven point scale
from 1 (Highly Unlikely) to 7 (Highly Likely).
Analytic Procedure Overview
The Harman technique was performed to assure that
the data don’t account for significant amount of common method bias (Podsakoff, Mackenzie, Lee &
Podsakoff, 2003). After this procedure, we have tested
our study hypotheses with SEM techniques (using
AMOS 17.0), as they allow modeling structural relationships and yielding overall fit indices, while estimating mediational relationships (Hu & Bentler,
1999). Furthermore, as our study hypotheses expect
moderated-mediated relations, SEM could be impleCopyright 2010 by the Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid
ISSN: 1576-5962 - DOI: 10.5093/tr2010v26n3a6
mented (Preacher, Rucker & Hayes, 2007), namely if
having multi-group analysis to be performed.
For estimating model fit, we will report to the Root
Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA;
Steiger & Lind, 1980), Comparative Fit Index (CFI;
Bentler, 1990), Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI; TuckerLewis, 1973) and χ2 values, providing a statistical
basis for comparing the relative fit of models. Based
on Browne and Cudeck (1989), Bollen and Stine
(1990), Hu and Bentler (1999), Marsh, Kit-Tai and
Wen (2004), we will consider models with CFI, TLI
values <.90, and RMSEA values >.10 as deficient.
Models with CFI, TLI values >.90 to <.95, and
RMSEA values < .08 ranges as acceptable. Models
with CFI, TLI values >0.95 and RMSEA values ≤.06
ranges will be considered to be very good.
Also, we have performed our SEM data analysis
using bootstrapping technique (Efron, 1979) as it permits a re-sample distribution by calculating “the statistic of interest in multiple re-samples of the data set, and
by sampling n units with replacement from the original
sample of n units” (Preacher, Rucker & Hayes, 2007,
p.190). Several authors have been recommending the
use of bootstrapping, notably, when using small to
moderate samples (from 20 to 80 cases) to assess
mediation (Efron & Tibshirani, 1993). Bootstrapping
tests are powerful as they detect that the sampling distribution of the mediated effect is skewed away from 0
(Shrout & Bolger, 2002). Despite bootstrapping being
well-known to statisticians and is incorporated in several data analysis programs, it does not fluently appear
in organizational behavior literature. In regard to the
characteristics of our sample and of the procedures
required to fulfill our study purposes, we were encouraged by Bolger and Shrout (2002) recommendations
regarding the data analysis benefits of using the bootstrap framework.
The analysis was carried out in three phases. First,
we tested the goodness-of-fit of the proposed theoretical model and compared it with a single factor model.
Second, we analyzed the mediation hypothesis. Third,
we tested the structural parameters invariance of the
proposed theoretical model in a multi-group analysis.
For performing the multi-group analysis, we used the
previously validated employer branding scenarios,
according to which, three groups were built: positive,
negative, neutral.
Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics and the
correlations between all the indicators used. As there
are several strong and moderate correlations between
the items used as indicators of the latent variables of
the model, we compared the goodness-of-fit of the theoretical model with goodness-of-fit of a unifactorial
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones
Vol. 26, n.° 3, 2010 - Págs. 223-234
Table 1. Descriptive statistics and correlations
1. Organizational Attributes 1 (OA1)
2. Organizational Attributes 2 (OA2)
3. Organizational Attributes 3 (OA3)
4. Organizational Attractiveness 1 (ATT 1)
5. Organizational Attractiveness 2 (ATT 2)
6. Organizational Attractiveness 3 (ATT 3)
7. Intention to apply to a job vacancy 1 (IAJV 1)
8. Intention to apply to a job vacancy 2 (IAJV 2)
9. Intention to apply to a job vacancy 3 (IAJV 3)
.917** 1
.917** .896** 1
Note. * variables intercorrelated at p ≤.05; ** variables intercorrelated at p ≤.01; OA α =.79; ATT α =.92; IAJV α =.96;
In the theoretical model (Figure 2; Model 1), we
have specified a direct path from organizational attributes (OA), and from organizational attractiveness
(ATT) to IAJV. We have also specified a direct path
from organizational attributes (OA) to organizational
attractiveness (ATT).
al non-significant paths) in the model having no direct
path to be estimated (Model 1 = (χ2 (24) =36.678,
p≤.05; RMSEA =.051; CFI =.993; TLI =.990 )
(Alternative Model = (χ2 (25) =37.778, p≤.05;
RMSEA =.050; CFI =.993; TLI =.990 (χ2difference
test=1.100 (1df) p≤.01). This evidence suggests a
Figure 2. Theoretical Model
Analysis of the goodness-of-fit of the proposed
model showed very good fit to the data (χ2 (24)
=36.678, p≤.05; RMSEA =.05; CFI =.99; TLI =.99).
The alternative single factor model (model 2) has
revealed unacceptable fit indices (χ2 (27) =400.786,
p≤.05; RMSEA =.259; CFI =.80; TLI =.73).
To evaluate mediational effects, we have first compared the fits of the theoretical model with the ones of
an alternative model having no direct path to be estimated. We verified a slightly improved fit on the
RMESA values (which is highly sensitive to addition-
mediational effect of organizational attractiveness in
the relation between the organizational attributes and
IAJV. To see the magnitude on the mediational effects
(if this mediation is either partial or total), we have followed the procedures commonly recommended for the
analysis of mediation using structural equation models
(Kenny & Judd, 1984; Alwin and Hauser, 1975) and
analysed the direct, indirect and total effects. Table 2
evidences the standardized total, indirect and direct
effects for the mediational hypothesis validation purposes.
Table 2. Theoretical Model standardized total, indirect and direct effects.
Org. Attributes – IAJV
Total Effects
Indirect Effects (I.E.)
(via Attractiveness)
Direct Effects
.04 n.s.
* p ≤.01
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones
Vol. 26, n.° 3, 2010 - Págs. 223-234
Copyright 2010 by the Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid
ISSN: 1576-5962 - DOI: 10.5093/tr2010v26n3a6
Table 3. Standardized Estimates of the baseline model in the different conditions.
Org. Attributes - Attractiveness
Attractiveness – IAJV
Org. Attributes - IAJV
Positive Condition
Neutral Condition
Negative Condition
The direct effect of organizational attributes on
IAJV is non-significant (Direct Effect =.04; p>.05),
and the total effect of this predictor on IAJV is significant (Total Effect=.54; p≤.01), as well as the indirect
effect through organizational attractiveness (mediator)
(Indirect Effect=.50; p≤.01). These evidences constitute basis for total mediation of organizational attractiveness in the relation between organizational attributes and IAJV (R2=.64), confirming hypothesis one.
This result mean that the organizational attributes
activates the process that leads prospective applicants
to intent to apply to a job vacancy. It suggests that to
attract job seekers within this professional field, information related to the organizational attributes should
be a priority for recruiters.
We carried out the multi-group analysis to test the
model invariance based on Byrne (2010) proposal. The
groups we treated as the contextual moderators of our
analysis. We aimed to clarify the hypothesis that the
mediation effect of attractiveness in the relation
between the organizational attributes and intention to
apply is moderated by employer branding, and as such,
we tested for the invariance of the structural relations
along with the different employer branding groups.
We have previously guaranteed equivalence among
the three employer branding groups regarding several
criteria: size, gender, age, previous work experience,
professionals and undergraduates. This assures that the
multi-group comparisons results are not related to any
kind of differences among the participants. The multigroup comparisons were performed with the joint analysis of a total of 208 participants (each employer branding group has the following number of participants: positive: 70, neutral: 70, negative: 68). These sample characteristics are clearly fitted to the use of the bootstrapping technique (see Shrout & Bolger, 2002).
In the matter of the multi-group analysis itself, we
have first specified that the structural parameters would
be freely estimated between the three employer branding conditions in the baseline model (Model 3). The
goodness-of-fit of the baseline model is good (χ2 (72)
=127.238, p≤.05; RMSEA =.061; CFI =.962; TLI
=.942), and assures the metric invariance of our model.
Table 3 evidences the standardized estimates of the
baseline model in the different employer branding conditions. This information is useful to understand the
differences in the structural relations, showing the
standardized estimates of the paths of the model, along
the different conditions. Table 4 shows the baseline
model standardized total, indirect and direct effects by
each employer brand condition.
According to these evidences, there exists total
mediational effect of organizational attractiveness in
every employer branding condition. The effects differ
along the different conditions (Positive (Total Effect
=.46, p≤.01; Indirect Effect =.50, p≤.01; Direct Effect
=-.04, n.s.)/ Neutral (Total Effect =.39, p≤.01; Indirect
Effect =.54, p≤.01; Direct Effect =-.15, n.s.)/ Negative
(Total Effect =.62, p≤.01; Indirect Effect =.41, p≤.01;
Direct Effect =.21, n.s.). The variation of the strength
of the effects within the different image conditions was
clear. The question that remained to answer was if
these differences introduced meaningful statistically
differences and where the differences have stronger
magnitude. Then, following our analysis, we have constrained the parameters of the structural model to
assume equality between the different employer branding conditions.
Results indicate that the fit of the model where all
employer brand groups were constrained on 1st, 2nd and
3rd order paths (Model 4) is worse than the baseline
model (Model 4 = (χ2 (79) =143.828, p≤.05; RMSEA
=.063; CFI =.955; TLI =.938) and based on the χ2 difference
test, statistically different (χ2 difference test=16.590 (7df)
p≤.01), which enables us to reject the invariance of the
structural model along with the different conditions.
Table 4. Baseline Model total, indirect and direct effects for moderated-mediation
Positive Employer Brand
Neutral Employer Brand
Negative Employer Brand
Total Effects
Indirect Effects (I.E.)
(via Attractiveness)
Direct Effects
-.04 n.s.
-.15 n.s.
.21 n.s.
Dependant variable: Intention to Apply to a Job Vacancy(IAJV)
Factor: Organizational Attributes
* p ≤.01
Copyright 2010 by the Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid
ISSN: 1576-5962 - DOI: 10.5093/tr2010v26n3a6
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones
Vol. 26, n.° 3, 2010 - Págs. 223-234
Table 5. Summary of SEM Analyses for moderated-mediation effects
Fit Indices
χ2difference (DF)
M1: Theoretical Model
M2: Single factor model
M3: Baseline Model
M4: All groups constrained on 1st, 2nd and 3rd order paths
M5: All groups constrained on 1st and 3rd order paths
M6: All groups constrained on 2nd and 3rd order paths
M7: All groups constrained on 1st and 2nd order paths
364.108 (3)*
16.794 (8)*
14.859 (5)*
11.293 (5)*
4.569 (5)
* p ≤.05
Notes: N=208;
Bootstrapping with sampling =1000
This means that employer branding moderates the
mediational effect of attractiveness in the relation
between the organizational attributes and intention to
In order to gain specificity in understanding exactly
where does the influence of employer branding occurs,
we verified if the invariance of the structural model
could be rejected when all groups were constrained to
equality on 1st and 3rd order paths, 2nd and 3rd order
paths, and 1st and 2nd order paths (Models 5 to 7). We
verified that the fits of models five and six were worse
than the one of the baseline model and statistically different (Model 5 = (χ2 (77) =142.097, p≤.05; RMSEA
=.064; CFI =.955; TLI =.937 (χ2 difference test=14.859
(5df) p≤.01)/ (Model 6 = (χ2 (77) =138.531, p≤.05;
RMSEA =.062; CFI =.957; TLI =.940 (χ2 difference
test=11.293 (5df), p≤.01), which provides evidences of
moderation. Model seven also evidences moderation
effect. The statistical difference between the baseline
model and model seven is non-significant (Model 7 =
(χ2 (77) =131.807, p≤.05; RMSEA =.059; CFI =.962;
TLI =.947 (χ2 difference test=4.569 (5df), n.s.). In this
case, the constrained model has better fit when compared with the baseline, and presents more degrees of
freedom for explaining the structural relations. This
gives basis for rejecting the invariance of the structural relations when all groups were constrained to equality on 1st and 3rd order paths, 2nd and 3rd order paths,
and 1st and 2nd order paths.
Also, we have compared the statistical difference
between the model four (all branding groups constrained on 1st, 2nd and 3rd order paths) and model
seven (as this was the best fitted model), in order to
clarify the magnitude of the strength of the 3rd order
path to introduce the variance in the structural relations. The models four and seven differ significantly
(χ2 difference test=12.225 (3df)), having model seven the
best fit indices. This shows that the rejection of the
invariance of the structural model is due to the differences verified on the path between the organizational
attributes and intention to apply (3rd order path). The
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones
Vol. 26, n.° 3, 2010 - Págs. 223-234
process that leads to IAJV is stronger when prospective applicants have a positive employer branding of
the organization, especially due to the magnitude of
the direct effects evidenced in this condition. This
result means that the hypothesis two is confirmed, as
the mediation effect of attractiveness in the relation
between the organizational attributes and intention to
apply to a job vacancy is moderated by employer
branding. A positive employer branding has resulted is
a stronger process leading prospective applicants to
IAJV. The employer brand constrains the applicants’
job searching process.
Research on the relationship between the organizational attributes and important indicators of the attraction stage of a recruitment process has strong support
for explaining prospective applicants’ attitudes and
intentions (Cable & Judge, 1994; Lievens, Decaesteker, Coetsier & Geirnaert, 2001; Lievens, Van Hoye
& Schreurs, 2005). This has resulted in viewing the
organizational attributes as one of the most used factors to explain prospective applicants’ job searching
behaviour when they are called to evaluate job vacancies. Having the theoretical guidance offered by the
Theory of Reasoned Action, our first purpose was to
validate a theoretical model integrating the organizational attributes, attractiveness and IAJV, in which we
supported that organizational attractiveness acts as a
mediator of the relation between the organizational
attributes and IAJV. Also, several empirical evidences
point for the relevance of employer branding, notably,
its dimensions on organizational attraction (Lievens &
Highhouse, 2003; Reeve, Highhouse & Brooks, 2006;
Ryan, Horvath & Kriska, 2005; Turban & Greening,
Following our review of literature, main research
options in this field have not clarified in what way
employer branding constrains job seekers attitudes and
Copyright 2010 by the Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid
ISSN: 1576-5962 - DOI: 10.5093/tr2010v26n3a6
behaviors. As such, it was unclear how or if employer
branding constrains applicants job searching processes. This clarification was relevant, due to insufficient
research approaching this specific problem of investigation. Understanding its influence in applicants’ job
searching process was our strong purpose of research.
Fulfilling these aims meant approaching the study of
applicants’ attraction to organizations integrating a
process and a context, through a moderated-mediation
expected effect.
Our data was analysed in several stages. Our results
reinforce evidences assuring centrality of the organizational attributes in this area of research (Lievens, Van
Hoye & Schreurs, 2005) and add the value of validating a theoretical model that sustains that the IAJV is a
result of a process that starts on the organizational
attributes, and is mediated by organizational attractiveness perception. We believe this to be a very important
advance for existing research, as this study has had a
confirmatory nature, and was build based mostly on
clues retrieved from studies in this field of research
that had a more exploratory nature (Carless, 2005;
Porter, Conlon & Barber, 2004).
To evaluate the influence of employer branding in
this applicants’ process, we have followed a procedure based on Byrne (2010). Our results showed that
employer brand constrains the process that leads
prospective applicants to the intention of deciding to
apply to a vacancy, which leads us to reject the
invariance of the structural model along with the different employer branding conditions. We also found
that the rejection of the invariance of the structural
model is strongly related to the differences verified
on the path between the organizational attributes and
intention to apply to a job vacancy. We conclude that
a positive employer branding of the organization
strengthens the process that leads to IAJV and that
this process is weaker when applicants have a negative employer brand assessment of the organization.
These conclusions have some echo in existing clues
retrieved in literature, which indicate that employer
branding dimensions are relevant for explaining organizational attraction (Reeve, Highhouse & Brooks,
2006; Turban & Greening, 1997). The results of this
study could bring added knowledge from an empirical,
theoretical, and also in a practical perspective, as the
empirical clarification of employer branding to constrain applicants’ attitudes and behaviours is a key outcome.
On the empirical point of view, this study gives an
important step towards validating a theoretical process
model that explains how IAJV is generated. It also
shows how branding acts in this process, evidencing
how it constrains the process and how it strengthens it.
Our results indicate that organizational attractiveness
is a key-variable in the attraction stage of a recruitment
process, by having a mediating role in predicting IAJV,
Copyright 2010 by the Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid
ISSN: 1576-5962 - DOI: 10.5093/tr2010v26n3a6
when prospective applicants evaluate a job vacancy.
They also show that employer brand has a moderator
role in this process, revealing its importance and centrality in the attraction stage. These results extend
existing empirical knowledge in the field of organizational attraction (Lievens, Van Hoye & Schreurs,
2005), by validating this theoretical model, and by
explaining applicants’ attraction to organizations integrating a process and a context in a moderated-mediation model of analysis.
From a theoretical point of view, job choice and
organizational attraction literatures may add information to existing models in these areas of research. This
assumption is made based on the clarification of the
status of organizational attractiveness perception and
of the employer branding for generating IAJV, as central elements of the attraction stage of a recruitment
process. By validating our theoretical model, future
research opportunities may be stimulated.
From a practical point of view, this study results
give directions to improve prospective applicants’
attraction, and to improve recruitment efficacy. Human
resource managers should be aware that, when advertising for a job vacancy, prospective applicants will
give importance to the organizational attributes. We
recommend that recruitment messages in employment
ads to give focus on the organizational attributes elements, as it will more likely predict attractiveness perception, and determining job seekers’ IAJV. The same
way, employer branding is a key element in this
process, as it can constrain it. Employment ads should
also give focus on the several dimensions of the
employer brand construct, as it will strengthen the
process that generates applicants’ IAJV. A positive
employer branding should give strong contributes for
this process, as it strengthens it, and, so, recruiters
should make efforts for generating positive inputs on
prospective applicants, by enlightening its several
dimensions when advertising for the job vacancy. For
these reasons, recruiters’ concerns should focus on
ways to improve the awareness of the employer branding on job seekers.
Study limitations and future research suggestions
The main conclusions as well as the theoretical,
empirical and practical implications of this study
should be read with some conditionings. An important
issue is that despite all the data collection procedures,
the diversified statistical procedures, and the methods
and efforts to minimize and to control systematic common method errors, this study may not be fully immune
to them. Another relevant issue is that along with the
study we have present several ideas that may encourage
assuming causality between variables. We should make
clear that although we have presented a model of analysis with variables working as cause and as effect,
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones
Vol. 26, n.° 3, 2010 - Págs. 223-234
causality was theoretically driven. Alternative sets of
interpretation may be possible to assume.
We suggest the replication of this study within other
professional profiles, in order to verify if these results
maintain its stability among samples with different
characteristics. Additional researches focused on clarifying the stability of these results are very welcomed,
specifically if made on diversified prospective applicants’ profiles. In addition, we also think that replicating this study using different kinds of age-groups to be
valuable, as it is important to establish if these results
maintain their stability. We consider these results to be
relatively stable as we have controlled the influence of
age on our dependant variable and saw no effects.
Additionally, existing research seems to have pointed
that, when compared to job-related factors in employment ads, the organizational attributes gather similar
kinds of evaluations (see Gomes & Neves, 2010). As
we can see, future replications on this study are needed and very welcomed, as this is an important clarification to address.
As a way of introducing advances, we think that
integrating different theoretical framings in this field
of research should be looked as a challenge that could
bring significant added-value. For instance, the perspectives brought by interactionist frames combined
with behaviourist approaches of the attraction stage of
a recruitment process, are likely to result in richer theoretical reasoning for supporting deeper understanding
of this area of research. For example, if the variables
used in our model of analysis were to be integrated
with variables used in different theoretical framing,
such as P-O Fit, our reasoning of organizational attraction is likely to be improved. Considering this argumentation, the status of P-O fit is uncertain in our moderated-mediation model, and may be relevant to consider its pertinence of integrating it for future research.
Clarifying its status in the proposed theoretical model
may contribute to important theoretical, empirical and
practical added-value.
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Manuscript received: 05//8/2010
Review received: 23/11/2010
Accepted: 25/11/2010
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones
Vol. 26, n.° 3, 2010 - Págs. 223-234
Copyright 2010 by the Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid
ISSN: 1576-5962 - DOI: 10.5093/tr2010v26n3a6