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Los hombres no acostumbramos a escribir sobre nuestra historia emocional. Preferimos resaltar los valores vinculados a la beligerancia. Cuando las mujeres han intentado desvirtuar este discurso androcentrico han sido tachadas como locas, brujas o hechiceras. Ante esa prédica patriarcal, las cubanas, desde la colonia respondieron con posiciones feministas que contrarrestaban la infamia desatada contra ellas.
Revista Estudios del Discurso, 2019
Pensar no ocurre en el aire. Pensar ocurre al interior de una matriz de pensamiento, adentro de un «lo pensable» que es un territorio estratificado de una manera determinada, con unas fronteras bastante precisas, más o menos mapeado según las zonas, habitable sólo desde unos emplazamientos de sujeto que, además de específicos, no son infinitos. Eso que llamamos «Occidente» se irguió a partir de conquistas y cruzadas que respondieron a objetivos particulares. Quizás, sólo quizás, preguntarnos por ellas nos permita vislumbrar mejor algo del lugar (o el no-lugar) ontológico y experiencial que Occidente le dio a lo largo de su «Historia» a la «mujer» —y, con ella, siguiendo a Hélène Cixous, al devenir, a la alteridad, a lo radicalmente otro.
O Público e o Privado
Este número temático de la Revista O Público e o Privado titulado “Violencia de género, feminicidio y resistencias en tiempos pandémicos”, concentra una serie de artículos que problematizan los distintos tipos y ámbitos de la violencia de género, ya sea transitando por las calles en un barrio popular como participando en el mundo digital, sus formas más extremas como son los feminicidios, y las respuestas gubernamentales y resistencias sociales para prevenirlas, especialmente en el contexto de la pandemia por COVID-19 que las exacerbó (PATERMAN ET AL., 2020).
El lugar sin límites, 2022
Reescrituras de la masculinidad. Hombres y feminismo es el último libro de Josep M. Armengol, doctor en filología inglesa por la Universidad de Barcelona y actual director del primer Máster en Estudios sobre Masculinidades de España en la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, donde es catedrático. Su investigación posdoctoral en el Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities de la Stony Brook University (EE.UU.), su trayectoria como editor en la revista estadounidense Men and Masculinities, así como en otros trabajos como La masculinidad a debate (2008), Masculinidades alternativas en el mundo de hoy (2014), Masculinities and Literary Studies (2017) y Aging Masculinities in Contemporary U.S. Fiction (2021), lo convierten en experto en género y en masculinidades. Ha recibido este mismo año, 2022, el Premio a la Investigación e Innovación en Artes y Humanidades por la Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes del Gobierno de Castilla-La Mancha. Autor también de otras monografías como Richard Ford and the Fiction of Masculinities (2012) y Masculinities in Black and White (2016), Armengol es un referente dentro del campo, por lo que en su último libro ofrece un estudio desde una perspectiva amplia y completa de estos estudios, ofreciendo un desarrollo y análisis pormenorizado.
Centro de Estudios Filosóficos , 2022
El feminismo no es una filosofía, tampoco es una teoría o un punto de vista. El feminismo es un movimiento político cuyo objetivo es erradicar las diferentes formas en que la opresión sexista, producto del sistema patriarcal, que predominan en nuestra cultura. Sin embargo, la cuestión feminista es profundamente filosófica.
Un movimiento filosófico o ideológico es producto de su entorno. El feminismo bíblico no ha surgido de manera independiente a su contexto histórico y social. La historia ha provisto la estructura necesaria para que germinase la semilla ideológica del postmodernismo. El feminismo, no es una idea exclusivamente contemporánea. A lo largo de los últimos tres siglos ha intentado consolidarse como una alternativa satisfactoria al sistema ideológico clásico. Sin embargo, nunca consiguió afianzarse hasta el nacimiento del postmodernismo. Momento en el que el feminismo se apuntaló al ofrecer un sistema de interpretación bíblica coherente con la reciente cosmovisión postmoderna. Esta vez, el feminismo vino para quedarse. Razón por la que en este artículo, se ofrecerá una breve explicación histórica del surgimiento del postmodernismo, campo de cultivo de la actual hermenéutica feminista, para así poder identificar las presuposiciones ideológicas que necesitan ser analizadas.
El fin del patriarcado no es y no será una cosa de risa.-SOTTOSOPRA ROSSO (1996) 1 Capítulo octavo (pp. 205-233) del libro Il trucco. Sessualità e biopolitica nella fine di Berlusconi, escrito por Ida Dominijanni y editado por Ediesse en Roma el año 2014. La presente traducción se publica bajo licencia Creative Commons con el permiso de la autora. , /) * +,-.) , *+/0 4) ,556& / , , /) * +,-.) , *+/0 4) ,556& / , 10 Citado también en L'eccedenza della libertà femminile, cit. 11 A. Touraine, Il mondo è delle donne, cit., pp. 50, 88, 102.
Chiswick Press - Charles Whittingham and Co. Tooks Court , Chancery Lane - London, 1897
In the book, Stirling argues that the pagan mystery religion, which was based on the worship of nature and the celebration of the cycles of life and death, was a universal religion that was practiced by various cultures around the world. He contends that this religion was later codified and preserved in the Cabala, which became a secret tradition that was passed down through the generations. Stirling's book is a detailed and scholarly examination of the Cabala, its history, symbols, and teachings. He explores the connections between the Cabala and other mystical traditions, such as alchemy, Hermeticism, and Freemasonry, and shows how these traditions are all part of the same ancient wisdom tradition. The Canon is a complex and challenging book that requires a deep understanding of esoteric concepts and symbols. However, it is also a rewarding and enlightening work that offers a unique perspective on the history of religion and spirituality. It is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in the Cabala, mysticism, and the history of religion. The Canon: An Exposition of the Pagan Mystery Perpetuated in the Cabala as the Religion of the World" is a book written by William Stirling (1819-1895), who was a British diplomat, politician, and writer. The book, which was first published in 1897, after Stirling's death, is a comprehensive study of the pagan mystery religion and its perpetuation in the Cabala, which is a Jewish mystical tradition. Here is a list of the chapters along with a brief explanation of the subjects and contents below - 1. "Introduction": This chapter provides an overview of the book's main themes and arguments. Stirling explains that the book is a study of the pagan mystery religion and its perpetuation in the Cabala, which he argues is the religion of the world. 2. "The Holy Oblation": This chapter explores the concept of the "holy oblation," which Stirling argues is the central act of worship in the pagan mystery religion. He discusses the symbolism of the oblation and its role in the religious rituals of the mystery tradition. 3. "The Cabala": This chapter provides a detailed overview of the Cabala, a Jewish mystical tradition that Stirling argues is the repository of the pagan mystery religion. He discusses the history, symbols, and teachings of the Cabala, and shows how it is connected to other mystical traditions. 4. "Noah's Ark": This chapter discusses the symbolism of Noah's Ark, which Stirling argues is a symbol of the pagan mystery religion. He explores the connections between the story of Noah's Ark and other ancient myths and traditions. 5. "Names of the gods": This chapter examines the names of the gods in the pagan mystery religion and their meanings. Stirling discusses the significance of the names and shows how they are connected to the Cabala and other mystical traditions. 6. "The Holy Rood": This chapter explores the symbolism of the Holy Rood, which Stirling argues is a central symbol in the pagan mystery religion. He discusses the history and meaning of the Holy Rood and its role in the religious rituals of the mystery tradition. 7. "The Tower of Babel": This chapter discusses the symbolism of the Tower of Babel, which Stirling argues is a symbol of the pagan mystery religion. He explores the connections between the story of the Tower of Babel and other ancient myths and traditions. 8. "The Temples": This chapter examines the role of temples in the pagan mystery religion. Stirling discusses the design, layout, and symbolism of the temples and shows how they are connected to the Cabala and other mystical traditions. 9. "Freemasonry": This chapter explores the connections between the pagan mystery religion and Freemasonry, a fraternal organization that is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and the improvement of society. Stirling shows how the Cabala and the mystery tradition have influenced Freemasonry and how the two traditions share many common symbols and teachings. 10. "Music of the Spheres": This chapter discusses the concept of the "music of the spheres," which Stirling argues is a central concept in the pagan mystery religion. He explores the symbolism of the music of the spheres and its role in the religious rituals of the mystery tradition. 11. "Ritual": This chapter examines the role of ritual in the pagan mystery religion. Stirling discusses the design, layout, and symbolism of the rituals and shows how they are connected to the Cabala and other mystical traditions. 12. "Geography": This chapter explores the role of geography in the pagan mystery religion. Stirling discusses the significance of certain places and locations in the mystery tradition and shows how they are connected to the Cabala and other mystical traditions. 13. "Rhetoric": This chapter discusses the role of rhetoric in the pagan mystery religion. Stirling explores the use of language and symbolism in the mystery tradition and shows how it is connected to the Cabala and other mystical traditions. Overall, the chapters in "The Canon" provide a comprehensive and in-depth exploration of the pagan mystery religion and its perpetuation in the Cabala. The book is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in the Cabala, mysticism, and the history of Religions all together in this book of old Tags below but not limited to below : 1. Pagan Mystery Traditions 2. Ancient Greece 3. Egypt 4. Middle East 5. Mystical Experience 6. Symbolism 7. Cabala 8. Jewish Mysticism 9. Sacred Texts 10. Sacred Geometry 11. Proportions 12. Art 13. Architecture 14. Mystical Principles 15. Initiation 16. Secrets 17. Rituals 18. Ceremonies 19. Temples 20. Churches 21. Symbols 22. Allegory 23. Mythology 24. Archetypes 25. Divine 26. Universe 27. Consciousness 28. Evocation 29. Transcendence 30. Enlightenment 31. Spirituality 32. Esotericism 33. Occultism 34. Gnosis 35. Neoplatonism 36. Hermeticism 37. Rosicrucianism 38. Freemasonry 39. Illuminati 40. Ancient Wisdom 41. Perennial Philosophy 42. Sacred Science 43. Esoteric Knowledge 44. Spiritual Evolution 45. Cosmic Consciousness 46. Archetypal Psychology 47. Depth Psychology 48. Transpersonal Psychology 49. Psychedelics 50. Entheogens 51. Shamanism 52. Tantra 53. Yoga 54. Eastern Philosophy 55. Western Philosophy 56. Plato 57. Aristotle 58. Pythagoras 59. Kepler 60. Newton 61. Goethe 62. Blake 63. Coleridge 64. Shelley 65. Yeats 66. Jung 67. Campbell 68. Corbin 69. Schuon 70. Guenon 71. Evola 72. Nasr 73. Smith 74. Tarnas 75. History of Ideas 76. Esoteric History 77. Western Esotericism 78. Comparative Religion 79. Symbolic Anthropology 80. Sacred Art 81. Iconography 82. Iconology 83. Art History 84. Architectural History 85. Cultural History 86. Intellectual History 87. Spiritual Traditions 88. Mystical Traditions 89. Esoteric Traditions 90. Occult Traditions 91. Mysticism 92. Mystical Experience 93. Mystical Doctrine 94. Mystical Symbolism 95. Mystical Ritual 96. Mystical Community 97. Mystical Practice 98. Mystical Realization 99. Mystical Union 100. Mystical Transformation
Un nuovo ordine europeo T ra la fine del XVI e la prima metà del XVII secolo la divisione delle Chiese rende manifesta la disgregazione dei valori e delle strutture del medioevo, un tempo in cui la fede nel Dio unico, sorgente di una verità rivelata e garante dell'ordine del cosmo, aveva fatto sì che istituzioni, pratiche e comportamenti si muovessero in una cornice cristiana. Una teologia era lo spazio di riferimento comune, e anche le divergenze e le distinzioni si articolavano all'interno di uno stesso codice dottrinale. Nel Seicento le appartenenze ecclesiali, opponendosi, si relativizzano e si localizzano. Il pluralismo religioso genera il dubbio e l'incertezza: «Vedo religioni contrarie tra loro, e perciò false», scrive Pascal. 1 L'ordine non è più garantito dalla religione, ma dalla morale: la rottura si consumerà nel Settecento, quando l'uomo prenderà il posto centrale che prima era stato di Dio. Ma prima che questa trasformazione si compia, la caduta dell'antico universo semina ovunque angoscia e inquietudine. Le controversie proliferano, aumentano le violenze, mentre si mettono in atto i tentativi di ritrovare l'unità perduta. Una via filosofica si appella al fondamento di una «religione naturale», che precede quelle rivelate, determinate da contingenze storiche parti
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