Papers by Rosolino Vaiana
Applied Mechanics and …, 2013
Porous European mixes, PEMs, are porous asphalts which when compacted have an air void content us... more Porous European mixes, PEMs, are porous asphalts which when compacted have an air void content usually in excess of 20%. PEMs points of strength are reduction of splash and spray, mitigation of outdoor noise, optimization of skid resistance at high speeds in wet conditions. Conversely, PEMs have quite low bearing properties, clogging, variation of volumetrics over the time, variation of noise, texture, friction, and permeability performance over the time. Furthermore, at the end of their lifecycle many issues arise: RAP variability, uncertainties on the potential for high percentage recycling, potential for recycling a surface layer back to a surface layer. Based on the abovementioned facts, objectives and scopes were then focused into the analysis of the feasibility of a two-layer porous asphalt (TLPA) by recycling from-PEM RAP, when highly variable rap stockpiles are involved. The following main issues were addressed: mitigating the clogging and its related consequences (acoustic and drainability performance over the time); preserving traditional (bearing properties, skid resistance) and premium (silentness, drainagebility) performance; recycling high percentages of from-PEM RAP. Materials selection was followed by mixtures production. Traditional and advanced tests on RAP and recycled mixes were carried out. RAP variability was examined and a method for facing its consequences was proposed. Mechanical performance was adequate and environmental compatibility was achieved. Functional performance resulted very promising. Results are encouraging about the possibility of achieving a satisfactory level of surface performance. Practical applications and perspectives in rehabilitation, maintenance, and research are outlined.
Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013
In the literature, there are many methodologies that allow the evaluation of roundabout performan... more In the literature, there are many methodologies that allow the evaluation of roundabout performances (Capacity, Levels Of Service, etc.): analytical models (HCM, HBS etc.), statistical models (TRRL, SETRA) etc. Each technique considers some aspects of the roundabout in comparison to others (geometric elements, vehicular flow and behavioral parameters). Obtained results are often not comparable among themselves because of distinctive peculiarities of each method. Today, the best way to solve this problem is by using a refined simulation software of vehicular circulation. However, along with a more and more refined analysis of microsimulation software algorithms, it is frequently necessary for each user (researcher, engineer, planner, etc.) to know the real sensitivity of these packages with regard to the most important key parameters. In this paper the Authors introduce the results of a wide survey conducted on an ample range of virtual roundabout scenarios by the use of a modern simulation software. Each scenario describes a fixed roundabout phenomenon using the following variables: geometric elements (inscribed circle radius, circulatory roadway, central and splitter islands etc.); characteristics of the traffic flow (dynamic traffic assignment, approach speed, circulatory speed and reduced speed zones, etc.); behavioral features (priority rules, minimum gap, minimum headway, etc.). The results are presented from the evaluation of stop-line delays.
Procedia-Social and …, 2012
The monitoring of road surface conditions plays a key role in ensuring safety and comfort to the ... more The monitoring of road surface conditions plays a key role in ensuring safety and comfort to the various road users, from pedestrians to drivers. Furthermore, having information on infrastructure quality allows road managers to guarantee an adequate maintenance. These data can be given and used at the same time by users, by means of mobile devices, widespread in Italy and in the World. The main aim of this paper is to realize a simple application, which can be installed on several devices (smartphone/tablet), that allows to use sensors piggybacked on them in order to monitor road surface quality. Experimental tests are carried out on urban roads of Calabria (Italy) to validate and test the mobile application. In particular, the accelerometer is used for detecting surface conditions, in terms of potholes and bumps. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is employed to know in real time the location of vehicles and of road surface anomalies. Five different devices were used, all placed in a test vehicle in three different placement conditions. For the validation process, only one device was used, completely bound in an utilitarian car. The algorithm developed to detect road bumps and potholes is based on the analysis of the acceleration signal in terms of high-energy events; three filters are applied on the original signal. Moreover, verification of the rate of false detections and undetected road anomalies is planned, using georeferenced photos that allow the correct localization on the map and the assessment of the correspondence between the elements, detected with the accelerometer, and real road conditions. The results obtained show that our application could be used as an useful automated sensing system for road quality.
Journal of Materials in Civil …, 2013
Assessing the volumetrics of hot-mix asphalts (HMAs) is an important aspect of quality-control an... more Assessing the volumetrics of hot-mix asphalts (HMAs) is an important aspect of quality-control and quality-assurance procedures. The economic value of HMAs is usually assessed in terms of their mix bulk specific gravity (G mb ), air-void content, voids in mineral aggregate, and voids filled with asphalt. However, the results for specific gravity can vary with the coring process and method used in the experimental measurements. In light of these concerns, this study focused on the assessment of the dependence of the measured volumetrics of HMA-wearing courses on the testing and coring procedures. A wide range of methods for the measurement of specific gravities and surface texture was considered. Analyses showed that the coring process, measurement methodology, and core diameter can all substantially affect the results of HMA volumetrics measurements; the effects of the selection of the testing technique are not negligible and can be critical. At the same time, results demonstrate that there is potential for reducing the cost and duration of massive coring processes, as well as other negative impacts (e.g., roadsurface defects and environmental diseconomies).
Transportation Research Board 92nd …, 2013
As is well known tyre/road noise has an outstanding importance for social consequences. For this ... more As is well known tyre/road noise has an outstanding importance for social consequences. For this reason, motor vehicle and pavement industries together with research institutes deal with this topic and many standards are issued in order to specify the construction parameters needed to obtain higher performance. The phenomena involved in tyre/road noise depend on many factors among which one can remark pavement absorbing properties, surface texture and tyre properties. In the light of the above, the goal of this paper is confined to the analysis of the relations among normal acoustical absorbing coefficients, surface texture and tyre-road noise. In order to analyse the reciprocal influences, an experimental campaign was designed and performed on some different pavement typologies. Acoustical absorption coefficients and texture parameters (texture levels, power spectra, etc) were surveyed. The results were analysed and appreciable relationships among pavement characteristics (sound absorption and texture levels) were detected and interpreted.
Pavement Management Systems need to estimate schedule and costs; as a result, it becomes more and... more Pavement Management Systems need to estimate schedule and costs; as a result, it becomes more and more important the evaluation of friction and texture reduction in time for different conditions of traffic and weather. This can be done by suitable provisional models in order to analyse factors affecting wearing and their influence on surface performance. Full-scale experiments (often consistent and effective but expensive) or accelerated friction testing (often reliable, less expensive, with well-controlled boundary conditions) are so needed. This paper deals with the design and the carrying out of an experimental plan in order to realize low-cost information on friction and texture decrease as an effect of traffic. An apposite device has been recently designed and constructed at the DIIV Laboratory (Palermo University -Department of Road Infrastructures), by modifying a Wheel Track Machine for rutting tests. Authors present the results of the earlier experiments on friction reduction; time-friction and time-texture curves are analysed and interpreted. Friction is estimated in terms of British Pendulum Number while both micro-and macro-texture components are measured by a laser device.
Transportation Research Board 91st Annual …, 2012
Nowadays, the functional design of a road junction is carried out by the use of the microsimulati... more Nowadays, the functional design of a road junction is carried out by the use of the microsimulation models software, but it is important to underline that, despite the great diffusion of these instruments, there has not been the same improvement of appropriate methods in order to validate and calibrate these models. The main target to pursue is to know which and how many input parameters are most significant for the variation of output results that microscopic simulation software is able to provide. In this study, Authors present and complete a calibration procedure between observed performances of a roundabout placed in a city in province of Cosenza (ITALY) and performances obtained by the use of micro-simulation software (VISSIM). Two sets of scenarios different among them only for the traffic flow distribution were analyzed: Free Flow Condition (FFC), from which to derive the average speed profiles along a through movement; and Saturation Flow Condition (SFC), to determine the average stop-line delay along a particular branch. A total of 216+216 scenarios for single-lane roundabouts has been composed and analyzed in order to evaluate the best combinations of kinematic and behavioural (mainly in terms of acceptable gap) parameters in the simulation of roundabouts and to estimate of average percent errors between observed and simulated performances.
Il tema della sicurezza stradale acquisisce oggigiorno una particolare importanza anche in relazi... more Il tema della sicurezza stradale acquisisce oggigiorno una particolare importanza anche in relazione agli elevati costi sociali legati ai fenomeni di incidentalità ed all'effetto "mediatico" sovente associato a talune occorrenze incidentali. Anche in relazione a ciò, pur nella presenza di una ricca letteratura scientifica in argomento, e, non da ultimo, per effetto delle stesse proprietà di base dell'oggetto di studio, è ricorrente un approccio semi-descrittivo o descrittivo nell'affrontare gli argomenti attinenti ai rischi legati al sistema di locomozione su gomma. Alla luce di tali aspetti, sempre più avvertita è l'esigenza di individuare e testare modelli previsionali quantitativi e sufficientemente affidabili. Nella presente memoria, allora, particolare attenzione è preliminarmente rivolta allo screening complessivo delle variabili che influiscono sulle diverse caratteristiche di probabilità e magnitudo. Contestualmente è affrontato il problema delle metodologie per l'effettuazione di verifiche ante-operam od in esercizio inerenti alla sicurezza dei tracciati. Acquisita l'importanza di un peculiare insieme di parametri progettuali sulle prestazioni di un tracciato in termini di rischio di incidentalità, l'analisi è poi orientata alla individuazione, tramite apposita indagine, di legami correlativi tra caratteristiche di incidentalità e parametri geometrici del tracciato ABSTRACT As well known, road safety is nowadays getting more and more importance for social costs and for the prominent attention paid by media. So, even though many studies have shown geometric influence, one can find descriptive approaches to such particular topic. These circumstances have prompted researches in developing mathematical models to better understand the relationship between geometric consistency and accident rate. So, in this paper, Authors try to study in deep this problem and in particular they select the geometric properties that are essential in determining or simply influencing the probability and/or the severity of road accidents. Mathematical models concerning the overall safety of the road systems are listed and then analysed, in order to study and establish correlative laws consistency.
Atti del 16^ Convegno Nazionale SIIV, Cosenza 20- …, 2006
Mentre da un lato è sempre più sentita l'esigenza crescente di "prestazioni" richieste alla sovra... more Mentre da un lato è sempre più sentita l'esigenza crescente di "prestazioni" richieste alla sovrastruttura stradale, quali aderenza, regolarità, portanza, ridotta contribuzione vibro-sonora, etc., dall'altro, in letteratura scientifica, risulta oramai consolidato come tali prestazioni trovino corrispondenza, unitamente a codificate tecniche di mix-design e corretta posa in opera, nella scelta attenta dei materiali (inerti e leganti) costituenti le miscele bituminose (CGB) degli strati.
X Convegno SIIV, Catania (Italy), 2000
The 8th International Conference …, 2011
Porous European mixes, PEMs, are a type of coated macadam in which the aggregate skeleton is desi... more Porous European mixes, PEMs, are a type of coated macadam in which the aggregate skeleton is designed to contain, when compacted, an air void content usually in excess of 20%. As a wearing course 50mm-thick on an impermeable base course, PEMs have well-known points of strength: reduction of splash and spray, mitigation of outdoor noise (high porosity, low flow resistivity), optimization of skid resistance at high speeds in wet conditions (high macrotexture). PEMs have several points of weakness: low bearing properties, clogging, variation of volumetrics over the time, variation of noise, texture, friction, and permeability performance over the time. Ten millions of square meters of PEMs are going to be definitely laid in Southern Italy (Calabria), but there is still considerable need for additional performance information for the use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) in premium surface course mixes. Objectives and scopes were then focused into Recycling PEMs back to innovative, silent, permeable road surfaces. The following main key-issues were addressed: mitigating the drawback of clogging and its related consequences (decay of acoustic and drainagebility performance over the time); preserving traditional (bearing properties, skid resistance) and premium (silentness, drainagebility) performance; recycling high percentages of RAP-from-PEM. The following experimental plan was designed: 1. Materials selection; 2. Production; 3. Traditional tests on recycled PEMs; 4. Basic and advanced tests on surface and hydraulic properties of recycled PEMs; 5. Analyses and reports.
Proceedings of 90th TRB Annual Meeting, …, 2011
Spol1sored by Trajjic Signal Systems Committee Computational Efficiency of Alternative Arterial O... more Spol1sored by Trajjic Signal Systems Committee Computational Efficiency of Alternative Arterial Offset Optimization Algorithms (11-0181) -E02 Christopher M. Day anel Darey M. BlIlIock, Purelue University Methoelology for Assessing Signal Timing Plans anel Control Technology Uneler Varying Demanels anel Capaeities (11-0359)-E04 Rieharel G. Dowling, Dowling Assoeiates, Ine.; Alexaneler Skabardonis,
… [of Roads and Airports], 5th, 2004, …, 2004
XII Convegno Internazionale SIIV, 2002
La ricerca ha consentito di fornire un contributo ad una sempre più accurata definizione delle pe... more La ricerca ha consentito di fornire un contributo ad una sempre più accurata definizione delle performance degli SMA, tenuto conto delle peculiarità dei risultati raggiunti, con riferimento ad un'ampia gamma di miscele tipo.
Nell'ultimo trentennio il trasporto " su gomma" , pesante e leggero, non solo ha subìto una evolu... more Nell'ultimo trentennio il trasporto " su gomma" , pesante e leggero, non solo ha subìto una evoluzione sproporzionata all'offerta infrastrutturale ma si è anche caratterizzato per una richiesta prestazionale, nei confronti del piano stradale, sempre più condizionata dall'esigenza di garantire una circolazione " sicura" e compatibile con adeguati livelli di servizio.
Proceedings of TRB National Roundabout …, 2008
In the literature, there are many methodologies that allow the evaluation of roundabout performan... more In the literature, there are many methodologies that allow the evaluation of roundabout performances (Capacity, Levels Of Service, etc): analytical models (HCM, HBS etc.), statistical models (TRRL, SETRA) etc. Each technique considers some aspects of the roundabout in comparison to others (geometric elements, vehicular flow and behavioural parameters). Obtained results are often not comparable among themselves because of distinctive peculiarities of each method. Today, the best way to solve this problem is by using a refined simulation software of vehicular circulation. In this paper the authors introduce the results of a wide survey conducted on an ample range of roundabout scenarios by the use of the simulation software VISSIM. Each scenario describes a fixed roundabout phenomenon using the following variables: geometric elements (inscribed circle radius, circulatory roadway, central and splitter islands etc.); characteristics of the traffic flow (dynamic traffic assignment, approach speed, circulatory speed and reduced speed zones, etc.); behavioral features (priority rules, minimum gap, minimum headway, etc.).
XII Convegno Internazionale SIIV, 2002
La relazione tra descrittori estrinseci della superficie stradale e caratteristiche intrinseche d... more La relazione tra descrittori estrinseci della superficie stradale e caratteristiche intrinseche di tessitura trova da tempo ampio spazio nella letteratura tecnica specializzata.
Papers by Rosolino Vaiana