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2021, Rorschachiana
4 pages
1 file
Early research on trauma employing the Rorschach found it to be an ideal instrument, with its red, black, gray, and vibrant colors, to elicit trauma content. Two patterns of Rorschach responses emerged: the constricted pattern, where the evaluee kept to a formbased, avoidant approach to the blot, as if defending against the memories of the trauma, and a flooded pattern, where morbid and aggressive images paralleled that of psychosis. The Rorschach as an instrument continues to demonstrate high sensitivity to the experience of trauma, and research since 2005 has added complexity and additional validation for the use of the Rorschach in the evaluation of the effects of trauma.
Psychological Assessment, 2001
Psychological Bulletin, 2013
We systematically evaluated the peer-reviewed Rorschach validity literature for the 65 main variables in the popular Comprehensive System (CS). Across 53 meta-analyses examining variables against externally assessed criteria (e.g., observer ratings, psychiatric diagnosis), the mean validity was r ϭ .27 (k ϭ 770) as compared to r ϭ .08 (k ϭ 386) across 42 meta-analyses examining variables against introspectively assessed criteria (e.g., self-report). Using Hemphill's (2003) data-driven guidelines for interpreting the magnitude of assessment effect sizes with only externally assessed criteria, we found 13 variables had excellent support (r Ն .33, p Ͻ .001; І FSN Ͼ 50), 17 had good support (r Ն .21, p Ͻ .05, FSN Ն 10), 10 had modest support (p Ͻ .05 and either r Ն .21, FSN Ͻ 10, or r ϭ .15-.20, FSN Ն 10), 13 had little (p Ͻ .05 and either r ϭ Ͻ .15 or FSN Ͻ 10) or no support (p Ͼ .05), and 12 had no construct-relevant validity studies. The variables with the strongest support were largely those that assess cognitive and perceptual processes (e.g., Perceptual-Thinking Index, Synthesized Response); those with the least support tended to be very rare (e.g., Color Projection) or some of the more recently developed scales (e.g., Egocentricity Index, Isolation Index). Our findings are less positive, more nuanced, and more inclusive than those reported in the CS test manual. We discuss study limitations and the implications for research and clinical practice, including the importance of using different methods in order to improve our understanding of people.
The debate about the validity of the Rorschach test, compared with psychometric inventories, is particularly relevant in the forensic evaluation. The aim of the study is to present an overview on the control indices proposed in Rorschach (e.g. R, F%, Lambda Index) and in a personality inventory (Personality Assessment Inventory: e.g., openness, desirability, inconsistency, infrequency, negative and positive impression, malingering and defensiveness, treatment rejection) and to cross-correlate these indices.
Journal of personality assessment, 2018
This article documents and discusses the importance of using a formal systematic approach to validating psychological tests. To illustrate, results are presented from a systematic review of the validity findings cited in the Rorschach Comprehensive System (CS; Exner, 2003) test manual, originally conducted during the manuscript review process for Mihura, Meyer, Dumitrascu, and Bombel's (2013) CS meta-analyses. Our review documents (a) the degree to which the CS test manual reports validity findings for each test variable, (b) whether these findings are publicly accessible or unpublished studies coordinated by the test developer, and (c) the presence and nature of data discrepancies between the CS test manual and the cited source. Implications are discussed for the CS in particular, the Rorschach more generally, and psychological tests more broadly. Notably, a history of intensive scrutiny of the Rorschach has resulted in more stringent standards applied to it, even though its sc...
Journal of Personality Assessment, 1991
We analyzed the contemporary empirical and theoretical literature concerning the two predominant approaches for scoring formal thought disorder on the Rorschach, the Comprehensive System special scores, and the methodology of Rapaport, Gill, and Schafer (1946/1968). The psychoanalytic research related to selected special scores is reviewed, and some linkages to psychoanalytic developmental theory and psychopathology are made. Recommendations are presented to bridge the gap between these two important avenues of Rorschach research, with an emphasis on empirical rigor and intrapsychic contextual meaning.
Journal of Personality Assessment, 1993
Health Psychology Report, 2016
Background The paper presents the authors’ own research, which points to the possibility of applying the Rorschach test in the clinical diagnosis of personality disorders. Participants and procedure The clinical research was conducted in the years 2010-2013 in the Neurosis Treatment Center and in the Mental Health Outpatient Clinic. The study population comprised individuals with a medical diagnosis of neurotic personality organization as well as patients with more severely disorganized personality structure. The research participants had never undergone psychological evaluation for personality disorders (for instance, they had never taken the Rorschach test), and therefore it seemed rather difficult to verify the accuracy of the medical diagnoses which they had received, concerning the level of personality destabilization. Eighty Polish individuals participated in the research. The study population comprised 38 males (47.50%) and 42 females (52.50%). The mean age of women was 30.40...
تستعرض هذه المقالةُ ميّزاتِ الـحَرف العربيّ وأَصولَه التاريخيّة ويقارنه بالأبجديات الأُخرى فتُقارِنُ، كَمِثالٍ، شكل حرف الألف العربيّ بشكله في الأبجديات الأخرى. كما تذكر المقالةُ كيف نشأَت الأبجديّةُ الّتي تـمتدّ جذورُها إلى الكتابة الهيروغليفية المصرية («مِيدو نِـتْـشَر») بحسب مبدأ التسمية المقطعية («الأكروفوني»). ويقدّم مثالاً وهو كتابة كلمة «بعل». ويُعَرّف الباحثُ الأبجديّة بأنها نظامُ كتابةٍ يعتمد على عدد محدود جدًّا من الحروف يتراوح بين عشرين وأربعين حرفًا. يُرجّح المؤلّفُ الرأيَ القائلَ بأنّ أصل الـحَرف العربي تطوّر مباشرةً من الـحَرف النبَطيّ بالمقارنة مع السريانيّة؛ والحرفُ النبطيّ تطوّرَ بدَورِه من الحَرف الكنعانيّ السينائيّ الساميّ الشماليّ القديم عبر الحَرف الآراميّ ثمّ الحَرف الفينيقيّ. ويذكرُ الباحثُ بعضَ أسباب تطوّر الحرف العربيّ : نوعيّة الأدوات، أي ما يُكتَبُ به، ونوعيّة الحوامل، أي ما يُكتَب عليه، وسرعة الكتابة وتوفير التكلفة والجهد والوقت وزيادة الإنتاج. ويُظهِر كيف تطوّر حرفُ الكاف. ثم يعطي مثالاً خطّيًّا من مَشقِه أي من صناعته عن مرونة الحَرف العربيّ وقابليّته للمدّ والتشكيل والتركيب والرسم. كلمات مِفتاحيّة : أبجدية – أكروفوني – نبطية – خطّ – مرونة - انسيابية
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