Phase-transition driven memristive system
Tom Driscoll1*, Hyun-Tak Kim2, Byung-Gyu Chae2, Massimiliano Di Ventra1, D.N. Basov1
1. University of California, San Diego. physics department. 9500 Gilman drive. La Jolla, CA 92093
2. MIT-Device Team, ETRI. Daejeon 305-350, Republic of Korea
Memristors are passive circuit elements which behave as resistors with memory.
The recent
experimental realization of a memristor has triggered interest in this concept and its possible
applications. Here, we demonstrate memristive response in a thin film of Vanadium Dioxide. This
behavior is driven by the insulator-to-metal phase transition typical of this oxide. We discuss several
potential applications of our device, including high density information storage. Most importantly, our
results demonstrate the potential for a new realization of memristive systems based on phase transition
The memristor was postulated as a missing 4th circuit element in 1971 based on an observed
symmetry in integral-variations of ohms law [1]. Although this device has remained purely theoretical
for many decades, a recent experimental demonstration of a practical system which displays memristive
behavior [2, 3] has rekindled attention in memristors. Further interest has been fueled by predictions
that such devices may play key roles in developing neuromorphic circuits [4], spintronics [5], ultradense
information storage [6], and other applications [7]. The key attribute of a memristor is that the
resistance of a two-terminal device depends not on the instantaneous value of the applied voltage (as
for an ohmic device) but on the entire history of the system. Memristors act as ‘resistors with memory’
- hence their name. This memory resistance enables circuit functionalities not possible with any
combination of the other three passive circuit elements (resistor, capacitor, inductor), and therefore is
of great practical utility.
In this letter, we demonstrate memristive behavior in a Vanadium Dioxide (VO2) thin film. VO2
has proven to be a versatile material, exhibiting many properties exploitable for devices [8-10] What
makes VO2 so useful and interesting is its insulator-to-metal (IMT) phase transition occurring near room
temperature [11, 12], and the ability to control this transition by applied current [13], electric field [14]
and photoexcitation [15, 16]. As VO2 passes through the IMT, nanoscale metallic regions emerge from
the insulating host, increasing in number and size to form a percolative transition [17]. The memristive
behavior we observe in VO2 stems directly from this IMT phase transition as will be discussed below.
Our thin film of VO2 is deposited by sol-gel technique on a sapphire substrate as described elsewhere
[18]. This technique has been shown to produce VO2 films with up to four orders of magnitude (104)
change in conductivity across the IMT (see Figure 2b). Electrical leads are attached to the VO2 film using
Epotec silver epoxy, and the device is mounted to a thermal stage. A schematic of our device is shown
in Figure 1b.
To demonstrate memristive behavior in VO2, we set the operation temperature of our device
near the onset of the phase transition (340 Kelvin). Applying a ramped voltage we monitor the current
through the device. Three typical current-voltage (I-V) curves are shown in Figure 1a. The voltage ramp
used for each is a 50 volt 5 second ramp. Arrows on the curves indicate the direction of time as voltage
is ramped up and then ramped back down. Examining these I-V curves, we observe several hallmarks of
memristive devices. Firstly, the I-V curve is nonlinear for voltages above a certain threshold level
(approximately 20volts in this device). This illustrates non-ohmic behavior present by definition in any
memristor. The presence of [I=0, V=0] points for each curve in Figure 1a indicates that our device does
not store capacitive or inductive energy – a requirement for a memristive system.
Secondly, the I-V
curves are hysteretic - each curve makes a loop rather than retracing its path for increasing and
decreasing voltage. The hysteresis present in VO2 contains the memory aspect of the memristor. This
hysteretic memory lasts between subsequent ramp pulses, even when the applied voltage has been set
to zero for some time. This is clearly illustrated in Figure 1a, as the I-V slope of subsequent pulses picks
up where the last pulse left off. In a perfect memristive device this memory lasts forever, although all
systems demonstrated so far exhibit finite ‘reset’ times. Our device demonstrates quite long memory
duration, tested to be longer than several hours.
To more clearly illustrate memristive behavior in our VO2 device, we apply a sequence of short
voltage pulses while monitoring the resistance of the device. Figure 2a shows this for a spaced
sequence of five 50 volt 1 second pulses, with 20 seconds between pulses. We observe that each pulse
triggers a latched change in the resistivity of the film. This latching is found to be extremely stable. The
small shift over half an hour of hold-time is accounted for by the thermal drift of our setup – which can
be easily improved. The amplitude of the resistivity step can be varied by adjusting the amplitude and
duration of applied pulses. Repeatable resistance steps of (R0-R)/R0 = 0.5% are achievable in our simple
setup. This yields more than 210 possible selectable values of resistance in a typical film of VO2.
Appreciating the uniqueness of this memristive system requires recognizing that the energy
input to the device with each pulse is negligible compared with the volumetric heat-capacity of the total
system. This means the overall temperature is unchanged; confirmed by temperature monitoring.
Thus, this system is quite different from other materials which may change their resistance with
changing temperature. Our VO2 film is at the same temperature before and after each pulse. We
believe the operation of our device is intimately connected with the percolative nature of the IMT
phenomenon in VO2. Applied voltage promotes the formation of new metallic puddles in the insulating
VO2 host due to transient local heating. When the voltage drops back to zero the film rapidly
thermalizes back to its original temperature, yet the new lower resistance state persists: an inevitable
consequence of the hysteretic transition. Information stored in our phase transition memristor is
contained in the internal configuration of the VO2 film: a nanoscale spatial pattern of electronically (and
structurally) dissimilar regions [19].
One enticing application that memristors may facilitate is in advanced non-volatile information
storage. The memory aspect of the phase transition memristor demonstrated above can be used to
create what is known as Resistive Random Access Memory RRAM [20, 21] . In RRAM, digital information
is stored in the form of material resistance, which can be altered by applied voltage. Typically RRAM has
been discussed in terms of a bi-stable high/low state [22] which stores a single bit of information.
Memristors may enable a single RRAM unit to store much more information than this.
demonstration in Figure 2a is representative of a simple RRAM unit with 6 utilized levels, though many
more are possible.
We conclude by noting that different memristive systems are likely to retain information via
different physical mechanisms [23-25]. For instance, the recent implementation of memristance in
Titanium Dioxide [2] retains information by way of drifting oxygen vacancies and physical crystal
expansion. However, alternative mechanisms may prove more suitable for specific applications. We
have demonstrated memristive behavior in an IMT material, which suggests memristance may exist in
many similar phase-transition systems. In particular, electronic phase separation phenomena in the
vicinity of the phase transition have been observed in a variety of complex oxides[26, 27] including
colossal magneto-resistance manganites [28]. VO2’s appeal for memristive applications stems both from
the magnitude of the conductivity change and the near (or at) room temperature operation. Both the
phase-transition threshold temperature and the width of the hysteretic region can be readily adjusted
through the film-growth and nano-patterning [13, 29]. Furthermore, VO2 is sensitive to a variety of
stimuli including static electric field [14] and photoexcitations [16] - thus offering yet another dimension
of memristive opto-electronics. Finally, switching in VO2 can occur in the sub-picosecond regime [15].
Advanced memristive applications such as learning circuits and adaptive networks seem poised to open
a new paradigm in electronics, and this demonstration of phase-transition driven memristance broadens
the scope of materials that may facilitate this revolution.
We acknowledge support from DOE and ETRI. MDV is supported by NSF.
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Figure 1. (a) Three Current-Voltage (I-V) curves for our device exhibiting nonlinear hysteretic
behavior which is indicative of a memristive system. (b) Schematic of the device. The area of
the VO2 film is ~25mm2
Figure 2. (a) Demonstration of information storage in a memristive vanadium dioxide film.
Each 50 volt pulse triggers the transition to a new resistivity level. (b) Resistivity-temperature
curves of our device illustrating the hysteretic nature of the IMT phase transition. The vertical
dotted line shows the bias temperature for experiments of Figure 1a and Figure 2a.