MAGIC—Memristor-Aided Logic
Shahar Kvatinsky, Student Member, IEEE, Dmitry Belousov, Slavik Liman,
Guy Satat, Student Member, IEEE, Nimrod Wald, Eby G. Friedman, Fellow, IEEE,
Avinoam Kolodny, Senior Member, IEEE, and Uri C. Weiser, Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—Memristors are passive components with a varying
resistance that depends on the previous voltage applied across the
device. While memristors are naturally used as memory, memristors can also be used for other applications, including logic
circuits. In this brief, a memristor-only logic family, i.e., memristoraided logic (MAGIC), is presented. In each MAGIC logic gate,
memristors serve as an input with previously stored data, and an
additional memristor serves as an output. The topology of a MAGIC
NOR gate is similar to the structure of a common memristor-based
crossbar memory array. A MAGIC NOR gate can therefore be
placed within memory, providing opportunities for novel non-von
Neumann computer architectures. Other MAGIC gates also exist
(e.g., AND, OR, NOT, and NAND) and are described in this brief.
Index Terms—IMPLY, in-memory computing, memristive systems, memristor, memristor-aided logic (MAGIC), stateful logic.
N recent years, the concept of a memristor, originally
proposed by Leon Chua in 1971, has generated renewed
interest. In [1], Chua proposed a fourth fundamental component in addition to the three already well-known fundamental
electronic components: resistor, capacitor, and inductor. In [13],
Chua and Kang extended the theory of memristors to memristive systems. Memristors and memristive devices are twoterminal devices, where the resistance of the device is changed
by the electrical current, as shown in Fig. 1. The resistance of
the memristor is bounded by a minimum resistance RON and
a maximum resistance ROFF . In this brief, for simplicity, the
terms memristor and memristive device are used interchangeably [14].
For almost 40 years, the concept of a memristor was just
theoretical. In 2008, Hewlett Packard Laboratories [2] connected the physical phenomenon of resistance switching in
TiO2 to memristors. Since 2008, several possible applica-
Manuscript received April 24, 2014; revised July 1, 2014; accepted
September 3, 2014. Date of publication September 11, 2014; date of current
version November 1, 2014. This work was supported in part by the Hasso
Plattner Institute, by the Advanced Circuit Research Center at the Technion,
by the Intel Collaborative Research Institute for Computational Intelligence
(ICRI-CI), and by the U.S.–Israel Binational Science Foundation under Grant
2012139. This brief was recommended by Associate Editor T. S. Gotarredona.
S. Kvatinsky, D. Belousov, S. Liman, A. Kolodny, and U. C. Weiser are
with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Technion—Israel Institute of
Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel (e-mail:
[email protected]).
G. Satat is with the MIT Media Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA.
N. Wald is with Qualcomm, Inc., Haifa 3190500, Israel.
E. G. Friedman is with the Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Engineering, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 USA.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this brief are available online
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSII.2014.2357292
Fig. 1. Memristor symbol. The polarity of the memristor is represented by
a thick black line. When current flows into the device (the upper arrow), the
resistance of the device increases. When current flows out of the device (the
lower arrow), the resistance of the device decreases.
tions of memristors have been presented. Nonvolatile emerging
memory technologies, including resistive RAM (RRAM) and
spin–transfer torque magnetoresistive RAM, can be considered
as memristors [14]. The primary application of memristors has
been memory [3], [16], [22], where the resistance serves to store
data. Another interesting and new application is memristorbased logic [4], [5], [9]–[12], [17], [18].
Stateful logic, including material implication (IMPLY), as a
memristor-based logic gate is presented in [5], [9], [11], [17],
[22], and [23]. The proposed stateful logic is built within a
memristive crossbar array, the most commonly used memristive
memory structure (particularly for RRAM). The stored data
within the memristors are the input and output of the logic gate.
This method, however, requires sequential voltage activation at
different locations within the circuit. Furthermore, with IMPLY,
the result is stored by one of the inputs and not by a dedicated output memristor. Stateful logic also requires additional
circuit components (for example, a controller and an additional
resistor within each row of the crossbar), dissipates high power,
has high computational complexity, and requires complicated
control circuitry.
In this brief, memristor-aided logic (MAGIC)—a method
for memristive-only logic—is presented. This method does not
require a complicated structure and enables stable evaluation
of the gate function. Stable evaluation is achieved by applying
a single voltage pulse at the gateway of the circuit. MAGIC
NOR gates can also be fabricated within a crossbar, enabling
computing within memory.
MAGIC requires only memristors within the logic gates. The
logical state in a MAGIC gate is represented as a resistance,
where the high and low resistances are considered, respectively,
as logical zero and one (for simplicity, the resistance of logical
zero and logical one is considered, respectively, as ROFF and
RON ). The inputs and output of the logic gates are the logical
states of the memristors. Unlike an IMPLY logic gate, separate
memristors are required for the input and output. The inputs
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Fig. 2. Example of placing a memristor into the initialization stage. This
example is similar to writing a configurable analog circuit [19]. A different
initialization scheme is presented in Section III for MAGIC within memory.
of the MAGIC gates are the initial logical state of the input
memristors, and the output is the final logical state of the
memristor. This concept is demonstrated in Fig. 3(a) for a
MAGIC NOR gate, where the initial resistances of memristors
in1 and in2 are the inputs of the gate, and the final resistance
of memristor out is the output of the gate.
Operation of a MAGIC gate consists of two sequential stages.
The first stage initializes the output memristor to a known
logical state. In the second stage of operation, a voltage V0 is
applied across the logic gate. While applying V0 , the voltage
across the output memristor depends upon the logical state of
the input and output memristors. The nonlinear characteristics
of the memristor, namely, the threshold currents or voltages [8],
are exploited to maintain correct operation. For specific input
combinations, the voltage is sufficient to change the logical
state of the output memristor, i.e., the memristor voltage/current
is greater than the threshold voltage/current, whereas for other
input combinations, the output remains at the initialize state,
i.e., the memristor voltage/current is below the threshold current or voltage. Note that, in certain cases, full switching is not
achievable for memristors with a threshold current.
Initialization of the memristors can be achieved in several
ways. For example, it is possible to use a similar topology as the
circuit used in [19] for configurable memristive analog circuits,
as shown in Fig. 2. For MAGIC gates within memory (as
described in Section III), initialization is achieved as a regular
write operation within the memory cells.
In the next section, the basic MAGIC NOR gate is described.
Additional MAGIC gates for different Boolean functions based
on the MAGIC topology are also available and described in
Section VI.
Fig. 3. MAGIC NOR. (a) Schematic of a two-input NOR gate. The logic
gate consists of two input memristors in1 and in2 and an output memristor
out. During execution, a voltage V0 is applied at the gateway of the circuit
(marked by an arrow). (b) Simulations of a two-input NOR gate for all input
combinations. The different curves show the currents read from each memristor
prior to execution and after applying V0 . (c) Schematic of an N -input NOR.
input memristors are logical zero (high resistance), the voltage/
current of the output memristor is lower than the memristor
threshold voltage/current. Hence, the logical state of the output
memristor does not change and remains at logical one. For all
other input combinations, the voltage/current is greater than
the memristor threshold voltage/current. The logical state of
the output memristor for these input combinations switches to
logical zero. The behavior of the MAGIC NOR gate is shown
in Fig. 3(b).
Assume a memristor with voltage thresholds of VT,ON and
VT,OFF . For correct circuit behavior, the voltage at the output
memristor is lower than VT,OFF when both inputs are logical
zero. For all other input combinations, the voltage across the
output memristor should be greater than VT,OFF . The minimum
voltage at the output memristor greater than VT,OFF is achieved
when one input is logical one and the other input is logical zero.
Combining the cases where the voltage at the output memristor
is above and below the threshold voltage leads to a design
constraint on the applied voltage V0 . Assuming ROFF ≫ RON ,
the constraint is
A two-input NOR gate consists of two input memristors (in1,
in2) connected in parallel and an additional memristor (out)
as the output. A schematic of a two-input NOR gate is shown
in Fig. 3(a). The initial execution step includes writing a low
resistance into the output memristor (initialization to logical
one) and, if necessary, writing the input value into memristors
in1 and in2. In the final execution step, the evaluation is
achieved by applying a voltage pulse V0 at the gateway of the
logic gate [the gateway as shown in Fig. 3(a)].
The applied voltage produces a current that passes through the
circuit and appears at memristor out. For the case where both
2VT,OFF < V0 <
· VT,OFF .
When an input memristor is logical zero, the operation of a
MAGIC NOR can be destructive, changing the input to logical
one during execution. To eliminate destroying the input, the
voltage across the input memristor needs to be below the
threshold voltage VT,ON . The maximum applied voltage for a
two-input NOR gate is therefore
V0 < min
· VT,OFF , |VT,ON | .
Fig. 4. MAGIC NOR gate within a crossbar array. (a) Schematic of a memristive crossbar structure. A two-input NOR gate is achieved in row i, where in1
and in2 are, respectively, in columns j + 1 and j, and out is in column j − 1,
as marked by an oval. (b) Schematic of a two-input NOR gate within a crossbar
array. The voltage at the gateway V0 is the applied voltage at columns j and
j + 1, whereas column j − 1 is connected to ground. Note that the schematic
is identical to the figure shown in Fig. 3(a).
Multiple-input (three or more) NOR logic gates can also be
produced in a similar manner, as shown in Fig. 3(c). For χ input
memristors, the design constraints are
· RON +
· 1+
. (3)
For nondestructive operation of a χ-input NOR, the maximum
applied voltage is
, 1+
·|VT,ON | . (4)
V0 < min VT,OFF · 1+
RRAM commonly utilizes a crossbar structure. The crossbar
structure enables dense memory of 4F 2 , where F is the feature
size. Memristive-only logic gates within a memristive crossbar
array reduce power and provide an opportunity for novel nonvon Neumann architectures, where the logical operations are
executed within the memory [11]. When performing logic
within the memory, the input is the stored data within the
memristors, and the output is the stored data after execution.
Initialization of the input and output is achieved as a regular
memory write operation, and sensing the result is achieved as a
regular memory read operation.
To integrate a memristive-only logic gate within a crossbar
array, two requirements need to be satisfied: the structure and
connections of the logic gate should be placed within a crossbar
array, and the logical state of the logic gate is represented
as a resistance, as in a memristive memory. A MAGIC NOR
gate fulfills both of these requirements. The structure of a
memristive crossbar array and a two-input MAGIC NOR gate
within a crossbar is shown in Fig. 4.
While other memristive stateful logic gates can also be
integrated within a memristive crossbar array [11], these logic
gates require an additional resistor within each row of the
crossbar array. Additionally, unlike the NOR Boolean operation,
the IMPLY operation is not logically complete and requires the
operation of FALSE (writing a logical zero to a memristor). A
comparison between memristive IMPLY and MAGIC is listed
in Table I.
The speed of a MAGIC NOR gate is evaluated in SPICE for
a 0.18-µm CMOS process. A memristor model, the VTEAM
model [20], which extends the TEAM model with a threshold
voltage, is used with a Biolek window function [8]. The parameters of the memristors are chosen to produce a switching time
of 1 ns for a voltage pulse of 1 V for RESET and 2 V for SET
and to fit practical devices, as reported in [21]. The parameters
of the circuit simulations are listed in Table II.
The behavior and speed of a MAGIC NOR gate for different
values of V0 are shown in Fig. 5. To evaluate the delay of the
logic gate, the slowest input case is considered. The delay of a
MAGIC NOR gate is determined from an input combinations of
{1,0} or {0,1}.
From (1) and (2), V0 can vary from 0.6 to 1.5 V for the
parameters listed in Table II. As shown in Fig. 5(b), increasing
the applied voltage V0 decreases the delay of the logic gate. For
V0 at 1 V, the delay of the logic gate is 1.3 ns, an increase of
30% as compared to the switching time of a single memristor.
Fig. 5. SPICE simulations of a two-input MAGIC NOR gate. (a) Output
memristor for different input combinations, V0 = 1 V. The delay is evaluated
as the time to switch the output memristor to logical zero when one input
is logical one and the other input is logical zero (dashed line). (b) Delay for
different values of V0 .
Fig. 6. MAGIC NAND gate. (a) Schematic of a two-input NAND gate. The
logic gate consists of two input memristors in1 and in2 and an output
memristor out. During execution, a voltage V0 is applied at the gateway of
the circuit. (b) Simulation results for a two-input NAND gate for all input
combinations. The different curves exhibit the currents of each memristor prior
to execution and after applying V0 . (c) Schematic of an N -input NAND gate.
With the same design principles described in Section II,
additional Boolean functions can added to the MAGIC family.
The additional MAGIC gates described in this section are not
placed within a crossbar array (except for the NOT gate) but can
be used as standalone logic.
Connecting the input memristors in series with the same
topology as the MAGIC NOR gate produces a NAND gate, as
shown in Fig. 6. OR and AND logic gates have a similar structure
as, respectively, NOR and NAND, except for the opposite polarity of the output memristor out. Unlike NAND and NOR, out is
initialized to logical zero prior to execution. The schematic and
Fig. 7. MAGIC OR and AND gates. The structure of the logic gates is similar
to MAGIC NOR and NAND gates. The output memristor out is connected with
the same polarity as the input memristors and is initialized to logical zero.
(a) Schematic of a two-input OR gate. (b) Simulation results for a two-input
OR gate for all input combinations. (c) Schematic of a two-input AND gate.
(d) Simulation results for a two-input AND gate for all input combinations.
Fig. 8. MAGIC NOT gate. (a) Schematic of a NOT gate. The logic gate consists
of an input memristor in and an output memristor out. (b) Simulation results for
a NOT gate.
behavior of the OR and AND MAGIC gates are shown in Fig. 7.
Similar to the MAGIC NOR and NAND gates, multi-input logic
gates are also possible for the MAGIC OR and AND gates.
A MAGIC NOT gate (inverter) consists of an input memristor
in and an output memristor out. The memristors are connected
in series with an opposite polarity in a complementary memristor structure (or complementary resistive switches) [15], as
shown in Fig. 8(a). In the first stage of execution, the output
memristor is initialized to logical one. When applying V0 at
the gateway of the circuit, the voltage divider between in and
out determines whether the resistance of the output memristor
changes. For the case where in is logical zero, the voltage
across out is below the threshold voltage, and the logical state
of out remains logical one, as desired. Note that in this case,
the voltage at in is relatively high, and the logical state at in
may therefore be switched to logical zero. Hence, the MAGIC
NOT operation can be destructive to the input unless the applied
voltage at memristor in is below VT,ON . For the case where
in is logical one, the voltage across memristor out is sufficient
to switch the logical state of out (greater than the threshold
voltage) to logical zero. Simulation results for a NOT gate
are shown in Fig. 8(b). A summary of several MAGIC gates,
including the design constraints, is listed in Table III. For
linear memristors and memristors without a threshold voltage
(or current), similar design issues as those reported for the
IMPLY gate [9], [11] need to be considered (e.g., the state drift
phenomenon), complicating the design procedure.
MAGIC, a novel method for memristor-based logic, is presented in this brief. Five basic logic functions, namely, NOT,
AND , NAND , NOR, and OR, use simple connections among
memristors, where the number of memristors is equal to the
number of inputs plus one additional memristor at the output.
Only one applied voltage controls these logic gates, different
than other memristor-based stateful logic. Unlike the IMPLY
gate, the input and output in MAGIC are separated, and the
output is written to a dedicated memristor. The use of MAGIC
NOR gates within a memristive crossbar array can lead to
more efficient systems in terms of performance and power
consumption and to novel non-von Neumann architectures.
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